Barney The Backyard Show (VHS)

  • last week
00:00Hi, kids!
00:29I'm Barney the Dinosaur!
00:31Guess what!
00:32Now you can join my fan club!
00:35Just send me your name and address, and I'll send you a special surprise through the mail!
00:39Ooh, gotta go!
00:41It's almost time for my show!
00:42See you later!
00:48Everybody loves Barney!
00:49And now you can have your very own toy Barney!
00:50Join the fan club and find out how!
00:54Hi, I'm Sandy Duncan.
01:00Most of you may know me from my work in theater and television, but I'm also a working mother,
01:05and like you, I'd like my kids to watch quality programming.
01:09The producers of these videos have made a commitment to quality in both entertainment
01:14and education.
01:16That's why they're calling it edutainment.
01:18The stories reinforce positive family values while the kids sing and dance along with the
01:23songs and rhymes we've all grown up with.
01:26I'll be back at the end of the program with a few words about this musical series, but
01:30right now, it's time for The Backyard Show.
01:34Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination, and when he's tall, he's what we call a dinosaur
01:50Barney lives with Michael and with Amy, then you'll soon see.
01:59Little Tina tags along with her big sister Lucy.
02:04Jason is in Barney's club and Adam has a ticket, but Mom has never seen him,
02:10cause she doesn't know our secret.
02:13Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him.
02:19Barney can be your friend too if you just let me leave him.
02:44Okay, here we go.
02:49That's a great catch, Mom!
02:50We could use you on our tee-ball team.
02:52You know, honey, I think it is time to get this toaster fixed.
02:56Yeah, maybe next Saturday, dear.
02:58Right now, I've got to get going.
03:01Oh, you don't want to be late for that golf game.
03:03You know, it's a shame I have to play today, of all days.
03:08What's so special about today, Daddy?
03:11Well, you know, it's a beautiful day.
03:14And it's a Saturday.
03:16Hey, maybe we could do something together as a family.
03:18Sure, maybe when you get back.
03:20Yeah, well, okay, see you in a couple hours.
03:24Wait, Dad!
03:25Haven't you forgotten something?
03:29I love you, you love me.
03:33We're as happy as can be.
03:37With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
03:42Won't you say you love me, too?
03:48I love you, you love me.
03:52We're a happy family.
03:55With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
03:59Won't you say you love me, too?
04:07I love you all.
04:08Love you, too, Dad.
04:11Oh, there are the guys.
04:12Gotta go.
04:13Bye, Dad.
04:14Bye, Daddy.
04:15I'll see you in a couple hours.
04:16Have fun.
04:17Sure, have a great golf game.
04:20He is gonna hit you.
04:24He thinks we forgot his birthday.
04:27Well, he'd be surprised when he comes back.
04:30That's right.
04:31I better get started making that cake.
04:34What, honey?
04:35I wish we could do something special for Daddy.
04:37Yeah, let's give him a birthday he won't forget.
04:41Well, let's think about this.
04:56I know.
04:58Why don't you kids do a birthday show for Dad?
05:02We don't have any costumes or anything.
05:05Michael, out in that garage, I mean your clubhouse,
05:10there's that box.
05:11It's full of old clothes.
05:12I mean, there's all kinds of stuff out there.
05:14I think there's even some old Halloween costumes.
05:17Can we ask the gang to help us?
05:20I think this ought to be a big birthday show.
05:23Oh, wait.
05:24Don't you think you ought to call your friends first?
05:26Nah, it's Saturday morning.
05:27They're probably on their way right now.
05:40Oh, look, Michael.
06:05This is my very first dance costume.
06:11Hey, guys. What's going on?
06:13Hi, gang. We were waiting for you.
06:15What's up? Today's our daddy's birthday.
06:18We're going to put on a show for him when he gets back.
06:20It's going to be a surprise.
06:22Boy, I like shows.
06:23I can sing.
06:24I can dance.
06:25We all have a part in the show.
