La Heredera Multimillonaria Divorciada (Doblado ESP) - The divorced Billionaire Heiress

  • 10 hours ago
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00:00:14Senorita more more por favor vaya a su casa y aumente su fortuna
00:00:24deja de seguir me
00:00:26sabes porque no voy a casa
00:00:28Para mí vale la pena vivir una vida difícil si eso significa estar con carlson
00:00:33Facilite un contrato de mil millones de euros para tu esposo con el grupo jacobs
00:00:39el grupo jacobs si la familia más rica de nueva york
00:00:43y le hará una fortuna no tendrás que decir nunca más tu identidad
00:00:47eres la hija del hombre más rico en eeuu señor amor
00:00:51le diré a carlson hoy
00:00:53En cuanto a usted quiero que encuentre el ático más caro del lado oeste y lo compre para él como reparación entendido
00:01:02O es tan dulce el ayuntamiento donde nos conocimos es un lugar inolvidable para nuestro tercer aniversario de boda
00:01:10te amo
00:01:25Ryan Jacobs 26 años doctorado en la universidad de Wharton y ceo del grupo jacobs
00:01:32Eso de ahí es mi nuevo coche que acabo de recibir esta mañana
00:01:37genial y tú eres
00:01:4725 años sin universidad ni doctorado pero
00:01:51Soy cocinera no gano mucho dinero
00:01:57Bueno lo que sea realmente no importa casémonos
00:02:04Perdón vamos ya lo hemos hablado
00:02:07matrimonio por contrato te doy 20 mil euros al mes para casarte conmigo durante un año por favor no pierdas mi tiempo
00:02:16Ah señor creo que me confundes con alguien más
00:02:27Es para ti
00:02:38Quien es ella
00:02:41Firma lo
00:02:51Que es esto
00:02:53Isabella vamos a divorciarnos no siento amor por ti que mira es un contrato de mil millones de euros
00:03:00Carson lo firmó con el grupo jacobs
00:03:04Cariño este contra me llames cariño me hace sentir asco
00:03:08Señor Kingsley está gravemente equivocado
00:03:12Soy la hija del hombre más rico de los estados unidos qué ridículo un patito feo trabajando en un restaurante
00:03:19Le pedí a mi asistente que ayudara a tu empresa y yo quien ayudó a Carson no me robes el mérito
00:03:27Isabella mírate no seas tonta al menos nunca seré una rompehogares
00:03:31Tú no eres nada comparada con ella si no estuviéramos juntos ella ni siquiera sabría mi nombre
00:03:40Sara quiere ser mi pareja en el banquete benéfico
00:03:46Aquí tienes un millón firma el contrato y lo recibirás
00:03:52Piénsalo bien Isabella
00:03:55Espero que no te arrepientas de esto en cuanto al dinero
00:04:01No lo necesito
00:04:05Si no lo necesito
00:04:08No lo necesito
00:04:11No lo necesito
00:04:14No lo necesito
00:04:17No lo necesito
00:04:20No lo necesito
00:04:22No lo necesito
00:04:27Oye quieres casarte
00:04:31Solo quiero una pareja para matrimonio por contrato y tu esposo parece un gran problema
00:04:37Olvídalo no necesito tu dinero lo haré gratis trato hecho
00:04:44Espera primero tenemos que conseguirte el divorcio. Oye tú ven aquí
00:04:51Creo que puedo ayudarte
00:04:54Isabella sé que el divorcio te golpeó fuerte
00:04:57Pero vas a contratar a un impostor. Perdón soy el hombre más rico de nueva york
00:05:04Lo siento eres Ryan Jacobs
00:05:08Lo soy
00:05:10Bueno pareja perfecta de excéntricos
00:05:14Pero como ninguno de nosotros ha visto al señor Jacobs puedes decir lo que quieras. De todos modos
00:05:20Veremos a Ryan en el banquete benéfico esta noche. Eso mostrará quién eres
00:05:25Oh y no estás obteniendo un divorcio
00:05:28Vamos Carson divorciate ahora
00:05:44Bueno parece que los excéntricos deben apoyarse de ahora en adelante
00:05:49Estoy ansioso por ver tu cara en la fiesta benéfica cuando te des cuenta de quién soy realmente
00:05:54Aprovecha la oportunidad y no me contactes más
00:05:57Ahora eres mi ex
00:06:02Lo he amado y apoyado en secreto durante tres años. Y aún así te divorcia en tu aniversario
00:06:10Bueno ahora es nuestro aniversario
00:06:14De todos modos
00:06:16No te preocupes por el banquete benéfico. Puedes asistir como mi cita y no tienes que pretender ser el verdadero Ryan Jacobs
00:06:23Yo soy Ryan Jacobs
00:06:25Pero en cuanto a ti tenemos que...
00:06:27No necesito una identidad falsa
00:06:33David recuerdas los regalos que te pedí que prepararas para Carson?
00:06:39No para él
00:06:41Entrégalos en el banquete de los Jacobs esta noche
00:06:43Son para la abuela de Ryan Jacobs
00:06:55Hola mi querido esposo
00:06:57Hola Isabela
00:06:59Estoy atrapado en el tráfico necesitaré unos minutos
00:07:01Está bien no necesito recogerme
00:07:03Puedo llegar por mi cuenta
00:07:05Pero tú no tienes la invitación
00:07:07Si quiero hablar con ti puedes decirles que me acompañas
00:07:09Pero mi familia organiza la fiesta
00:07:13Hola mi esposa
00:07:15Hola esposita
00:07:17Ella sigue fingiendo ser Ryan Jacobs
00:07:23Ella sigue fingiendo ser la señorita Moore
00:07:25Disculpe señorita Moore
00:07:27Me preguntaba si sería posible que usted me llevara al encuentro de los Jacobs
00:07:31Whit eres uno de los hombres más ricos de esta ciudad
00:07:35Lo sé pero aún así no soy nada
00:07:37Desearía poder lograr un avance
00:07:41Está bien
00:07:43Ven conmigo
00:07:53¿Puedo ver su invitación?
00:07:55No tengo una
00:07:57Me temo que no le puedo dejar entrar
00:07:59¿Cómo que no puede dejarnos entrar?
00:08:01Sin escándalos
00:08:03¿Eres tú señor Beanwood?
00:08:05Si soy yo
00:08:07Bueno señor Beanwood
00:08:09Aunque usted no influye en Nueva York
00:08:11Comparado con nuestro grupo no palidece en comparación
00:08:13Por favor
00:08:15Quizá no sea tan influyente
00:08:17Pero saben quién es ella
00:08:19O tienen problemas de visión
00:08:21Ella es Isabela
00:08:25Ella no está en la lista
00:08:27No nos importa
00:08:29Entre sus modales
00:08:31Ella es de la familia Moore
00:08:33¿Los Moore?
00:08:35¿La familia más rica y prominente de los Estados Unidos?
00:08:37Eso es correcto
00:08:39¿Quiere decir que su padre es Donald Moore?
00:08:41Es hilarante
00:08:43No lo creí
00:08:45Traiga a Adam Blake para mí
00:08:47Buen intento investigando de antemano
00:08:53Señor Kingsley, bienvenido
00:08:57Señorita Moore
00:09:01¿Por qué no entran ahora?
00:09:03Porque hablar a lo grande no funciona
00:09:05Aquí está mi invitación
00:09:07No es necesario señor Kingsley
00:09:09Aaron le mencionó como su invitado especial
00:09:11Nos aseguraremos que esté bien atendido
00:09:13Wait, recuerdo la última vez que me echaste
00:09:15Te lo buscaste
00:09:17Agradece que no llamé a la policía contigo
00:09:19No apuntes con el dedo a Sarah, discúlpate
00:09:23Señorita Moore
00:09:25Estamos divorciados, siéntete libre
00:09:29Qué patán
00:09:31No eres nada sin su apoyo
00:09:37Eres un filisteo
00:09:39Le debes todo a la señorita Moore
00:09:43Tú, traicionas su confianza
00:09:47La traicionas por una zorra
00:09:51Deberías avergonzarte
00:09:53Y no te atrevas a decirme que te pida disculpas
00:09:55¿Sabes por qué?
00:09:59Ustedes dos, salgan de aquí ahora mismo
00:10:05¿Estás bien?
00:10:09¿Estás bien?
00:10:11Isabel, aún estás con ese farsante
00:10:15Gucci no es algo que puedas permitirte
00:10:17¿Gastaste todo el dinero de Carson en tu gigolo?
00:10:19Su reloj cuesta más de cinco millones
00:10:21¿A quién le importa el dinero de Carson?
00:10:23¿Vas a presentar a tu jefe?
00:10:25A menos que no lo sea
00:10:29Si él fuera señor Jacob, yo sería JP Morgan ahora mismo
00:10:33Mira, te dije que no presumieras tanto
00:10:35Ellos no saben quién eres, ¿no te sientes avergonzado?
00:10:37No es mi culpa que Aaron la fastidiera
00:10:39¿Cómo te atreves a culpar a Aaron?
00:10:41Aaron, es el mayordomo de mi familia
00:10:43Es mi trabajo, culparlos y cometer errores
00:10:47Vale, voy a llamar a Aaron
00:10:51Señor Kingsley, esto se podría complicar
00:10:53¿Qué tal si entra primero?
00:11:03¿Jugar duro conmigo?
00:11:05Eres un debilucho
00:11:09¡Paren! Son dos idiotas
00:11:11¡Maldita sea! ¡Quieren que los despidan!
00:11:13¡Avergüenzan a su jefe!
