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00:01Whoever's doing this is infected with blood rage.
00:04Why would he be following Matthew and Diana?
00:06The killers stole their portraits. Miniatures painted in the 16th century. Nothing else was taken.
00:10No, you're muted. Blood rage is hard to control.
00:13I want the infected vampire found, killed, and the outbreak contained.
00:17Vampires can no longer sigh. Witches' powers are waning.
00:21Demons seem to be slipping into actual mental illness.
00:23You need a cure for blood rage.
00:25I will give you my blood.
00:27But in a way, Matthew will not pick up your scent.
00:29You cannot know about our pact.
00:31I will watch over the child.
00:33Madame de Clermont, I'm Benjamin Fawkes.
00:36Matthew, I think I met him.
00:38You certainly didn't say he was your son.
00:40He's not my son.
00:44When did they get back?
00:59I told you never to come back here.
01:15I'll leave when I get what I came for.
01:25He is not here.
01:29I haven't seen him for months.
01:35I'm sure he'll turn up.
01:38And when he does, you'll let me know, won't you?
01:47Why can't you just leave him alone, Benjamin?
02:00I'm sorry, Matthew, but it's far more complex than we first imagined.
02:04While we've identified nearly a hundred vampire genes,
02:07we still have over four hundred to go.
02:10This is a massive task.
02:13You're a scientist. You know how this works.
02:16You can't cut corners.
02:18And Miriam is as brilliant as she is annoying.
02:21You're welcome. But there's still only two of us.
02:24So then, the cure is...
02:25Here's a way.
02:26Well, then we'll need to work faster because Diana is pregnant.
02:29And if the babies are infected, we'll need a cure.
02:33Look, I understand. But it will take time.
02:37And we're going to need more researchers.
02:49If anyone can find answers, it's Miriam and Chris.
02:52Yes, but we've got weeks, not years.
03:06What is it?
03:30Diana Bishop.
03:33Father Hubbard.
03:38Why are you here?
03:40London is my domain.
03:43Until God calls us to him.
03:48But I've come looking for you.
03:52Both of you.
03:59You left something in my keeping.
04:23I brought him back.
04:25Where he belongs.
04:53I love you.
04:55I love you.
04:57I love you.
04:59I love you.
05:01I love you.
05:03I love you.
05:05I love you.
05:07I love you.
05:09I love you.
05:11I love you.
05:13I love you.
05:15I love you.
05:17I love you.
05:19I love you.
05:21I love you.
05:31The plague came back to London.
05:34I started shivering one morning. By dawn I was dying.
05:38Father Hubbard made me a vampire.
05:46I had to save his life.
05:48Poor boy didn't know what he was choosing.
05:49He was a young man by this time, Matthew.
05:52I left him in the care of Henry Percy, well provided for.
05:55Do you really think a warm bed and food in his belly could mend his broken heart?
06:00He went to the docks every day looking for ships from Europe,
06:04hoping that you'd be aboard.
06:06Or that someone would have some news of you.
06:09In the end I had to tell him,
06:11you weren't coming back.
06:16I am so sorry we left you.
06:20He told me that your time walked back to this century.
06:25You knew that?
06:30You knew that in the 1590s?
06:36I gave Hubbard a drop of my blood so that he would protect Jack.
06:40And he did.
06:42I did?
07:05He was your responsibility, Matthew.
07:09You made him mine.
07:12Get out.
07:20Why are you so angry?
07:22Because your blood could have revealed everything about you to Hubbard.
07:25And therefore, in turn, reveal all of my secrets too.
07:28One drop was all he got.
07:30I used my magic.
07:32He got some of my secrets.
07:34He won't have learned any of yours.
07:37What did you expect him to do?
07:40Hubbard couldn't let Jack die.
07:42Could you?
07:44I chose to die as a human rather than live without my wife or son.
07:47Do you wish you had?
07:54Because I would never have met you.
08:00And now I have a chance to be a father again.
08:07That's exactly what Jack has.
08:10Another chance to have a family with us.
08:13Another chance to have a family with us.
08:30I remember finding this book in Bohemia.
08:36An old grimoire full of spells that worked.
08:44When witches had real power.
08:52I found something else.
08:56A letter from Edward Kelly about the missing pages from the Book of Life.
09:01Missing pages?
09:03Three pages were torn out.
09:06Kelly sent them to three different recipients.
09:08Imagine if we could find those pages and reunite them with the book.
09:16You want me to help you?
09:19I gave you your place on the congregation.
09:24I owe you nothing.
09:31You can't control me anymore.
09:34You can't control me anymore.
09:39I am the Weaver.
09:43Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and of the wolf.
09:48For she will destroy the children of the night.
09:52You thought Diana was that witch.
09:55Is that who?
09:57You must help me.
10:00Your time is over.
