• 2 weeks ago
00:00Behind me are a hundred sets of twins, and they're gonna compete for two hundred fifty thousand dollars
00:08Out of these 100 pairs of identical twin only one is walking away with this quarter of a million dollars
00:15And if either twin crosses the red line, they'll both be eliminated
00:18Let's find out which pair of you is the best set of twins and wins the 250 grand
00:23I have never been around this many sets of twins before everyone looks so similar. It's crazy
00:29In school, did you ever go to class for him?
00:32Really? I'm putting that in. Right there is the pot of money. I could get used to that view. We got this
00:37We got this. Well little do they know this video is going to put their bond as twins to the test
00:42Shut up. I feel sick to my stomach. I'm so sorry, but I'm not gonna forgive you for that. I don't trust you
00:50Attention everybody every challenge in this video is designed so that you and your twin must work together to pass
00:57In the first challenge this room is going to flash a series of colors you and your twin must work together to memorize the order
01:05Of the colors and enter them on your tablet
01:07If you enter them correctly you stay if you enter the colors incorrectly, you're eliminated. Oh gosh low-key scary
01:13I'm gonna start you off easy for the first round. The pattern is six colors
01:18Blue, yellow, green, yellow
01:24Enter the order you saw them into your tablet. Blue, yellow, green, yellow, blue
01:31That's interesting if some cubes are actually sharing information with each other
01:34I think we got it. Did you get it? Walk it in, If it's wrong it's wrong Yen. I love you. Love you too
01:38Three pairs of twins entered the sequence incorrectly light their cubes red
01:47And fun fact the three pairs that got eliminated were all right beside each other. Everyone cheer them on as they leave
01:57This next sequence is 15 colors and if you think this is hard, we're just getting started
02:03This is getting to be too much. We kept adding more and more colors to the pattern every round
02:10Let's see if I can remember
02:13I already forgot it. Oh, this is this is bad. Let's just see who got eliminated
02:22She placed third in our ages 1 through 100 video and then in this video you place 93rd
02:28I messed it up. My heart is absolutely racing right now
02:31Yeah, 15 colors might be pretty hard but not even close to the 27 colors. We got to later
02:37Did it end on green? No, it ended on yellow. It ended on yellow?
02:40We completely messed it up. You're not listening. Why would I listen to you?
02:46All right, everyone has voted and in our final round 12 pairs of twins were eliminated
02:52This is everyone that was eliminated. We gave each pair of twins $1,000 and that concludes challenge number one
02:5972 pairs of you now remain
03:05Told you I'd win
03:10This is the Olympics and that's my gold medal. I need to pay off my student debt. I'm calling it. Dirty twins
03:16Top team, top team. And like always we destroyed all of the eliminated players' cubes
03:22That's how you do it right there
03:25Are you all ready for challenge two?
03:27Bring out the second challenge
03:30Pay very close attention. This is where things get interesting. Half of you are going to be eliminated in this challenge
03:38Yes, it's going to be cutthroat. Wow. Everyone pull the curtain off of the blocks
03:45Feastables. Feastables, cubes, stacking something. One of you and your cube is gonna put on a blindfold
03:50The other is gonna hold this tray
03:52The twin who's wearing the blindfold has to stack all ten cubes on the tray
03:56The twin holding the tray will then have to move the completed tower down on the podium
04:01But if you drop even one of the cubes, I don't got it. You and your twin are both eliminated
04:06Do you want to hold it or stack? I'll hold it. I'll stack. Can you stack? Half of us are going home?
04:12And last thing I need to mention you'll be competing against your neighbor and only one set of twins will be moving on
04:18No! No!
04:20It's either one of us
04:24We'll start with this section of cubes
04:263, 2, 1
04:29Reach out, reach out, reach out, go to the left, go to the left, get to stacking
04:32Down, there you go
04:34Because the twin who's blindfolded will be doing all of the stacking, this game completely relies on your communication as twins
04:40Your opponents already have four stacked
04:42Oh god
04:43Gentle, bring it down slowly
04:45Perfect, perfect
04:46Oh no
04:47You guys need to hurry
04:48Bro, hey, your opponents about to stack their final two cubes
04:51High, way high, way high
04:52No, no, no
04:53Luke, I need you to hold it
04:55I can't really help you
04:56But completing the tower of 10 cubes is only the beginning
04:59The hardest part is moving the finished tower to the podium
05:02They're wobbling a lot
05:05This is the most important moment of his life
05:08Oh, they dropped it, you guys won
05:12And remember, if the tower somehow falls and touches the twin holding the cubes, that also counts as a fall
05:17And both of you are eliminated
05:23But with some of the other twins, we saw a different strategy
05:25Some chose to not even touch their cubes or attempt their tower
05:28And bet it all on their opponent's tower falling
05:31They're gonna do it
05:32They're gonna do it
05:34Are they just gonna sit there?
