Odd_Thomas _ horror movie

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Hollywood horror full movie
00:00:00My name is Odd Thomas, though in this age when fame is the altar at which most people
00:00:13worship, I'm not sure why you should care.
00:00:16I'm not a celebrity.
00:00:17I'm not the child of a celebrity.
00:00:18I've never been married to, abused by, or provided a kidney to a celebrity, but I do
00:00:26lead an unusual life.
00:00:37Penny Callister.
00:00:49My name really is Odd.
00:00:52According to my mother, it was a screw-up on my birth certificate.
00:00:55She says I was supposed to be called Todd, after a Lithuanian uncle.
00:00:59My father insists my name was always Odd, and he notes that all of my uncles are Bulgarian.
00:01:05My father claims my mother is insane.
00:01:08My mother, of course, begs to differ.
00:01:16My father won that argument.
00:01:20I was 12 years old when they finally locked her up and threw away the key.
00:01:28I've come to believe that my mother and I share certain abilities.
00:01:34Since I don't want to be locked up with the key thrown away, I've pretty much kept mine
00:01:38a secret.
00:01:39Odd Thomas.
00:01:40Hello, Harlow.
00:01:41Long time, no see.
00:01:42Whoa, hey, come on, man.
00:01:43No touching, no feeling.
00:01:45But I love this car.
00:01:46I know.
00:01:47It's too bad a car can't love you back.
00:01:49What's wrong, Odd?
00:01:50Is there anything I can do?
00:01:51No, it's just a car.
00:01:52It's a car.
00:01:53It's a car.
00:01:54It's a car.
00:01:55It's a car.
00:01:56It's a car.
00:01:57It's a car.
00:01:58It's a car.
00:01:59It's a car.
00:02:00It's a car.
00:02:01It's a car.
00:02:02It's a car.
00:02:03It's a car.
00:02:04It's a car.
00:02:05It's a car.
00:02:06It's a car.
00:02:07It's a car?
00:02:08No, it's something you've already done.
00:02:09Hey, hey, come on.
00:02:10Come on, Odd.
00:02:11No fooling around, man.
00:02:12Give me my keys.
00:02:13Her blood is in your pocket.
00:02:17Most people think that's a weird thing to say but you don't think it's very weird, do you,
00:02:28And that night, you took a piece of white felt and after killing Penny, you collected
00:02:36some of her blood and now it's dry and stiff and brittle like a cracker and
00:02:45it's still in your pocket.
00:02:55In moments like these, pity tears at me and a kind of madness comes over me
00:03:01forcing me to hunt people like Harlow Landerson, who I have no pity for
00:03:08Sorry, Mrs. Curtiz!
00:03:28Ah, sorry, Selene!
00:03:38What the hell are you doing?
00:04:05Mom, what's going on?
00:04:11Run, honey, run!
00:04:21Come here!
00:04:23My life is filled with guys like Harlow Landerson.
00:04:38And since I like my face just the way it is, I learned how to handle myself.
00:04:54I may see dead people, but then, by God, I'd do something about it.
00:05:05Hey, hey!
00:05:07Sit down, man, go easy!
00:05:09I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have a go-easy gear.
00:05:13You should probably get that looked at.
00:05:15Now, Officer Eccles, does being a police officer give you the right to beat the shit out of people?
00:05:19Not at all, Officer Varner, but it is one of the perks of the job.
00:05:29I believe in a higher power and the afterlife.
00:05:35Call me strange, others do.
00:05:39He's so strange.
00:05:43Don't worry, Benny, I think where you're going is a home for the spirit
00:05:48and it's filled with kindness and wonder.
00:05:53I'm sorry, Benny.
00:05:55I'm sorry your life was so short.
00:06:08The dead don't talk.
00:06:11I don't know why.
00:06:18Here we are again, busted furniture and shattered glass everywhere.
00:06:24Ah, most of it was not my fault, except the panda bear lamp and the Biffy the Cloud mirror.
00:06:31That was this guy.
00:06:32Why didn't you come to me first?
00:06:34Give me a chance to find a way to get Harlow to entrap himself.
00:06:37Whenever we do it that way, it's always more efficient and less destructive.
00:06:40Yes, I know, but he had to be stopped right now or he was going to do it again soon.
00:06:45That's what Penny wanted to tell me, that's why she hadn't left yet.
00:06:48Son, you so complicate my life.
00:06:57Besides the blood, Harlow had these photos of Penny post-mortem in his wallet.
00:07:02If there's any fuss about how you picked Harlow, just say he opened up his wallet to pay off a bet.
00:07:08Five bucks on yesterday's Dodgers game, photos fell out, you saw.
00:07:12He ran and naturally I gave chase.
00:07:42Save me!
00:08:06Save me!
00:08:09Save us!
00:08:11Save us!
00:08:13Save us!
00:08:15Save us!
00:08:17Save us!
00:08:19Save you from who?
00:08:23Who is that?
00:08:25Who is that?
00:09:04Evil is coming.
00:09:06And it's up to me to figure out who's going to be holding the gun.
00:09:10More of those.
00:09:13So much of my life is out of my control,
00:09:15I would have gone seven kinds of crazy if I hadn't simplified.
00:09:19So I have no motorized vehicles,
00:09:21no home ownership,
00:09:22no insurance,
00:09:23and no grand ambitions.
00:09:27Eggs! Rack them and stretch them!
00:09:28Rack them means scramble,
00:09:30stretch them means add an extra egg.
00:09:32Cardiac shingles and hash browns!
00:09:34Cardiac shingles are toast with lots of butter,
00:09:37and hash browns are just hash browns.
00:09:40Not every word we use is diner lingo.
00:09:44Just as not every short order cook is an undercover detective for dead people.
00:09:57That is Stormy Llewellyn.
00:10:00Stormy and I are destined to be together forever.
00:10:08You are destined to be together forever.
00:10:15Hey Chief, tummy tickler coming at ya!
00:10:22You know, I'm still not happy about what you did yesterday.
00:10:24I could have gotten myself killed.
00:10:26I am not afraid of death.
00:10:28I'm not afraid of death.
00:10:30Of course I'm not ready to go on a date with him either.
00:10:39Would you throw yourself off a cliff for me?
00:10:41Of course I would.
00:10:42Into a river of razor blades and lemon juice?
00:10:46Of course I'd like to know the reasoning behind such a request,
00:10:48but fortunately for me,
00:10:50you reek of intelligence and integrity.
00:10:54And you reek of peach shampoo.
00:10:56Just the way I like you.
