ENG SUBEP12 Wang Youshuo Changed Clothes for Injured Xiao QiangziNancheng BanquetMangoTV English_v720P

  • 2 days ago
00:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombridersteam.com
00:31今生不可得 天涯各奔 戎心闌
00:40天缘长久 人兮开阔
00:45离他不远 却近不得
00:50天际一翻涌 终去远 百年后
01:52Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombridersteam.com
02:22Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombridersteam.com
02:42你醒了 You're awake.
02:43你醒了 You're awake.
02:47叶长云 Ye Changyun.
02:51叶长云 Ye Changyun.
02:53我刚刚做了一个噩梦 I just had a nightmare.
02:56我梦见我快死了 I dreamed that I was dying.
02:59我以为我再也见不到你了 I thought I'd never see you again.
03:03叶长云 Ye Changyun.
03:05叶长云 Ye Changyun.
03:07别怕 都安全了 Don't be afraid. You're safe now.
03:14这贼人真是大胆 光天化日之下都敢行凶 还有这叶长云 也不知道他是怎么守护皇宫的 哥哥 This thief is really bold. He dares to commit murder in broad daylight. And this Ye Changyun. I don't know how he guards the palace. Brother.
03:24你怎么还在宫里 Why are you still in the palace?
03:25我来找皇上谈点国事 他正好不在 我准备回去呢 I'm here to talk to the emperor about state affairs. He's not here. I'm going back.
03:32天这么冷 怎么就穿这么少啊 It's so cold. Why are you wearing so little?
03:37不怪雪如 是我出来得太急了 It's not Xueru's fault. I came out too soon.
03:39再急 也得照顾好自己 来 披着点 No matter how anxious you are, you have to take care of yourself. Come on, put it on.
03:54你这急急忙忙的 这是要去哪里啊 You're in a hurry. Where are you going?
03:57小强子也不知道得罪了谁 被捅了一刀 小强子也不知道得罪了谁 被捅了一刀 I don't know who I offended. I was stabbed.
04:00我正要去看他呢 我这会儿皇上应该也到了吧 我正要去看他呢 我这会儿皇上应该也到了吧 I'm going to see him. I think the emperor should be here now.
04:04什么 那小强子没事吧 What? Is Xiaoqiang okay?
04:07我也是刚得到消息 都还不知道呢 我也是刚得到消息 都还不知道呢 I just got the news. I don't know yet.
04:11何儿 你跟他很熟吗 当然 他是我在宫里最好的朋友 Of course. He's my best friend in the palace.
04:18好 那别着急 我们一块去看看他 走 Okay, don't worry. Let's go see him together. Let's go.
04:22走 Let's go.
04:35来 小心烫 Here, be careful. It's hot.
04:53我 我的衣服 My clothes...
05:02你流了很多血 必须要换衣服 You're bleeding. You need to change your clothes.
05:10这段时间你就留在这里养伤吧 否则会被别人发现的 You should stay here and recuperate for a while. Otherwise, you'll be found out.
05:23不过你放心 你的事情我不会说出去的 But don't worry. I won't tell anyone about you.
05:26但也不会放任你留在这里 等你伤养好了 我就送你离开 I won't let you stay here either. I'll send you away when you've recovered.
05:36把药喝了 Drink the medicine.
05:42小强子 小强子 Xiaoqiang.
05:46快 快 Come here.
05:53小强子 Xiaoqiang.
05:56参见皇上 Greetings, Your Majesty.
05:57伤哪儿了这是 朕看看 Where did you get hurt? Let me have a look.
05:58皇上 太医刚给他上了药 这会儿不能见风 Your Majesty, the doctor just gave him the medicine. He can't see the wind now.
06:08疼不疼 严不严重啊 Does it hurt? Is it serious?
06:11我没事 谢谢皇上关心 I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty.
06:16燕统领 怎么会有人在宫中幸死 Commander Yan, how could someone die in the palace?
06:18小强子 臣已经派人去查了 Xiaoqiang, I've sent someone to investigate.
06:20小强子 你可有见到凶手 Xiaoqiang, have you seen the murderer?
06:24皇上 皇上 参见皇上 Greetings, Your Majesty.
06:27参见皇上 Greetings, Your Majesty.