00:11:19Señor Jacobs
00:11:21Tienes mis más sinceras disculpas
00:11:23Es mi culpa no poder mantener al personal bajo control
00:11:27Así que eres el verdadero Ryan Jacobs
00:11:29No me mentiste
00:11:31Señor Jacobs
00:11:33Finalmente nos conocemos
00:11:35Todo lo que te dije es verdad
00:11:39Y Aaron, no es tu culpa que tu personal está siendo ridículo
00:11:45Pero no pueden tratarla así
00:11:49Perdón por hacer esta pregunta tan estúpida
00:11:51¿Pero quién es esta muchacha?
00:11:53Esta es mi esposa
00:11:57Bueno, es un placer conocerla, señora Jacobs
00:12:01Pídanle disculpas a los señores Jacobs
00:12:03Señores Jacobs, nos disculpamos
00:12:07¿Todavía estás enojada?
00:12:11No, déjalos ir
00:12:13Ryan, hay un asunto personal
00:12:15que quizá quieras revisar
00:12:19Entra con Wade y yo te encontraré adentro, ¿de acuerdo?
00:12:21Señor Jacobs, me conoce
00:12:23Mírate, no te subestimes
00:12:31Ryan, la invitada que llamó antes ha llegado
00:12:33Ella pidió que la encontrara en la entrada
00:12:37La señorita Moore viene
00:12:45Señorita Moore
00:12:51Ahora entiendo por qué los Jacobs están en la cima
00:12:53Lo mejor del panteón
00:12:55Y este banquete es espectacular
00:12:59Está bien
00:13:03Los Jacobs tienen una influencia verdadera
00:13:05Esto es importante
00:13:07Carson, desearía que organizaras una fiesta como esta conmigo
00:13:09Como la anfitriona del banquete
00:13:11Aún no puedo competir con los Jacobs
00:13:13Oye, no seas tan duro contigo mismo
00:13:15Estás colaborando con los Jacobs
00:13:17Sin duda eres la estrella de la noche
00:13:23Sara, solo tú puedes entenderme
00:13:25Como tuve tanta suerte contigo
00:13:31Mira, ¿por qué ella está aquí?
00:13:33¿Por qué no la han expulsado ya?
00:13:35¿No es ese Wade Burwood?
00:13:37Sí, y ¿quién es esa mujer?
00:13:39Incluso Wade parece estar atrás de ella
00:13:43No es nadie, solo es una ama de casa acabada
00:13:47No me extraña, se ve rara
00:13:49¿Cómo habrá entrado?
00:13:53Isabella, tienes bastante descaro para presentarte al beneficio de los Jacobs
00:13:57Bueno, todo esto es para mí
00:13:59¿Por qué no iba a estar aquí?
00:14:01Ella dijo que el evento era para ella
00:14:09¿Qué está pasando aquí?
00:14:13Papá, esa mujer está acosando a mi novio
00:14:17Nadie puede ofender a mi niñita
00:14:19No te preocupes, papá se encarga
00:14:23Este es Laurent, el capitán de seguridad del grupo Jacobs
00:14:27Sara, tú conoces a todos
00:14:29Invitaciones, por favor
00:14:31Te das cuenta que esto es un evento privado, ¿verdad?
00:14:33Estos dos entraron sin invitaciones
00:14:35No tengo una
00:14:37Eres atrevida y no quieres saber lo que le pasa a personas como tú
00:14:39Sí, la seguridad es terrible
00:14:41¿Cómo entraron estas personas simplemente así?
00:14:43Sáquenlos de aquí
00:14:45Es mi esposo
00:14:51Realmente eres un payaso
00:14:53Ese hombre que conocimos ayer es un fraude
00:14:55Y todavía no te has dado cuenta
00:14:57Isabella, sé que el divorcio te golpeó fuerte
00:14:59Pero por favor, cuídate un poco
00:15:03No es para tanto
00:15:05Lo que sea
00:15:07Ustedes dos fuera de aquí ahora mismo
00:15:09Dije que paren
00:15:15Perdón por llegar tarde
00:15:17Yo me encargo de aquí en adelante
00:15:21El grupo Jacobs está buscando una nueva asociación
00:15:23Hablaré contigo sobre ello más tarde
00:15:25Por supuesto, señor Jacobs
00:15:27Señorita Moore
00:15:29Quiero decir, señora Jacobs
00:15:31Los veo después
00:15:35¿Estás bien?
00:15:37¿Viene algún invitado especial?
00:15:39Mi abuela y yo invitamos a alguien muy importante
00:15:43Bueno, te ves impecable
00:15:45¿Es importante para ti?
00:15:49Él, si no
00:15:51Ella y es
00:15:53Solo negocios
00:15:55¿Por qué está él aquí?
00:15:57Quizás tenga mamitas ricas
00:15:59Ellas pagarán cualquier cosa hasta quedar satisfechas
00:16:01No te preocupes por ella
00:16:03Ella siempre ha sido así
00:16:11Tu traje está perfecto
00:16:13Sara, ese es mi esposo
00:16:15Vaya, qué mujer tan loca
00:16:17Qué espectáculo
00:16:19No, eso no ocurre todos los días
00:16:21Sara, ¿qué estás haciendo?
00:16:23¿Por qué le hablas así al señor Jacobs?
00:16:25Papá, ¿qué quieres decir?
00:16:27Pide disculpas
00:16:29Pide disculpas
00:16:37No, yo
00:16:41Los odio
00:16:43Siempre me avergüenzan
00:16:51Disculpe mucho, señor Jacobs
00:16:55Acepto cualquier castigo
00:16:59Voy a hablar con Aaron
00:17:05Él es Ryan Jacobs
00:17:07¿Por qué está con Isabela?
00:17:09No puede ser real
00:17:11Señor Jacobs
00:17:15Lo acepto como viene
00:17:19En cuanto a Isabela
00:17:21Ella es mi esposa y no pueden tratarla así
00:17:23¿Isabela realmente es su esposa?
00:17:25Lo es
00:17:27Ahora lárgate
00:17:37Damas y caballeros
00:17:39Hay dos anuncios que hacer
00:17:43La asociación entre el grupo Jacobs y los Hingsley
00:17:45Ha terminado
00:17:47Fue un error desde el principio
00:17:49Ahora pueden tomar su decisión final
00:17:51Y disfrutar el resto de la noche
00:17:53Carson, ¿qué vamos a hacer?
00:17:55El señor Jacobs terminó la asociación
00:17:57Y en segundo lugar
00:18:01Me gustaría presentarles a todos
00:18:03Mi estrella brillante
00:18:05Mi esposa
00:18:11¿Quién demonios es ella?
00:18:13Sin dinero, sin poder
00:18:15¿Por qué el señor Jacobs está interesado en ella?
00:18:17¿Qué me perdí?
00:18:19No es cierto
00:18:21¿Qué demonios, papá?
00:18:23Deberías haberme detenido
00:18:29¿Qué, Ryan?
00:18:31¿Cómo te casas con una mujer al azar?
00:18:33Sin decirle a nadie
00:18:35¿Quién por cierto está divorciada?
00:18:37No tienes vergüenza
00:18:39Yo sí, nuestra familia también
00:18:41Chris, voy a necesitar que muestres algo de respeto
00:18:43Porque ahora ella es tu cuñada
00:18:47¿A quién le importa a los Hingsley?
00:18:49Hacemos esto por los Moore
00:18:51Todo el mundo sabe que los Hingsley
00:18:53No podían manejar el proyecto
00:18:55Y en cuanto a los Moore
00:18:57Lo manejaré cuando ella llegue
00:18:59Como sea, ok, mira
00:19:01Necesito recordarte que aún estás comprometido
00:19:03Con Cara Robin
00:19:05Y a la familia Robin no le va a gustar
00:19:07Nunca estuve de acuerdo con eso
00:19:09Eso resuelve el misterio
00:19:11Casarse con alguien que a alguien no le gusta es difícil
00:19:13No es de extrañar que tenga tanta prisa
00:19:15Mira, no me importa
00:19:17Esta no es tu decisión
00:19:19Chris, Chris
00:19:21Puedes dejar que la familia dicte tu vida
00:19:23Pero por lo que yo sé
00:19:25Soy el jefe del grupo Jacobs
00:19:27Y tomaré mis propias decisiones
00:19:33Voy a dejar que hables con la abuela sobre esto
00:19:39¡Qué pena para los Jacobs!
00:19:41¡Qué pena!
00:19:43¡Qué pena!
00:19:49¿Pensabas que podías contratar a una mujer
00:19:51Para así no tener que casarte con mi hermana?
00:19:53Baron, no sé de lo que hablas
00:19:55¡Oh, basta!
00:19:59Por cierto, déjame presentarme
00:20:01Soy Baron Robin
00:20:05De Ryan Jacobs
00:20:07La familia Robin
00:20:09¿Quiénes son?
00:20:11Los Robin y los Jacobs están entre ellas
00:20:13Ofenderlas es ofender a los Jacobs
00:20:17Esto podría ser buena noticia
00:20:19Cuidado de la cabeza
00:20:21Ella es dura
00:20:23Quizás podamos convencerla de que nos ayude
00:20:25Ya que Isabela le robó al prometido
00:20:29Ya veo
00:20:31El señor Jacobs nunca cuidaría genuinamente
00:20:33De alguien como ella
00:20:37Ella piensa que ayudar a la familia Jacobs
00:20:39Es su estatus
00:20:41Pero el señor Jacobs la usa como un disfraz
00:20:43Ahora está en problemas
00:20:49Isabela, acepto tu disculpa a regañadientes
00:20:51Disculpe, no involucre a Isabela en esto
00:20:55Y en cuanto a tu hermana, Baron
00:20:57Nunca me casaría con ella
00:20:59Porque el amor no puede ser forzado
00:21:01Parece que no sabes cuánto puede ser forzado
00:21:03¿Y si no quiero pedir disculpas?
