A Promise to Astrid 2019

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Oh, sir, sir, can you help me?
00:00:11What's wrong?
00:00:12My car.
00:00:13It stopped.
00:00:14Just stopped?
00:00:16I don't know what's wrong.
00:00:17It just went kaput.
00:00:18Kaput, huh?
00:00:20Yeah, sure.
00:00:22Okay, let's see.
00:00:29That's okay.
00:00:40Oh, here you go.
00:00:49One of your plugs fell out of your cap.
00:00:51I wonder how that could have happened.
00:00:55Yeah, that's strange.
00:00:56That should be it, though.
00:00:57Let's give it a try.
00:00:58Oh, baby!
00:01:00That's all it was.
00:01:01You should be okay now.
00:01:02Yeah, you're okay now.
00:01:03That's all it was.
00:01:05I don't know what happened, but I'm glad you found out.
00:01:06That's it.
00:01:07Oh, thank you so much.
00:01:08I want to offer you my gratitude.
00:01:29Oh, no, no, no, thanks.
00:01:30Please let me give you...
00:01:31No, it was nothing, it was nothing.
00:01:33Have a good day.
00:01:35Do you need help?
00:01:36Where are you going?
00:01:37Take this fainted heart, take these tainted hands Wash me in your love
00:02:05Come like grace again Even when my strength is thirst, I'll praise you
00:02:20Even when I have no song, I'll praise you
00:02:28Even when it's hard to find the words, louder than I'll sing, you'll praise
00:02:43How lonely, sing, you'll praise
00:02:58How lonely, sing, you'll praise
00:03:28Well, how appropriate. Thank you.
00:03:31Well, I'm going to get the kids to bed.
00:03:34Nice to meet you.
00:03:38So, you're our neighbor?
00:03:40Over there?
00:03:42I saw a man with a hat walking around.
00:03:45My husband, Dominic, yes.
00:03:48I'm Mike. Mike Torville.
00:03:50Michael Torville. It is my pleasure to meet you.
00:03:54Just Mike.
00:03:58Hello? Yes, I met the neighbors next door.
00:04:16Lovely couple they seem.
00:04:19Yes, oh yes, I got the tulips planted this morning.
00:04:25If there's anything at all you want me to do, just let me know.
00:04:44I wish you'd let me go with you.
00:04:46This is my work, not yours, Mr. Reynolds. Please, go home.
00:04:51I mean, why do you even have to do this?
00:04:53Sometimes you just need to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
00:04:57Before a person can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they must first have boots.
00:05:22You're the lady from a couple nights ago.
00:05:26I beg your pardon?
00:05:28You gave my boyfriend a hundred dollars for his lottery tickets.
00:05:35You have beautiful children.
00:05:42What are your children's names?
00:05:51Cindy! Cindy! I got home as soon as I could!
00:06:11We're fine!
00:06:12What happened?
00:06:13A van ran into me. He ran the red light and I was scared to death.
00:06:17Nobody got hurt?
00:06:18No, I'm not sure how not, but we're fine.
00:06:22The car, Mike, I think it's totaled.
00:06:24I don't care about the car. Are you sure you're okay?
00:06:27We're fine, honey. I'm a little shaken up. I'm not even sure the boys knew what was happening.
00:06:32Where are the boys?
00:06:33In their room, playing.
00:06:35So, where's the car now?
00:06:38It got towed away. Riggs towing or something.
00:06:42What did the police say?
00:06:45You got a ticket?
00:06:48You were charged for running a red light. You just said-
00:06:51I know! He lied. He said it was my fault.
00:06:53Who said?
00:06:54The guy driving the van. He lied to the policeman. I was-
00:06:57What did you tell the cop?
00:06:58Really nothing. I was scared. I was holding the boys. It happened so fast.
00:07:03So he wrote you a ticket. Cindy, we cannot afford this. The insurance is going to go way up.
00:07:07I know! I know! Please, Mike, not now.
00:07:11The house, the car, the kids, the truck.
00:07:41Hi, I was told Officer Campbell would be here this afternoon.
00:08:01Okay, and your name, please?
00:08:02Mike Torvill.
00:08:03Okay, just one moment. I'll see if he's in.
00:08:12Mr. Torvill.
00:08:17Have a seat, sir.
00:08:21My wife, Cindy Torvill, was in an accident yesterday and you cited her with this ticket?
00:08:29The other driver, the guy in the van, he was the one that ran the red light.
00:08:33Did you even ask her her side of the story?
00:08:35I did. She said she didn't remember anything at all.
00:08:38She does remember now. She was a little shaken up, a little intimidated, but she's a great driver.
00:08:45She's never had a ticket, no speeding, nothing. He plowed into her. My kids were in the car.
00:08:52Can we appeal this? Is there court?
00:08:55There is a court date on this ticket, but...
00:08:58But what?
00:08:59Obviously your wife doesn't feel as strongly about fighting this as you do.
00:09:03She's already came in and paid the fine. I'm sorry, sir, this case is closed.
00:09:07Thanks for your time.
00:09:16Good afternoon, Astrid. Late lunch today. The usual.
00:09:22It's been a busy day.
00:09:24And yes, please, we are doing a chopped steak special with gravy and mashed potatoes.
00:09:32Of course not.
00:09:48Thank you, Astrid.
00:09:50What did I tell you, April?
00:09:52I know I promised, but thank you.
00:09:58Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
00:10:01You're very welcome. And could you please bag up Dominic's lunch for me?
00:10:06Absolutely. It will be all boxed up and ready to go when you leave.
00:10:36Kids in bed?
00:10:40So I went to the police station today.
00:10:42What for?
00:10:43Your ticket.
00:10:46You paid it?
00:10:48Mike, you know I don't like having things not paid.
00:10:51And on the back of the ticket it said we have to pay within 20 days.
00:10:55I don't want to be late and get in trouble.
00:10:58Cindy, that's one choice.
00:11:00There's another choice that says you check this box and you show up to court.
00:11:04Uh, oh.
00:11:06Does that mean?
00:11:08Yep. You're guilty.
00:11:10Oh, no.
00:11:12Why did I do that?
00:11:14I'm sorry.
00:11:15I don't know.
00:11:17Spoke to the insurance company today and they said the car is totaled.
00:11:21They want me to take the license plate off so we can get our stuff and process the claim.
00:11:29That's odd.
00:11:30I know.
00:11:31But it will give us enough time to get our stuff and get a new car.
00:11:37Maybe a minivan?
00:11:39We need it.
00:11:41You need a tank, you red light running bandit.
00:11:53Yeah, I can come in in the morning.
00:11:59You already work 60 hours a week.
00:12:02Next you'll be volunteering your weekends.
00:12:05It's my job, honey.
00:12:07Good morning, Michael.
00:12:30Morning, Astrid. You're up mighty early.
00:12:32Do you have a second?
00:12:35Just a second.
00:12:39Is your dryer broken?
00:12:41I don't have a dryer.
00:12:43Oh, could you help me move her?
00:12:46I'd like her more in the sunlight.