06:27We've got to think up some ideas and we don't have much time.
06:31But if our gang works together, we can do it.
06:34Hey, hey, the gang's all here.
06:37We're going to do a real show.
06:39It's going to be a big show.
06:41Hooray, hooray, the gang's all here.
06:44So let's begin to work right now.
06:47Hey, hey, the gang's all here.
06:51We're going to do a real show.
06:53It's going to be a big show.
06:55Hooray, hooray, the gang's all here.
06:58So let's begin to work right now.
07:33Boy, that was fun.
07:35I like that.
07:42Oh, look at this.
07:49A magician, look.
07:52All right.
07:55Look at this, Amy.
07:57It's a doll, don't you think?
08:01Oh, look at this.
08:05Oh, Michael, look what I found.
08:07Barney the dinosaur.
08:09How did he get in there?
08:11I'm going to put him right here so he can watch our show.
08:15I don't think there's going to be a show.
08:17What do you mean?
08:19Well, there's no way we can put on a show with all this stuff in a couple of hours.
08:28Yeah, we need help.
08:34Maybe if we all close our eyes and wish real hard, maybe.
09:15Hi, kids.
09:32Hi, everybody.
09:33Hi, kids.
09:34How's my little friend, Tina?
09:37Can you come over here and give me a big hug?
09:40Oh, I've missed you.
09:43Well, what's this about needing help?
09:47We want to put on a show for my daddy to surprise him on his birthday.
09:51But we don't know what to do.
09:53Well, what things do you do best?
09:56Can you sing?
09:57Can you dance?
09:58Or tell jokes?
09:59Or do magic tricks?
10:01I can sing bumping up and down in my little red wagon, but I don't have a wagon.
10:07Here's one.
10:09But that's old and rusty.
10:11You could make believe it's new.
10:15I can't do that.
10:17Oh, sure you can.
10:18Just close your eyes and wish real hard.
10:42There you are, Tina.
10:45Okay, get ready.
11:22Won't my daddy love it?
11:31That was great, Tina.
11:33But now what can we do?
11:35Well, what else did you find in the boxes?
11:37Well, I found a bunch of old umbrellas, but they don't look very good.
11:42Nobody would go far with that.
11:45But what can we do with them?
11:48I know a song about six little ducks.
11:51It would be cute if the ducks carried umbrellas.
11:54Everybody grab an umbrella and line up.
12:02Now open your umbrellas.
12:09Barney's done it again.
12:11Now let's hear the song.
13:34You're all going to be stars.
13:37He looks like a director.
13:40Can you kids find anything else we can use in the show?
13:44How about these Halloween costumes?
13:47I could be a bumblebee.
13:50And I could be Humpty Dumpty.
13:52But what would you do?
13:54I could sing.
13:55And I could sting.
13:57Not if I squat you first.
13:59Wait a minute.
14:01A bumblebee is not something to play with.
14:04They could hurt you.
14:06It's only Amy. She couldn't hurt anybody.
14:09Well, in that case, let's give it a try.
15:21I'm just making believe I'm Humpty Dumpty.
15:25Would you like to meet the real Humpty Dumpty?
15:28Come on down here now.
15:30Let's all say the rhyme and use your imaginations.
15:54Why don't we use that old cuckoo clock to do another nursery rhyme?
15:57Which one?
15:58Hickory dickory dock.
15:59That's just an old clock.
16:01I could fix that.
16:05Just look at the clock and recite the nursery rhyme.
16:08ΒΆ Hickory dickory dock ΒΆ
16:10ΒΆ The mouse ran up the clock ΒΆ
16:13ΒΆ The clock struck one ΒΆ
16:15ΒΆ And down he ran ΒΆ
16:17ΒΆ Hickory dickory dock ΒΆ
16:22That was fun!
16:24Do you know any more rhymes?
16:26How about this little piggy?
16:28Okay, how's this?
16:30But that's just a picture of three yucca plants and three boulders.
16:34How about this?
16:36Now it's blank!
