• last year
Islamic cartoon for kids in english The lie little muslim_1080p


00:00Hello? Ah, it's Nadia. How are you, my dear sister?
00:21Yes, I'm very well, thank you, but I'm calling to let you know that our father is very ill.
00:26We're going to take him to the hospital. I hope that it's nothing serious.
00:30He fainted. We're really frightened. His blood pressure has really dropped.
00:35Don't worry, I'll come over right away with his ease.
00:39What happened? Father is going to be taken to hospital.
00:42It's because of his blood pressure again. Don't worry, all will be well. Inshallah.
00:46I'm going to get ready. Mum, has something serious happened?
00:51Your grandfather is very ill. They're going to take him to hospital.
00:54I'm going to go there with your father. We'll be back soon.
00:57Look after your brothers well while we're away. See you soon, my little ones.
01:04And above all, no messing around. Inez, my dear, I'm counting on you.
01:08Yes, ma'am, don't worry, you can count on me. Bye.
01:13Take care of grandfather.
01:15Hello, Asya, is that you? You want to go out straight away?
01:28But I have to look after my little brothers. Ah, yes, you're right. I'll be right over.
01:35Where are you going? I'm going out, but that's no concern of yours.
01:41Mum and dad told you to look after us. I'll do what I like.
01:44And in any case, mum and dad won't know about it.
01:47If she's going out, we have to do the same. Come on, let's go and play in the garden.
01:55But mum and dad said that we had to be good and stay in the house.
01:59Don't worry, we're not going to do anything stupid.
02:02We're just going to enjoy ourselves a bit in the garden. We won't be leaving it.
02:14Sammy, come and see. Hurry up. What is it? Have you found the ball again?
02:22Better than that, I've found a lovely little cat. Come and help me catch it.
02:26Where is it? Where is it? I'm coming straight away.
02:30We're going to give him a shower. He's really dirty, this cat.
02:33Oh, I can't manage it. This cat's frightened of water.
02:38Oh no, there's water everywhere. They're going to kill us.
02:51But what have you done? Why is the house in such a state?
02:56Mum and dad called and told me that they'll be back in five minutes.
03:00Five minutes! What are we going to do?
03:04But it wasn't our fault. Yes, it's nothing to do with us.
03:08Whether it was your fault or not, the house is still in a state.
03:12We will have to figure out a lie or we will be punished.
03:22But what has been going on here? What a mess!
03:26But what have we been doing while we've been out?
03:29It wasn't our fault. There were some burglars who came in through the window.
03:33Look, they even smashed the pot. Yes, yes, I saw them there.
03:38There were three of them. And you're sure about what you're telling us?
03:43Yes, yes. However, we live in a quiet building.
03:46You, Sammy, what do you think? Fine, we'll just have to call the police.
03:51You'll be witnesses, no?
03:54Allah doesn't like liars. Honesty leads to righteousness,
03:59and righteousness leads to paradise. Lying is a great sin.
04:04I confess, we have lied to you. There never were any burglars.
04:08We let a cat in and it was him who made all this mess.
04:11We disobeyed you, then we lied to avoid being punished.
04:15As for me, I went out and left my brothers all alone,
04:18without taking care of them, as you asked. I am really, really sorry.
04:23You have disobeyed us and lied to us. You have disregarded your responsibilities.
04:28The Prophet, peace be upon him,
04:31asked us to always tell the truth, even if it might hurt,
04:35and to never tell lies, even if that can get us out of an unpleasant situation.
04:40Your father is right. What you have done is not good,
04:44but you have had the courage to tell us the truth.
04:47Are we going to be punished? To make a few mistakes?
04:50Are we going to be punished? To make a few mistakes,
04:53you will have to tidy up the lounge, but don't worry, we will work together.
