抖音新剧上线 #至尊萌宝之我全家都不好惹 (下)

  • 19 hours ago
00:00:00这太烫了,我等一下再喝。It's too hot. I'll drink it later.
00:00:03秦嬷嬷,伺候郡主喝茶。Nanny Qin, serve the princess to drink tea.
00:00:08等等,我感觉汤又不烫了,我自己喝哈。Wait, I don't feel hot anymore. I'll drink it myself.
00:00:16我肚子好疼啊,好疼啊。My stomach hurts so much. It hurts.
00:00:20痛啊,没关系,一会儿就解脱了,让你不知好歹。It doesn't matter. You'll be free in a minute. You don't know what to do.
00:00:26哎,还真不疼了,应该是我刚才吃得太着急了,蹦两下就好了。Oh, it doesn't hurt anymore. Maybe I was too anxious to eat just now. I'll just do it twice.
00:00:40吃饱喝足了,太后娘娘,你还要说什么?不说,我可就要走了。Eat well and drink well. Empress Dowager, what else do you want to say? If you don't say it, I'll leave.
00:00:46你敢戏弄哀家,来人呐,给我抓住她。You dare to tease me. Come on, catch her.
00:00:55快给我抓住她,快点。快点。没用的东西,连个小孩都抓不住。Useless thing, you can't even catch a kid.
00:01:04站住,别跑。Stand still, don't run.
00:01:06来啊。Come on.
00:01:07站住,别跑。Stand still, don't run.
00:01:11你跑啊,你怎么不跑了?你不是很能跑吗?You run. Why don't you run? Aren't you good at running?
00:01:15三,二,一,倒。Three, two, one, down.
00:01:20怎么回事?你干了什么?你身上有毒?What's going on? What did you do? You're poisoned.
00:01:25死不了人的,最多就是下半辈子躺在床上咯。You won't die. At most, you'll be lying in bed for the rest of your life.
00:01:32看你脸色不对啊。皇后娘娘,要不要帮你治一治啊?Empress Dowager, do you want me to treat you?
00:01:36你,不许过来!秦嬷嬷,快拦住她!You, don't come over! Nanny Qin, stop her!
00:01:40你抓呀,你抓呀,你抓我呀。You catch her, you catch her, you catch me.
00:01:44你抓我呀,你抓我呀。You catch me, you catch me.
00:01:50来抓我呀,起来,来。Come on, catch me, come on, come on.
00:01:52母后,母后,刀下留人!Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, don't kill her!
00:01:55皇上,快快快,快把她给处死!Your Majesty, hurry, hurry, kill her!
00:01:59不许杀她,不许杀她!Don't kill her, don't kill her!
00:02:02皇上,皇上,你糊涂了!这小孽障谋逆犯上,哀家还杀不得了!Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you're confused! This little bastard tried to rebel against you, I can't kill him!
00:02:08母后,容儿臣待会儿给你解释啊。Empress Dowager, let me explain to you later.
00:02:13明慧小郡主,是不是受惊了?Empress Minghui, are you frightened?
00:02:17哀家方才才受惊啊!这小孽障身上有毒,险些毒死哀家!I was just frightened! This little bastard is poisoned, he almost poisoned me to death!
00:02:22这个,周全,赶紧护送小郡主回家!This, Zhou Quan, hurry up and escort the little princess home!
00:02:25是,客后,客后,她身上有毒!Yes, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, she's poisoned!
00:02:29小郡主,请吧。Empress, please.
00:02:31好吧,反正我也玩累了,我走了。Okay, I'm tired of playing anyway, I'm leaving.
00:02:35你走吧。You go.
00:02:38你们也退下。You guys back off, too.
00:02:43你就这么放他走了?You're just going to let him go like this?
00:02:50皇上,你好大的胆子!哀家要留人,你偏要放!Your Majesty, how dare you! I want to keep him alive, but you want to let him go!
00:02:55难怪你不管卓杨的死活,恐怕现在连哀家的死活你都不放在眼里了吧!No wonder you don't care about Zhuo Yang's life. I'm afraid you don't even care about my life now!
00:03:01母后,你说的这是什么话呀?朕也是有苦衷的!母后,你说的这是什么话呀?朕也是有苦衷的!Mother, what are you talking about? I have my reasons.
00:03:05林家最看重的就是孩子。这孩子他一旦发生闪失,他林家势必会报复啊!到时候会引起朝堂和江湖的纷争,耽误我们的江山社稷!母后!The most important thing in the Lin family is the child. Once the child has an accident, the Lin family will take revenge. At that time, it will cause a dispute between the court and the martial arts world and delay our country's development.
00:03:18你少在哀家面前冠冕堂皇!你还是和从前一样,胆小叛逆!Mother, don't show off in front of me. You're still as cowardly as ever!
00:03:23母后,儿是皇帝,我当然要顾全大局啊!要不然我怎么凭国人之口,何来的公平啊?他卓杨自己惹的事情,他自己承担,又有什么错?Mother, my son is the emperor. Of course I have to take care of the whole situation. Otherwise, how can I be fair to the people? What's wrong with him taking responsibility for what he did?
00:03:35皇上,哀家只知道卓杨被欺负了!你不管,哀家管!Your Majesty, I only know that Zhuo Yang was bullied. You don't care, I care!
00:03:40母后,我怎么跟你解释?你爱怎么管怎么管,我不管了!Mother, how can I explain to you? You can do whatever you want, but I don't care!
00:03:46皇后娘娘不好了,公主快不行了!Your Majesty, the princess is dying!
00:03:49什么?快不行了?What? She's dying?
00:03:54卓杨!卓杨!你怎么变成这个样子?这是要哀家的命啊!Zhuo Yang! Zhuo Yang! How did you become like this? This is for my life!
00:04:04母后,我好痛苦啊!身体里好像有一万只虫子在我的骨头里吧!Mother, I'm in so much pain! There are like ten thousand bugs in my body!
00:04:11太后娘娘,公主她是中毒了,自林家回来后就一直这样,每日无法进食,都无法安眠!Your Majesty, the princess is poisoned. She's been like this since she came back from the Lin family. She can't eat or sleep every day.
00:04:21我的儿!My son!
00:04:26快去请!卓杨!快请太医!Go get the doctor!
00:04:35太后娘娘,公主她昏了!Your Majesty, the princess is dead!
00:04:37卓杨!不!请太医!快!请太医啊!快点去请太医!Zhuo Yang! No! Go get the doctor! Go get the doctor!
00:04:47皇上刚刚下诏,公布了林青之言的内幕,将公主变为庶民!公主死后,守不了皇陵了!Your Majesty just issued an edict, and revealed the truth about the Lin family. The princess is now a commoner. After her death, the princess can no longer guard the imperial mausoleum.
00:04:57皇帝,他居然如此无情!还有林家,害我儿臣的孤魂野鬼!哀家要替卓杨报仇!Your Majesty, he is so heartless! And the Lin family, who killed my son! I will avenge Zhuo Yang!
00:05:12太后娘娘,那林家二公子是天下第一高手,只有请江湖人出手才有机会啊!Your Majesty, the second son of the Lin family is the best martial artist in the world. Only by asking the people of the martial arts world for help can he have a chance.
00:05:47叔叔,对面是我家店铺,以后你在我家店门口睡吧!Uncle, the shop across the street is my shop, you can sleep at my shop in the future!
00:05:56鬼刀?Ghost knife?
00:06:02宝儿不能挑食,要多吃一点,等一下舅舅带你去买秘剑!Baor can't be picky, eat more, I'll take you to buy a secret sword later!
00:06:08天下第一杀手,竟成了女儿奴?The world's number one killer became a slave to his daughter?
00:06:11嫉妒也没用啊,想要女儿的话,娶媳妇自己生一个!It's no use being jealous, if you want a daughter, get yourself a wife!
00:06:15谁稀罕,女人只会影响我拔刀的速度!Who cares, women will only affect the speed of my knife!
00:06:19影响你的是酒,再这么喝下去,天下第一杀手明年就要退休了!It's the wine that affects you, if you keep drinking like this, the world's number one killer will retire next year!
00:06:25管那么多做什么,能不能活到明年都不知道啊!Why do you care so much, can you live until next year?
00:06:29鬼叔叔,你脸上的疤好酷啊,一看就是个专业杀手!Uncle Ghost, the scar on your face is so cool, you must be a professional killer!
00:06:34是吗?你不怕吗?Really? Aren't you afraid?
00:06:36不怕呀,你是二舅舅的朋友,一看就是好人呐!I'm not afraid, you are my second uncle's friend, you must be a good person!