10:03Jabber has no loyalty.
10:05As soon as you cease to be useful to him, he will turn on you.
10:10You and Jabber are the same.
10:15Men obsessed with power.
10:34What's this?
10:38It's the research Diana and I have been doing.
10:41Look, the last time she saw the Book of Life was in Blackfriars.
10:45And she sent it to John Dee so it could find its way to Elias Ashmore.
10:49To the Bodleian.
10:51Now, we know it's still there, somewhere.
10:53But the pages Edward Kelly tore up are still lying around.
10:57It's in the book.
10:58We know it's still there, somewhere.
11:00But the pages Edward Kelly tore up are still lost.
11:04And where's the best place to hide a page?
11:06On your desk, by the looks of it.
11:09In a book.
11:11And Dee took some of his library to Europe.
11:13And the rest stayed here, in England.
11:16Over his lifetime, they were sold off.
11:20They ended up all over the world.
11:21So, I've been tracking down the current locations of all the magical and alchemical books.
11:29So Diana can search through them.
11:35I think Matthew's feeling guilty about Jack.
11:39He's a 6th century patriarch.
11:41Vampire families are held together with obedience and discipline.
11:45Yeah, well, Diana's a 21st century witch.
11:48Some things are going to have to change.
12:00I have to go into the university with Diana.
12:02Gallaglass and Fernando will stay with you.
12:10Drawing helps me think.
12:12Or stop thinking.
12:14Why didn't you want me to become a vampire?
12:25When I was dying, my life just felt unfinished.
12:31Maybe that's how everyone feels.
12:34But I knew that I had a chance to find you again.
12:37I'm so glad you're here, Jack.
12:42We have an awful lot to catch up on.
12:50Or we start again.
12:53A clean slate.
13:00A clean slate.
13:21We're not just understaffed.
13:24We don't have enough DNA from your bloodline.
13:26We only have three samples.
13:27Matthew, Marcus, and Isabel.
13:30And if you want us to establish a pedigree that'll tell us how blood rage is inherited, we're going to need more.
13:35Marcus should go to New Orleans.
13:37What's in New Orleans?
13:39Marcus's children.
13:41Vampire children?
13:43I'll talk to Marcus.
13:45Good. That'll give me a chance to share what data we have with my team.
13:50I'm sorry, your team of teenage warmbloods analyzing creature DNA?
13:55I don't think so.
13:57Try students.
13:59They need to know. And we need their help.
14:01It's too dangerous.
14:05This is a huge task.
14:07We want a cure for blood rage tomorrow.
14:10But you only want two people working on it?
14:12If our genetic information gets into the wrong hands, it could get us all killed, if not worse.
14:17I understand.
14:18No, you don't. You don't.
14:19You don't.
14:23My father was captured by the Germans during the war.
14:28And experimented on.
14:30And tortured, all in the name of medical science.
14:34I can assure you, Chris, you have no idea what your kind is capable of.
14:42I'm a black man from Alabama.
14:44Believe me, I understand what humans are capable of.
14:50Now, my team here are not the wrong hands.
14:54You're not going to be able to keep the existence of creatures away from humans for much longer.
14:59You're one autopsy.
15:01One genetic counseling session.
15:03One home DNA testing kit away from being outed.
15:07Now, who do you want to have that information?
15:10Working alone will always limit us.
15:12We've already trusted, Chris.
15:16I think it's time to trust others.
15:49I was worried they wouldn't recognize me.
15:51But Diana knew right away.
15:53She's exactly like I remember.
15:56Cheers to that.
16:10I need to speak with Matthew and Diana.
16:13I think they're inside the house.
16:15Something happened.
16:17Who the hell is this?
16:19Jack Blackfriars.
16:21Get out.
16:37One of Hobbit's strays.
16:46It's family only in this house.
17:06Darling, I understand.
17:10But conversing with students about creature genetics goes against everything that has secured my survival.
17:15It goes against the very reason that Philippe established the covenant 900 years ago.
17:20Well, Philippe also said that the only reliable thing in the world is change.
17:34What is it?
17:40Stay down!
17:45Jack attacked Baldwin.
17:47A vampire you are concealing?
17:50Jack. Jack. Jack. Calm down. Calm down. Look at me. Look at me.
17:54Tell him I belong to you.
17:55I am the head of this family.
17:57If you can't control your houseguest, I will.
18:18Take your hands off my son.
18:31Let Jack go.
18:33Let him go.
18:35Let him go!
18:41Jack belongs to us.
18:42I will deal with this. Do you understand?
18:45Diana, please.
18:51Release him from the spell. Now.
18:56You're stealing!
18:59I drank his blood. I saw his memories.
19:04He is the blood-raged killer.
19:07This is his work.
19:09A slaughter of warm blood.
19:23Was this you?
19:26I don't know.
19:27Is it true?
