MOST UNUSUAL Historical Artifacts

  • 2 days ago
MOST UNUSUAL Historical Artifacts
00:00Hey everyone, today we're counting down the Top 15 Most Unusual Historical Artifacts.
00:05Now, each of these items offers a unique glimpse into the past,
00:08revealing stories and secrets that continue to puzzle and fascinate people.
00:12Let's start with number 15, the Roman cleats.
00:15Now, archaeologists have recently uncovered a 2,000-year-old Roman sandal, or caliga,
00:20near an ancient military fort, Oberstim, in Bavaria, Germany.
00:24This discovery happened during excavation work at a civilian settlement on the outskirts of the Roman fort,
00:29which dates back between 60 and 130 AD.
00:32Now, the caliga, identified using x-ray imaging, was worn by a Roman soldier
00:36and featured iron nails on the bottom for traction, resembling modern-day cleats.
00:41This particular caliga was remarkably well-preserved, having been found at the bottom of a well.
00:47Now, the unique conditions at the well's bottom likely contributed to that state of preservation,
00:51making such finds extremely rare.
00:53The Roman Empire, which lasted from around 27 BC to 476 AD,
00:58saw gradual evolution in military footwear.
01:01The caliga wore open-toed sandals with hobnails for added durability and traction,
01:06perfect for the varied and often harsh terrains encountered by the Roman soldiers.
01:10This discovery not only highlights the practicality and ingenuity of Roman military equipment,
01:16but it also draws a fascinating parallel to modern-day sports cleats.
01:20Both types of footwear were designed with similar goals in mind,
01:23providing grip, stability, and protection to the wearer.
01:27The Roman caliga, much like modern cleats,
01:29it was an essential accessory for those who needed to maintain their footing on difficult terrain,
01:34showcasing the timeless nature of effective design in footwear.
01:42The discovery of these Lizardmen figurines at Tell al-Ubaid in Iraq
01:47has sparked considerable intrigue and speculation within certain archaeological circles.
01:52Dating back approximately 7,000 years,
01:54these artifacts depict humanoid figures with reptilian features, presenting a puzzling mystery.
02:00Dubaian culture, spanning from 4,000 to 5,500 BC,
02:04is known for its advancements in architecture, agriculture, and even social organization.
02:09Their settlements featured large, T-shaped houses,
02:12paved streets, and evidence of complex societal structures.
02:15The figurines from this place, as well as from other sites like Ur and Eridu,
02:20depict a humanoid figure with elongated head, almond-shaped eyes, and lizard-like noses.
02:26While some female figurines are also depicted in maternal poses,
02:30nursing babies that also exhibit these reptilian characteristics.
02:34Archaeologists have debated whether these figurines served a ritualistic or symbolic purpose,
02:39and given their diverse poses and inclusion of reptilian features,
02:42the presence of these figurines alongside more conventional depictions
02:46suggests that they held significant cultural or religious importance.
02:50The serpent motif, often linked to wisdom, fertility, or the underworld realm,
02:56raises the question of whether there might be a connection between these symbols
03:00and the lizard-like representations found in these artifacts.
03:03Well, despite extensive study and speculation,
03:06the exact meaning and purpose of these Lizardman figurines remains mysterious.
03:1113. The Baigong Pipes
03:14So, according to local legend, Mount Baigong, in the Shanghai province of China,
03:19is an ancient extraterrestrial laboratory.
03:22The mountain's peak is crowned with a mysterious pyramid,
03:25and at its base, these triangular entrances lead to hundreds of decayed,
03:29metal-pipe-like structures of unknown origin.
03:32These rusty tubes, ranging from needle size to about 16 inches in diameter,
03:37extend from deep within the mountain to a saltwater lake located 260 feet away.
03:42Many of the hollow pipes are uniform in size and appear to be placed with intention.
03:47Their deep embedding into the mountain wall and floor makes modern-day human handling unlikely.
03:53The mountain's surrounding environment is only occasionally visited by nomads,
03:58who presumably didn't possess advanced metallurgy skills,
04:01leading to speculation that the pipes were not formed by human hands.
04:06So then, who had a hand in their formation?
04:08Well, when scientists first examined the subterranean phenomenon,
04:11they found that these pipes were composed of 92% common minerals and metals,
04:16and 8% unknown materials.
04:18This unusual composition led to the hypothesis that these red-hued tubes
04:23might have been transported from outer space, possibly as part of an alien infrastructure project.