05:35Yeah, they're gonna sit there
05:36They're corner camping
05:37But just waiting for their opponent to fail wasn't the only tactic we saw
05:40You got it
05:43This is an interesting strategy
05:44Go, go, go
05:46They're trying to distract their opponents and make their tower fall over
05:50You're going down
05:52Oh, you're gonna lose your voice
05:54Your voice is going down
05:55Oh, I'm dead
05:56Oh, I'm dead
05:57Oh, I'm dead
05:58Oh, I'm dead
05:59Oh, I'm dead
06:00Oh, I'm dead
06:01Oh, I'm dead
06:02Oh, your voice is going down
06:03But they're being so loud that the twins all the way across the room can even hear them
06:07What's their strategy?
06:08I don't even know, is he yelling the strategy?
06:10I don't know what you have to do to stay in, but do not lose to them
06:13What is happening?
06:14Alright, ten minutes left for this round
06:16Whichever team has the most blocks when it hits zero
06:19I'm gonna go get some extra blocks, come on
06:21When the Collins twins realized they were running out of time, they quickly began stacking
06:24And they were able to tie it up at five cubes in each tower
06:28How many are they at?
06:29They're at five
06:30Jake, it's shaking a lot
06:31I think we buzzer beat this thing
06:32Less than 20 seconds left for this round
06:35Wait, I can grab another block
06:36Do we need another block?
06:37Are you gonna go for the win?
06:38Yeah, we are
06:39Hurry, hurry
06:40Straight, to the left
06:41Alright, come in
06:42Drop it, six inches
06:45Up, up
06:47Here, up, stop, be still
06:49Stop it, stop it
06:57It touched his nose
06:58He accidentally touched it
06:59Oh my god, you guys won
07:02No way
07:04You guys are dragging stuff by our hair
07:06But these games were only getting more intense as the challenge went on
07:11Oh no!
07:14Oh, it fell
07:19Oh no!
07:20During this challenge, we got to see which team had the strongest twin telepathy
07:24Right, come there
07:25Yeah, right here
07:26Brutus directed him with his head as if he could see him
07:30It's a twin thing
07:31But the way some of these other pairs were communicating
07:33You would hardly believe that they're twins
07:35No, keep it still, keep it still
07:36Lift it up
07:37Oh, he almost hit your head
07:39Bro, for twins, we are not coordinated, bro
07:41And in our final round, we had two games that went down to the very last second
07:46Two, one, hands off
07:52Power fell
07:55Their stack fell over, you guys won
07:57They're now one step closer to a quarter of a million dollars
08:00And as promised, half of you were eliminated in that challenge
08:04We're wheeling some bunk beds, get some sleep
08:07Because the challenges tomorrow will be way harder
08:09That last challenge was like so difficult
08:11The more since we've kind of worked together, we've got a really strong alliance
08:14So right now, it's the two of us left and we're all in it together
08:17What do you think? How does it feel?
08:19It feels like heaven
08:20Alright, goodnight
08:21Final 36, baby
08:24Sleep well
08:26And after the bloodbath of the first day
08:28The twins were a lot more optimistic than I thought they'd be
08:31We're gonna win this challenge 100,000%
08:33We're ready, we're locked in
08:34Good morning, everybody!
08:38Guards, bring out the next challenge
08:45I want you to remove the black cloth
08:47On the podium we put outside your queue
08:49This next game is going to test your greed
08:52As you can see, each of you has $5,000 in front of you
08:55It's completely up to you whether or not you take the money
08:58And if you do take it, there is a 50-50 chance you'll be randomly selected to be eliminated
09:03But if you don't take it, you are guaranteed to move on
09:06We're gonna throw up a 10-minute timer
09:08Play it safe and move on
09:09Or gamble 250 grand for 5
09:11The choice is completely yours
09:13Why don't we just take the money?
09:145 grand isn't enough for us to toss our chances
09:16What you doing?
09:17Well, this is guaranteed
09:18This is guaranteed, but you might get eliminated
09:20It's not much
09:21It's a free 5 grand
09:22I know, but we decided we want to trust the twins more soon
09:25We can't wait to win big bucks
09:27The stress from this decision was creating tension between some of the twins
09:30I say we leave the money
09:32We get to it
09:33No, no, no, don't, I'm trying to talk to you
09:34I want to walk away with something
09:36Like I need the money
09:38No, that is what our eyes are on
09:41Not that
09:42You guys officially have $5,000
09:45You don't care about his 5 grand?