00:11:00Morning, Stormy.
00:11:01What's with the cat at the canary smile?
00:11:04Tonight is date night.
00:11:06So you think you're gonna get yourself some, huh?
00:11:09I wouldn't put it quite that way.
00:11:11Stormy special.
00:11:13Morning, dude.
00:11:27I called him Bodax.
00:11:29Well, not to their faces, I hope.
00:11:31I never met anybody that could see him before.
00:11:33Neither have I.
00:11:34Everyone told me it's in my head.
00:11:36You should stop telling everyone.
00:11:38I tried telling my parents.
00:11:39If I told my parents,
00:11:40I'd have spent my whole life picking winning lottery numbers.
00:11:43You can pick winning lottery numbers.
00:11:45No, I can't. Stay on point.
00:11:47Right, yeah.
00:11:48Yesterday, when I finally saw one,
00:11:51I thought,
00:11:52Yesterday, when I finally saw one,
00:11:55I gave him the finger, Holmes.
00:11:57Don't you know?
00:11:59If they find out you can see them, they will kill you.
00:12:09They will kill you.
00:12:22They will kill you.
00:12:47Little advice?
00:12:49Carla prefers chocolate to flowers,
00:12:51and you should get yourself some candles.
00:12:55Thanks. Good idea.
00:13:03That would have been a little awkward.
00:13:05You two are really something.
00:13:08I don't know why, but something.
00:13:10We're weird and screwed up.
00:13:12But we're okay.
00:13:13I don't know.
00:13:14You are...
00:13:17so cool.
00:13:18So you deny me my weirdness but agree that I'm screwed up?
00:13:21You're right. I see your problem.
00:13:23Weirdness, it can be fun, it can be kind of cool.
00:13:26Screwed-up-ness, not so much.
00:13:29You are quite weird.
00:13:34Apology accepted.
00:13:35I gotta go. Be good, you two.
00:13:37It's not me you have to worry about.
00:13:39Don't I know it.
00:13:41I gotta go to work, too, Ottie.
00:13:44Later, my love.
00:14:08Miss you already.
00:14:14Living up to his name.
00:14:15Every damn day.
00:14:17Months often pass when I don't see a single Bodak.
00:14:21When they do show up, it's a sure sign that carnage and bloodshed are not far behind.
00:14:26They don't cause it. They feed on it.
00:14:29The more Bodaks that show up, the bigger the eventual feast.
00:14:35They're attracted to evil like bees to flowers.
00:14:37They know when death is coming and want to watch.
00:14:40They don't show up for any ordinary death.
00:14:42They want extreme, operatic violence and terror.
00:14:49Penny Callisto's death wasn't horrific enough to bring a single Bodak into our world.
00:14:59This town is in serious trouble.
00:15:03Bye, Ottie.
00:15:04See you, ladies.
00:15:05Nicolina! Levada!
00:15:08Ott, am I really sucking at this whole mother thing?
00:15:13Well, considering their last one was a junkie who left them in your lap when you were barely a teen,
00:15:18I think you'd rather rock.
00:15:22See you later.
00:15:23I'm heading this way too.
00:15:25Gonna go see Madame Pearl, get myself read.
00:15:28Uh, personally, I don't believe people who say they can read minds or poems.
00:15:31And trust me, tea leaves?
00:15:33There's cloggage in the garbage disposal.
00:15:35It's just I had this dream last night you would not believe.
00:15:38Well, anything short of a non-alarm massacre, I can top.
00:15:42I'd never seen myself face on in a dream before.
00:15:46You saw your own face?
00:15:48Me and this guy, we were both lying dead all busted up.
00:15:51Like we'd been shot to pieces or something.
00:15:59You know, I wouldn't worry about it, but, I mean, have any of your dreams ever come true?
00:16:07I know most people think you're just quirky or weird odd, except Stormy who thinks angels fly out of your butt.
00:16:12But I know there's more to it.
00:16:14You have a secret.
00:16:15You're either a clairvoyant, a psychic, a seer, a soothsayer, something.
00:16:20Or you got yourself some juice with a higher power.
00:16:22And I need to know.
00:16:23Tell me the truth now, Odd.
00:16:26Do you see death in me?
00:16:32No, all I see is my own insensitivity.
00:16:35And a long, happy life for you.
00:16:43Hey, Odd, the dead guy in your dream, what was he wearing?
00:16:48I don't know.
00:16:49Oh, wait, yeah.
00:16:51A red and black shirt with black bowling balls on it.
00:17:03One of my stranger abilities is that when I need to find someone, like right now the creepy guy in the diner,
00:17:08I can randomly wander around and pretty quickly I'll run into him.
00:17:12This is a talent for which I have no name.
00:17:15Stormy calls it psychic magnetism.
00:17:21That's Tom Jed.
00:17:22He was my little league coach.
00:17:24Been hanging around Tire World for years.
00:17:26Although I don't know why his death was not caused by a defective tire.
00:17:30Such a beautiful girl!
00:17:39There is something about a dead man trying to get a laugh that just bugs me.
00:17:46Perhaps because it suggests that even in death we still have a pathetic need to be liked.
00:17:53As well as the ever-present ability to humiliate ourselves.
00:18:00Where are you?
00:18:03Where are you?
00:18:15When I finally have my own shop, no stupid uniforms.
00:18:19I think you look adorable.
00:18:22Adorable? Really?
00:18:24Puppies are adorable.
00:18:27Why are you here so early? Are you missing me?
00:18:30But I'm here looking for a guy. A creepy guy.
00:18:34Well, with you there can be no other kind.
00:18:37My psychic magnetism brought me here.
00:18:47That guy?
00:18:49That guy.
00:18:51You are better than a bloodhound.
00:18:54What is that thing on his head?
00:18:56A hair?
00:18:57He looks like a yellow yarmulke.
00:18:59No, it's hair.
00:19:01Any of those Bodaks with him?
00:19:03More than I've ever seen before.
00:19:09You're not shivering because of the cold ice cream, are you?
00:19:15I'm going to see what this guy is up to.
00:19:16Sorma, wait. Wait.
00:19:17You sit.
00:19:28You think those fish are up to something?
00:19:31All fish do are eat, excrete and fornicate all in the same water.
00:19:34Fish are disgusting.
00:19:36I never thought so until now.
00:19:38Your creepy friend is buying two gallons of the summer special.
00:19:41Are the flavors significant?
00:19:43That's your department. I'm just reporting in.
00:19:45Cherry chocolate coconut chunk?
00:19:47Coconut cherry chocolate chunk.