04:28This Martian theory gained substantial support,
04:31prompting the erection of a monument near the mountain,
04:33topped with a corroded satellite dish, symbolizing the extraterrestrial connection.
04:38More recent researchers, however, have proposed a different explanation.
04:42They believe that the metallic structures are actually fossilized tree root casts.
04:47These researchers argue that these rusted tubes resulted from the tree roots
04:51undergoing soil formation and transformation of soil into rock.
04:55Well, experiments have confirmed that the pipe do contain organic plant material
04:59and even microscopic tree rings.
05:01It is suggested that the overflow from an extinct lake
05:04once carried these roots to their current location.
05:11For decades, the locals of New South Wales' central coast
05:14have debated the authenticity of a series of hieroglyphs
05:18carved into a hidden rock face in the Brisbane Water National Park.
05:22These carvings, known as the Gosford Glyphs,
05:24have sparked intrigue and speculation due to their seemingly Egyptian origins.
05:29Explorers have often ventured into the tight gap between two sandstone rock faces
05:34to examine these hieroglyphs.
05:36This narrow passage reveals symbols that are familiar to anyone knowledgeable about ancient Egypt,
05:40including an image of Anubis, the name of King Khufu enclosed in a cartouche,
05:45and various other symbols.
05:47Several theories have emerged regarding the origins of these glyphs.
05:50Some believe they were created by two Egyptian princes
05:53who were shipwrecked on the Australian continent.
05:55Others suggest that they may be the work of a creative local
05:58or reflect the Egyptology craze that swept the world
06:01following the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb.
06:04Another possibility is that they were made as part of a decades-long prank.
06:08The consensus among Egyptologists who have visited and studied the glyphs
06:12is that they're a hoax, citing numerous inconsistencies and errors.
06:16For instance, the hieroglyphs include a mix of ancient and modern symbols,
06:20some of which were not contemporaneously used in ancient Egypt.
06:24Additionally, the carving style and techniques
06:26don't match those of genuine ancient Egyptian artifacts.
06:29Despite all this, many local residents continue to believe in their authenticity,
06:33maintaining that the glyphs are an extraordinary and unexplained phenomenon.
06:41The Fuente Magna is a large stone vessel,
06:44likely a bowl, discovered in 1958 near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.
06:49Adorned with beautifully engraved anthropomorphic characters
06:53and zoological motifs characteristic of the local culture,
06:57the bowl features two types of scripts,
06:59a Proto-Sumerian ancient alphabet and a local language of the ancient Pucara,
07:04a forerunner of the Tijuanaco civilization.
07:07This dual inscription has led to its nickname,
07:10the Rosetta Stone of the Americas.
07:12The Fuente Magna raises tantalizing questions
07:15about a possible connection between the Sumerians
07:18and the ancient inhabitants of the Andes, separated by thousands of miles.
07:22The bowl was found accidentally by a farmer on a private estate owned by the Mañon family.
07:26In 1960, the owners delivered it to the City Hall of La Paz
07:30in exchange for land near the capital.
07:32Around the same time, Bolivian archaeologist Max Zamora
07:36became aware of the artifact and attempted to decipher the unusual inscriptions.
07:40Zamora was unsuccessful,
07:42failing to recognize that the writing was a form of cuneiform text
07:45dating back some 5,000 years.
07:47Consequently, the Fuente Magna bowl languished in storage
07:51at the Museum of Precious Metals for some 40 years.
07:54Translations of the inscriptions suggest that the Fuente Magna bowl
07:57may have been used to make blibations to the goddess Nia,
08:01requesting fertility.
08:02The figure on the Fuente Magna, depicted in a goddess pose
08:06with open arms and spread legs,
08:08supports Dr. Winter's translation.
08:10Bernardo Beados theorized that the Fuente Magna
08:13was crafted by Sumerian people who settled in Bolivia
08:16sometime after 2500 BC.
08:18He proposed that the Sumerian ships,
08:20known to sail the Indian subcontinent,
08:22may have made their way around South Africa
08:25and entered the ocean's currents,
08:26leading from Africa to South America.
08:28But the bowl remains an enigma,
08:31its origins and inscriptions a subject of ongoing debate.
08:34Further archaeological and linguistic research
08:37is still needed to unravel the story behind this artifact.
08:40As scholars continue to explore its secrets,
08:43we may gain new insights into the interactions
08:45between great civilizations of the past
08:48and their far-reaching influence across the world.