09:47We just want to win the Mr. Beast challenge
09:49Because we want bragging rights
09:50Remember this face, bad, bad, bad Beast Marvin
09:53And in the final moments, the last few twins scrambled to make their decision
09:57Take the money, bro
09:58All right
09:59Put that on my shoulder, boy
10:00I always like to ask myself, what would Jimmy do?
10:02And I think that Jimmy would take the money and say, stop
10:07Because 8 contestants have taken the money
10:09That means we will be randomly eliminating 4 of them right now
10:13And to ensure it's random, we're picking their names out of this machine
10:16Grab a random name
10:17And the first elimination is Allen
10:21We got bread, though
10:22You carry me out
10:24Allen twins, come up to the stage, you can pull the next name
10:27The next elimination is Moore
10:31I agree, you got the best of me
10:32And once again, the eliminated twins will be pulling the next name
10:36And the next set of twins to go are the Miller twins
10:41If we didn't take it, we'd still be in the queue for $250
10:44That's life-changing money for us
10:45So I 100% regret it
10:47And the final set of twins eliminated
10:52The D'Angelo twins are our final elimination
10:56You got a guaranteed $5,000
10:58I felt like it was the best choice to make
11:00Just got to take what you can get
11:03Bye, guys, good luck
11:04And with that, Challenge 4 is over
11:07I'm glad I did take it
11:10So far in this video, it's been you and your twins deciding your fate
11:14But for this next challenge, you all as a group will decide if people go or people stay
11:20Two buttons are going to pop up on your tablet
11:22If you press the green button, you're voting to end the challenge
11:25And if all of you press green, this challenge is over
11:27If you press the red button, you can vote someone out
11:30Whoever gets the most votes will be eliminated
11:32Or nobody has to go home if you all work together and vote green
11:36You have five minutes to make a decision
11:38Personally, I find it very rude to vote people out
11:40Being a twin is all about teamwork
11:42Green! Vote green!
11:44But like I said, if they all voted green, they would all move on
11:47But since the Collins twins had made such a name for themselves
11:50You're going down!
11:52It didn't seem like that was going to happen
11:53Hey, boys, I think we know what to do
11:55Stacey and Tracey
11:56Taking justice into our own hands
11:58Word spread quickly
11:59And after just a few twins voted red, it started a chain reaction
12:03Which made it clear that someone was going home
12:05Stacey and Tracey
12:06Stacey and Tracey
12:07Tracey and Stacey
12:08Who's the biggest threat here?
12:09Who has personality?
12:10Who works hard?
12:11Who's won every challenge?
12:12Time is up!
12:13You guys think everyone hit green?
12:16Wow, literally no one thinks that, okay
12:18Only two pairs of twins received votes
12:21And the Haley twins received one vote
12:24And the Collins twins
12:27Received 26 votes
12:29Oh my god!
12:32That's a lot of votes for Collins
12:34You're scared!
12:35Wait, we can fight for us?
12:37The witch is dead
12:38Alright, thank y'all
12:39We had a good time
12:40I've never seen this many people work together on anything
12:43It's a lot quieter without them now
12:46And now that the common enemy had been obliterated
12:49One and done
12:50One and done
12:51Everyone decided to vote green
12:52Timer has hit zero
12:54Everybody hit the green button
12:58I'm going to go set up the next challenge
13:00That was wild
13:01We all could have turned on each other
13:02I'd rather people go out on their own terms
13:05Instead of people just choosing who goes out
13:0731 sets of twins remain
13:10We're about to give you your hardest challenge yet
13:13And by the end of it
13:14We will be in the top 10 sets of twins
13:16Oh god
13:17Randomly, over the next few hours
13:19The lights in this room will turn red like this
13:22And when that happens
13:23The first pair of twins to tap the button on their tablet
13:26Is safe and moves on
13:27But, anyone else who attempted to press the button
13:30And wasn't first
13:31Will be eliminated
13:32We're doing this 10 times
13:33And it's up to you to decide
13:35Which round you press the button
13:36But, ideally
13:37All 30 of you don't try to press the button the first time
13:40Because the more people who attempt each round
13:42The worse your chances are
13:43You're going to go second
13:44And we're going to make that point clear
13:46To everyone in here
13:47What are you guys doing?
13:49I'm going on one baby
13:50I think most people are going to go off the bat
13:51I'm having a pretty good reaction time
13:52What's the strategy here?
