Fall in Love with a Fox (2024) Ep.29 Engsub

  • 8 hours ago


00:00Transcriber & Translator Alina DEMONTRACEDV on Viking 3rd Edition. Thanks for watching!
00:30爱恨全落下 取代了多少年华 Love and hate are all gone, replacing so many years
00:35多光剑影 通游天下 Light and shadow travel around the world
00:43也曾漩涡挣扎 面具之下 辨不清真假 只生而变 选择 I also struggled in a whirlpool, under a mask, I couldn't tell the truth
00:50只生而变 选择 I only heard the choice
00:55也曾停下步伐 看冰雪融化 伸出枝桠 结束繁华 落下脸颊 I also stopped my steps, watching the ice and snow melt
01:02伸出枝案 结束繁华 落下脸颊 I stretched out my fingers, cut through the bustle, and fell off the cliff
01:08回忆落悬崖 往事被风化 一路上风雪交加 何时抵达 看人间无暇 Memories fall like a cliff, the past is blown away by the wind, the road is full of snow and wind
01:16何时抵达 看人间无暇 When will I arrive, to see the end of the world
01:22任烟云桃花 暗却落下 取代了多少年华 How many years have I waited for the peach blossoms to fall?
01:29那红剑影 纵游天下 That red sword shadow travels around the world
01:51你为什么不反抗 Why didn't you resist?
02:09因为是你 Because it's you
02:11我后悔 I regret
02:21我后悔 I regret
02:51子敬 I'm sorry
02:59对不起 I'm sorry
03:02千语 Qianyu
03:19千语 Qianyu
03:30千语 Qianyu
03:33千语 Qianyu
03:41千语 Qianyu
03:49千语 Qianyu
03:59千语 Qianyu
04:09千语 Qianyu
04:22千语 Qianyu
04:39阿诚 Thank you for sparing Qianyu's life
04:44她从前和你一样也是受到蒙蔽 She was also deceived like you
04:48做下了太多的坏事 and did too many bad things
04:50况且她现在双目失明 也算得到了应有的惩罚 Besides, she is blind now and has been punished
04:57但最重要的是 But the most important thing is
04:59我实在不忍心看到你为别的男人而难过 I can't bear to see you sad for another man
05:05他从前是个很乖的孩子 He was a good boy
05:10希望他能悔过自新吧 I hope he can repent
05:15等等 Wait
05:17阿诚 你身上的青毒还未解 The poison in you is still not cured
05:21我们不能靠这么近 We can't get so close
05:24可这树林里面危险重重 But it's dangerous in the woods
05:27我放不下心啊 I can't let my guard down
05:29要不这样吧 How about this?
05:30百万走在前边 I'll follow you
05:32我在后面慢慢跟着 I'll follow you from behind
06:03苏卓卓说 找到了治疗毒虫的新方法 Su Zhuozhuo said he found a new way to cure the poison
06:10要不我们回去找他看一看吧 Why don't we go back and have a look?
06:14好 Okay
06:16等你青毒治好了 我一定带你回京市镖局 I'll take you back to the Escort when you're cured
06:23都听百万的 I'll do whatever you say
06:32阿诚 你怎么不走了 Ah Cheng, why don't you leave?
06:42百万 如果你想哭就哭吧百万 If you want to cry, just cry
06:49我很愿意把剑膀借给你的 I'm willing to lend you my shoulder
06:55阿诚 Ah Cheng
06:58我知道很难过 I know you're sad
07:01秦云是我在九州有过唯一的亲人 Qingyun is the only family I've ever had in Jiuzhou
07:09从小相依为命 We've been together since we were kids
07:12我一直把他当弟弟来疼 I've always treated him as my brother
07:17他找了我五年 He's been looking for me for five years
07:21我们相认之后 我从来都没有好好跟他说过一句话 Since we met, I've never said a word to him
07:31也从来都没有对他笑过 I've never smiled at him
07:47阿诚 Ah Cheng
07:48阿诚 Ah Cheng
07:58阿诚从回来到现在就一直昏迷不醒 Ah Cheng has been in a coma since he came back
08:01还是因为那个情毒吗 Is it because of the love poison?