00:19:49I didn't realize that grammar was so rigid in the ice cream business.
00:19:54Well, now you know.
00:19:58This is bad for business.
00:20:01Why? No one can see him but me.
00:20:06How could a bunch of slithering evil spirits and a guy who looks like fungus be good for business?
00:20:11Fungus man scares me. Can't you forget him?
00:20:14I have a gift. It wouldn't have been given to me if I wasn't supposed to use it.
00:20:18Maybe it's not a gift.
00:20:19It's a gift. I still got the box it came in.
00:20:22Here, take my keys. And please show up for dinner alive because remember, I can't see the dead.
00:21:06If someone is going to cause extreme violence, especially on a massive scale which this is starting to look like,
00:21:12Bodax will not leave him until the last ounce of blood has been spilled.
00:21:18But they lost interest in fungus man.
00:21:53Hi there, little darling. Boy, I'm sorry. I'd like a few clues, but that's not what I do.
00:22:00Winston's camels and my fungus man as friends.
00:22:46Oh, now would be a good time to run.
00:25:59Loot me an odd one.
00:26:01I think I just achieved a personal best in the jump and gasp event.
00:26:05Don't be such a scaredy cat.
00:26:07I found a gateway to hell.
00:26:09I'm walking back to it right now.
00:26:10Most people would have the good sense to run away from it.
00:26:13Well, I'm not like most people.
00:26:15Not in the least.
00:26:21It's gone now.
00:26:26Or hidden.
00:26:28So is Fungus Bob a man or something new in the neighborhood?
00:26:31Don't know.
00:26:35This place looks like some kind of shrine.
00:26:40A shrine of guys that like to make belts out of women's nipples.
00:26:47Who is this guy?
00:26:51His real name is Robert Robertson.
00:26:55Well, hello, Fungus Bob.
00:26:57Did you check the refrigerator for any severed heads?
00:27:00No, I didn't open this refrigerator.
00:27:02Where else would you expect to find severed heads?
00:27:04I wasn't looking for any.
00:27:09Sorry, someone's here.
00:27:10I gotta go.
00:27:11We don't know what this guy's planning to do yet.
00:27:12You know what?
00:27:13Let me ask him.
00:27:14I'll wait outside until I'm finished.
00:27:16I can feel that.
00:27:21Wait a minute.
00:27:23What's today's date?
00:27:24August 14th.
00:27:25The pace August 15th is torn out of his calendar.
00:27:27That's tomorrow.
00:27:28What happens tomorrow?
00:27:30Hold on.
00:27:31Hold on.
00:27:32Get out of there, Otty.
00:27:34Maybe he has a file on himself.
00:27:36You know, unsolved murders and atrocities.
00:27:38Chief and I could figure out a way to entrap him.
00:27:42So what's in it?
00:27:43Is he a mass murderer?
00:27:48I think he wants to be.
00:27:50Hey, Bob!
00:27:52Robert, where the hell are you?
00:27:54I want my gun back.
00:28:03Damn dogs.
00:28:06Shut up!
00:28:07Do you hear me?
00:28:12Shut up!
00:28:13Damn dogs.
00:28:14What are these days?
00:28:16Do you hear me?
00:28:24Wyatt is out back here burning some perfectly good steaks.
00:28:27Thanks, Carla.
00:28:29Ot, I hope you haven't come here to dampen my evening.
00:28:32I share your hopes, sir.
00:28:34Been communing with the dead?
00:28:35It's not about who's dead, sir.
00:28:37It's about who soon might be.
00:28:42We call him Fungus Bob.
00:28:43Yeah, I saw him enter the grill, but he didn't strike me as suspicious.
00:28:47Just unfortunate.
00:28:49Well, you don't have the advantage of seeing his fan club, sir.
00:28:52I guarantee you hell on earth is coming to Pico Mundo.
00:28:56You know, sometimes you expect me to walk a dangerously narrow line.
00:28:59That's just because I've got such great respect for your balance, sir.
00:29:02Son, that sounds perilously close to being bullshit.
00:29:05There's a little bit of bullshit in it.
00:29:07A little.
00:29:08But it's mostly sincere.
00:29:10Ot, this is one of our newer officers, Burn Eccles.
00:29:13Oh, hi. We met yesterday.
00:29:15Good color, that Harlow character.
00:29:16I can't believe I once dated that perv.
00:29:18And of course you know Lisette.
00:29:20Burn, I want you to do a little DMV check on this guy Ot was telling me about.
00:29:26I think Officer Eccles is a little worried I might try to hook up with you.
00:29:29Carla and the chief are trying to set us up.
00:29:31Him being new to the force and all?
00:29:35Oh, it's like cleaning fluid with sugar in it.
00:29:37Which reminds me, how's your dad?
00:29:39He's selling pieces of the moon online.
00:29:42Vacation album sites.
00:29:43Is that legal?
00:29:44He certainly doesn't guarantee the quality of the air.
00:29:46And how's it going with Bronwyn?
00:29:49She prefers Stormy.
00:29:50I wouldn't.
00:29:53Did you used to play piano?
00:29:54I did, yeah. For years.
00:29:56How'd you know that?
00:29:57Because you have really beautiful hands.
00:29:59I bet you play like a dream.
00:30:03You know, Ot, you're a strange one.
00:30:07Yeah, I can't disagree with that.
00:30:09Bit of an oddball.
00:30:11It was my nickname all through high school.
00:30:14But you do have your charms.
00:30:16That's what Stormy says.
00:30:17Personally, I find it rather dubious.
00:30:19You know, if you ever decide to give cooking lessons,
00:30:22you should give me a call.
00:30:24I bet you really know how to whisk.
00:30:26Sure, yeah, whisk scrambled eggs and stuff.
00:30:28But pancakes, you really gotta fold them.
00:30:31But mostly I just fry, fry, fry, you know.
00:30:34Hey, we gotta talk.
00:30:37Robertson moved here five months ago.
00:30:39Before that, he was living with his mother.
00:30:42Inherited a shipload when she died last year.
00:30:45Clean record, though.
00:30:46Not even a speeding ticket.
00:30:48How'd his mother die?
00:30:49Well, Sir Eccles is checking on that right now.
00:30:52But otherwise, I got squad on your fungus, Bob.
00:30:55I can't hold him.
00:30:56All right, well, you do agree that he's strange and suspicious, right?
00:31:00If strange and suspicious were enough to put someone in jail,
00:31:03you'd already be there.
00:31:05You're gonna watch him, right?
00:31:07Only because you're never wrong.
