The Beautiful Olivia - MSA New Mini-Movie

  • 2 days ago
#animatedstories #lifeexperiences #personaldrama #emotionalanimation #inspirationaltales #teenstruggles #familyconflicts #relationshipissues #comingofage #highschooldrama #friendshipstories #lifelessons #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #uniquestories #animatedlife #reallifeevents #motivationalstories #lovestories #betrayaltales #overcomingchallenges #animatedconfessions #familydynamics #socialissues #mentalhealth #identitycrisis #animatednarratives #dramafilledstories #relatablecontent #animatedvlogs #viewersubmissions

MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00You know when your life is dreamy and amazing and just perfect?
00:04I'm mopping up ice cream a kid threw up, and someone left teeth in the tip jar.
00:08What do you think?
00:09You're lucky you're used to bad things.
00:11Would you rather be me, having everything and losing it all?
00:16I feel like you want to tell me your story.
00:18How long is this gonna take?
00:20Not that long.
00:21Okay, so it all started 17 years ago, when I arrived in this world as a beautiful baby girl.
00:27Of course you came as a baby girl.
00:29With eyes as blue as cornflowers.
00:32Why are you stating the obvious?
00:34My mother wrapped me up in a cashmere blanket, which was the perfect shade of lavender.
00:38Interestingly, lavender is my favorite color.
00:41That's not interesting.
00:42Come on, get to the part where your life gets bad.
00:45And if you tell me you tripped on a cornflower and broke your lavender shoe...
00:49I really liked that shoe.
00:51And I tripped on a sunflower.
00:53Okay, okay.
00:54I swear, you're gonna love how much worse my life gets.
00:57Do you guys want to hear the long version?
00:59Or the short one?
01:00Fine, the short one then.
01:02My name is Olivia, and before I continue, please like and subscribe.
01:06My dad was the owner of a tech startup.
01:08Don't ask me what the startup is about, I have no idea.
01:11I tried finding out many times, but the conversation always goes something like this.
01:15Daddy, can you tell me more about your tech startup?
01:17Of course, sweetheart.
01:19Basically, we're using cutting-edge algorithms to optimize data.
01:22What a pretty butterfly on that rose.
01:24I need to send my rose pink dress to the dry cleaners.
01:26Our platform synergizes complex neural networks with cloud-based infrastructures.
01:31But I don't have the right shoes with that dress.
01:34Maybe I need new shoes.
01:35Or maybe I need a new dress.
01:37With our blockchain architecture, we're able to establish an ecosystem that...
01:41Daddy has wrinkles on his forehead.
01:42I should give him night cream on his birthday.
01:44In short, we are revolutionizing the industry.
01:47That's amazing, Daddy.
01:49I don't know, man. Your guess is as good as mine.
01:51The important part is that his startup made us very, very rich.
01:55Like, take a private jet to your private island kind of rich.
01:58We lived in a huge mansion where Mom and I had closets as big as rooms and clothes and shoes for days.
02:04My life was a whirlwind of glamorous parties, fancy vacations, and global shopping sprees.
02:10I went to a great private school, had tons of friends who adored me,
02:13and the cherry on top of my sweet life was Dad's friend's son, my dreamboat boyfriend, Chad.
02:19I really had everything.
02:21Then it all went to hell one day when I tripped on a sunflower and broke the heel of my fourth favorite lavender shoe.
02:28Are you kidding me?
02:29It's about to get worse, I promise.
02:31I was meeting Chad in the park. My heel broke, so I had to walk barefoot.
02:35I was crossing the track when this stupid kid on roller skates ran right over my toes.
02:39I screamed and fell back on my butt, and then out of nowhere, a crow started attacking me.
02:44It was the most bizarre day.
02:46By the time I reached our usual spot, I was in a foul mood.
02:49But suddenly, seeing the golden hour light hitting Chad's perfect face, everything else melted away.
02:55I could take all the ups and downs of life with Chad by my side.
