Stepmom from Hell | movie | 2024 | Official Trailer

  • yesterday
Izzy begins to suspect her new stepmother and her stepsister after her father's wealth, as his health suddenly declines. | dG1fUEI5SlFneEd2Qnc
00:00Welcome everybody. This is the 30th anniversary of the Thompson Realty Group.
00:07I wanted to thank my beautiful wife Catherine, but most importantly, my daughter Izzy.
00:13And lastly, a couple of words that continue to inspire...
00:17Jack! Oh my God! Jack! Jack!
00:20Who are all of you?
00:22I'm starting to get concerned about my dad. He hasn't really been himself.
00:28He's just getting old and forgetful. I'm sure it's nothing to get worked up over.
00:33Terry! What are you doing?
00:35She's shredding discarded customer information. And what are you doing here?
00:40Am I interrupting something?
00:43I found $700,000 being transferred from my dad's company into a credence account.
00:48I think somebody has been battling from the company.
00:50You never know who you can trust, even with family.
00:54Dad! Dad, are you okay?
00:56Call 911!
00:57Jack is not sick. He needs to see a doctor.
01:00I think I know what my husband needs.
01:03I'm starting to think that she doesn't actually want my dad to get better.
01:06You're gonna need some real evidence.
01:12I'm gonna stop at nothing to bring them to justice.
01:18Please be careful.
01:19We're way past that.