00:31:08I'll put a tail on him and watch his house.
00:31:10You, go and have your dinner with Stormy.
00:31:13She's the one.
00:31:14You are one smooth operator, Odd.
00:31:16She must love to hear you say that.
00:31:18I love to hear me say it.
00:31:21You better not be hauling any dead guys on my scooter.
00:31:24Dead don't ride scooters.
00:31:25Just saying.
00:31:26I'd have to scrub the seat for hours.
00:31:28You're destroying the pleather.
00:31:30I see you left your hormone spigot running, griddle boy.
00:31:33Crank it shut, this is church.
00:31:38I know it's church.
00:31:40I know it's church.
00:31:41You know it.
00:31:42I know it.
00:31:43I know it.
00:31:44I know it.
00:31:45I know it.
00:31:46I know it.
00:31:47I know it.
00:31:48I know it.
00:31:49I know it's church.
00:31:51Play the brain, you know.
00:31:52You know why I call you Pooh Bear?
00:31:54Because I'm so cuddly.
00:31:55He gets his head as full of stuffing.
00:31:58Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:32:02Now, listen to me, odd one.
00:32:04I don't want you going back to that creepy room again.
00:32:06Oh, it doesn't exist anymore.
00:32:08Well, don't go looking for it, hoping it'll come back.
00:32:09Never crossed my mind.
00:32:11Yes, it did.
00:32:12Yes, it did.
00:32:13It is a gate to the underworld, and you are forbidden by me
00:32:15to ever play in it again.
00:32:17It's hard enough living with the guy who helps dead people
00:32:19without having to trek all the way down to hell
00:32:20to pull his ass out of the fire.
00:32:22Since when are we living together?
00:32:24We will be.
00:32:25Oh, I guess I didn't think let's put a pin in it, but yes.
00:32:28You have to learn to listen with more than just your ears.
00:32:30I mean, what body part am I supposed to listen with?
00:32:34Right, my heart.
00:32:35I'm supposed to listen with my heart.
00:32:36Listen with my heart.
00:32:37Look, if you're serious about this, I have to.
00:32:39I will do something big to improve
00:32:41our financial situation.
00:32:43Your idea about selling car tires?
00:32:45And what, from your perspective, is bigger than tires?
00:32:48Think about it.
00:32:49A family of five might have two cars, but they have 10 feet.
00:32:52Not only that, but they need different kinds of shoes.
00:32:54Dress shoes, Winkle Pickers, high tops, low tops,
00:32:56running shoes.
00:32:57But not you.
00:32:58You have five pairs of the same sneakers.
00:32:59Like I said.
00:33:00You're not like most people.
00:33:02Not in the least.
00:33:12Do you want crackers with your cheese?
00:33:14We have a problem.
00:33:15Crackers aren't a problem, just a choice.
00:33:17Come on.
00:33:18Come on, he's fobbed.
00:33:21Follow me.
00:33:21I don't know how.
00:33:24Come on.
00:33:25Come on.
00:33:27Hey, Tim, you're sure?
00:33:28Sure, I'm sure.
00:33:29You don't think the two of us could kick his ass?
00:33:31Not this guy.
00:33:58It's out the seat.
00:34:03Uh, the back door.
00:34:05Come on, come on.
00:34:06Wait, wait, come here.
00:34:08We're heading towards danger, not away from it.
00:34:10I can feel it.
00:34:12It's like he's everywhere.
00:34:13He's in front of us.
00:34:14He's behind us.
00:34:16Come on, let's go back the way we came.
00:34:17I have a better plan. You stay here.
00:34:19I'm going to run over there and open the door.
00:34:21If he doesn't lunge through, you run that way.
00:34:23If, however, he does lunge through,
00:34:25you run this way, and I'll try to follow you.
00:34:27Some plan, Odd One.
00:34:29It's the best I've got.
00:34:31Full of stuffing.
00:34:33Does that mean get on with it or up yours?
00:35:03Come on.
00:35:29Come on.
00:35:45Chief, it's Stormy.
00:35:47I'm sorry to drop in on date night, but here's Odd.
00:35:49Sir, if you send a car real quick to St. Bart's,
00:35:52you may be able to catch Robertson trashing the sacristy,
00:35:54or even the whole church.
00:35:56What was he doing vandalizing St. Bart's?
00:35:58He was trying to catch me and Stormy in the belfry.
00:36:00What were you and Stormy doing in the belfry?
00:36:02Well, we were having a picnic, sir.
00:36:05I'm sure that makes sense to you.
00:36:09My guy at Robertson's house said he still hasn't been home yet.
00:36:13Yeah, because apparently Bob's been too busy following me.
00:36:17One second. Where are you going?
00:36:19To get some food.
00:36:21How can you think of dinner right now?
00:36:23Because I'm hungry.
00:36:25My God. Vandalism, big deal.
00:36:28I thought you said this guy was going to bring on the apocalypse.
00:36:31Yes, sir, on August 15th, which is less than three hours away.
00:36:35Trust me, that is a day that Pico Mundo will never forget.
00:36:45Hi, Ozzie.
00:36:46Hey, Oz.
00:36:50You know that I know guys who know guys, right?
00:36:53Don't stop messing up my takeout orders.
00:36:55You're the one that's going to get taken out. Get it?
00:36:57Got it.
00:36:59Oz, Oz, what's your blood pressure?
00:37:01My blood pressure?
00:37:02Odd, my blood has got cholesterol molecules the size of marshmallows in it.
00:37:05If it wasn't for a little righteous outrage every now and again,
00:37:07my arteries would completely collapse.
00:37:12I finished that trinket you asked for.
00:37:16What a difference.
00:37:21Oz, what exactly is this?
00:37:23It's a steel heart, six inches in diameter, like you said.
00:37:27No, I said a piece of steel six inches in diameter to go over a heart.
00:37:33Man, I'm embellished, you know?
00:37:35I get in the moment.
00:37:37Why would Stormy want to wear that?
00:37:39It's not for Stormy.
00:37:41I keep having this image of a...
00:37:46a bullet going through a heart.
00:37:51It's perfect.
00:37:57Hey, Chief.
00:38:01This place is trashed.
00:38:02Yeah, it was Bob Robertson, sir.
00:38:04I'm sure you're right, you always are.
00:38:06But he was long gone.
00:38:07Didn't leave a single print.
00:38:09Even the chalices were spotless.
00:38:11Weird, huh?
00:38:12I'll give my psychic magnetism a try, see if I can find him again.
00:38:16Take Stormy home first.
00:38:17Like hell he will.
