مسلسل البراعم الحمراء 2 الحلقة 21 مترجمة 1

  • 2 days ago
البراعم الحمراء,مسلسل البراعم الحمراء,براعم الحمراء,البراعم الحمراء 20,البراعم الحمراء ٩,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 20,البراعم الحمراء 20,البراعم الحمراء 20,البراعم الحمراء 21,البراعم الحمراء 21,البراعم الحمراء 15,البراعم الحمراء 20,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 21,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 21,اعلان البراعم الحمراء ٩,اعلان البراعم الحمراء 20,مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 21,البراعم الحمراء اعلان الحلقة22,مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 21
البراعم الحمراء,مسلسل البراعم الحمراء,البراعم الحمراء 21,براعم الحمراء,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 20,اعلان البراعم الحمراء 20,مسلسل البراعم الحمراء حلقة 21,مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 20,البراعم الحمراء اعلان الحلقة 20,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة20 اعلان,البراعم حمراء 22,براعم الحمراء الحلقة 19,براعم حمراء 19,البراعم الحمراء ١٩,براعم حمراء الحلقة 22,البراعم الحمراء حلقه ١٩,اعلان البراعم الحمراء ١٩,براعم حمراء حلقه 19,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22
الحلقة 21 اعلان 1,#اعلان مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22,#مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 10,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة الاخيرة,البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 18,#اعلان البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 10,#اعلان البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 11,#اعلان البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 12,#البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 10,#مسلسل البراعم الحمراء,#اعلان مسلسل البراعم الحمراء 10,ممثلين مسلسل البراعم الحمراء
, اسماء جلال,التفاح الحرام ,مدرسةالروابى,السعودية,احمد عز,ارطوغل,هندى,سعودى ,المتوحش,المؤسس عثمان ,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,المسلسل التركي,مسلسلات تركية 2024,مسلسل الانتقام,مسلسلات تركية جديدة 2024,


00:00:04Meryem Meryem
00:00:08Your business kader mutlak kaçan mısın kovalayalı muallak
00:00:16Cevap vermediniz
00:00:18İngilizce Altyazı M.K.
00:00:48Mümkün mü hayır neden çünkü onların doğasına aykırıdır bu biz bunları yaşamadık mı yaşadık çok kez
00:00:57Kızlarını oğullarını bunlara kaptıranlar izlerini kaybedenler
00:01:01Kalplerinden vatan millet sevgisi unutturulmuş anne baba sevgisi söküp alınmış robotlaştırılmış insanlar yaşamadık mı
00:01:10Bu söylemleriniz islam düşmanlığı olarak algılanıyor
00:01:13Hayır hayır
00:01:16Değil bakın sizi ele geçirdiklerinde ilk yapacakları şey birey olma kabiliyetinizi elinizden almak
00:01:24Bunların tanrı ile dinle falan alakaları yok
00:01:27Bu sadece islam için konuşmuyorum ben bunu bu dünyanın her yerinde böyle bütün tarikatlarda bu böyle açın belgeselleri izleyin
00:01:34Neye dayanarak söylüyorsunuz bunları izleyici bunu da merak ediyor ne biliyorsunuz bu insanlar hakkında
00:01:40Ben bunların canlarından kanlarından evlatlarından vazgeçtiklerini gördüm
00:01:47Bir korku imparatorluğu içinde yaşıyorlar bizi de oraya sürüklemeye çalışıyorlar eğer müdahale etmezsek buna ant içmişlerim
00:01:54Efendim hocam
00:01:56Levent hocam Meryem İlbaşı'nın durumunda bir değişiklik oldu
00:02:02Uyandı mı
00:02:04Tersine iyiye gitmiyor
00:02:07Allah'tan ümit kesilmez ama hastaneye hemen gelseniz çok iyi olur
00:02:12Karın bölgesinde delici kesici alet yaraları var tampon yapmaya devam edelim
00:02:16Umarım atar damar zarar görmemiştir
00:02:18Buradan bir line açalım sıvı replasmanı yapalım
00:02:21Bu arada 112'ye haber verelim eğer hastaneye kadar dayanabilirse acil operasyona ve kan transfizyonuna ihtiyacı olacak hadi çabuk
00:02:29Bir dakika bir dakika bana müsaade edin tamam mı
00:02:31Ne olur Meryem Meryem kim yaptı
00:02:33Levent Bey lütfen aciliyeti var hayati riski taşıyor hastaneye yetişmesi lazım sonra alacağız ifadesini
00:02:39Hayır hayır öylemez öylemez bana kim olduğunu şimdi söyleyecek lütfen şimdi
00:02:43Tamam aç gözlerini Meryem aç gözlerini bana kim olduğunu söyle bana sadece isim ver Meryem aç gözlerini
00:02:48Levent Bey lütfen
00:02:49Kim yolladı onu ne olur söyle
00:02:57Böyle yapamam
00:03:03Ne olur
00:03:13Kalbimdekini bu kalbimde unuttu
00:03:31Kimseyi görmedim
00:03:32Hadi gidiyoruz arkadaşlar hadi
00:03:34Kimseyi görmedim
00:03:35Gidiyor gidiyor
00:03:36Levent Bey lütfen
00:03:37Yalan söylüyor
00:03:38Levent Bey ne yapıyorsunuz
00:03:39Katili koruyor
00:03:40Siz ne yapıyorsunuz
00:03:41Katili koruyor
00:03:42Levent Bey
00:03:43O biliyor ve katili saklıyor
00:03:45Sizin karınızı Meryem öldürmedi
00:03:47Hepsi öldürdü