02:58I think we should break up, Libby.
03:00Break up what, babe?
03:01Us. We should break up.
03:03I've accepted an offer at a university across the country, and I don't think we can make long-distance work.
03:08I... I don't understand.
03:10Like stars departing at dawn's first light, our destinies ascend separate horizons.
03:15Uh, what?
03:17Our hearts, like birds in migration, must seek divergent skies to find our true selves.
03:23I am so confused right now.
03:25I love you, Libby, but we're too young to tie ourselves down.
03:28It's best to part ways, and if we're meant to be, we'll find each other again.
03:32Then he kissed me on the cheek and just left me there.
03:35Oof, that's rough. The story's finally getting good.
03:39You're such a sadist.
03:40I was depressed for days and just sobbed in bed as I watched MSA love stories.
03:45I always thought Chad and I would be up there one day with our own little video.
03:48I mean, look at me. My face is a dream for any animator to work with.
03:52Anyway, just when I thought the worst thing in my life had already happened,
03:56the police showed up one night and arrested Dad for embezzlement.
04:00He was charged for stealing money from his investors.
04:03And before I knew it, my life really turned upside down.
04:06Most of our assets were seized by the government, and we had to leave our house only with things we could carry.
04:11I managed to put on 14 dresses, 9 shirts, 4 pants, 5 coats, 6 pairs of shoes, and 2 bags.
04:17Mom and I moved into a tiny apartment on the poor side of town, and we got a lawyer.
04:22But it looked like an open-and-shut case with too much evidence against Dad,
04:26and he was sentenced to prison for a decade.
04:28I swear I'm innocent. I've been framed. I need you to believe that I'm not a crook.
04:32Of course we believe you, Daddy. We'll get your name cleared, I promise.
04:36Naturally, my first course of action was reaching out to Dad's friends for help.
04:40You need to leave. I can't be seen with you. My girlfriend is a very suspicious woman.
04:45Aren't you married?
04:46Exactly. I wasn't running away from you. I was just getting some exercise.
04:51Oh look, what an unusual bird.
04:54I recently hit my head and I have amnesia. I don't know who your dad is or why he made me your godfather.
05:00You're my godfather?
05:01Gotta go. I need to poop.
05:03Chad's father was out of town, and I was so relieved when he returned.
05:07He was Dad's BFF. If anyone would help, he would.
05:10I'm sorry, but sir is still away on business.
05:14His car just passed me as I was walking here.
05:17You must be mistaken. He's not home.
05:19I can literally see him in his study from that window.
05:23Let me put this another way, miss.
05:25He clearly stated that whenever you show up here, I have to say he's not home.
05:31That just made my heart break.
05:33No one wanted anything to do with Dad because they all thought he was a crook.
05:37Next, I turned to my own friends, and I only met more closed doors.
05:41Wow, really Penelope?
05:43Remember the only person who could look you in the face when you went through your hideous acne phase?
05:47And remember whose shoulder you cried on when the plastic surgeon botched your nose job?
05:51And remember who took the blame for your smelly fart when we were hanging out with your crush?
05:55You know it! Me!
05:57Mom had the same luck with everyone she knew.
06:00I soon took up a job in a grocery store and enrolled me in the nearby public school.
06:04I thought I might feel better with the distraction, but I was a fish out of water here.
06:08The kids smirked at my clothes.
06:10They smirked when they asked me if my dad was the rich guy who went to prison.
06:13And they smirked as they walked past me at lunch.
06:16Mom got her first paycheck soon, and she took me out for a manicure to cheer me up.
06:20As I stared down at my perfect lavender nails the next day at school, I felt more positive than I had in weeks.
06:26I wouldn't sit alone at lunch anymore.
06:28I told these kids, and they'd get to know me.
06:30And they'd see how lovable I was, and...
06:32I went flying forward with my food tray and fell flat on my face.
06:37As I got up, feeling hideously embarrassed, I suddenly noticed that two of my nails were chipped.