13:53We're going for alarm number two
13:54We're going to like announce it to everyone
13:55If you don't want to get eliminated
13:57Don't go two!
13:58But not everyone was confident with going early
14:00I will say you're very far away from pressing a button
14:03Going first is never the answer
14:06Alright everybody
14:07The challenge has officially started
14:09Good luck
14:10The moment it turns red just
14:11Dude I'm telling you right now
14:12I got this in the bag
14:13As soon as that light dims
14:15Should I yell red?
14:16Could literally happen any second now
14:18Oh god I'm so scared
14:19I'm so scared
14:27Oh my gosh
14:28That was the first one
14:29Yeah baby
14:30Oh my god
14:31It looks like four pairs of you attempted round one
14:33Let's see who tapped the button first
14:35And which three pairs of you are going home
14:37We don't usually hold hands like this
14:38I know we don't usually hold hands
14:39So you guys either just got eliminated
14:41Or we won
14:42Or are moving on to the top ten
14:44You pressed it?
14:45Yeah man
14:46A bunch of other people pressed it
14:47We gotta see who actually pressed it first
14:48We made it through four challenges
14:49Whatever happens
14:50We should be proud of ourselves
14:51Reveal the results
14:52Oh my god
14:53Oh my god
15:02But before the twins had even a minute to relax
15:05We got this in the bag
15:06We decided to surprise them with another round
15:08The alarm went off
15:09Did it?
15:10Yes it's red
15:11And once again only four pairs of you attempted round two
15:14You did it?
15:15Yeah I did it so fast
15:16Reveal the results
15:17And by less than a tenth of a second
15:20The Cliffords won round two
15:22Let's get in
15:25I'm so proud of y'all
15:26Now we're watching y'all
15:27Y'all gotta make it too
15:28Okay wish us luck
15:29You did not win
15:30You can step out
15:33See you guys
15:34Two sets of twins have secured their spots in the top ten
15:37How many of you are gonna go for the next one?
15:40Do you think we go here?
15:43Maybe you just wait
15:44Stop looking away
15:45Maybe on the tenth press there's only one of you
15:49His fingers are far from the screen
15:52You keep looking away
15:53I can tell you're daydreaming
15:57I got that
15:58They're quick
15:59I don't know if it's fast enough
16:00For round three
16:01Three pairs of you press the button
16:03Before we reveal the results
16:04We're bringing all of you the world's best chocolate
16:08We need to cheer you guys up
16:09You seem way too nervous
16:11I love some chocolate
16:12We love feastable
16:13You want some chocolate?
16:14Uh duh
16:15The boys are currently handing everyone feastable chocolate bars
16:17AKA the best chocolate on the planet
16:19Feastables baby
16:20And I'm excited to announce
16:21We just launched our brand new cookies and cream feastables bar
16:24Cookies and cream
16:25It's my favorite
16:26Cookies and cream
16:27Cookies and cream
16:28And to celebrate Halloween this year
16:29Feastables is giving away $10,000 every single day for the next 30 days
16:32Just buy Feastables at one of these retailers or others
16:34Scan the QR code on the back of the bar
16:36And submit your receipt to enter
16:38And on Halloween
16:39Feastables is also gonna give one person a million dollars
16:42Just scan the QR code on the back of a bar on Halloween
16:44To find out how to enter
16:45If you don't hand out Feastables at Halloween this year
16:47Clearly you hate your neighborhood
16:49And now for the results of round 3
16:51Which to be honest is pretty ironic
16:53The Hershey twins are the winner
16:55Oh my god
16:56I'm not gonna forgive myself
17:0016 more of you to go
17:02And there's only 7 slots
17:04Technically your odds have improved by waiting
17:07But there's still a lot of you left
17:08Can you tell people we're going for 4?
17:11We're just doing it
17:12I'm so scared
17:13I don't wanna know if the twins read
17:17I felt really good about this
17:19Round 4's winner is the Beattie twins
17:21Let's go!
17:22I thought we had it
17:23I thought it didn't work out
17:24No distractions
17:26Round 5 is late
17:28You guys wanna step out together?
17:33The Narvis twins
17:35The Morris twins
17:377 sets of twins remain
17:39But only 3 spots are left
17:41I'm getting down right now
17:42Lock in 18-19 seconds
17:44Is Fisher doing it?
17:45Don't, don't
17:47It's just us and Fisher
17:49Just breathe
17:52Another team's doing it
17:54It's the ones up there
17:55Get off, get off
17:57Badges up your hands off right now
17:58The boys?
18:00You have 2 other competitors
18:02Should I go ahead and run?
18:03Yeah, get ready
18:04Alright, they're back to lock in
18:05Are the ones at the top locked in?
