• 2 weeks ago
Duncan uses magic as a chance to escape from the daycare, but Harold becomes the target of a sorcer hunt. It's up to Duncan to save him before Harold goes Presto!


00:00And now because his powers can no longer be contained and because he won't stop bugging me I
00:07present the great Harold
00:16Is this part of it and what is in these smoke bombs?
00:20But Harold, I thought you didn't believe in magic. Remember in season one when Owen had that wand?
00:27Save it for the message boards, nerd. Okay, let's move this along.
00:31Sorry. So, as you can see, I have nothing up my sleeves or in my hat. Now, abracadabra!
00:43Now, with this rabbit, I'm going to show you...
00:46Whoa! Wait! Too soon! Come back!
00:49This just got interesting.
00:51No, no, no, no, no! Wait!
00:54Okay, show's over. At least it was short.
00:57What? But I didn't get to finish my act!
01:00Fine, you can do one more trick.
01:02Great! I just need a volunteer from the audience! Who wants to...
01:09Chef, no! It was fine when Harold was just doing his coughing routine, but magic is evil!
01:16And I demand you put a stop to it!
01:18Oh, come on, Beth. How is magic evil?
01:21Oh, so you wanna hear my big traumatic backstory!
01:24What? No! I just asked how...
01:26Okay, the best way to tell you is probably in flashback. Ripple 2!
01:31Hello, little girl. Would you like to be my assistant?
01:34Would I?
01:35Here, kid.
01:39Oh! It's magic!
01:43Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!
01:50Phew! That wasn't too bad.
01:57But that's pretty bad.
02:02Okay, that's really bad!
02:08Anyway, point is, magic is evil!
02:11Come on. Harold's magic isn't evil.
02:14Thanks, Gwen!
02:15But it should be. This is a mockery of the dark arts.
02:18Is anyone volunteering for Harold's trick, or are we done? Cause I'm good either way.
02:23Oh! Oh, oh, oh! I'll volunteer!
02:26Uh, you're in time out, Duncan. But then again, I have always wanted you to disappear.
02:32Eh, go for it!
02:33Okay, everyone! Hold on to your sippy cups and prepare to be dazzled!
02:38Duncan, I have a confession. I can't do real magic.
02:42Duh! So what's the bit? You say the magic words and I open a latch to crawl out?
02:46Wow! How'd you know?
02:50Tidiest, tidiest, lastiest!
02:55It's a miracle!
02:57Your magic ate Duncan! Bring him back! Bring him back!
03:02Relax, guys. He's under the table.
03:05No, duh.
03:08Worst magic ever.
03:09Table? What table? I don't know what you're talking about.
03:13This one here. See?
03:17What? Where did he go?
03:19This is what you all must be wondering.
03:22Harold, your magic is real? That's so... cool. I'm very confused.
03:28Bring him back right now!
03:30Nuh-uh! I said one more trick. Bringing Duncan back, Harold says, two.
03:35I'm afraid that'll have to wait till later. Much, much later.
03:39All this time my magic was real?
03:42Poor Duncan. Don't worry, buddy. I'll bring you back somehow.
03:46That dorkasaurus actually thinks he's a real sorcerer?
03:49The only reason I volunteered is because he set up that box on top of my new tunnel.
03:54I could use this chance to ditch class, but if I stay in hiding,
03:58I can prank all I want and not get busted. Plus, they will blame it on magic.
04:03Ha! It's a dream come true!
04:06Now do you believe magic is real?
04:08I feel like there must be a logical explanation.
04:11Plus it was only Duncan.
04:13Magicians are trouble. Think of all the evil stuff they do.
04:17They make the sun vanish at night. They make sandwiches turn green.
04:21A sorcerer even trapped my mom in this box. Just listen to her.
04:25Stop calling me at work.
04:27See? Trust me. Harold must be stopped.
04:32So, whatcha conjuring? Toil? Trouble? Toil and trouble?
04:37No, I'm trying to bring Duncan back.
04:40Come on, Harold buddy. Wave that wand for me.