08:54The Klerksdorp Spheres,
08:56rounded objects found in pyrophyllite deposits
08:58around Adesdal in South Africa,
09:00are by all accounts 3 billion-year-old rocks
09:03naturally formed by carbonate concretions.
09:06These tiny spheres, ranging in size from 0.5 to 10 cm,
09:10feature latitudinal grooves,
09:12which were created when minerals formed
09:14in the spaces between sediments,
09:16much like crystals can naturally form precise shapes.
09:19Subsequent weathering left them as tiny balls
09:22with evenly spaced lines circumscribing them.
09:24According to geologists,
09:26these spheres are the result of natural processes.
09:28The formation of these spheres can be explained
09:30by the process of concretion,
09:32where minerals precipitate from groundwater
09:34and then fill the spaces between sediments,
09:36forming the shapes.
09:38Despite the scientific explanation,
09:40though, the Klerksdorp Spheres have become a hot topic
09:42among conspiracy theorists,
09:44who believe the spheres are too perfect
09:46to have been formed naturally.
09:48Since their first discovery in South African mines,
09:50many have speculated that these spheres
09:52are proof of ancient aliens
09:54or advanced prehistoric civilization.
09:56One unverified story that fueled these speculations
09:59involves a man allegedly bringing one of the spheres to NASA.
10:03According to the tale,
10:04NASA supposedly tested the stone
10:06and concluded it could only have been made in zero gravity
10:10due to its perfect balance.
10:12However, there's no documentation or credible evidence
10:14to support their story.
10:16Close examination of the sphere
10:17has disproved claims of perfect balance
10:20and harder-than-steel properties.
10:22While the spheres have been used to support
10:24pseudo-archaeological claims,
10:25suggesting that intelligent beings
10:27roamed the Earth 3 billion years ago,
10:29creating the spheres for religious, military,
10:32or technological purposes.
10:34Some even claim the spheres were an ancient form
10:36of information technology
10:38made by a pre-human civilization
10:40millions of years ago.
10:46On the border between southwestern Texas in the U.S.
10:50and northwestern Coahuila in Mexico
10:52lies the archaeological region known as Lower Pecos River.
10:56It contains more than 2,000 sites
10:58dating back to up to 10,000 years.
11:01Among these, more than 300 sites
11:03are rich with ancient pictographs
11:05and the most famous of these
11:06is the White Shaman Cave.
11:08Researchers studying the area have categorized
11:10three different types of prehistoric rock paintings
11:13Pecos River, Red Monochrome, and Red Linear.
11:17The White Shaman Cave,
11:18which features a stunning pictograph
11:20dating back 4,000 years,
11:21was created in the Pecos River style
11:23and is considered among the most impressive
11:25rock paintings in the world.
11:27The paintings, which were older than initially expected,
11:29are realistic representations of human figures and animals
11:33including canines, felines, birds, deer, rabbits, snakes, and many others.
11:38For researchers, it was like finding the Rosetta Stone
11:41to the world of the tribes of hunters
11:43who lived in this area thousands of years ago.
11:46Analysis of the paintings has allowed researchers
11:48to decode the complicated system of symbolism
11:51used by the artists to share messages.
11:53The site currently belongs to the Rock Art Foundation
11:56but Carolyn Boyd conducted significant research on the paintings.
11:59Previously, archaeologists believed
12:01that the pictures in the White Shaman Cave
12:03were not related to each other.
12:05However, when Boyd started to sketch and study them once more,
12:08she discovered that they depict much more
12:10than a few presentations of forgotten rituals.
12:13According to Boyd, the paintings present
12:15a complicated ceremony or belief system
12:18and they're all connected.
12:20Studying similar paintings,
12:21she concluded that the pictures show
12:23the shaman's journey into the underworld.
12:25Despite extensive research,
12:27the true nature of this technology
12:29and methods used to create these intricate
12:31and durable artworks remain elusive.
12:358. Al-Nasla Rock
12:37Theories abound about the origins
12:40of the Al-Nasla rock formation
12:42but the genesis of this massive geological phenomenon
12:45is likely to remain a mystery.
12:47It's located in Saudi Arabia's Tamia Oasis,
12:50the site of Saudi Arabia's oldest human settlement.
12:53Al-Nasla is comprised of twin sandstone rocks
12:56balanced atop naturally formed pedestals
12:59with a smooth gap running vertically between them,
13:02so precise it looks as if it was created
13:04with a laser beam.