00:06:44我可不是什么好人,我有生之年的目标就是打败你的舅舅!I'm not a good person, my goal in this life is to defeat your uncle!
00:06:49你做梦!You are dreaming!
00:06:51傻丫头,来得匆忙,没带什么东西,这些就当作见面礼吧!Silly girl, I came in a hurry, I didn't bring anything, just take this as a welcome gift!
00:06:57这么多钱!So much money!
00:06:59你向来是有钱就花光,哪来这么多银子?You have always been rich, where did you get so much money?
00:07:02接了个大单,这是定金,有人出价十万两,找我要个人呐!I took a big order, this is the deposit, someone offered me 100,000 taels, and asked me for a person.
00:07:09杀谁?Who did you kill?
00:07:15谁下的单?Who placed the order?
00:07:17你们得罪了谁,自己心里没数吗?Who did you offend? Don't you know?
00:07:20我知道了,是太后!I know, it's the Empress Dowager!
00:07:23想都别想,这银子你赚不到!Don't even think about it, you can't earn this money!
00:07:25本来也没打算赚,可我若不接这单,他们也会去找别人,到时候你们防不守防!I wasn't going to do it anyway, but if I don't take the order, they'll go find someone else, and then you'll be in danger.
00:07:34这样一来,你天下第一杀手的名号就要毁于一旦,虚名而已!In this case, the name of your world's number one killer will be ruined in an instant.
00:07:41不行不行不行,名声无所谓,钱是要赚的,十万两呢!No, no, no, it doesn't matter if it's famous or not, you have to make money, 100,000 taels!
00:07:47小丫头,这可是你自己的命!Little girl, this is your own life!
00:07:49鬼叔叔,这笔生意我还有一点想法,不如我们合作吧!Uncle Ghost, I have an idea about this business, why don't we work together?
00:07:57半个月了,都半个月了,一点动静都没有!什么江湖第一杀手,全是一群没用的废物!It's been half a month, it's been half a month, and there's been no movement at all! What kind of world's number one killer is a bunch of useless scum!
00:08:05太后娘娘息怒啊,林家几兄弟把那死丫头护得紧着呢!鬼刀说,除非把他们能支开,他才好下手!The Empress Dowager is angry, the Lin brothers are holding that dead girl tight, and the Ghost Blade says, unless they can tear them apart, she'll be easy to kill!
00:08:15上次把人叫进宫,明能弄死她!现在再叫人进来,怕是不可能了!The last time I called someone into the palace, I could have killed her! I'm afraid it's impossible to get someone in now!
00:08:21太后娘娘,若咱们再出手,林家几兄弟定不会善罢甘休啊!The Empress Dowager, if we do it again, the Lin brothers will not give up easily!
00:08:27皇上不是封了她明慧郡主吗?既是郡主,那就该有了册封仪式,让百姓们都见一见!The Emperor conferred her the title of Princess, and since she's a princess, there should be a conference to let the people see her.
00:08:34仪式上,她总不能还带着她的几个舅舅,太后娘娘英明啊!在大庭广众之下,若出了事了,那是皇上和礼部的疏忽,自然是怪不到哀家头上了!既然皇帝不肯给卓杨报仇,那就别怪哀家不给他留情面了!The Empress Dowager is wise. If anything happens, it's the Emperor and the Ministry of Rites' negligence. Of course it's not my fault. Since the Emperor is unwilling to avenge Zhuo Yang, then don't blame me for not showing him mercy!
00:08:53祭天仪式?这未免也太形势动众了吧?The sacrifice ceremony? Isn't this a bit too grand?
00:09:00如今小郡主有了品级,也算是办个皇亲国戚了。礼部的意思是,要举办个仪式,好让文武百官及百姓们知晓她的身份。Now that the little princess has a title, it's time to hold a royal ceremony. The Ministry of Rites wants to hold a ceremony to let the civil and military officials and the people know who she is.
00:09:14皇上思虑周全,那就这么办吧。The Emperor is thoughtful. Let's do it.
00:09:17呈上来。这是小郡主的礼服。礼部已经拟定了吉日,就在后日的八月八日。Bring it up. This is the little princess's dress. The Ministry of Rites has already set a date. It will be held on the eighth day of the next month.
00:09:48那就是明慧郡主啊。长得真漂亮,真贵气。That's Infanta Minghui. She's so beautiful and noble.
00:09:52听说皇上和太后特别喜欢小郡主的。I heard that the Emperor and the Empress Dowager like the little princess very much.
00:09:57怎么回事?What's going on?
00:09:58几位客官,对不住啊。这就给您重新做一份。Sir, I'm sorry. I'll make you a new one.
00:10:03我没要东西啊。I don't want anything.
00:10:05看我糊涂了。I'm confused.
00:10:10宝儿不见了!Bao'er is gone!
00:10:15人呢?哪儿去了?Where is she?
00:10:17不清楚啊。I don't know.
00:10:18人在你们眼帖子底下没了!快说!I lost her under your eyes. Say it!
00:10:20我说我杀了你们!I'll kill you if you don't say it!
00:10:24大人饶命啊!Sir, please spare my life!
00:10:27给我找!Find her!
00:10:31林家兄弟正在四处找人。恐怕很快就会怀疑到我了。The Lin brothers are looking for her everywhere. I'm afraid they'll suspect me soon.
00:10:34你做得很好。快出城吧,走得越远越好。You did a good job. Get out of the city as soon as possible. The further you go, the better.
00:10:46拿上银子,跟我走。Get the money and follow me.
00:10:58死了!我们来晚了!到底是谁干的?He's dead! We're late! Who did it?
00:11:01在皇家典礼途中出手,还能做到如此不声不响地就把人掳走。恐怕和宫里脱不了干系。He did it on the way to the royal ceremony, and he kidnapped her without saying a word. I'm afraid it has something to do with the palace.
00:11:08我们去找皇上。若是宝儿出来,是我杀光宫里所有人!Let's go to the emperor. If Bao'er comes out, I'll kill everyone in the palace!
00:11:13人走了。He's gone.
00:11:15二哥,诡异刀到底靠不靠谱啊?Brother, is the Ghost Knife reliable?
00:11:17放心,有它在,宝儿吃不了亏。Don't worry. With it, Bao'er won't lose anything.
00:11:30人呢?Where is he?
00:11:35没死吧?He's not dead, is he?
00:11:36不是你们要求的吗?Didn't you ask for it?
00:11:38抓活的,先折磨完再杀。我从业这么多年,没见过你们这么多要求。这是另外的价钱。Catch him alive, torture him first, then kill him. I've been doing this for so many years, but I've never seen you ask for so much. This is another price.
00:11:46钱,自然不会少你的。带上他,跟我走。Money won't be a problem for you. Take him with you. Come with me.
00:11:58太后娘娘,人已经关进去了。Empress Dowager, he's been locked up.
00:12:02好,邻家呢?How about the Lin family?
00:12:03他们去见了皇上,封锁了城门。现在正如无头苍蝇一般,四处找人呢。They went to see the emperor, locked the city gate, and are now looking for people everywhere like a headless fly.
00:12:13他们谁都别想找到。They don't want to find anyone.
00:12:22卓杨,我的儿,今日母后就给你报仇。Zhuo Yang, my son, I'll avenge you today.
00:12:34林家宝,又见面了。Lin Jiabao, we meet again.
00:12:49太后娘娘,我这是在哪儿?这里是什么地方?Empress Dowager, where am I? What is this place?
00:12:54你猜猜看,这里是什么地方。Guess what this place is.
00:12:59这里好阴森,是不是死过很多人?It's so dark in here. Did a lot of people die here?
00:13:03这里活人进得来,死了也出不去。If a living person can come in here, they can't get out even if they die.
00:13:10哦,太后娘娘的意思是这里很隐蔽,绝对不会有人发现。Oh, Empress Dowager, you mean this place is very secluded and no one will find out.
00:13:15怎么?你还指望你那几个舅舅来救你?What? You still expect your uncles to come and save you?
00:13:19这个地方几十年来除了哀家,就只有秦嬷嬷一个人知道。This place has only been known to Nanny Qin for decades, except for me.
00:13:25你就算叫破喉咙,也没人能找到这里来。No one can find this place even if you scream your lungs out.
00:13:28那多好。That's great.
00:13:29好什么?What's great?
00:13:31好安静,好隐蔽,是个好地方。It's quiet, it's secluded, it's a good place.
00:13:34她是不是被打傻了?说什么胡话呢?Did she lose her mind? What nonsense are you talking about?