00:03:49Onlar öldürdü
00:03:53Hepsi öldürdü
00:03:57Onları tanıdığım güne lanet olsun
00:04:06Ben size ne vaat ettiysem onu yapıyorum
00:04:10Bazı bedellerde ödenecekse ödenecek
00:04:13Sizde onun bunun savcının polisin vana geçmesini engelleyeceksiniz
00:04:17Memleketin size ihtiyacı varsa bize de ihtiyacı var
00:04:20Bakın sizin bize ihtiyacınız var
00:04:26Valla siz bilirsiniz
00:04:36Bu insanlar
00:04:39Bunlar bizim düşmanımız
00:04:41Peygamber efendimiz sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem
00:04:43Hudeybiye paktını imzalarken
00:04:45Hazreti Ömer itiraz etmişti
00:04:49Mekkeli bir müslümanın kafirlere iade edileceğini anladığı vakit
00:04:53Rivayete göre peygamberimizin yakasına yapışmıştı derler
00:04:57Bunları sana Allah mı yaptırıyor diye sormuştu
00:05:03Şimdi sen de soracak mısın
00:05:06Peygamber efendimiz Allah'ın dininin akıbetinden emindi
00:05:13Çünkü o sol peygamberdi
00:05:15Senin bana anlatmadığın bir şeyler var
00:05:19Değil mi efendi
00:05:23Hatta bu aletin ardındakilerin bile bilmediği bir şey
00:05:29Ben buraya sade gibi cünet gibi posçuluk oynamaya gelmedim
00:05:34Ne kadarını bil ki Afi
00:05:36Sana itimat etmediğimden anlatmıyorum sanma
00:05:41Misal bana en münasip sevcenin sen olduğunu bilmiyor muyum
00:05:47Lakin bana yakama yapışacak
00:05:49Yeri geldiğinde tepemde sallanacak bir kılıç lazım bu yolda
00:05:53Ve kişi
00:05:57Kılıcıyla aynı yatağa girerse
00:06:00Yara alır
00:06:05Dedikleri kadar var ise
00:06:07Onun aklı lazım olacak bana
00:06:14Şu gebelik meselesi
00:06:18Ne olmuş gebelik meselesine
00:06:20Bir hile
00:06:22Bir kaçış peşindeyse
00:06:24Aman değil mi Eser hanım
00:06:26Sana itimadım tam
00:06:30Bu işin peşini bırakma
00:06:52Miran nerede gördün mü
00:06:54Hande'nin yanında merak etme
00:06:56Başınız sağ olsun
00:07:00Demek bey çok üzgünüm tekrar başınız sağ olsun
00:07:02Sağ olun savcım
00:07:08Bir gelişme
00:07:10Çarpan arıca dahil bir iz yok ne yazık ki
00:07:12Yani kameralara takılmış
00:07:14Mavi bir panervan
00:07:16Ama plakası sökülmüş
00:07:18Kaza değil
00:07:20Kaza değil
00:07:22Benim karımı öldürdüler
00:07:24Ben tamamen sizinle aynı taraftayım
00:07:26Hem eşiniz hem Meryem
00:07:28Beste hanımın o gün bana geliyor olması
00:07:31İnanın ben
00:07:33Bütün imkanlarımla
00:07:35Elimden geleni yapıyorum aracı bulmak için
00:07:37Beste'nin ölümünden onların sorumlu olduğunuz
00:07:41Biliyordum hepiniz biliyordunuz
00:07:49Bu insanları sen soktun hayatımıza
00:07:51Tarikatçılar yaptı
00:07:53Onlar öldürdü annemi değil mi
00:07:55Kızım yeri değil
00:07:57Yeri tam zamanı tam yeri
00:07:59Sakin ol
00:08:03Bak söyleyeyim
00:08:05Söyleyeyim o da duysun
00:08:09Ne oldu
00:08:11Hocam başınız sağ olsun
00:08:13Utanmıyor musun gel buraya gelme
00:08:17Annemiz sizi öldürdünüz hepiniz katilsiniz
00:08:19Kızım vallahi benimle alakalı değil
00:08:21Tamam artık Sadi Bey yeter
00:08:23Ya bir susun artık
00:08:25Susun benim annem ölmüş
00:08:28Niye kaçıyorsunuz hala
00:08:30Mutlu musun
00:08:32Mutlu musun
00:08:34Sen soktun bu insanların hepsini
00:08:36Sen soktun hayatımıza
00:08:38Geç gel yardım et
00:08:40Gel bir yüzünü yıkayalım
00:08:42Tamam tamam
00:08:50Tekrar başınız sağ olsun
00:08:56Hiçbirinizin taziyesini almak
00:08:58Gönlümden geçmiyor
00:09:00Yapmayın hocam
00:09:02O eli kanlı gözü dönmüş kardeşin yaptıklarının
00:09:04Hepsinin hesabını verecek
00:09:06Bende o yüzden geldim hocam zaten
00:09:08Babamın ettiğini bir ispatlayabilirsek
00:09:10Sizin tek derdiniz
00:09:12O çok önemli postunuzu almak
00:09:16Hak hukuk değil
00:09:18Siz sadece düzen bozulmasın
00:09:20Onu istiyorsunuz
00:09:22Hocam bu sözlerinizi acınıza veriyorum
00:09:25Lakin siz ne bilirsiniz ki
00:09:27Tıbbın da hikmetidir
00:09:29Hastalığa aşı
00:09:31Hastalığın kendisindendir
00:09:33Hafifidir yani
00:09:35Beni bizi tamam harcadınız da
00:09:37Cüneyt hocam
00:09:39Onun nasıl salih bir kişi olduğunuz siz
00:09:41Benden iyi biliyorsunuz hocam
00:09:43Cüneyt'i de mi harcıyorsunuz
00:09:45Hocam yapmayın
00:09:47Siz akıl bir insansınız
00:09:49Allah rızası için yapmayın
00:09:55O zaman bana yardım edeceksin
00:09:59Yeni bir şey bulmam lazım
00:10:01Meryem'e bunu yapan, Beste'ye bunu yapan adam
00:10:03Bir yerde durmayacaktır
00:10:05Onu sadece biz durdurabiliriz
00:10:07Hocam onun için geldim ben de buraya
00:10:09Hem taze dileklerine bulunmak için hem de Cüneyt için haber vermeye
00:10:11Cüneyt'i buldunuz mu?
00:10:13Yani çok şükür hocam
00:10:15Yaşıyor bulmasına bulduk da
00:10:17O gerçi daha doğrusu bizi buldu
00:10:19Dergaha geldi sonra bir baktım yok kaybolmuş
00:10:21Bana soracak olursanız Cüneyt
00:10:23Kendini de kaybetmiş
00:10:25Nasıl yani?
