$500K Passive Income

  • last week
How and why this platform can make you 500k in 3 years as you do nothing, but live a life. No promoting needed to earn.
00:00All right, so earnings report is right here.
00:08So this is how much I've earned since April 27th, over $97,000.
00:16But that's a mixture between what I've received from the earnings from the bot, and then the
00:21commissions on the affiliate side.
00:24And then this right here, if I hover over, it's going to show you how much money I've
00:28made over the past week, today, almost $2,000, yesterday, 18, and so on.
00:35A lot of this is really because of the affiliate side.
00:39I've been helping people onboard and activate their bots like a madman.
00:44It's been insane.
00:45So over here, pending transactions, this is going to be the deposits coming in and the
00:51withdrawals going out.
00:53All that's going to be pending here.
00:55The wallet balance, so that ROI that you receive on a day-to-day basis, that will
01:00appear here, as well as the money that gets approved after it is pending that you deposit,
01:08that will also appear here.
01:10And as you can see, initially I started with like 10 grand, and then I put in some extra
01:15money just to play with on some smaller bots.
01:20But since April 27th, I've already withdrawn over $34.7,000.
01:28And if we scroll down here, this slideshow is going to showcase to you how many bots
01:33I have activated, and I only have four.
01:36You can have as many bots as you'd like.
01:39If David Lisiaga were to be on here and showcase his back office, he's got over 30 bots.
01:45Reason being is because this top-up feature that I'll go over later, this actually was
01:49not a feature when we first started.
01:52So if we wanted to reinvest our money, you know, four or five months ago, we had to wait
01:58until the bot, you know, made us enough money to, like, if I wanted another All-Master bot,
02:03I would have to wait for this to hit five grand for me to then go move this money into
02:09a brand new All-Master bot.
02:11But now that we have this top-up feature, we can just move whatever's in our wallet
02:15balance into an already activated bot.
02:19So it's going to showcase some statistics here, but more of the statistics will be in
02:25the portfolio section.
02:27Of course, your referral link will be on the bottom here, and then this portfolio tracker,
02:32it's going to showcase how much money has been in your bots total.
02:39So currently, I've got 65.5K active between four bots, and this completed right here,
02:47this is just showcasing that I've, I had a bot that I've withdrawn the capital from.
02:52So then, you know, that bot's completed or expired, and that just appears here.
02:58So this is cryptocurrency-based.
03:01And so you can deposit funds using Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin,
03:07and then these four are, you know, stablecoins.
03:10Out of all these options, I normally tell people to do the USDC route.
03:14I'd rather do, I'd rather have people choose a stablecoin over Bitcoin or anything else
03:19due to the volatility, you know, the cryptocurrency nature of these alternative coins.
03:25It's just best if you use a stablecoin so you can, don't have to deal with the volatility,
03:30you know.
03:31But yeah, same thing with the withdrawals, you can choose any of those, history, go to
03:39the earning, or here, just to show you real quick.
03:43The reason why this, these are failed, it's just because I was showcasing live to people
03:50how to deposit and such.
03:51So I had to tell the founders to, you know, cancel these for me.
03:57This earnings section, it's going to show you, this isn't really the transparency dashboard
04:03that's going to be released, but if you wanted to see specifically what numbers are being
04:08allocated to you eight times a day, six days a week, go over to the earnings tab and it's
04:12going to show you everything, even the referral bonuses and all of that.
04:18And I got 341 pages showcasing all of that.
04:22And then of course the withdrawals, and as you can see, I've been making withdrawals
04:28Of course, the ones that have failed were the ones that I told them to cancel.
04:34And then my biggest withdrawal, let me see where was it, 15 grand right here.
04:39I onboarded somebody who brought in over $150,000 one go.
04:44So that was a straight $15,000 withdrawal.
04:49Now the main event, the investment plans.
04:54So there's the LTSP bot, which stands for the Long-Term Savings Plan.
04:58This is the newest bot that was recent, I would say was released about seven, eight
05:04weeks ago.
05:05This literally came out the same week the Black Swan event happened in the stock market.
05:11So this bot is very different compared to the three OG bots down here, being the Safe
05:16Saver bot, Swift Trade bot, and All Master bot.
05:19So with the LTSP bot, this is the only one that has a crazy investment duration period
05:26being three years.
05:28And so this one also compared to the others is the only one that has a maximum stake in
05:34being a thousand bucks.
05:36So you could put as low as $100 in this, or as much as a thousand bucks in this, your
05:40account or your bot is going to make you 1% per day.
05:45But this has an auto compounding mechanism involved in this.