13:06Scientists can't explain exactly
13:08how the 4,000-year-old geological formation
13:10was split down the middle
13:12but the side-by-side boulders, each 20 feet tall,
13:15have the additional lure of visible petroglyphs
13:17that are thousands of years old.
13:19When you have a rock such as this,
13:21conspiracy theories will abound,
13:23considering that the formation looks as if
13:25it's been cut by a well-named laser.
13:27Some believe that this is the work of alien technology.
13:30More grounded theories will tell you
13:32the rock sits upon a fault line.
13:34This theory posits the split in the rock
13:36was created when a weak spot was affected
13:38by a shift in tectonic plates.
13:40Another theory posits that a joint
13:42within the rock may have split.
13:44A joint is an area within rock,
13:46in this case sandstone, that becomes worn away
13:48and then separates the larger formation.
13:50A freeze-thaw weather cycle
13:52could be credited with its formation,
13:54according to a third theory.
13:56If water seeped into the ancient boulder
13:58when it was still in one piece,
14:00then froze and expanded and later thawed,
14:02a crack would have formed
14:04and eventually divided the boulder.
14:06Whatever the cause of the split,
14:08the incredibly smooth edges were probably once jagged,
14:10then worn down and polished
14:12by thousands of years of blowing sand.
14:14Nature seems to be the most creative artist of all.
14:18Moving on to number seven,
14:20the Cocknostone.
14:22The Cocknostone, located in West Dunbartonshire
14:24in Scotland,
14:26is a remarkable archaeological treasure.
14:28Adorned with a multitude of grooved spirals,
14:30carved indentations, geometric shapes
14:32and enigmatic patterns,
14:34it's lauded as the finest example
14:36of Bronze Age cup and ring carvings in Europe.
14:38For the past 50 years, however,
14:40this renowned stone has laid buried
14:42beneath several feet of earth and vegetation,
14:44a measure taken to shield it from vandalism.
14:46Now plans are underway
14:48to unearth the Cocknostone once again
14:50for an in-depth study aimed at deciphering
14:52its symbols.
14:54Discovered in 1887 by Reverend James Harvey
14:56on farmland near what is now
14:58the Fifeley Housing Estate
15:00on the edge of Clydebank,
15:02the Cocknostone measures 42 feet by 26 feet
15:04and has over 90 carved indentations
15:06known as cup and ring marks.
15:08These marks,
15:10which are a hallmark of prehistoric art,
15:12consist of concave depressions
15:14carved into rock surfaces,
15:16often surrounded by concentric circles.
15:18This form of decoration appears
15:20as a petroglyph on natural boulders
15:22and outcrops and on megaliths
15:24such as slab cysts, stone circles
15:26and passage graves.
15:28The original meanings behind the carvings
15:30on the Cocknostone are lost to history,
15:32but numerous theories have emerged.
15:34Some suggest the markings represent
15:36an ancient form of writing,
15:38while others propose they held religious
15:40or spiritual significance
15:42or were purely decorative.
15:44The placement of carved stones
15:46often provides clues to their potential function.
15:48Frequently, such rock carvings
15:50are found near or incorporated
15:52into cairns and burial mounds,
15:54hinting at connections to burial practices
15:56and beliefs in an afterlife.
15:58Similarly, symbols on standing stones
16:00at stone circles suggest that these sites
16:02were used for religious and ritual purposes.
16:066. The Claw of Mount Owen
16:08Nearly three decades ago,
16:10a team of archaeologists
16:12made a startling discovery
16:14deep within the dark recesses of a cave system
16:16on Mount Owen in New Zealand.
16:18As they navigated the caves,
16:20their flashlights illuminated
16:22an object that seemed too bizarre
16:24to be real,
16:26a gigantic claw still encased
16:28in flesh and scaly skin,
16:30eerily reminiscent of a dinosaur appendage.
16:32Despite its ancient origins,
16:34though, the claw appeared so well-preserved
16:36that it seemed as if it belonged
16:38to a creature that had only
16:40perished recently.
16:42Upon retrieving the claw and conducting
16:44thorough analysis, the archaeologists
16:46unveiled a fascinating revelation.
16:48This remarkable find was the 3,300-year-old
16:50mummified remains of an
16:52upland moa, a prehistoric bird
16:54that had vanished from the Earth centuries earlier.
16:56The upland moa was one of
16:58several species of moa birds
17:00which were endemic to New Zealand.