00:12:49You know what they say.
00:12:51Sunshine is the best medicine.
00:12:54Sure. You have to do this now?
00:12:59Oh, you're in the linen business.
00:13:02Yeah, kinda. How's that?
00:13:04To the left.
00:13:08And up a little bit.
00:13:12Perfect. The angel of mercy.
00:13:16Her name is Zadkiel.
00:13:18She is the angel that prevented Abraham from sacrificing his friend Isaac.
00:13:24Okay. Great.
00:13:28Michael, you have to be to work so early?
00:13:31You know what they say.
00:13:33The bird gets the worm.
00:13:35Never mind.
00:13:37When I moved to New York from Norway, I lived in a big building.
00:13:45And the laundry, it was down in the basement.
00:13:49Oh, those ghastly machines. I hated them.
00:13:54There was no place outside to hang up your clothes.
00:13:58I remember.
00:14:00I was doing my laundry one day, down in the basement, and I ran out of money.
00:14:06I needed 20 more cents to finish.
00:14:09So I went outside to try to find someone to give me change, but I found no one.
00:14:15On my way back down to the basement, I ran into a man, and I asked him if he had two dimes.
00:14:22He said no, but to appease me, I think he put his hands in his pockets.
00:14:27And what did he pull out? But two dimes!
00:14:30Two dimes exactly, Michael. No more, no less.
00:14:35He exchanged those coins for my name.
00:14:40And four months later, we were exchanging wedding vows.
00:14:45Not a bad deal. 20 cents for the love of your life.
00:14:50That's a cute story.
00:14:51And how did you meet your Cindy?
00:14:53Um, Astrid, I really have to go. Can I get back to you on that?
00:15:02Okay. Good. Have a blessed day, Michael.
00:15:38Excuse me, sir. Do you know what's going on?
00:15:40Yeah, just got a text from a buddy in the force.
00:15:43Really bad accident at the ramp going to the interstate.
00:15:46Happened just like five minutes ago.
00:15:49You heading to the interstate?
00:15:51I was.
00:15:52I'd go another way, buddy. He said it was like a 12-car pileup.
00:15:56We're going to be here a while.
00:15:58That's really my only way. Five minutes ago?
00:16:03Yeah, something like that. Ain't we lucky?
00:16:20Astrid Nicosia.
00:16:22Uh, hi. Hi, I'm Pastor Scott. Scott Seabury.
00:16:26Where did you study, Pastor Seabury?
00:16:28Please, call me Scott. Uh, Yale. Yale Divinity School.
00:16:48Married, Pastor Seabury.
00:16:50Uh, yes. Yes, ma'am. I am. And God has blessed me with three lovely daughters.
00:16:56Oh, that is good. I look forward to meeting your wife and your children.
00:17:01I was out walking and I noticed an unfamiliar vehicle in the parish house.
00:17:06I figured it was our new pastor, so welcome to you.
00:17:09Yes, thank you. Thank you very much.
00:17:12Now, if there's anything you should need, anything whatsoever, Pastor Seabury,
00:17:17please let me know. I just live a few blocks over.
00:17:28Oh, oh no. What is this?
00:17:30Good morning, Cindy.
00:17:32Good morning.
00:17:34Can I lend you a hand?
00:17:38Oh, what a beautiful day.
00:17:41You and I, we have to go get our hair done some afternoon.
00:17:46I'll see you later.
00:17:56What a beautiful afternoon.
00:17:58My treat.
00:17:59That would be great.
00:18:01Sunshine is the best medicine.
00:18:06You need one of those play things with the slides and the swings on it.
00:18:13A swing set?
00:18:15Yes, that's it. A swing set.
00:18:17Not in the Torval daycare budget.
00:18:20They have one at the church.
00:18:22Oh, that's a bit far for us all to walk.
00:18:25They're getting a new one.
00:18:28Oh, they are?
00:18:31I guess they are.
00:18:41Come on, let's play.
00:18:47Hey, do you got a sec?
00:18:49Sure. I need a car.
00:18:52My wife, Rector, is...
00:18:54Is she okay?
00:18:55She's fine, but the insurance totaled the car,
00:18:58and they're going to send around maybe $2,000 to replace it.
00:19:01I have $700 if I max out my credit cards.
00:19:08You don't want to finance?
00:19:10I mean, there's a lot of options.
00:19:12No, Cindy wouldn't go for that.
00:19:14Our house payment's enough.
00:19:18Tell you what, come with me.
00:19:23This is one of our trade-ins.
00:19:25Just got it in. The guys are cleaning it up right now.
00:19:31What do you think?
00:19:41It's got a few miles on it, but if you take care of it,
00:19:44it should last you a while.
00:19:46Cindy would love this.
00:19:48You like it?
00:19:49I love it.
00:19:51I can let you have this for $2,700.
00:19:56Let me know soon, though.
00:19:58I'd like to wholesale these out rather quickly.
00:20:03I really appreciate it, Dan.
00:20:05You're welcome. Glad I could help.
00:20:07Thanks a lot.
00:20:12Pastor Seabury?
00:20:14Oh, hi, Astrid. How are you?
00:20:16Oh! Oh, my!
00:20:20Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:20:22This is not what you think.
00:20:24I volunteer for an organization that helps fight human trafficking.
00:20:27See the back here?
00:20:29End human trafficking. Bring freedom and justice.
00:20:34In a lot of the developing worlds,
00:20:36the young girls are sold into slavery and forced into prostitution,
00:20:39so I work with a group called Freedom 424.
00:20:42We get them off the streets, provide food, shelter, education.
00:20:46It's pretty amazing.
00:20:48And here's a photo of my wife and my kids in Thailand.
00:20:53And here we have some of the girls.
00:20:57But they're so young!
00:21:00Yeah, it's sad.
00:21:02It's really a modern-day form of slavery.
00:21:05These poor girls feel like they have no chance,
00:21:08so we try to provide them that chance and a way out.
00:21:11Pastor Seabury, the church needs a swing set for the children.
00:21:15It does?
00:21:17I insist, yes.
00:21:21Do you have a truck?
00:21:23No, no, I do not, Esther, I don't.
00:21:25Could you get a truck this afternoon?
00:21:30Today? Maybe.
00:21:33Yes or no?
00:21:40Yes. Yes, Esther, I will get a truck.
00:21:43Please do so.
00:21:47Wow, are you...
00:21:50Are you wanting to donate a swing set or an entire park?
00:21:55No, just a swing set.
00:21:58And please, have the old one delivered this afternoon to the Torval home.
00:22:02Put it in their backyard.
00:22:04Do you understand?
00:22:06Yes, yes, I understand.
00:22:08And there's one more condition.
00:22:10You cannot tell anyone.
00:22:13Tell anyone?
00:22:14What I've done, that I've helped you.
00:22:21I promise.
00:22:25Thank you, Esther.
00:22:38We're closed!
00:22:40Sign says 5 o'clock, it's quarter till.
00:22:43It's Friday, we close early on Friday. What do you want?