05:49So if you were to put a hundred bucks, the next day you're going to earn a dollar.
05:53Now the bot will start earning that 1% off of that new capital amount.
06:00So if you know anything about the compound effect, you know, your $100 compounded every
06:07day for three years will literally convert over to $541,000.
06:14It sounds insane.
06:15I'll literally show you over here, there's a portfolio calculator, LTSP, I'll put in
06:19a hundred bucks.
06:22And so yeah, after 1,095 days, $541,000.
06:29I have an external calculator in a PDF format that showcases day one, all the way to, you
06:38know, three years that really delves into that visually what every single day it looks
06:42like up until the $541,000 mark.
06:49And then ending with this, the LTSP bot trades, all the bots trade eight hours a day, six
06:54days a week.
06:56For this one, for you to be able to withdraw a return on your investment, you would have
07:00to wait until after the investment duration period is over, being three years.
07:06Now the OG bots right here, big difference compared to the LTSP bot.
07:13If you're looking at this, the number one moneymaker is going to be the all master bot.
07:17I'm going to be real frank with you guys.
07:18I do not sell the safe saver bot or the switch trade bot.
07:23If you've got four grand saved up, you might as well just save up another thousand dollars
07:28just so that you can take advantage of these higher percentage gains.
07:34Safe saver bot, you put a hundred bucks in this, you do the math, you're really going
07:38to average about like 80 cents to a dollar a day.
07:42You know, that's not going to make you rich.
07:43That's not going to make you money.
07:45Sure that's better than a high yield savings account, but I mean, if I'm bringing you onto
07:51this and you want to make money, do anything that you can possible to acquire five grand
07:58at minimum.
07:59Both the OPM route, OPM meaning other people's money, take out a loan.
08:06I say that because I actually have a lot of people that have done that.
08:10So if we were to do this math real quick here, and before I say the math, the number one
08:16fact that you need to know here is that you'll never receive anything less than the percentages
08:21on the left, and you'll never make anything more than the percentages on the right.
08:26So just by knowing that, that main fact, you can pretty much come into this and gauge approximately
08:32what you can make out of this.
08:35So I already know the math on top of my head for the, for the all master bot, since that's
08:39what I push on a day to day basis.
08:41Every five grand into an all master bot is going to average you about $76 a day.
08:47And I say average, which is based off of the, the mean between this ratio here.
08:52So based on 0.19%, you'll average about $76 a day, every day, six days a week.
09:02So if you were to not take advantage of the affiliate side, where you earn those commissions
09:07or referral bonuses, and you were to not top up at all, it would take you about 2.8
09:15It would take you about 2.8 months for you to recoup your investment back with the all
09:21master bot.
09:23Not including the fact that again, you can top up earning you, you know, a higher yield,
09:29or the fact that you can, you know, share this opportunity with others, help people
09:32get onboarded and, you know, get a commission.
09:36Top up what, like your, the profits that you've made for that day?
09:39So I'll, I'll literally show you right now.
09:43So if I go to dashboard, I've got $540 in my wallet balance right now, I'm going to
09:48go and top up just to show you guys live.
09:51So over here, it gives you the ability to select one of the portfolios that you have
09:57available or your investment plans or bots, however you want to explain it to people.
10:02So I'm going to choose this all master bot that I have here.
10:06So remember, it's got $20,000 in it.
10:08I'm going to go ahead and put 500 bucks, I'm going to top this up, proceed with top up.
10:14Now I'm going to go to my portfolio.
10:17Now that all master bot that had $20,000 now has $20,500 in capital.
10:23So starting tomorrow, or since there's two more allocation hours today, I'll be receiving
10:30a higher amount of ROI due to the fact that my capital has increased.
10:37Just to showcase to you guys here, I've got three all master bots.
10:41One has 25 grand, one has 20K, one that's a 20.5K and then my LTSP bot has $500 in it.
10:49So it's, this is going to showcase all the statistics that you need to see.
10:56A lot of people ask me when they see this, they ask me two questions.
11:00What is this duration?
11:02What does this mean?
11:03So it's showcasing 288 days.
11:06So if I go back to the investment plans, I scroll down and I look at these three, it's
11:11going to tell you at the last bulletin that the investment duration period is 365 days.
11:18So on the other tab, it said 288.
11:22So out of the 365 days, there are 288 trading days.
11:28So keep that in mind.
11:29They deduct, you got to deduct the Sundays and then the certain holidays where there
11:34is no trading.
11:35So that's where that 288 comes from.
11:39Now the other thing to this, the second question is, you know, my bots have been working for
11:45me for a while.
