
  • last week


00:00Yeah, I mean, he's totally cool with it.
00:02I told you I don't want your friend here.
00:04Really, I really shouldn't have acted that way towards your friend.
00:08It's okay.
00:11Let's go jumping jacks. Let's go, Valuté. Let's go.
00:15Nice, nice, nice.
00:16But my aunt thinks that if I don't give him a child, then he'll end up leaving me.
00:22I don't think so. Vinny loves him.
00:25The use of drugs have influenced your cardiovascular system.
00:28This could negatively affect your ability to have children.
00:43Somo, how are you?
00:44I'm good, thanks. Vinny, how are you?
00:46I'm good, thanks. Where's my wife?
00:48You know, I meant to compliment you this morning. You're a very good cook.
00:52Oh, yeah?
00:54Yeah, I mean, that breakfast, it was so delicious.
00:57I'm really glad you think that. Anyway, where's my wife?
01:00What ingredients did you use?
01:02Excuse me?
01:03Yeah, I mean, I would love to cook a meal like that for my boyfriend as well.
01:07Somo, come on. Tapio already told me you don't have a boyfriend.
01:11Speaking of, where is she?
01:15Babe. Baby.
01:46Where is Tapio?
01:48I don't know. Have you checked the bedroom?
01:52Yes, I've checked the bedroom and she's not picking up her phone either.
01:56Somo, did Tapio go somewhere?
02:00Somo, what's going on?
02:02Please tell me, where is Tapio?
02:08Where is Tapio?
02:16There she is. She didn't even go anywhere.
02:20Yeah, here I am.
02:23I didn't go anywhere at all.
02:26Just wanted to see if your heart would skip a beat.
02:35What? No hug?
02:37You had me worried, Tapio.
02:41Okay, bring it in. Come on.
02:46Come on.
02:53I just wanted to know if your heart still beats for me, babe.
02:56You know my heart will always beat for you, my baby.
02:59So sweet.
03:01And now that I've seen you...
03:04I got the job, babe. I got the job. I'm going to be a sous-chef at the Grand Hotel.
03:08Oh my gosh, babe. That's amazing.
03:09I know. I know.
03:10I'm so proud of you.
03:11I can't believe it either.
03:13We need to celebrate.
03:14Yes. Yes, we do.
03:16And you need to go and cook your famous dish, Mr. Sous-chef.
03:19Oh, that's how we celebrate.
03:22We're working for free.
03:25What do you feel like? Beef or chicken?
03:27Surprise me.
03:28You know what? Okay.
03:44Do not be nervous, Joshua.
03:46You got this. Okay?
03:48The universe loves me.
03:51And I am going to win.
03:53Win and win.
03:55In abundance.
04:01Someone looks like a million bucks.
04:04Thank you, mother.
04:10Were you going to dress like you're going to the office?
04:14I'm talking to you.
04:17I'm working on something, mother.
04:19You know, here, there.
04:21You know how it is.
04:31Oh, baby, you look so handsome.
04:33Thank you so much, babe.
04:34You're so supportive.
04:36I'll see you later, yeah?
04:39I love you.
04:40I love you too.
04:42I love you.
04:43I love you.
04:44All the best.
05:12You didn't tell me you got a job.
05:15Well, it's not exactly...
05:17Not exactly that.
05:20Then what exactly, Joshua?
05:24It's just a project that I'm working on.
05:29So, I'm working on it.
05:31So, I'm working on it.
05:33So, I'm working on it.
05:35So, I'm working on it.
05:37So, I'm working on it.
05:39So, I'm working on it.
05:41So, I'm just trying to make a good impression on potential investors.
05:45That's all.
05:47A project.
05:51Joshua, are you in some kind of trouble?
05:56You know you can talk to me, right?
05:59I'm not in any trouble, Mother.
06:01Look, it's not a big deal, okay?
06:04When it pans out, trust me, you will be the first to know.
06:08Tell me...
06:10What sort of investment requires you dressed like this?
06:18It's not a big deal, Mother.
06:20Like I said before, I'm only trying to make a good impression on potential investors.
06:24Joshua, with you, it is a big deal.
06:32If you're in trouble, you know you can trust me.
06:37I know that, Mother.
06:38I'm not in trouble, okay?
06:41And like I said before, I'll keep you updated when everything works out.
06:49Good luck.
06:52And be careful.
06:53As always.
07:07A few months later
07:17Tapioah, what's wrong?
07:29It was a disaster, Chisomo.
07:32I need...
07:34The doctor said that I need to see a cardiologist
07:38and that I may never be able to get pregnant.
07:43I'm so sorry to hear that, Tapioah.
07:46I'm sorry.
07:56I'm so sorry.
08:08What a rose.
08:11Look who's all dressed up.
08:13Yeah, wow.
08:15I thought Joshua was going to be late.