06:42My perfect nails, not so perfect anymore.
06:45Who is the idiotic pea-brained buffoon who crashed into me?
06:50Oh, come on. We were just playing ball.
06:52In the cafeteria?
06:54Did the football field catch fire?
06:56Did an earthquake split it open?
06:58Did a tsunami wash it away?
07:00Hey, calm down, weirdo. What's the matter with you?
07:03You wanna know what's the matter with me?
07:05I had a perfect life.
07:06I had the perfect parents, and the perfect friends, and the perfect house, and the perfect boyfriend.
07:11And if my name wasn't Olivia, it would have been perfection.
07:14But then, it all started blowing up the day I tripped on a sunblower and broke my lavender shoe.
07:20Now I'm here, in this stupid school, looking like some hobo with chipped nails!
07:26I jumped onto that boy and started pulling his hair and pinching his nose and twisting his ears.
07:31It took several people to get me off of him.
07:33And then, I started crying uncontrollably.
07:36I could barely breathe.
07:37I think she's having a panic attack.
07:39Give her some space, guys.
07:40Hey, Olivia, look at me. You're gonna be okay.
07:42Just breathe.
07:44So, yeah, I lost my mind.
07:46You helped me calm down and brought me to your workplace.
07:49I had to.
07:50You were in shock and clinging to my arm like a python.
07:53And now you know my whole story.
07:55You're probably thinking, look at this whiny rich girl who lost some money and can't handle it.
08:00But it's not just that.
08:01I never realized before that my entire life was so fragile.
08:05I just never saw this coming.
08:07Jackson reached over and put his hand on mine.
08:09I wasn't thinking that.
08:10You've been through a lot, and I'm sorry.
08:13By the way, how tall are you?
08:15Six feet, four inches.
08:17No wonder I've been feeling so tiny all day.
08:19My life still sucked.
08:21But it sucked a little less now that I had a friend.
08:23Jackson was so different from any of the guys I'd known.
08:26He didn't talk about sports cars or the newest smartphones or the best companies to invest in.
08:31But he taught me how I could cut out grocery coupons from newspapers,
08:34what the cheapest bus route was, and how to ride a bicycle.
08:38He even got me a waitressing job at the cafe and covered up for my mistakes.
08:42He lived in a tiny, run-down house with his mom and three younger sisters.
08:46Even though they didn't have much, I was always made to feel welcome.
08:49One day at the park, while Jackson was feeding the ducks with his sisters,
08:52I accidentally knocked over his backpack and a sketchbook fell out.
08:55I opened it to find the most amazing comic drawings.
08:58I leafed through the pages and found a sketch of me.
09:01And then another. And then another.
09:03What do you think you're doing?
09:05I'm sorry. It just fell out.
09:06Jackson, you're so talented.
09:08It's just a silly hobby.
09:10It's not silly. Are you going to apply to an art school?
09:13In case you haven't noticed, I'm poor.
09:15I have to work right out of high school.
09:17But you're too good to not take this seriously. You have to...
09:20Can we please not talk about this?
09:23And I didn't make your sketches because I have a crush on you or something.
09:26You're just a new, interesting face.
09:28Does interesting mean the same as pretty?
09:30Not necessarily.
09:32So you don't think I'm pretty?
09:34You're not not pretty. And what is pretty, anyway?
09:36There's no set standard.
09:38Shut up, Jackson. You said Olivia's the prettiest girl you've ever met.
09:42No, I didn't. I said Bolivia has the prettiest girls.
09:45That I've never met.
09:47He wrote a poem in his diary about your eyes being blue as cornflowers.
09:51And what was the next line, girls?
09:53I could stare into those sapphire lakes for hours.
09:59My diary? You...
10:01See what I mean?
10:03I need to earn money to put them all in a mental institution.
10:06I couldn't stop laughing as he chased the girls away.
10:09And I felt a warm tingle in my toes at the thought that maybe Jackson liked me.
