Eposide 115 In Indo Subtitles : Battle through the heavens Season 5 Official In | Btth Season 6

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Eposide 115 In Indo Subtitles : Battle through the heavens Season 5 Official In | Btth Season 6
Battle through the heavens season 6 eposide 115
Battle through the heavens season 5 eposide 115
btth donghua new episode 115 #btth_new_eposide_116
#btth #donghua #eposide_115 #xiaoyan #cailin #fengzunzhe #xiao_yi_xian
00:00面对仇人巫护法,硝烟积压多年的愤怒彻底爆发。Rou使冰河谷三位强者丽宝,硝烟也毫不畏惧。In the face of the enemy's Wu Hu Fa, Xiao Yan's anger, which has been suppressed for many years, has completely erupted.
00:07饶使冰河谷三位强者丽宝,硝烟也毫不畏惧。Rou made the three strong men of the Ice River Valley weak, and Xiao Yan was not afraid.
00:12最终,巫护法被硝烟擒下,而冰河谷三位强者两死一伤。In the end, Wu Hu Fa was captured by Xiao Yan, and the three strong men of the Ice River Valley were both dead and injured.
00:20正当硝烟即将手刃仇人之时,文殿援军赶到,好在小一线及时破关而出拦下强敌,一场斗尊之战即将爆发。When Xiao Yan was about to take down the enemy, the reinforcements of Wen Dian arrived. Fortunately, Xiao Yi County broke through in time and stopped the strong enemy. A battle for the throne is about to break out.
00:50优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
01:09你成功了!You did it!
01:13你伤得怎么样?How are you?
01:14放心,伤我伤成这样的人,伤势比我严重百倍。Don't worry, I've been hurt hundreds of times.
01:20你也是硝烟的同党?此事是我魂殿与硝烟之间的恩怨。奉劝你,莫要用一时之力去招惹一个你得罪不起的势力。You are also an accomplice of Xiao Yan? This is a grudge between Wen Dian and Xiao Yan. I advise you not to provoke a force that you can't afford to offend.
01:34魂殿?连他的一根手指都比不上。Wen Dian? He's no match for him.
01:39狂妄!你带人将那小子擒下来,此人交给我来对付。Yes, Your Majesty. Take him down and let me deal with him.
01:45是!Yes, Your Majesty.
02:01不好,快退!Oh, no! Retreat!
02:05这,这是什么毒?What is this poison?
02:10正巧,我也想试试斗尊强者究竟厉害到何种程度。今日,便先拿你练练手吧。What a coincidence, I also want to test how strong the one who fights with me is. Let's practice with you today.
02:34这是何种毒气?居然这般恐怖。What is this poison? It's so scary.
02:55小音受伤了,先离开这里再说。我来破坏掉寒气屏障,也来拦住他们。Xiao Yan is injured. Let's get out of here first. I'll destroy the ice barrier and stop them.
03:04是!Yes, Your Majesty.
03:34走!Let's go!
04:05该死!Damn it!
04:06没想到,先天的恶暖毒体居然还能被控制。I didn't expect that the evil poison in the heaven could be controlled.
04:35倒是本尊失算了。I miscalculated.
04:43这,这是冰河谷谷主冰河?天呐,他怎么来了?小岩先生,这次怕是在劫难逃了。This is the Valley Master of Ice River Valley, Ice River? Oh my god, why is he here? Mr. Xiao Yan, I'm afraid you can't escape this time.
04:55这老妖怪居然亲自来了。Greetings, Valley Master.
04:59见谷谷主。Greetings, Valley Master.
05:01天蛇呢?Where is the Heavenly Snake?
05:09冰谷主,那名为小岩之人是店主亲自点名所要。还望谷主在将他擒获后给我魂殿一份薄面,将他交予我。Valley Master, the person named Xiao Yan was named by the owner himself. I hope you will give him to me after you capture him.
05:23我只要恶难毒体。I only want the evil poison.
05:26这家伙实力不会比烽烟谷的唐镇弱,恐怕我们加起来都不是对手。This guy's strength won't be as weak as Fenyan Valley's Tang Formation. I'm afraid we're no match for him.
05:32如今我体内的斗气已经恢复了一些,勉强还能再施展一次毁灭火链,到时你与天火前辈趁机。Now that I've regained some of my fighting spirit, I can still try to destroy the fire chain again. You and Mr. Tianhuo can take the opportunity.
05:40他要抓的是我,待会儿我拦住他们,你与天火前辈找机会先走。He wants to catch me, I'll stop them later, you and Mr. Tianhuo can leave first.