06:28免礼 Greetings, Your Majesty.
06:35你怎么样了 你到底是谁做的 你告诉本宫 How are you? Who did this? Tell me.
06:39对啊 小强子 对啊 小强子 Yes, Xiaoqiang.
06:40你别害怕 大胆说出来到底是谁 Don't be afraid. Just tell me who it is.
06:43我绝对不会饶了他 I won't spare him.
06:44皇上 娘娘 你们一定要为我做主啊 Your Majesty, Your Highness, you must help me.
06:48是萧全 是他要杀了我 It's Xiaoquan. He wants to kill me.
06:54萧大人要杀你 他为何要杀你 Mr. Xiao wants to kill you? Why does he want to kill you?
06:58因为我知道了他的秘密 Because I know his secret.
07:03我看见他以下犯上冒犯皇后娘娘 我看见他以下犯上冒犯皇后娘娘 I saw him offend Her Highness.
07:07他要杀我灭口 He wants to kill me.
07:11大胆 萧全 How dare you, Xiaoquan!
07:12大胆 萧全 How dare you, Xiaoquan!
07:14皇上 Your Majesty.
07:15简直就是罪不可恕 It's an unforgivable crime.
07:16叶统领 将他就地正法 Commander Yan, execute him right now.
07:20皇后打入冷宫 永不可恕 Her Highness will be locked up in the Cold Palace.
07:23皇上 臣妾冤枉啊 Your Majesty, I'm wronged.
07:25臣妾不愿意进冷宫 I don't want to go to the Cold Palace.
07:27做出如此有辱皇家之事 还敢说冤枉 How dare you do such a disgraceful thing to the royal family?
07:31好 既然你不愿入冷宫 OK, since you don't want to go to the Cold Palace,
07:34那你就去死吧 then go to hell.
07:37不要啊 皇上 No, Your Majesty.
07:40不行 弄死萧全还牵连了皇后 No. If I kill Xiaoquan, Her Highness will be implicated.
07:43皇后是无辜的呀 Her Highness is innocent.
07:44这事不能说出来 I can't tell anyone about it.
07:49皇上 娘娘 Your Majesty, Your Highness.
07:51你们要为我做主啊 You have to help me.
07:54是萧大人要杀我 It's Lord Xiao who wants to kill me.
07:56萧大人要杀你 他为什么要杀你 Lord Xiao wants to kill you? Why does he want to kill you?
08:01皇上 臣冤枉啊 Your Majesty, I'm wronged.
08:04臣和小强子无怨无仇 I have no grudge against Xiaoqiang.
08:05臣为什么要杀他呢 Why should I kill him?
08:07还有小强子 And Xiaoqiang,
08:08你别倚仗皇上对你的宠爱 you can do whatever you want
08:09就可以为所欲为 without relying on His Majesty's favor for you.
08:11你这是陷害忠臣 You are framing a loyal minister.
08:12小强子 本宫拿你当朋友 Xiaoqiang, I treat you as a friend.
08:14你竟然诬陷哥哥 How could you frame my brother?
08:16小强子 我果真是看错你了 Xiaoqiang, I was wrong about you.
08:20小强子 朕也没有办法了 Xiaoqiang, I have no choice.
08:22朕不能寒了两位忠臣的心哪 I can't kill two loyal ministers.
08:31要么死他们两个 要么死我自己 I can either kill them or myself.
08:35不行 这样也不行 No, I can't do that.
08:38凶手是在背后动手的 The murderer did it behind my back.
08:42我没有看清他长什么样 I didn't see his face clearly.
08:46你放心 有燕统领在 Don't worry. With Commander Yan here,
08:48一定会帮你找到凶手为你报仇的 he will find the murderer and avenge you.
08:51小强子 你跟朕回去住吧 Xiaoqiang, why don't you go back with me?
08:53宫里下人多 方便照顾你 There are many servants in the palace. It's convenient for me to take care of you.
08:59不用了 皇上 No, thanks, Your Majesty.
09:00燕统领照顾我 照顾得挺细心的 Commander Yan takes good care of me.
09:03燕统领怎么照顾你啊 How can Commander Yan take care of you?
09:05他得追查凶手啊 He has to investigate the murderer.