00:10:27Ben bunu gördüm hocam
00:10:29Tabi sarılmak istedim bana dedi ki sen kimsin
00:10:31Cüneyt dedim Cüneyt kim dedi hocam
00:10:33Yani bilmiyorum kendinde değil ki kendini unutmuş gibiydi
00:10:37Çocuk aklını kaybetmiş olmasın hocam
00:10:39Hafıza kaybı gibi bir şey mi?
00:10:41Keşke aklım erse
00:10:43Hocam yani hafıza kaybı desem dergaha nasıl geldi
00:10:45Yani daha çok böyle
00:10:47Kendini kaybetmiş gibiydi yani
00:10:49Sizin ilminizdir bu hocam
00:10:52Bize bir yardım edin
00:10:54Bir şey söyleyeyim mi?
00:10:56Hafıza kaybı
00:10:58Kişilik bölünmesi
00:11:00Her şey olabilir
00:11:02Geride getirebiliriz
00:11:04Tamamen kaybedebiliriz
00:11:06Önce onu bulmam lazım
00:11:22Neredeyim ben?
00:11:24Ne yapacağım?
00:11:26Doğru yoldasın Müjdem
00:11:28Bu yolda yürümeye devam edeceksin
00:11:30Herkesten her şeyden uzağa
00:11:52Pesli ile birlikte örtüde kayboldu
00:11:56Savcının söylediği mavi bir panelvan var
00:11:58Ben ne gerekiyorsa yaparım hocam
00:12:00Eğer onu bulursak katili de buluruz
00:12:02Ve baytı köşeye sıkıştırırım
00:12:04Mavi panelvan bizim orada
00:12:06Yani hocam hiç yok ama buluruz hocam
00:12:08Ben baktırırım bakarız baktırırız
00:12:10Biiznillah buluruz yani
00:12:12Elimde sadece o var
00:12:14Mavi araba
00:12:16Meryem de konuşmadı belki duymuşsunuzdur
00:12:18Yok da hocam
00:12:20Meryem hanım hani Zeynep kızımızı düşünerek şey ettiyse
00:12:22Zeynep nesin?
00:12:30Kardeşim keşke beni de bekleseydin de
00:12:32Beraber gelseydik taziyeye
00:12:34Başın sağ olsun
00:12:36Şerefsiz sen net bir şeritle bir de buraya geliyorsun ha
00:12:38Düzgün konuş efendi
00:12:40Burası Müslüman mezarlığı
00:12:44Sizler öyle ölümden ölümü hatırlasanız da
00:12:46Ben hep buralardayım
00:12:48Geçmiş olsun
00:12:50Seçkin bey mezarlıktayız
00:12:52Hadise çıkmasın
00:12:54Hadise çıkarmaya gelmedik
00:12:56Hem taziyeye hem teşekküre geldim
00:12:58Cüneyt iyileştirmişsin
00:13:02Tabi önce Allah'ın izniyle
00:13:04Oğlumu iyi etmişsin sağol varol
00:13:06Yüce Rabbim
00:13:08İnşallah sana da hidayet nasip etsin ki
00:13:12İlmini doğru istikamete yönelt
00:13:16Senin sayende
00:13:18Ben de dede oluyorum
00:13:22Zeynep kızımız hamile
00:13:26Kardeşim söylemiştir
00:13:28İnşallah bir an önce çıkar gelir
00:13:30Babasızlık çok zor
00:13:32En iyisi de kendi bilir
00:13:36Bittiyse al itlerini buradan defol git
00:13:42Giderken de etrafına iyi bak
00:13:44You will pay for what you have done to Cüneyt, Meryem and Beste one by one in the last days you will roam around freely.
00:13:55Or do you think people will have everything they want?
00:14:03Do not put what you can do behind you, doctor.
00:14:14However, the world and the hereafter belong only to God.
00:14:23This is what the rest of the verse says.
00:14:26Do not worry, you will not stay here.
00:14:29Peace be upon you.
00:15:14Are you lost too?
00:15:44The belly of the pregnant woman is clear for 3-4 months, right?
00:16:00If Cüneyt comes by then ...
00:16:04Oh, patience. You are not tired of saying Cüneyt.
00:16:08If he were to come, he would come now.
00:16:11And realize it now.
00:16:12What are we going to do then? How are we going to hide the fact that she is not pregnant?
00:16:17Did you tell the truth to Vahide? Does she know that she is not pregnant?
00:16:25I have not told her yet.
00:16:27Not yet? Will you tell her? Please do not tell her. I beg you.
00:16:32It would be worse if she finds out.
00:16:34And maybe we took our sword out of its sheath.
00:16:39We drew it to the wrong enemy.
00:16:42Is it wrong? If I did not open my mouth, he was getting married to me.
00:16:46That night ...
00:16:48Shut up. What are you talking about?
00:16:51You do not know where you are.
00:16:53Maybe it was going to be a fake marriage.
00:16:57Do you really believe that?
00:17:04Hürşit Hz. Mrs. Zeynep is calling.
00:17:13Why is she calling me?
00:17:15Believe me, I do not know you either.
00:17:17This is an opportunity for you.
00:17:19Tell her nicely.
00:17:21You say I'm in panic all of a sudden.
00:17:24You apologize.
00:17:26Then if I tell you, it would be worse for you.
00:17:43Hürşit Hz. Mrs. Zeynep is calling.
00:17:56What happened?
00:18:13Hürşit Hz. Mrs. Zeynep is calling.
00:18:26Where are you going?
00:18:31How are you, beautiful girl?
00:18:33I'm fine, thank God.
00:18:35Be good.
00:18:37Be good.
00:18:39My unfortunate child.
00:18:41What happened?
00:18:43Is it my mother?
00:18:47Unfortunately, a sad incident happened to your mother.
00:18:50What happened?
00:18:52We are not in control.
00:18:54They injured her in prison.
00:18:56How? How is the situation? Where is she now?
00:18:58In the hospital.
00:19:00They said the situation is critical.
00:19:06My beautiful girl, come here.
00:19:07My beautiful girl, come here.
00:19:09I'll do it slowly.