10:14A few weeks later, we were sitting in the cafeteria when I got an email alert on my phone.
10:18And Jackson noticed my face fall.
10:20What's wrong?
10:22Oh, it's just that witch Penelope.
10:24She's hosting her grand annual Halloween party.
10:27And I guess she just forgot to take me off the invite list.
10:29Forget I mentioned it.
10:31Okay, then.
10:32So my mom's making her famous shepherd's pie this weekend.
10:35And she thinks I don't know what the secret ingredient is.
10:37I think I want to go to the party.
10:39What? Why?
10:40Because I, well...
10:41I want revenge.
10:43Penelope and all these people hurt me and I want to hurt them back.
10:46What would you even do?
10:47I don't have it all planned out.
10:49But I want to ruin her stupid party because it means a lot to her and her stupid friends.
10:53And you should come with me.
10:55No. And you shouldn't go either.
10:57You'll get in trouble.
10:58It's Halloween. We'll be in costumes.
11:00No one will recognize us.
11:01And we won't be there for too long.
11:03And Penelope will have the best food.
11:05I'm certain she's stolen my caterer.
11:07I don't know.
11:08Please. I need this. And I don't want to go alone.
11:11Alright. The food better be good.
11:13On the night of Penelope's Halloween party, Jackson and I took the bus to the rich part of town.
11:18And walked the last few blocks to Penelope's house.
11:20No one's gonna recognize me, right?
11:22You're dressed like an evil eggplant. It's very unlikely.
11:25You look good as a tree. Very tall and leafy.
11:28Now you remember the plan, right?
11:29Right. Make as many things go wrong as possible.
11:32Am I forgetting anything?
11:33Nope. That's the whole plan.
11:34Let's go.
11:35Penelope's place was swarming with guests.
11:37And no one paid much attention to us as we slipped in.
11:39And we got down to our mission right away.
11:41We sneaked off all the black and gold balloons and made them fly away.
11:45We messed up the fake cobwebs and smashed some carved pumpkins.
11:48We locked up the kitchen doors and we threw the keys in the swimming pool.
11:52Where did all the balloons go?
11:54I ordered 500 of them.
11:56People, watch where you're going.
11:57You're smashing the pumpkins and walking into the cobwebs.
12:00And where are all the waiters?
12:02Why is there no food?
12:04As Penelope stormed off towards the kitchen, Jackson and I high-fived.
12:08Should we go now?
12:09Oh, no. This was just a warm-up.
12:11Penelope always has a surprise celebrity singer perform at her Halloween parties.
12:15And I know this time it's Harry Styles.
12:17We have to wreck his concert. It'll drive her crazy.
12:20No. That's going too far. Someone will catch us.
12:23Can you stop being such a scaredy-cat? Just tell me if you're in or out.
12:26Olivia, I think I'm out.
12:28And then he actually left. Fine. I'd finish the job myself.
12:31I ran off to the back of the house where I knew all the power supply boards would be.
12:36I spotted a toolbox nearby, picked up a plier, and started snipping away at every wire.
12:41I wouldn't let this concert happen. I'd ruin the whole party.
12:44Everyone would remember it as the worst Halloween ever.
12:47Just then, I saw a figure emerge from the shadows.
12:50Hey, what do you think you're doing?
12:52I flung the pliers to one side and started running for my life across the garden.
12:56But my stupid eggplant costume was slowing me down.
12:59And suddenly, I found myself being pushed forward and pinned to the ground.
13:03When the person chasing me turned me over, I saw that it was… Chad?
13:07How do you know my… Oh my god, Livvy, is that you?
13:10Why are you an eggplant, actually? What are you doing here?
13:13I could ask you the same question.
13:15My whole life blew up and you couldn't send a text?
13:18But you made sure you didn't miss Penelope's party?
13:22Just then, a pretty girl I'd never seen before came running behind us.
13:26Babe, are you okay? Who's this creep? I'll call security.