08:03我给屈原主把过脉了 I took his pulse
08:05从脉象上看 那只毒虫已经消失了 Judging from the pulse, the poison has disappeared
08:09消失了 Disappeared?
08:11情毒是由下毒之人的鲜血操控的 The love poison is controlled by the blood of the person who poisoned him
08:14那只毒虫消失了 The poison has disappeared
08:15那就是说明下毒之人秦云应该也已经死了 That means the person who poisoned him, Qin Yun, is also dead
08:21死了 Dead?
08:24那不就说明毒已经解了吗 Doesn't that mean the poison is gone?
08:26那阿诚为什么还一直昏迷不醒 Then why is Ah Cheng still in a coma?
08:30进去说吧 Let's talk inside
08:36百万 Bai Wan
08:38卓叔 你快帮阿诚看一看 她为什么还是醒不过来 Uncle Zhuo, take a look at Ah Cheng. Why is he still unconscious?
08:41情毒是没有了 The love poison is gone
08:43可此前的余毒已经狠狠伤及了曲院主的心脏 生在内里 But the remaining poison has already severely damaged the heart of Qu Yuan Zhu
08:47所以只能等曲院主自己醒来了 So he can only wait for Qu Yuan Zhu to wake up
08:50那他万一醒不过来 What if he can't wake up?
08:52不会的 He won't
08:54阿诚一定不会有事的 Ah Cheng will be fine
08:57既然情毒已经解了 Since the love poison has been removed
08:59那我们怎么办呢 What do we do now?
09:00那我们先出去了 Let's go
09:03走吧 Let's go
09:07阿诚 阿诚你听到了吗 Ah Cheng, can you hear me?
09:10我在这儿等你啊 I'm here
09:13在这儿等你啊 I'm here
09:16阿诚在这儿等你在这儿呢 Ah Cheng is here
09:19我在那儿等你啊 I'm here
09:21我在这儿等你 I'm here
09:24在这儿等你呢 I'm here
09:26在这儿等你 Yes
09:28在这儿等你 在这儿等你 I'm here
09:30Do you understand now? Your love poison has been cured.
09:37Wake up, okay?
10:00You're a man. Why are you crying?
10:03Is Zheng really unable to wake up?
10:09Maybe he'll wake up soon.
10:14Maybe he doesn't know when he'll wake up.
10:18I don't care.
10:20If he doesn't wake up, I won't leave.
10:22Okay, then I'll stay here with you.
10:25I'll stay here with you until he wakes up.
10:30Sit higher.
10:33Sit higher.
10:41Sit higher.
10:56You've been sleeping all day.
11:02When will you wake up?
11:05When you wake up, I'll make your favorite pastries.
11:11We'll go to the shadow play together.
11:14We'll go to Mount Jiufeng to play the zither together.
11:16We'll go to many places we've never been to together.
11:21Or we'll stay in Tingqin Yard forever.
11:26You'll be the owner of the yard.
11:28I'll be the wife of the owner of the yard.
11:31We'll be together forever.
11:42When will you wake up?
12:06I'll go wherever you want to go.
12:11Jian Honglie, you're awake.
12:14Madam wants me to wake up.
12:17I have to go.
12:20Are you still in pain?
12:23Does it still hurt?
12:25I'll go to Zhu Zhou to check on you.
12:31If you leave now,
12:33I'll be in trouble.
12:36Bai Wan,
12:39I'm sorry.
12:41I made you worry.
12:43If you do this again,
12:45I won't talk to you anymore.
12:48I won't do it again.
12:51I'll be with you from now on.
13:00From now on,
13:03we won't have anything.
13:07That's it.
13:09We'll be together forever.
13:15We'll be together forever.
13:20We'll be together forever.
13:38I love you.
14:09Three years later
14:20Hello, Master.
14:22Hello, Madam.
14:24Since then,
14:26I have been
14:29Zheng's wife
14:30in Tingqin Yard.
14:33Zheng and I
14:35are in harmony
14:36and love each other.
14:38Our family and work
14:39are very clear.
14:43Every beginning of the month
14:44is a regular meeting.