00:19:11Thank God, they arrived just in time.
00:19:13Otherwise, she could have lost her blood.
00:19:16Who knows?
00:19:18Maybe they got the news.
00:19:21It's okay, my child.
00:19:23It's okay, my beautiful girl.
00:19:25Dad, my mother won't die, will she?
00:19:31Don't despise yourself so much.
00:19:33You're pregnant.
00:19:35If you don't think about yourself, you'll think about your baby.
00:19:39No, Mr. Naim, this is not going to happen.
00:19:41Let's call a nurse.
00:19:43For God's sake, don't let such a sudden sadness happen to my grandchild.
00:19:47Okay, okay, okay.
00:19:49I don't want a nurse.
00:19:51No need.
00:19:57I was starting to worry about you.
00:19:59Are you okay?
00:20:01Were you able to overcome the hand incident?
00:20:03I'm fine.
00:20:05Don't worry, sister.
00:20:07Is there any new news?
00:20:10Oh, Zeynep is getting married.
00:20:13I'm so happy.
00:20:15I'm so happy.
00:20:17I'm so happy.
00:20:19I'm so happy.
00:20:21I'm so happy.
00:20:23When Zeynep couldn't be a bride, did she turn to you?
00:20:28Oh, no.
00:20:30I understand.
00:20:32Vahit chose to stay single because he was going to marry you.
00:20:39Yes, mother.
00:20:41Can you do something for me, my daughter?
00:20:44As you wish.
00:20:48Anyway, mind your own business, my daughter.
00:20:57Even if I can't marry Vahit,
00:21:00look, I'm still his mother.
00:21:03You are
00:21:06the wife of Sadi Hüdayi, who has been thrown aside.
00:21:09I have a duty.
00:21:11I have to be as sharp as a sword
00:21:14that cuts all ties, including brotherhood.
00:21:19He's jealous.
00:21:21No man
00:21:23goes to bed with a sword.
00:21:31did Vahit really comfort you like this?
00:21:34Oh, sister, oh.
00:21:36You don't know men at all, but never.
00:21:39Let a man and a woman be the smallest heart.
00:21:42Let go of the sword.
00:21:44If it's a snake, it'll take you to your bed.
00:21:54what you call a woman
00:21:56can capture a man without a sword
00:21:59and tie him without a rope.
00:22:01Look at us.
00:22:06have a good day, sister.
00:22:15Well, Zeynep,
00:22:17you're quiet.
00:22:18If you have something to say, go ahead.
00:22:20Don't be shy, dear.
00:22:22Tell me you're a victim.
00:22:24Don't be shy.
00:22:32Come in.
00:22:42it's not right to keep the baby girl here for so long.
00:22:45Wait a minute, Ms. Eser.
00:22:47She's going to say something. We're waiting for her.
00:22:52I was going to say there's no need for a baby, ma'am.
00:22:55A baby?
00:22:57Where did she come from?
00:22:59Zeynep felt bad when she heard about the tragedy that happened to her mother.
00:23:03We said she should have a baby.
00:23:05We said she should be comfortable.
00:23:07You're right.
00:23:09I'll have a baby then.
00:23:11Don't worry.
00:23:18Stop! Where are you going?
00:23:25Stop! Where are you going?
00:23:29They won't let you in there. Where are you going?
00:23:54wait inside.
00:23:56I'll go get the baby.
00:23:58Ms. Eser,
00:24:00come here.
00:24:03You need to go to prison urgently.
00:24:06Find out what happened to that girl.
00:24:09Talk to her.
00:24:11I'll take care of the baby when I get back.
00:24:13Don't worry about her. I'll take care of the baby.
00:24:18you don't know how to take care of babies. Leave it to me.
00:24:21I said I'll take care of the baby.
00:24:29Where is your mother going?
00:24:31It's urgent.
00:24:33Don't worry.
00:24:35I'll bring you the baby.
00:24:39Where are you, Pecan?
00:24:43The one who doesn't give up is the one who should give up.
00:24:45The one who doesn't give up is the one who should give up.
00:25:10Gülen, are you okay?
00:25:13I'm fine.
00:26:18You weren't going to scream, were you?
00:26:20Look, they'll throw you out of here.
00:26:26Who is he?
00:26:28Where did you find him?
00:26:36They were going to catch him.
00:26:38They were going to catch him.
00:26:41Are you okay, dad?
00:26:46Are you okay?
00:26:48Okay, okay.
00:26:53You're burning up.
00:26:55I was going to run away.
00:26:57I was going to run away.
00:26:59I was going to go far away.
00:27:01Come on, dad.
00:27:03You can't be like this.
00:27:05Get some rest.
00:27:07Otherwise, we'll take you to the doctor.
00:27:09No, I can't.
00:27:10I have to go.
00:27:12Who said that, dad?
00:27:14Who are you?
00:27:22Who am I?
00:27:24Who are you? What are you?
00:27:28My name is...
00:27:34Levent Halkan.
00:27:36Okay, Levent.
00:27:38Come, dad.
00:27:40I'm ready.
00:27:42Come, come.
00:28:07Mrs. Ege.
00:28:09This is what you're going to examine, Zeynep.
00:28:14Get ready, daughter.
00:28:16I'll be right there.
00:28:18Don't hurt the baby.
00:28:20He might fall. God forbid.
00:28:22Mind your own business.
00:28:24I'm here, Zeynep.
00:29:06Come on, we're leaving.
00:29:08Leave your hands like this.
00:29:10Come on.
00:29:15He came to the house.
00:29:17What are you saying, daughter?
00:29:19They called him to the house to examine Zeynep.
00:29:21Mom, it's a matter of time before that girl's skin comes out.
00:29:24What did they say?
00:29:26Lie to your son until he writes.
00:29:28I'm going.
00:29:32We're going to be a father, God willing.
00:29:33That's right.
00:29:36And if it's a boy,
00:29:39the master is Sheikh Namzed.
00:29:42Naim, my brother.
00:29:48Ladies, what's going on?
00:29:53We were a little worried when we heard that Zeynep was coming to our daughter's house.
00:29:57I hope there is no problem with her pregnancy, God forbid.
