تلاوة رهیبة الشیخ حجاج الهنداوي سورة المجادلة والبينة والزلزلة والفاتحة 2018

  • last week
00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:16Indeed, those who fear Allah and His Messenger are those on the right path.
00:46Allah has decreed, I will surely destroy them and their messengers.
01:02Allah has decreed, I will surely destroy them and their messengers.
01:32Indeed, Allah is Subduing and Exalted in Might.
02:02In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:32And if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kin,
02:58it is they who have believed with faith in their hearts.
03:26It is they who have believed with faith in their hearts.
03:56And Allah will give them Paradise.
04:08Allah will give them Paradise.
04:38And He will admit them into the Garden of Paradise.
04:48And He will admit them into the Garden of Paradise.
05:18And He will admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow,
05:44and they will abide therein. Allah will be pleased with them.
05:54Allah will be pleased with them.
06:14It is they who have believed with faith in their hearts.
06:44In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
07:12Those who disbelieved before the Book and the polytheists will not be saved until the Day of Recompense.
07:42The Messenger of Allah.
08:08The Messenger of Allah.
08:38The Messenger of Allah.
09:08The Messenger of Allah.
09:38The Messenger of Allah.
10:08The Messenger of Allah.
10:36The Messenger of Allah.
11:00The Messenger of Allah.
11:28The Messenger of Allah.
11:52And that is the religion of the people.
12:05They will not be saved until the Day of Recompense.
12:17They will not be saved until the Day of Recompense.
12:47Those who disbelieved before the Book and the polytheists
13:07will not be saved until the Day of Recompense.
13:37Those who believe and do good deeds,
13:55will not be saved until the Day of Recompense.
14:21Those who believe and do good deeds, will not be saved until the Day of Recompense.
14:51The Recompense of their Lord is the Garden of Eternity,
15:11where they will abide eternally.
15:41The Recompense of their Lord is the Garden of Eternity,
16:03where they will abide eternally.
17:03May Allah be pleased with him and be pleased with him.
17:23May Allah be pleased with him and be pleased with him.
17:37May Allah be pleased with him and be pleased with him.
18:07In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
18:30In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
19:00Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
19:30Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
20:00Because your Lord is One
20:12In the name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful
20:20When the earth was shaken by its earthquake
20:38When the earth was shaken by its earthquake
20:46When the earth was shaken by its earthquake
20:51What did man do? What did man do?
20:58What will happen to it on the Day of Resurrection?
21:04What will happen to it on the Day of Resurrection?
21:34On that Day, the people will be waiting in great longing for their Lord
22:04Whoever does a good deed will be rewarded
22:15Whoever does a bad deed will be punished
22:34Whoever does a good deed will be rewarded
22:48Whoever does a bad deed will be punished
23:04There is none worthy of worship except Allah
23:26There is none worthy of worship except Allah
23:56There is none worthy of worship except Allah
24:16In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
24:31Indeed, We have given you, O Muhammad, peace
24:55So pray to your Lord and the Truth
25:07Indeed, we are like you
25:19So pray to your Lord and the Truth
25:26Indeed, we are like you
25:34There is none worthy of worship except Allah
25:55In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
26:05Indeed, We have given you, O Muhammad, peace
26:22So pray to your Lord and the Truth
26:46In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
26:55All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds
27:04The Most Beneficent, Most Merciful
27:09Owner of the Day of Judgment
27:14It is You we worship and You we ask for help
27:30Guide us to the straight path
28:00Guide us to the straight path
28:06The path of those on whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger
28:21The path of those on whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger
28:48The path of those on whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger
29:18The path of those on whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger
29:48The path of those on whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger
30:13Al Fatiha