00:13:37今天只叫鬼一刀把她迷晕了带过来,还未动手打过。I only asked the Ghost Knife to bring her here today, and she didn't even hit her.
00:13:42死丫头,定是在装傻。Damn girl, you must be pretending to be stupid.
00:13:45我没有装傻,我说的都是真的。I'm not pretending to be stupid, I'm telling the truth.
00:13:48不管你在想什么,这里只有死路一条,挨家就给你个恩典,让你留几句遗言吧。No matter what you're thinking, there's only one way out of here, and I'll give you a favor, let you have a few last words.
00:13:56公主害死我妈,你一点都不愧疚吗?Are you not ashamed of the death of the princess?
00:13:59何来愧疚?挨家给过她机会,让她自请下堂,可她偏偏要跟挨家作对。Let her go to court, but she has to go against the An family.
00:14:05让我儿进门做妾,简直就是自寻死路,一个商户之女,也不掂量掂量自己的身份。Letting my son become a concubine, it's a suicide. You're a daughter of a merchant family, and you don't even think about your own status.
00:14:12就是因为你这么恶毒,所以你女儿才会死,恶贯满盈的人就喜欢求神庇护。Just because you're so vicious, that's why your daughter died. Those who are vicious like to seek God's protection.
00:14:20可就算你每天吃斋念佛,将来也一定会下地狱的。But even if you eat food and pray every day, you will definitely go to hell in the future.
00:14:28太后娘娘,这……住口!Empress Dowager, this...Shut up!
00:14:36皇上!Your Majesty!
00:14:38找到了吗?Did you find it?
00:14:39没有啊!林家搜遍了整个城,都没有找到啊!没有啊!林家搜遍了整个城,都没有找到啊!No! I searched the whole city, but I didn't find it.
00:14:44莫不是,明慧郡主人间蒸发了?Did Infanta Minghui evaporate?
00:14:48蒸发?哎呀,这可如何是好?哎呀,这惹恼了林家,这,这,解药,这,这……Oh, no, what should I do? Oh, no, I made trouble to the Lin family. This, this, the antidote, this, this...
00:14:56解,解,解药?什么解药?Antidote? What antidote?
00:15:00是不是打你完了?Is it over?
00:15:02我打你个头啊!你这这,如似虎狼之躯!Oh, I hit you in the head! You are so fierce and aggressive!
00:15:10母后宫中可有动静啊?Is there any movement in the mother's palace?
00:15:13太后娘娘,一直在伙堂,未曾动过啊。Empress Dowager has been in the living chamber, never moved.
00:15:16伙堂?不对啊,前日以后,还因为卓洋的事情跟我大吵大闹,今日林家出这么大事情,她竟然不闻不问了?Incidentally, the day before yesterday, she made a scene because of Zhuoyang. Today, such a big thing happened to the Lin family, but she didn't even ask.
00:15:28What are you?
00:15:30How dare you talk back to me?
00:15:32Today, I'll let you know
00:15:34what is the dignity of the royal family
00:15:36and no offense is allowed.
00:15:38Empress Dowager, this girl is poisoned.
00:15:40Why can't we kill her?
00:15:42Ask that Ghost Knife to come and learn.
00:15:44He can catch people. He must have a way.
00:15:50Empress Dowager, he is Ghost Knife.
00:15:52This person is so mysterious.
00:15:54Just in time.
00:15:56He will die like his mother.
00:15:58He will never be reborn.
00:16:02Are you deaf?
00:16:04Can't you hear me?
00:16:08Empress Dowager,
00:16:10it's my turn now.
00:16:12How can you...
00:16:14Ghost Uncle, do it.
00:16:22Empress Dowager.
00:16:26Empress Dowager.
00:16:28Empress Dowager.
00:16:30Wake up.
00:16:36why do you lock them up here?
00:16:38It's cleaner to kill them directly.
00:16:40My mother definitely doesn't want
00:16:42me to kill people for revenge.
00:16:44What do you want to do?
00:16:46Punish them?
00:16:48I'm the Empress Dowager.
00:16:50How dare you punish me?
00:16:52I'll cut you into pieces.
00:16:56Empress Dowager, I'm not like you.
00:16:58I don't like to kill people.
00:17:00From now on,
00:17:02you can repent here.
00:17:04Infanta Minghui, I'm innocent.
00:17:06I always
00:17:08listen to Empress Dowager's orders.
00:17:12let me go.
00:17:14Nanny Qin, how dare you betray me?
00:17:16You are not innocent.
00:17:18You old woman
00:17:20are very good.
00:17:24Someone is coming. It's the Emperor.
00:17:32Zhou Quan,
00:17:34didn't you say that Mother has been
00:17:36praying to Buddha?
00:17:38Yes, she has been here all the time.
00:17:40Where is she?
00:17:42Yes, where is she?
00:17:46Empress Dowager.
00:17:50Emperor, I'm here.
00:17:52Someone save me.
00:17:56Empress Dowager, you have a bad memory.
00:17:58You said it yourself.
00:18:00It's very secluded here.
00:18:02Even if you scream,
00:18:04no one will hear you.
00:18:06I'm missing.
00:18:08The Emperor will investigate.
00:18:10You can't hide it.
00:18:12It's true. It's not good to be seen by the Emperor.
00:18:18It's not right.
00:18:26It's so late.
00:18:28What are you doing here?
00:18:40Have you heard about
00:18:42Infanta Minghui's disappearance?
00:18:44What does it have to do with me?
00:18:46It's kind of you
00:18:48to cause her trouble.
00:18:54you didn't see her today?
00:18:56The Emperor is suspecting
00:18:58that I kidnapped that little girl.
00:19:00How could that be?
00:19:02How could I suspect you?
00:19:08Empress Dowager, Infanta Minghui has been found.
00:19:12That's good.
00:19:14Sorry to bother you.
00:19:16Get some rest.
00:19:40Who are you?
00:19:42Who is she?
00:19:52Empress Dowager.
00:19:54Miss Bao'er.
00:19:56The Emperor has left.
00:19:58Young Master asked you to go back early.
00:20:00He prepared your favorite night snack.
00:20:02Thank you, Chunmei.
00:20:04You're so good at disguise.
00:20:06You can be the Empress Dowager
00:20:08in the palace.
00:20:10As you wish.
00:20:12No way.
00:20:14I won't allow it.
00:20:16You dare to disguise as me.
00:20:18You deserve to die.
00:20:20You royal people
00:20:22are rotten inside.
00:20:24Empress Dowager,
00:20:26you can wait to die
00:20:28in the hell you created.
00:20:30Come back.
00:20:32Come back.
00:20:34You colluded with me.
00:20:36Come back.
00:20:42Come back.
00:21:08Although you're young,
00:21:10you're thoughtful.
00:21:12Uncle Ghost,
00:21:14when I grow up,
00:21:16I'll be filial to you.
00:21:18Old Ghost, please.
00:21:26Uncle Bao'er
00:21:28is here to see you.
00:21:30Chunmei told me that
00:21:32the Empress Dowager and Momo Qin died.
00:21:34The Empress Dowager killed my family
00:21:36and she deserved it.
00:21:38I can rest in peace now.
00:21:42Do you have anything to eat?
00:21:46Give it to me.
00:21:50How dare you!
00:21:54Please give me something to eat.
00:21:56My husband is starving.
00:21:58Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:22:28Take it and bury them well.
00:22:30Thank you, benefactor.
00:22:32Thank you, benefactor.
00:22:40Where are you going?
00:22:48I'm coming.
00:22:50I'm coming.
00:22:52Where are you going?
00:22:54Your Majesty.
00:22:56Your Majesty.
00:22:58Infanta Minghui is here.
00:23:02The Lin family.
00:23:06Get out of here.
00:23:08I just had a few days off.
00:23:10Why are they here again?
00:23:16They're here.
00:23:20What can I do for you?
00:23:22Your Majesty.
00:23:24Your Majesty.
00:23:26A lot of people can't even eat Guanyin soil.
00:23:28They're starving to death.
00:23:30What is Guanyin soil?
00:23:32Why are they eating soil?
00:23:34Didn't we give them food for the disaster?
00:23:36Why aren't they eating it?
00:23:38You bastard!
00:23:40How dare you!
00:23:42Zhou Quan.
00:23:44What did he say?
00:23:46He said you're a bastard.
00:23:48Think about it.
00:23:50If the people have food,
00:23:52they won't starve to death.
00:23:54People are starving to death,
00:23:56but you're drinking and having fun.
00:23:58With an emperor like you,
00:24:00it won't be long before the country is destroyed.
00:24:02You're right.