18:06Yes, they are
18:12I did, I did it already
18:14I was quick
18:15You do it fast
18:16And the winner of round 8 is
18:20The Badgett twins
18:22And after that, round 9's winner was the Dirting twins
18:25And round 10 was the Rosenbergs
18:27And that concludes this challenge
18:29Congratulations to making it to the top 10
18:35So top 10 baby
18:36Top 10 baby, let's go
18:38Make sure you sleep well tonight
18:39Because tomorrow
18:40One pair of you is winning that quarter of a million dollars
18:47I'll see you then
18:48We did it together
18:49That's what we're taking out for lock in
18:51We're gonna get tomorrow
18:52I don't know what to expect
18:53We're so psyched
18:57Hey, goodnight
18:59Night, night
19:00Goodnight top 10
19:01Sleep well
19:04Good morning everybody
19:06For this next challenge
19:07We will be dwindling you down to the final 5 pairs of twins
19:11Each pair of twins will be facing another pair of twins
19:14In a comically large game of bowling
19:17Each with 105 pins
19:19We got this challenge in the bag baby
19:22And to make it even more interesting
19:24The twin that is the bowler will be blindfolded
19:27That changes things
19:28And the other one will have to guide you where to bowl
19:31I'm not worried about it
19:32We're gonna beat whoever
19:33Since you won the first round of the bun game
19:36It's my bio
19:37We're gonna let you pick who you go up against
19:40Have fun strategizing
19:41We don't go bowling a lot
19:42But I think I should bowl
19:44Are you guys good bowlers?
19:45Not really
19:46I suck
19:47Rosenbergs, they're like a bit older
19:48They got glasses
19:49They're probably great bowlers
19:51We just gotta give it our all
19:52And while they're strategizing
19:53I wanna tell you about our brand new product
19:56Which pairs Feastables and Prime together
19:58In a better for you version of Lunchables
20:00Lunchly comes in 3 flavors
20:01Fiesta Nachos
20:02Turkey Stackums
20:03And the Pizza
20:04And inside each box is a miniature Prime
20:06And a miniature Feastables
20:07Let's go see what the twins think of them
20:09How's it going?
20:10You got pizza, turkey, nachos
20:12Whichever one you want
20:13I'll get the pizza
20:14The nachos look so good
20:15And that is real cheese
20:16Holy fire
20:19Better than Lunchables
20:20You guys hungry?
20:21Oh yeah
20:22Each meal comes with a tiny Feastables bar
20:23Their last name's Hershey's
20:26That might be some of the best chocolate I've ever had
20:28And that's saying something
20:29Cause we're Hershey's
20:30And Lunchly is only around $5
20:32I can't wait to see what you guys think
20:34And up first
20:35The Sansun twins
20:36Am I the bowler or are you the bowler?
20:37I don't care, I'll do it
20:38You can step out
20:40Yes, I promise you will not be eliminated
20:42Follow me over here
20:43How's it feel to be outside the cube?
20:44This is so weird
20:45So this is your bowling lane
20:47And you're gonna be bowling
20:48And you're gonna be bowling
20:49And you're gonna be bowling
20:50And you're gonna be bowling
20:51And you're gonna be bowling
20:52And you're gonna be bowling
20:54And now you must pick one other cube to go up against
20:57Oh, this is crazy
20:59Who you face is up to you
21:01Pick us, just pick us
21:02You won't
21:03I'm not picking you
21:04No, sorry
21:06You gotta remember it's blindfolded bowling
21:07So it's not all about strength
21:09It's also about strategy
21:10Ok, we're gonna pick the Hershey twins
21:12Let's go
21:13Whichever pair of twins knocks down the most pins
21:16With three bowls will move on
21:17The other pair will be eliminated
21:20Go this way
21:21Three, two, one, go.
21:26Good, good, good, good, good, good job.
21:34Oh, my gosh.
21:36That was really bad.
21:37OK, what do you want me to do?
21:38Not that much force for both of them.
21:40Another one of us put enough on that first one.
21:42Blindfold up.
21:43Let's do round two.
21:43Yes, just like that.
21:44Three, two, one, go.
21:51I don't even know.
21:52I'm stressing out right now.
21:53The Hershey's twins knocked down 48 pins,
21:55and the Sons of Twins knocked down 37.
21:58They are 11 behind with one bowl remaining.
22:01Get mad.
22:02Are they mad?
22:03Act like it.
22:04$250,000 on the line.
22:07Let's see if they clutch up.
22:09Three, two, one, go.
22:18Great job.
22:19Oh, my god.
