Supreme Magus

  • 2 days ago
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00:00While my satanic father tried to sacrifice me, my mother hid me into a poor loving family.
00:06Now good and evil both live inside me.
00:10Which side of me will win this battle?
00:14It all started with Leith's miraculous birth, and you will soon know why.
00:20A smiling, healthy baby boy, the joy of everyone's life.
00:27But everything about Leith changed when...
00:31What's happening?
00:35What's happening?
00:36Leith felt a power within him, a power that was unbelievable for a newborn baby to have.
00:42Leith couldn't believe that he was doing all of this, but then someone took control of everything.
00:52He is sleeping now.
00:54What was that?
00:56The child is blessed by the light.
01:01Our baby boy is practicing magic already?
01:03I have magic powers?
01:05It's a miracle!
01:06Be silent!
01:07It is not natural for a child to show an aptitude for magic this early.
01:14Come now, you saw how he...
01:17I saw nothing!
01:19Do not speak of this again.
01:23Or there may be dire consequences for the boy.
01:26It was clear that Leith was no ordinary boy.
01:30He was born with special powers, special, which made him different from others.
01:37This is where it all began, and Orpahl could never love his own baby brother.
01:43I'm watching you.
01:48His jealousy only grew with time as Leith grew up to do wonders.
01:53Wonders that stunned everyone and his parents felt lucky to have him as their child.
01:58I think I can help dad.
02:04Leith was delighted with his powers.
02:06His practice over the years was showing desired results.
02:11That's my boy!
02:13That's my mage!
02:15He was so proud to have a mage in the family.
02:18But Leith's gifts made his brother, Orpahl, mad with jealousy.
02:26Magic is evil!
02:27Orpahl, don't push your little brother! What's the matter with you?
02:31Orpahl, apologize to your brother.
02:39Try this one.
02:42En garde! You don't stand a chance, Leith!
02:45The person Leith adored the most in the family was his dear sister, Tista.
02:50Leith had found himself a partner for life.
03:03Leith, sweetheart, can you try using your magic?
03:08Leith was not sure if he could help Tista with his limited practice.
03:12I'll try.
03:12But he still stepped up for Tista.
03:22Leith put all of his power and practice into play to cure Tista.
03:26He had really hoped high, but then...
03:34It's okay. Thanks for trying, baby brother.
03:38That day, Leith was heartbroken.
03:40But this was just the beginning of all the challenges that were coming to him.
03:44He had no idea what all were coming up.
03:48Any luck?
03:52There's just no game to hunt.
03:54That was the last of our food reserves.
03:58What if you go to the king's hunting ground?
04:00You could try going into the Tron Woods.
04:04Elena, you know entering is forbidden.
04:06If I'm caught, they'll hang me. Then what?
04:08If we do nothing!
04:10Our children starve!
04:11I know!
04:15I know.
04:18I'll go back out, keep searching.
04:20Maybe I could trade for food in town.
04:24I will think of something.
04:28Leith was starting to feel helpless, despite having magic.
04:33On the other hand, Tista's condition was worsening day by day.
04:38It hurts, Mama.
04:40I know, sweetheart.
04:42We're going to Nana's for more treatment tomorrow. You'll feel better then.
04:46We'd all feel better if someone put her out of her misery.
04:50Why'd you say that?
04:52Look at her. She's barely alive. There's not enough food to go around.
04:56Take it back! Tista's our sister and she's going to get better!
05:00You're both useless.
05:02Orpah's cruel words about Tista had raged Leith.
05:06But he was helpless, and then the mother decided to rely on the only hope, Nana.
05:11Nana was the most renowned lady in the village, who had the greatest magical abilities.
05:20Leith could sense a weird energy as soon as he entered Nana's house.
05:28It was almost that the place was waiting for Leith's arrival.
05:35And it was right then. Leith heard that voice.
05:37Come. This way.
05:41What the hell? Who said that?
05:51Did you just talk?
05:53I know what you are.
06:00What's happening?