13:30No, don't. There's been a misunderstanding.
13:32Babe? Is that what she just called you?
13:35Who are you? And why are you dressed up like an eggplant?
13:39Because baba ganoush is my favorite dip. Not that it's any of your business.
13:42I pushed Chad away and stormed off, tears pouring down my face.
13:46I just made it a few blocks down when I ran into a tree.
13:50I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you behind.
13:52I came back. Now let's go destroy Penelope.
13:54No, I'm done. Coming here was a stupid idea. Let's just go home, Jackson.
13:59I felt more crushed and betrayed than ever.
14:02I was busy sulking in bed the next day when mom called me saying I had a visitor.
14:06I walked out into the lounge to see it was Chad.
14:09Mom? Why did you let him in?
14:11You should hear him out, honey.
14:12Mom left the room and Chad hesitantly sat down next to me.
14:16Is it okay if I sit here?
14:17You're already sitting here. And no, none of this is okay.
14:21In fact, this is giving me a fuzzy flashback to when you were sitting down next to me on a park bench.
14:27Wait, wait. It's all coming back to me now.
14:29Yes, there I am with my bleeding toes and broken shoe.
14:32And yep, that's you, walking away after breaking my heart.
14:36You have every right to be mad. I was such a fool, Livvy.
14:39I thought I was doing the right thing.
14:41Long-distance relationships are so hard. I just panicked.
14:44I know what I did was awful, but I swear I never stopped thinking about you.
14:48Just long enough to meet that blonde twig who called you babe?
14:51She was just my date for yesterday.
14:53I don't care about your love life, but what I'm really angry about is...
14:57I know, your dad. I wanted to reach out to you, but my dad forbade it.
15:00He's one of the investors in your dad's company. He feels betrayed by what your father did.
15:05Dad is innocent, okay? I expected his friends to believe that.
15:09The evidence against him is too strong. You've gotta face facts.
15:12He committed a crime, but I'm sorry you're also paying the price.
15:15I asked around about you after we met yesterday, and I couldn't believe you're living in this neighborhood now.
15:20For the first time, the thought crossed my mind that maybe dad was the one who was wrong.
15:25And I burst into tears. Chad hugged me.
15:28I'm in town for a few weeks, and I'm gonna try to get dad and the other investors to go easier on your dad with his prison sentence.
15:34You'll really try?
15:35I can't promise anything, but I'll try my best, Livvy.
15:38I walked Chad out of the apartment building, and as I was going back in, Jackson suddenly popped up.
15:44So, who was that guy with enough gel in his hair to set all the cheesecakes in America?
15:49That was Chad.
15:50Chad? Like your ex-boyfriend Chad? Like the guy who broke up with you on a park bench, Chad?
15:55Yes, that Chad!
15:57That's such a stupid name. Chad is a country.
16:00Isn't Jackson a city?
16:02Not the same thing. What was Chad doing here?
16:04Offering to help me.
16:05Why would you trust him?
16:07Because he's the only shot I've got at helping dad.
16:10Chad started turning up almost every day.
16:13And even though I hadn't forgiven him for the way he'd broken up with me, I could see he really regretted it.
16:18He was extra attentive.
16:20He seemed to remember all my favorite pastries and perfumes and never came without a gift.
16:25And when he'd take me for drives around the city, I almost felt like my old self again.
16:30One afternoon as I was leaving school, Jackson caught up with me.
16:33Wanna go to the park today?
16:35Nah, I'm tired.
16:37How about you come to my place tomorrow? My annoying sisters miss you.
16:40I have a thing.
16:41A Chad thing, right? Look, it's none of my business, except as your friend, I would advise you not to date Chad again.
16:47We're not dating. We're just meeting up to discuss dad's case.
16:51And what's the progress on that?
16:53He's working on it.
16:54Okay then. Enjoy your thing tomorrow.
16:57Don't do those dumb air quotes. It's not a date.
17:00Why don't you come with me? We're just going to an art exhibition and then having dinner.
