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00:00But therapist to therapist, I was just wondering if there's anything that I should be...
00:07That is confidential information, and sharing that would be a serious violation.
00:12Did you give away any cars on the show, like an Oprah, like even a Saturn or something crazy?
00:16No, no. A couple of ATVs. Oh, we did give away a dune buggy once.
00:20And forgive me, I would never divulge a patient session.
00:24Of course not. You're a pro.
00:26I'm sure you can understand that for a father...
00:29Well, if this were a concerned parent-o-meter...
00:36Where would I...?
00:40The APA's code of ethics is crystal clear, Dr. Crane. Right?
00:45And violating that would jeopardize my license and my personal code of ethics.
00:51Of course. Of course.
00:52Now, did you have your own hair person on the show? And if you did, did you stump the tip?
00:57Yes and no. Not customary to tip.
01:00Well, the rich stay rich, huh, Dr. Crane?
01:04Hey, Doc, you need it out front.
01:06Well, not so much you as your mid-range jump shot.
01:10I was a point guard at Vassar.
01:16Let's hope you actually bring it this time, cupcake.