22:20Great job.
22:21Whoa, I actually have no idea who won now.
22:23Oh, my god.
22:24The Hershey's messed up big time.
22:26That might have been the comeback of the century.
22:30The Hershey twins knocked down 55 pins.
22:33The Sons of Twins knocked down 79 and are moving on.
22:39Oh, my gosh.
22:40Who do you want to go next?
22:42Pick us.
22:42Pick us.
22:43We're going to pick the Beaty twins.
22:45All right.
22:45You two can head back to your cubes.
22:47Who do you think you want to go against?
22:49I think those two kids up there.
22:49All right, we'll pick them.
22:51The Sons of Twins, I'm coming to get you.
22:53High speed.
22:54High speed.
22:54Twins, are you ready?
22:57Three, two, one, go.
23:05Oh, wow.
23:08I will take it.
23:08All right, blindfold up.
23:14Oh, that might have been a comeback.
23:16Y'all chose us.
23:17Y'all chose us.
23:18That's a lot of pins down there.
23:20$250,000 on the line.
23:23Get your twins in position.
23:24Three, two, one, go.
23:29The last bowls.
23:33Oh, my gosh.
23:3589 pins knocked down to 74.
23:39I'm sorry, gentlemen.
23:40GG, boys.
23:42Who do you want to go next?
23:43These guys.
23:44Knowing that only five pairs of twins were moving on,
23:46they all chose their opponents carefully.
23:48I think we can go with the parents.
23:49Oh, my gosh.
23:50The blindfolds are on.
23:53Right down the middle.
23:56All right, who's next?
23:58All right.
23:58I think Clifford's.
23:59You can exit your queue.
24:01Three, two, one, go.
24:07It was becoming clear who was the biggest
24:09threat in this challenge.
24:11I used to be in a league.
24:12I'm friends with a lot of people who were in a league.
24:14Bowling is a strength.
24:15Do you guys think you're a fierce competitor?
24:17I'm not too worried.
24:18And the final two sets of twins, come on down.
24:21Let's see which one will move on.
24:24All right, gentlemen.
24:25Put your blindfolds on.
24:27$250,000 on the line.
24:29I'm so glad we didn't have to go against either of them.
24:32Three, two, one, go.
24:40Oh, my gosh.
24:41Dude, those are both very good.
24:43Hey, ball.
24:45Those are our best ones yet.
24:47You can definitely tell they both have experience.
24:50It is neck and neck.
24:51This had to be the matchup.
24:53Let's see if that changes.
24:55Three, two, one, go.
25:02Oh, the ricochet.
25:06Whoa, I don't know.
25:07Dude, they barely have any pins left.
25:09The last bowl of the challenge.
25:12One of these twins are about to go home.
25:14And one's going to the top five.
25:16Three, two, one, go.
25:30Oh, my gosh.
25:31They might have made a comeback.
25:33That was a good ball, though.
25:33That's the best ball you could have had there.
25:35I think that's good enough.
25:36Oh, my god.
25:37This is going to be a close game.
25:39And the final tally is 82 pins knocked down to 86.
25:46Yes, yes, yes.
25:49Oh, my goodness.
25:51Congrats on making it to the final five.
25:54We have the betting twins.
25:55I do what you got to do, right?
25:56Top five, baby.
25:56The Clifford twins.
25:58Let's go.
25:59The dirtying twins.
26:00We're just freaking out.
26:01The Sansan twins.
26:04And the Morris twins.
26:05The bowling champ right here.
26:07That will be going head to head in one final challenge
26:11for this quarter of a million dollars.
26:13Good luck to everybody.
26:14You ready for the final challenge?
26:16A little bit of nerves, but I mean,
26:17we're happy we made it this far.
26:19Oh, we're stoked.
26:20So if you won, what are you going to spend the money on?
26:23We're going to go to Japan.
26:24Japan and school.
26:25We talked about investing.
26:26I'm going to buy my parents a new house.
26:28Probably not.
26:30I'm going to put it on our band,
26:31and you're going to make us rich, famous rock stars.
26:34Oh, really?
26:35My parents, I mean, they have three kids in college,
26:37and they're trying to help us through.
26:38So it would mean the world if we could help them out.
26:40And then I'll probably buy a new fishing rod.
26:43Good luck in this next challenge.
26:45I appreciate it.
26:47At the start of this challenge, we had 100 cubes.
26:50And now we are down to five.
26:52Congrats on making it this far.
26:54But up to this point, we've still not
26:56determined who the best set of twins is.
26:58So for the grand finale, you may exit your cubes
27:02and come down here.
27:03The final challenge will be right here in the middle.