11:46Like this one's been working for me for 130 days, but why is it that my capital locking
11:51period is so high?
11:55Because all these should actually be unlocked.
11:57So the reason being is because there's actually a caveat to using this top up feature.
12:03Every single time you click on that top up and you top up any of your bots, it's going
12:08to extend your capital locking period an extra five days.
12:12That's it.
12:13An extra five days.
12:14So depending on how you look at it, how I look at it is, you know, this, this locking
12:22period to me doesn't matter because I'm leaving my capital in here for the entire duration
12:30period being a year.
12:33So if you just come into this with that mentality, leaving your money here for a year, it shouldn't
12:40matter, you know, that your capital is being locked, you know.
12:45But this capital locking period naturally for the all master bot gets released to you
12:50after 50 days.
12:51So you're going to have the ability to withdraw that capital if you wanted to.
12:56Obviously if you were to do so, then you will no longer be receiving that ROI daily, six
13:02days a week.
13:05So yeah, I lost my train of thought real quick.
13:09You guys have any questions about this right here?
13:13Oh, does the all master bot, does that do the compounding also?
13:17So with any of these three OG bots, you would have to manually do the topping up.
13:24The LTSP is the only thing that auto compounds or auto tops up itself.
13:30But maybe in the future they'll put that into these or the auto?
13:35No, no, that would only pertain to specifically the LTSP bot only.
13:41So, you know, if you were to, if you were to add the ROI that you're receiving day to
13:46day into this, then you're not really, you're not, you're not withdrawing anything.
13:50If people want to be able to make daily withdrawals, then you wouldn't be topping up.
13:55If you were to top up and you have like a long capital withdrawal period, then you wouldn't
14:01be able to withdraw anything until after that capital withdrawal period is over.
14:05You know what I mean?
14:09So you will have to wait 50 days minimum before you can withdraw?
14:14So you can make withdrawals on your return on investment 48 hours after you've made your
14:20investment on that bot.
14:21You can make daily withdrawals if you want.
14:23I'm just saying that if you were to put five grand into your all master bot, that five
14:27grand, you cannot withdraw that five grand until after your, your locking period is over.
14:35But keeping in mind that if you were to withdraw that capital, you lose out on your ROI daily
14:42So you should be looking at this as leaving it as a one year long investment.
14:48So again, if you were to not, or if you were, yeah, if you were to not top up and not take
14:53advantage of the affiliate side, you'll recoup your investment back after around 2.8 months.
14:59And I say that because if you do the math, every five grand in an all master bot is going
15:05to average you about $76 a day.
15:07So multiply that by six, since we get allocated funds Monday through Saturday.
15:12So that's about 456 bucks.
15:14And again, that's based off of 0.19%.
15:17So multiply that by four, that's over 1800 bucks, multiply that by 2.8.
15:25And that gives you a little over $5,000.
15:29So I have people on my team that are taking advantage of the affiliate side, and they
15:32joined three weeks ago, and they've already recouped their investment back.
15:37So I always tell everybody, the number one thing should be is recoup your investment
15:42back, make that full withdrawal.
15:44So that weights off your shoulders, and now you're playing with house money, you're letting
15:47the house money work for you, you got that house money locked in here, you should have
15:51that mentality to leave it there for the 365 days, and you should be topping up every day.
15:57So the last thing about that top up feature is the fact that the minimum deposit to top
16:03up is $50.
16:05So keep that in mind $50.
16:07So if you were to do the math for let's say a safe saver bot, let's say you were to put
16:11100 bucks into this and you want it to top up, you'd be averaging about 80 cents to $1
16:18a day.
16:19And you can't top up unless you have a minimum of 50 bucks, it would take you 50 days for
16:25you to be able to top up.
16:29So that's why I really don't push this.
16:33But knowing that at minimum, based on 0.17%, and I'll showcase this to you visually, all
16:40master bot, I'll put five grand.
16:44Before I further go into depth on what I was going to explain, the numbers that they showcase
16:49here, the estimated earnings, this is based off of worst case scenario.
16:54So worst case scenario, being the percentage on the left side, that low end.
17:03So I'll go back, all master bot, five grand.
17:08So worst case scenario, every day, if you were getting allocated eight times a day,
17:12that 0.17%, you'll make $68 a day every day, which is a good thing because to top up, it's
17:22a minimum of 50 bucks.
17:25So with an all master bot at base, you're able to top up every single day.
17:30So that pushes you further, yeah.
17:35Every single day.
17:37And then after the 365 days, again, these numbers are just based off the 0.17%.
17:44And if you're not pushing the affiliate side, after your year, you're going to get released
17:49to you $24,584.