14:46If you have anything,
14:47just report it.
14:53The end of the month
14:54is the day to report the money.
14:56This is the account book.
14:58In the future,
14:59all the money transactions in the yard
15:01will be handled by Madam.
15:09Three years later
15:17The farmers we rent
15:19haven't paid the rent for two months.
15:22From now on,
15:23all the land rentals
15:24in Tingqin Yard
15:26will be handled by Madam.
15:31Last month,
15:32there was a flood down the mountain.
15:34I guess the farmers
15:35didn't pay the rent on purpose.
15:36I'll go down the mountain tomorrow
15:37and have a look.
15:38The rent is not important.
15:40The important thing is
15:41to know the situation
15:42of each household's important disaster.
15:46Madam is kind-hearted
15:47and good at doing things.
15:49I'm happy to be your husband.
15:54Even in the places
15:56we can't see,
15:57there are people doing good
15:58and working hard.
16:00Rock, paper, scissors.
16:03Master Xue is back.
16:04Master Xue is back.
16:06Hurry up.
16:07I told you
16:08not to call her like that.
16:09Now that the Palace of Eternity
16:10is gone,
16:11we shouldn't call her Master Xue.
16:13We should call her Sister Zijing.
16:15Sister Zijing.
16:18Good girl.
16:19You are smart.
16:21From now on,
16:22there will be no Master Xue.
16:24You are no longer
16:25the disciples of the Palace of Eternity.
16:26From now on,
16:27you can live here
16:28and study hard.
16:29Sister Zijing.
16:30We are obedient today.
16:31Master said
16:32our books
16:33are good.
16:35What did Master
16:36teach you today?
16:37He taught us
16:38who is innocent,
16:39who can be changed,
16:40and who is kind.
16:42It means
16:43everyone makes mistakes.
16:44As long as you can change,
16:45you are a good kid.
16:49why don't we
16:50need to practice now
16:51but need to study?
16:53We study
16:54so that you can understand
16:56what kind of path
16:57you will choose
16:58in the future
16:59and what kind of person
17:00you will meet in the future.
17:02Don't waste half of your life
17:03like me
17:06before you finally understand these things.
17:09What do you mean?
17:10All right.
17:11Are you hungry?
17:12Let's eat first.
17:14After eating,
17:15I bought you
17:16white jade cake.
17:19Come on.
17:25I want a piece, too.
17:26I can't reach it.
17:27I'll add it for you.
17:31You eat this.
17:32This is delicious.
17:36This is delicious, too.
17:37This is delicious, too.
17:40This is your favorite food.
17:42I always remember it.
17:47This is delicious.
17:57I brought these kids
17:59to play with you every day.
18:01You must be unhappy.
18:05I dreamed of you scolding me last night.
18:07You used to be so fierce
18:09and didn't smile when you saw me.
18:12I can't dream of your smile
18:14when I dream every night.
18:19But as long as I can see you
18:21in my dreams every day,
18:23I'm very satisfied.
18:26My drumstick fell off.
18:29It doesn't matter.
18:30You can eat mine.
18:31Let's share it.
18:34Xiu Xiu.
18:36You are too fierce.
18:38If we didn't grow up
18:39in the Ninth Heaven Palace,
18:41but like them,
18:43would this ending
18:45be different?
18:47But at least
18:48when they grow up,
18:49they won't repeat
18:50our fate again.
18:52That would be great.
18:53That would be great.
18:56Sister Zijing,
18:57why don't you eat?
18:59I'm not hungry.
19:02Sister Zijing,
19:03why do you always
19:04talk to this tombstone?
19:06Who is under this tombstone?
19:09He is a person
19:11who likes to eat white jade cake.
19:14He is also
19:16a person I love very much.
19:21Sister Zijing,
19:22let's eat together.
19:24Let's go.
19:26All right,
19:27don't run away.
19:28Let's eat.
19:29Hurry up.
19:30Let's eat.
19:31Let's eat.
19:37Come on.
19:38Eat this.
19:40Is it delicious?
19:52Why are you looking at me?
19:54Because my wife is beautiful.
19:56Does your wife know?
19:57Since you already know,
19:59don't write anymore.