19:28I don't know.
19:36And you were protecting him.
19:40You know what has to be done.
19:54I promise you.
19:58I had no knowledge of Jack's blood-rage.
20:06Brother, this could ruin our family.
20:14Kill him.
20:19God help me.
20:29Do it.
20:39Please, Matthew. No.
20:54You're not going to kill him.
20:59Are you?
21:07Look, Jack begged me not to tell you.
21:12And I hoped you wouldn't need to know.
21:17If Jack is kept safe and happy, and the blood-rage recedes, as you know, Matthew.
21:23How did he get it?
21:26Was it from you?
21:30Benjamin Fuchs is my sire.
21:35In 1349, I lost my whole parish to the plague.
21:39I buried them all.
21:43And then I dug my own grave and laid down in it.
21:47But I was brought back to life.
21:49Benjamin resurrected me.
21:55He hoped that I would have blood-rage.
21:57He also hoped that I would stand with him against the de Clermonts and their allies.
22:05Why did you bring Jack to us? Now?
22:09I hadn't heard from Benjamin for years.
22:13But then he came.
22:16Looking for Jack.
22:19Jack was young when I sired him.
22:22He was malleable.
22:27Benjamin saw this. He saw that Jack could be what I wouldn't.
22:31And use his blood-rage as a weapon against the de Clermonts.
22:36So he forced Jack to kill.
22:40To hunt for pleasure, to torture his victims.
22:44He told Jack that he needed to prove that he was really one of Matthew de Clermont's blood.
22:51And you couldn't stop him?
22:52No, I tried, Diana.
22:53But I had many lost souls in my flock to take care of, and...
22:59I was Jack's sire, but I wasn't his father.
23:05He promised me.
23:10He says, I will not kill.
23:14So many times, but...
23:17It was like an addiction.
23:19It is an addiction.
23:20If it isn't controlled, our Benjamin would have been far too strong for him.
23:27You're my last hope for him, Matthew.
23:51You can't kill Jack. He's our son.
23:55We need to find him and help him.
23:57Jack is in more suffering than you can possibly imagine.
24:01I can end that suffering. Give him peace.
24:04And he's already put us all at risk.
24:07Okay, this is ridiculous.
24:08Aren't the lab finding a cure for blood-rage?
24:10I mean, isn't that why we were all dragged here?
24:12And what if there is no cure?
24:13We bring him home. We keep him safe.
24:16Until we find one.
24:17And when the congregation find out that Jack is guilty of the blood-rage murders,
24:21they will kill him.
24:24Or Baldwin will kill him, or Benjamin will find him,
24:26and none of them will care about how much pain they inflict upon our boy.
24:40To save Jack,
24:43I would have to disobey Baldwin.
24:46I would have to disobey Baldwin.
24:48The head of my family.
24:51And sincerity.
24:58This is a war that we cannot win.
25:05A father protects his children.
25:11Where are you going?
25:13To find Jack.
25:28You know, everyone else is in the library.
25:34Matthew is out hunting Jack.
25:39But Jack is family.
25:42He's dead.
25:48When a vampire shows signs of blood-rage,
25:52they're killed.
25:54By order of the congregation.
25:56And because I'm a carrier,
25:58Matthew was charged with killing every vampire I sired in New Orleans.
26:05And every vampire they sired.
26:08Hardly any of my family survived.
26:11Matthew spared the carriers,
26:13but the cold was the only way to stop exposing vampires to humans.
26:37Where are you, Jack?
27:38I know you're there.
27:56You've come to kill me.
27:59I understand.
28:08I stole these.
28:12I had to kill a man to get them, but it was all that I could find of you.
28:23I didn't know that becoming a vampire would make me sick.
28:30I was already dying, I thought.
28:33But what difference would it make?
28:38When I realized I couldn't control myself, I...
28:41I didn't want to live anymore.
28:45Philippe told me to wait for you.
28:53My father?
28:54He said that you would be the one
28:56to teach me to ignore what my blood is telling me to do.
29:02You can't have known how evil I would become.
29:08The boy I knew in Blackfriars had no evil in him whatsoever.
29:17I'm not the boy that you knew.
29:26I won't fight you.
29:38I'm sorry.
29:43I've done so many things in my life I regret.
29:47So many things that weren't even considered wrong hundreds of years ago.
30:07Philippe was right about that.
31:02Matthew says that you taught him to control his blood rage.
31:07He realized his nature didn't have to be his destiny.
31:13All I taught him was to pause.
31:16And reflect.
31:18You see, learning control isn't easy.
31:21Or quick.
31:34You've also got Diana.
31:37She'd do anything for you.
31:46Don't let Matthew know.
31:50About what?
31:54Your feelings for Diana.
31:58He can't hide them from me.
32:04Philippe charged me to look after her.