00:38:18I heard that.
00:38:19He heard that.
00:38:20Chief, you know I love Oddie desperately.
00:38:23So madly I would cut off my hand if that made any sense as proof of love.
00:38:27And now I find out there's a guy trying to kill him.
00:38:29No one was trying to kill me, Stormy.
00:38:31What, you think he was hitting on you?
00:38:33You know, this is the craziest conversation I've ever had.
00:38:37Odd, you're a fountain of crazy conversations.
00:38:39A geyser.
00:38:42Time feels like a powerful black wave that wishes to crash down and engulf us.
00:38:50I must run faster.
00:39:03Why did I drive here?
00:39:08Oh my god.
00:39:09Oddie, your nightmare.
00:39:10The slaughter of the bowling alley people.
00:39:12Is it happening here tonight? Now?
00:39:15No, no, I checked this place.
00:39:16The employees here wear green and gold shirts.
00:39:19So in my dreams the victims wear red and black shirts with little black bowling balls on them.
00:39:25And I don't see Fungus Bob's car anywhere.
00:39:27You think the slaughter of the bowling alley people and Fungus Bob are connected?
00:39:33Yeah, yeah, I know they are.
00:39:39Oh my god.
00:39:58They got new uniforms.
00:40:10Don't you dare.
00:40:16You said that whatever was going to happen wouldn't happen until tomorrow.
00:40:20Yes sir, but you see...
00:40:21We've still got an hour.
00:40:22I know sir, I just want to keep you up to date.
00:40:24I think there's a good chance that Bob Robertson might come to Green Moon Alley
00:40:28and do a little more than just hook some balls.
00:40:40Maybe you want to send a guy out here to, you know, keep an eye out?
00:40:43Any of those Bodox things around?
00:40:46No sir, but they will show up when he does.
00:40:50All right, I'll send a guy right over.
00:40:54Something doesn't feel right.
00:40:56Something's wrong.
00:40:57Are you nuts? Everything's wrong.
00:41:00There's going to be a massacre and I'll bet you it's going to happen here.
00:41:02No, all we know is it's the same uniforms, so it's the same group of people getting killed.
00:41:07Tomorrow, any of them could be anywhere.
00:41:13I'm missing something. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle.
00:41:19I need to see Viola.
00:41:24Good one.
00:41:26Odd Thomas, right?
00:41:27Uh, yeah.
00:41:28Miss Llewellyn?
00:41:30The chief sent me.
00:41:31So, you know this guy, right?
00:41:33Uh, I've seen him a couple times today, but no, I don't know him.
00:41:37Yeah, chief says if you see him reach for his pocket, he's probably not going for a breath mint.
00:41:43Wise words from a wise man.
00:41:45So, what exactly makes this guy so suspicious and dangerous?
00:41:49He came into the grill for lunch today.
00:41:52That's it? You served him lunch?
00:41:55He was weird.
00:41:56How weird?
00:41:57He had weird friends.
00:41:58He has friends?
00:41:59Weird ones.
00:42:00How weird?
00:42:02Very weird.
00:42:06And a couple hours ago, he got very aggressive with me.
00:42:11A couple hours ago, this guy, Bob Robertson, got aggressive with you?
00:42:17Look, the creep made a pass at me and I told him to back off, and the creep got, you know, creepy.
00:42:27Hey, Simon, I've been dying to know what this tattoo means. Do you mind?
00:42:32Uh, well, Stormy, when I was a teenager, I was a mess.
00:42:37If it wasn't for the police academy and the good lord,
00:42:41let's just say this tattoo is a crude obscenity that I'd rather not say the meaning of.
00:42:46Well, what a gentleman you are.
00:42:51Nighty-night, Simon.
00:42:58You manipulate me like that?
00:43:00Good heavens, Ottawa, and I manipulate you every day.
00:43:02You do?
00:43:03Yes. Gently, of course, with great affection, and you always like it.
00:43:06Oh, I do?
00:43:08You are so adorable.
00:43:10I'm not adorable.
00:43:11Oh, please.
00:43:12Puppies. Puppies? Little puppies are adorable.
00:43:15Uh-huh. You and puppies. Totally adorable.
00:43:22I had a feeling I'd see you tonight.
00:43:25It's about my dream, isn't it?
00:43:26You said you were shot.
00:43:27My skull was all whacked, my eyeballs swollen.
00:43:30You know dreams have nothing to do with the real future of I.
00:43:33We've already been over that territory, but here you are.
00:43:36Where are you in your dream?
00:43:38No place. A dream place. Fuzzy.
00:43:41Are you planning on going bowling?
00:43:44Did you hit your head?
00:43:46What are your plans tomorrow?
00:43:47LaVonna's birthday is Sunday, but tips are real good on Sundays,
00:43:50so I was gonna work it and celebrate her birthday tomorrow instead.
00:43:55A lot of people died in that dream of yours, huh, Hunter?
00:43:58Yeah, they did.
00:44:00Do dreams ever come true?
00:44:05I thought so.
00:44:08Close your eyes, Vi.
00:44:11Your dream.
00:44:13What do you see?
00:44:15What do you hear?
00:44:17All right.
00:44:19I'm running.
00:44:22There's suddenly lots of flashing lights
00:44:26with old-fashioned kiddie music.
00:44:31I'm running.
00:44:33I'm running.
00:44:35I'm running.
00:44:37I'm running.
00:44:38I'm running.
00:44:41And then I hear a big crowd.
00:44:43A roaring one.
00:44:45Like in a big football stadium.
00:44:47And then there's the sound of water. Gushing water.
00:44:52How do you die?
00:44:54It's like someone hit me with a baseball bat quick, like twice.
00:44:58I scream and fall to my hands and knees.
00:45:00My hands slip. Slippery.
00:45:02What are you slipping on?
00:45:04Oh, God.
00:45:08There's blood everywhere.
00:45:09What's under the blood, under your hands?
00:45:10Floor, grass, concrete?
00:45:12I'm staring at the dead man.
00:45:16Do you know him?
00:45:18Do you recognize him?
00:45:24Oh, dear Lord, there's so many dead bodies.
00:45:28How do you have to stop this from happening?
00:45:35Oh, God, is there any hope this can pass?
00:45:37If you listen to Audie, you'll be just fine.
00:45:41Fate is not a straight road.
00:45:43There are many forks in it.
00:45:45You have the free will to choose which one you take, but...
00:45:48sometimes it will bend around and bring you straight back to that same stubborn fate.
00:45:55I just want to check on the girls.
00:46:02They're so beautiful, Viola.