09:07乖乖听话 朕是为你好 Be a good girl. I'm doing this for your own good.
09:11皇上 小强子伤口刚包扎好 不可乱动 Your Majesty, Xiaoqiang's wound has just been bandaged. Don't move.
09:15这个时候不能乱动地方 Don't move around at this time.
09:18对啊 皇上 我现在一动也不敢动 只要静静一动就疼得厉害 Yes, Your Majesty. I don't dare to move now. As long as I move gently, it hurts a lot.
09:27我现在就是有点疲惫 想好好休息一下 I'm just a little tired now. I want to have a good rest.
09:33好吧 好吧 All right.
09:35燕统领 小强子就交给你照顾了 Commander Yan, I'll leave Xiaoqiang to you.
09:38还有 伤害小强子的凶手尽快缉拿鬼案 And arrest the murderer who hurt Xiaoqiang as soon as possible.
09:42臣领旨 Yes, Your Majesty.
09:45公送皇上 See you, Your Majesty.
09:50那你先好好休息 Then you have a good rest.
09:52嗯 皇后娘娘 Yes, Your Majesty.
10:11快盖好被子 Cover the blanket.
10:14盖好 Cover it.
10:32大人 出什么事了 Sir, what happened?
10:36扶小眉死 被燕长云救了 Fu Xiaomei was saved by Yan Changyun.
10:40我怕是日后还会生出很多麻烦 I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the future.
10:44要不要我找个机会再动手 Do you want me to find another chance?
10:46不必 No.
10:48他既然没说出我是凶手 Since he didn't say I was the murderer,
10:51说明他心里还有一定的障碍 it means that he still has some obstacles in his heart.
10:54这个人虽然得了失魂症 Although this man has lost his soul,
10:57倒是有几分聪明 he is quite smart.
11:00可是他多活一日 But if he lives one more day,
11:03势必会对您多一分危险 he will be more dangerous to you.
11:05他毕竟是白翼的人 He is Bai Yi's man after all.
11:08如果说真死在我手上 If he really dies in my hands,
11:10白翼一定会跟我生嫌隙 Bai Yi will definitely hate me.
11:13先饶他一命吧 Spare his life first.
11:15说不定日后还有用处 Maybe it will come in handy in the future.
11:19云韶司怎么说了 What did Yun Shaosi say?
11:21已经按照您的吩咐派人监视初月了 He has sent someone to monitor Chu Yue as you ordered.
11:25好 Good.
11:27明日再安排一场好戏 I'll arrange another good show tomorrow.
11:29我倒是要看看初月的真实面目 I'd like to see the real face of Chu Yue.
11:41老大 Boss.
11:43老大 Boss.
11:45老大 Boss.
11:46小声点 Be quiet.
11:48睡觉呢 He's sleeping.
11:51还有 以后进来记得敲门 Also, remember to knock on the door when you come in.
11:54好 好 好 Okay.
11:56我跟阿诚刚才查看了小强子出事的地方 I just checked where Xiaoqiang was injured.
11:58我亲自模拟了一下 I simulated it myself.
12:00小强子是后腰中刀 伤口不深 Xiaoqiang was stabbed in the back of his waist and the wound was not deep.
12:02这地上也没有挣扎和扭打的痕迹 There was no sign of struggling or beating on the ground.
12:05就 我怀疑啊 I suspect
12:06这小强子是被熟人作案了 that Xiaoqiang was killed by an acquaintance.
12:09他肯定是隐瞒了什么 He must have been hiding something.
12:13知道了 Got it.
12:16还有事吗 Anything else?
12:17有啊 Yes.
12:18还有小万里被杀一事 There's also the case of Xiao Wanli being killed.
12:20目前除了断定凶手身上有财粉之外 At present, in addition to determining that the murderer had money,
12:24也没有找到任何有价值的东西 he hasn't found anything valuable.
12:26可是自从这小万里死后 But since Xiao Wanli died,
12:28这肖全似乎变了 Xiaoquan seems to have changed.
12:30时常去各部官员家里喝酒吃茶 He often goes to the officials' houses to drink tea.
12:37天椒 Tianjiao.
12:39小强子 你醒了 Xiaoqiang, you're awake.