00:24:04What does it have to do with me?
00:24:06I can't just kill all the people.
00:24:08The country is not a place for people.
00:24:10It's not a place for fighting.
00:24:12That's right.
00:24:14The country is a place for people.
00:24:16It's hard to govern the country.
00:24:18It's not good for the people.
00:24:22Little princess.
00:24:24This is not a game.
00:24:26You're lying.
00:24:28What's wrong?
00:24:30Do you want me to be your emperor?
00:24:32Uncle, what's the benefit of being an emperor?
00:24:36Being an emperor is for the peace of the world
00:24:38and the well-being of the people.
00:24:40If it's for the benefit,
00:24:42it won't last long.
00:24:44I understand.
00:24:46Being an emperor,
00:24:48you have to worry about the world first
00:24:50That's right.
00:24:52It's easy to say.
00:24:54Don't you Lin family have money?
00:24:56Why don't you donate it to the refugees?
00:25:00You only care about our Lin family.
00:25:02What do you want the court to do?
00:25:04Zhou Quan, look.
00:25:06You Lin family people
00:25:08also talk about it.
00:25:10Our treasury is empty.
00:25:12Anyway, the Ministry of Revenue can't get the money.
00:25:14That's right.
00:25:16Uncle, let's go see the Empress Dowager.
00:25:28See the Empress Dowager?
00:25:30If the Empress Dowager is willing to help him,
00:25:32it's really a ghost.
00:25:34I don't think it's Zhou Quan.
00:25:38Your Majesty.
00:25:40Your Majesty.
00:25:42Zhou Quan.
00:25:44You're not Zhou Quan at all.
00:25:46No, Your Majesty.
00:25:48The Empress Dowager
00:25:50ordered to reduce the use of the palace.
00:25:52And at night, she invited
00:25:54hundreds of women.
00:25:56She took a batch of money
00:25:58to buy some food.
00:26:02Is the Empress Dowager crazy?
00:26:04Or was she kidnapped by the Lin family?
00:26:08I don't think so.
00:26:10I think the Empress Dowager did it voluntarily.
00:26:12I think she saw
00:26:14Princess Minghui smiling.
00:26:16She smiled.
00:26:18And she took care of You Jia.
00:26:20She smiled?
00:26:24This is a ghost.
00:26:26Put this on.
00:26:28Throw it here.
00:26:32But the new Minister of Revenue,
00:26:34Minister Lin.
00:26:36I was ordered
00:26:38to supervise the disaster relief.
00:26:42Didn't His Majesty send you here?
00:26:44Who is your master?
00:26:46I... What master?
00:26:48I am loyal to His Majesty.
00:26:50I am loyal to the court.
00:26:52As the Minister of Revenue,
00:26:54I have the duty to supervise.
00:26:56I'm here to see if the government's money
00:26:58is useful to the people.
00:27:02Bao'er, come here.
00:27:04It's all packed.
00:27:06This is the money for this year's relief.
00:27:08It should be a good price.
00:27:10What? Sell it?
00:27:14We need to change it all to dust.
00:27:16Then we need to add some fertilizer and grass.
00:27:18Then send it to the disaster area.
00:27:20Let those officials distribute it to the victims.
00:27:24This is how you do disaster relief?
00:27:26This is worse than being a corrupt official.
00:27:28Try it.
00:27:30We are doing this for the victims.
00:27:32How is it worse?
00:27:34I heard everything just now.
00:27:36Don't lie.
00:27:38How can we allow you to be wise?
00:27:40It's none of your business.
00:27:42Let's go.
00:27:46How dare you!
00:27:48This is against the law!
00:27:50If you have something to report,
00:27:52you may leave.
00:27:54I have something to report.
00:27:58I want to tell the Minister of Revenue
00:28:00to hide the relief food
00:28:02from the Lin family.
00:28:04It should be kept in a private bag.
00:28:06This is against the law.
00:28:08Hasn't the relief food been sent to the disaster area?
00:28:10Your Majesty, you don't know this.
00:28:12The Lin family
00:28:14has changed all the relief food
00:28:16to dust.
00:28:18They even added fertilizer and grass.
00:28:20This is not for humans.
00:28:22This is for animals.
00:28:26How is this possible?
00:28:28Minister Lin, is this true?
00:28:30Your Majesty,
00:28:32can the victims be considered humans?
00:28:34What are you talking about?
00:28:42Do the Lin family know their crime?
00:28:46Lin Xuanzhang,
00:28:48you said you wanted to relieve the disaster,
00:28:50but you didn't treat the victims as humans.
00:28:52You gave the victims
00:28:54animal feed.
00:28:56Do you know your crime?
00:28:58Your Majesty,
00:29:00I am telling the truth.
00:29:02They are not humans
00:29:04For them,
00:29:06dust and fertilizer are good things.
00:29:08He admitted it.
00:29:10He is too arrogant.
00:29:12He is shameless.
00:29:14How dare you!
00:29:16The Lin family is greedy.
00:29:18They want to destroy the humanity.
00:29:20Your Majesty, you must punish them.
00:29:22Execute all of them
00:29:24to show your filial piety.
00:29:26The Lin family did a good job in relieving the disaster.
00:29:28Why do you want to punish them?
00:29:32You are talking about relieving the disaster.
00:29:34I am here to listen to you.
00:29:36After all, I prepared the food.
00:29:38The disaster relief
00:29:40was proposed by Princess Minghui.
00:29:44Punish them severely.
00:29:46Punish them severely.
00:29:48The Lin family
00:29:50is so ridiculous.
00:29:52The disaster relief is a big matter.
00:29:54According to the six-year-old boy,
00:29:56I think
00:29:58Princess Minghui should be demoted
00:30:00to a scholar.
00:30:02She is here.
00:30:04Let's listen to her.
00:30:06Uncles and aunts,
00:30:08have you ever seen
00:30:10a man who died from eating the earth?
00:30:12Have you ever seen a man
00:30:14who was eaten by grass and trees?
00:30:16Have you ever seen
00:30:18a man who died of starvation?
00:30:20His bones were like firewood.
00:30:22His stomach was like a ball.
00:30:24Have you ever seen all of these?
00:30:27Princess, why do you say that?
00:30:29We have never seen it.
00:30:31Have you seen it?
00:30:33Of course I have seen it.
00:30:35If you see it,
00:30:37you will understand.
00:30:39The relief food in the court
00:30:41is far from enough.
00:30:43What's more,
00:30:45there is a gap in the middle.
00:30:47It can't reach the mouth of the refugees at all.
00:30:49What does this have to do
00:30:51with what your Lin family did?
00:30:53One catty of food can exchange for three catty of food.
00:30:55Or six catty of wheat.
00:30:57It can save one person's food.
00:30:59If you exchange it,
00:31:01you can save six people.
00:31:03The corrupt officials don't like
00:31:05Fu Kang and Chen Liang at all.
00:31:07So the gap in the middle is reduced
00:31:09so that it can reach the mouth of the refugees.
00:31:11Do you know how to do it?
00:31:13It doesn't matter if you know how to do it.
00:31:15Anyway, have you ever been starved?
00:31:17I'm sure you don't know.
00:31:19All you need to know is that
00:31:21if it's not so clear,
00:31:23it's not a refugee,
00:31:25but a starved person.
00:31:27Your words
00:31:29seem to make sense.
00:31:31Since you know that the local officials are corrupt,
00:31:33why don't you deal with them directly
00:31:35and let them know?
00:31:37If I deal with them directly,
00:31:39who will distribute the food?
00:31:41Uncle, are you going to do it yourself?
00:31:43You're an old man
00:31:45who doesn't know how to use a spoon.
00:31:49Don't be rude.
00:31:51You're really annoying.
00:31:53You know the truth,
00:31:55but you always come up with excuses.
00:31:57Prime Minister,
00:31:59you're the one who shouldn't say anything.
00:32:01After all,
00:32:03you've embezzled a lot of money and food these years.
00:32:08Don't talk nonsense.
00:32:10Your Majesty, please see it clearly.
00:32:12I have been an official for more than 20 years.
00:32:14I have never been afraid of anything
00:32:16for the people.
00:32:24Wu Yue Shi, apologize to Your Majesty.
00:32:26What's the matter, Wu Yue Shi?
00:32:28I was in charge of transporting relief food,
00:32:30but there was a fire on the way.
00:32:32Most of the relief food was lost.
00:32:34I concealed this matter
00:32:36and lied that the relief food had been distributed.
00:32:38Wu Yue Shi, how dare you!
00:32:40Your Majesty, I lost the relief food.
