Heartbreak & Healing: My Patient's Fear of Dad | SAVING HEARTS Ep.4 | Uncover Family Drama & Relationship Advice!

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**My Patient Is Terrified Of Her Dad | SAVING HEARTS Ep.4**

In this gripping episode of SAVING HEARTS, we delve deep into the heart-wrenching tale of a patient haunted by a troubling relationship with her father. In an emotional journey filled with love stories, family drama, and eye-opening life stories, we explore the essence of relationships and the weight they carry. Join us as we unravel the complexities of fear and love, driving home key relationship advice to inspire open dialogues. Discover your relationship goals through this powerful narrative! Don't miss out on the drama—hit that subscribe button and become a part of the saga! ✨ #DramatizeMe #DramaStories


00:00Alice where are you? You behave very badly. Alice are you in here? Alice come out for the last time Alice.
00:20Boring. Check this out. Gastritis, boring. Pancreatitis, boring. Here, Ward 11. Yes sir.
00:36Go, go, go. Hey. Dude. Man I need your help. Could you take a look at my patient? The case is controversial. Controversial? Thank you nurse. What you got?
00:50I suspect appendicitis but the pain is not typical. We can't do a probe because the kid has asthma. Ah kids. Yes and I'd really like to hear your opinion.
01:01Firstly, you know I can't stand kids. And secondly, appendicitis? Oh yeah interesting case. Really interesting Rob man.
01:09I have my doubts whether or not it's really appendicitis. Please check her out David.
01:16Hey. Ah yes. Yes Dr. Gibson. How are your patients? Patients? They almost all departed. Departed huh? You're not that bad of a doctor.
01:45Are you Molly? I mean I'm getting them all ready to be discharged. Right. Time for some training. Take a look at this case and meet me in the ward in five minutes.
01:54Okay. I'm examining and you're asking questions. Okay. Got it? Why? Because I don't like children that's why. I noticed it.
02:08Oh I'm sorry I've overestimated my own strength. I'll give you a hand. We thought we'd add some coziness to Alice's warden.
02:21Oh you're Alice's mother. Yes it's a pleasure to meet you and you are? Honey. Honey. Honey. Is everything alright?
02:34Oh yes dear. I'm Dr. David Gibson. I'm the head of internal medicine and this is Dr. Palmer.
02:41Oh nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Peter and Mary Green. We're so glad that you're going to examine Alice in person. We're so worried about our little girl.
02:53Yeah it would be great to take her home soon you know. May I? Is that possible? Let's start the examination. Yeah. May I? Sure.
03:09Hi Alice. Listen I'm going to check your tummy okay? Now let me know when it hurts.
03:19How long ago did you start feeling nauseous Alice? Last week. Tuesday.
03:28Have you been eating well for the last week? Of course. With a balanced diet and take our vitamins. Am I right?
03:38Do you mind?
03:48Alice I told you to tell me when it hurts and not suffer in pain. Does it hurt? Yes. And now?
04:04Alice have you had any loss of appetite? No she always has an appetite. Alice?
04:10Yes I've been eating everything. Dr. Palmer all of our meals are on the clock and even are appetized. Believe me.
04:23No you know it's all clear to me. We're going to prepare for surgery. Oh are you sure? Of course I'm sure.
04:32We're going to prepare for surgery. Oh are you sure? Of course I'm sure. Oh I'm so worried. Worrying never helped. Believe me.
04:48Dr. Gibson. What's up? I think Alice is hiding something. Huh? What are you talking about?
04:57Her father is acting strange. He wouldn't even let her say a word. I want to talk to her. One on one. Maybe there is something we don't know.
05:05Molly there's a lot that you don't know. And I'm trying to fill in the blanks. The girl has appendicitis. Do you know what rank it has among abdominal surgical diseases?
05:15It's number one. It's first. But Dr. Gibson. Patients they're not empathy test dummies. Patients are numbers, facts, symptoms.
05:24But it feels like. Here's a file. Okay? Nothing feels like anything if you've got this. You have to look at this and not people.
05:35Prepare the girl for surgery and let Dr. Phyfe know that we've confirmed his unique appendix.
05:54Don't worry. We will figure it out. Okay?
06:08Hey Rob my man. How did it go? How did everything?
06:13The appendix was clean David.