17:04Sounds like a date.
17:05It's not a date, you giraffe. Join us. Chad won't mind.
17:09Chad didn't look too happy either, and I could see the way he looked Jackson up and down disapprovingly.
17:14But things got worse in the art gallery.
17:16Wow, what a stunning piece of art.
17:19Holy mother of noodles, that's for $50,000?
17:23It's a picture of a rotting apple.
17:25It shows the complexities and slow ruin of postmodern society.
17:29Dude, it's an ugly apple.
17:31I could draw this with my left foot in my sleep.
17:33I didn't expect you to know anything about art, but you're even more—
17:36Chad, he's an artist too, and he's your guest, so be nice, okay?
17:41I thought I'd managed the situation, but it got worse over dinner.
17:45Chad had just raised his glass and was about to say something when Jackson exclaimed,
17:49Oh no, grandma ran away from my aunt's house.
17:52She climbed out of a third-story window and fell.
17:54Oh my god, is she okay?
17:56My sister is just updating me.
17:58Yeah, she survived the fall, but then she went out to the lake on a paddle boat and fell in the water.
18:03What? Did she drown?
18:05Okay, no. Apparently, she's a very good swimmer.
18:08But then she went to a diner and choked on her food.
18:11Is she still alive?
18:13Thankfully, yes. Someone in the diner performed the Heimlich maneuver on her,
18:17but she's in the hospital for a mild concussion.
18:19Can we leave early so I can see her?
18:21Of course. You can leave now. I'll call you an Uber.
18:24I can stay for the main course. We'll skip dessert.
18:27Anyway, before I was interrupted, I was about to make a toast to us, Livy.
18:31Friendship, much like the delicate petals of a rare flower,
18:35unfurls its beauty only to those who possess the refined senses
18:39to savor its exquisite fragrance amidst the mundane garden of existence.
18:44That's lovely.
18:46Uh, I'm sorry. What does that even mean?
18:48Excuse me? Why do you think it's cool to say vague nonsense?
18:52Friends don't treat friends the way you've treated Olivia in the past.
18:56Can't you be honest about anything?
18:58Why don't you start with her and tell her you don't actually have any plans to help her?
19:02You want honesty? I think you're a worthless piece of trash.
19:06Before I knew it, Chad had attacked Jackson,
19:09and they were in a full-scale fight, bumping into waiters and falling onto tables.
19:13Several people managed to pull them apart, and I dragged Jackson outside.
19:17What were you thinking?
19:19He attacked me.
19:20You provoked him!
19:22Look, Olivia, I don't get mad a lot.
19:24It's scary for people when I get mad because I look like a tall, angry windmill.
19:28So I keep it in and stay calm mostly.
19:30But I'm mad right now.
19:32How can you even stand that pretentious windbag?
19:35Because he belongs to my world.
19:38This is the life I had before.
19:40You go to stupid exhibitions and talk about trivial things over food
19:43and laugh at dumb jokes.
19:45And you didn't even give him a chance.
19:47You were determined to hate him just because he's a rich guy.
19:50Is that what you really think of me?
19:52You know what? I'm the problem here.
19:54I don't belong in your world.
19:56Jackson walked off, and my heart sank.
19:58He wouldn't even reply to any of my texts or calls later,
20:01and he avoided me in school entirely.
20:03A few days later, Chad asked me to come over to his place to have a talk with his dad,
20:07and I arrived early.
20:09As I walked towards the study, I suddenly heard raised voices,
20:12and I stopped outside.
20:14That girl is really coming here right now?
20:16Chad, what is the matter with you?
20:18Look, Dad, when you told me that you and the other investors
20:21were making a fake case against her father to get control of his company,
20:24I was totally on board, and I broke up with Livy and left
20:27because you didn't want me to be associated with her after her dad got a bad reputation.
20:32But I didn't realize Livy and her mom would have everything taken away from them.
20:36What else did you think was gonna happen, son?