17:52So they're adding that five grand into this because once your bot expires, your capital
17:59will naturally be released back to you.
18:02That amount's just going to appear in your wallet balance.
18:06So after that year, it's going to be up to you to decide whether you want to continue
18:10the investment and activate a new bot or just withdraw your money completely.
18:15Make sense?
18:18So that amount, that's what topping up every day?
18:22The $24,000?
18:25This is...
18:26No, no.
18:27This is like you not topping up at all.
18:29And this is if you were getting allocated that 0.17% eight times a day, every day, six
18:36days a week for the entire year.
18:39This is what it would look like at absolute worst case scenario.
18:43So what would it look like if you top up every day with that five grand?
18:48I was just going to say that.
18:51I think like double, no?
18:53It'd be more.
18:54Yeah, more than that.
18:56It depends on how you top up because I have people that top up once a week.
19:01Me personally, I top up every day.
19:03I top up every single time I have $1,000 in my wallet balance.
19:08So if I were to top up every day versus you topping up once per week, our portfolio...
19:15If you two were to start at 10K each, and let's say Steven, you were to top up every
19:21day while Ivan, you were to top up once per week, Steven would be making more money in
19:28the long run because he has money working for him on a day-to-day basis, whereas you,
19:35you're topping up once per week.
19:37You have a portion of your money that's just sitting here idle, not working for you.
19:42There is no portfolio calculator for topping up because it's going to be different for
19:46everybody based on how exactly you're topping up.
19:51It would be a nice chunk though.
19:55And that should be the number one thing you should do after you recoup your investment
20:00Top up as much as you can until you're happy and content with the daily ROI that you're
20:06So me, since day one, I came into this like, okay, I want to come into this, I want to
20:10make a thousand dollars a day.
20:13So that is literally where I'm at.
20:18I've got, yeah, I've got 66 grand in my, in all of my bots.
20:23So you were to take out your phone, do $66,000 and multiply that by 0.19%, which is that
20:31the mean between the 0.17 to 0.20, the all master, that's a, it comes to $125.
20:39So that's my hourly amount, the average hourly amount.
20:43So multiply that by eight, I'm at a thousand dollars a day, every day, six days a week.
20:50I love how you have such a, such a good like grip on the entire platform and all the calculations
20:57and like, you really, you really know this shit inside out.
21:01So I'm here at this level because I've been trying to become more of a valuable asset
21:07to Alex.
21:08Alex is one of the two founders.
21:11And there's been a lot of, like the platform itself, the moneymaking, everything has been
21:17phenomenal, but there's been certain things where ClockWage has been lacking, being in
21:24the social media department, being, you know, there, there were no live webinars or anything.
21:29So like somebody had to step up and create those social platforms, you know, host these
21:35live webinars.
21:36And I just was like, you know what, like it's working for me.
21:39I want this to work for everybody.
21:41So I was willing to step out of my comfort zone and start these live webinars.
21:46I hosted webinars, I host webinars, scheduled webinars twice a week, every week.
21:51I've been doing it for three months.
21:53But of course I'll have like these spontaneous webinars where somebody wants to chat now
21:57and he's got like five people, 12 people, you know, with them and they want to see something
22:03I, I do this every day, every single day.
22:07So now I'm, I'm a lot more comfortable.
22:09I get more comfortable as time progresses and I explain this more and more thoroughly.
22:14So I enjoy it.
22:15You know, every single person that has been active, they've, they've all had a positive
22:21And that is no fluff.
22:23Everybody has had a positive experience.
22:25People are making withdrawals.
22:26I tell people, start making withdrawals your first week, just so you can test it out.
22:31You know, if you want to make daily withdrawals until you recoup your investment, go for it.
22:36Or what you could do that may be better, dependent on how you think about it, cut what you make
22:43in half, withdraw half, and then reinvest the other half so that, you know, you're every
22:50day you're earning more money.
22:51And then at the same time, now every day you have withdrawals that now you can showcase
22:55to somebody.
22:57You know, just to showcase the transparency and, you know, your progression and whatnot,
23:01but everybody's a different type of investor and you can do it however you see fit.
23:05You don't even have to make withdrawals if you don't want to, or even to go around that
23:11too, you could even create an account and not have to fund your account to even make
23:15money with this.
23:16So what I mean by that is if I were to click this affiliate button, which I'm not, it takes,
23:22it takes like eight minutes for this to load.
23:24So I already have it loaded here just because my team is so, oh wow, somebody signed up
23:29six people today.
23:30That's crazy.