12:41没事你就出去吧 Go out if you have nothing to do.
12:44小强子 那我先走了啊 Xiaoqiang, I'm leaving now.
12:46老大 走了 Boss, I'm leaving.
12:54醒了 You're awake.
12:57快盖好 Cover yourself up.
12:59你们刚刚在说什么 What were you talking about just now?
13:02我们在查找自杀你的凶手 We're investigating the murderer who killed you.
13:06哦 Oh.
13:10自杀你的人 你是不是认识 Do you know the person who killed you?
13:17我不想说 我不想说 I don't want to say.
13:19你能不能别问啊 Can you not ask?
13:22连我也不能说吗 Can't I say it, either?
13:32你有你的理由 我尊重你的想法 You have your reason. I respect your idea.
13:34不过下次再遇到什么危险 一定要多加防范 But if you're in danger again, you must be more careful.
13:38我送你的玉谷哨一定要随时带好 You must wear the jade pendant I gave you at all times.
13:42放心吧 玉谷哨我拿着呢 Don't worry. I have the jade pendant.
13:45但是这个仇 我一定会找机会报回去的 But I will definitely avenge him.
13:52哦 Oh.
14:04你要上药 Are you going to apply the medicine?
14:34你为什么要帮我隐瞒我是女人的事情啊 Why are you hiding the fact that I'm a woman from me?
14:59不是帮你 是帮我自己 I'm not helping you. I'm helping myself.
15:02身为千语卫的统领 却让一个女人化身太监入了宫 As the leader of Qianyu Guards, it's my duty to let a woman become an eunuch and enter the palace.
15:10若被御史三奏 我这千语卫的统领怕都是保不住了 If I'm punished by the censor, I'm afraid I can't keep my position as the leader of Qianyu Guards.
15:17难道不是因为担心我 Isn't it because you're worried about me?
15:29药服好了 睡觉吧 The medicine is ready. Go to sleep.
15:36你就是因为担心我 所以才帮我隐瞒我是女孩的事情 You're hiding the fact that I'm a woman from me because you're worried about me.
15:42你还嘴硬 You're so stubborn.
15:48盖好了 睡觉 Go to sleep.
15:59给你 Here you are.
16:07对不起 对不起 I'm sorry.
16:09以后我再也不会让任何人再伤害你 I won't let anyone hurt you again.
16:24瞎呀你 Are you blind?
16:25姑娘 你没事吧 Miss, are you okay?
16:27这不是云潮寺的初月姑娘吗 Isn't this Miss Chu Yue from Yunchao Temple?
16:29这是要干什么去啊 What are you going to do?
16:31不要你们管 I don't care about you.
16:32去哪儿啊 Where are you going?
16:34让我猜一猜 Let me guess.
16:35挥旗狼怯 是不是 Are you going to ride a wolf?
16:37你要干什么 What are you doing?
16:38你滚一边去 Get out of my way.
16:39请你自重 Please behave yourself.
16:40一个婊子让我自重 How dare you ask me to behave myself?
16:41大爷 我就是不自重了 Uncle, I just don't behave myself.
16:43我就看着你 I'm looking at you.
16:46谁在背后扔石头 Who threw the stone behind me?
16:47谁在背后扔石头 Who threw the stone behind me?
16:49一定是你的骗子 It must be your swindler.
16:50是不是你的骗子 Is it your swindler?
16:53你个小小的骗子 You little swindler.
16:55说 是不是你的骗子 Say it. Is it your swindler?
16:57是不是你的骗子 Is it your swindler?
17:00滚 Get out of my way.
17:01大哥 走吧 Brother, let's go.
17:02走吧 Let's go.
17:03走走走 Let's go.
17:07姑娘 你没事吧 Miss, are you okay?
17:12感谢公子和姑娘搭救 Thank you for your help.
17:14我还有事 I have something to do.
17:15告辞 Goodbye.
17:16等等 Wait a minute.
17:21萧万里的门生故例遍布朝廷 Xiao Wanli's followers are all over the court.
17:23仇家又多如牛毛 His enemies are as many as cattle and horses.
17:24这么复杂的关系 Such a complicated relationship.
17:25怎么找杀害萧万里的线索啊 How can we find the clue to kill Xiao Wanli?