16:38And now you make believe.
16:40Look at the picture frame and say the rhyme.
16:43ΒΆ This little piggy went to market ΒΆ
16:46ΒΆ This little piggy stayed home ΒΆ
16:50ΒΆ This little piggy had roast beef ΒΆ
16:54ΒΆ This little piggy had none ΒΆ
16:57ΒΆ This little piggy cried wee, wee, wee ΒΆ
17:01ΒΆ All the way home ΒΆ
17:07How did you do that?
17:09I didn't. You did.
17:11That is, your imaginations did.
17:14That was fun, Barney.
17:16But do you still think we can put on a show for Daddy?
17:19Sure, you can.
17:21Michael! Barney! Mommy's coming!
18:021, 2, 3...
18:08What's going on?
18:10Oh, uh, we're just getting ready to do our show.
18:14Oh, good. I hope you're almost ready, because you know something?
18:18Your daddy's gonna be home any minute.
18:20Yeah, we'll be ready.
18:22You know what?
18:23What, Tina?
18:24It's fun doing something for somebody else.
18:27It sure is, isn't it?
18:28Are you all having a good time?
18:32If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
18:35If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
18:39If you're happy and you know it, then you really ought to show it.
18:43If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
18:46If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet.
18:50If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet.
18:53If you're happy and you know it, then you really ought to show it.
18:57If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet.
19:01If you're happy and you know it, shout hooray!
19:04If you're happy and you know it, shout hooray!
19:08If you're happy and you know it, then you really ought to show it.
19:12If you're happy and you know it, shout hooray!
19:15If you're happy and you know it, do all three.
19:19If you're happy and you know it, do all three.
19:22If you're happy and you know it, then you really ought to show it.
19:26If you're happy and you know it, do all three.
19:35Okay, okay, okay.
19:37Now, we have really got to get busy and finish up
19:40because your daddy is going to be home any minute.
19:43Now I want you to go and take a look at the surprise I made for you.
19:47Oh, she fixed it up!
20:02Mom, you fixed up the backyard!
20:06Oh, I love you, Mom.
20:08I love you, too.
20:09Now, it's getting late, so you better get everything ready
20:12because as soon as Daddy gets here, the show goes on, all right?
20:15All right.
20:18Let me out of here!
20:28There's no time to waste.
20:30Get your costumes and things together and let's get them on the stage.
20:55Everything's ready.
20:56Good. Now, don't you worry.
20:58It'll be a great show.
21:00I'll watch from back here.
21:03Is that Daddy's car?
21:05Yes, and here he comes.
21:17What is going on here?
21:19Welcome home, Daddy.
21:20We want to surprise you with the birthday show.
21:22So, you didn't forget my birthday, huh?
21:25Well, of course we didn't.
21:27But you've got to hurry and sit down because the show is about to begin.
21:45This is our birthday show!
21:46We'll tell you jokes and get to think!
21:48We're ready to do anything!
21:50So, are you ready?
22:02do anything. So if you like us, clap and let us know. Hello, hello, hello.
22:09I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad
22:39for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day.
23:09I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad
23:39for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day.
24:10I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad
24:17for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day.
24:24I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad
24:31for a long, very long day. I've been working on the railroad for a long, very long day.
24:39Down came the good fairy and she said, Little bunny foo-foo, I don't want to see you
24:47Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head. I'll give you three chances and
24:54if you don't behave, I'll turn you into a goon the next day.
24:59Little bunny foo-foo, hopping through the forest, Scooping up the field mice and bopping
25:06them on the head.
25:07Down came the good fairy and she said, Little bunny foo-foo, I don't want to see you
25:15Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head. I'll give you two more chances
25:22and if you don't behave, I'll turn you into a goon the next day.
25:28Little bunny foo-foo, hopping through the forest, Scooping up the field mice and bopping
25:34them on the head.
25:35Down came the good fairy and she said, Little bunny foo-foo, I don't want to see you
25:43Scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head.