00:21:09Primero te sugiero que déjese hacer preguntas
00:21:13¿Cómo pudiste elegir esta mujer sobre mi hermana?
00:21:15Es un sinsentido
00:21:17¿Los Jacobs nos traicionan ahora o qué?
00:21:19No, no lo hagan
00:21:21Somos socios comerciales leales
00:21:23No permitiría que eso ocurriera ni de parte de mi abuela
00:21:25Si entiendes
00:21:27Que tu relación con Ryan no te ha elevado
00:21:29No te ha hecho nada mejor
00:21:31¿Entiendes eso, verdad?
00:21:33¿Y por qué necesitaría ser elevado?
00:21:35Isabela, no hace falta discutir con él
00:21:41Nunca me casaría con tu hermana
00:21:43Y Chris
00:21:45Si te gustaría hacer algo por la familia
00:21:47Te sugiero que lo hagas tú mismo
00:21:49Y Baron, aunque Chris pueda tener miedo de ti
00:21:51Yo no lo tengo
00:21:53Y haré cualquier cosa para proteger a mi esposa
00:21:57¿Entonces qué vas a hacer al respecto?
00:21:59¿Qué vas a hacer al respecto?
00:22:01¿Qué vas a hacer al respecto?
00:22:05Ni te atrevas
00:22:11Ryan, ¿Cómo pudiste maltratar a mi hermano por una extraña?
00:22:15¿Ya era hora de que vinieras Cara?
00:22:17Estos imbéciles estaban intentando echarme
00:22:19Cuida tu palabra, Baron
00:22:23¿Cómo puedes hablarle así a tu cuñado?
00:22:25Llévatelo a casa
00:22:31No me casaré contigo
00:22:35La resistencia es inútil
00:22:37Además, realmente me gustas
00:22:43Estoy casado
00:22:45Yo no soy estúpida
00:22:49Deja a Ryan ahora y obtendrás 10 millones
00:22:51Lo prometo
00:22:55Si admites tu error y te abofeteas frente a la multitud
00:22:57Habrá otros 10 millones
00:22:59Señorita Robin
00:23:0120 millones son una gota en el océano
00:23:03No eres tan rica
00:23:05Y no dejaré a Ryan
00:23:07Eso es audaz
00:23:09Qué chica tan especial
00:23:11Pobre, pero sincera
00:23:13Eres audaz, Isabela
00:23:15Solo hice esto porque eres la esposa de Ryan de nombre
00:23:17Pero ahora
00:23:21No permitiré que lastimes a mi esposa
00:23:23La protegeré
00:23:35Señorita Robin
00:23:37Estoy tan encantada de tener su cita
00:23:39Señora Jacobs
00:23:43Ryan decidió casarse con una mujer divorciada
00:23:45Sin decirnoslo
00:23:49Me disculpo por Ryan
00:23:51Abuela yo no hice nada malo
00:23:57Señorita Robin
00:23:59Creo que sabe que he invitado a alguien muy importante
00:24:01En este banquete benéfico
00:24:03Así que espero que evite causar cualquier perturbación
00:24:05Por supuesto
00:24:07Solo quería mostrar mi respeto por usted
00:24:09Y mantener
00:24:13El vínculo entre nosotros
00:24:21Traigan los regalos
00:24:31Aquí tiene un par de pendientes de diamantes
00:24:35Cada uno de los diamantes de los pendientes
00:24:37Tiene más de seis quilates
00:24:39Y es de color D
00:24:41En mi opinión
00:24:43Estos son los únicos dignos de usted
00:24:45¿Seis quilates cada uno?
00:24:47Eso debe ser como un millón de euros
00:24:49En serio
00:24:51Estos son quizás de la misma serie
00:24:53Que la familia real británica
00:24:55Gracias Cara
00:24:57Realmente lo aprecio
00:25:03Un manuscrito de Leonardo da Vinci
00:25:05Lo traje de una subasta de colecciones italianas
00:25:09¿Da Vinci?
00:25:11¿Y es una serie?
00:25:15Que fascinante
00:25:19Cara eres demasiado modesta
00:25:21Sabes que mi abuela era de Italia
00:25:25Realmente aprecio obtener una pieza del maestro
00:25:29No esperaba que prestaras atención
00:25:31A este tipo de detalles
00:25:33Oh abuela
00:25:35Siempre la tengo en la misma estima
00:25:37Que mi propia abuela
00:25:41Ella si sabe como halagar
00:25:43¿Qué más quieres decir Isabela?
00:25:49Solo diez minutos
00:25:57¿Qué estás planeando?
00:25:59Si no detienes esto no podré ayudarte
00:26:07Por último
00:26:09Un ático en la torre Bloomberg
00:26:11La torre Bloomberg
00:26:13Si alguien me consigue un lugar así
00:26:15Me caso con ella en el acto
00:26:17Es el mejor del oeste
00:26:19Abuela espero que todo esto le encuentre bien
00:26:21Nuestra familia estaría encantada
00:26:23No quiero casarme con los Jacobs
00:26:25Solo necesito que Ryan diga si
00:26:29No puedo casarme con Cara
00:26:31Porque ya estoy casado con
00:26:35Lo siento
00:26:37Parece que los Robbins no están realmente comprometidos
00:26:39A cooperar con los Jacobs
00:26:41Eso es simplemente un apartamento
00:26:43Poco impresionante
00:26:45Nuestro apartamento de 60 millones
00:26:47No es un apartamento ruinoso
00:26:49Isabela ni siquiera puedes permitirte la cubeta de pintura
00:26:51En la pared
00:26:53Debe ser el piso más alto de la torre Bloomberg
00:26:55Poco impresionante
00:26:57Señorita Robbin ¿Estás segura de que tu apartamento de lujo
00:26:59Está realmente en el último piso del edificio?
00:27:01He oído que el ático
00:27:03Ocupa completamente los pisos 99 y 100
00:27:07Vale 100 millones de euros
00:27:09Y fue recientemente comprado
00:27:11¿Estás segura que realmente es tuyo?
00:27:17¿Cómo sabe ella los detalles tan bien?
00:27:19Señorita Robbin
00:27:23Si no son los pisos superiores
00:27:25Fue vendido cuando empezamos a buscarlo
00:27:27Pero eso no significa nada
00:27:29¿Qué tiene que ver eso contigo?
00:27:33Por favor deten esto
00:27:35Yo no doy una sola historia
00:27:37Confía en mi, tengo esto controlado
00:27:39Solo esperas 5 minutos, verás
00:27:41Oh querido Ryan
00:27:43Ella no se compara conmigo
00:27:45Tienes razón, nunca me compararía contigo
00:27:51No puedes ponerle fin a esto
00:27:53Eres joven
00:27:55Trabajas duro, te mereces algo mejor
00:27:57Has mal interpretado
00:28:01Solo quise decir que Cara
00:28:03Nunca podría acercarse a mi
00:28:05¿De qué estás hablando?
00:28:07Verás, realmente es verdaderamente
00:28:09Bastante asombroso
00:28:11Pero verás
00:28:17Realmente no vale tanto
00:28:19Para mí
00:28:27Eso es suficiente
00:28:29¿Cómo te atreves?
00:28:31Ryan, estas cosas son inútiles
00:28:33¿Qué tienes tú?
00:28:35Aquí viene Dave
00:28:37Di algo
00:28:39Muestra algo de respeto
00:28:41De lo contrario, lárgate de aquí
00:28:43Cara, por favor
00:28:45De ninguna cosa te pagaré por todo esto
00:28:47Ryan, Ryan, detente
00:28:51Abuela, esto es...
00:28:53Quiero decir, yo la invité aquí, así que soy responsable de ella
00:28:55Oh Ryan
00:28:57Qué hombre
00:28:59Ryan, no tienes ese tipo de dinero
00:29:01Deja de ser un tonto
00:29:09¿David Smith?
00:29:15¿El presidente del Grupo Norte?
00:29:19¿Los Moors también están involucrados en esto?
00:29:21¿Los más ricos del estado?
00:29:33Un diamante rojo natural
00:29:41¡Oh por Dios!
00:29:43Ni siquiera el viejo rey británico tenía uno de esos
00:29:55El radojo de la medusa
00:29:59De Theodore Jericho Hood
00:30:05No puede ser
00:30:07¿Lo sacaron de Louvre?
00:30:09¿Simplemente locura con esto?
00:30:15Una mansión en Beverly Hills
00:30:19No puede estar hablando en serio
00:30:21El precio de esa mansión es cinco veces el del ático de cara
00:30:25No puedo imaginar el precio
00:30:27¿En este punto?
00:30:29¿Por qué no le dieron al mundo entero?
00:30:35¿Cómo Isabela puede permitirse todo esto?
00:30:39¿Me has estado mintiendo?
00:30:45Nunca mentí
00:30:47Simplemente nunca preguntaste
00:30:49Estaba dispuesta a decírtelo todo y nunca tuve la oportunidad
00:30:51Ah, y por cierto
00:30:53¿Todos estos regalos iban a ser para ti?
00:30:57¿Cómo podía ella permitirse esto?
00:30:59No lo sé, pero ella no es quien pensábamos
00:31:01Estos regalos son de la señorita Moore
00:31:03Gracias señor Smith
00:31:05Gracias señor Smith
00:31:07Nos sentimos honrados
00:31:09El señor Moore tiene la intención de organizar una fiesta de citas para la señorita Moore
00:31:13Esta es la invitación para Ryan Jacobs
00:31:15¡Qué demonios!