17:27太难了 It's too difficult.
17:29你有没有想过 Have you ever thought about it?
17:30萧万里死后谁的获利最大 After Xiao Wanli's death, who has the biggest profit?
17:35这么看来 It seems that
17:36似乎是他儿子萧权最可疑 his son Xiao Quan is the most suspicious.
17:39我询问过萧府的下人 I asked the servants of Xiao's Mansion.
17:40当天他们父子俩确实有过争吵 They did have a quarrel that day.
17:43这自从萧万里死后吧 After Xiao Wanli's death,
17:45这萧权的种种迹象确实很可疑 the signs of Xiao Quan are indeed very suspicious.
17:48一夜障目 不见泰山 One night without seeing Taishan.
17:52有时候事情不能只看表面 Sometimes things can't just be seen on the surface.
17:59老大 那你们先聊 I'll leave first.
18:00我先撤 I'll leave first.
18:01走了 Bye.
18:04初远那边有情况 There's something going on with Chu Yuan.
18:07雷叔刚传来消息 Uncle Lei just sent a message
18:08说刑部密探进来活动频繁 that the Ministry of Punishments' spy activities are frequent.
18:10为保安全暂时隐匿取消联络 To keep him safe, the contact is temporarily cancelled.
18:13但是初远好像被萧权给盯上了 But Chu Yuan seems to have been spied on by Xiao Quan.
18:16这萧权之前是我们小瞧他了 We underestimated Xiao Quan before.
18:18这个人之前就完美得有些异常 He was perfect before.
18:21这次我们要不要想个办法把他给办了 Should we think of a way to deal with him this time?
18:26不可轻举妄动 We can't act rashly.
18:28那也要给他点教训 We have to teach him a lesson.
18:29怎么也要让他尝尽苦头 No matter what, we have to make him suffer.
18:59闲宁纸烟声停处 别有深情一万重 There is only silence in this quiet place. There is no deep love between us.
19:14好 好啊 Good. Good.
19:18初月姑娘的琴技果然不错 Miss Chu Yue is really good at playing the zither.
19:23萧大人过奖了 Mr. Xiao, you flatter me.
19:25姑娘虽落红尘 依旧脱俗雅致 不愧是雷豹雷将军之女啊 You are still elegant even though you are in the mortal world. You deserve to be the daughter of General Lei Bao Lei.
19:40许久没有听到父亲的名讳了 It's been a long time since I heard my father's name.
19:45世事无常啊 Life is unpredictable.
19:49萧某深知初月姑娘一家的冤屈 I know Miss Chu Yue's family's injustice.
19:54但却无能为力 实在是惭愧 但愿有生之年能帮姑娘洗清冤屈 脱离苦海啊 But I'm sorry that I can't do anything for you. I hope I can help you get rid of the injustice and get rid of the hardship in the rest of your life.
20:07人各有命 奴家人命福薄 只能接受上天的安排 Everyone has his own fate. I have my own fate. I can only accept God's arrangement.
20:16萧大人的好意 初月心领了 Mr. Xiao, you are so kind.
20:20雪婴 赏 Snow eagle, here's your reward.
20:39好了 你早点休息吧 Alright, you should go to bed early.
20:41等一下 Wait.
20:42Hey, wait a minute!
20:46It's inappropriate for you to always interact with the sky, right?
20:50I can't always occupy your bed.
20:53How about I sleep on the floor tonight and return the bed to you?
20:58That won't do. Your injury hasn't fully healed yet.
21:03You know my injury hasn't fully healed yet, yet you still don't stay to take care of me.
21:09Are you stupid?
21:12You can stay even if you don't sleep on the bed.
21:39Xiao Changzi!
21:41I haven't seen you in a long time. How's your injury?
21:44It's already healed.
21:46I really want to go outside and take a look.
21:54Oh no, it's Junior's signal.
21:56How did I forget about him?
21:58The capital is really chaotic right now.
22:01Even the security numbers are obvious.
22:03Who knows which bad guys will come in?
22:06It has to be bad guys.
22:08It can't just be a normal gathering of normal friends.
22:12Lend me your card.
22:13What are you doing?
22:14I'm going to the streets.