23:31Oh, it takes long for it to load because you're, you have a lot of layers of people.
23:38So just to showcase this to you guys, on the affiliate side, I've earned over $46,000.
23:42Hold on, let me double check this.
23:45I think somebody, I don't know, I could have sworn somebody, it looked like somebody put
23:53in a big bunch of money, but anyways, my total team deposit is a $629,000.
23:59I have a total amount of 360 or 306 people on my team.
24:04And this conversion rate right here means that 31% of the 306 people are currently active.
24:11Active as in activated any bot, whether that be, you know, a hundred dollar bot, $5,000
24:17bot, you know.
24:18So just a little down here, you can see green meaning active, obviously red meaning inactive.
24:24And you can see how much people have invested, you know, and it really ranges.
24:30Everybody's different.
24:32You can see here, Steven Davis, he put a $150,000.
24:35I got 15 grand like that.
24:38The second somebody activates their bot, you instantly get, and when I say instant, like
24:43the second they press the button is the second you receive your referral bonus.
24:49So you got Junior Zapata in there?
24:52Oh yeah, bro.
24:53So I'll, yeah, just to show you guys, I got Junior, Jay Zapps, I've got Eric Turner, I've
25:02got Gregory under, yeah, I got all of them.
25:08But Greg and Eric have actually had their accounts for a while and they haven't done
25:13anything and they're, they haven't because they're scared because their network is exhausted.
25:23Rugpulls, you guys already know.
25:26I just went through something myself.
25:28That's why it took so long to take action with you because people are constantly trying
25:32to pull me here, pull me there, pull me here.
25:34And I'm losing money and I'm burning my network.
25:37And I'm like, I just told Ivan, he lost money because of some shit that, you know, and I'm
25:43just done with this.
25:44So whoever wants to show me an opportunity, you have to get on Zoom with me like this.
25:48You have to show me what it is you're earning.
25:50Like I need full like disclosure, like I'm not playing that game anymore of people just,
25:58you know, it seems like, it seems like everyone's just like trying to get over with like scams
26:04pretty much.
26:05For real.
26:07So I haven't talked to Greg directly about this.
26:10Eric was the one that talked to him directly and I speak, I, I used to be connected with
26:15Eric because we would trade together, prop firm trading, you know, we did that for a
26:21while up until, you know, the rules and regulations all changed and everything.
26:25And then we just kind of dispersed from there.
26:28But then I brought this up to him and, you know, he straight up was not about it, but
26:32he kept seeing, you know, my, my progression.
26:35So on social media, I post every single day.
26:39I take a snapshot of my earnings and the progression every single day.
26:43I don't even, I don't hide the affiliate side or anything.
26:45I'm like real transparent with everything.
26:50Even my top ups, I'll explain to people, I just topped up, you know, this and that.
26:53So Eric, you know, saw that and he was just like, you know, we talked about it.
26:57And then I was like, how about this?
26:59Why don't I just get you a funded account?
27:03And if you like what you see, then, you know, talk to a couple of people about it.
27:09The first person he talked to was Greg.
27:11I got both of them funded accounts, but they've had their accounts for over three
27:15months or two months or something like that.
27:17And they haven't brought in a single soul.
27:20Eric watches this still.
27:23I still talk to him weekly about this.
27:25But he's really waiting for ClockWitch 2.0 once that
27:29transparency dashboard comes out.
27:31That's the number one thing that most crypto Forex day trade heavy people are
27:36looking for is that transparency, which ClockWitch is going to be giving us.
27:40And I'll go over that in a little bit.
27:42I'll open up a PDF for you guys.
27:44But the last thing that I'll express here is that this is a four tier matrix.
27:49So, you know, your level ones, your direct referrals, you'll make 10%.
27:52Level two is 5%, level three, 3%, level four, 2%.
27:56So this is based off of, you make these referral bonuses off of the first
28:03activation of somebody's bot and the second activation of somebody's bot.
28:07That's it.
28:09You don't see commissions after that or past level four.
28:13So if you point on building this out, 10 levels, 20 levels deep, you only
28:18see commissions for levels deep period.
28:21But there's going to be incentives with ClockWitch 2.0 to
28:26really push the affiliate side.
28:28So I'm going to go over that now.
28:29If I can find, let me download this real quick.
28:35There's a PDF.
28:39I'll show it to you guys real quick.
28:50Let's see.
28:52All right.
28:56So this is straight from corporate.
28:58They sent it over to me.
29:00The future of advanced bot trades is here.
29:03ClockWitch 2.0 is coming October 15th.
29:07This is what we've all been waiting for.