00:30:01God forbid.
00:30:03You've been thinking a lot about Zeynep.
00:30:05It's beautiful.
00:30:07Of course.
00:30:09After all, it's like a miracle.
00:30:11Kuneyt, who can't even touch anyone,
00:30:15Zeynep is pregnant.
00:30:17And when there's a report on the contrary.
00:30:19If it's after that report, that means.
00:30:24The mirror doesn't stay at home.
00:30:26Oh, my God.
00:30:28Baby, how are we going to know?
00:30:30The barrier between husband and wife.
00:30:32But my Zeynep.
00:30:35Kuneyt Efendi has been healed, thank God.
00:30:40Mrs. Ebe.
00:30:44I'm a baby.
00:30:46Tell me.
00:30:51Tell me, Mrs. Ebe.
00:30:54Talk to me, woman. What are you looking at?
00:30:58I opened your eyes.
00:31:00Our baby is very healthy.
00:31:02There is no need to worry.
00:31:13Where are you, Pecan?
00:31:17The one who doesn't get used to it.
00:31:19The one who doesn't get used to it.
00:31:21Zeynep is not pregnant.
00:31:23They say bring Ebe.
00:31:24Whatever you do, convince Ebe.
00:31:26Our lie doesn't work.
00:31:29You're not going to keep Zeynep between four walls like this, are you?
00:31:34She needs clean air.
00:31:36She needs to see the sun.
00:31:41Get Mrs. Zeynep a room where she can see the sun.
00:31:45She can go out whenever she wants.
00:31:48She can go anywhere she wants.
00:31:50Up to the door.
00:31:54Of course.
00:32:07Come on, girl.
00:32:13Aunt, you saved me.
00:32:15For now.
00:32:17This baby thing is going to cause us a lot more trouble, Zeynep.
00:32:25You said you wouldn't look me in the eye.
00:32:28Even if it was your mother...
00:32:31I wouldn't look her in the eye.
00:32:33I didn't know, Mother.
00:32:35You're brave.
00:32:55It's a good thing.
00:32:57But it's obvious that...
00:32:59...you're helpless.
00:33:01If you look at the fact that Naim is still alive...
00:33:05...that knife...
00:33:07...you only held it with your hand.
00:33:11Not with your heart.
00:33:13If it was someone else, he wouldn't have been able to stand the blow.
00:33:16All the blood would have been spilled.
00:33:19But I...
00:33:20I'm not used to it.
00:33:23Nothing happened.
00:33:25The knife went in like it would go in.
00:33:27Nothing happened.
00:33:29He understood, but he's like a victim.
00:33:34It's like there's something else, Mother.
00:33:36Let go of the past.
00:33:38Look at the result, not the words.
00:33:40Now wake up.
00:33:42Wake up.
00:33:44Wake up.
00:33:47Wake up.
00:33:48Wake up.
00:33:50If he wakes up now...
00:33:52...if he tells you...
00:33:54...what do you think will happen?
00:33:56He wouldn't.
00:33:58Would he?
00:34:00He protected me.
00:34:02He didn't give up.
00:34:04What do you mean, he didn't give up?
00:34:06He didn't. He said he was innocent.
00:34:08He even said he helped.
00:34:10Why would a woman protect a murderer?
00:34:14Tell me.
00:34:16Why did Meryem protect you?
00:34:19Because I'm pregnant.
00:34:23Meryem couldn't pity me.
00:34:25She couldn't.
00:34:27She knew I was pregnant.
00:34:30She's a woman like Evliya.
00:34:48My child.
00:34:50Magic doesn't appear before the image disappears.
00:35:17Call, Meryem, call.
00:35:20He'll find you.
00:35:33It's been three days since the stabbing.
00:35:36Doesn't he react at all?
00:35:38Unfortunately, Mr. Levent...
00:35:40...he's still in a coma since the moment he arrived.
00:35:47Professor, this is...
00:35:49Yes, a deep coma.
00:35:51We don't know when he'll come out.
00:35:53Some cases can end badly...
00:35:55...unfortunately, for years.
00:35:58I'll leave you alone, Professor.
00:36:14Why, Meryem, why?
00:36:17Why did you go back to where that murderer was?
00:36:22We were going to protect you, we had taken care of everything.
00:36:26That murderer took the baby out of his womb and put you in this state.
00:36:30Why didn't you tell us the name of the person who did this to you?
00:36:37Why, Meryem, why?
00:36:39What's more important than a person's own life, his own life?
00:36:42What's beyond that?
00:36:43What more do you expect from this man?
00:36:45What more do you expect from him?
00:36:47Don't you think about your daughters?
00:36:49Mira lost her mother, Beste, for years.
00:36:53Maybe she'll lose you without even knowing you.
00:36:55Zeynep is in the hands of a man called Vahit.
00:37:07No, this is not mercy.
00:37:10This is not mercy, Meryem.
00:37:11This is not mercy, Meryem.
00:37:13Giving up your children,
00:37:15closing your eyes and walking to death,
00:37:18this is not mercy.
00:37:20You may have shown mercy.
00:37:23But I didn't show mercy.
00:37:27The man who took Beste out of his life,
00:37:30the man who put you in this state,
00:37:32will pay for it.
00:37:34He won't stay with you.
00:37:42So that's why he showed mercy to you, Meryem.
00:37:46And he heard the baby.
00:37:49He didn't hear.
00:37:53Look, mom.
00:37:55That woman, Mrs. Meryem,
00:37:58wasn't you or me.
00:38:00I didn't know I was pregnant.
00:38:02She knew.
00:38:04She didn't say, are you pregnant?
00:38:06She said, you're pregnant.
00:38:08What are you saying?
00:38:09I said, are you pregnant?
00:38:11What are you saying?
00:38:13I said, are you pregnant?
00:38:15Are you pregnant?
00:38:17Are you pregnant?
00:38:19She saved your daughter before she died.
00:38:26You can't ask God for his wisdom.
00:38:29What daughter?
00:38:31You tell me.
00:38:33Where did that baby come from?
00:38:35Where is your husband?
00:38:36Your husband?
00:38:38He's dead.
00:38:40His family?
00:38:42They don't know.
