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My Heroic Husband S2 Episode 12 Sub Indonesia
My Heroic Husband S2 Episode 12 Sub Indonesia
My Heroic Husband S2 Episode 12 Sub Indonesia
My Heroic Husband S2 Episode 12 Sub Indonesia
My Heroic Husband S2 Episode 12 Sub Indonesia
My Heroic Husband S2 Episode 12 Sub Indonesia
My Heroic Husband S2 Episode 12 Sub Indonesia
00:00北方战势不利 这是意料中的事 Even though the war in the North is not going well, this is an unexpected event.
00:13就算良人再骁勇也不过一万人吧 Even if the good are brave, there are only about 10,000 of them.
00:18而大午十万精兵竟占不到半分便宜 And the 500,000 elite soldiers of Great Wu are not even half as good as them.
00:23收复故土这等百世扬名的功劳 How could the officials give up such a great feat of restoring the homeland?
00:27同官怎会拱手让人呢 How could an official give up such a great feat of restoring the homeland?
00:31同官啊同官 他不想让你做的事 你还真就做不了啊 The official of the same official does not want you to do it. You really can't do it.
00:38小心点啊 Be careful.
00:40所以秦宫上奏朝廷 请南方各地支援同官 So, the Qing Dynasty has sent a message to the court to ask all the officials in the south to assist him.
00:46肃平匪患 好让他能抽身前往北方拿下这不适之功 To make him able to go to the North and take down this great feat of restoring the homeland.
00:57只怕同官可不会顾念秦宫的后裔啊 I'm afraid that the official of the same official will not care about the descendants of the Qing Dynasty.
01:02老夫为的是大伍社稷和百姓 战事若拖到入冬 南北战局都会更被动 I am doing this for the sake of the great army and the people. If the war drags on to the winter, the war situation in the north and south will be even worse.
01:23宁小友在临安呢 怎么样啊 Ning Xiaoyou is in Lin'an. How is it going?
01:28李衡已让贼寇中请了内训 闹得动静可不小啊 Li Heng has asked the bandits to hold an internal meeting. There is a lot going on.
01:38本指望宁小友能打探些消息 没想到他竟还有这等手段 I was hoping that Ning Xiaoyou could get some information. I didn't expect him to have such a way.
01:58怎么又起来了 Why did you get up again?
02:02枕边空空的 虽说我们已团聚半月有余 但怕这依旧是梦 The pillow is empty. Although we have been reunited for more than half a month, I'm afraid this is still a dream.
02:12害你担惊受怕了 You are afraid of it.
02:15生逢乱世 能再见已是至喜 檀儿不安的是 夫君若只为保命 不必为怕被打败了 I am happy to see you again when I am in trouble. I am worried about you.
02:23夫君若只为保命 不必为怕被打败了
02:24但是 夫君若只为保命 不必为把刀营如此尽心尽力 莫非夫君真心 别瞎想了 这只是份差事 做完就好了
02:55你呀 You.
02:59你们先忙 You go ahead.
03:04怎么着也得提前打个招呼吧 You should have told me in advance.
03:13铜冠药供加薪了 The copper crown is going to be paid more.
03:17军中得到十三军的情报了 The army has received the intelligence from the Thirteen Armies.
03:20是京师下旨 要铜冠尽快过疆 It's an order from the capital to hand over the copper crown as soon as possible.
03:25十五万精锐竞速过疆 150,000 elite elite soldiers
03:28得到的消息是 铜冠派出三路人马 但每路只有三千人 The news I got is that the copper crown has sent out three forces, but there are only 3,000 people on each road.
03:39贼寇主将都在加薪 铜冠却派这么少的兵 The thieves and generals are all increasing the salary, but the copper crown sends so few soldiers.
03:45铜冠打的什么算盘 What's the plan of the copper crown?
03:48现在还不好判断 铜冠应该不是要攻 It's hard to tell now. The copper crown is not going to attack.
03:53而是探虚室 它知道十三军火器的厉害 It's going to spy on us. It knows how powerful the 13th Army is.
03:58我速去荡嘉兴 我前方如果有关于十三军火器的消息 借书给你 I'll go to Jiaxing right now. If there's any news about the 13th Army, I'll send it to you.
04:06我没说要情报啊 I didn't say I wanted information.