22:16It's the first few days I've met a friend from the first round.
22:19That's a date exclusively for our eunuch.
22:22Do you want to go with me? Let's go.
22:24Go, go, go.
22:30Didn't I tell you to kill Yan Changyu?
22:32How did you almost get killed?
22:34Did Yan Changyu do it?
22:36It wasn't him.
22:37He's not as despicable as you think.
22:39He's heartless, cold-blooded, and cruel.
22:42If you don't believe me, why don't you believe Master?
22:45I don't even remember Master. How can I believe him?
22:48That's true.
22:50Senior, do you have any other thoughts?
22:55I just feel like there's a misunderstanding.
22:59Through our recent interactions,
23:01I think he's not bad.
23:03He's responsible and has a sense of responsibility.
23:05He even saved me a few times.
23:07This time when I got hurt,
23:09he even gave me the bed.
23:11He even...
23:14What did he do?
23:16He took care of me.
23:18Senior, your tone isn't right.
23:20Do you think Yan Changyu likes you?
23:26Think about it.
23:28How could he really like you?
23:30How could he really like you?
23:32From a man's perspective,
23:34no matter your body, appearance, or brain,
23:37it's impossible for him to like you.
23:41That means you like him.
23:44Don't talk nonsense. I didn't.
23:46Senior, if Master finds out you have feelings for Yan Changyu,
23:49you'll die.
23:50You can't fall into his trap.
23:52What if he hurts you again?
23:57That's too cruel.
23:59Then I'll have to do what I can.
24:03Then I'll do the opposite.
24:05Senior, don't worry.
24:06I'm very good now.
24:07I have a special feeling.
24:09I believe that soon,
24:10he'll be convinced by my charm.
24:18Yan Changyu,
24:20you just said you had a sense of responsibility.
24:23Now you're going to the brothel?
24:25Senior, I have something to do today.
24:28Let's meet another day.
24:32Chu Yuan, you should leave.
24:37Why should I leave?
24:38Xiao Quan is watching you.
24:40You'll be in danger if you stay.
24:44He just wants me to play the zither and play the music
24:46and talk about some poems and songs.
24:50if I stay,
24:51I can get some information for you.
24:55The situation is chaotic now.
24:57It's safer for you to leave the capital as soon as possible.
25:01Then when can I come back?
25:05Don't come back.
25:09I'll take this opportunity
25:11to arrange a new identity for you.
25:13Then you can get rid of me.
25:17I won't leave.
25:19I won't leave.
25:21The whole capital knows
25:22I'm the woman of Ningyan Changyun.
25:25if I disappear suddenly,
25:27I'll make others doubt me.
25:32Don't worry.
25:34I'll think of a perfect plan.
25:40Brother Yan.
26:13I just made this for you.
26:15Try it.
26:16Chu Yue.
26:23doesn't seem to fit.
26:46Why are you here?
26:48Why are you here?
26:50Are you having the same problem again?
26:52You have too much money to spend?
26:56Is Chu Yue in there?
26:59Let's talk about it later.
27:01Look at your guilty face.
27:03How many shameful things have you done?
27:05Stop talking nonsense.
27:07Brother Yan.
27:10Brother Yan.
27:18I got it.
27:20You're right.
27:24whether it fits or not
27:26depends on the person.
27:30Even if it doesn't fit,
27:32you can keep it.
27:34Keep it.
27:36I'll keep it for him.
27:38Didn't you say you wanted to go home?
27:40Let's go home.
27:42I'll visit you in a few days.
27:52She must be a woman.
27:55Chu Yue.
27:56Be careful.
27:58Don't lose
28:00Commander Yan's money tree.
28:03Chu Yue.
28:06This is a good place.
28:08It's warm.
28:09No matter how cold it is,
28:10Commander Yan won't be afraid.
28:12Aren't you tired?
28:14I'm not tired.
28:15I'm already at the door.
28:16I can sleep after I drink some water.
28:18Xiao Qiang.
28:24Greetings, Your Majesty.
28:26Xiao Qiang.
28:27I have nothing to do today.
28:28I came to see you.
28:29Are you feeling better?
28:31Much better.
28:32Thank you for your concern.
28:34I'm worried about your recovery.