00:32:42I deserve to die.
00:32:44But it's all my responsibility.
00:32:46It has nothing to do with Prime Minister.
00:32:48Your Majesty, please punish me.
00:32:50Your Majesty, please punish me.
00:32:54Wu Yue Shi is dismissed
00:32:56and handed over to the Office of Procedure.
00:33:03I'm tired.
00:33:05Zhou Qian, help me go back to rest.
00:33:09Let's go back to the palace.
00:33:18why does the Prime Minister believe everything?
00:33:20It's obvious that the Prime Minister
00:33:22embezzled the relief food.
00:33:26His Majesty doesn't really believe it,
00:33:28but he has to believe it.
00:33:30The Prime Minister has many supporters in the court.
00:33:32Even His Majesty
00:33:34dare not act rashly.
00:33:36What kind of power balance are they doing?
00:33:38It's a shame
00:33:40to make the people suffer more.
00:33:44you are still young.
00:33:46Be careful not to grow taller.
00:33:52I want to be the emperor.
00:33:54I want to ascend the throne.
00:33:56I want the people not to suffer.
00:34:02do you really want to be the emperor?
00:34:04Ningguo has never had a female emperor.
00:34:06What's more, you are only six years old.
00:34:10being the emperor means having power.
00:34:12With power,
00:34:14no one dares to bully us.
00:34:16It's just a throne.
00:34:18With the three of us here,
00:34:20we can definitely protect Bao'er.
00:34:22Bao'er, we will protect you to ascend the throne.
00:34:24But if you want power,
00:34:26you have to work hard on your own.
00:34:28Uncle, don't worry.
00:34:30Bao'er is the first female emperor,
00:34:32but she won't be the last.
00:34:34I will make the people safe and happy.
00:34:36I will make Ningguo rich and powerful.
00:34:38I will make the Lin family flourishing.
00:34:54When I ascend the throne,
00:34:56you can tell the ministers
00:34:58whether they support you or not.
00:35:00I can't do anything about it.
00:35:02If they don't support you,
00:35:04the three of us and Bao'er
00:35:06can do something about it.
00:35:08Your Majesty,
00:35:10you don't have to worry about it.
00:35:12Don't blame me for not reminding you.
00:35:14The Empress Dowager has always been dissatisfied with you.
00:35:16They will definitely
00:35:18stop you from ascending the throne.
00:35:20That may not be the case.
00:35:28What are you doing?
00:35:30I'm here to give the new emperor
00:35:32a court uniform.
00:35:34I customized it
00:35:36and made it myself.
00:35:38Try it on later to see if it fits.
00:35:44Why are you so
00:35:46affectionate to Princess Minghui?
00:35:48Have you forgotten my poor sister, Zhuo Yang?
00:35:50I haven't forgotten her.
00:35:52You don't have to remind me.
00:35:54I've figured it out.
00:35:56Zhuo Yang committed suicide.
00:35:58I'm the Empress Dowager.
00:36:00I have to take care of the overall situation.
00:36:02Take care of the overall situation?
00:36:04Mother, your transformation is too fast.
00:36:06Stop talking nonsense.
00:36:08Where is the jade seal?
00:36:12It's here.
00:36:30Since you've made a decision,
00:36:32there's no room for regret.
00:36:36I won't regret it.
00:36:40I don't dare to regret it.
00:36:42Don't worry.
00:36:44As a free prince,
00:36:46you may live longer.
00:36:48Let's go.
00:36:50My love.
00:36:54I lied to you.
00:36:56It's just a small ball.
00:36:58It's just a small ball.
00:37:06It's just a small ball.
00:37:08My three palaces and six courtyards.
00:37:10My soldiers.
00:37:12What should I do with them?
00:37:14It won't be so easy for you.
00:37:16A six-year-old boy
00:37:18wants to be the emperor?
00:37:20Don't be too proud.
00:37:22I'll kill you.
00:37:26I'll kill you.
00:37:30I regret it.
00:37:32I've been the emperor
00:37:34for decades.
00:37:36I've destroyed the law of the country
00:37:38and made the people panic.
00:37:40What the people said
00:37:42is all my fault.
00:37:44I'm hereby to resign
00:37:46from the throne.
00:37:48Jiabao Yuan Nian
00:37:50ascended the throne
00:37:52at the age of six.
00:37:56The new emperor
00:37:58is hereby to kneel.
00:38:04The new emperor
00:38:06is hereby to kneel.
00:38:08Why don't you kneel,
00:38:10Duke Rong?
00:38:12Why should I kneel?
00:38:14There has never been a female emperor in the UK.
00:38:16Let alone a six-year-old boy.
00:38:18It's a matter of society.
00:38:20How can I let you go?
00:38:22I don't agree with the new emperor.
00:38:24Bao'er told us
00:38:26not to meddle.
00:38:28He'll go through this by himself.
00:38:30Don't worry.
00:38:32Bao'er knew it wasn't easy.
00:38:34So he's prepared.
00:38:36What do you mean?
00:38:38Of course
00:38:40we'll bring the new emperor back.
00:38:42What if we can't?
00:38:44Then we should
00:38:46have royal blood
00:38:48to inherit the throne.
00:38:50Royal blood?
00:38:52Duke Rong,
00:38:54you're the new emperor's cousin.
00:38:56You're also a royal blood.
00:38:58Why don't I give you the throne?
00:39:00It should be fair and square.
00:39:02I dare not.
00:39:04I'm a courtier.
00:39:06I won't commit treason.
00:39:08You dare?
00:39:10You've even tried the dragon robe.
00:39:12You've been waiting for this day.
00:39:14Unfortunately, I stole it first.
00:39:16So your beard is crooked.
00:39:20It's not true.
00:39:26I found it in your mansion.
00:39:30It's not mine.
00:39:32I have evidence.
00:39:34You can't deny it.
00:39:38arrest the traitor.
00:39:40I'm the new emperor's cousin.
00:39:42Who dares to touch me?
00:39:44I'll give you a chance.
00:39:46Let's make a bet.
00:39:48If you win,
00:39:50I'll give you the throne.
00:39:52I'll leave.
00:39:54If I win, you'll admit it.
00:39:56Bet on what?
00:39:58You can get close to me.
00:40:00I'll let you win.
00:40:04You're a traitor.
00:40:06I'll kill you.
00:40:08Come on.
00:40:16Duke Rong,
00:40:18I gave you a chance.
00:40:20But you didn't use it.
00:40:22How is it possible?
00:40:24You're so young,
00:40:26but you're so powerful.
00:40:28You're a monster.
00:40:30You have no idea.
00:40:32I'm a genius.
00:40:34I won't argue with you.
00:40:36I'm a god.
00:40:38How can a coward like you
00:40:40look up to me?
00:40:42You lost.
00:40:46take him down.
00:40:54Duke Rong,
00:40:56are you really wearing the dragon robe?
00:40:58It's true that soldiers respect themselves.
00:41:00I'm afraid the dragon robe is nothing.
00:41:02It's not easy to mess with the little emperor.
00:41:08Prime Minister,
00:41:10why don't you kneel?
00:41:14getting old.
00:41:16I can't use my knees well.
00:41:18I kneel slowly.
00:41:20I accept the edict.
00:41:24Long live the emperor.
00:41:30Work hard in the future.
00:41:32I'll give you a raise.
00:41:34You can do whatever you want.
00:41:36I have more than 100 ways
00:41:38to punish you.
00:41:40I dare not.
00:41:42I'll do my best
00:41:44and wait for you.
00:42:00how do I look today?
00:42:04You did well.
00:42:06But it's not enough.
00:42:08They were suppressed by you for a while.
00:42:10They will try to stop you later.
00:42:14since ancient times,
00:42:16only four-year-olds are allowed to ascend the throne.
00:42:18But they don't want me to be the emperor.
00:42:20It's not because I'm a boy.
00:42:22It's because I'm not a boy.
00:42:24In the world,
00:42:26men are respected.
00:42:28But in the future,
00:42:30there will be many obstacles.
00:42:32So my plan is
00:42:34instead of being respected by others,
00:42:36I'll be the emperor.
00:42:38Let's go.
00:42:40Long live the emperor.
00:42:46From today on,
00:42:48I'll implement a few new laws.
00:42:50The law of the country
00:42:52is not for children.
00:42:54It's inappropriate for the emperor
00:42:56to do so.
00:42:58Why are you in such a hurry?
00:43:00Why don't you learn from me
00:43:02and learn to read the memorials
00:43:06Don't you listen to me?
00:43:08Are you dissatisfied with me?
00:43:10I dare not.