05:43别争了,老夫已死过一次,这些事老夫更有经验,还是我来吧。Stop fighting, I've already died once, I'm more experienced in these things, let me do it.
05:53罢了,那便共同击退吧。Fine, let's do it together.
05:58恶难毒女,你随我走,我不会伤你,并且我可以让你的朋友们少受一些痛苦。Evil poison girl, come with me, I won't hurt you, and I can make your friends feel less pain.
06:13啊,这便是最纯正的恶难毒气吗?越是这样,我越是想要得到你。Ah, is this the purest evil poison? The more it is, the more I want to get you.
06:28恶难毒体?她居然也是恶难毒体?这就是冰河谷追寻恶难毒体的原因?Evil poison? She is also an evil poison? Is this the reason why the Ice River Valley is after the evil poison?
06:35恶难毒体分先天和后天。我的恶难毒体是后天所致,存在缺陷。不过我只要能得到你,那么便是能够弥补这一缺陷。到那时,我的恶难毒体也将会变成最为完美的体质。Evil poison girl, my evil poison will become the most perfect system.
06:55哎呀,竟然将这些都告诉了你们。你们不会拒绝我吧?Ah, I can't believe I told you all this. You won't turn me down, will you?
07:25tender love
07:41不好,小炎……No. Xiao Yan!
07:45你选择我死,就要拉上你一起!If you choose to save me, then it will go to your death!
08:20If he gets hurt, the Ice River Valley will be gone.
08:57Brother Xiao Yan
09:13Brother Xiao Yan, can you leave the rest to me?
09:20Be careful
09:26Who are you?
09:28This is a matter of my Ice River Valley
09:30What a domineering Ice River Valley
09:35If he is your friend, I can forgive him
09:40But I can't let go of that vicious man
09:44Your majesty, you can't let go of Xiao Yan
09:47He is the destiny of our world
09:49If you want to catch him, do it yourself
09:59You two don't have to fight
10:01You can't take any of the people here
10:05How dare you talk to me like this
10:09I advise you not to offend someone you can't even offend
10:16How dare you talk to my lady like this
10:20Is the Soul Hall so great?
10:23My lady, let me deal with these people
10:26I'll leave the Ice River Valley to you
10:28Leave the Soul Hall and the people next to it to me
10:47I've heard of the Ice Mirror of Ice Lord
10:51I've learned how to use it
10:53I'll learn from you today
11:17Gan Da, catch Xiao Yan
11:23How dare you distract me
11:41Let me do it
11:46Let me do it
12:05I don't know what kind of Flame is in Xun'er
12:08How can the Glass Fire in my body be so fierce
12:32What kind of Flame is this
12:41You've been walking in front of me
12:43I rely on my ancestors and blood
12:45But Brother Xiao Yan relies on his own ability to get where he is now
12:49I'm afraid he can't even compare to ten Xun'er
12:56It's time to break the Ice Mirror
13:35What kind of identity is he
13:37Those who follow the rules will be punished by the Flame of Heaven
13:42Flame of Heaven
13:44Jin Jue
14:02Heaven Slash
14:10What a strong energy confrontation
14:14It's really Di Yin Jue
14:16He's actually from the Gu Clan
14:21The Ice Mirror of the Ice Lord is really something
14:24It's really fun
14:25Lin Lao, don't waste time
14:30Miss, I'll do it now
14:33Wait, Miss, please wait
14:35Tian Chongzi, come back
14:40What's wrong, Lord
14:43What happened today is the fault of the Ice River Valley
14:46Please forgive me
14:48Ying He, you're doing this
14:50But you're not afraid of losing the face of the Ice River Valley
14:54Brother Xiao Yan, what do you mean
14:57This little brother
14:58In the future, the Ice River Valley will never intervene in the matter of evil men and poisonous bodies
15:04Since the Ice River Valley Lord has said so
15:06Xiao Yan will not be too entangled
15:10Miss, I hope that today's incident will not leave a bad impression on the Ice River Valley
15:15I also hope that today's incident will not happen again
15:19Otherwise, the next place to go may be the Ice River Valley
15:29What do you want to do
15:31If you dare to hurt me, you will be an enemy of the Soul Hall
15:35What a big mouth
15:36Can't you afford it
15:46Brother Xiao Yan, he's left to you
15:59This is Sister Little Doctor
16:01Thank you for taking care of Brother Xiao Yan during this time
16:04I've heard Xiao Yan mention you many times
16:06I've never forgotten you
16:07Now that I see you, you are indeed a beautiful girl
16:11Nice to meet you