04:12还跟我说得云淡风轻的 霸道营的差事只是要人 朝廷的差事可是要命的 You're still talking to me like a fool. The job of the Badao Camp is to kill people. The job of the court is to kill people.
04:20檀儿 钱老勋道歉 我只想平安见到你 现在要为回家拨一条平坦的路了 Tan'er, I'm sorry, Qian Laoxun. I just want to see you safely. Now I'm going to pave the way for my way home.
04:35你要做的事 没人拦得住你 What you want to do, no one can stop you.
04:43你我夫妻一心一命 You and I are one heart and one life.
04:50咸菜店今日上新 见见孤品 独一无二 The food here is new and unique.
04:56军师 我们坐这儿等你啊 Counselor, we'll wait for you here.
04:58好的 主公 Yes, Master.
05:00老板 我看看这个 Boss, let me have a look at this.
05:03这个品相也不错 八万钱 This is good, too. It's 80,000 yuan.
05:05厉帅已经带兵去了家乡 与我师父会诗 General Li has gone to Jiaxing to meet my master.
05:09看来这次是要跟朝廷硬碰硬了 真想跟师父一块去打朝廷 It looks like I'm going to fight the court this time. I really want to fight the court with my master.
05:16谁让咱俩都磕包老道呢 他的卦象里就没有霸刀赢利战功的份 Who told us to fight with each other? He doesn't look like a man who can win a war with a sword.
05:27咱们还是守好临安吧 Let's protect Lin'an.
05:30这小子让我们大早上来看他做生意啊 This guy asked us to come to see him do business in the morning.
05:34玄威营这才消停几天 怎能如此懈怠正事 Xuanwei Camp has only been shut down for a few days, how can it be so slack?
05:38就是的 That's it.
05:40小姐 他们都在外面等好久了 Miss, they've been waiting outside for a long time.
05:43夫人 入账 净转十八万 Madam, here's the check. It's 180,000 yuan.
05:48昨天是什么日子啊 Yesterday was what day?
05:50昨天是什么日子啊 Yesterday was what day?
05:52昨天是什么日子啊 Yesterday was what day?
05:54昨天是什么日子啊 Yesterday was what day?
05:56昨天是什么日子啊 Yesterday was what day?
05:58哇 昨天收的 今早就卖出去了 Wow, it was sold out this morning.
06:03我去了 I'm going.
06:05早点回来 Come back early.
06:11主公 凡兄 久等了 Master, Brother Fan, sorry to keep you waiting.
06:14咱们走吧 Let's go.
06:22军师 快说 叫我们来 有什么事啊 General, tell us. What's the matter?
06:26你们看 Look.
06:28最近我在考虑临安灾后重建的事 Recently, I've been thinking about rebuilding after the disaster in Lin'an.
06:32城墙 房屋 修缮工是极废木材 The city walls, houses, and construction work are a waste of wood.
06:36但城中木材紧缺了 But there's a shortage of wood in the city.
06:38我们最好一次性从东洋多运些木料 We'd better send more wood from the East China Sea at one time.
06:42更关键的还是城堡 The more important thing is the city wall.
06:45嘉兴那边要开战了 Jiaxing is going to fight.
06:47我们得做好硬背 We have to be ready for it.
06:50那 得要多少啊 How much do we need?
06:51所需用料数量都在这 All the necessary materials are here.
06:56怎么样 How's it going?
06:57我就说吧 Let me tell you.
06:58军师从不懈怠正事 A military counselor never neglects his duties.
07:01你得多学学 You have to learn more.
07:03刘大标 Liu Dabiao.
07:04你刚才不是这么说的呀 You didn't say that just now.
07:06行了 赶紧去调集木材吧 All right, let's go get some wood.
07:08这哪句是真的 Which sentence is true?
07:09对对对 Right.
07:14放神价 Release the gods.
07:22兄弟们 给我上 Come on, brothers.
07:32太好了 嘉兴来报 That's great. Jiaxing reported that
07:34国帅用火器逼退铜冠大军五十里 The Marshal forced the Tongguan army 50 miles away with fire.
07:38岂开得胜啊 How did he win?
07:42天师莫要高兴太早 Don't be happy too soon.
07:45恐怕这是铜冠的虚招 I'm afraid this is Tongguan's trick.
