بدائل زراعة الشعر: حلول طبيعية وتقنية لتساقط الشعر
إعداد: فاطمة مصطفى
تصوير : نادر نبيل
المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
Official website :https://www.elconsolto.com
Official Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/ElConsolto
Official Twitter :https://twitter.com/elconsolto
Official instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ElConsolto
إعداد: فاطمة مصطفى
تصوير : نادر نبيل
المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
Official website :https://www.elconsolto.com
Official Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/ElConsolto
Official Twitter :https://twitter.com/elconsolto
Official instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ElConsolto
00:00One of the things I really enjoyed was that a company called Micromatrix made a substance called Acell, which is a substitute for hair transplantation.
00:11The doctors here worked with this substance.
00:14In the case of androgenic alopecia, in the case of hereditary cancer, we have achieved amazing results.
00:22On the contrary, the patients rely on us.
00:26It is a session that is done every year.
00:29It is not done every two or three months.
00:32By taking the vitamins and the medication that we give them, they get amazing results.
00:40I am very happy because this affects the patient's psychology, especially women.
00:46We have photos before and after.
00:50The doctors here are very excellent.
00:53Very, very excellent.
00:55I am very proud of them.
00:57We have received a lot of thanks and gifts for the results they have achieved.