00:38:44They don't know about the baby?
00:38:46They don't know about you?
00:38:51Because he's not your husband.
00:38:55Who is he?
00:38:57What's his name?
00:39:06Write it down.
00:39:08What's his name?
00:39:10Where did he die?
00:39:12Write it down.
00:39:25I have to have the baby, Mrs. Meryem.
00:39:29Don't get close to Zeyna.
00:39:33Because it's a very ugly thing.
00:39:38It's a very bad way.
00:39:40What are they going to do to you, Mrs. Meryem?
00:39:42What's going to happen to me?
00:39:44I don't know what Mr. Mürşit will say about you.
00:39:49Abducting is a big sin.
00:39:56But something comes to my mind.
00:39:58Tell me, Mom.
00:40:00I'll do whatever it takes. Just get me out of this trouble.
00:40:04The baby.
00:40:07You'll give it to me.
00:40:11I'll find him a very good family.
00:40:14I won't do it for anyone else.
00:40:17Only because Mr. Fahit wants me to be related to you.
00:40:24No way.
00:40:26How can I do that?
00:40:29It's your job.
00:40:33If it's heard, it's a shame for the baby.
00:40:37His mother is in the morgue.
00:40:39How can you shelter where he's going?
00:40:41Abducting is a sin.
00:40:43It's obvious if he's born.
00:40:45Cruelty to him in every way.
00:40:47Maybe there's another way.
00:40:51How can I do it?
00:40:53Come and listen to me.
00:40:55Meryem has mercy on you.
00:40:56You do it to your baby.
00:41:02Rest assured.
00:41:04I'll find him a very good family.
00:41:06I'll find him a very good family.
00:41:25He ran to the sea, swallowed fish.
00:41:27It was disappearing.
00:41:29God took it from his hand.
00:41:35Mr. Yunus.
00:41:39Who are you?
00:41:42Where am I?
00:41:46My name is Lokman.
00:41:48There's a cigarette with ginger.
00:41:51Drink it, it's good for you.
00:41:56I gave it to you as a warning.
00:41:58You were in the mud.
00:42:00When you go home, you bring it back.
00:42:02What about your house?
00:42:06This came out of your pocket.
00:42:18What are these?
00:42:20These are old books that can't stand up.
00:42:24Or those who need repair or recovery.
00:42:28They bring them here.
00:42:31Is that your job?
00:42:33What you call writing, hands plant, tongue eats.
00:42:35I'm a stronghold.
00:42:38I'm the author of this library.
00:42:40I may be the last author in Istanbul.
00:42:43What about you?
00:42:45Your name is Levent.
00:42:47What do you do?
00:42:49Where are you from?
00:42:51Were you the owner of the dog that brought me?
00:42:53His name is Aşık.
00:42:55The dog has no owner.
00:42:57We live here together.
00:43:02Don't spread it out.
00:43:04Don't spread the subject.
00:43:07I asked you if you had a house or a home.
00:43:11I asked you three times.
00:43:13You didn't answer.
00:43:15Let's say I'm confused between old and tired books.
00:43:19Will you send it back?
00:43:21It's in multiple layers.
00:43:23It can't be in a book.
00:43:25You like science.
00:43:27The answer is the writing of the carpet.
00:43:28If you don't have a house,
00:43:30if Kadem brought you to this door,
00:43:32I guess I wouldn't fire you.
00:43:34But I won't let you sleep all day.
00:43:37Do you brew good tea?
00:43:39I don't know.
00:43:41Then your only chance is to learn seriously.
00:43:43Watch carefully.
00:44:06Tell me.
00:44:08The name you gave me.
00:44:10Furkan Meydeli.
00:44:12He died in a traffic accident 20 days ago.
00:44:14He was riding a motorcycle.
00:44:20In the name of God.
00:44:22In the name of God.
00:44:24In the name of God.
00:44:29You can't be a question of wisdom.
00:44:33The room is very nice, Zeynep.
00:44:35Suitable for mothers.
00:44:38Dad, is there any news from my mother?
00:44:41It's the same.
00:44:44I want to see my mother now.
00:44:46My baby will be a listener.
00:44:51My mother is still
00:44:53behind the murderer Mürşit.
00:44:55They say he's shedding tears.
00:44:57They say.
00:44:59Don't fool yourself.
00:45:01We all know who's behind this.
00:45:04Mürşit Efendi is not the only victim.
00:45:08Do you think it's normal for Meryem
00:45:10to attack the prison?
00:45:12Or Beste's accident?
00:45:14Did Beste have an accident?
00:45:16Look at what you're saying next to the pregnant girl.
00:45:20How is he? Is he okay?
00:45:22Unfortunately, aunt.
00:45:24There was an accident.
00:45:26He couldn't get out.
00:45:28May God have mercy on him.
00:45:31How is Miran now?
00:45:40Don't you have any work to do?
00:45:42You're in a mess with the women.
00:45:44I was just about to leave, ma'am.
00:45:47You know you're going to be a grandfather.
00:46:00You convinced the baby.
00:46:03There's still blood in this lodge
00:46:05when you say Cüneyt Efendi.
00:46:08I have news for you.
00:46:12Zeynep, I found a baby.
00:46:16What baby?
00:46:19A baby that is not wanted by his mother.
00:46:21It will be born in about eight months.
00:46:23It's a coincidence.
00:46:25God smiled on our faces.
00:46:27What do you mean?
00:46:29Am I really going to pretend to have a baby?
00:46:31Zeynep, if there's no baby,
00:46:33you can't get out of Bayit's bed.
00:46:41The choice is yours.
00:46:54Zeynep, let's get out of here.
00:46:56You'll be more comfortable.
00:46:58Let's run away. We'll find a way.
00:47:00No, aunt.
00:47:02Why? Why?
00:47:04Don't call me Cüneyt Efendi again.
00:47:06No, mom.
00:47:08I can only protect my mother while she's here.
00:47:12I haven't heard from her for a long time.
00:47:14My father came to see her.
00:47:16She's very angry.
00:47:19I mean, she shouldn't hear it, but I give her the right.
00:47:23I think from the very beginning,
00:47:25Levent's unconditional care for Meryem
00:47:28provoked her.