07:48为的是试探我军火气威力 In order to test the firepower of our army,
07:52就算朝廷费个数十天破解 even if the imperial court spends tens of days to crack it,
07:55到时残余战力也不足以反攻 it won't be enough to counterattack.
08:09这是前线对十三军火器的描述 This is the description of the 13th Army's firepower on the front line.
08:14怎么样 能破解吗 How's it going? Can you crack it?
08:18需要试验 得给我点时间 I need to test it. Give me some time.
08:21那三日后 务必将破解之法给我 Give me the method in three days.
08:27让我暗中相助铜冠 让我暗中相助铜冠 Let me help Tongguan in secret?
08:29这局是你们秘针司过的吧 Is this your scheme?
08:34以一人之力使其内耗 以一人之力使其内耗 Use one man's power to use his inner power.
08:39他非等闲之辈 He is not an ordinary man.
08:43若能将临安城内局势与铜冠南角表里相合 If the situation in Lin'an City can be compared with Tongguan's southern corner,
08:49明公以为呢 what do you think?
08:52康某这就去调集秘针司人马 与力恒小友死乎彼应 I will gather the people of the Secret Investigation Division now. It seems that they are no match for Li Heng and Xiao Yong.
09:01还是他们占得高 看得全了 It's them who have the upper hand.
09:06一旦甲星解围 我就护你们出城 Once Jiaxing is broken, I will protect you to leave the city.
09:11再说吧 Let's see.
09:13到时要看临安城内热闹成什么样子 It depends on the situation in Lin'an City.
09:19一旦甲星解围 一旦热闹成什么样子 It depends on the situation in Lin'an City.
09:37杰施 Mr. Ji.
09:39主公 Master.
09:41来 替我选个字吧 Come on. Choose a word for me.
09:42这算是 典籍版势力宝 This is a classic version of the power treasure.
09:49快 快点 选一个 Come on. Choose one.
09:55余音以冠之 啊 就这个音啊 Ah. This is the tone.
10:02好贱 好贱 好贱 Good. Good. Good.
10:07军师选的这个字大 容易 It's easy for a soldier to choose this big word.
10:10容易 Easy.
10:12那你替我选个难度大的 Then you choose a difficult one for me.
10:18三省无身之 三我 三我 三我 三我 I'm the third one without a body.
10:26有本事你退后五步 If you can, you can step back five steps.
10:28退后就退后 Step back?
10:32怎么样 现在就明白了 How is it? Do you understand now?
10:37算你厉害 You are good.
10:39走 我选这 连杆全之飞网 连杆全之飞网 Go. I choose the flying net with all the strings.
10:47你搞谋杀啊你 Are you trying to kill me?
10:49这不没死的吗 快给我看看 He's not dead. Let me see.
10:54不行了吧 No way.
10:57可恶 Damn it.
11:04可惜 主公差点一箭三连 What a pity. You almost got three shots.
11:09那是因为自小看不清 That's because I can't see clearly since I was a kid.
11:12试试这个 Try this.
11:19这 这什么呀 What's this?
11:23能看这么清楚 It's so clear.
11:25凸透镜 Transparent mirror.
11:27我夫人在咸菜店偶得一西域琉璃瓶 My wife happened to get a Western jade bottle in the restaurant.
11:31我看着有意思 I found it interesting.
11:33就拿了过来打磨成这个 I took it here and polished it like this.
11:36同龄 上新的了 Tongling, a new one.
11:38都给我摆上 Put them all on the table.
11:40好嘞 好嘞 给他摆上 Yes, put them on the table.
12:09厉害 Impressive.
12:13我让你读的那些书都用来练剑了 The books I asked you to read are used to practice swordsmanship.
12:17军师 对于我这种学生得讲究方法 Counselor, for a student like me, I have to pay attention to the method.
12:21你看 这书做成剑靶 Look, this book is made into a sword handle.
12:24我倒是有兴趣多看几眼 I'd like to see it more.
12:26不伤得就不错了 It's not bad if it doesn't hurt.
12:30这凸透镜归我了啊 This transparent mirror is mine.
12:32凸透镜 Transparent mirror?
12:33放哪儿看呢 Where should I look at it?
12:35主公还是要研读 You still have to read it.
12:36这凸透镜就是书里记载的 This transparent mirror is recorded in the book.