32:07I've spent her whole life keeping her safe.
32:10Diana is with Matthew now.
32:13One day, perhaps soon, Gallagher.
32:16You will have to walk away from her.
32:20I know.
32:24But not today.
33:08Thank you for coming.
33:15It's the de Clermont pedigree,
33:17their family tree from the Congregation archives.
33:22Don't you see anything wrong with it?
33:28There's something missing.
33:29They've hidden what they don't want us to know.
33:33Can I trust you, Domanico?
33:38I did as you asked.
33:40Told the Congregation about the blood-raged vampire.
33:43You used it to attack the de Clermonts.
33:45I've had enough.
33:54Even the de Clermont secrets come out eventually.
34:01I thought you were dead.
34:03The de Clermont's day is nearly over.
34:06It's about time Matthew de Clermont learns who he's dealing with.
34:47For bringing him home.
34:51You're welcome.
34:52So, I'll be going to New Orleans.
34:58I know.
35:02Forming a scion will be hard.
35:06But I think it's the only way to change things.
35:10Take responsibility for everyone who's inherited my blood-rage.
35:16I'll take Marcus and Jack with me.
35:22I'm not leaving a blood-raged vampire with my mate and our babies.
35:33I don't want to be without you.
35:38Nor do I.
35:42Before I go, there's something I need to do.
35:48With your help.
35:58Anyone want to tell me what that is?
36:00It looks like human chromosome 2.
36:02It is human chromosome 2.
36:04But this is what we're going to be focusing on.
36:08Chromosome 24.
36:10Known as CC.
36:11What does CC stand for?
36:23Before I answer that, I'd like to remind you that you've all signed a non-disclosure agreement.
36:31This is a highly sensitive, highly confidential research project.
36:36Because lives are at stake here.
36:39Lives have already been lost.
36:42CC stands for...
36:55This is...
36:58My DNA.
37:01And it's Creature Chromosome because...
37:05It's my DNA.
37:06And it's Creature Chromosome because...
37:15I'm a vampire.
37:19And before you ask, I can go outside during the day.
37:22I'm Catholic and I have a crucifix.
37:24And when...
37:26I sleep.
37:28Which is not very often.
37:31I prefer a bed to a coffin.
37:33I prefer a bed to a coffin.
37:37These myths are all you really know of us.
37:44We have had to hide from humans.
37:49We've been vilified.
37:51We've been hunted.
37:53Because people fear what they don't understand.
37:58I hope that by trusting you...
38:01You can start to accept us.
38:07Oh, um...
38:10Miriam, whom you already know and trust.
38:14I hope.
38:15Is also...
38:18A vampire.
38:19And my wife Diana...
38:22Is a witch.
38:23Although witches are...
38:25Trust me, a whole other story.
38:31So there we are.
38:36Any questions?
38:49How many...
38:53Children in your world?
38:56How many are left?
38:57To convince?
38:59For your Zion?
39:10Out of twenty.
39:14And then there's their children.
39:16Your grandchildren.
39:17None of them will be happy to see me with Matthew.
39:22But they're still your family.
39:24This is something I have to do.
39:29I will be fine.
39:30I promise.
39:34I know.
39:54Come on.
40:25I need your support, Marcus.
40:30I know this won't be easy for you.
40:38Find a cure for blood rage.
40:42Fight to repeal the Covenant.
40:45Defy the congregation which upholds injustice.
40:47And form a Zion so we can live freely without Baldwin breathing down our necks.
40:52And then...
40:54I'll forgive you.
40:56For the murders.
40:58For the secrets.
41:00And I will be the first to offer my allegiance.
41:24Hello, Matthew.
41:26Remember me?
41:33It's been a long time.
41:38What do you want?
41:41Check your email.
41:50Trust me, Jack.
41:54One day we'll look back on this together.
42:03Is it on?
42:05You ready?
42:06I don't want to.
42:07I want to show Matthew what you can do.
42:10That you're worthy of his respect.
42:13His love.
42:15Give me.
42:24Give me.
42:32They look scared.
42:36Come on, Jack.
42:38Don't you wonder why Matthew left you?
42:44Perhaps he knew you didn't have the spirit in you.
42:50Not enough to be his son.
42:53That's it, Jack.
42:55That's it.
43:23You see, Matthew?
43:26He truly is a child of your blood.
43:35What is it that you want?
43:37The whole family together.
44:06We're all just wondering when the bodies will start turning up.
44:09You brought the devil back to town, Marcus.
44:11What did you expect?
44:18I'm here as Ransom's sire.
44:20He can't change what's already happened.
44:22But he can own it, Marcus.
44:24Every time things were tough for us, you were aware of it.
44:27I don't understand how you know that.
44:29If you had the page, you'd be wise to hand it over.
44:32I know how you value your invisibility.
44:50I love you.