29:09Yada, yada, yada, yada.
29:11Sleek new interface.
29:12So what you see here, this is not what it's going to look like in a couple of weeks.
29:17It's going to be completely amped, revamped, advanced functionality,
29:23enhanced performance.
29:26Skipping through this to show you guys the nuggets.
29:29So key features, number one, the trading transparency dashboard.
29:33So we're going to have real time access to bot trading performance, trade
29:37histories, blockchain confirmation.
29:38So really, I have people that really just want the on-chain data.
29:43That's going to be enough for them to validate everything because you can't
29:48manipulate the blockchain data.
29:50Outside of that, the account strength and statistics that I don't really
29:54personally care about, but we're going to have two new earning bots.
29:58And I'll go over that in a little bit.
30:01So before I express this, when it comes to withdrawals, yes, you can make daily
30:06withdrawals, but your withdrawals get approved within 24 to 48 hours and they
30:13approve them in bulk.
30:14So what I mean by that is a clock wage has to go through their own, you know,
30:20withdrawal and processing fees for each individual withdrawal.
30:25So instead of doing each individual withdrawal and going through, you know,
30:29so many processing fees, they'll just approve everything in bulk so that they
30:33just go through one fee.
30:36So just knowing that a clock wage 2.0, you can make daily withdrawals within 24
30:43to 48 hours.
30:44And then with clock wage 2.0 coming out, they're going to release expedited
30:49So they're going to be giving us the ability to pay the fee because clock wage
30:55doesn't allow us to pay that fee.
30:59And that fee is, I think it's going to be like 1.5% if you want to withdraw your
31:04And I think there's a page underneath this that'll express more into depth on
31:09And then we have enhanced residual income opportunities, which is going to be the
31:13last thing I talk about.
31:15So the ByteBot, this is going to earn you 2% per day, flat rate, 2% a day, every
31:22day, six days a week, $10,000 minimum.
31:25You could put in a hundred grand, a million dollars in this, if you wanted to
31:29trading eight hours a day, six days a week, as I mentioned withdrawals on the
31:33ROI, 48 hours after the investment has been made.
31:37The only difference is that this is 15 days longer.
31:42It has a 15 day longer period for the capital withdrawal period over the
31:46All-Master Bot.
31:48But again, if you're coming into this with the mentality to leave this for a
31:52year, then 65 days is nothing.
31:54Personally, I'm staking cryptocurrency projects and tokens for four years.
31:59So 65 days to me is nothing, even a year.
32:02So, what I was going to ask, this freaking dog is going crazy over here.
32:10Go over there.
32:12All right.
32:13So what would you suggest is the best way to maximize your profit then with the
32:19All-Bot that you're talking about?
32:22The All-Master Bot?
32:23Yeah, the All-Master Bot, yeah.
32:26So the number one thing should be to recoup your investment back.
32:31So you obviously being a minimum five grand, you can put as much as you want,
32:34six grand, 10 grand, a hundred grand, however much you want.
32:38It's all going to be the same.
32:39You'll recoup your investment back after, like right before.
32:43Two months, right?
32:43A little over two months, right?
32:45Yeah, yeah.
32:45Before your third month, not including the affiliate side, if you're earning
32:49those commissions, of course.
32:53So just, if you want to maximize this as best as you can, top up as much as you
32:59freaking can, man.
33:00Top up every 500 bucks, top up every thousand dollars like I am, or just top up
33:07whatever is in your wallet balance after the trading day is over, which is 2 p.m.
33:14Yeah, that's how I'm going to do it after every trading day.
33:17So they allocate funds to us starting at seven in the morning, Eastern Standard
33:20Time, and then ending at 2 p.m.
33:24So whatever you see in there, top that, that, that girl up.
33:30How long has this company been around already?
33:33So ClockWage has been around since March 1st, newly emerged.
33:38They purchased the domain January 13th off of a company.
33:43And just to be transparent with you guys, I'm sure you guys will
33:46do your Google research.
33:49It's very hard finding anything on ClockWage because they're so new.
33:53But I will say, if you were to go on Google, obviously the page, so this
34:00scam detector, and you guys, if you remember, wake up now, all, all,
34:05everything is on scam detector sites, you know, the information here is actually
34:12invalid because this is a completely, this was the company that owned ClockWage
34:19or the domain before the current ClockWage.
34:22So I even confirmed this with the owners.
34:24I was just like, you know, are you guys based in Australia or New Zealand and
34:27whose hands trade investments?
34:29And they, they are not affiliated with this company at all.
34:33They're not based in New Zealand.
34:34Nobody's in New Zealand.