06:17What? How's that?
06:19It was perfect. Not a single inflammation in that area. I asked you to make sure.
06:40I'm here to see you. Dr. Gibson you just.
06:42Yeah. It's not appendicitis. The symptoms they're just not going away. I'm thinking what to do Molly. I'm thinking.
06:51Let me talk to Alice.
06:53You never cared anybody. But go ahead. Go talk all you want. Who's stopping you?
07:00The parents. They don't leave her for a second. Can you distract them?
07:04Molly do I have to play this game?
07:08Mr. Gibson you already made a mistake once.
07:11And now.
07:12I said okay.
07:23The pain and discomfort from the abdomen is overwhelming. It's very serious so I think we have to just get in there and remove the appendix.
07:32It's quite a simple procedure. Not without its risks but I think it will be fine.
07:47Are you all right?
07:49I'm fine.
08:08I like your dolls. And that one is just like you. What's her name?
08:29No I'm not Dr. Palmer. I'm just Molly. And I'm really tired of treating people. I wish I had a doll like yours.
08:51Hi. I'm Dr. Doll. What about you?
09:01I'm a schoolgirl doll and I'm in third grade.
09:05That's great. I just treated a very pretty girl who has a stomach ache. Did you have a tummy ache in school?
09:18I did.
09:20And how long you were sick?
09:22For a very long time but it was my own fault.
09:32I had a stomach ache also yesterday.
09:36Good girl dolls don't get sick and if they do they get punished. Only bad girl dolls get sick.
09:48Who punishes the bad girls?
09:52Dad dolls because they don't behave.
10:02Schoolgirl doll, can I ask you something?
10:08Can I give your owner Alice a hug? Can I do it?
10:13You can do it.
10:17You may.
10:32It's not your fault. Sometimes our bellies hurt just because we're human, not dolls. And it's normal.
10:54What's that? Did you cut your hair?
10:57Did you cut your hair?
10:59No, no, no. It's nothing. My mother cuts my hair for me.
11:04It's okay, it's okay. I see.
11:08Alice, I need to get back to work and keep playing a doctor but I'll waste you again.
11:16I just need you to promise me one thing.
11:19One thing.
11:24You will always be a great, good girl. Okay?
11:30I see.
11:43How is she?
11:44We prescribed painkillers so she can sleep. And we're running more tests now.
11:49Tell me, how can I…
11:51Tell me about your family.
11:53My family is perfect. There's nothing to tell.
12:00Is Mr. Green strict in raising Alice?
12:05Well, he sometimes scolds her for her grades, but fairly.
12:10When was the last time Alice was punished?
12:19Marie. Marie, your daughter is in danger.
12:24And it's really important for me to know what's going on in your family. I want to help.
12:29He removed the door to her room so she would always be in plain sight, so she wouldn't do anything stupid.
12:36He took away the child's personal space, right? Why did you allow that?
12:41You and Alice live under the constant pressure, right?
12:44He works really hard so we can live well.
12:47We try very hard and he loves us very much, but just in his own way.
12:54Marie, when love has to be earned, it's not love.
12:57When love has to be earned, it's not love.
13:10Tell me about your daughter. What about Alice's hair?
13:16Oh, she chews her hair. She's done it since she was a little child.
13:21She's always pulling it into her mouth.
13:23I have to cut it short so it looks neat and Peter doesn't punish her.
13:29We've struggled with this for a very long time, but she does it impulsively and can't stop.
13:34All right. Marie, thank you. Thank you. I'll check it out.
13:45Hair! There is hair in her stomach!
13:51Her father is a tyrant. He is abusing his family.
13:55And the kid is so nervous, she's chewing her hair.
13:59So the clamp of hair is what caused the inflammation.
14:03Asthma! Asthma is neurotic! Bingo! Molly, you got it! Amazing!
14:08What is next?
14:10Go see Rob while he's here. Run some tests and if it's confirmed, emergency surgery right away.
14:16Let's go, Molly! Let's go!
14:21Emergency surgery
14:31Hey, Rob!
14:35Almost one pound of hair.
14:38I have never seen that before. Thank you, buddy.
14:42No, no. It was Palmer. I had nothing to do with it.
14:45All right! But it was under your direction.
14:48Well, I'm off. I have another patient. Bye.
14:51Awesome work, man.
14:55I guess that's it.
15:00You know, Molly, you were absolutely right.
15:05And you're a really good…
15:14Well, I was thinking detective, but…