00:22:46My car's right over there, I just need the license plate off of it.
00:22:49You want your car? Then you gotta pay.
00:22:52I don't want the car, I just need to get the license plate.
00:22:55Hold it right there, buster.
00:22:57You ain't taking a thing off that car until you pay the bill.
00:23:01Towing and storage. It's been 10 days of storage at $50 a day, that's $500.
00:23:06Plus one and a half for towing. That bill.
00:23:09$650, I can't pay that, my insurance will cover it.
00:23:12I just need that license plate.
00:23:14I don't give a crap what you need.
00:23:16No money, no license plate.
00:23:18If you want it today, $650.
00:23:21You got 10 minutes, because in 10 minutes it's $700.
00:23:24Got it?
00:23:25Okay, yeah, I got it.
00:23:29$60 in cash.
00:23:33$300 on this card.
00:23:37Run this one for $150.
00:23:40And put the rest on the bank card.
00:23:42$305 on this card.
00:23:46Credit card processing fee.
00:23:49You gotta be kidding me.
00:23:52Just run the cards and I'll go get the plate.
00:23:55Hey, you're gonna stay put until all of these clear. Got me?
00:24:11You wouldn't happen to have a screwdriver, would you?
00:24:14Shop's closed up. Now hurry.
00:24:17Can you open it?
00:24:41I'm gonna be late.
00:24:56Hi honey.
00:24:57You have no idea what I just went through.
00:24:59I got the plate.
00:25:00But you're not gonna believe this.
00:25:02I had to pay the storage and the towing fee just to get our stuff and the plate.
00:25:06I didn't have a choice, the guy was such a...
00:25:08Do we have that?
00:25:09When the insurance money comes in, they'll reimburse us.
00:25:11I just, I don't know when that is.
00:25:13Um, we got a letter from them today.
00:25:15Do you want me to open it?
00:25:31I'm so sorry, Mike.
00:25:33But they're not covering the vehicle, towing or the storage.
00:25:38Because the accident was our fault.
00:25:40Our fault? No, it was your fault!
00:25:58My name is Madison.
00:26:00Astra Nikosia.
00:26:02And this is my mechanic, Mr. Reynolds.
00:26:05Nice to meet you.
00:26:07What can I do for you?
00:26:09Excuse me.
00:26:10Can you please show me what you have here?
00:26:15Do you have an appointment?
00:26:17I met Ruth's mother too.
00:26:20She was telling me about a special housing program that you have.
00:26:25Um, special needs.
00:26:28Okay, yes.
00:26:29It would be one of the first in the state to house adults with special needs.
00:26:33Those living there would be specialized in personal care.
00:26:37We would give them a job.
00:26:39They would basically live a normal life in a supervised, loosely supervised environment.
00:26:44Is that the half-completed structure I saw next door?
00:26:49I'd like to learn more, but I have to get home.
00:26:52I'm in a hurry to see my Dominic.
00:27:23Dominic, you alright?
00:27:25I need to get down to the flight line.
00:27:28The planes are coming in.
00:27:30They'll be wounded on board.
00:27:32They'll need my help.
00:27:33Let's get you home.
00:27:40Oh! Oh! Oh!
00:27:43Oh, thank you, Michael! Thank you!
00:27:46Where did you find him?
00:27:48He was out walking on the bridge.
00:27:50Oh, can you please help me get him into the house?
00:27:58Oh, my dear.
00:28:01My hands.
00:28:02Michael, could you please sit with him for a while while I go get his medicines and water?
00:28:08Of course.
00:28:12I mean, he's a kid.
00:28:14You gotta help.
00:28:16You gotta help.
00:28:21I brought you medicine.
00:28:23You'll feel better soon.
00:28:26All night, all day, angels watching over me, my lord.
00:28:35All night, all day, angels watching over me.
00:28:42Oh, my brave, my brave, brave man.
00:28:48You can't go walking like that anymore.
00:28:53You have to stay close to me forever.
00:28:59Close to me, my love, my Dominic.
00:29:06All night, all day, angels watching over me, my lord.
00:29:23Oh, I forgot to tell you.
00:29:30I ran into Dominic tonight.
00:29:33Yeah, when I left.
00:29:35He was outside walking in the street babbling.
00:29:38He has dementia or something, I don't know.
00:29:41It's really scary.
00:29:43And Astrid, I'd never seen her like that before.
00:29:46Like what?
00:29:47I don't even know if she is all proper.
00:29:50She was upset, crying when I brought him back.
00:29:53She's a good lady.
00:29:55Yeah, she's crazy.
00:29:57Well, not in a bad way, you know.
00:30:00I just can't quite figure her out.
00:30:02How so?
00:30:04Like this morning, she had me move a statue of an angel.
00:30:09And then she tells me this lengthy story about how she met Dominic.
00:30:14And then she looks up into the sky in silence.
00:30:18And it's 5 a.m. and she's outside doing laundry.
00:30:22I didn't tell you that.
00:30:23Laundry at 5 a.m.?
00:30:25Yep, 5 a.m. and she's outside hanging clothes.
00:30:28But here's the thing.
00:30:30There was a horrible accident on the interstate that I just missed.
00:30:35It was all over the news today.
00:30:37Like two or three people died or something.
00:30:44That's it.
00:30:45What if she was stalling me from being in that accident?
00:30:49What if she's like an angel or something?
00:30:52She's fascinated by angels, you know.
00:30:54So, now you think she's an angel.
00:30:58A crazy angel.
00:31:08You know, she was the one that told me about the swing set from the church.
00:31:13And two hours later, the new pastor delivered it himself.
00:31:17Nice guy.
00:31:19But he never said why he brought it over.
00:31:26She had something to do with that.
00:31:28Well, is Dominic okay?
00:31:31She put him to bed.
00:31:32She called him brave.
00:31:34Her brave man.
00:31:40Well, you're my brave man.
00:31:42Thanks, Torvald.
00:31:44Sometimes I don't feel like it.
00:31:48I just wish things could be easier for you.
00:31:51For us.
00:32:02How's your cereal, boys?
00:32:07We really made this house into our home.
00:32:13I can't believe you're selling your truck.
00:32:16That was your dad's truck.
00:32:19You loved that truck.
00:32:21It's no big deal.
00:32:22We're going to be a one-vehicle family.
00:32:24It can't be a truck.
00:32:43Here, let me help you with that.
00:32:45Oh, thank you, Michael.
00:32:47Dominic is going to plant them.
00:32:49I can plant them for you.
00:32:51Oh, that's all right.
00:32:52Dominic can do it.
00:32:54What is...
00:32:56Oh, why are you selling your truck?
00:32:59And your car.
00:33:00Cindy's car.
00:33:02Michael, where is it?
00:33:04How's Dominic?
00:33:06Dominic is fine.
00:33:07He's resting.
00:33:09Thank you for helping him home.
00:33:11But Michael, where's your car?
00:33:15Cindy was in an accident,
00:33:17so I'm going to sell the truck and get a new car.
00:33:20Maybe take out a loan or something.
