TFNation 2023: Transformers - "Beast Wars Neo" Hydra || Runestone Reports #26

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#Transformers #BeastWars #BeastWarsTransformers #Hydra

No three-headed dragon mode?! Rip-off!


00:26how often the terms redeco and repaint are used interchangeably, they don't quite mean
00:31the same thing. With a redeco, the plastic colours and paint applications change. With
00:37a repaint, it's just the latter.
00:40Beast Wars Neo Hydra is one of the few figures you could genuinely call a repaint. Take Beast
00:46Wars Lazor Beak, paint his wings silver, print his beast head patterns in reverse, paint
00:51the robot mode face and shins silver instead of red, and voila, Hydra. It's the same
00:58purple plastic, even some of Lazor Beak's paint apps, like the yellow eyes, white teeth,
01:03and red back markings in beast mode were unaltered. I should address that Lazor Beak is actually
01:09a separate mould from Pterosaur, they're just near identical, save for the energon
01:14chip embedded in one of Lazor Beak's wings, which of course means Hydra has one.
01:20I like Hydra, but I'm unsure if he's my favourite of the basic class Pteranodons I
01:24own thus far. Counting the Pterosaur and Lazor Beak moulds as one, it's a nice looking design,
01:31with decent posability for its time. As I said in my Lazor Beak video, if you have two
01:36or more versions, you're no doubt after the whole set. Whether or not you can catch
01:41them all is another story.
01:43For the next report. Ooh, shiny!
