Aceh is one of the provinces located

  • kemarin dulu
Aceh is one of the provinces located at the westernmost tip of Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra. This province is known for its long history, rich culture, and strong religious identity. With its Special Autonomy status, Aceh has broader autonomy rights than other provinces in Indonesia, including the implementation of Islamic sharia law. Aceh is also known as the "Veranda of Mecca" because of the strong relationship between the Acehnese people and Islam.

History of Aceh
The history of Aceh is closely related to the existence of the Aceh Sultanate, an Islamic kingdom that was once one of the great powers in the Southeast Asian region in the 16th to 19th centuries. This sultanate played an important role in international trade and the spread of Islam in the archipelago. Aceh became a center for Islamic religious studies and is known as one of the first regions in Indonesia to accept Islam.

Aceh also has a strong history of resistance against the Dutch colonialists. The Aceh War (1873–1904) was one of the longest and bloodiest resistance against the Dutch, in which the Acehnese people fought hard to defend their territory. Although the Aceh Sultanate eventually collapsed and its territory was integrated into the Dutch East Indies, the spirit of Acehnese resistance remained an integral part of its people's identity.

Aceh in Indonesia
After Indonesia's independence in 1945, Aceh became part of a unitary state. However, relations between Aceh and the central government were often tense due to differences in views on autonomy and resource distribution. At the beginning of independence, Aceh had the status of a separate province, but was later merged with North Sumatra Province, which sparked dissatisfaction among the Acehnese people.

This tension reached its peak with the emergence of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in 1976, which fought for Aceh's independence from Indonesia. Armed conflict between GAM and the Indonesian government lasted for decades and resulted in many casualties. However, after the Helsinki Peace Agreement in 2005, this conflict ended, and Aceh was granted Special Autonomy status.

Aceh Post-Peace
After the peace with GAM, Aceh underwent many changes, including the official implementation of Islamic sharia law in the province's legal system. Aceh also gained greater control over its natural resources, especially oil and gas. Post-conflict and post-tsunami development in 2004 has become a major focus of the central and regional governments, with many reconstruction efforts to restore Aceh's infrastructure and economy.