06:01You are awakened.
06:03I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a kid.
06:08Leith, awakened child, blessed by light.
06:11You could be the most powerful mage of all.
06:16Who are you?
06:21What do you think you're doing, young man? That book is not a toy.
06:24Why did you pick it up?
06:27What was that voice? There were flames and...
06:30That's enough, Leith. Your imagination just got away with you, that's all.
06:37You heard a voice. What did it say? Speak!
06:41Leith knew that he could not lie to Nana.
06:45It just said my name, that's all.
06:48The flames sparked a smile on Nana's face, too. Only she knew what it meant.
06:53This passage. What does it say?
06:56Water flows from life. Fire is a burning rage. Dark magic is borrowed. Dark magic requires...
07:05He means no harm. He's a smart boy. He just learns very quickly.
07:10No. He has not learned anything.
07:15He remembers. He is awakened.
07:18Nana was sure about this because the book only calls out to the ones who are.
07:25I don't understand. What does this mean?
07:30You've been practicing magic, haven't you?
07:35Cast fire. There. Even a spark will do.
07:47Outside. I need to talk to your mother alone.
07:53I... I don't understand. You said...
07:58Leith is awakened.
08:01I've heard stories, but Nana, he is my son.
08:07Our souls are not our own.
08:11When we are reborn, we are washed clean to begin anew.
08:18Leith, he has memories of his past life. He is your son.
08:24But we don't know who he was before coming into this realm.
08:27Please. His abilities are growing day by day. I just... I don't know what to do anymore. You have to help.
08:33He exhibits power beyond anything I've seen in a child of his age.
08:38We have no idea who he was before. Good. Evil. In the wrong hands.
08:46This kind of magic could undo the world.
08:50He's good. I know he is. Please, Nana, help my son.
09:00In one year's time, if the boy has not revealed himself to be a dimwit or a malevolent tyrant,
09:07bring Leith to me and I will take him on as my apprentice.
09:14Thank you. Yes. You won't regret this.
09:17Of course. Let's tend to your daughter. Come.
09:23Orpal overheard his mother and Nana speak about Leith,
09:26and his mind was working towards a plan that would change everything, but...
09:31Unfortunately, as Leith grew stronger, his sister, Tista's condition remained the same.
09:39Routine treatments from Nana could only keep the sickness at bay.
09:50Leith was desperate to step up and help his sister with his magic,
09:54sometimes even at the cost of being dark.
09:57Leith was unaware that he was being followed.
10:02I knew it! I saw what you did! You're using dark magic!
10:06It was an accident! You're lying!
10:08I wanted to help Tista!
10:09You're evil! I always knew, ever since you were born!
10:14Orpal, stop! I'm your brother!
10:16You're not my brother! You're some kind of demon!
10:19And I won't let you hurt this family!
10:21I tried to warn you!
10:24I will be the most powerful mage this world has ever seen!
10:32Orpal could not believe what he was seeing.
10:39You're my brother, Orpal! I don't want to hurt you, but next time you attack me, I won't hold back!
10:45Leith's display of power was effective in getting his brother off his back, for a time.
10:51Leith was determined to find food, even if it meant venturing into the Forbidden Woods.
11:00Leith knew that the growls in the Forbidden Jungle only meant one thing.
11:05He looked around anxiously, only to realize that death was rushing towards him.
11:13Leith thought there was no way out for him.
11:17Right at that moment...
11:19Hey kids, get down!
11:28Let go!
11:30Easy there, kid.
11:32You almost killed me!
11:34I just saved you.
11:35You would have been ripped to shreds if I hadn't been here. A thank you would be nice.
11:39I had it under control.
11:42Sure you did.
11:45What's a little imp like you doing in the Tron's Woods anyway? You lost?
11:49I was hunting.
11:54You know hunting in the King's Woods is forbidden? Punishable by death.
11:59Then why are you here?
12:02Because I neither fear the laws of kings nor the claws of beasts.
12:07The name's Celia.