00:43:12I'm just speaking the truth.
00:43:14If you do so,
00:43:16I'm afraid you'll make the courtiers
00:43:18cold-hearted and the people suffer.
00:43:20I heard that
00:43:22loyal ministers should be respectful.
00:43:24If you don't listen to me,
00:43:26the courtiers should die
00:43:28in the court.
00:43:30Who will go first?
00:43:34None of you?
00:43:36It seems that
00:43:38you're not loyal enough.
00:43:40Since you don't have the awareness
00:43:42of serving the people,
00:43:44what's the use of me keeping you?
00:43:46Your Majesty,
00:43:48in my opinion,
00:43:50the new officials are in a hurry.
00:43:52They should announce the new law
00:43:54as soon as they get the title.
00:43:56That's right.
00:43:58I think so, too.
00:44:00Your Majesty, please give the order.
00:44:02It seems that you're sincere.
00:44:04Then I'll tell you
00:44:06my new law.
00:44:10women can enjoy
00:44:12a day off
00:44:14every month
00:44:16on Women's Day.
00:44:18On Women's Day,
00:44:20women can enjoy
00:44:22half of the shopping.
00:44:24Women are idle at home.
00:44:26They just take their children
00:44:28to clean and serve the maids.
00:44:30They don't make money
00:44:32to support their families.
00:44:34How can they enjoy a day off?
00:44:36What's the new law?
00:44:40Arrest this unfilial man.
00:44:42Slap him 80 times.
00:44:44Yes, Your Majesty.
00:44:46There are so many wives and children
00:44:48on Women's Day.
00:44:50But you don't see them.
00:44:52You take your children to clean
00:44:54and serve the maids.
00:44:56Have you ever done this?
00:44:58What qualifications do you have?
00:45:00You said he was not tired.
00:45:02On Women's Day,
00:45:04not only women can take a day off,
00:45:06but all the work of the day
00:45:08is taken over by men.
00:45:10No matter father, brother, husband,
00:45:12or grandson,
00:45:14who dares to force women to work,
00:45:16how can they enjoy a day off?
00:45:18It's not that you have to give birth.
00:45:20There's nothing wrong with doing housework.
00:45:22You don't have hands or brains.
00:45:24Not only do men have to do women's work,
00:45:26but women can also do men's work.
00:45:28This is Article 2 of the Criminal Law.
00:45:30From today on,
00:45:32women can study,
00:45:34take exams, and become officials.
00:45:36No, Your Majesty.
00:45:38How can a woman become an official?
00:45:40This is to protect the country.
00:45:42Why can't a woman become an official?
00:45:44Women are stupid.
00:45:46They have long hair and short vision.
00:45:48How can a shallow person understand the will of a saint?
00:45:50How can a woman handle state affairs?
00:45:52Women are stupid and shallow.
00:45:54Someone, put her down.
00:45:56Slap her 80 times.
00:46:00Even if Your Majesty beats me to death,
00:46:02I have to say that
00:46:04Your Majesty's ascension to the throne
00:46:06is already a great risk to the world.
00:46:08Now you have to make a secret poem
00:46:10to make those stupid and shallow women
00:46:12understand the will of a saint.
00:46:14It's because you used the rules
00:46:16to subdue them.
00:46:18You used the so-called virtuous
00:46:20to judge them.
00:46:22The more stupid and shallow they are,
00:46:24the more assured you will be.
00:46:30We are all men.
00:46:32What are we afraid of?
00:46:34You are afraid that once women
00:46:36have the opportunity to choose,
00:46:38they will no longer live in seclusion.
00:46:40They will become scholars
00:46:42and staffs
00:46:44to compete with you.
00:46:46And you may not win.
00:46:48Your Majesty is still young.
00:46:50You don't know the responsibility of a woman.
00:46:52If you are not virtuous enough,
00:46:54how can you be a mother?
00:46:56And men are strong and women are weak.
00:46:58What ascension to the throne
00:47:00is a nonsense.
00:47:02Why are you so confident?
00:47:04Men are always better than women.
00:47:06Of course.
00:47:08Another bet?
00:47:10Duke Rong, who lost the last bet,
00:47:12is now born, isn't he?
00:47:14Yes. How can we make a bet?
00:47:16If we lose, we won't take advantage of it.
00:47:20Don't you dare?
00:47:22Are you afraid of losing your face?
00:47:24Let's make a bet.
00:47:26I bet on the dignity of men.
00:47:28I bet, too.
00:47:30Let's have a competition.
00:47:32One man and one woman
00:47:34will compete fairly.
00:47:36The winner will be punished
00:47:38and no new rules will be proposed.
00:47:40The winner will be supported
00:47:42and the new rules will be introduced.
00:47:44If it's cooking, embroidery,
00:47:46breastfeeding, and so on,
00:47:48we'd better not compete.
00:47:50I'll let you win.
00:47:52If you lose,
00:47:54I'll cut off his tongue.
00:48:04You impressed me.
00:48:06I want to recruit
00:48:08some useful people
00:48:10and make women
00:48:12more dignified.
00:48:14I don't want to be trapped
00:48:16like my mother.
00:48:18If I lose my life,
00:48:20I can't get justice.
00:48:22If you succeed,
00:48:24you'll benefit all women.
00:48:26Bao'er, are you confident
00:48:28in this bet?
00:48:30With your help,
00:48:32I'm sure you'll win.
00:48:34Don't worry.
00:48:36I'll find the most powerful woman
00:48:38in the world for you.
00:48:40No need.
00:48:42I want to find an ordinary woman
00:48:44hidden among the people.
00:48:48Bao'er, can you do it?
00:48:50Those ministers will find
00:48:52the most powerful man in the world.
00:48:56the most powerful man
00:48:58may not be as good as an ordinary woman.
00:49:03Are you Lady Liu San?
00:49:05Yes, I am.
00:49:07Do you want to buy a sword?
00:49:12His Majesty holds a competition.
00:49:14Both men and women can compete.
00:49:16The winner
00:49:18will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold.
00:49:20Lady Liu San,
00:49:22do you want to take part?
00:49:24I'm not 14.
00:49:26But I can deal with men.
00:49:32Greetings, Young Master.
00:49:40Is this His Majesty's order?
00:49:44Yes. Lady Yingge,
00:49:46do you want to represent all women?
00:49:48I'm just an eunuch.
00:49:50I'm afraid I can't win.
00:49:52You've come this far.
00:49:54It's not up to you.
00:49:56Besides, you're the Queen.
00:49:58Thank you, Your Majesty.
00:50:00I'm willing to give it a try.
00:50:08you can't go.
00:50:12Let go of me.
00:50:14I won't.
00:50:16The whole court is waiting for me
00:50:18to see His Majesty lose.
00:50:20You want to take part in the competition.
00:50:22You're betraying me.
00:50:24You're setting me on fire.
00:50:26It's none of your business.
00:50:28I'm willing to do it.
00:50:30I've seen enough of you men.
00:50:32There are only three places.
00:50:34If you don't go, it'll be too late.
00:50:36Get up.
00:50:44let me introduce them to you.
00:50:46These are the three heroes who will take part in the competition.
00:50:48This is
00:50:50Liao Shijie of Jingke Zhuangyuan.
00:50:52This is Ma Fengxian of Wuzhuangyuan.
00:50:54This is
00:50:56Mr. Lu Jinlu of Shixian.
00:51:00These three
00:51:02are the top talents in our country.
00:51:04I heard that
00:51:06our little emperor
00:51:08randomly found a few women to test.
00:51:10What a joke.
00:51:12This competition will make the little emperor
00:51:14lose badly and cry.
00:51:16Don't worry, gentlemen.
00:51:18Let's see how we can kill him.
00:51:24Long live the emperor.
00:51:28All right.
00:51:30Let's get started.
00:51:32Prime Minister, you'll be the host.
00:51:34I'll be in charge of watching.
00:51:36This competition
00:51:38officially begins.
00:51:42I'm Liao Shijie
00:51:44of Jingke Zhuangyuan.
00:51:46I'd like to have a discussion
00:51:48with you
00:51:50about military tactics.
00:51:52Let me do it.
00:51:54Lord Liu,
00:51:56isn't this Mrs. Yang?
00:51:58I'm the host.
00:52:00If you insist on coming,
00:52:02I can't help it.
00:52:04Mrs. Liu is the son of a general.
00:52:06I learned from her.
00:52:08Please go ahead.
00:52:10Okay. Let me ask you.
00:52:12The two armies are at war.
00:52:14The enemy king knows that he is invincible.