00:47:30That's why she covered it up and left.
00:47:32Well, the only thing I'm sure of
00:47:34is that the woman who raised him is responsible for his death,
00:47:37and the woman who gave birth to him.
00:47:39Meryem, Zeynep.
00:47:41She's the one to blame.
00:47:50I was able to catch up with you.
00:47:52How's Mira?
00:47:54She's with my father. She can't speak.
00:47:56I guess she's calmed down.
00:47:58How's Meryem?
00:48:00They say she's in a deep coma.
00:48:03We don't know when she'll wake up.
00:48:08I'll go check on Mira.
00:48:17Easy, easy, easy.
00:48:27How is she?
00:48:29She's more afraid of losing me than of giving birth.
00:48:33Even when she was a baby, she didn't have this softness in her arms.
00:48:37My dear daughter.
00:48:42Don't touch me.
00:48:44Don't touch me!
00:48:46Don't touch me!
00:48:48Mira, calm down, will you?
00:48:50Calm down.
00:48:52Do you think I'm going to forget that you touched my hair
00:48:55when you say, my dear daughter?
00:48:57Mira, he's your father.
00:49:01My father who took my mother from me.
00:49:03Mira, look, this behavior is not normal.
00:49:06Do you know what's normal, doctor?
00:49:09It's normal for my father to put another girl in my place
00:49:12and another woman in my mother's place.
00:49:16Which witness would you put this on?
00:49:19What kind of complex is this in your language?
00:49:22Mira, okay, that's enough.
00:49:24It's not enough!
00:49:27I'm going to fight with everyone who took my mother from me one by one.
00:49:33And you're better at this.
00:49:41It'll pass.
00:49:43It'll just take some time.
00:49:45I don't know, dad. I don't know.
00:49:52Meryem is in a vegetative state.
00:49:54Like a volcano.
00:49:56I don't know.
00:49:58They need to get together as soon as possible.
00:50:00They need each other. I can feel it.
00:50:02There's no guarantee that Meryem will get better.
00:50:03Don't make Mira suffer for the second time, son.
00:50:06No, dad.
00:50:10Meryem won't die.
00:50:12She's in a coma. What does the doctor say?
00:50:16A deep coma.
00:50:25Oh, my God.
00:50:27What are you looking at?
00:50:29Arif, we don't have much time.
00:50:30We don't have much time.
00:50:32We don't have much time, Birgul.
00:50:34Look, this man is going to get more cruel.
00:50:36You have to get out of here.
00:50:38This is wild. I know.
00:50:40If not today, tomorrow. If not tomorrow, the next day.
00:50:42It's your turn.
00:50:46Zeynep can't be like this.
00:50:48Meryem isn't here either.
00:50:50Then let's get married right now, Birgul.
00:50:52Right now.
00:50:54I mean, I can only protect you if we become husband and wife.
00:50:57You know what I'm saying.
00:51:03If Vahit notices me one day,
00:51:05at least you stay behind.
00:51:07You stay so that I don't have to worry about you.
00:51:09What are you talking about?
00:51:11Don't say that.
00:51:13You'll get hurt.
00:51:15I'll miss you.
00:51:17Let the earth pass.
00:51:19Let the storm come.
00:51:22We'll go to the garden of happiness that day.
00:51:24We'll go to the garden of happiness with you.
00:51:26Right after defeating that cruel man,
00:51:28you, me, Meryem, Zeynep, Sadik, Dain and Arif
00:51:31will have a lesson with seven shots of cannon fire.
00:51:45We are the owners of the house.
00:51:47They are the thieves.
00:51:51Did you make me a cake?
00:52:00Mom, I'm scared.
00:52:02Don't be scared.
00:52:18Does a mother
00:52:20care for her baby?
00:52:22She doesn't.
00:52:24Doesn't she throw her babies out of her nest?
00:52:27So that they can fly.
00:52:29If she waits,
00:52:31won't they fly?
00:52:33They'll be late.
00:52:35Is that why?
00:52:37Think about it.
00:52:39They're afraid.
00:52:41From above.
00:52:43They can't jump.
00:52:45But when their mothers throw them away,
00:52:47they fly
00:52:51You'll fly too, Zeynep.
00:52:53It's time.
00:53:06Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:09Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:12Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:15Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:17Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:21Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:47Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:50Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:53Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:56Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:53:59Don't be like a bird in a nest.
00:54:04You're looking at the numbers.
00:54:07Who are you?
00:54:09I have a question for you.
00:54:11Levent Alkanlı.
00:54:15Is he a doctor?
00:54:17Yes, he is.
00:54:19Is there anyone else?
00:54:25You're printing papers about the man you found.
00:54:28Print it and give it to me, okay?
00:54:30God bless you.
00:54:32Come on, you lost again.
00:54:39We're on the hospital's side.
00:54:41There's no change in the woman's condition.
00:54:44They increased the precautions, but
00:54:45the moment you gave instructions, as you ordered...
00:54:51The prosecutor's office couldn't reach anything.
00:54:53We took your precautions about the car.
00:54:55The matter is closed, you can count it.
00:54:59We can't find Mr. Cüneyt.
00:55:03The ground is cracked.
00:55:09You will collect as many books as you see.
00:55:12More important than all of them.
00:55:13And your son.
00:55:15Come in.
00:55:37I'm Zeynep, born of Meryem.
00:55:38I'm Zeynep, born of Meryem.
00:55:40In return for not touching my mother again,
00:55:43I ask for every service under this roof.
00:55:45You're born of Naim, Zeynep.
00:55:47Who said you touched your mother?
00:55:50You have two voices.
00:55:52One is the voice you make to the people outside,
00:55:55and the other is the voice you make to my mother in the hospital.
00:55:59My mother taught me how to distinguish the voices.
00:56:06So you have two voices, huh?
00:56:08I'm sure you have other voices, too.
00:56:10If I stay with you...
00:56:12What can you do for me,
00:56:15with this burden on your head,
00:56:17Zeynep, born of Meryem?
00:56:20Come in.
00:56:25Mrs. Zeynep, your mother has a guest.
00:56:29And who is this uninvited guest?