00:46:04And they're such good girls.
00:46:06They're lucky to have you.
00:46:08That's what everyone says.
00:46:38Anything wrong?
00:46:41No, no, no.
00:46:42I just want to make sure the girls are safe.
00:46:46And with the bars on the windows.
00:46:48I taught them how to work the emergency release myself.
00:47:05Well, looks like everything's A-OK in here.
00:47:11Step one, do not stay here.
00:47:14I'll go to my grandma's.
00:47:15Don't tell your grandma you're coming.
00:47:16Don't tell the girls where you're going.
00:47:17I don't want you overheard.
00:47:18By who?
00:47:19By anyone or anything.
00:47:22Just go with it.
00:47:26Step two is, don't go bawling if for some reason you get the itch.
00:47:35I can't believe we're leaving those horrid things hovering around those sweet girls.
00:47:39They won't hurt them.
00:47:40They just want to smell them before they die.
00:47:42Ugh, God.
00:47:43Look, Stormy, there's nothing I can do about Vodax, OK?
00:47:46And right now, I wouldn't even if I could.
00:47:48I need him to help me see the danger coming so I can maybe prevent it.
00:47:51And when they eventually find out that you can see them?
00:47:59Oddie, will you ever leave here?
00:48:01Oddie, will you ever leave here?
00:48:02Well, I sure hope I don't end up like Tom Jed hanging out at Tire World.
00:48:05I meant while you're alive.
00:48:12Hey, Stormy.
00:48:13Hey, hey, look, look.
00:48:17Look, Stormy, if you want us to go, I'll go.
00:48:19It's not that, it's...
00:48:22I'm just so scared for you, Oddie.
00:48:25So scared, ever since I saw that creep, Fungus Bob.
00:48:29I'm sorry, I just...
00:48:32I love you so much.
00:48:39My poop hair.
00:48:40I promise you, on the other side of tomorrow, I will have all my stuffing intact.
00:48:52That must be for you.
00:48:59That's it, baby.
00:49:01That's it, baby.
00:49:45I heard the scream. She ran across my yard.
00:49:48I saw the dogs following her. I grabbed my gun.
00:49:52I shot the dogs.
00:49:53It's Owen.
00:49:56All right, here's what we know.
00:50:00Lissette left my barbecue with Officer Echols at around 7.45.
00:50:05He dropped her off at home, clocked in at eight,
00:50:08and was manning the front desk when he got the call.
00:50:11So somewhere between eight and midnight,
00:50:14Lissette was whacked in the eye,
00:50:16and then tied up and gagged and hauled all the way the hell out here
00:50:19and had two Rottweilers sicked on her.
00:50:21Hey, Chief, what's with the guy who shot the dogs?
00:50:24His name's Kevin Goss. He was teaching a class from six to ten.
00:50:28Then he went to Starbucks till they closed at midnight.
00:50:31He got home about two minutes too late.
00:50:33Sir, I've actually seen those Rottweilers before.
00:50:37They belonged to Bob Robertson.
00:50:42All right!
00:50:44I want an APB put out on this guy now!
00:50:47Find him!
00:50:48Simon, I want you to go back over to Robertson's house.
00:50:51I'll have a search warrant in the morning as soon as the courthouse opens.
00:50:54Sir, no offense, but I wasted most of the day staking out that house.
00:50:58Then I went to the bowling alley and stayed there until they closed.
00:51:01Nothing happened.
00:51:03Nobody showed. It was a complete waste of my time.
00:51:06Sir, are we sure this Robertson character isn't just a wild goose chase?
00:51:11Exactly where were you between the hours of eight and ten?
00:51:14He was with me the whole time.
00:51:16Simon, ease up. Just ease up.
00:51:18Now go check the house again and ask around about the dogs.
00:51:25You two.
00:51:28Go. Now.
00:51:34I think you should wear this. Try not to laugh.
00:51:47Oddie, you are not responsible for every death you can't prevent.
00:51:51She died. And if Fungus Bob was her killer, I was either slow or stupid.
00:51:55Choose your weapon.
00:51:56Why would Fungus Bob kill Lysette? What's the connection? It makes no sense.
00:52:00It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to satisfy some sick urge.
00:52:04Maybe he's warming up.
00:52:06I think the chief just sent some detectives to protect you.
00:52:09I don't need protecting.
00:52:12Actually, I think it might just be surveillance.
00:52:16Fungus Bob followed me to the church. I bet the chief is hoping he'll sniff me out again.
00:52:20If the chief is using you as bait, he should at least ask if you mind having a hook in your ass.
00:52:30Oh, man. I gotta stay focused.
00:52:36Good. You keep an eye on my girl.
00:52:40August 15th had begun. Time was running out.
00:52:45August 15th had begun. Time was running out.
00:53:15August 15th had begun. Time was running out.
00:53:31Hey, Bob.
00:53:34You're not planning on getting up, are you?
00:53:38But if you're dead, who's gonna massacre Pikawundo?
00:53:44Gun on the floor. Dead guy in my tub.
00:53:47I know a setup when I see one.
00:53:50But if I call the police, the chief will have to arrest me, and I won't be able to stop the catastrophe from happening.
00:53:57Oh, my God. You're creeping me out.
00:54:27You're freezing cold, Bob.
00:54:30Your rigor mortis is way advanced.
00:54:34You know, the chief said you didn't leave any fingerprints.
00:54:39Didn't leave a single print.
00:54:42And Stormy never actually saw you.
00:54:46Come on!
00:54:52Because you were already dead.
00:54:55And the whole time in the church, you were actually a pissed-off poltergeist.
00:54:59I think the last time I saw Fungus Bob alive was when he left his house right before I broke into it.
00:55:06He's been haunting me ever since, blaming me for his death.
00:55:10Why he blames me, or who the hell killed him, is a little hazy.
00:55:14If I'm caught, I'll either be arrested for murder or rolling what looks like the biggest joint ever.
00:55:36It's just me and Rosalia!
00:55:55Give me a break.
00:55:59It's just me again, Rosalia.
00:56:03I'm gonna borrow your car again, okay?
00:56:06If I'm being framed, why the police have failed to arrive and arrest me,
00:56:10and the murderer hasn't come to kill me, I do not know.
00:56:25All right, Bob, where can I put you to quietly decompose for a while
00:56:29before someone finds you and has a new level of Jesus scared into them?
00:56:51Interesting story, Bob.
00:56:53After the federal government abandoned this prison, it went through a long series of owners.
00:56:58Rumor has it that at Von Zipper's Burgers, the fries were delicious,
00:57:03and the free soft drink refill policy generously honored.