00:33:22Oh, is she okay?
00:33:24And the boys?
00:33:25They're fine.
00:33:26But a loan?
00:33:27No, no, no, I'd rather you didn't.
00:33:29And do not sell your truck.
00:33:31I feel the same, Astrid.
00:33:33I'd rather not, but...
00:33:34Oh, then I will help you.
00:33:36Oh, no, no, but thank you for offering.
00:33:38Oh, please let me help you.
00:33:40No thanks.
00:33:42Oh, really, I've helped many people,
00:33:44and I can help you.
00:33:46Oh, please let me do this for you.
00:33:50That is it.
00:33:53I have made my decision.
00:33:56Okay, Astrid, whatever you say.
00:33:59That would be fine.
00:34:01Where do you want your flowers?
00:34:03On the porch.
00:34:24Please give this to Michael.
00:34:40That was Astrid at the door.
00:34:52Are we dreaming?
00:34:54Why, what's she?
00:34:56She told me to give this to you.
00:34:59Oh, me.
00:35:00She said yesterday she was going to help us buy a new car.
00:35:03She saw the for sale sign.
00:35:05Well, we can't take it.
00:35:07I know.
00:35:08Are you going to give it back?
00:35:10Yes, yes, of course.
00:35:24Good morning, Michael.
00:35:26How are you?
00:35:27I'm fine, Astrid, but I need to talk to you.
00:35:29This is my tea room.
00:35:31I learned to love tea when we lived in Japan.
00:35:34My Dominic, he was stationed there in the Air Force.
00:35:37Do you like my tea room?
00:35:39Would you like some tea?
00:35:41No, thanks.
00:35:43And the boys, how are the boys?
00:35:45They're fine, but I...
00:35:46Oh, that's good.
00:35:47They are such little angels.
00:35:49Oh, and would you like to try some chocolate?
00:35:53No, thanks, it's too early.
00:35:54I haven't had my coffee yet.
00:35:56I'd be happy to brew you a cup.
00:35:58Astrid, the money?
00:35:59Are you going to church today?
00:36:01I hear we have a new pastor.
00:36:04Yes, we are, but...
00:36:06The chocolates are most delightful.
00:36:09Astrid, I really need to talk to you.
00:36:11When you said you were going to help us out,
00:36:13this is not what we expected.
00:36:14Michael, I need to ask a favor of you.
00:36:19Will you promise me one thing?
00:36:22Sure, I promise.
00:36:26Regarding our discussion yesterday
00:36:28and the reason you are here today,
00:36:31you must never bring up this topic before my husband.
00:36:35Do you promise?
00:36:37Sure, I promise.
00:36:39That's good.
00:36:41Dominic, would you come in here?
00:36:44Michael has stopped in to say good morning to us.
00:36:48Good morning.
00:36:56I will be going home.
00:37:09Mike, I can't believe you didn't give it back.
00:37:12Well, it wasn't that easy.
00:37:13All you had to do was just insist.
00:37:15It shouldn't be that difficult.
00:37:16Okay, you try it then.
00:37:19Good luck.
00:37:22Don't say a word.
00:37:26That Astrid is smart.
00:37:28She kept changing the subject
00:37:30and I didn't even know what to say anymore.
00:37:32I don't think there was any way
00:37:34I could have her take the money back.
00:37:36I didn't have a choice.
00:37:38I'm glad you found out for yourself.
00:37:40And did you see all those angels?
00:37:45Did you say you met the new pastor?
00:37:48I did.
00:37:50Are we going this morning?
00:37:51I'd like to.
00:37:53$1,752.28 exactly.
00:37:58That's an odd amount.
00:38:00No, that's an even amount.
00:38:05Well, good morning church.
00:38:08And thank you.
00:38:10Please be seated.
00:38:13Thank you for being here
00:38:15and thank you for the tremendous welcome
00:38:18so many of you have given to me
00:38:20and to my family.
00:38:22Massachusetts in the summer
00:38:23is absolutely gorgeous
00:38:25and I want you to know
00:38:27that I am so very grateful to be here.
00:38:30Being my first Sunday here,
00:38:32I'm going to do something
00:38:33a little bit different this morning.
00:38:36I'm just going to read a quote.
00:38:38It's a quote that
00:38:41changed my perspective on life.
00:38:45It was a quote that my grandfather
00:38:47repeated numerous times
00:38:48and it was, well,
00:38:51it is my life's mission.
00:38:54And here it is now,
00:38:55so please listen carefully.
00:38:59I shall pass this way but at once.
00:39:03Any good, therefore, that I can do
00:39:06or any kindness that I can show
00:39:09to any human being,
00:39:11let me do it now.
00:39:15Let me do it now.
00:39:19Those last words,
00:39:22shall they touch our hearts this morning?
00:39:27Let us be kind to one another now.
00:39:33So as a way to get to know all of you,
00:39:35my family, my wife Linda
00:39:37and our three daughters,
00:39:38Jessie, Kinsley and Grace,
00:39:41we have prepared lunch downstairs
00:39:43in the fellowship hall
00:39:44just below the sanctuary here.
00:39:47I invite you and your family to join us.
00:39:50As your new pastor,
00:39:51I am very, very excited
00:39:52to meet each and every one of you.
00:39:56So without further ado,
00:39:57please join us downstairs.
00:40:09I don't know what that's all about.
00:40:11What's that?
00:40:12Astrid over there talking to Caroline.
00:40:15Her husband's in the hospital.
00:40:16I guess he's been there for some time.
00:40:18It's pretty serious.
00:40:20They've got one child.
00:40:23I've been meaning to go visit him
00:40:24in the hospital,
00:40:25but I hear the news isn't good.
00:40:29You should go.
00:40:30You should go.
00:40:31You should go.
00:40:32You should go.
00:40:33You should go.
00:40:34You should go.
00:40:35You should go.
00:40:36You should go.
00:40:37You should go.
00:40:49You know, Astrid,
00:40:50how about I give you a hand in the yard?
00:40:52You said you had a lot of work to do
00:40:54a couple hours a week.
00:40:56I can start today, I promise.
00:40:58That would not be necessary, Michael.
00:41:01By all means.
00:41:02A promise is a promise.
00:41:07You should put these on, Michael.
00:41:10I use my bare hands every day.
00:41:12It's good for them.
00:41:22Look at that.
00:41:23A bird's nest.
00:41:25Michael, leave it be.
00:41:27There's two chicks in there.
00:41:28I don't care.
00:41:29I don't care.
00:41:30I don't care.
00:41:31I don't care.
00:41:32I don't care.
00:41:33I don't care.
00:41:34Michael, leave it be.
00:41:35There's two chicks in there.
00:41:36I hope the mom returns.
00:41:38She may or she may not,
00:41:39but Michael, please leave it alone.
00:41:41Well, if she doesn't return,
00:41:42they're going to die.
00:41:44No, there are other birds
00:41:45watching over them.
00:41:47I'm sorry?
00:41:48If a mother bird is out
00:41:49and she is killed while she is hunting,
00:41:52these birds would not die.