12:40孟西笔坛里说古人铸剑 剑大则平 剑小则凸 凡剑挖则招人面大 凸则招人面小 In the Book of Mengxi, the ancient people forged swords. When the sword was large, it was flat. When the sword was small, it was convex. When the sword was convex, it was large. When the sword was convex, it was small.
12:52这什么跟什么呀 What is this?
12:55你这学问不行啊 You're not good at learning.
12:58军师 哪天把那孟西笔坛借我也看看 Counselor, lend me the Book of Mengxi one day.
13:03好啊 Okay.
13:04嫌你能的 I don't think you can.
13:05这书里还记载了一个叫活字印刷术的工艺 等我研究完 多印一些 霸道营内可以人手一本 The Book of Mengxi also records a skill called Live Printing. When I finish my research, I'll print more. There can be more than one person in the Badao Camp.
13:13那太好了 我也想看 That's great. I want to see it, too.
13:14就这么说定了 That's a deal.
13:16你还真是能文能武 沉寂兴悍 You're really good at literature and martial arts.
13:19承让 Thank you.
13:21滚 Get out of here.
13:25还请多多赐教 Please give me more advice.
13:32哇 好清楚哎 Wow, it's so clear.
13:36我叫它千里眼 I call it Thousand-mile Eye.
13:39摇动这个 You can shake it.
13:41可以调整放大比例 You can adjust the magnification ratio.
13:42是吗 Really?
13:50还好我染得快 It's a good thing I dyed it quickly.
13:52我再继续一会儿 I'll continue for a while.
13:55原来离这么远呢 It's so far away.
14:01这有什么用 What's the use of this?
14:03战场上首先要知己知彼 On the battlefield, you need to know yourself first.
14:10把这个给前方军师 Give this to the soldiers in front of you.
14:13看清敌人部署情况 Look at the enemy's deployment.
14:15以随之应对 Use it to respond.
14:17有理 It makes sense.
14:19先封营 Seal the camp first.
14:24只靠这个还是破不了再扣火器啊 I can't break it with this alone.
14:28用这个 Use this.
14:30这是 What's this?
14:32破敌神器 Break the enemy's weapon.
14:34我叫它 I call it
14:36坦克 Tank.
14:43可十三军还有个催泪的器物 But the Thirteenth Army also has a deadly weapon
14:45叫 called
14:46好 Good.
14:48驱邪毒烟 Vipers.
14:52多亏了我们咸菜店 It's all thanks to our restaurant.
14:53总能变废为宝 We can always make up for it.
14:56夫君刚炼制好的 My husband just made it.
14:58这叫小苏 It's called...
15:00小苏打 Soda.
15:02这是做什么用的 What is it for?
15:04把这些小苏打混上牛奶与水 Mix these small sodas with milk and water.
15:06让奇兵抹在皮肤上就能缓解灼烧 Let the cavalry wear it on their skin to relieve heatstroke.
15:12你们都没事吧 Are you all right?
15:14这朝廷送的药剂还真是管用 The medicine sent by the imperial court really works.
15:17再加把劲冲过去 Use more strength and rush over there.
15:23快 Quick.
15:24再发 Fire again.
15:33放箭 Fire.
15:34放箭 Fire.
15:41堵塘堵塘 Block the tunnel. Block the tunnel.
15:43好 Good.
16:03冲 Run.
16:29快 Quick.
16:30追 Chase.
16:33为什么毁败 Why did you destroy it?
16:37你告诉本天师 Why did you destroy it?
16:40为什么毁败 Why did you destroy it?
16:45天师这么大火气 Master, why are you so angry?
16:49别以为你给利天润祖师远 朱延麟那些人送过捷径 Don't think that you can protect yourself
16:54他们就能保你 by giving a shortcut to Li Tianrun, Zu Shiyuan and Zhu Yanlin.
16:58我若倒了 If I fall,
17:00凭你假拟天照启示这一条 I will be beheaded by your false declaration.
17:04就够杀头十回的 Ten times is enough.
17:08天师何不想想看 Master, why don't you think about it?
17:10五军能在这么短的时间内攻破火气阵能 five armies can break the fire array in such a short time.
17:14会不会是军中出了细作 Will there be a spy in the army?
17:18嬴义 Wuyi
17:25揪出细作 Find the spy
17:26If we can't find the spy, Jiaxing will be doomed.