17:02DNA analysis published by the Proceedings
17:04of the National Academy of Sciences
17:06suggests that the first moa appeared
17:08around 18.5 million years ago,
17:10and there were at least 10 distinct species.
17:12These magnificent birds were
17:14exterminated in what's been described
17:16as the most rapid human-facilitated
17:18megafauna extinction in history.
17:20The initial discovery of moa
17:22remains dates back to 1839,
17:24when John W. Harris, a flax trader
17:26and a natural history enthusiast,
17:28received an unusual fossilized
17:30bone from a member of an indigenous
17:32Maori tribe. The bone was sent
17:34to Sir Richard Owen at the Hunterian
17:36Museum in London.
17:38Owen, puzzled by the bone for four years,
17:40eventually concluded that it belonged to
17:42an unknown species of giant bird.
17:44His hypothesis was initially
17:46met with skepticism, but subsequent
17:48discoveries of numerous bone specimens
17:50validated his theory.
17:52Since Harris' initial find, thousands of
17:54moa bones have been unearthed, alongside
17:56some astonishing mummified remains,
17:58such as the Mount Owen Claw.
18:00These preserved specimens, often found
18:02in dunes, swamps, and caves, still
18:04exhibit soft tissue, muscle,
18:06skin, and even feathers.
18:08The preservation process likely involved
18:10desiccation, particularly in naturally
18:12dry environments like caves with a
18:14constant dry breeze.
18:16Number 5. Shagir Idol
18:18The Shagir Idol
18:20is one of the most significant pieces
18:22of prehistoric art in ancient Europe.
18:24This ancient wooden carving, which
18:26resides in a museum in Russia, has been
18:28dated to around 11,000 years old,
18:30making it significantly older than
18:32Stonehenge, and twice as old as
18:34the Egyptian pyramids. Not only is
18:36it the oldest wooden statue in the world,
18:38but standing as tall as a two-story
18:40building, it's also the tallest wooden statue
18:42from the ancient world. Discovered in
18:44January of 1890 in the Sverdlovsk
18:46region of Siberia in Russia,
18:48the Shagir Idol was found about
18:5013.5 feet below the surface,
18:52preserved by the antibacterial properties
18:54of a peat bog. This peat
18:56layer acted as a time capsule,
18:58protecting the idol from decay.
19:00It was initially found in numerous fragments,
19:02which were painstakingly pieced together
19:04by Russian professor Dmitry Lobanov
19:06to form a figure approximately 9
19:08feet tall. Unfortunately, almost
19:107 feet of the artifact were lost
19:12during political upheavals of the 20th
19:14century. Siberian archaeologist
19:16Vladimir Tolmachev later incorporated
19:18other unused fragments into the figure,
19:20increasing its height to 17 feet.
19:22The idol was carved from larch
19:24timber using tools made from
19:26beaver jaws, which were valued for
19:28their sharp and strong cutter teeth.
19:30The wooden surface of the idol is decorated
19:32with Mesolithic symbols and
19:34geometric motifs, such as chevrons,
19:36herringbone patterns, straight lines,
19:38and squiggly lines.
19:40These symbols are not merely decorative, but are also
19:42believed to hold significant meaning for the
19:44creators. Some researchers suggest
19:46that these markings could encode information
19:48about the creation of the world
19:50left by Mesolithic-era humans.
19:52If true, this would make the
19:54Shagir Idol the world's oldest known
19:56code, dating back approximately
19:589,500 years.
20:00This idol has been radiocarbon dated
20:02to 7,500 BC by the Institute
20:04of the History of Material Culture
20:06in St. Petersburg and the Institute
20:08of Geology in Moscow, confirming
20:10its status as the oldest known art of
20:12its type in the world. Despite
20:14extensive research, the full meaning
20:16and purpose of the Shagir Idol remains
20:18a mystery.
20:20Number 4. Trundholm Sun Chariot
20:22The Trundholm
20:24Sun Chariot is an iconic bronze
20:26and gold artifact that was unearthed
20:28from a bog in Denmark in
20:301902. Belonging to the
20:32Nordic Bronze Age, this artifact
20:34consists of a bronze horse, a bronze
20:36disc adorned with a thin sheet of gold
20:38on one side, and six
20:40four-spoke bronze wheels.