00:31:17¡Papá realmente sabe cómo avergonzarme!
00:31:19Señor Smith
00:31:21¿Estos regalos son de usted o de Isabela?
00:31:25O son de...
00:31:29Señor Smith
00:31:31¿Estos regalos son de usted o de Isabela?
00:31:35Son de...
00:31:41¡Qué día!
00:31:43Es embarazoso
00:31:45No quiero admitirlo
00:31:47Está ella intentando ocultarse de nuevo
00:31:49Señor Smith
00:31:51¿Puedo unirme a la fiesta de banquete que ha mencionado?
00:31:53Puedo unirme también
00:31:55Sí señor, pero no tengo su invitación ahora mismo
00:31:59¿Hay algún problema?
00:32:01Chris, compórtate
00:32:05Gracias señor Smith
00:32:07Me aseguraré de que Ryan llegue al banquete a tiempo
00:32:15Señor Smith
00:32:17Debo decir que estos regalos
00:32:19Son milagrosos, increíbles
00:32:21Con todo mi agradecimiento
00:32:23Tendré que preparar algunos regalos a cambio
00:32:27Quien conoce el juego puede jugarlo bien
00:32:29Estos regalos palidecen en comparación con la invitación
00:32:31¿Invitación a una cita?
00:32:33¿Qué tiene de especial?
00:32:35No sabes nada
00:32:37Es obvio que la señorita Moore ha tomado cariño por Ryan
00:32:39Una vez que se convierta en el yerno del señor Moore
00:32:45No importa
00:32:47Solo hago mi trabajo
00:32:49Estos son del señor y la señorita Moore
00:32:51Muchas gracias por su amabilidad señor Smith
00:32:53Lo aprecio
00:32:55Ahora por favor disculpe todo el caos que causamos
00:32:57Que tenga una buena noche señora
00:33:07Parece que hemos sido engañados por alguien otra vez
00:33:09Isabella parece que los regalos no tienen nada que ver contigo
00:33:17¿Qué quieres decir?
00:33:19Bueno señora, ¿no escuchó las palabras de David?
00:33:21Él nunca reconoció a Isabella y explícitamente dijo
00:33:23Que los regalos son de los señores Moore
00:33:29Además, Isabella ya está casada
00:33:31El señor Moore organizaría una cita para su hija
00:33:33Que ya está en una relación
00:33:35Señorita Robyn
00:33:37Isabella no es más que una ama de casa
00:33:39No tiene nada que ver con David
00:33:41El señor Smith es una figura prominente
00:33:43¿Cómo se atreve a aprovechar su estatus
00:33:45Para suplantar a la señorita Moore?
00:33:47Gracias a Carson
00:33:49Vigilante compañero
00:33:51Casi me engañas
00:33:53Feliz de ser de servicio señorita Robyn
00:33:55Clara, Ryan y yo estamos casados
00:33:57Eso es un hecho
00:33:59No olvides que ahora los Moore
00:34:01Admiran a Ryan
00:34:03¿Qué harán?
00:34:07¿Qué harán?
00:34:09Ryan, sólo
00:34:11Sólo un recordatorio amable para tu esposa
00:34:13La señorita Moore
00:34:15Ella no ganará esta
00:34:19Sólo me esperaré para ver el espectáculo
00:34:29Te llevaré a casa
00:34:35Si aún me consideras tu abuela
00:34:37Te divorciarás de ella
00:34:39Y aprovecharás la fiesta de citas
00:34:41Abuela, te respeto
00:34:43Esto no es acerca de Isabella
00:34:45Esto es sobre mí
00:34:47Y yo decidiré mi propio destino
00:34:49Ryan, acabas de ofender a Clara
00:34:51Los enemigos pueden y será nuestra perdición
00:34:53Todos quieren un pedazo de esto
00:34:55Chris tiene razón
00:34:57¿Tienes algún plan?
00:35:07Estoy asegurando una oferta
00:35:09Para la cadena más grande de restaurantes en Estados Unidos
00:35:11Con grandes esperanzas de apoyo financiero
00:35:13Por parte del Grupo Norte
00:35:15Ya no estaremos limitados a Nueva York
00:35:17El Grupo Norte está afiliado
00:35:19Con la señorita Moore
00:35:21Ella no vino a la fiesta esta noche
00:35:23Tal vez no está contenta con eso
00:35:25Invité a...
00:35:27Javier Lude
00:35:29Uno de los cinco mejores chefs en Estados Unidos
00:35:31Es muy persuasivo
00:35:33Y David lo admira
00:35:35Me reuniré con él la próxima semana
00:35:37Bueno, si puedes asegurar a David
00:35:39Me abstendré de intervenir en tu matrimonio
00:35:41Tienes mi palabra, abuela
00:35:45¿Por qué no me das a mí la invitación?
00:35:47Si él no está interesado
00:35:49Yo sí lo estoy
00:35:51Chris, tu nombre no está en la invitación
00:35:53Y estoy bastante segura
00:35:55De que no eres el tipo de la señorita Moore
00:35:59¿Tu abuela te conoce mejor que tú?
00:36:03Ni largo de aquí
00:36:09Si la señorita Moore está enfadada
00:36:11Incluso el señor Smith no puede...
00:36:13No estoy enfadada
00:36:15Abuela, es posible que
00:36:17El señor Moore haya enviado la invitación por capricho
00:36:19Y ni siquiera esté...
00:36:21Cuidado en mí
00:36:23Yo soy la señora Moore
00:36:27Abuela, iré a la fiesta de citas
00:36:31Y te explicaré todo
00:36:35Ryan, representas a nuestra familia
00:36:37Toma decisiones prudentemente
00:36:47Ryan, ¿qué demonios?
00:36:49No hagas tonterías delante de mi abuela
00:36:51Ryan, eres un idiota
00:36:59Todos reúnanse
00:37:03La señorita Moore llegará pronto
00:37:05Ustedes dos, recibanla en la puerta
00:37:07Para que se sienta bienvenida
00:37:09Ustedes dos, asegúrense de que todo aquí esté
00:37:13¿Y tú?
00:37:15Quiero que te asegures de que todos los demás sepan
00:37:17Que la habitación residencial esté limpia
00:37:19Eso es lo más importante
00:37:21Nadie usa esa habitación excepto la señorita Moore
00:37:27Entonces, ¿qué esperan? ¡Vayan!
00:37:29Esperen una cosa más
00:37:31Si a la señorita Moore
00:37:33Le gusta quedarse en el hotel
00:37:35¡Nos convertiremos en el hotel
00:37:37Más renombrado del mundo!
00:37:39¡Apúrense! ¡Vayan!
00:37:47Debe ser la señorita Moore
00:38:09¡Bienvenida señorita Moore! ¡Es un honor para nosotros!
00:38:13¡Bienvenida señorita Moore! ¡Es un honor para nosotros!
00:38:17¡Bienvenida señorita Moore! ¡Es un honor para nosotros!
00:38:21¡Bienvenida señorita Moore! ¡Es un honor para nosotros!
00:38:27¿Has visto su bolso Hermes?
00:38:29Edición limitada de piel de cocodrilo
00:38:33Su bolso vale millones
00:38:35Y su vestido es de Prada
00:38:37Solo vi a una celebridad en la TV
00:38:39¿Por qué estás aquí?
00:38:41Aunque Carson me dio dinero, te sugiero que seas brutal
00:38:43¡Ocúpate de tus asuntos!
00:38:45Señorita Moore, bienvenida al Hotel Four Seasons
00:38:47¡Wow! ¡Gracias!
00:38:49Es un error
00:38:51Yo soy la señorita Moore que han estado esperando
00:38:59Ni siquiera podrías costear un candado de su bolso
00:39:03Es solo un bolso Hermes
00:39:05¿Qué tiene de especial?
00:39:07Tengo un armario lleno de ediciones limitadas
00:39:09Ese ni siquiera parece resistente
00:39:11¡Oye, déjalo ya Isabela!
00:39:13Señorita Moore, por favor no se enfade
00:39:15¡Seguridad! ¡Seguridad! ¡Seguridad!
00:39:17Espera, espera, espera
00:39:19Mira, esa es la tarjeta SVP
00:39:21El hotel solo tiene dos tarjetas SVP
00:39:23Donald Moore y su hija tienen una cada uno
00:39:25¿Es ella la señorita Moore?
00:39:31Pero, espera
00:39:33La llave de la suite presidencial es dorada
00:39:35¿Por qué la suya es negra?
00:39:37Quizás esté usando una tarjeta falsa para engañarnos
00:39:39Esta tarjeta negra funciona en todos los hoteles Four Seasons
00:39:41Este también
00:39:43Espera un segundo
00:39:45Si puedo hacerles creer que soy la señorita Moore
00:39:47¿Eso significa que Carson y yo conseguiremos una estancia gratuita en una suite de lujo?
00:39:49Debo hacer que Isabela se vaya
00:39:51No pierdas mi tiempo
00:39:53¡Deshazte de esta mujer loca!
00:39:59Exactamente quien tenga la tarjeta gana
00:40:01¿Quién es la verdadera señorita Moore?
00:40:03¿Quién abra la puerta de la suite presidencial?
00:40:07No tengo tarjeta
00:40:09Necesito deshacerme de ella rápidamente
00:40:11No se queden ahí parados
00:40:13¡Hagan algo ustedes dos!
00:40:15Sara, solo tomó unos segundos pasar una tarjeta
00:40:17Me pregunto por qué estás tan resistente
00:40:21Está bien
00:40:25Vamos a ver
00:40:37¿Todavía sin pistas de dónde está tu tarjeta?