00:41:55Other birds would come in
00:41:56and take care of them
00:41:57and feed them if they were born.
00:42:00Well, in fact,
00:42:01if a bird is blind or crippled
00:42:03or it cannot fly,
00:42:05the other birds in the community
00:42:07would care for it.
00:42:09It is an expression of love
00:42:11for one another,
00:42:13just like our Lord taught us
00:42:14to love other people.
00:42:16Oh, Michael,
00:42:17how's your job going?
00:42:19That's okay.
00:42:20I think I'm going to change careers.
00:42:22What would you like to do?
00:42:26I'm tired of delivering
00:42:27tablecloths and uniforms.
00:42:30Have you thought about
00:42:31checking out this company in town,
00:42:33Mass Mutual?
00:42:35I think we deliver to them.
00:42:38I don't know if there would be
00:42:39a position for someone like me, though.
00:42:41I hear they are always hiring.
00:42:43Well, maybe I'll go and apply.
00:42:46Oh, Michael,
00:42:47I really was not expecting
00:42:49you to do this.
00:42:51You are so kind.
00:42:53Well, if you're not going to
00:42:54take that money back,
00:42:55we need to pay you back somehow.
00:42:58a gift is not to be paid back.
00:43:01It is to be paid forward.
00:43:03Astrid, we are paying you back.
00:43:06Oh, I need to get this call.
00:43:10But, Michael, there are
00:43:12splinters down in this mulch.
00:43:14You need to put those gloves on,
00:43:17Michael Torvo.
00:43:58Thank you. Good day.
00:43:59All right. You too.
00:44:02Hey, man.
00:44:03How are you doing?
00:44:04Do you still have that van?
00:44:06I've been holding it for you.
00:44:07Can I put a deposit down?
00:44:09I'm trying to sell my truck.
00:44:10I've got a few people interested.
00:44:12Maybe I can get the rest
00:44:13for you in a few days.
00:44:15No problem.
00:44:22Let me get your receipt.
00:44:26Excuse me.
00:44:28I'm Pastor Seabury.
00:44:29We have a member of our church here,
00:44:31Ronald Carter.
00:44:32His wife, Caroline Carter.
00:44:33I think it's room 116.
00:44:35Oh, she is such a sweet lady.
00:44:37I was so happy for her this morning.
00:44:39Pastor, they airlifted Mr. Carter
00:44:41and his wife and the kids
00:44:43to a heart specialist
00:44:44in California this morning.
00:44:46In California?
00:44:48I know.
00:44:49It's a big city.
00:44:51It's a big city.
00:44:53In California?
00:44:55I know.
00:44:56It was an answer to prayer.
00:44:58This morning?
00:45:20What are you doing?
00:45:22I brought you a flower.
00:45:27Did you get your car yet?
00:45:29Not yet.
00:45:31You need more money, don't you?
00:45:33No, no more money, Astrid.
00:45:35Actually, I want to talk to you
00:45:36about that yesterday with the gloves.
00:45:39I need to give you more money.
00:45:41No, Astrid.
00:45:43Cindy and I do not feel comfortable with that.
00:45:45Do you remember the promise you made to me?
00:45:48Yes, but he's not here.
00:45:59I'll be over tomorrow
00:46:00to help you with the yard again.
00:46:02A deal's a deal.
00:46:05Suit yourself, Michael.
00:46:08And no more funny glove business.
00:46:10I mean it.
00:46:13I made you a plate.
00:46:16Dinner so early?
00:46:18The kids are in their room.
00:46:20Can you give them a bath?
00:46:29That Astrid, she was outside hanging a flower.
00:46:31I thought I heard something.
00:46:36Why is it so hot in here?
00:46:38I don't know.
00:46:39Is the air conditioning on?
00:46:40I don't know.
00:46:41Well, did you turn it off to save electricity?
00:46:43I know it's hard, but...
00:46:44I don't know.
00:46:45I don't know.
00:46:50I need to borrow the truck
00:46:51to get lunch for the kids.
00:46:53It's after 7 o'clock.
00:46:54We only have one car.
00:46:57It's hard enough for them
00:46:58to stay in the house all day in this heat.
00:47:00Do you want them to starve?
00:47:02What, are you blaming me?
00:47:05Hey, little man.
00:47:07Let's go get your brother.
00:47:09You guys can sleep
00:47:10in Mom and Dad's room tonight.
00:47:51Michael, you alright?
00:47:53How are you?
00:47:55Sleepy, what's up?
00:47:57Well, the other morning
00:48:00I asked you how you met Cindy.
00:48:04You said you'd get back to me.
00:48:08You promised.
00:48:10How did you meet Cindy?
00:48:13Well, we met after high school.
00:48:16She was adopted here from the Ukraine.
00:48:19My best friend and I were
00:48:22at the big fair here in town
00:48:24and we saw two girls approaching us
00:48:27and he started flirting with both of them
00:48:30and one of them caught my eye.
00:48:33And the more he kept flirting,
00:48:35the more I got jealous,
00:48:37which was crazy because
00:48:40I don't even know her,
00:48:42so how could I be jealous?
00:48:44But there was something about her
00:48:47that I knew that I would be
00:48:49the only one she'd want.
00:48:51Not my best friend, no.
00:48:54And I wouldn't let her escape
00:48:56without her phone number.
00:48:58All night I couldn't stop thinking
00:48:59about how soon it would be
00:49:00until I got to talk to her.
00:49:02And the next day we talked
00:49:04for three hours on the phone
00:49:07and I haven't stopped listening to her since.
00:49:11And believe me, she doesn't stop talking.
00:49:15And it wasn't long after that
00:49:17until we had wedding plans
00:49:19and a chance encounter for a happy family.
00:49:24I'm sure she's still very happy.
00:49:29I don't know.
00:49:30Oh, Michael.
00:49:32I am always charmed by how
00:49:34two perfect strangers
00:49:36can suddenly mean the whole world to one another.
00:49:41Appreciate that fact
00:49:44and the joy that it has brought to you.
00:49:51You got this.
00:49:59You got this.
00:50:30I need to use the World Wide Web.
00:50:34Excuse me?
00:50:35I need to do some research.
00:50:37Do you have the Internet here?
00:50:39Yes, ma'am.
00:50:40We have computers over in the loft area
00:50:42that you can use.
00:51:34Could you offer to help me?
00:51:43Oh, my!
00:51:46Um, I need to use this World Wide Web.
00:51:59There you go.
00:52:03What do I do now?
00:52:05Type in what you're looking for.
00:52:16What exactly is it you're looking for
00:52:18on this World Wide Web?
00:52:21Um, buying a girl for $24.
00:52:27I'm sorry?
00:52:28No, not if...
00:52:29But I need to know more
00:52:32about organizations that help and support
00:52:35people who are being bought and sold.
00:52:37Human trafficking?
00:52:39Yes, that is the proper wording.
00:52:49More specifically, what are you looking for, ma'am?
00:52:53Oh, my name is Astrid Nicosia.