12:09You best be running home to your mother, little imp.
12:12I'm on the hunt and can't spend all day playing wet nurse.
12:16Wait! Teach me how to hunt!
12:20Why would I do that?
12:22I have magic. I can help.
12:25I have no use for parlor tricks.
12:27Get lost, little imp.
12:31The hunter underestimated Leith, but then soon realized that he was actually capable of.
12:45Over the next few weeks, the hunter Celia took Leith as an apprentice.
12:55Right here. You don't want to waste anything.
12:58She taught him how to butcher an animal, how to trap, how to hunt.
13:05Leith proved to be a fast learner.
13:23Not bad, little imp.
13:24His skills finally helped him to provide for his family.
13:28And that night, Leith's family smiled after weeks.
13:31Thanks for catching such yummy food, Leith.
13:33I used my magic to find the animals.
13:35It's the least I could do.
13:38Except for Orple.
13:40Orple, what's gotten into you?
13:43Not eating it.
13:46What did you say?
13:47Not eating anything he killed with his evil magic.
13:51There's nothing wrong with it.
13:52I'm eating it, too.
13:53Like I trust you.
13:55I know what you are.
13:57One day, I'm going to stop you.
14:00If Orple won't accept the kindness of his brother,
14:06he can just go hungry.
14:09Orple was furious with the situation,
14:11but he held himself back as he was preparing for the right time.
14:24Leith had all his effort into training himself,
14:27but it seemed to drain him even further.
14:34This way.
14:36Who's there?
14:37Find him.
14:52Talking Rock?
14:55I am called Solace.
14:57At least, I was.
15:00But how did you end up like this?
15:02It will be easier to show you.
15:05There was once a great tower in these woods, centuries ago.
15:11I was the master of this tower,
15:14and a master of the magical arts.
15:19I bound my soul to the tower in order to enhance my strength
15:24and preserve my spirit.
15:35I found the witch!
15:44I was murdered.
15:46But thanks to my magic,
15:48my spirit survived, linked to the tower.
15:54Countless years passed,
15:56and the tower eroded into nothing but pebbles.
16:04Neither of us will reappear.
16:06Now, all that remains of the tower, of me,
16:12is that small stone.
16:19So why do you call out to me?
16:22I need a host.
16:23If I'm to survive much longer,
16:25someone strong in the ways of magic.
16:28Lith was finding it hard to trust her, but then...
16:31I assure you, the benefits would be mutual.
16:36If you agree to bind your soul with mine,
16:40I can grant you
16:41incredible power.
16:44Lith thought that he had finally found his way to level up
16:47and save his family from all the miseries.
16:50Lith decided to stay back and follow what the witch said,
16:53so that their souls become one,
16:55and Lith becomes a powerful magician.
17:07But then, he saw things that scared him to the core.
17:10Then again, there was no turning back for him if he wanted to save his family,
17:15and most importantly, his sister.
17:17So, he decided to live his fear.
17:20While Lith was ready to test his powers now,
17:22Orple kept a keen watch on him.
17:25What Orple saw with his own eyes blew his mind.
17:52I feel so...
17:54Good, how did you...
17:55Your hair!
17:56Lith's healing abilities improved as well,
17:59with some minor cosmetic side effects.
18:02I like it.
18:15I got your note!
18:17Why are we meeting way out here?
18:21Where are you?
18:28Got you now!
18:29Ha, I got your magic stone.
18:33Orple thought the solar stone was the source of Lith's power,
18:36and that he would be helpless without it.
18:38Take that!
18:41Stop, please!
18:42I don't want to hurt you!
18:44Hurt me?
18:46I took your magic,
18:47and now I'm going to take your life.
18:49Orple couldn't have been more wrong.
18:52And then Lith did what no brother would ever think of doing it.
18:56Did you really think you could take my power?
18:59I warned you, Orple!
19:01No more second chances!
19:05Did Lith just killed his own brother?
19:07Is Lith's power actually a boon or a dark force in hiding?
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