الإمام السيد علي الخامنائي من كلمته في إحتفال تأبين سيد شهداء الأمة السيد حسن نصرالله | 2024-10-06

  • last week


00:00We are all affected and burdened by the martyrdom of our beloved master.
00:12It is a great loss.
00:15We have opened our ears to every meaning of the word.
00:21Our suffering does not mean depression, despair or distress.
00:30Rather, it is a form of our suffering
00:33upon the master of the martyrs, Hussain ibn Ali, peace be upon him.
00:40He gives life, inspires lessons, awakens resolve and instills hope.
00:50The late Hussain Nasrullah has left us with his body,
00:56but his true personality, his soul, his way of life and his honest voice
01:05will remain with us forever.