00:52:57Nice to meet you.
00:52:59What is your name?
00:53:01Heather Reams.
00:53:02What do you do, Miss Reams?
00:53:04I go to college.
00:53:05What are you studying?
00:53:08Why are you not in college now?
00:53:10This looks more like your office.
00:53:13Well, I'm not.
00:53:15I didn't enroll this semester.
00:53:18Just taking some time off, you know.
00:53:20I do know.
00:53:22Can I ask you a question?
00:53:25Why are you looking up human trafficking?
00:53:28Like, what is it you want to know?
00:53:30It's a very ugly and rampant business around the world.
00:53:34What do you know about it?
00:53:36Last semester, I wrote this paper
00:53:38on the trafficking of minors in countries like Thailand and India.
00:53:42It was awful.
00:53:44It's the fastest growing crime in America.
00:53:47It's a $150 billion a year business.
00:53:50That's with a B.
00:53:52$150 billion is spent to enslave women,
00:53:56forced into the trade for financial and cultural reasons.
00:54:00Now, I want you to write it down
00:54:04and bring it to my house tomorrow morning.
00:54:08How many pages?
00:54:10The history?
00:54:11Single space?
00:54:13No, just focus on what you have told me already.
00:54:17Where is the biggest need right now?
00:54:26This is my wife, Sandy.
00:54:28Nice to meet you.
00:54:29How are you doing?
00:54:31Did you bring me some lunch?
00:54:33That's the rest of the money for the van.
00:54:35All right.
00:54:37Have a seat.
00:54:38Let's do some paperwork.
00:54:44All right, guys.
00:54:46I'm going to have a look at this.
00:54:48I'm going to have a look at this.
00:54:52All right, guys.
00:54:55We sold you the minivan for $2,700 even wholesale.
00:55:00I have your down payment of $1,752.28.
00:55:05That brings the grand total,
00:55:07after taxes, title, and tag,
00:55:10to $3,204.16.
00:55:13So the balance that you owe is $1,451.88.
00:55:18All right.
00:55:19Let's count it.
00:55:30I hope it's enough.
00:55:32I just hope I'm not breaking the kid's piggy bank here.
00:55:35No, it came that way.
00:55:40Six, seven, eight.
00:55:43Look at that.
00:55:45$1,451.88, exact.
00:55:51To the penny.
00:55:53You guys must be really good at math
00:55:55to have figured that out in advance.
00:55:57No, we weren't.
00:55:58Are you serious?
00:56:01You're not on a minivan.
00:56:15Hey, boys, come on.
00:56:16You want to see Mommy's new car?
00:56:24Hi, Mom.
00:56:32I already ordered pizza.
00:56:46I'm home.
00:57:07We need to have strong leadership in the White House.
00:57:10That's true.
00:57:11And in all the houses governing around the world.
00:57:13Oh, come in, Michael. Sit, sit.
00:57:15Yes, and if you keep an eye on Miss Reams and also that lady at the hospital.
00:57:22But I really have to go now. I have company.
00:57:28I love you.
00:57:33Who was that?
00:57:35Of course it was.
00:57:39Yes. I try to speak to God every day.
00:57:43Sometimes twice a day.
00:57:45I got the car, van, today.
00:57:48Michael, do you speak to God?
00:57:51I do.
00:57:53No, I mean, do you really talk to God?
00:57:56I try to pray with the boys every night. We pray in church, you know.
00:58:00And does God talk back to you?
00:58:03No. Is the phone talking to you?
00:58:06Are you hearing voices, Astrid?
00:58:08Oh, Michael. You really ought to try it sometime.
00:58:12You might be surprised on what the voice on that other end says to you.
00:58:18Oh, you got your car.
00:58:20Thank you again for the loan for the car.
00:58:23Cindy and I came up with a plan.
00:58:26You loaned us $3,204.16 exactly, which is bizarre because that's exactly what we needed.
00:58:35I didn't know.
00:58:37God knew.
00:58:39Um, so we're going to pay you $100 a month with...
00:58:42Oh, no, no, no. Wait.
00:58:47All right, Michael.
00:58:49You can pay me back, but you have to do it on my terms.
00:58:56Sure. I promise.
00:58:58All right.
00:59:00First, you can pay me back $1 every week.
00:59:06Nothing more.
00:59:07But, Astrid, that's...
00:59:08No, I'm not finished.
00:59:11You cannot pay me anything until six months from today. Do you understand?
00:59:16I understand, but, Astrid, that's going to take a long time for us...
00:59:19No, Michael. You agreed to my terms. You promised.
00:59:23$1 a week for six months. That's it.
00:59:29And one other thing.
00:59:32If you are ever in the position to help someone, do it.
00:59:38I know you will.
00:59:41That's part of the promise, too, but I'm sure you already knew that.
00:59:46And finally, there is something you can do for me.
00:59:51I'd like to have some more lilies planted before I go.
00:59:56Go? Where are you going?
01:00:00You'll need gloves.
01:00:02Oh, no, no, no.
01:00:04Oh, that's all for today, Michael. Go home.
01:00:08I need to get Dominic up and fix his dinner.
01:00:16Do you think it's too hot in the boys' room tonight?
01:00:19Oh, they'll be fine. I'm going to get a few more fans tomorrow.
01:00:22What do we need to fix it?
01:00:25They said $1,100. It's the compressor, but we'll be fine, honey.
01:00:37Yes. What are you working on?
01:00:39I'm updating my resume. I'm going to send it to that company, Mass Mutual.
01:00:44I heard they have a few openings. I just have to get my foot in the door.
01:00:50So what?
01:00:52Your conversation with Astrid about the money.
01:00:55Oh, yeah. Well, after I interrupted her phone call with God...
01:01:01Yeah. Never mind. But she gave us a loan repayment plan.
01:01:05The one we discussed?
01:01:07Not quite.
01:01:09A dollar per week, starting six months from today's date.
01:01:13What? Did you hear her, right?
01:01:15Yep. Trust me. Her terms were non-negotiable.
01:01:18Very specific. I just had to go along with it.
01:01:22That would be easy to remember.
01:01:24That's on March 8th, two days after Billy's birthday on the 6th.
01:01:29I'm going to mark it on the calendar.
01:01:33Do you have a pen over there?
01:01:40Do you think we should do, like, $4 a week?
01:01:43Instead of going over there every week with a dollar?
01:01:46Seems a little ridiculous, don't you think?
01:01:48No. We're going to pay the whole amount on March 8th.
01:01:53Somehow we'll find a way.
01:01:56Let's just keep it between us.
01:02:10It's time.
01:02:13I'm ready to go.
01:02:47Hello, Cindy? Cindy?
01:02:50Astrid, who are those people? Where are you going?
01:02:54Dominic and I are going on holiday.
01:02:58Astrid, I can't.
01:03:00My dear, there's no cash in it.
01:03:02Please, make sure you get it.
01:03:04I can't.
01:03:06Dominic and I are going on holiday.
01:03:08Astrid, I can't.
01:03:10My dear, there's no cash in it.
