• last year
The Secretary General of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Kuwait's Haitham al Ghais, visits Venezuela to fulfill an important work agenda, with a view to strengthening cooperation in the current times of important challenges. teleSUR


00:00In Venezuela, the Secretary of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, started
00:06Monday a work agenda to consolidate relations on the future of oil markets.
00:10OPEC Secretary General Haitham Alcaiz, met with the Venezuelan Minister of the People's
00:15Power for Oil, Teixeira RodrĂ­guez, at the headquarters in Caracas of the state-owned
00:20oil company PDVSA.
00:22The meeting seeks to strengthen policies and strategies for the benefit of the oil-producing
00:27countries in the world's oil market, and to expand cooperation alliances with this
00:32important multilateral organization.
00:42OPEC Secretary General Haitham Alcaiz sentenced that the world's growth will demand much
00:48more quantities of energy from all sources.
00:51At OPEC we launched two weeks ago our World Oil Outlook, which is a research document
00:58that we do every year.
01:12This time we are extending the period until 2050, where we launched our vision for the
01:16world on the growth of primary energy demand.
01:19So for oil, with the growth of the world economy, which we see is going to double in size compared
01:24to today, until 2050, with the growth of world population, which is going to increase from
01:308 billion to 9.7 billion 2050, and also two very fundamental elements, energy poverty
01:36in some parts of the world, today we have almost 700 million people who don't have access
01:41to electricity, we have urbanization.
02:00Urbanization is very important since we have almost 60 million people that we are going
02:04to mobilize to create 9 cities in the world until 2030, then, all these are the most important
02:10factors leading us to the conclusion that the world will need much more energy, all
02:14energy sources, not only oil, also gas, solar, eolic, all forms of energy are going to be
02:21important for the future, for the growth of the world.