20:05Just looking at you
20:07makes me happy.
20:35you can leave now.
20:36I have something to tell Qiu'er.
20:52Are you writing that novel?
20:57I am practicing calligraphy with Brother Ashu.
21:01How can you not write it well?
21:04I have been working for my husband
21:05as the master of the manor
21:07for many days.
21:09It was you who said
21:10that we should understand each other
21:12and asked me to read your novel.
21:14You didn't even write it well.
21:15Why did you ask me to read it?
21:18don't be angry.
21:20Since you want to read it,
21:21I will write it quickly.
21:27Don't you think
21:28the novel is vulgar now?
21:34can't be discussed at once.
21:36Although the novel is vulgar,
21:38it can't be discussed at once.
21:39There is a misunderstanding.
21:43I can't let Master know
21:44about the novel.
21:50This matter
21:51is known by Heaven and Earth.
21:52You know it and I know it.
21:54I didn't even tell Brother Ashu about it.
21:55This is a little secret between us.
21:59since you want to write well in the future,
22:01then you don't have to
22:02get married in the future.
22:05you have to ensure
22:06the speed and quality of this update.
22:11your novel
22:12has some
22:17I don't know
22:18if I can say it.
22:19Mother, please help me.
22:27Look at this paragraph.
22:28This paragraph says
22:30that she is a mighty lady
22:31and a good wife.
22:34How can she wear
22:35a white flower dress?
22:36How can a servant
22:37stand a servant?
22:38Am I right?
22:39Mother is right.
22:42And this paragraph.
22:44A'Sheng, try it.
22:45I made it myself.
22:47How is it? Is it delicious?
22:49Of course,
22:50Madam's cooking is excellent.
22:51Next month,
22:52Zhuo Shuo and Jianshan
22:53will come back for a tour.
22:54I also asked Miss and Mr. Yu
22:56to come to the Tianqi Garden for the Mid-Autumn Festival.
22:58Miss is pregnant.
23:00But I don't know
23:01if it's a boy or a girl.
23:05if it's a million,
23:06do you want a boy
23:07or a girl?
23:10I don't know yet.
23:12We are so busy.
23:13We don't have that time.
23:15That's right.
23:16We are so busy every day now.
23:20we have time now.
23:23What are you talking about?
23:26I can't wait for this kind of thing.
23:28Miss Jin and Mr. Yu
23:30all have good news.
23:31How can we be left behind?
23:33How can we be left behind?
23:35The more you talk, the more ridiculous it is.
23:37You can't even talk about food.
23:40You talk about food all the time.
23:48A million?
23:50I just want a million
23:51as charming and cute
23:52as you.
23:54Can you help me
23:55make this wish come true?
23:57What if it's a boy?
24:01I just want a girl.
24:02What if it's a boy?
24:03You don't want it?
24:07What are you doing?
24:08Just take it as a bribe.
24:10What kind of bribe is this?
24:14Are you going to do it or not?
24:17I can't control
24:20whether it's a boy or a girl.
24:23I'd better give it back to you.
24:29Wait for me.
24:30We are living well in Yanmen.
24:32Why do you have to go back to Tingqin Court?
24:34I want to send you back to Tingqin Court.
24:36If you continue to live in Yanmen,
24:38my parents will be your parents soon.
24:41Who told me to find someone I like?
24:43You said
24:45you were a man.
24:46Such a little thing
24:48and you went to my parents
24:49and cried in front of them.
24:50Aren't you ashamed?
24:51That's because you always bully me.
24:54At least in Yanmen,
24:55my parents are in charge for me.
24:57By the way, they also told me
24:59to get married as soon as possible.
25:00I'll kill you.
25:05you brought back so many things.
25:07These are all the thoughts of my parents.
25:09They said
25:10if I can't finish them,
25:11I'll eat them on the way.
25:13You came back to Yanmen empty-handed
25:15and brought back so many things.
25:19There is no one in the world
25:20who is more shameless than you.
25:23No matter how shameless,
25:24as long as you like it.
25:26Zhuozhuo, wait for me.
25:27Go away.
25:28When can we go back to Yanmen?