00:56:31It's Dr. Levent's daughter, sir.
00:56:35Of course, he lost his mother, poor baby.
00:56:41See you.
00:56:44Which voice was that?
00:57:03I'm sorry.
00:57:05Get out of here.
00:57:06Didn't you come to watch the fireworks?
00:57:08Don't do that.
00:57:10What did I do wrong?
00:57:12My mother is dead.
00:57:14Are you aware that my mother is dead?
00:57:16You've been following the killers since the day you stepped out of our door.
00:57:22We were hurting you.
00:57:24We were hurting.
00:57:26You stole my grandfather, my father, my mother,
00:57:30but it wasn't enough, you killed my mother.
00:57:31How is my mother?
00:57:34Don't you know how my mother is?
00:57:36You don't know.
00:57:38Even if you don't have half your courage, you sit like a sheep and wait.
00:57:41As if you don't know anything.
00:57:44You hide from fear, you can't raise your head.
00:57:52Mira, enough.
00:57:54Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
00:57:56Are you like them?
00:57:58I'm aware.
00:57:59I'm aware.
00:58:01Everything will change when Cüneyt comes.
00:58:03He will come.
00:58:08We understand you're in pain.
00:58:10But we've heard your slander.
00:58:12If you have a problem,
00:58:14go to that coffin court that has no punishment for slandering us.
00:58:19Come on.
00:58:25Let me go.
00:58:26Don't touch me.
00:58:27I'll go myself.
00:58:29Let me go.
00:58:33The polytheists wanted proof to believe in God.
00:58:38They were running to see Him.
00:58:41But we know very well
00:58:43that they have eyes but they don't see.
00:58:47They have hearts, but they don't die.
00:58:50You're not one of them.
00:58:53See, this girl is telling you a proof.
00:58:56As long as they find an opportunity, they won't let you breathe in peace.
00:59:03Why did I let this bastard do it?
00:59:06See the proof of that girl's hatred.
00:59:10I want you to know.
00:59:26Hello, Mr. Levent, this is Abdul Vahid Güneş.
00:59:35What do you want?
00:59:36The girl came to our lodge.
00:59:38She said she was deaf.
00:59:39But I didn't say anything, I sent her off politely.
00:59:42What are you talking about? Where is Miran?
00:59:44If you leave your daughter alone like you couldn't take care of your late wife,
00:59:49God forbid, you'll be in trouble.
00:59:54Are you threatening me?
01:00:05Miran, where are you?
01:00:06You're coming to the hospital right now.
01:00:08I don't want any objections.
01:00:09You're coming to the hospital right now.
01:00:19Come on.
01:00:20It's obvious where the lion sleeps.
01:00:26I'm coming.
01:00:46Good news.
01:00:49You're tired.
01:00:50Get some rest.
01:00:54No, I'm fine.
01:00:55Besides, the bite was good for me.
01:00:58It's good for me, too.
01:01:00It'll make your existence better.
01:01:03You'll stay here as long as you want.
01:01:11You're very sensitive to books.
01:01:14I'm sensitive to dust and garbage.
01:01:20Don't touch the table now.
01:01:25I'm sorry.
01:01:31He'll fire you, Lokman.
01:01:33Let's get out of here before he does.
01:01:56I swear, if it's our neighborhood, we'll find it.
01:02:00Don't call it a parking lot, a street, a road.
01:02:03It's everywhere.
01:02:04Mavi, Paneva.
01:02:05Everyone will look.
01:02:06And send my regards.
01:02:09They'll look with caution.
01:02:10I even told them, sir.
01:02:12I hope we'll find the car.
01:02:14Come on, Hasan.
01:02:15We were talking to Arif.
01:02:18Well, the doctor's daughter came, Zeynep.
01:02:21I was going to tell you, Zeynep.
01:02:24What's up?
01:02:25What's this car thing, Sadi?
01:02:40This is Levent Khojman's wife's funeral.
01:02:42The girl is with Zeynep now, because of you.
01:02:45Levent Khojman's wife's funeral.
01:02:47He told her.
01:02:49A blue car hit his wife.
01:02:50He says it's your car.
01:02:52What car, what doctor, Sadi?
01:02:54Isn't what you saw enough?
01:02:56Aren't you going to sit where you sit, sir?
01:02:58This man cut his arm.
01:03:00Did your father hear us?
01:03:02This man is a father killer.
01:03:04Didn't you tell him yourself?
01:03:05He made my son crazy, in front of all of us.
01:03:08Didn't you see?
01:03:09Do you want us to bleed, Sadi?
01:03:11What else will you see in this life?
01:03:14First, you'll think about your wife and daughter.
01:03:16I swear, Mrs. Aslan.
01:03:18From now on, if it's blue, it's blue.
01:03:22If it's a car, it's a car.
01:03:25No one can say goodbye to Sadi...
01:03:28...who can't get his father's letter.
01:03:42Every door opens with a possibility.
01:03:45Every possibility is a possibility.
01:03:53The dead are alive.
01:03:56The living are dead.
01:04:10Did you call me here for Meryem?
01:04:12Did you call me here for Meryem?
01:04:16I don't see any of these people anymore.
01:04:18That's why you went to the cultists.
01:04:21I went to show them that I'm not afraid of them.
01:04:24Didn't you tell yourself?
01:04:26Isn't death an accident?
01:04:29Everything was easier when you were little.
01:04:32It was easier to protect you.
01:04:36You used to hang on to your feet.
01:04:39You used to hold your ears if something exploded.
01:04:41Now, when you grow up...
01:04:42You don't have to protect me from the truth.
01:04:44Yes, the truth.
01:04:49Okay, that's why I didn't call you here.
01:04:52I want you to help me.
01:04:55I'm going to empty the room in the hospital.
01:04:59I'm going to help Esra.
01:05:00Esra is taking care of her grandfather.
01:05:02I mean, the files are going to be collected.
01:05:05It needs to be submitted.
01:05:06You're good at this.
01:05:08Since childhood.
01:05:10We're not going to talk, okay?
01:05:11I won't say a word.
01:05:13I promise. We'll be quiet, okay?
01:05:15But if you want to talk, that's different.
01:05:17I don't think so.