00:40:39No te molestes señorita Moore
00:40:41Exacto, la que tenga la tarjeta gana
00:40:47¿Qué tan grande es tu bolso?
00:40:49Han pasado como cinco minutos
00:40:53Señorita Moore
00:40:55¿Quién le aconseja que acabo de terminar de limpiar esta habitación?
00:41:05¡La encontré!
00:41:09¿Daisy? ¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:41:11¡Fuera! ¡Fuera!
00:41:21Mamá, dijiste que limpiarías la habitación
00:41:23Te necesito la tarjeta
00:41:25Acabo de limpiar esta habitación, disfruten
00:41:27¡Guau guau guau!
00:41:29Mira eso
00:41:31Resulta que ella es la verdadera señorita Moore
00:41:33Pobre mujer, ¿tiene algo que decir?
00:41:37Señorita Moore
00:41:39¿Te importaría ampliar mis horizontes ya que estamos aquí?
00:41:43Déjame mostrarte la diferencia entre nosotras
00:41:45Después de todo, mi mundo está más allá de tu imaginación
00:41:53Señorita Moore
00:41:55¿Podrías por favor encender las luces?
00:41:57Espera, estoy tratando de encontrar el interruptor
00:41:59El diseño es algo molesto
00:42:01¿Estás segura de que las luces se encienden con un interruptor?
00:42:11Hey Siri, enciende las luces
00:42:13Señorita Moore
00:42:15Bienvenida al Hotel Four Seasons en Nueva York
00:42:17Señorita Moore
00:42:19La señorita Moore no ha visitado nuestro hotel en bastante tiempo
00:42:21Ella no tendría la oportunidad de aprender sobre nuestro nuevo sistema
00:42:23Sí, siempre asisto a los de los suburbios
00:42:25Odio el aire de la ciudad
00:42:27A menos que sea algo urgente, no estaría aquí
00:42:29No me extraña que no hayamos visto a la señorita Moore en estos años
00:42:33La pobreza a menudo limita la percepción de uno
00:42:35No la culpes
00:42:37Señorita Moore
00:42:39Señorita Moore
00:42:41Señorita Moore
00:42:43Señorita Moore
00:42:45No la culpes
00:42:47Parece que nunca admitirías que estabas mintiendo
00:42:49A menos que lo demostrara
00:42:55Establezco la contraseña de la caja fuerte
00:42:57Yo misma
00:42:59Mi padre ni siquiera podría abrir esta
00:43:01Señorita Moore
00:43:03¿Puede decirme qué hay dentro?
00:43:09Tengo miles de cajas fuertes como esta
00:43:11¿Cómo puedo recordar cada una de ellas?
00:43:13Tienes toda la razón, señorita Moore
00:43:15Solo tengo una tarjeta de débito y aún así olvido mi número de PIN
00:43:17Puede que no recuerdes la contraseña
00:43:19Pero nunca olvidarías lo que hay dentro
00:43:23Mi colección de joyas
00:43:27Nada especial
00:43:29Es exactamente lo contrario
00:43:31Es muy especial
00:43:35Es exactamente lo contrario
00:43:37Es muy especial
00:43:39Es un anillo de plástico que Carson compró para mí cuando era muy pobre
00:43:41En aquellos primeros tiempos
00:43:45¿Quién en el mundo pondría algo tan sin valor como un anillo de plástico en una caja fuerte?
00:43:49¿Sabes para qué son las cajas fuertes?
00:43:51Son para cosas
00:43:55Tal vez un anillo de plástico
00:43:57Tenga valor para ella
00:43:59Solo te importa el dinero
00:44:01Así que nunca esperaría que entendieras el significado
00:44:11¿Es el anillo de plástico?
00:44:15¿Acaso es la verdadera señorita Moore?
00:44:17Oh, Dios mío
00:44:19¡Hemos confundido a alguien más por la señorita Moore!
00:44:21¡Hemos llamado a la señorita Moore! ¡Mujer pobre! ¡Oh Dios mío!
00:44:25Sarah, esto se acabó
00:44:27Vamos a casa
00:44:31¡Ah! ¡Ah, Dios mío!
00:44:35¡No me lo puedo creer!
00:44:37¡Ey, no!
00:44:39He's involved, they set me up!
00:44:47Yes, Isabella asked me to put the ring on the cacaforte.
00:44:51I confess.
00:44:52How dare you to replace Miss Moore to live in the presidential suite?
00:44:56I'm going to call the police.
00:45:02Wait, what's going on here? Who is replacing Miss Moore?
00:45:07Mr. Fergus, it's this woman.
00:45:09She conspires with Daisy to replace Miss Moore.
00:45:17Why do I hire a bunch of retarded idiots?
00:45:22This is the real Miss Moore.
00:45:25And Miss Moore, please sit at home.
00:45:30Ma'am, I don't know who you are, but you must leave here right now.
00:45:36Wait, wait, I'm, I'm Carson Kingsley's partner.
00:45:40I don't care if you're Jeff Bezos, or Mark Zuckerberg, or Bill Gates, or, or Elon.
00:45:48You two must leave here.
00:45:50You two are banned from our hotels.
00:45:55As for the three of you, no one in New York will ever hire you again.
00:46:00You'll never work here again. Out!
00:46:06Sara, are you okay?
00:46:09Who are they?
00:46:10How did Isabella know the pin of the safe in the presidential suite?
00:46:13Is she the real Miss Moore?
00:46:16Is there a plastic ring inside?
00:46:18How do you know?
00:46:20Wade is Isabella's uncle.
00:46:22It was he who gave Isabella the key.
00:46:25The real Miss Moore doesn't show up much.
00:46:28Well, that makes sense.
00:46:31It's no wonder Wade is so protective of her.
00:46:35Honey, once the contract is secured, I'll help you face them.
00:46:47Ah, look who it is.
00:46:50How can I help you today?
00:46:52Oh, Isabella, no way.
00:46:56I was supposed to go meet with Cecilia.
00:46:58I've heard she has the prettiest place in the world, but...
00:47:01Do you work for her?
00:47:03No, I don't work.
00:47:04Can you give me a glass of water?
00:47:15No ice cubes?
00:47:22Oh, well...
00:47:24Suddenly I want hot water.
00:47:27I'm sorry.
00:47:30Of course.
00:47:34Are you trying to burn me?
00:47:37Isabella, I'm here to eat.
00:47:39Don't take it personally, okay?
00:47:41Okay, you know what?
00:47:42I'm not going to see you today.
00:47:45Honey, why are you here?
00:47:52Let me introduce you to my love, Lydia.
00:47:57Your love?
00:47:58So what am I to you?
00:48:00So what am I to you when this happened?
00:48:03Sara, you're good.
00:48:06Lydia should be crowned.
00:48:09So you betray me.
00:48:11Go to hell.
00:48:13What an idiot.
00:48:15Shut up, Isabella.
00:48:16Show off your new love?
00:48:18I already got the message.
00:48:20We're close.
00:48:21Oh, you're too kind.
00:48:22But, you know, Ryan can't win the bid, so you're ruined.
00:48:27Ryan has Xavier on his side, right?
00:48:31As far as I know, Xavier only supports the Moor.
00:48:34The Moor are supporting Ryan.
00:48:36They don't even want to visit.
00:48:38Javier Living is supporting Ryan.
00:48:41But if the Moor support me,
00:48:43then what will Mr. Luden say?
00:48:45And in what world would that happen?
00:48:46Good question.
00:48:47God, you're a nuisance.
00:48:49A nuisance that broke with you, and it doesn't matter.
00:48:51Let me introduce you both.
00:48:53This Moor is Lydia.
00:48:57I have a sister?
00:48:59How did you do it?
00:49:01The Moor family?
00:49:04I'm Mr. Moor's only daughter.
00:49:06Dad, what have you done?
00:49:08Lydia will support the Moor,
00:49:10and you don't stand a chance.
00:49:12It's hard to say.
00:49:13Mr. Luden is one of the five best chefs,
00:49:15but you never know if there could be someone behind the curtain.
00:49:17That's true, but that doesn't work for you.
00:49:19Only Cecilia has ever beaten Mr. Luden
00:49:21in the Top Chef world competition.
00:49:23But now she's a legend.
00:49:25Nobody knows where she is.
00:49:26She disappeared three years ago.
00:49:28Okay, everyone's made their point.
00:49:31Aren't you afraid?
00:49:32Afraid of what?
00:49:33You know.
00:49:35What if I were Cecilia?
00:49:37Again pretending to be someone else.
00:49:40It must be because of her low self-esteem.
00:49:42I know, waitress.
00:49:44Stop fantasizing about what you can't have.
00:49:47Stay away from her.
00:49:53We'll see what happens.
00:49:55I can't wait to see you cry, loser.
00:50:00But I'm going to warn you.
00:50:02Stay away from my wife.
00:50:06I won't even look at her.
00:50:10Are you Ryan Jacobs?
00:50:12Wow, you're as handsome as they say you are.
00:50:20Oh, well, I don't care.
00:50:22You received my invitation to the date party, right?
00:50:25I'm going to make sure you're there.
00:50:29Lydia, you prepared that party for me, right?
00:50:33I'm the one you want, right?
00:50:37It's hard to say.
00:50:38I'm Mrs. Moore after all.
00:50:40I can really have whoever I want.
00:50:42Okay, I don't care who you are.
00:50:44Don't touch my husband.
00:50:46He's obviously going to leave you soon, honey.
00:50:50Miss, Mr. Moore is asking you to go home now.
00:50:57Miss, Mr. Moore is asking you to go home now.
00:51:01Okay, I'm coming.
00:51:04I can't wait to see you there.
00:51:07Who is she?
00:51:09She's your uncle's illegitimate daughter.