34:36So this is all based on the people that owned the domain prior to, you know, to
34:45the current founders, just so you guys know.
34:48So like a lot of the time people come here and they're like, oh, like, I don't
34:52like the reviews here.
34:54And I'm like, what reviews?
34:55There are no reviews.
34:56This is just saying that, like, if we scroll down risk factors it's a new
35:02website, it's, it's saying there's no testimonials here telling me that, you
35:09know, this person had a hard time making withdrawals and yada yada.
35:13So just to let you guys know ahead of time.
35:16And you can even look up like reviews on scam detector.
35:20And this has a one out of five rating.
35:23They literally get paid to put new companies on, you know, the low end, not
35:29just Forex trading companies, people of every niche.
35:34Uh, what else?
35:35What else?
35:35Oh, so the last thing I was saying about the bots, it was the, this token master
35:40bot, you can earn 3% daily, a flat rate of course, but it's a $50,000 minimum.
35:45And then this one's got an capital withdrawal period, um, or
35:49locking period of 85 days.
35:51So if you do the math here, I think, I think 50 grand in this is going to give
35:57somebody $1,500 a day, every day, not including the ability to top up earning
36:03more money every day, yada, yada.
36:06So this, this is, this is crazy.
36:09Would I be able to, would I be able to scale up from the one?
36:12Cause I put 10 into the.
36:14Yo, yeah, yeah.
36:15I was about to say, like, I have the three bots.
36:17I plan on putting 25 grand in each.
36:20So, um, I know that there, we're going to have the ability to transport
36:25capital from one bot to another.
36:27So I'll 1000% be opting into this.
36:32For sure.
36:33And those bots are not out yet though, right?
36:35Or, or this is, this is clock wage, uh, 2.0 that released in, um, a couple of
36:40weeks, uh, withdrawal fees.
36:44So return on investment, if you want to expedite your withdrawal, you don't have
36:49to, but if you wanted to, you would have to pay 1.5%, obviously, if you're going
36:53to be withdrawing into coinbasecrypto.com and you wanted that expedited, you would
36:58also have to do an expedited withdrawal fee through them as well.
37:02So just to keep that in mind, um, also added to this, they're allowing us to
37:07withdraw our capital, even if it is locked, but if you wanted to do so, you
37:13would have to face this 35% fee.
37:16And then they are going to put a fee on, um, the capital, if you wanted to
37:20withdraw it after it's locked being 5%, because they really want, they really
37:25want you to keep your capital in here for as long as possible.
37:29Um, so that way, you know, you're making, you know, your ROI daily, but the
37:33company is also, you know, using the bot to leverage, you know, all that
37:38money to make money for everybody.
37:40Uh, and then the last thing is, are the enhanced residual income opportunities
37:44being the weekly residual income.
37:47So you're going to receive 1% of your downlines, total capital as a marketer
37:52or leader within the clock wage 2.0 ecosystem, you have the opportunity to
37:57earn 1% of the total capital income generated under your downline every week.
38:03So what that means is, um, yeah, that's pretty, that's pretty,
38:07that's pretty crazy, you know,
38:10so when I first read this, this like a month ago, I thought that what that
38:15meant was I'm going to be receiving 1% of my total, like amount here every week.
38:21I was like, what?
38:22Like that's over six grand a week, every week, but no, it's, it's whatever
38:28amount of money your downline generates, uh, in their ROIs, uh, you're going to
38:33receive 1% of that total amount and that comes every week and that's still pretty
38:39That's yeah.
38:39That's great.
38:40And I actually, I liked that a lot better because if it was the other way around
38:43where it was 1% of this, then that's just kind of like unsustainable in the long
38:49So, so this is great.
38:50Um, and this is going to be released to you every Monday.
38:53So October 15th is a Tuesday.
38:56So the following Monday is when this starts.
38:59And then the very, very last thing is the one-time cash bonuses.
39:03So I'll scroll down and show you the structure.
39:07You can take a picture of this or just download the PDF to see, but earn $200
39:11when your total capital and your downline reaches five grand and, and so on.
39:16Uh, I can ask and see if this will be extended out, but as of now, this is the
39:22current structure.
39:23You'll receive a one-time bonus, five grand when your downline reaches $200,000,
39:28you get that instantly, you can withdraw it, or you can use that money to top up,
39:32which I will suggest every time.
39:36Yeah, a hundred percent.
39:37And that's, that's it for clock wage 2.0.
39:40Um, I'm sure they're going to be releasing some smaller nuggets, um, in
39:47October when 2.0 gets released, but that's, that's pretty much it.
