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Season 30 | show | 2024| S30 | Official Trailer | dHNzX01zQldXUEY5UnA0


00:00This is Cass and McQueen.
00:11Here is about family.
00:12Here is to a great afternoon.
00:14And us all getting to know each other properly.
00:18Are you ready for the next chapter of our lives?
00:20I want to be the young, funny couple that you're talking about.
00:23Forensics found bullets covered in blue paint.
00:25The trademark of a gangster named Blue.
00:27Freddie is Blue.
00:28Don't know what this Blue is but it ain't me.
00:30Blue could literally be anyone.
00:33Get your grabby little mitts off my husband.
00:35I have just the job for a couple of hoes.
00:37Excuse me?
00:38Garden hoes.
00:39What did you think I meant?
00:40Tony's deadheading.
00:41I need to do this.
00:43He's not Patrick.
00:44And how long will that take you to get in your head?
00:46I've known Maxine for over 10 years.
00:48I've known him 10 minutes.
00:49I wish I had your strength when I was your age.
00:51Oh Tony, you sound like a human.
00:52It's not about size, it's about our son's happiness.
00:56You sure about this?
00:57Just shut up and kiss me.
00:58Donny and I are still getting to know each other.
01:00Yeah, our feelings got on with life.
01:02You haven't.
01:03The cheek of it.
01:06You're a beautiful little girl.
01:08Oh, blow me neck.
01:09I've just wet me plants.
01:11Soiled meself.
01:12We're a no.
01:15You're gonna help me destroy Warren Fox.
01:18I do love you.
01:19Do you?
01:20You remind me a bit of me.
01:21You're a tough little cookie.
01:22If you don't stop, I'm gonna tell Donny.
01:25What, we have one drunken conversation about opening up our relationship
01:28and then you're in bed with Teresa again?
01:30I just hope he's talking to someone.
01:33Because he's not talking to me.
01:38Warren is spiraling out of control.
01:40I don't care.
01:41This time I get to do it right.
01:43She said them two work together.
01:44Yeah, well she was clearly lying, wasn't she?
01:47You're perfect.
01:48Whatever has happened to Scott,
01:50Jeremy Blake has got something to do with it.
01:52You're gonna need a lot more evidence.
01:55Mummy's here.
01:56Out now!
01:57Everyone out!
01:58I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, come on.
02:22We do need to think of a name for him.
02:25So, for Felix's little girl, I was thinking...
02:29Maria Carmela.
02:31Is that what you wanted?
02:33Well, it's what I want and it's in memory of Carmel, so...
02:36Well, I was thinking of calling our girl Kater.
02:39No, she's gonna be called Maria Gabriela.
02:44After Gabriel.
02:46What's with all the Marias?
02:47Well, it's a good, strong Catholic girl name.
02:51And how long have you been a good, strong Catholic girl?
02:54I squished these two out yesterday.
02:56My body is a wreck and these are about to explode.
02:58So, I am gonna name the girls
03:01and they are gonna be the most entitled princesses ever
03:04and get everything that we never have.
03:07Okay, well, hello, Maria Carmela
03:11and hello, Maria Gabriela.
03:14Classy ass.
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