27:06This is terrifying.
27:07I'm excited for any of you guys to win this.
27:08Bring out the podium.
27:09Oh, my god.
27:12This is so cool.
27:13Oh, my god.
27:14Oh, my god.
27:16This is so scary.
27:21If you've seen our 50 YouTubers video,
27:24this probably looks a little familiar.
27:26At the beginning of each round, everyone
27:27will start off blindfolded.
27:28Meanwhile, I will be shuffling these five briefcases.
27:31Now, the left side of you may take off your blindfold.
27:34Which briefcase do you want?
27:35Can I just pick it up?
27:36Yeah, just pick it up.
27:37Put it on your podium.
27:38Four of these briefcases are empty.
27:40But one of them holds the check for the grand prize
27:42of a quarter of a million dollars.
27:49All five of them have now looked inside their briefcase.
27:52And only they know what's in there.
27:54The players without briefcases will
27:56cast a vote to eliminate one set of twins from the game.
27:59The contestants with the most votes
28:01must reveal what's inside their briefcase.
28:03And if their case is empty, they're eliminated.
28:05But if their case has a check for $250,000 inside,
28:08they'll never believe this.
28:09But that pair of twins wins the grand prize of $250,000.
28:14If twin telepathy was a thing, now
28:16would be the time to use it.
28:17Throw up a 10-minute timer.
28:19Everyone decide who you're voting for.
28:21Hey, Morris, at the end, do you have it?
28:23I might.
28:23He's shaking a little.
28:25I don't think he has it.
28:26Do you think you have a good understanding of what
28:28your brother's thinking?
28:30I think so.
28:32Does anyone want to admit they have the $250,000?
28:36Well, you're saying you have it?
28:38I have it, yeah.
28:39That's bold.
28:40That's some beady stuff right there.
28:41I don't know why he would just say he has the money, though.
28:43Yeah, that's so sus.
28:44Who are you voting for?
28:45Are you voting for your brother?
28:46I don't know.
28:47Toss me the vote.
28:48Toss me the vote.
28:48How well can you read your counterpart?
28:51You guys grew up together.
28:52Vote for me.
28:53You're at least a stoplight, because you're
28:54freaking me out.
28:5545 seconds.
28:56I think we should vote them out, because I don't think they have it.
28:58I don't think he has it either.
28:59I'm going to be honest.
29:00What are they doing?
29:01We're going to have to start writing soon.
29:03I'm just writing who I'm confident for.
29:055, 4, 3, 2, 1.
29:12All right, Carl, gather their votes.
29:14Feel good about this?
29:15I don't know.
29:17The first vote was for Clifford.
29:20The second vote was Morris.
29:23The third vote was Sansone.
29:26Whoa, we have one vote for three separate pairs of twins.
29:28The fourth vote was for Beady.
29:31The fifth and final vote is Beady, which means they received two,
29:36and will be opening their briefcase.
29:38Oh my god.
29:39No way.
29:42I have it.
29:44It's empty.
29:46Wait, did you vote for him?
29:47I voted for him.
29:48You voted for your own brother.
29:49The Beady twin with the briefcase almost executed the perfect bluff.
29:53That is, until his own brother couldn't even read his poker face.
29:57I should have just kept him in check.
29:59Don't worry, though, boys.
30:00You're not leaving empty-handed.
30:01Appreciate it, man.
30:02Hey, good luck.
30:02Bye, guys.
30:03With that, I need all of you to put on the blindfolds,
30:05and we're going to reshuffle the briefcase.
30:08Now, the opposite side will be picking briefcases this go-around.
30:12Joe, watch people's body language as they open it.
30:15Would you like briefcase number one, two, three, or four?
30:18All right, third briefcase.
30:20Give me two.
30:21I'll put it on your podium.
30:22How about you, one or two?
30:24There you go.
30:25Morris, that leaves you with the final briefcase.
30:28Now, only the people with the briefcase may remove their blindfolds.
30:32Look at what's inside your briefcase.
30:34Only they know what's in there.
30:39All right, I need all of you to close it now.
30:41You may take off your blindfolds.
30:42Start the 10-minute timer.
30:44Let's see how this goes.
30:46Do you have it?
30:47I might have it.
30:48Do you have it?
30:49I don't have the money now.
30:50What about y'all down there?
30:51Don't have it.
30:52So nobody here has it.
30:54That's just factually not true.
30:55Somebody has it.
30:56I don't think the Sandstones have it.
30:58I agree with you.
30:58I feel like you're all being sus, so I can't really.
31:01Well, duh.
31:01I think the Morris's have it.