01:03:12Please, make sure you get it.
01:03:14No cash in it. Please, make sure Michael gets this.
01:03:18No cash?
01:03:19Absolutely not.
01:03:30Well, she was right. No cash.
01:03:33Did you tell her about the air conditioning?
01:03:36Because you said...
01:03:38And the check is for $1,100, honey.
01:03:40I don't get it.
01:03:43My dearest Michael, please apply these funds to the servicing of the yard
01:03:47until I return from holiday.
01:03:49Best, Astrid.
01:03:50Are you going to use the money for the air conditioning
01:03:53or the servicing of the yard?
01:03:55Air conditioning.
01:03:57But I'm going to make her yard look incredible for when she returns.
01:04:00I'll help, too.
01:04:02To plant the garden is to believe in tomorrow.
01:05:28Hi, can I help you?
01:05:30Yeah, are you Michael Torgal?
01:05:33Astrid Nicosia is in the hospital, and I thought you should know.
01:05:36Astrid's in town?
01:05:38Yeah, she's in Preston Memorial.
01:05:40Do you have any more information?
01:05:42Not really.
01:05:44I wasn't sure I should even stop by because I'm not sure how much you knew or how close.
01:05:48Oh, well, thanks for letting us know.
01:06:03Hey, there was a guy at the door.
01:06:05He said Astrid's back and she's in the hospital.
01:06:07Oh my goodness, is she okay?
01:06:10He didn't say.
01:06:12Can you watch the kids and I'll go see her tomorrow?
01:06:14Of course, yeah, yeah, you should go.
01:06:28Excuse me, can you tell me what room Astrid Nicosia is in?
01:06:31Sure, let me check.
01:06:33Let's see here.
01:06:35It looks like she is in room 204.
01:06:37So, if you take this hallway right here, you'll see the elevator on your left.
01:06:40Go up to the second floor, make a right, and you'll see room 204.
01:06:43Great, thank you.
01:06:44You're welcome.
01:06:52Oh, Michael.
01:06:57You can get my glasses.
01:06:59My glasses.
01:07:05Oh, yes, Michael.
01:07:09How did you know I was here?
01:07:13Nan came to my door last night and told me.
01:07:19How are Cindy and the boys?
01:07:25Billy just turned four yesterday.
01:07:27Oh, that's great.
01:07:29Astrid, what's going on? Where have you been?
01:07:32Where's Dominic? Is he here?
01:07:34Does he need somebody to look after him?
01:07:36What's going on?
01:07:38It's okay.
01:07:46Are you still in the living business?
01:07:53No, I finally got a job at Mass Mutual.
01:07:57Oh, that's cool.
01:07:58Customer service.
01:07:59Michael, I need you to do a favor for me.
01:08:08You see, over there, my luggage.
01:08:16Underneath it, there's a key.
01:08:25Yes, I will be leaving here soon.
01:08:34I need you to go to my house and get it ready.
01:08:44I'm expecting some company tomorrow.
01:08:49It doesn't matter.
01:08:55It doesn't matter, Michael.
01:09:01This is my neighbor. My neighbor, Michael.
01:09:05Astrid's told me a lot about you.
01:09:08I so appreciate everything you've done for me, Michael.
01:09:13If you could do one more thing, could you promise me something?
01:09:35I promise.
01:09:38I just had to give her something to help her rest.
01:09:44Could you come back tomorrow?
01:09:46Yeah, I can do that.
01:10:08Take these ocean tears
01:10:16Hold me through the drought
01:10:24Come like hope again
01:10:31Even when the fire seems lost
01:10:35I'll praise you
01:10:38Even when it hurts like hell
01:10:42I'll praise you
01:10:46Even when it makes no sense
01:10:50Are you going to open it?
01:10:52It's gonna be money.
01:10:53Maybe not.
01:10:55She said she's coming home soon and wants me to get the house ready for people coming over tomorrow.
01:11:00I don't know.
01:11:01Why is she in the hospital?
01:11:03She never said, but she didn't look good.
01:11:06Tomorrow I'm gonna go see her again, and I'm gonna take this, and I'm gonna open it.
01:11:10Right in front of her.
01:11:11Maybe there'll be a witness there, like, somebody like her nurse.
01:11:15She does this to surprise me, so I'm gonna surprise her.
01:11:18Who are you kidding? You can't surprise her.
01:11:30I'm sorry.
01:12:00I'm sorry.
01:12:31He will burn, he will burn, I know
01:12:39And my soul is on fire
01:12:46And I will sing until the miracle comes
01:12:58Hey, you're the one that told me that Astrid was in the hospital.
01:13:01Are you related?
01:13:03No, I'm her mechanic.
01:13:05Yeah, I was her mechanic.
01:13:07Astrid didn't have a car.
01:13:10It's a long story.
01:13:13Who are all these people?
01:13:15I don't know.
01:13:17How did you know to come?
01:13:19Oh, she invited me. I got this letter.
01:13:27I'm Mike Torville. This is my wife, Cindy.
01:13:31Let's go inside and figure out what this is all about.
01:13:34I run a daycare center at my house. I have plenty of toys.
01:13:37Come on.
01:13:38Oh, thank you.
01:13:48Okay, I'm not sure why we're all here,
01:13:51but I suspect Astrid would want us to talk about ourselves
01:13:55and maybe talk about how we know her.
01:13:58That'd be my guess.
01:14:00Are we breaking our promises?
01:14:02I think it's probably okay.
01:14:06Now, you said you were her mechanic?
01:14:12One day, I guess it was about five years ago,
01:14:16I was walking alongside the road.
01:14:19You see, back then I was drinking and carrying on
01:14:25and I couldn't keep a job.
01:14:27I'd been a mechanic my whole life.
01:14:30A darn good one, and everybody knew it.
01:14:33But with the drink-in and this being a small town, nobody would hire me.
01:14:38I guess I was only about a day or two away from her walking out on me.
01:14:43Astrid took me to the diner over on Memorial Drive.
01:14:47I remember that.
01:14:49She, um, she gave a...
01:14:54She cared for me.
01:14:56She cared for us.
01:15:02Oh, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
01:15:05Thank you for ordering my tea, Mr. Reynolds.
01:15:09Now, Mr. Reynolds, I will help you open your shop and keep it open,
01:15:15but I need you to make me a few promises.
01:15:23Is that a yes?
01:15:27We talked for a little while.
01:15:30We talked for hours.
01:15:34And I told her I wanted to open up my own shop, and she said okay.
01:15:39I said I had a perfect spot. She said great.
01:15:44And then she wanted me to make her a promise.
01:15:51Um, the shop I wanted was about two blocks from her house,
01:15:56and I remember the day we opened, she was there, and I took her keys.
01:16:05I told her I would drive her anywhere she wanted to go,
01:16:07she just needed to come down to the shop.
01:16:10So, I guess I was her chauffeur, too.
01:16:17I met you and her this past summer at the center and down in the new home.
01:16:21Did y'all get that built?
01:16:23We did, and Ruth here is our first tenant.
