ESDM Bidik Tambahan Kapasitas Pembangkit Angin 5 GW

  • 2 days ago
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral membidik tambahan kapasitas terpasang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu (PLTB) sebesar 5 gigawatt (GW) hingga tahun 2030. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM potensi angin di Indonesia mencapai 154,6 gigawatt (GW) wilayah timur Indonesia memiliki potensi mencapai 40% dari potensi angin nasional.


00:00The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources estimates that the added capacity of wind power plants or PLTBs of 5 gigawatts by 2030.
00:14According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the wind potential in Indonesia reaches 154.6 gigawatts.
00:20The eastern part of Indonesia has a potential of reaching 40 percent of the national wind potential.
00:30The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, through the Directorate-General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, or EBTKE,
00:38calls on the government together with the PTPLN to organize a general plan for the provision of electricity in 2025-2035,
00:46as well as a general plan for national electricity.
00:50In the policy plan that is under discussion by the Directorate-General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation,
00:57the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Enya Listiani Dewi, targets to increase the added capacity of wind power plants or PLTBs of 5 gigawatts by 2030.
01:10According to Enya, Indonesia has a very large wind power potential,
01:15which makes the wind potential the second largest EBT source after solar energy.
01:20PLTBs can also be used as a tourist attraction, just like in Europe, especially the Netherlands.
01:28The wind power potential is 155 gigawatts.
01:33This is the second largest.
01:35So if solar energy is 3.2 terawatts, 3200 gigawatts, the second largest is wind power, 155 gigawatts.
01:48And right now it's still very small.
01:50Our target in 2060 is to implement 37 gigawatts in the previous RUKN.
02:04Now the RUKN is being discussed, and then a new RUKN will be created.
02:09And in the next five years, we already know the number is 5 gigawatts.
02:15So by 2030, we need 5 gigawatts of wind.
02:24We have to speed up, because if we calculate it, in five years, 1 gigawatt is 1 year.
02:32There's a woman laughing.
02:371 year, 1 gigawatt.
02:39From here, we are starting to see if it's true or not.
02:45Based on the data of the Ministry of Energy, Wind Power in Indonesia is 154.6 gigawatts,
02:51with offshore wind power potential of 60.4 gigawatts, and offshore wind power potential of 94.2 gigawatts.
03:01In more detail, the eastern region of Indonesia has a potential of reaching 40% of the national wind power.
03:07However, the wind power used as PLTB until 2024 is still very small.
03:13It is only as big as 152 megawatts.
03:16While the government targets in 2060, the capacity of PLTB installed will be 37 gigawatts.
03:23From Jakarta, Devian Mansyah, IDEC Channel.