39:51Um, I think the number one thing about this is the fact that you don't have to
39:57connect this to a personal trading account, a MetaTrader, you don't have to
40:00set up the parameters on the bot.
40:01You don't have to even stare at a single freaking chart.
40:04So, uh, this can really be pushed towards, um, the everyday average person,
40:11people that have a job, two jobs, you know, um, you don't need to learn
40:16trading to be a part of this.
40:17They're doing all the hard work.
40:19They have a team of people that are monitoring, monitoring the bots that,
40:23I'm sorry, the trades that the bot makes.
40:26Uh, they fine tune the bot.
40:29Um, they do maintenance on the bot every two weeks.
40:33Um, and yeah, that's, that's pretty much it.
40:36It's clock wage.
40:38So there, there any been any times that, um, the bot didn't make money?
40:43No, the bots always made money.
40:45So I'll, I'll tell you straight seven weeks ago.
40:48I'm pretty sure seven weeks ago, there was a black swan event that
40:51happened in the stock market.
40:54And since cryptocurrency is becoming more and more tied to the stock market, um,
40:59not only did, you know, companies, normal companies get hit, but also
41:03cryptocurrency company-based or cryptocurrency based companies also got
41:07hit some clock wage, but based on how they have set the parameters on the,
41:13the bot itself.
41:14So, uh, there's a stop loss.
41:16There's an interesting stop loss process that this specific bot goes through.
41:21So let's say, you know, the market takes a crazy turn out of nowhere, uh, help to
41:28help mitigate crazy losses.
41:30The active trades get converted over to stable coins every day to minimize the
41:39So when I say clock wage got hit compared to companies that got hit 30 to 50%,
41:45clock wage only got hit 10%.
41:47And then they made that money.
41:48They recouped that money back that same week.
41:50So, um, that's been a huge plus, um, again, that even if the bot is not having
41:59very great trading days, um, you will never get allocated anything less than
42:05that percentage showcased on the left.
42:08So again, with the five grand that's, you know, at the lowest point, that's 68
42:13bucks, which of course you can use to top up.
42:17So every, every five grand is going to make you about 75 bucks.
42:20So 10 grand, 150 bucks, you know, 15, 15 grand, $225.
42:27And then once you hit $300 a day, you know, six days a week, if somebody's in
42:32this and they're working a second job, they can literally snip, snip that second
42:37job and, and have more time freedom to live their actual lives.
42:43You know what I mean?
42:45So it's been good for me again.
42:47It's been, today's September 27th.
42:49Today marks my fifth month.
42:52I'm about to hit a hundred K made my account withdrawn over 34 grand.
42:57Now that I'm literally making a thousand dollars a day, starting October 1st, I
43:01will be withdrawing every single day.
43:04And I'm doing that because there are other crypto programs out there that I
43:08want to, you know, jump on the bandwagon and I want to max out on those.
43:12So I'm going to be putting a lot of money into those to max out.
43:15And then after I max out, I'm going to be paying off all my debts.
43:19And then after that, I'm going to fund some families accounts, and then I'll
43:23have all that done before 2025 even comes.
43:29Man, that's dope.
43:30Yeah, I'm excited.
43:31That sounds good.
43:32That sounds good.
43:34That's pretty much it.
43:36Happy for you, man.
43:37I mean, you're getting what you deserve because you, you know, thanks man.
43:41Um, and there's, we've got platforms for, for every social.
43:45So there's like Facebook, of course, the Facebook group page, we've got
43:49Twitter, we've got Instagram and I'll tell you guys straight.
43:51I told you, Steven.
43:53Yeah, I'll add them into the Facebook if you don't mind.
43:55Just invite them.
43:56Yeah, it's, it's public.
43:57So, um, you can add as many people as you want.
44:01And I see a lot of people posting results in there too.
44:06So, uh, I'm a, I'm a moderator of all the socials.
44:10I actually am one of the primary people that create all the content.
44:14Um, and I try to make about two pieces of content every day for clock.
44:19Um, what else, what else?
44:20And I'm also a live agent.
44:22So if you, if you go to the clock wage page and you click on live chat or
44:27whatever, live agent, talk to a live, whatever, I'm one of the three people on
44:32I volunteered because I'm trying to get closer and closer to having
44:36backend access to clock wage.
44:40Um, again, I just want to become more of a valuable asset to them.
44:44So I volunteered myself to, you know, why not?
44:47Why not?
44:49I've got a ton of knowledge more than most people on this.
44:51So I help out as many people as I can.
44:55No, not to hype it up, but this is one of the best presentations.
44:59It's just like, yeah, yeah.