00:51:11She just got back from Norway.
00:51:13She'll be at the family dinner tonight.
00:51:15She's not a Moore.
00:51:17Do you want to come with us?
00:51:19Well, Mr. Moore misses you a lot.
00:51:22I can't, I'll be there soon.
00:51:24Okay, just let me know when you can.
00:51:27Lydia, it's time to go.
00:51:33Oh, uh, not you, sir.
00:51:42Sarah, would you like to give me a second chance?
00:51:44Would you like to have dinner with me?
00:51:46Go to hell.
00:51:51Why is Carson here?
00:51:53Did he hurt you?
00:51:54No, no, I'm fine.
00:51:55It was about you.
00:51:56He said Javier wasn't going to help you.
00:51:59Okay, it doesn't matter.
00:52:02As long as you're safe, I can worry about that later.
00:52:05This is about your business.
00:52:10I make money in more than one way.
00:52:13So, am I really that important to you?
00:52:17After all, you're my wife, aren't you?
00:52:22Well, then you'll have to win.
00:52:25Where does all that confidence come from?
00:52:28Are you Miss Moore again?
00:52:30No, that's a secret.
00:52:32What are you doing here anyway?
00:52:36I almost forgot.
00:52:38I'm here to take you shopping for a dress.
00:52:42Let's go.
00:52:47Sarah, what are you doing with him?
00:52:49Do you think you're the only one who can find someone rich?
00:52:53Who are you?
00:52:55I'm Chris Jacobs.
00:52:56My offer is 5% of my company's shares.
00:53:00Chris, what are you doing?
00:53:04It's a lot of money.
00:53:06It looks like the brothers didn't reach an agreement.
00:53:10Ryan, your decisions are taking this company to the abyss.
00:53:14I'm here to help you.
00:53:15It's funny how they start fighting before I make a move.
00:53:19I'm going to put $100 million at stake.
00:53:23And you?
00:53:24It's your turn.
00:53:26My file represents 1% of North Group's shares.
00:53:36What's this?
00:53:37You'll find out later.
00:53:39I heard that Mrs. Moore just returned to New York.
00:53:42Yes, and it's impressive.
00:53:44It's not as hard as I thought.
00:53:47Shh, don't talk about Mrs. Moore.
00:53:57Lydia, you look fascinating.
00:54:00Ryan, what do you think?
00:54:03Ma'am, I have a wife.
00:54:06And I have no intention of losing her.
00:54:08Not even a kind word?
00:54:10Too bad that was your last chance.
00:54:13I didn't want to destroy your dignity unless I had to.
00:54:16But now you'll see.
00:54:21Mrs. Moore?
00:54:23That's Xavier Ruden.
00:54:26So what Carson said is true.
00:54:28I'm sorry, Ryan.
00:54:30They've helped me a lot.
00:54:32I have to do this.
00:54:33This is just the beginning.
00:54:35She represents the Moore family.
00:54:37It's no wonder Xavier is on her side.
00:54:40He'll regret it, Mr. Jacobs.
00:54:42He can't win this time.
00:54:44The Robin family will support Mrs. Moore.
00:54:47The Kingsley family will support Mrs. Moore.
00:54:50The Johnson family will support Mrs. Moore.
00:54:53The Hathorne family will support Mrs. Moore.
00:54:56The Grant family is with Mrs. Moore.
00:54:59Mr. Grant, how could you?
00:55:01I support Ryan Jacobs.
00:55:06Isabella, please don't get involved in this.
00:55:08Don't worry.
00:55:09I know what I'm doing.
00:55:14Do you really want to bet on me?
00:55:18Why not?
00:55:20Are you sure?
00:55:22How can you bet on me?
00:55:26I'm Cecilia.
00:55:28The most famous chef in the United States?
00:55:31How could you be Cecilia?
00:55:33Nobody even knows where she is.
00:55:36And she's been missing for three years.
00:55:39Even if you were Cecilia,
00:55:41you're not qualified to sit at the same table as us.
00:55:45People at the table bet on chips,
00:55:47not on status.
00:55:49Please stop this.
00:55:51Do it for me.
00:55:53Please stop this.
00:55:54Do it for me.
00:55:56How many chips do you have?
00:55:58500 euros?
00:56:00What if I join her?
00:56:07Sara, what are you doing with him?
00:56:09Do you think you're the only one who can find someone rich?
00:56:13Who are you?
00:56:19Chris, what are you doing?
00:56:24It seems that the brothers did not reach an agreement.
00:56:34It's funny how they start fighting before I make a move.
00:56:38I'm going to put 100 million at stake.
00:56:42And you?
00:56:43It's your turn.
00:56:45My file represents 1% of the North Group's shares.
00:56:51The North Group?
00:56:52You can't do that.
00:56:53Are you crazy?
00:56:54The whole corporation is mine.
00:56:55Why can't I be part of it to help my husband?
00:56:58What are you suggesting?
00:57:00When was the last time you spoke to David?
00:57:02Why are you so surprised, Miss Moore?
00:57:05Of course she can.
00:57:06She could literally tell me to go to hell and she would.
00:57:10She owns the North Group.
00:57:12That's something new.
00:57:131% of the North and 5% of Jacob.
00:57:161% of the North and 5% of Jacob?
00:57:19Those numbers are really high.
00:57:25Calm down, Lydia.
00:57:26You can't lose.
00:57:27You only have 100 million.
00:57:29If you win, you get all the money.
00:57:31Now that Mr. Smith has said yes,
00:57:33can we start our bets?
00:57:35Of course.
00:57:37Chris, what's your winning card?
00:57:39My winning card is right here.
00:57:42The real Cecilia.
00:57:47Not again.
00:57:49Two Cecilias?
00:57:51Such a plot.
00:57:54This is my recipe book.
00:57:57Take a look.
00:57:59She stole my notebook.
00:58:05I see unique recipes here.
00:58:09Some I can't even match.
00:58:12Who do you work for?
00:58:13You're going to make me lose my bet.
00:58:15I'm sorry, Miss Moore.
00:58:16I can't help you win.
00:58:18I must admit the difference and
00:58:21admit defeat.
00:58:23Xavier admitted defeat!
00:58:25Does that mean Mr. Jacobs won?
00:58:28Why don't you take a look at this?
00:58:40These are some desserts I made for my husband.
00:58:43But I thought you might be interested in seeing them.
00:58:48The unborn phoenix.
00:58:51Of sublimation.
00:58:53The most expensive restaurant in the world.
00:58:58But they only include this on the menu when
00:59:01Cecilia visits him.
00:59:03What's so hard about making cupcakes?
00:59:06You don't know anything.
00:59:07Or maybe someone did it for her.
00:59:11Didn't you say it was Cecilia?
00:59:13No, it wasn't me.
00:59:17How dare you lie to me, bitch.
00:59:18I was just trying to help.
00:59:20You stole my notebook yesterday, didn't you?
00:59:24It was just a coincidence.
00:59:26Wait a minute.
00:59:27It's possible that Cecilia made those cupcakes
00:59:30and gave them to Isabella, right?
00:59:33Maybe she works for Cecilia
00:59:35and Cecilia helped her this time.
00:59:39Why do you always have to act so stupidly?
00:59:41Javier, do you remember this pin?
00:59:44What's so special about it?
00:59:45I have a lot of them at home.
00:59:47Dear God.
00:59:49It's you.
00:59:53More valuable than any gem in the world.
00:59:57Why does Javier feel so confident about the pin?
01:00:02This is the contest for the pin.
01:00:04I passed, but my only regret was
01:00:07never meeting you in person.
01:00:10If you want to be sure, you're invited.
01:00:16It would be an honor.
01:00:26Ryan, this is for you.
01:00:28Thank you, honey.
01:00:30You're welcome.
01:00:31Ryan, this is for you.
01:00:33Thank you, honey.
01:00:53Don't make me cry.
01:00:54Don't make me cry.
01:01:00You beat me in miles.
01:01:08I'm afraid Mr. Jacobs and Miss Rita Moore
01:01:11have lost this one.
01:01:12Give your tickets to the winners.
01:01:16Ryan, this is for you.
01:01:20Thank you for always being with me.
01:01:22Isabela, why did you hide your identity?
01:01:25I did.
01:01:26You never trusted me.
01:01:27That's your problem.
01:01:29You always treated me like a waitress.
01:01:34Chris, what a shame for you and Zaha.
01:01:37We would never work with a thief.
01:01:39Let me explain.
01:01:40Oh, stop being ashamed.
01:01:41Get them out of here.
01:01:48Lydia, what the hell is this?
01:01:52Dad told me she disappeared for a long time
01:01:54and no one knew where she was.
01:01:57No, she can't be my cousin.
01:02:11Who are you?
01:02:12Let me go.
01:02:14Isabela, you ruined me.
01:02:17Now you'll pay.
01:02:20I didn't think you'd recognize my voice.
01:02:24Sarah, stop this nonsense.
01:02:26Let me go right now.
01:02:28You're still in the mood, huh?
01:02:30You think I wouldn't hurt you?
01:02:33Why are you doing this to me?
01:02:34Why do you hate me so much?
01:02:37Because it's a good question, isn't it?
01:02:40You destroyed my life,
01:02:42my family,
01:02:43my love,
01:02:44my purpose.
01:02:46You're too greedy.
01:02:47How can you...
01:02:48Shut up!
01:02:49You don't deserve to say that.
01:02:52You've never felt what I felt.
01:02:54You've never lived a life like mine.
01:02:55You don't even know who I am.
01:03:00You grew up rich.
01:03:02You grew up rich.
01:03:03You never had to suffer a day of your life.
01:03:08What about me?