20:38I don't know. I just thought that Dad would go to jail and we'd be richer.
20:42It's not fair. She lives in a dump now.
20:44And how are they supposed to afford shampoo and makeup and all the creams and serums they use?
20:49Just lie to her and say you're working on getting her dad out of jail sooner
20:52so she feels better, and maybe we can give her some money every month.
20:56Fine. My son is such a philanthropist.
20:59Don't get serious about her again, though.
21:01Dad, I'm 18. I'm not serious about anyone.
21:03I'm leaving in two weeks anyway.
21:05I've just been nice to her because she was never very tough, and I feel sorry for her.
21:09I stepped away quietly, blood pounding in my head.
21:12I felt fury beyond anything I'd ever felt in my life.
21:16I texted Chad that I couldn't come over, and I went home and told Mom everything.
21:21We stayed up half the night trying to think about how we could get proof of Dad's innocence.
21:25We finally fell asleep exhausted, but the next morning I woke up to Mom's screams.
21:30I rushed to the lounge and saw the TV on with the news that Chad's father
21:34and all the other investors in Dad's business had been arrested.
21:38How? What are they being arrested for?
21:41They're saying on the news that some anonymous employee in the company had approached the FBI some time ago
21:46claiming that Chad's father and the other investors framed your dad
21:50and are still involved in other illegal activities.
21:53So the FBI had bugged the investors' houses and offices.
21:56I guess they overheard the conversation between Chad and his father that you heard yesterday, too.
22:01Dad's lawyer called. He's going to be released tomorrow.
22:04Later, I went to Chad's place as it was being sealed by the FBI officers.
22:08Livvy, it's not what you think.
22:10No, only I will talk now.
22:12I heard the entire conversation between you and your dad yesterday with my own ears,
22:17and I just came to say I hate you.
22:19I despise you with a burning rage of a thousand suns.
22:23I loathe you with the force of a hundred typhoons.
22:26I wish only bad things to happen to you, and my wish is coming true as we speak.
22:31You will lose everything, and you're not even half as tough as me.
22:35You will really suffer, and I will dance with joy knowing that.
22:39Then I punched his perfect nose and stormed off.
22:42Well, actually, I skipped off happily and headed straight for the cafe.
22:46I spotted Jackson taking someone's order and ran to him.
22:49Jackson, my dad's innocent, and he's getting out of jail tomorrow.
22:53Chad's father framed him, and he's been arrested.
22:55I punched Chad. I'm going to get my life back.
22:58I'm working right now. My shift ends in a while.
23:01I can't wait, okay?
23:02I can't stand that you're not talking to me, and I know that it's my own fault.
23:06I'm sorry I said you were jealous of Chad because he's rich.
23:09You were right about everything.
23:11He's an obnoxious jerk, and that apple painting was so ugly.
23:15Also, if there's anything I've learned, it's that I don't want all of my old life back.
23:20I don't want to have fake conversations or fake friends who turn away at the lowest point of your life.
23:25I want people like you.
23:27You literally saved me, and I love you for that.
23:30Also, you're very tall, which is hotter than you know.
23:34Jackson just stared back at me, and then suddenly his sisters burst in with a huge bunch of lavender balloons,
23:40a congratulations banner, and a cake.
23:42Are we late? Do you know how hard it is to find lavender balloons?
23:46I dropped a cake on the way. We can scrape off some of the icing.
23:50I told you girls, we're meeting at Olivia's place, not here.
23:53We heard the news about your dad, and we were coming over after my shift.
23:57Even though you were mad at me?
23:59I can't stay mad at you. Look, just let me take this customer's order.
24:02Just kiss her, you moron.
24:04Hey, don't call him a moron. But seriously, just kiss me, dummy.
24:11Wait, wait. How's your grandma doing?
24:13You want to talk about my grandma right now?
24:15Actually, I don't have one. I made up that whole thing to annoy Chad.
24:19I like you even more right now.
24:26I love you.