20:42Discovered on the southern Danish island
20:44of Zealand by a farmer who initially thought
20:46it was a toy, the chariot quickly
20:48became a national treasure upon its
20:50identification by the National Museum
20:52of Denmark. Believed to have been
20:54created around 1400 BC,
20:56the Trundholm Sun Chariot is over
20:583,400 years old.
21:00According to the National Museum, it's
21:02one of Scandinavia's earliest examples
21:04of the horse being used as a draft
21:06animal. Experts believe the
21:08chariot was crafted using the lost
21:10wax method. The sun disc is decorated
21:12with spirals, a common motif
21:14in Nordic craftsmanship, with one
21:16side gilded to represent the sun
21:18during the day, and the other side left dark
21:20to depict the sun's journey through the night.
21:22In 1998, nearly a century
21:24after the artifact's discovery,
21:26archaeologists returned to the site with metal
21:28detectors and unearthed 21
21:30additional parts.
21:32These discoveries have allowed conservationists
21:34to reconstruct a more complete picture
21:36of the original artifact.
21:38Similar artifacts from Scandinavia replace
21:40the horse with ships or fish, among
21:42other creatures, reflecting the belief that the
21:44horse pulled the sun across the sky during
21:46the day and through the underworld at night.
21:48Historians believe priests
21:50used the chariot during the rituals
21:52to illustrate the sun's voyage.
21:54The Trondholm Sun Chariot is a remarkable
21:56artifact, and whether it functioned as
21:58a calendar remains uncertain.
22:00Its resemblance to solar imagery
22:02from other cultures does suggest
22:04a shared understanding of the cosmos,
22:06expressed uniquely by different
22:10Number 3. The Sumerian
22:12King List. The Sumerian
22:14King List is one of the most fascinating
22:16and mysterious artifacts ever
22:18recovered from ancient sites of Sumer
22:20in southern Iraq. This ancient manuscript
22:22written in the Sumerian language
22:24is a comprehensive register of the
22:26kings and neighboring regions,
22:28detailing their names, reign
22:30lengths, and the locations of their reigns.
22:32What sets this list apart
22:34is its blend of mythical,
22:36pre-dynastic rulers with historical
22:38figures known to have existed.
22:40The first fragment of this 4,000
22:42year old cuneiform tablet was discovered
22:44in the early 1900s by German-American
22:46scholar Hermann Hilprecht at the
22:48site of ancient Nippur, with his findings
22:50published in 1906.
22:52Since then, at least 18 other versions
22:54of the King List have been found, most
22:56dating from the second half of the
22:58Aysen Dynasty, from 2017 to
23:001794 BC.
23:02While no two documents are identical,
23:04the common material across all versions
23:06indicates they stem from a
23:08single, ideal account of
23:10Sumerian history. The King List
23:12is invaluable for its reflection
23:14of ancient traditions and its chronological
23:16framework of Sumerian kingship
23:18periods. It's also shown remarkable
23:20parallels to accounts in the Bible's
23:22Genesis. The list begins with
23:24the divine origin of kingship.
23:26Early dynastic rulers are described with
23:28fantastically long reigns,
23:30some spanning thousands of years.
23:32Notable figures like Etana,
23:34Lugalbanda, and Gilgamesh,
23:36who are featured in Sumerian and Babylonian
23:38mythology, appear on the list.
23:40The earliest kings on the list are often described
23:42as reigning for a total of 241,000
23:44years before a
23:46flood, which swept over the land.
23:48After the flood, the list
23:50continues with the kings who ruled for much
23:52shorter periods, mirroring the
23:54biblical account of human lifespans
23:56before and after the Great Flood in Genesis.
23:58The Sumerian King List remains
24:00a perplexing mystery. Why did the Sumerians
24:02combine myth and history in this manner?
24:04What's the significance of the parallels
24:06with Genesis? Why were the early kings
24:08described as ruling for such
24:10extraordinary lengths of time?
24:12These questions continue to puzzle
24:162. The Writings of Rongorongo
24:18During the 19th
24:20century, the discovery of ancient artifacts
24:22containing symbols added
24:24to the mystery of Easter Island,
24:26known for its iconic, giant monolithic
24:28statues called moai.
24:30These symbols, known as the Rongorongo script,
24:32appear to be a form of writing,
24:34but their meaning has never been deciphered.
24:36The script was first discovered by Eugene
24:38A. Rowe, a Roman Catholic missionary
24:40who arrived on Easter Island on January 2,
24:421864. The name
24:44Rongorongo comes from the Rapa Nui
24:46language, meaning to recite, to
24:48declaim, to chant out.