00:52:16He put the old and the weak
00:52:18in front of the soldiers
00:52:20What should we do?
00:52:22We should retreat.
00:52:24We can't attack the city
00:52:26with the corpses of the old and the weak.
00:52:28If you don't put up with it,
00:52:30and the enemy forces the old and the weak
00:52:32to the city,
00:52:34what should you do?
00:52:36If the enemy is so shameless,
00:52:38I'll blame them.
00:52:40So you still refuse to fight?
00:52:42I have other strategies.
00:52:44I can send troops to sneak up on the enemy.
00:52:46You're a saint.
00:52:48What are you talking about?
00:52:50You're so stupid.
00:52:54Mrs. Liu can't defeat me,
00:52:56so she did this.
00:52:58It's really humiliating.
00:53:00As a woman, I can't stand it.
00:53:02You know what?
00:53:04The two armies are at war.
00:53:06If you retreat twice,
00:53:08we'll have no morale.
00:53:10The enemy won't be kind to you.
00:53:12If you lose the battle,
00:53:14the injured will be the old and the weak.
00:53:16You! You! You!
00:53:18You're a coward who's never been to the battlefield.
00:53:20You don't deserve to talk to me about military strategies.
00:53:22I'm a rich woman,
00:53:24but I know the battlefield is heartless.
00:53:26In the face of the enemy,
00:53:28you have to fight with your heart.
00:53:30What about you?
00:53:32Do you dare?
00:53:34I dare.
00:53:36What the hell do you dare?
00:53:38Mrs. Liu said it well.
00:53:40Why is it over before it starts?
00:53:42Get out of here. It's humiliating.
00:53:44Winning this game
00:53:46is not a big deal.
00:53:48You're not going to play next, are you?
00:53:50Who's next? Come on.
00:53:54I'm Ma Fengxian of the Wuzhuangyuan.
00:53:56I'm here to fight with all of you.
00:54:02No matter who it is,
00:54:04I can give him three moves first.
00:54:06Is this little lady you?
00:54:08I think you look good.
00:54:10If you get hurt,
00:54:12that's not good.
00:54:14I'll play with you.
00:54:16Okay, I'll give you three moves first.
00:54:18Come on.
00:54:20Don't do this.
00:54:22The emperor said it was a fair game.
00:54:24What weapon do you use?
00:54:26I don't need a weapon to deal with women.
00:54:28If you really don't use a weapon,
00:54:30don't say I'm taking advantage of you.
00:54:32I said no.
00:54:34No matter what weapon you use,
00:54:36I only need one move.
00:54:38Men are hard to pretend.
00:54:40Come on.
00:54:44Come on.
00:54:46I thought it was amazing.
00:54:48I didn't even touch him.
00:54:50Wuzhuangyuan has been practicing martial arts since he was three years old.
00:54:52How can a killer compare to him?
00:54:54What are you doing?
00:55:08It's gorgeous.
00:55:12Come on.
00:55:14Send for an ambulance.
00:55:16Come on.
00:55:18Take this Wuzhuangyuan down for treatment.
00:55:20It's really useless.
00:55:22I haven't even made an effort yet.
00:55:24He fell down.
00:55:26If the soldiers of our Republic are all like this,
00:55:28the kingdom will soon be...
00:55:30Dear ministers,
00:55:32there is still the last round.
00:55:34Is it necessary to compete?
00:55:38Your Majesty,
00:55:40since we have decided to have three rounds of competition,
00:55:42we should finish it.
00:55:44Okay, let's do it.
00:55:46Yingge, I'll leave it to you.
00:55:52You are a prostitute.
00:55:54Your Majesty,
00:55:56how can I compete with a prostitute?
00:55:58This is an insult to me.
00:56:00What's wrong with being a prostitute?
00:56:02What you said
00:56:04shows that you have a narrow mind.
00:56:06We scholars
00:56:08have high morals.
00:56:10How dare we compete with these servants?
00:56:12You are a scholar,
00:56:14but your eyes are on your head.
00:56:16Your bones are rotten.
00:56:20Mr. Lu,
00:56:22don't you dare to compete with me?
00:56:24You are afraid of being criticized for losing to a prostitute.
00:56:26Why wouldn't I dare?
00:56:30I'll prove it to you today.
00:56:32Mr. Lu,
00:56:34how do you want to compete?
00:56:36Let's each write a poem.
00:56:40don't know how to write a poem.
00:56:44You don't know how to write a poem?
00:56:46Then why are you competing with me?
00:56:48Mr. Lu,
00:56:50I don't know how to write a poem,
00:56:52but I can sing.
00:56:54Poetry and singing are both elegant things.
00:56:56If it can move people's hearts,
00:56:58I think whether it is writing a poem
00:57:00or singing,
00:57:02they are all the same.
00:57:04You are really a prostitute.
00:57:06Okay, I'll compete with you.
00:57:08Mr. Lu, please.
00:57:10Let Mr. Lu write a poem first.
00:57:12Do you still dare to speak later?
00:57:14This prostitute
00:57:16Then I'll go first.
00:57:18If you still dare to speak later,
00:57:20use the pipa to play the flute
00:57:22and leave.
00:57:24There is no dust on the silver ground.
00:57:26The golden chrysanthemum blooms.
00:57:28The purple plum red dates
00:57:30cut the plums.
00:57:34I look at the autumn water
00:57:36and the full moon.
00:57:38The old man tonight
00:57:40will not come.
00:57:44Good poem, good poem.
00:57:46It is a good scene.
00:57:48I am deeply moved by it.
00:57:50I just made it up.
00:57:52To be fair,
00:57:54Miss Yingge,
00:57:56you should also make a song based on hope.
00:57:58She is a prostitute.
00:58:00What do you hope for?
00:58:02Do you still hope for a guest?
00:58:06The little girl is not talented.
00:58:08A song of the full moon
00:58:10Please give it a try.
00:58:12The old man tonight
00:58:14will not come.
00:58:16Good poem, good poem.
00:58:18It is a good scene.
00:58:20I am deeply moved by it.
00:58:22I just made it up.
00:58:24A song of the full moon
00:58:26Please give it a try.
00:58:28A song of the full moon
00:58:30Please give it a try.
00:58:32A song of the full moon
00:58:34Please give it a try.
00:58:36A song of the full moon
00:58:38Please give it a try.
00:58:40A song of the full moon
00:58:42Please give it a try.
00:58:44A song of the full moon
00:58:46Please give it a try.
00:58:56Flowers drift away
00:59:00Water flows away
00:59:04I miss you and I feel sad
00:59:12This love is endless
00:59:16How can I get rid of it?
00:59:20I put on a frown
00:59:22But my heart aches
00:59:29But my heart aches
00:59:35But my heart aches
00:59:45Your Majesty,
00:59:46when it comes to hope,
00:59:47a woman's life
00:59:48is all about hope.
00:59:49When she was young,
00:59:50she hoped that her parents would care for her more.
00:59:52When she was a girl,
00:59:53she hoped that she could meet a good man.
00:59:55She did not want to be rich,
00:59:56but she wanted to be safe and sound.
00:59:58After getting married,
00:59:59she worked hard to support her family.
01:00:01She hoped that her husband would come back earlier.
01:00:03When she was old,
01:00:04she hoped that her children would come back
01:00:06and share the happiness of the world.
01:00:10The song of the full moon
01:00:12has been around for three days.
01:00:13It is very meaningful.
01:00:14Do you like it?
01:00:16Well sung!
01:00:17Well said!
01:00:18You men
01:00:20have seen the vastness of the world,
01:00:22the vastness of the desert,
01:00:24the vastness of the sea,
01:00:26the vastness of the land,
01:00:27but what about your wives,
01:00:29and daughters?
01:00:30They only have one side of the sky
01:00:32and one side of the land.
01:00:33They hope day and night.
01:00:34They have been hoping for this for a lifetime.
01:00:37The court is a man's court.
01:00:39The world is a man's world.
01:00:43You have taken advantage of the world,
01:00:47but you blame women for being blind
01:00:50and not thinking about it.
01:00:51What kind of reason is this?
01:00:53Your Majesty,
01:00:54what are you talking about?
01:00:55Isn't the competition not over yet?
01:00:57Let's look at the following first.
01:00:58We don't know who will win.
01:01:00I lost.
01:01:02I admit defeat.
01:01:08For so many years,
01:01:09I have always been praised
01:01:11and respected.
01:01:13I forgot my original intention of studying.
01:01:15I even forgot
01:01:16that it was my mother and sister
01:01:19who taught me to read and write
01:01:21and made me do something.