25:30My parents like me very much.
25:31I don't like you.
25:33I also like my parents very much.
25:38Be careful.
25:42Be careful.
25:43Slow down.
25:44Slow down.
25:47you are now
25:48the wife of the head of Tingqin Court.
25:50Why do you still call me Miss?
25:52No matter what my identity is,
25:53you will always be my Miss.
25:56I heard that you came back to Yanmen
25:58with Song Jianshan
25:59and met your parents.
26:00How was it?
26:01Did they agree to your marriage?
26:02My parents
26:03are much closer to him than to me.
26:05Of course.
26:06Mr. Yu,
26:07how are you?
26:08I heard that Miss Jin is pregnant.
26:13Let's go.
26:14Let's go to the side and talk.
26:16Let's go.
26:17Be careful.
26:18Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.
26:20Why do you all leave us?
26:21Of course we are going to make mooncakes.
26:23We need to teach you.
26:24That's right.
26:25No need.
26:26Brother Ashu,
26:27I don't eat mooncakes with five fillings.
26:29Don't worry.
26:30I will definitely make more
26:31bean paste fillings that you like.
26:33Let's go.
26:35Let's go.
26:41I heard it.
26:42He is talking to me.
26:44It's not that exaggerated.
26:46The child is still so young.
26:47What's wrong with being young?
26:49There are many people who can't hold their marriage.
26:54Do you mean
26:55there are two babies in Miss Jin's belly?
26:58Why are you so surprised?
27:00I think it's just the director's
27:01enthusiasm for you.
27:03Soon you will have one in your belly.
27:08I'm not in a hurry.
27:10I think it's good to be the director's wife.
27:13Not only can I take my disciples
27:14to cook in the city,
27:16I can also protect the peace
27:17and expand the court.
27:19I think it's more interesting than having a baby.
27:23That's right.
27:24This is called a career.
27:28Let me tell you.
27:29I am now
27:30writing more and more novels.
27:32Even my mother-in-law
27:34began to love the novels I wrote.
27:38In fact,
27:39when she was young,
27:40she also dreamed of studying.
27:42So now she supports me
27:43to write novels in private.
27:47we women should
27:48work hard.
27:51I'm taking Song Jianshan
27:52out for a check-up now.
27:53Those people know he is my husband.
27:56They will be impressed.
27:58They will be proud of him.
28:00Who said that men should cook outside
28:02and women should cook inside?
28:03I think
28:04it's good to let them make mooncakes.
28:08how about
28:09we go and see
28:11how they are doing now?
28:13Is there any place
28:14we can help?
28:17you are the most useless.
28:18You are the most useless.
28:19You are the most useless.
28:20You should say
28:21let's go
28:22and see
28:23how they are doing now.
28:24Is there any place we can help?
28:28Let's go.
28:29Be careful.
28:30Let's go and see
28:31how they are doing now.
28:33Is there any place we can help?
28:36Be careful.
28:37Let's go.
28:38Don't step on the steps.
28:41we are all
28:44One of you is
28:45the owner of Tianqing Brothel.
28:46The other one is
28:47the young master of Taoyuan Valley
28:48who is respected by all.
28:49How dare you
28:50make mooncakes?
28:52Don't you want to resist?
28:54How to resist?
28:56Of course it's not fair
28:57to resist.
28:58Speaking of this,
28:59I have to talk about
29:00my master.
29:03now you have
29:04so many fans
29:05all over the world.
29:06When it comes to Tianqing Brothel,
29:08people either talk about
29:09our smart and capable
29:10master's wife
29:11or the master
29:12who once
29:13dominated the martial arts world,
29:14Qu Zheng.
29:15Now it's his turn
29:16to dominate the martial arts world.
29:19It's okay
29:20if you dominate the martial arts world,
29:21but do you know
29:22how much pressure
29:23it puts on us?
29:24That's right, Master Qu.
29:26And you asked your wife
29:27to write less letters
29:28to our Qiu Er.
29:29Every time your wife
29:31wrote a letter to our Qiu Er,
29:33she would say
29:34something sweet about you.
29:36Every time she read it,
29:37she would say
29:38I didn't understand the scenery.