24:50The symbols were found etched into irregularly
24:52shaped wooden tablets, as well as on
24:54a chieftain's staff, a birdman
24:56statuette, and two Romero ornaments.
24:58These artifacts were weathered,
25:00burned, or otherwise damaged when they were
25:02found, adding to the challenge of deciphering it.
25:04The age of the tablets is
25:06uncertain, as direct dating has
25:08been limited. They're believed to have
25:10originated around the 13th century,
25:12coinciding with the period of extensive
25:14forest clearing on the island. However,
25:16this dating is speculative,
25:18as the inhabitants may have preserved some trees
25:20specifically from making the wood tablets.
25:22One glyph resembles a palm
25:24tree, thought to be the Eastern Island palm,
25:26which disappeared from the island's pollen
25:28record in 1650.
25:30This suggests that the script could be at least that
25:32old. Despite the uncertainty
25:34surrounding the Rongorongo script, its
25:36discovery remains a critical key to understanding
25:38the ancient civilization of
25:40Eastern Island. Deciphering the codes
25:42may eventually reveal answers about
25:44the collapse of the island's civilization.
25:46However, for now, the tablets
25:48remain a mysterious symbol of a
25:50lost past, adding to the allure
25:52of Eastern Island. The mystery of the
25:54Rongorongo writings highlights the broader
25:56enigma of Eastern Island itself.
25:58Will we truly ever understand
26:00the full story behind these glyphs
26:02and the civilization that created them?
26:04For now, the script continues to intrigue
26:06and baffle researchers, keeping the secrets
26:08of Eastern Island tantalizingly
26:10out of reach.
26:12Number 1. Gobekli Tepe
26:14Gobekli Tepe, a
26:16Turkish term meaning hill with a belly,
26:18stands as one of the most interesting
26:20and revolutionary archaeological
26:22discoveries of the modern era.
26:24In 1994, German archaeologist
26:26Schmidt and his team began uncovering
26:28findings at the site that they fundamentally
26:30altered our understanding of Stone Age
26:32societies. Dating back
26:3411,500 years,
26:36Gobekli Tepe challenges
26:38the long-held belief that Stone Age
26:40humans were solely nomadic
26:42hunter-gatherers who roamed the Earth
26:44without permanent settlements. The
26:46site features large, T-shaped pillars
26:48adorned with intricate animal carvings,
26:50massive stone rings, and numerous
26:52rectangular rooms, many of which are
26:54believed to have held religious significance.
26:56This evidence suggests that Gobekli Tepe
26:58may be the world's oldest known
27:00religious complex, potentially
27:02marking it as a pivotal site in the origins
27:04of religion. The site's monumental
27:06architecture is really
27:08baffling because it predates known evidence
27:10of hunter-gatherers constructing large
27:12monuments or buildings. The discovery
27:14implies a previously unrecognized
27:16level of societal organization
27:18and technological capability
27:20among these early humans.
27:22Nearby Mount Karajadag is believed
27:24by geneticists to be the birthplace of
27:26many of today's cultivated grains.
27:28This proximity has led to the
27:30theory that Gobekli Tepe represents
27:32a transitional period in human history,
27:34showcasing the initial steps of
27:36nomadic cultures towards farming,
27:38which eventually led to permanent settlements.
27:40Despite the one-acre excavation
27:42site already revealing much,
27:44Gobekli Tepe is believed to extend
27:46an additional 22 acres,
27:48promising even more discoveries and insights.
27:50The implications of its existence
27:52are profound. It suggests
27:54that complex societal, religious,
27:56and architectural developments happened
27:58much earlier than previously thought,
28:00prompting a reevaluation of the timeline
28:02and progression of human civilization.
28:04The site's purpose and the reasons
28:06for its eventual abandonment remain
28:08subject of intense speculation and study.
28:10It continues to captivate
28:12researchers and offers a glimpse into
28:14the prehistoric world that defies
28:16conventional understanding.
28:18Its discoveries raise more questions
28:20than answers, inviting ongoing
28:22exploration and debate about the
28:24true nature of early human societies.
28:26As archaeologists and historians
28:28uncover more about this ancient
28:30site, we may edge closer to
28:32understanding the truth behind
28:34Gobekli Tepe and its place in
28:36human history.
28:38Thanks for watching everyone. I'll see you next time.
28:40Thank you to our channel members.