01:16:27Ashford met Ruth and her mom at the same diner, apparently.
01:16:33Heard about the project we were building and came out and wanted to help.
01:16:39Oh, Ruth.
01:16:43Yes, I will send you the money that you need.
01:16:48I'm sorry?
01:16:49But there is one condition.
01:16:52You can never tell anyone where that money came from.
01:16:56Are you serious?
01:16:58Of course I am.
01:17:02She paid for the final phase of the project.
01:17:07I only met her once.
01:17:09I remember that, too.
01:17:12But that's what she did.
01:17:16I watched her just about every day.
01:17:21She was always just looking for ways to help people.
01:17:29Sure, she was quirky.
01:17:33And maybe a little bit snooty.
01:17:37But she was so good to us there.
01:17:42Every day.
01:17:45May I?
01:17:47Oh, sure.
01:17:50Who are you?
01:17:52I'm sorry?
01:17:54My name is Ashford Nicosia.
01:17:56I come here every day for lunch, and I've never seen you before.
01:18:01And I've never seen your friend either.
01:18:04Does she work here?
01:18:06Well, that's my daughter.
01:18:08Her name is Ruth, and yes, ma'am, she works here.
01:18:19It's okay, it's okay.
01:18:25Come back and help her.
01:18:29Good job.
01:18:32She changed my life.
01:18:36Just knowing her.
01:18:39I have a better mom.
01:18:41A better wife.
01:18:45And a better person.
01:18:50Well, Astrid, she saved my life.
01:18:54I mean, I wouldn't be here today if she hadn't intervened.
01:18:59As most of you know, I have congestive heart failure.
01:19:03Severe aortic stenosis.
01:19:06It just boils down to I had too many cheeseburgers.
01:19:10Anyway, so after, what, 35 days in ICU,
01:19:17they're going to pull the plug for insurance reasons.
01:19:20Astrid would have no part of that.
01:19:23No, and she paid my bill.
01:19:26I mean, the whole bill.
01:19:30Later we found a specialist in California that would take Ronnie's case,
01:19:34and she didn't flinch.
01:19:36She covered it all.
01:19:38And never did she seek praise or anything.
01:19:42My daughter has her dad because of her.
01:19:47Well, I guess I'll go.
01:19:50I met Astrid at the library when she wanted to know where to buy girls in foreign countries.
01:19:56I'm serious.
01:19:57She was on this crazy charge to end human trafficking.
01:20:00Oh, yeah, that was my fault.
01:20:03Yeah, she mentioned her pastor gave her the idea.
01:20:06Well, that's me.
01:20:08I'm her pastor.
01:20:09What did she do?
01:20:11She asked me to write a report on where we need resources to help these girls be in traffic, but...
01:20:17Now tell me, why is it that you are not in college this semester?
01:20:25My father passed away last year, but you already knew that.
01:20:29I'm sorry?
01:20:31You paid for him to be buried.
01:20:33In the service.
01:20:35In all the flowers.
01:20:37I did.
01:20:40I read his obituary in the newspapers.
01:20:45And the tribute that you wrote to him.
01:20:47It was obvious that you were raised right.
01:20:52But I gathered that you didn't have any other family members.
01:20:57So I called the funeral home.
01:20:59But you didn't even know him.
01:21:02No, I did not know your father.
01:21:05But I know that he was very proud of you.
01:21:10And I am sure he can't wait to see all the things that you will accomplish with your life.
01:21:20My name is Robin.
01:21:22I own the Sheer Perfection Beauty Salon here in town.
01:21:26I did Astrid's hair every week.
01:21:29And I am also the daughter of Dominic.
01:21:33Astrid was my stepmother.
01:21:36They moved here about five years ago to be closer to me.
01:21:42And you should know, my father passed away a few months ago.
01:21:48He was suffering from Alzheimer's.
01:21:53Astrid had found a clinic upstate where they could move in together.
01:21:58And he could get better care there.
01:22:02But your stories about Astrid don't surprise me.
01:22:07She was an amazing lady.
01:22:10You really should come over sometime.
01:22:13He'd love to see you.
01:22:16He doesn't even know who I am.
01:22:23Oh, look at that picture.
01:22:26I haven't seen it for years.
01:22:29I found that in an old box.
01:22:33Look at you.
01:22:37I remember when they got married.
01:22:40He was so in love with her.
01:22:43But these last few years, his memory declined.
01:22:48And, well, he didn't even recognize me.
01:22:55They helped me get the salon up and running.
01:22:59She was a very wealthy lady.
01:23:04Who lived her life to give it all away.
01:23:07Just to help people.
01:23:09You did the free haircuts.
01:23:11Yes, every Sunday.
01:23:13I heard about that.
01:23:15That's awesome.
01:23:18Well, I'm preaching her funeral tomorrow.
01:23:21Is there any other family that we should contact?
01:23:24I'm not sure.
01:23:26Astrid didn't speak much of family.
01:23:28There was a sister, but I think she's passed now.
01:23:33As for any other family members, I'm just not sure.
01:23:38Well, I'm sorry for your loss.
01:23:41She loaned my wife and I, I'll never forget it,
01:23:45$3,204.16 to buy a car.
01:23:50And with the fees and all the taxes and everything,
01:23:53it was exactly $3,204.16.
01:23:59I didn't think Astrid had that kind of money.
01:24:03But the craziest thing was she said to pay her a dollar a week,
01:24:09but wait six months.
01:24:12Wait a minute.
01:24:19What is it?
01:24:23She died today.
01:24:27March 8th, a dollar a week.
01:24:30That rascal, she knew.
01:24:34Well, she knew.
01:24:38Phone ringing.
01:25:06It was Astrid calling from heaven to make sure we're all here.
01:25:16Some have called Astrid Nicosia an angel.
01:25:22They may be right.
01:25:25She was indeed a special person who allowed God to work through her life
01:25:31and reaching out to others in simple, unassuming, yet meaningful ways.
01:25:38I do believe that she was in fact God's angel here on earth.
01:25:44By the number of people here today, we know that Astrid changed people's lives.
01:25:50God works through his angel Astrid in a series of meaningful God incidences.
01:25:57And she served as a model to me and to so many others of caring, giving, and loving.
01:26:06May we all keep our promise with Astrid to help others whenever we can.
01:26:27We sing your praise.
01:26:45Take this mountain weight.
01:26:52Take these ocean tears.
01:27:00Hold me through the drought.
01:27:07Come like hope again.
01:27:14Even when the fire seems lost, I'll praise you.
01:27:21Even when it hurts like hell, I'll praise you.
01:27:28Even when it makes no sense to sing louder, then I'll sing your praise.
01:27:42I will only sing your praise.
01:27:48I will only sing your praise.
01:27:57I will only sing your praise.
01:28:06Even when the morning comes, I'll praise you.
01:28:14Even when the fire is weak, I'll praise you.
01:28:21Even when my time on earth is done, louder than I'll sing your praise.
01:28:35I will only sing your praise.
01:28:43I will only sing your praise.