00:57:07And yet, this fine dining establishment never succeeded in winning over the family dining crowd,
00:57:14which is so essential to any restaurant operation.
00:57:19Welcome to the gas chamber.
00:57:21A lot of people dine here, Bob.
00:57:23You should do it right at home.
00:57:42Stormy's always joking about running off to Las Vegas and getting married,
00:57:46but I tell her Vegas is packed with dead people and bad guys,
00:57:49and I just end up fighting evil 24-7.
00:57:54I should have listened to her.
00:57:59Too many.
00:58:01Too many.
00:58:25I need the fear.
00:58:29Dear Lord.
00:58:30If that's you again, Op, we are going to have worse!
00:58:46Oh, my God.
00:58:55No offense, Todd Thomas, but I can't think of anybody who could come in here right now and knock on my back up.
00:59:00So, you think he knew the shooter?
00:59:02Had to. Which means it's probably somebody I know, too.
00:59:05How bad is he?
00:59:09Well, he's a fighter.
00:59:10He better be.
00:59:13Hey, Bird.
00:59:20Oh, Adi.
00:59:22Get these reporters out of here.
00:59:23You, on that door.
00:59:30You saved his life, Adi.
00:59:33Where's this bullet?
00:59:36It's the one they're trying to dig out of him now.
00:59:42Time is up.
00:59:44Pico Mundo is awakening to a horror that only I can stop.
00:59:50Lissette and Fungus Bob are dead.
00:59:52The Chief is in the emergency room.
00:59:54There's hordes of Bodaks swarming all over town.
00:59:57Whatever's coming is gonna be big.
00:59:59I'm scared, and I'm supposed to be fearless.
01:00:02Don't tell me to stay home today.
01:00:03Please stay home today.
01:00:04I will if you stay home with me.
01:00:05You've been through this.
01:00:06I have to do whatever I can to stop it.
01:00:08Is Viola going to be shot dead?
01:00:10You know I don't know that for sure.
01:00:13She's had it hard in life.
01:00:14She doesn't need this.
01:00:16Shot dead, really?
01:00:17Who does need it?
01:00:19I don't know why I try to reason with you.
01:00:21I always lose.
01:00:22You're a fabulous man of action, Odd One.
01:00:24You don't need to be a good debater, too.
01:00:26Besides, you said yourself,
01:00:28any road I choose could lead me right back to the same fate.
01:00:31So which is it?
01:00:32Do I have free will?
01:00:33Am I in God's hands?
01:00:35Or is it both?
01:00:36Whoever told you you've got a lot of issues?
01:00:38I'm a woman.
01:00:39We all have issues.
01:00:40It's what keeps us interesting, and you men interested.
01:00:43Oh, yeah?
01:00:44It's what makes us crazy and die younger.
01:00:46Do you love me?
01:00:48I love you more than life itself.
01:00:52It's working.
01:00:59Don't look back.
01:01:00Don't look back.
01:01:01Don't look back.
01:01:03Give him strength.
01:01:08Knock, knock.
01:01:14I'm hoping Bob left a clue on his computer.
01:01:18Something to lead me to his partner.
01:01:22To the person who's planning on killing hundreds,
01:01:25if not thousands of people.
01:01:31Knock, knock.
01:02:01Knock, knock.
01:02:30Let me in, Odd One.
01:02:31Where are you?
01:02:32I'm walking towards the fridge.
01:02:33Yours, mine, or Fungus Bob's?
01:02:37Don't uh-huh me.
01:02:38I told you, you are not allowed to go playing around in any more hell gates.
01:02:43Oh, God.
01:02:45Always cockroaches.
01:02:48Odd Thomas, did you hear me?
01:02:49Which part?
01:02:50I can't believe you went back there.
01:02:51Every time you don't listen to me, you get yourself into trouble.
01:02:55I wish I'd listened to you.
01:02:57You get out of there right now.
01:02:59Right, right.
01:03:00Leaving, leaving.
01:03:05Never heard you make that sound before.
01:03:06Is everything okay?
01:03:09What are you looking at?
01:03:14Please say they're attached to someone's hand.
01:03:18Get out of there, Oddie.
01:03:19Someone has been buying a lot of Birkin Baileys.
01:03:23Will you tell whoever's buying it that our ice cream may be the best,
01:03:25but it'll still melt in hell?
01:03:29I'm calling the police.
01:03:31No, wait.
01:03:32I'll leave here first, then I'll call them.
01:03:35Be careful.
01:03:36Don't worry.
01:03:45Hey, Bob.
01:03:48I guess when I began to out you, word somehow spread and, uh,
01:03:52you became a liability to your partner and he had to kill you.
01:03:57Sorry about that.
01:04:03I find it funny how I know more about dead people than dead people.
01:04:07This is our realm, Bob.
01:04:09You can't physically harm a living person.
01:04:16But there is that.
01:05:10I'm exhausted.
01:05:11I'm lost.
01:05:13And somewhere along the way, I missed an important clue that could take me home.
01:05:23The bullet through the heart.
01:05:35It wasn't about the chief.
01:06:26Enough already, Bob.
01:06:32My three least favorite words.
01:06:40Subtly required.
01:06:44Simon, I've been dying to know what that tattoo means.
01:06:47Let's just say this tattoo is a crude obscenity.
01:06:52It's Varder.
01:06:54I once had a run-in with some devil worshipers.
01:06:57I should have known.
01:07:02Prince of Darkness.
01:07:04No wonder Varder was suspicious when I told him Fungus Bob had gotten aggressive with me an hour earlier.
01:07:10This guy, Bob Robertson, got aggressive with you?
01:07:13He had already killed Bob five or six hours before that.
01:07:17And that police van protecting Stormy?
01:07:19That must have been Varder waiting to follow me home to bust me for Fungus Bob's murder.
01:07:24Or shoot me while resisting arrest.
01:07:31There were no boat acts around Varder, but I can still feel myself being drawn to him.
01:07:36And to the place where he's about to commit mass murder.
01:07:50Oh God, no.
01:08:06Hey Mel, I see what the problem is.
01:08:09You are eating and reading at the same time.
01:08:12How about I eat and you read?
01:08:16Not so good?
01:08:17Okay, fine.
01:08:20Come on.
01:08:32Alright Varder.
01:08:34Where are you?
01:08:49Where are you?
01:09:27Fungus Bob didn't just have one kill buddy.
01:09:31He had two.
01:09:33One more and they could buy group health insurance or form a rock band.
