Swallowed Star Ep 140 Multi Sub

  • 7 hours ago
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00:36♪ The moment of farewell has arrived, the deepest love ♪
00:43♪ Pretend to be happy, the sky and earth is covered with clouds ♪
00:51中的垃圾 困守在地后 隐隐约约的沉默 透露一丝丝苦涩 任意不再被伤透 别再带着泪如雪
01:08拒绝这场事件 答案不一定绝对 伤口因为爱撞裂 伤痛的痛不停歇
01:20求生的力量来自沉默 残生可敬的对手 坚持信念是我的宣扬 抵挡心中的烙火
01:40感觉到 感觉到 感觉到 感觉到 感觉到 感觉到
01:50闪烁的光芒 指引方向 跨越了浩劫 曙光见亮
02:20随着 我们在系统中发现了海如痕迹 外作的渗透程度远比想象中要深
02:32经过监测 目前我朝处于深度沉睡状态 暂时无语 我发现对付虫族女王最有效的办法是用魂焰对击进行精神攻击
02:44只有获得更高级的精神类秘法 才有机率将其击败
02:48宇宙巅峰天才战 总决赛 现在开始
02:56宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
03:26宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
03:30即便你用精神防御手段 我的相位操控术依然能渗入你的心灵深处
03:36宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
04:06宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
04:16宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
04:25宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
04:35宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
04:43在相位操控术生成的幻境内 会自动出现你心目中最恐惧的事物
04:48它会摧毁你真实的一切 甚至将你的精神摧毁
05:05明明做了防御特队 为什么毫无预兆
05:21我就不该心存假计 继续参与天才战 我就不该离开
05:29看来是硬儿赢了 真无聊
05:35宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
05:40宇宙巅峰天才战 现在开始
05:56哥哥 我可在你身上下注了
06:05罗峰 以你的意识强度 也无法抵抗加莱西的相位操控术了
06:12没错 我正在参加天才战 这是幻境 我不能沉浸于悲伤中 必须马上醒来
06:19赢下比赛 让这一切永不发生
06:28回想起来 大哥儿可传授给我的心境修炼法
06:36老子 快醒醒
07:03接下来就看你的雷洛身躯 能否承受这一击
07:12天哪 这都能反差
07:15罗峰的意识强度得有多高啊 要不下次押罗峰
07:21比赛到现在 还是第一次见到加莱西的幻术失效
07:26罗峰 真期待与你再次交战
07:29哥也太帅了 这下进了前八强 奖金至少有一千会员
07:47罗峰先生 你好 我是艾辰 我关注您很久了
07:54艾辰小姐 见识诡谲难测 光见着名号 无人不知
08:01您跨入了金语空间法则门槛 精神力强大 擅长灭力兵技高速攻击 且能施展幻身
08:09属实不可小觑 只可惜 您的对手 是我
08:17罗峰先生 很期待接下来与您的对决哦
08:24他在先前的对战中总是轻巧获胜 从未使出过全力
08:43罗峰先生 您看起来很紧张 就让我帮您尽快解脱吧
08:53比赛 开始
09:01用光线扭曲来隐身作战 这就是他的底牌吗
09:16幸好大哥修炼的也是光线法则 经过先前的特训 我已经能依靠夜里精准感知光的异常波动
09:24成功了 显然能带领到我主的刺激
09:52他的杀手剑竟然是时间法则 静止的时间虽只有极短一瞬 却足以使我的所有攻击都失去意义
10:06才一星期就能施展时间静止 强大的黑泉小姐真是太迷人了
10:13完了 特效数据计算得出结果 罗峰失败的可能性为99.9%
11:06但我承受不住在时间静止下再次进攻 这次机会 赌一把
11:18罗峰先生 准备好了吗 我要杀了哦
11:55您的攻击很强 道歉遗憾 在难过的时空中再多的变化都只能沦为失败的装饰
12:02Goodbye, Mr. Luofeng!
12:06You're so annoying!
12:10Fine, goodbye!
12:13Luofeng wins.
12:15He's advanced to the Top 4 of the Talents Competition, and has qualified for the semi-finals.
12:323D is really good!
12:36But your next battle...
12:45My next opponent will be between Bolan and Rongjun.
12:49One of them has beaten me before, and the other is the top player in the Talents Competition.
12:54He's the first genius to be predicted to win.
12:58No matter who wins or loses, it will be extremely challenging for me.
13:07Do you think he's very lonely?
13:10Rumor has it that Bolan has been lonely since he was a child.
13:13Ever since he was born, he has never been in a team, never climbed mountains, and has always been alone.
13:20He used to live in a remote planet in the NGC 604 area of the Triangular Star System.
13:27He has been a target of many Star Citizens.
13:31He has killed more than 50,000 combatants in the past.
13:37This has completely destroyed his invasion plan.
13:42Bolan's death has spread like wildfire.
13:46In the face of the local villagers' gratitude, he openly expressed that he was not afraid of justice.
13:53This intense combat experience...
14:00He's a pure warrior.
14:04I was looking forward to fighting Bolan.
14:06But now this opportunity may be yours.
14:22Rong Jun versus Bolan.
14:25The match begins.
14:52Bolan wins!
15:05Bolan wins!
15:07Bolan is indeed the champion!
15:09He wins every match!
15:13Bolan wins.
15:14He advances to the semifinals.
15:17He is qualified for the semifinals.
15:20The match is over so quickly.
15:22Next, I will face Bolan.
15:33Okay, okay.
15:50Rong Jun.
15:53Bolan is strong.
15:58But this also makes me more motivated.
16:01Luo Feng, it's your turn now.
16:04I really want to know how much you, who used to be on par with me, can fight Bolan.
16:13I will do my best.
16:20She is winning.
16:25That's right.
16:28Bolan wins!
16:29Bolan is the champion!
16:30Bolan wins!
16:32Bolan is the champion!
16:35Bolan wins!
16:39Bolan advances to the finals.
16:41The match is over so quickly.
16:44Rong Jun versus Rong Jun.
16:46The match is over so quickly.
16:48In the trial tower, this dragon cloud was also in the top 100, but it was after the 50th place, I didn't expect it to break into the top 4 without a sound, it was definitely not to be underestimated.
17:19Tomorrow's game will determine whether I can enter the primordial domain, get the secret technique as soon as possible, and get out of the crisis of regrouping. I have to win.
17:31I have to win, I have to win.
18:01I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
18:31I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
19:31I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
20:01I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
20:11I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
20:34I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
21:04I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
21:34I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.
22:04I have to win, I have to win, I have to win, I have to win.