Alphabet adventure - Song for kids _ ABC_HD

  • 2 days ago
A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed


00:00A is for apple, red and sweet B is for bee, buzzing in the heat
00:12C is for cat, soft and slow D is for dog, who loves to go
00:16Have some kids pretend to eat an apple Buzz like a bee, clap for C
00:21And pretend to walk a dog
00:23A is for apple, B is for bee Let's sing the alphabet from A to Z
00:29Clap for C and dance for D Learning letters is fun, you'll see
00:38E is for elephant, stomping loud F is for fish, swimming with the crowd
00:43G is for goat, with a funny bleat H is for horse, galloping on its feet
00:47Have some kids stomp like elephants, swim like fish
00:50Bleat like goats and gallop like horses
00:56A is for apple, B is for bee Let's sing the alphabet from A to Z
01:00Clap for C and dance for D Learning letters is fun, you'll see
01:05E is for ice cream, cold and sweet J is for jump, get up on your feet
01:09K is for kangaroo, bouncing high L is for lion, roaring to the sky
01:14Have some kids pretend to eat ice cream Jump for J, hop like kangaroos
01:18And roar like lions
01:23A is for apple, B is for bee Let's sing the alphabet from A to Z
01:27Clap for C and dance for D Learning letters is fun, you'll see
01:32E is for monkey, swinging on a vine N is for nest, where the birds recline
01:44O is for octopus, with arms that twist P is for penguin, waddle like this
01:49Have some kids swing like monkeys, pretend to sleep in a nest
01:52Wiggle their arms like an octopus And waddle like penguins
01:58A is for apple, B is for bee Let's sing the alphabet from A to Z
02:02Clap for C and dance for D Learning letters is fun, you'll see
02:06Q is for queen, wearing her crown R is for rabbit, hopping all around
02:11S is for snake, slithering on the ground T is for tiger, making a big sound
02:15Have some kids pretend to wear crowns Hop like rabbits, slither like snakes
02:19And roar like tigers
02:22A is for apple, B is for bee Let's sing the alphabet from A to Z
02:28Clap for C and dance for D Learning letters is fun, you'll see
02:33V is for umbrella, up in the rain V is for van, driving down the lane
02:37W is for whale, swimming in the sea X is for x-ray, look and see
02:41Y is for yo-yo, up and down we go Z is for zebra, with stripes in a row
02:46Have some kids pretend to hold umbrellas Drive vans, swim like whales
02:49Look through an x-ray, play with yo-yos And show zebra stripes
02:55A is for apple, B is for bee Let's sing the alphabet from A to Z
02:59Clap for C and dance for D Learning letters is fun, you'll see
03:04Now we've sung the alphabet from A to Z Let's shout it out, 1, 2, 3
03:08Learning letters, sounds, and moves The alphabet is fun, let's groove
03:20The Alphabet Song
03:32Every day, a brand new tune Sing along, it's fun to do
03:37Daily songs just for you Come and join our crew
03:42Any songs for kids Clap your hands and sing and dance
03:46Any songs for kids Come back tomorrow, let's sing again