01:01:22Without them,
01:01:23I wouldn't be where I am today.
01:01:25I still need others to remind me
01:01:27of such a simple principle
01:01:29of being a man and a son.
01:01:31I really shouldn't have.
01:01:32Miss Yingge,
01:01:33I apologize to you.
01:01:36I don't deserve to be a poet.
01:01:38I'm just a scholar.
01:01:41you don't have to mention poets anymore.
01:01:45Defeat and escape.
01:01:47We won the game again.
01:01:48What is the result of this game?
01:01:50It's obvious.
01:01:52do you admit it?
01:01:55You don't understand the principle of admitting defeat?
01:01:57Do you need me to teach you?
01:01:59Your Majesty,
01:02:00just admit it.
01:02:02Mrs. Liu,
01:02:04Mrs. Liu,
01:02:05listen up.
01:02:06The three of you
01:02:07helped me win the competition today
01:02:10and helped all the women in the world
01:02:11win the competition.
01:02:13Each of you will be rewarded with 100 taels of gold.
01:02:15Lady Feng,
01:02:16from now on,
01:02:17you will stay in the palace
01:02:18and help me carry out the new method.
01:02:20Are you willing to do so?
01:02:22Yes, Your Majesty.
01:02:31Your Majesty,
01:02:32in order to be safe,
01:02:33you'd better find more guards.
01:02:35There are too many devils out there now.
01:02:37I especially like
01:02:38pretty little girls.
01:02:49are you going out of the palace?
01:02:51I'm going out to carry out the new method.
01:02:54I think you're bored in the palace.
01:02:55Do you want to go out and play?
01:02:59don't expose me.
01:03:01I have something to do.
01:03:02The new method
01:03:03has been postponed for several months.
01:03:05I also want to see
01:03:06what the Ning State is like now.
01:03:09It's really hard to be an emperor.
01:03:12Bao'er has lost weight.
01:03:13Let's go.
01:03:14I'll take you out to play.
01:03:16I'm relieved
01:03:17to have a few old men.
01:03:19Your Majesty, take care.
01:03:20Take care, old men.
01:03:24Dear fellow villagers,
01:03:25from today on,
01:03:26the government will start issuing
01:03:27women's household registration.
01:03:28All 18-year-old women
01:03:30can go to the government.
01:03:31With a woman,
01:03:32she can get married
01:03:33and have children.
01:03:34After giving birth,
01:03:35she can have children of her own.
01:03:36A woman can raise a child alone.
01:03:38She can also provide birth insurance
01:03:39and a child support fund.
01:03:40In this way,
01:03:41can't women
01:03:42call themselves
01:03:43family members?
01:03:44I have an only daughter at home.
01:03:45I'll let her apply now.
01:03:47I also have a widow at home.
01:03:49I'll inform her now.
01:03:55Listen to me.
01:03:56Sit down.
01:03:57This is my husband.
01:03:59Although he is older,
01:04:00if you marry him,
01:04:01you will be his wife.
01:04:03This is a good thing
01:04:04that is hard to find.
01:04:06He is fifty years old.
01:04:07He can be my father.
01:04:08My family is poor
01:04:09and I have a sick mother.
01:04:11If I marry him,
01:04:12how can I have a good life?
01:04:13This is a rich family.
01:04:16He has no mother-in-law.
01:04:18If you marry him,
01:04:19you will have no worries
01:04:20and be the head of the family.
01:04:21Why don't you say
01:04:22he is greedy and greedy?
01:04:23He has five or six concubines
01:04:24fighting with each other.
01:04:25Even if he has money,
01:04:26he won't spend it on me.
01:04:27You are a widow.
01:04:28How dare you be so picky?
01:04:29Don't try to get married
01:04:30in your life.
01:04:32I have already got a woman.
01:04:34With this,
01:04:35I don't have to get married
01:04:36and I can live.
01:04:37Don't come to me
01:04:38in the future.
01:04:42It seems that this new method
01:04:43has brought a lot of changes
01:04:45and solved
01:04:46some women's problems.
01:04:47This is just the beginning.
01:04:49I hope
01:04:50there are still many things
01:04:51that women can do.
01:04:54Madam. Madam.
01:04:56Can you come back earlier tonight?
01:04:58What's the matter?
01:04:59Today is the 10th anniversary
01:05:01of our marriage.
01:05:03I want to have a drink
01:05:04with you
01:05:05in the hot spring.
01:05:07What drink?
01:05:08The reconnaissance team has just built it.
01:05:09I'm busy.
01:05:10Arrange your family well.
01:05:12And take care of the three meals a day.
01:05:14Pick up the child after school.
01:05:16And don't forget
01:05:17to give your mother a massage.
01:05:23Don't hit me.
01:05:28Don't hit me.
01:05:29What's the use of you?
01:05:30You don't cook breakfast.
01:05:31You don't wash your clothes.
01:05:33It's a waste to raise you.
01:05:34Today is Women's Day.
01:05:36According to the law,
01:05:37I should rest.
01:05:38I do everything by you.
01:05:39Women's Day?
01:05:41You really want to celebrate the festival
01:05:42but you don't want to work.
01:05:43Who do you think you are?
01:05:44Are you a rich wife?
01:05:45Do you have that fate?
01:05:51Go to the water.
01:05:52Don't die.
01:05:58Come on.
01:05:59Get out!
01:06:04What are you doing?
01:06:05The reconnaissance team is investigating.
01:06:06Someone reported that
01:06:07someone bullied
01:06:08and made women work here.
01:06:09It's none of your business.
01:06:11You not only make women work
01:06:13but also beat women.
01:06:14Come on.
01:06:15Arrest them.
01:06:16Lock them in the prison.
01:06:18In my own home?
01:06:19Beat my woman?
01:06:20None of your business.
01:06:22According to the new law of the emperor,
01:06:24those who beat women and children
01:06:26are guilty of intentional murder.
01:06:27Take them away.
01:06:29Let me go.
01:06:30Let me go.
01:06:36If he dares to beat you again,
01:06:37you report to the police.
01:06:38The more times, the more severe the sentence.
01:06:40If you don't want to live with him,
01:06:41go to the clinic to check the injury
01:06:42and bring a witness.
01:06:43The government will send you two to separate.
01:06:54Don't worry.
01:06:55There are many applications for female officials this year.
01:06:57Take your time.
01:06:59Lord Yingge,
01:07:00I don't read much.
01:07:01I can't write poems.
01:07:02Can I take the exam?
01:07:04Reading is for fame.
01:07:06Being a female official is for the people.
01:07:08It doesn't matter if you can't write poems.
01:07:10Miss Yingge,
01:07:11have some tea to warm your throat.
01:07:14Mr. Lu,
01:07:15why are you here again?
01:07:17I have nothing to do.
01:07:19Let me help you with the ink.
01:07:28Sister Lu,
01:07:29I'm sure you don't like him.
01:07:32I'm just sorry.
01:07:34This is called committing a sin.
01:07:36I looked down on him before,
01:07:37but now I'm in a hurry.
01:07:40We are so gossipy.
01:07:41It's embarrassing to be found.
01:07:43Let's go.
01:07:44I'm not embarrassed anyway.
01:07:47should be those
01:07:48self-righteous men.
01:07:50But it's time for us to go.
01:07:52Let's go.
01:07:59the female law has been issued.
01:08:01The investigation team has entered the right track.
01:08:03The female officials have also started to sign up.
01:08:06I will be able to choose a large number of people
01:08:09and send them to various places in the court
01:08:11to become my ears.
01:08:15there are so many people who signed up today.
01:08:18you will soon have your own power.
01:08:19There are not many women from ordinary people.
01:08:21It's useful for them to enter the court.
01:08:23Signing up is just the first step.
01:08:25After signing up,
01:08:26they still have to study.
01:08:27After studying,
01:08:28they can take the entrance exam
01:08:29with the certificate of graduation.
01:08:31After the exam,
01:08:32they can enter the court as officials.
01:08:34This method is good.
01:08:35In this way,
01:08:37Bao'er will definitely be able to choose a real pillar of the country.
01:08:39Bao'er is in a good mood today.
01:08:41I want to go to Suiyue Tower to eat a big meal.
01:08:43I want to go to the west market to see the fireworks.
01:08:45Bao'er won't go back to the palace today.
01:08:48Bao'er is in a good mood today.
01:08:50There is a big event in the court.
01:08:52Those female officials
01:08:53are much more diligent than those ministers.
01:08:56Bao'er can play with confidence today.
01:09:00Then let's have fun today.
01:09:02Eat freely.
01:09:05Slow down.