31:03And I already placed my vote on who I want to get rid of.
31:06I think Clevver's have the money.
31:08If you're making a decision now, that means y'all have the money.
31:10That's what you think, bro.
31:11I'm voting for Morris.
31:12I think Morris has the money.
31:13I'm telling you, they've got the money, bro.
31:15I'm sorry.
31:16I love you all.
31:163, 2, 1.
31:19Time is up.
31:20Oh, my god.
31:21Oh, my gosh.
31:23The first vote is for Morris.
31:26The second vote is also for Morris.
31:30I'm so nervous.
31:31Did you listen to me?
31:32Did you listen to me?
31:33The third vote is for Durting.
31:35If Durting gets another vote, it's a tie.
31:38If not, the Morris twins will be opening their briefcase.
31:41The final vote is Durting.
31:43We have a tie.
31:45You guys have three minutes to decide.
31:47The four of you recast votes, either for Durting or Morris,
31:50to break the tie.
31:53Wait, so who should I vote for?
31:55He looks so stressed out.
31:56Is he fake stressing?
31:57Do Morris' have the money?
31:59Vote Durting if you want to continue,
32:00is what I'm saying.
32:01Don't put my name down.
32:02See, like, they're trying to, like, save theirself now.
32:04That's what I'm saying.
32:04Just listen to the boy, like.
32:06Chris, what do you think?
32:0810 seconds.
32:09If you want to make it to the top three,
32:10just put their name down.
32:11Trust me, trust me, trust me, trust me.
32:125, 4, 3, 2, 1.
32:14Trust me, bro, trust me.
32:16Hands down.
32:18I hate to do it, bro.
32:19Let's tally these votes.
32:20Morris or Durting, one of you is opening your briefcase.
32:24Our first vote is for Durting.
32:30Our second vote is also for Durting.
32:38The third vote is for Durting.
32:41The fourth vote, which is now irrelevant, is also Durting.
32:45All four of them voted for the Durting twins.
32:50Reveal what is in your briefcase.
32:52Forth Place, baby!
32:54Forth Place!
32:55Told you.
32:56Oh my god.
32:57You also are going home with $10,000.
33:00That's awesome.
33:01There you go.
33:02And now that all of you at home know how this game works,
33:05for this next round, we're not even
33:06going to reveal who has the money.
33:08Do you want one, two, or three?
33:10I'll do two.
33:11I'll do one.
33:11Carl will give Morris the last one.
33:13The three of you in briefcases, take your blindfolds off.
33:16Look inside your briefcase.
33:18All right, close them.
33:20You guys may take off your blindfolds.
33:22Start the timer.
33:23I think I have an idea of who has it.
33:25And who's that?
33:26Wait, you think they have it?
33:28What if you had it, though?
33:29She looks nervous, so that's my thought.
33:31I mean, I've been nervous.
33:32I'm telling you, they got it.
33:34So then what?
33:35You want to be voted out?
33:37You saying they have the money means there are only
33:39options to vote for you.
33:41Do you have the money?
33:43Do you want to come look?
33:49$250,000 on the line.
33:51You got 47 seconds.
33:53One of you is going to be walking away with the money.
33:56OK, who do you think?
33:57I feel like Clifford has the money.
33:59Clifford, you guys have been right in the past two.
34:02You make up your mind, and I'll vote for whoever.
34:04I've got the suitcase, but I can't help everyone
34:06vote every round.
34:0815 seconds.
34:09I'd start writing.
34:10Give me something.
34:11I know what I'm doing.
34:12She knows what she's doing.
34:13Do you have it in your suitcase?
34:15Yeah, or no?
34:15I might have it in my suitcase.
34:17He's lying.
34:18So how am I lying that I might have it in my suitcase?
34:215, 4, 3, 2, 1.
34:26Pens down.
34:28The first vote is for Morris.
34:35The second vote, whoa, is also Morris.
34:41We don't even need to see what the third one is.
34:43Bring the table on over.
34:45Good luck, guys.
34:45All right, Morrises, it all comes down to this moment.
34:49So you do not know what's inside of here.
34:52All right, do you want to show them?
34:55If it's empty, they lose, and the game
34:57continues until there's a winner.
34:58But if it has $250,000, it's theirs.
35:08Oh, you got it!
35:15Good job, man.
35:16Oh my god, it's OK.
35:17It's OK.
35:18What are you guys going to spend the money on?
35:20It's going to our family.
35:21I mean, they worked so hard for us.
35:23I couldn't be happier.
35:24Pull it apart.
35:25That is your $125,000, and that is his $125,000.
35:30Dude, I can't move.