04:44Wait, I think I got it. Duncanicus rebooticus!
04:48One magic card coming up.
04:52No, Duncan.
04:58Maybe not Duncan, but you nailed it with that ghost car.
05:01Ah! See? He waves that wand and boom! Ghost car!
05:08Yeah, 100%.
05:12My bones are mushy now.
05:16It's gotta be in here somewhere.
05:18Not a hair loss spell, no. Not giant warts.
05:21Oh, maybe this is it.
05:23Thaludium dunconium!
05:26Nothing says witchcraft like a horde of hangry birds.
05:33I got a new hat.
05:36I can't believe I never did a breadcrumb bath before.
05:40So luxurious.
05:44They're pecking my will to live!
05:46Now do you believe me?
05:48Birds are weird.
05:49Probably just climate change.
05:51Their beaks went everywhere.
05:54Here you go. One large car magnet. Just need a signature.
05:58And, uh, you're sure you're old enough, right?
06:01What part of this mustache do you not understand?
06:04Eh, fair enough.
06:06How is silly to think a cheap plastic wand could bring Duncan back?
06:10What I need is two cheap plastic wands.
06:13Ra-ra-runkin'! Let's stop flunkin'!
06:15Listen to me shout and give us back Duncan!
06:19What's going on?
06:22Quack, quack, quack!
06:26Hey, watch it!
06:27I'm sure glad I have this metal helmet.
06:30Safety first!
06:36I'm sorry! Here, let me fix it.
06:38Ruprusium switch bacchio!
06:42It's just... it's just so beautiful!
06:51At the risk of sounding unscientific,
06:53Harold's magic must be stopped!
06:56I'm sorry we ever doubted you.
06:58Thank you. I have the rest of our lives to tell you I told you so.
07:02But for now, let's get him!
07:06I was happy just breaking stuff.
07:08But watching Harold take the fall? Amazing!
07:11I mean, it's not like they'll actually hurt him, right?
07:14As you can see, the Juice Wizard 5000
07:17works by mulching the evil magic out of stuff.
07:20I found it at a yard sale.
07:22Okay, I stand corrected.
07:24So now I suppose it's up to me to swoop in and rescue Harold
07:28just because this is all my fault?
07:33But I'm not evil! Gwen, help!
07:37Oh, sure. How about a nice zombie spell?
07:40Or maybe one that'll turn Cody into a toad?
07:42Great! Thanks.
07:44Wait! What are you doing?
07:46Lowering you in, of course.
07:48Nothing says magic like these smoke pellets.
07:55Duncan! You're alive!
07:57Duh! You didn't really think you were magic, did you?
08:00I've just been hiding and playing pranks all day.
08:03What? That actually makes a lot of sense.
08:06Now get ready with some more magic words.
08:08I gotta tie some fishing line to your undies
08:10so it looks like you can fly.
08:12Great idea!
08:15Um, Haroldinicus, um, Airbornium?
08:20He's flying!
08:23Very uncomfortably.
08:25That's it! I'm gonna beat you like an evil piñata!
08:29Wait. Take me with you, oh great Haroldini.
08:35Whoa, whoa, whoa!
08:39You were here all this time?
08:41But that means...
08:43I knew it was too good to be true.
08:46Thanks a lot, great Haroldini.
08:48Duncan! You're back?
08:50Oh, goodie. Hold on.
08:53Is that the Juice Wizard 5000?
08:57Did you fake your disappearance by hiding in a tunnel
09:00under Harold's magic box and then spend the day
09:02playing pranks that made it look like he was a sorcerer
09:04so the girls tried to juice the magic out of him?
09:06Yes, Chef.
09:08That's it! Time out for everybody!
09:11You guys couldn't just snap his wand like normal magic narcs.
09:15You just had to go full juicer.
09:17How could I ever think those spells were real?
09:19I mean, it's so clearly made up.
09:22Duncus hoppus poppus?
09:24Beth! Help! Gwen's magic! It's real! Get her!
09:29Oh no. I'm not falling for that one again.
09:32Yeah, I deserve that.
09:36Dun, dun, dun!