01:09:37Officer Eccles is checking that right now.
01:09:40I don't know what this Bob Thomas character knows,
01:09:42but I know that Robertson is stupid and careless and he's going to get us in hell if we don't do something.
01:09:46If Robertson ever finds those photos at the mall, he misplaced them.
01:09:49I said relax.
01:09:52I'll take care of him.
01:10:05Stalking someone at the mall, Vern?
01:10:08Robertson, that idiot.
01:10:12You got to make it look like an accident.
01:10:13It'll look like an accident, alright.
01:10:15When I find Robertson, I'm going to kill him.
01:10:18Already been there and done that.
01:10:26Looks like their plan was to jump out at the end of the mall disaster like heroes responding to the call.
01:10:33But I never saw any Bodaks around Eccles either.
01:10:37The presence of the Bodaks tipped me off to Fungus Bob,
01:10:40but not to his two co-conspirators, which now seems intentional.
01:10:46As if the Bodaks knew of my gift, as if they know I can see them.
01:10:51The Bodaks have been manipulating me.
01:11:17I'm going to finish you off, old man.
01:11:26Well, that's just chivvy.
01:11:59This just so happens to be my very favorite book.
01:12:03The Wonderful Wisdom of Oz.
01:12:05Prince of Darkness. Officer Varner. Prince of Darkness.
01:12:07Officer Varner. Prince of Darkness. Officer Varner. Prince of Darkness.
01:12:22Viola! Viola! What are you doing here?
01:12:25What are you doing here?
01:12:27We had to pick out a birthday present for LaVonna, and Nicolina wanted to get a car for her big sister.
01:12:31Look, your dream is happening right here, right now.
01:12:34I thought in a big stadium or at the water park or a bowling alley.
01:12:37Please, I need you to take Viola and get her out of here, okay?
01:12:40Come on, come on, come on. Come on.
01:12:43This made Dorothy so very angry that she picked up the bucket of water that stood near
01:12:48and dashed it all over the Wicked Witch.
01:12:51And then the Wicked Witch said...
01:12:54I'm melting, I'm melting.
01:12:59There's suddenly lots of flashing lights with old-fashioned kiddie music.
01:13:07And then I hear a big crowd.
01:13:11And then there's the sound of water. Gushing water.
01:13:18Bye now.
01:13:20Bye, Stormy.
01:13:23Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me.
01:13:37I'm melting. I'm melting.
01:14:04I'm melting.
01:14:08I'm melting.
01:14:15A gun! He's got a gun!
01:14:37He's got a gun!
01:15:07I'm melting. I'm melting.
01:15:11Stormy and I are destined to be together forever.
01:15:15Gypsy Mummy gave us a card that said so for a single quarter.
01:15:20But other couples couldn't buy it at any price.
01:15:26Let's go!
01:15:38Let's go!
01:15:52Get out of the way!
01:16:07Get out of the way!
01:16:37Get out of the way!
01:17:07It's not over.
01:17:22It's not over.
01:17:31It's not over.
01:17:33It's not over.
01:17:37Hey, Chief, what's with the guy who shot the dogs?
01:17:40His name is Kevin Goss.
01:17:42One of these days, bang! You hear me?
01:18:07We gotta go!
01:18:25Is this your truck?
01:18:26I need a drill! Do you have a drill? I need to get this open!
01:18:28Who the hell are you?
01:18:29I'm a cop. Now, look! You see that woman?
01:18:31Some maniac just shot up the mall, so you either get with me, get behind me, or get out!
01:18:35I got... I got a grinder!
01:18:48Oh, my God.
01:19:05Everyone, get the hell out of here! Get the hell out! Now!
01:20:31You really set yourself up, asshole!
01:20:35Oh, my God.
01:21:05Oh, my God.
01:21:13It's cold.
01:21:14I know.
01:21:35I could tell my stuffing wasn't entirely intact.
01:22:04He's awake. He's awake!
01:22:06But it was nothing they couldn't stitch back together.
01:22:16Carla told me that the Chief had come through just fine
01:22:19and somehow managed to spin Fungus Bob's corpse into a bizarre cover story that kept my secret a secret.
01:22:25A secret.
01:22:31An FBI expert on television said that if you hadn't gotten those explosives out of there,
01:22:35at least 500 or 600 people would have died, for sure.
01:22:39They told me events at the Green Moon Mall had made headlines everywhere.
01:22:44But I didn't want to read or see anything about it.
01:22:48According to Eccles, he and Varner started a satanic cult when they were teenagers.
01:22:52One night, they killed a man and realized they enjoyed it.
01:22:56So they kept at it, eventually joining the police force for better cover.
01:23:01They met Robertson and Goss and came up with a plan to infiltrate a small town and then slowly kill it.
01:23:21Prepare for missile launch!
01:23:38Go! Go! Go!
01:23:49When I'm with you, I don't have to worry about pancakes, poltergeists.
01:23:55When I'm with you, I'm with my destiny.
01:23:59Where you live, I flourish.
01:24:07We ate food that wasn't healthy.
01:24:13We drank too much.
01:24:17And slept too much.
01:24:25But could never kiss enough.
01:24:28Everything was just as I wished.
01:24:34It's us. Open up.
01:24:39We've been calling you, Artie.
01:24:41I know. You know, I disconnected the phone because the reporters won't leave me in Stormy alone.
01:24:46Do you want some...
01:24:50You've been here long enough. We think it's time to stop.
01:24:55Sweetheart, the coroner finally revealed the truth.
01:25:00The coroner finally released her poor body.
01:25:20A part of me knew from the moment I saw her behind the ice cream counter.
01:25:27But the truth hurt too much to accept.
01:25:31Her death would have been one wound too many that day.
01:25:35And I think I would have let go of this life.
01:25:51She's here, isn't she?
01:25:57You gotta let her know.
01:26:00She deserves to move to her next life.
01:26:07It's just time.
01:26:56I love you.
01:27:13I promise I will see you again.
01:27:26I love you.
01:27:56I love you.
01:28:26I love you.
01:28:37Stormy always believed that life is not about how fast you run or with what degree of grace.
01:28:43That this life is a boot camp.
01:28:45That we must persevere through all the obstacles and hardships to earn our way into the next life.
01:28:51To be with her again, I will have the perseverance of a bulldog.
01:28:56But sometimes, it seems to me, the training is unnecessarily painful.
01:29:10If I live an average lifespan, I'll have another 60 years before I see Stormy again.
01:29:16That will be a long wait.
01:29:20But I am a patient man.
01:29:22And I have much to do.