01:03:09You shouldn't have pretended to be me.
01:03:12You don't know anything about me.
01:03:14Shut up!
01:03:16I come from a humble family.
01:03:19My mother cleans rooms for people.
01:03:21My father works as a janitor without dignity.
01:03:24My life is disgusting.
01:03:27And this effort...
01:03:30It's worthless.
01:03:35But you...
01:03:37The most famous chef in the United States.
01:03:40Daughter of the richest family.
01:03:43Why did you choose Carson?
01:03:45He's useless.
01:03:46Why did you take everything from me, bitch?
01:03:50You have every right to despise him.
01:03:52But why him?
01:03:54Why did you seduce him?
01:03:55Why do I have to get out of this mess I'm in?
01:03:58If Chris or Carson or anyone else marries me...
01:04:02I'll be able to offer myself food.
01:04:05I'll be able to return to the right path of my life.
01:04:07I can make everyone happy.
01:04:10Who could ever see you as a toy?
01:04:12Shut up!
01:04:14I'll do anything for a better life like you and Lydia.
01:04:17Why is it so unfair?
01:04:22Killing you won't solve anything.
01:04:24Killing you?
01:04:29Look at the papers on the table.
01:04:31If Ryan wants to save you, he has to give up all his shares.
01:04:35After that, Chris wants you to marry me.
01:04:38Is that all your life is about?
01:04:40Men and money?
01:04:41God, of course not!
01:04:45I just...
01:04:47I need a lot of money.
01:04:49I have debts.
01:04:51My family has debts.
01:04:53I have to fix it.
01:04:55As soon as I get out of this door, my attackers will come after me.
01:04:59Isabella, I'm living in a fake world.
01:05:03I have to lie.
01:05:04Lying is hard.
01:05:05You wouldn't understand.
01:05:08You're pathetic.
01:05:09You're crazy for trusting Chris.
01:05:10He needs a minute to get what he wants.
01:05:12No, you're pathetic.
01:05:13Not me.
01:05:14I'm not stupid or naive like you.
01:05:16I have control over him.
01:05:18I have you.
01:05:19He's all that's left.
01:05:22Ryan will sign the papers.
01:05:24And less important than you think.
01:05:28Don't move or I'll kill her.
01:05:33It's okay, it's okay. Calm down.
01:05:34Calm down. Don't hurt her.
01:05:36Answer this.
01:05:37Why don't you leave Isabella?
01:05:38I was there when you two got married.
01:05:40You and Isabella didn't know each other before.
01:05:43It's okay, it's okay. We can talk about it.
01:05:44But please, put the knife down.
01:05:46No, no, no, no.
01:05:47Let's talk first.
01:05:48Why don't you choose Lydia Moore?
01:05:54Because maybe we were meant to be together.
01:05:59Maybe I'm in love with her.
01:06:01Damn it, are you alone?
01:06:03Is that all you care about?
01:06:05Sign the transfer agreement.
01:06:07Ryan won't sign it.
01:06:09Hey, wait, wait.
01:06:10Let me tell you the truth.
01:06:11I'm sorry. You're right.
01:06:12We didn't know each other before.
01:06:14We're a perfect couple.
01:06:16I was mad at Carson
01:06:17and I wanted to do something to make him regret it.
01:06:19It turns out that Ryan was
01:06:21doing the same thing with Cara
01:06:22to avoid their arranged marriage.
01:06:24We were strangers before.
01:06:26Shut up!
01:06:27Please, please, please, please.
01:06:28Don't hurt her.
01:06:33Think about it.
01:06:34You'll lose everything.
01:06:35Shut up!
01:06:36No, I'll sign it, I'll sign it.
01:06:38You don't have a third option.
01:06:39It's her or the actions.
01:06:43Look, sign it, sign it.
01:06:44Let her go.
01:06:47Drop the gun.
01:06:49Raise your hands or we'll shoot.
01:06:54You're okay.
01:06:55You're safe here.
01:07:04You betrayed me.
01:07:10How dare you kidnap my step-sister?
01:07:15You used me.
01:07:17You planned all this.
01:07:18You're much more of a bastard than I thought.
01:07:20Oh, I didn't think you'd do this.
01:07:22And why do you hate her so much?
01:07:29Wait, where are you going?
01:07:30She's hurt.
01:07:32I'm sorry, sir.
01:07:33It's not my duty.
01:07:36Do you think you can walk?
01:07:37Are you sure?
01:07:41Aaron is waiting outside that door.
01:07:44I have some family matters to solve.
01:07:47But he'll take you to the hospital and then I'll see you there, okay?
01:07:50You're not going to do anything stupid, are you?
01:07:55Of course not.
01:07:56Come on.
01:07:58This way.
01:07:59Do you have it?
01:08:02Let's go.
01:08:09It looks like you lost this.
01:08:15Oh, Ryan.
01:08:17Hey, what are you doing, man?
01:08:37What are you doing, man?
01:08:39What are you doing?
01:08:42You can keep my shares.
01:08:43It doesn't matter.
01:08:45But never hurt Isabela.
01:08:48Listen, man.
01:08:49It was just a joke.
01:08:53Our fight?
01:08:54It has nothing to do with her.
01:08:55Do you understand?
01:08:57I'll never hurt her again.
01:08:58I swear.
01:09:01I'm not going to touch her.
01:09:02Are you happy?
01:09:04Do you want to know why?
01:09:06Because the next time something happens to her,
01:09:09I won't be the one to do something.
01:09:12It will be the professionals.
01:09:29Where are you going, man?
01:09:33I'll die here, man.
01:09:47I told you we shouldn't have taken the motorcycle.
01:09:49You're a mess.
01:09:50Wasn't it fun?
01:09:54But it's your grandmother's birthday.
01:09:56Come on.
01:09:57We're late.
01:10:01I'm sorry I'm late.
01:10:03There was a little traffic.
01:10:07Why don't you sit down over there?
01:10:11I'm sorry, Grandma.
01:10:13We're waiting for Uncle Greg to arrive.
01:10:15And we need at least one of those seats.
01:10:19Okay, no problem.
01:10:20I understand it's my fault we're late.
01:10:22Ryan, wasn't Miss Love interested in you?
01:10:25Why did you reject her?
01:10:27Is this woman really more important than your family?
01:10:32When Mr. Jacobs died,
01:10:33it was Ryan who made the change of course when Mr. Jacobs' group was in trouble.
01:10:37Where were you for your family?
01:10:40Uncle Octavian.
01:10:42Ryan, I heard you gave up all your actions for this woman.
01:10:45Is that true?
01:10:58Well, luckily it was Chris who got them.
01:11:01And not some random person on the street.
01:11:03How could you fight with your brother and lock him up in a church where the days seemed to have no end?
01:11:10What would have happened if someone homeless had kidnapped her?
01:11:13Would you have done the same?
01:11:14Ryan, why are you so obsessed with her?
01:11:18She's just a normal girl.
01:11:21Ryan, I want to remind you that in this family,
01:11:23inheritance is based on merit and hard work, not consanguinity.
01:11:28Chris is now the leader of the Jacobs group.
01:11:37I'm sorry, Grandma.
01:11:41Uncle Greg must have forgotten Grandma's birthday.
01:11:45Grandma, here's my gift.
01:11:47A bracelet of diamonds from your favorite designer.
01:11:49Wait months for it.
01:11:52Happy birthday, Grandma.
01:11:54What a good girl.
01:11:56Grandma and Uncle Octavian, I thought now that I give them ...
01:11:58I'm not your Uncle Octavian.
01:12:01Don't call me that.
01:12:02Sorry, Uncle Octavian.
01:12:04Isabella is my wife.
01:12:07Well, if it weren't for you, you wouldn't even have dinner with her.
01:12:11Since this is our first time meeting, I thought I would have to give them my gifts.
01:12:17Ryan is short of money, what can you afford?
01:12:25I'm sorry, Grandma.
01:12:32Rugwear bowls?
01:12:33I came across this set of Rugwear bowls by chance and I thought I'd give them to you.
01:12:38Rugwear bowls are very special.
01:12:42Even one of them could be collected by a museum.
01:12:49The complete set must be invaluable.
01:12:52Why are you so kind?
01:12:53Because now they are my family.
01:12:59Okay, things as they are.
01:13:02She used Ryan's money to buy these bowls and earn our respect.
01:13:06Yes, how can a waitress afford these antiques?
01:13:10Wait, I'm sorry.
01:13:12Who said she was a waitress?
01:13:17Well, that's not surprising, is it Chris?
01:13:19Because it looks like you're leaving out a lot of the truth.
01:13:23So, who is she?
01:13:34As you all know, Cecilia is a world-famous chef with Michelin stars who owns many restaurants.
01:13:41Cecilia is the owner of Menreisa, the best high-end restaurant in New York.
01:13:45I waited almost a year to get a reservation. How is that possible?
01:13:49Isabella, or Cecilia, is really the one who helped me win the bid that everyone will soon see in the news.
01:13:57Cecilia is my sister-in-law, a chef with Michelin stars in the house all the time.
01:14:03Isabella, thank you for the beautiful gifts.
01:14:06You're welcome.
01:14:08Well, let's all calm down.
01:14:11You haven't seen my gift yet.
01:14:13You haven't seen my gift yet.
01:14:27Oh, another set of Rugwere bowls.
01:14:35A series of porcelains should be rare and unique. Why do they look the same?
01:14:39I wish Uncle Greg were here. He's an expert in antiquities. One of them must be fake.
01:14:45No, we don't need to test them. Chris' set is obviously the most authentic.
01:14:52How dare you lie to us like this?
01:14:57Amazon trash. How did you bring this here?