08:18But he's here just in time.
08:21I'm just trying to make a good impression.
08:24I'm a potential investor, okay?
08:29are you ready?
08:31Are you ready to start a new life?
08:35I'll be honest with you, Anna Rose.
08:38I'm at a point in my life where I've lost everything.
08:42I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get pregnant again.
08:48I like your determination.
08:50I hope one day you'll be able to get pregnant.
08:58I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get pregnant again.
09:04Well, the thing is,
09:06life is full of uncertainties.
09:09And I just feel like I'm at that point in my life where I'm being tested.
09:14But it's in those moments, you know, that determines who you really are.
09:19And I'm very determined.
09:20I can see that.
09:22I believe in you.
09:23Thank you very much. That means a lot to me.
09:25You're welcome.
09:32We can go?
09:33Yeah, sure.
09:40I mean,
09:41it's ironic, isn't it?
09:44When I was using, I never wanted to have a baby.
09:49And now that I...
09:51Now that I really, really want one,
09:53and I'm desperate for a baby, I can never have one.
10:12It's not safe for you.
10:17It's not safe for you.
10:20I'm serious.
10:44What's wrong?
11:15Listen, Tapioa.
11:17I think you need to sit down and talk to Vinny about...
11:21Where do I even start?
11:24You saw how excited he was about his job.
11:26I don't want to be a wet blanket.
11:31Vinny is your husband.
11:32He has every right to know about this.
11:34And besides, Vinny looks like a decent man,
11:36and he's a good man.
11:37He's a good man.
11:38He's a good man.
11:39He's a good man.
11:40He's a good man.
11:41He's a good man.
11:42And besides, Vinny looks like a decent man,
11:44and he's going to support you through all this.
11:50You really think so?
11:51Of course.
11:53And even if he doesn't understand the first time,
11:55he will definitely come around and support you through all this.
12:02Tapioa, you are stronger than you think.
12:06And Vinny will definitely see that too.
12:09I just don't know what to do.
12:12I don't know what to do.
12:26Thank you, Chisomo.
12:56What are you doing here?
12:58I thought you were going to get married.
13:01I'm not going to get married.
13:03I'm going to get married.
13:04I'm going to get married.
13:06We can't do that.
13:10When you tell them what we're not going to do,
13:12they're going to think that you don't know what this is about.
13:14What's going to happen when they find out that we're killing each other?
13:18My two sons.
13:20My two sons and my son.
13:22My young man.
13:24This is all your fault.
13:26Sika, where are you?
13:39She's the person I wanted to see.
13:46I need to talk to you about something.
13:49Yes, dear.
13:51What's on your mind?
13:53It's Joshua.
13:56I'm worried about him.
14:00He's been acting weird of late and...
14:04I know he's been under a lot of pressure
14:07since he doesn't have a job,
14:08but I don't want him to end up doing something out of desperation.
14:12You know, I've noticed he's been acting strange lately.
14:18And this morning,
14:20he was putting on a suit.
14:23He didn't mention where he was going.
14:26And that itself is...
14:36We need to find out what's happening
14:39before he gets us into any trouble.
14:42That's the only way we can save Joshua.
14:48I know you're right.
14:49We just need to keep an eye on him.
14:52And make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble.
14:57You know, I thought I was the only one who noticed.
15:01We found out.
15:02We found out that there's a ghost.
15:04No, you're not the only one.
15:05I equally noticed that.
15:09We'll get to the bottom of this.
15:11Don't worry.
15:13They must have murdered us because of Joshua.
15:14Natasha, come on.
15:21I'm just worried.
15:22I'm just worried.
15:44You went behind my back
15:46because you didn't attend those nonsense trainings
15:48with that Roderick.
15:49What do you want me to do?
15:55Listen, if you want to talk to me,
16:00come to my house.
16:06How dare you talk to me like that, Lute?
16:10I'm not a slave. I'm your husband.
16:13Don't talk to me like that.
16:16Because each time you go and come back, you're going to burn the house down.
16:32Mama Enza, I'm so sorry.
16:36If you had given me a chance, I would have given it to you.
16:39I would have given you a chance.
16:43I didn't give you a chance.
16:48Because you said you wouldn't go.
16:52You would work and you'd work.
16:55I'm telling you, you're a housewife.
16:57You would not let me go.
17:01If you had given me a chance, I would have worked hard.
17:05I would have worked hard and lived.
17:11The way she is behaving here.
17:13She is not even going to marry her husband.
17:15She is going to leave her husband and her daughter.
17:22Aunty, are you done?
17:25Oh, you are so strong.
17:27I thought you were a good fighter.
17:29You are like an expert.
17:35You still have a lot to be able to do?
17:37I am still learning.
17:39Thank you so, so much.
17:41You're welcome.
17:43Sorry, sorry.
17:45Just hold on one second.