29:39That's right.
29:40This standard
29:41has been improved
29:42by yourself.
29:43So according to your opinions,
29:44how should we
29:45treat our wives?
29:48you don't have to ask.
29:49Of course,
29:50it's up to us
29:51to decide everything.
29:53should be obedient
29:54and obedient.
29:56We should be obedient.
29:58Who is obedient?
30:01Go ahead.
30:02I mean
30:03we should listen to our wives.
30:04Zhuzhu, look.
30:05How do you like
30:06my mooncake?
30:07That's not
30:08what you said just now.
30:09Song Jianshan.
30:12So many people are watching.
30:13I was wrong.
30:14If I don't teach you a lesson today,
30:16you will rebel again.
30:19I was really wrong.
30:21Song Jianshan.
30:23Don't run.
30:24I was wrong.
30:25Don't run.
30:28What did I do?
30:30Do you think I'm not good enough for you?
30:31Do you want to rebel with me?
30:33No, no, no.
30:35My good Qiu Er.
30:36I beg you.
30:37Aren't you in charge
30:38of the big and small affairs
30:39of our Taoyuan Valley?
30:41who would write
30:42the sequel of that novel?
30:43Am I right?
30:44You are sensible.
30:46Baiwan, do you have anything
30:47to tell me?
30:49Now people in the martial arts circle
30:50all say
30:51that the head of Tingqin Academy
30:52is in there.
30:53I was said to be a mother tiger.
30:56Baiwan is not a mother tiger.
30:59the head of Tingqin Academy
31:00is in there.
31:02For me,
31:03this is a good reputation.
31:04Isn't it?
31:12Come on.
31:14I have no strength.
31:15I'm telling you.
31:16That's great.
31:17Stop chasing, okay?
31:18You can't catch up with me.
31:19This is what I've always wanted.
31:22for the rest of my life.
31:26This is also what I have always dreamed of.
31:28Stay with Baiwan
31:29for the rest of my life.
31:30Thief fox.
31:32Then we will be together forever.
31:34Ordinary happiness
31:35and never leave each other.
31:38Ordinary happiness
31:40and never leave each other.
31:51God is righteous.
31:53Today, I
31:55and Miss Baiwan
31:56become husband and wife.
31:57I swear
32:00in this life,
32:01I only love Miss Baiwan.
32:08优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
32:38优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
33:08优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
33:23From now on,
33:25Miss Jin and I
33:30will never meet again.
33:39From now on...
33:41Brother A'Sheng.
33:42From now on,
33:45we will travel around the world together.
33:51Memories are like a snowfield.
33:53The past has been blown away with the wind.
33:54We meet at the crossroads of life and death.
33:58When will we arrive
34:00at the dream land?
34:04The peach blossoms are still in full bloom.
34:06Love and hate are both short-lived.
34:08How many years have been wasted?
34:12We will travel around the world together.
34:27Mr. Song.
34:29Mr. Song.
34:31Mr. Song.
34:32Be careful.
34:33Be careful.
34:35Be careful.
34:38The peach blossoms are still in full bloom.
34:40Love and hate are both short-lived.
34:42How many years have been wasted?
34:46We will travel around the world together.
35:05Love and hate are both short-lived.
35:07How many years have been wasted?
35:09We will travel around the world together.
35:18Identity can distinguish
35:21the fake of the city.
35:26Identity can distinguish
35:29the fake of the city.
35:35Identity can distinguish
35:38the fake of the city.
35:44Identity can distinguish
35:47the fake of the city.
35:52Identity can distinguish
35:55the fake of the city.
36:01Identity can distinguish
36:04the fake of the city.
36:10Identity can distinguish
36:13the fake of the city.
36:20I'm with you
36:22From the beginning to the end, there's no exit
36:26I'm trapped
36:27In the end, I lost all my pride
36:32Don't ask why, there's no regret
36:37This journey of life and death
36:41I'm with you
36:43From the beginning to the end, there's no exit
36:47I'm trapped
36:48In the end, I lost all my pride
36:53Don't ask why, there's no regret
36:58This journey of life and death
37:02I'm with you