01:15:00Please, it's a real antiquity.
01:15:03My brother wouldn't give us fake antiquities. I can't trust you.
01:15:10Grandma, I don't know why you're acting like crazy, but I can assure you, I promise Isabella isn't lying.
01:15:16Okay, you know what? The gifts are yours. You can decide what to do with them. I just hope you don't regret it.
01:15:24I'm sorry I'm late. Bridget, happy birthday.
01:15:33I missed something.
01:15:35Greg, you're not working on antiquities. You forgot your sister's birthday.
01:15:42No, I didn't forget it. I didn't come here, did I?
01:15:48What the hell are these?
01:15:52Throw this trash away.
01:15:54Uncle Greg, Chris bought them. They're birthday gifts for Grandma. How can you call them trash?
01:15:59They're birthday gifts for Grandma. How can you call them trash?
01:16:03They're all a scam. I can buy 10 games for 100 euros on Amazon. You can keep them if you like them.
01:16:09Greg, with all due respect, I found these for Grandma. I searched for a month.
01:16:15How can they be fake?
01:16:19I made a mistake.
01:16:20I made a mistake.
01:16:27No, no, no. I paid a lot for them. They can't be fake.
01:16:31Uncle Greg, you scared me. I almost thought you were going to break a real one.
01:16:40This one looks real.
01:16:43Really, Uncle Greg. You don't have to look at those. Right here. Look at these.
01:16:47It's real. I'm sure of it.
01:16:52There's usually five or six in a game. It's a shame there's only one here.
01:17:01Speaking of which, Uncle Greg, I'm going to need you to be careful when walking around the table because there's debris everywhere.
01:17:08Who did this?
01:17:11Do you know how much it costs?
01:17:13Look at the light blue green. It's so beautiful.
01:17:17No, come on, Uncle Greg.
01:17:20You could be wrong.
01:17:23Please, look at my collection. These are trash.
01:17:27Let me waste my time with artificial colors.
01:17:30No, Uncle Greg.
01:17:31Please, look at my collection. These are trash.
01:17:35Let me waste my time with artificial colors.
01:17:38Octavian, I've been studying antiquities all my life.
01:17:42You say I'm wrong.
01:17:46Who broke them?
01:17:53He did it.
01:17:56It's a blessing that your brother is in charge of the company and you're not.
01:17:59If you were in charge, the Jacobs group would have broken down very quickly.
01:18:05Uncle Greg, please.
01:18:07It's Grandma's birthday. Let's just eat.
01:18:10No, I'm not in the mood for dinner.
01:18:13How can you pretend nothing happened?
01:18:15Greg, stop wasting time.
01:18:18Chris is the head of the Jacobs family.
01:18:21The Jacobs family!
01:18:25He doesn't even know the difference between a real antiquity and a fake one.
01:18:30I don't think he's ready for this.
01:18:35This is for me.
01:18:39From you.
01:18:42You have good taste.
01:18:44What's your name, young man?
01:18:47Well, let's enjoy the food.
01:18:51Waiter, another chair, please.
01:19:04Isabella, although you are the best chef in America,
01:19:08I guess you've heard that Miss Moore has a certain preference for my cousin.
01:19:11And well, when Ryan realizes that, things are going to get complicated.
01:19:18Yeah, Ryan, if you marry Miss Moore, you won't be trapped in New York anymore.
01:19:25And who says he can do whatever he wants after marrying Miss Moore?
01:19:29Everyone knows that.
01:19:31We can't imagine Mr. Moore's wealth.
01:19:34They are true nobles.
01:19:36And me?
01:19:38Can I be a noble?
01:19:42The nobles you're imagining only exist in your imagination and fairy tales.
01:19:48You're funny.
01:19:50Why don't you pay your grandmother's dinner bill?
01:19:53Alexander II.
01:19:55Show us what you have.
01:19:57Don't be stupid, Chris.
01:19:59This restaurant is only for VIPs.
01:20:01Without the card, even if you have money, you can't pay the bill.
01:20:05Why don't you have your card in a restaurant like this?
01:20:09Don't worry, I'll pay.
01:20:11No, no, no, I'll pay.
01:20:13Don't worry.
01:20:16Ma'am, I can't do this for you.
01:20:18We have a system that only works with special cards.
01:20:24What if I don't have the card?
01:20:27You could ask the chef.
01:20:29You could be a friend or something.
01:20:31It's not that embarrassing.
01:20:36You're with the North Group, right?
01:20:37Really? I've seen your logo.
01:20:39If you're in that league, this card should work.
01:20:45Ma'am, what is this? I've never seen this before.
01:20:48Let me see this for a moment.
01:20:50Sorry, ma'am, I told you it wouldn't work. The machine broke.
01:20:54Attention, please.
01:20:56The only guest, that VIP, has arrived at our restaurant.
01:20:59Welcome to our client, that VIP.
01:21:02Ladies and gentlemen, your food is free.
01:21:05Why don't they let her pay the bill?
01:21:07Let me explain. Our restaurant is only for members.
01:21:10But this lady's card is a card issued by the North Group,
01:21:14which means that she is our special guest, and always will be.
01:21:18Thank you, but we have someone here at the table who is not a special guest
01:21:23and insists on paying his own bill.
01:21:25Yes, he will cover his own bill.
01:21:29Okay, it's just a meal.
01:21:31I'll take my card.
01:21:37Sir, it looks like your card was blocked. It doesn't work.
01:21:56I'm sorry.
01:21:58Chris Jacobs is under arrest for participating in kidnapping and murder.
01:22:02He has the right to remain silent and not answer questions.
01:22:05If he renounces his right to remain silent,
01:22:08anything he says can be used against him in court.
01:22:15This is not right.
01:22:17It's you. It was you, wasn't it?
01:22:19It was you, huh?
01:22:21Damn it!
01:22:24Grandma, I think you were the one who said
01:22:27that it's not about kinship, but hard work.
01:22:30You set a trap for Chris, didn't you?
01:22:34Someone had to save the Jacobs group.
01:22:37You're my good grandson.
01:22:53So now that I've solved the problems within my family,
01:22:57they won't hurt you.
01:23:00I want you to go away for a few days, okay?
01:23:02Okay, but you can come back for the banquet.
01:23:05But now that David knows I'm Cecilia,
01:23:08he supports us completely. He's on our side.
01:23:11Yes, but Miss Moore is still there.
01:23:14And I'm worried about what she might do.
01:23:17Trust me when I tell you you don't have to worry about that.
01:23:20I trust you.
01:23:22But I won't rest until I meet her.
01:23:25Until I really meet her.
01:23:28Maybe you'll never believe I'm Miss Moore
01:23:31until you see me at the banquet.
01:23:43Mr. Kingsley, I thought you had left New York.
01:23:47It doesn't matter to you.
01:23:52Welcome, Mr. Kingsley.
01:23:56Laugh at me as much as you want.
01:23:58I'll take revenge once I marry Miss Moore.
01:24:09There you are.
01:24:15Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Moore, they're beautiful.
01:24:18Carson, are you having a bad time?
01:24:23Since the bidding between Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Smith,
01:24:27they aligned against me.
01:24:29Poor Carson.
01:24:47How could you compete with Ryan?
01:24:50Ryan, I knew you'd come.
01:24:53What do you mean?
01:24:55This party is for me.
01:24:57Oh, you're still questioning my identity.
01:25:00I'm sorry.
01:25:02Ryan, show some respect.
01:25:05You may have to flatter her,
01:25:08but don't get me involved in this.
01:25:09Don't get me involved in this.
01:25:18Mr. Michael Moss has arrived.
01:25:26Mr. Moss and my cousin were classmates.
01:25:30He'll recognize my face.
01:25:31The second richest family in the East.
01:25:39Yes, we were.
01:25:43Isabella, why are you hiding from me?
01:25:46Come on, I don't know my cousin's name.
01:25:53Jefferson Glean has arrived.
01:25:57Jefferson Glean has arrived.
01:26:03Another billionaire.
01:26:05I'll take advantage of this opportunity.
01:26:07Otherwise, my business will end.
01:26:09Mike, you're blind, aren't you?
01:26:11Clearly, she's not Isabella.
01:26:13How is that possible?
01:26:15I can see it even from behind.
01:26:19You're not Isabella.
01:26:21Who are you? And why do you pretend to be Isabella?
01:26:26I never claimed to be Donald Moore's daughter.
01:26:30I'm his niece.
01:26:32Oh, I see.
01:26:34You're Uncle Tom's illegitimate daughter.
01:26:37How can you be so reckless, pretending to be someone else?
01:26:40It seems he has deceived everyone.
01:26:43So where is Isabella?
01:26:52My father's property when we were young.
01:26:57As you know, I have property in a museum, a construction company, and an entire island.
01:27:04We would be a great couple, trust me.
01:27:07Do you remember this?
01:27:09You gave it to me when we were young.
01:27:11It's a diamond pendant.
01:27:13I see it as a symbol of our love.
01:27:16It seems Mr. Glean and Miss Moore have some traces of the past.
01:27:20Isabella, would you marry me?
01:27:22Would you marry me?
01:27:26Isabella, you're amazing.
01:27:29But how could I express my love?
01:27:35Jeff, I...
01:27:43I'm sorry, but I'm married.
01:27:50I'm sorry. Let's get married again.
01:27:53You said you loved me.
01:27:58I'm sorry.
01:28:00More than sorry for you.
01:28:17Isabella Moore.
01:28:19I'm 25 years old.
01:28:21I didn't go to college.
01:28:23And I work as a cook.
01:28:26Ryan Jacobs.
01:28:28Would you spend the rest of your life with me?
01:28:35I will.
01:28:47I will.