25:47I'll give you one more chance and if you don't behave, I'll turn you into a goon the next day.
25:55Little bunny foo-foo, hopping through the forest, Scooping up the field mice and bopping
26:01them on the head.
26:03Down came the good fairy and turned little bunny foo-foo into a goon.
26:12And the moral of this story is hair today, goon tomorrow.
26:25Dad, we hope you liked our show. Now we come to the best part.
26:38For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow
26:44that nobody can deny, that nobody can deny, that nobody can deny.
26:51For he's a jolly good fellow that nobody can deny.
27:08Thanks, this is the best birthday I've ever had. And it's really nice of your friends
27:12to help you with the show.
27:14Oh, we loved it.
27:18Now it's daddy's turn to do something.
27:21Oh, no, but I don't sing.
27:23But you can do the hokey pokey.
27:25Oh, no.
27:27Oh, I would like to see that.
27:38You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out.
27:41You put your right hand in and you shake it all about.
27:45You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
27:48That's what it's all about.
27:51Hey, you put your left hand in, you put your left hand out.
27:55You put your left hand in and you shake it all about.
27:58You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
28:02That's what it's all about.
28:04Hey, you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out.
28:08You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.
28:12You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
28:15That's what it's all about.
28:18Hey, you put your left foot in, you put your left foot out.
28:22You put your left foot in and you shake it all about.
28:26Bonnie, where are you?
28:30Bonnie, you're such a wonderful friend.
28:33You always come to our help when we need you.
28:35I love you, Bonnie.
28:38I love you, too. You're a neat friend.
28:42That's what it's all about.
28:44Hey, you put your left shoulder in, you put your left shoulder out.
28:48You put your left shoulder in and you shake it all about.
28:52You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
28:55That's what it's all about.
28:58Hey, you put your right hip in, you put your right hip out.
29:02You put your right hip in and you shake it all about.
29:05You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
29:08That's what it's all about.
29:11Hey, you put your whole self in, you put your whole self out.
29:15You put your whole self in and you shake it all about.
29:18You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
29:22That's what it's all about.
29:32Hey, listen to this.
29:34Give this to your mom, okay?
29:37I'm going to get you guys back from this.
29:39Give this to your mom.
29:41Here you go.
29:44Can I have my blanket?
29:46Can I have my blanket?
29:48One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
30:48As a parent, I'm happy to be a part of this creative musical series called Barney and the Backyard Gang.
31:07We all know what a tremendous impact TV has on young children.
31:11We parents need to be concerned about what our kids watch during this important stage in their lives.
31:17Each video in this edutainment series is educationally sound.
31:22But what's just as important, they're fun to watch.
31:25Over a dozen traditional songs and rhymes are included that even mom and dad will love to sing.
31:31Your kids will ask to see Barney and his friends over and over again.
31:36Isn't it great to know they can have fun and learn new things at the same time?
31:41In other adventures in this series, the kids are transported far from the backyard.
31:47Thanks to their special friend, Barney, who encourages them to use their imaginations.
31:55Everybody get back into the pool.
31:58Close your eyes and pretend real hard.
32:02And I'll take you on a make-believe trip to the beach.
32:06Shim-ba-ree, shim-ba-la, shim-ba-ree, shim-ba-la.
32:13Seesaw up and down, which is the way to London Town.
32:18One foot up and one foot down, this is the way to London Town.
32:24Friends are forever whenever they're make-believe.
32:34He could be anything from a crazy cartoon.
32:40To a funny old monkey, a man on the moon.
32:44Then you take your sandwich and you eat it, you eat it.
32:48Then you take your sandwich and you eat it, you eat it.
32:51Cause good peanut butter, good peanut butter, good.
32:59Now doesn't that sound like fun?
33:01Well, it is.
33:02So treat your kids to some more wholesome musical entertainment.
33:06When Barney's around, there's no telling where their imaginations will take them.
33:10So until next time, this is Sandy Duncan saying goodbye.