28:36Why don't you come back to me?
28:38I have good conditions.
28:39It's more convenient for you to recover.
28:42It seems to make sense.
28:50After all, she has a low status.
28:52Your Majesty is kind.
28:54I feel sorry for Xiao Qiang's injury.
28:55But outsiders can't help but
28:56blame Xiao Qiang
28:57for being spoiled.
28:59It also affects His Majesty's reputation.
29:01Your Majesty.
29:02I was just going to report to you.
29:03Recently, I found that
29:04Qian Yuwei's lifestyle has a problem.
29:09this problem of thinking
29:10appears at the root.
29:12But don't worry.
29:13As His Majesty's person,
29:14I can definitely help you
29:16to solve this problem
29:17from the root.
29:18But what about you?
29:19Your Majesty.
29:20It's getting late.
29:21You are the king of a country.
29:23You need to rest
29:24when you are tired.
29:25I'll see you as soon as I'm done.
29:27See you, Your Majesty.
29:32All right.
29:34I'll go first.
29:45Now you can talk about
29:46the problem between us.
29:49It's getting late.
29:50I'll go to see Tianjia.
29:52Ye Changyun.
29:53You're good at it.
29:58Don't move.
30:07You haven't recovered yet.
30:08Don't mess around.
30:11Commander Yan.
30:12Are you teaching me a lesson?
30:14I'm caring about you.
30:17Why do you care about me?
30:19You should care about
30:20the girl named Di Di.
30:23She can sing
30:24and dance.
30:26And she can make a large intestine.
30:29Commander Yan.
30:30Why don't you wear a large intestine today?
30:32Show it to Jiaojiao.
30:33I don't want to wear it.
30:34What large intestine?
30:36You don't know yet, do you?
30:37Miss Chu Yue
30:38made a large intestine for you.
30:40It's so beautiful.
30:43It's just a large intestine.
30:44What's so great about it?
30:45Any woman can make it.
30:48We can't be confused
30:49by such trifles.
30:51After all...
30:56Let's go.
31:03What you said just now
31:04makes sense.
31:05But I think
31:06no matter how tough the boss is,
31:08it's hard for him to get through this.
31:11I have to buy a large intestine for him.
31:18Actually, it's good
31:19to be with Yan Changyun.
31:21He is
31:24and good-natured.
31:25He is also the leader of Qianyuwei.
31:27He won't suffer any loss.
31:28Even if he suffers a loss,
31:30he met me in his life.
31:32It's also a good thing in his life.
31:38Yan Changyun already knew
31:39I was a woman
31:40and helped me hide it.
31:44I'm just afraid
31:46there are too many people
31:47who are crazy about me after knowing it.
31:49Do you have a sense of crisis?
31:52all understand.
31:55It's useless to say it.
31:58This man obviously likes me.
32:00He didn't say it on purpose.
32:02He is such a big man,
32:04but he is so timid.
32:05Forget it.
32:06I forgive him.
32:08All right.
32:09Then I have no choice
32:11but to make you a large intestine.
32:17It's not necessary to make a large intestine.
32:19The key is the heart.
32:21It's not impossible to change your mind.
32:23That's good.
32:54You are really smart.
33:00The relationship between Xiao Qiang and Commander Yan
33:02is getting closer and closer.
33:04She doesn't like to talk to me recently.
33:08In the future,
33:09what position will she have in her eyes?
33:13Go and call Xiao Qiang.
33:14Your Majesty.
33:15I sent someone to call him this morning.
33:17Xiao Qiang is not making large intestine.
33:19He is very busy.
33:20Xiao Qiang is not making large intestine.
33:22He is very busy.
33:23I asked you to go,
33:25but you said I was sick.
33:28You forced me to go.
33:39Your Majesty.
33:40I heard you were sick.
33:42Is it so serious?
33:47Help me up.
33:48Come on.
33:51Since you went to Qianyuwei,
33:53you haven't contacted me.
33:55You didn't come to see me.
33:57I'm busy here.
33:59I feel bad.
34:02Your Majesty.
34:03If you said you were sick,
34:05I would come.
34:06I know you are busy in Qianyuwei.
34:09I don't want to disturb you.
34:11What are you talking about?
34:12We are all friends.
34:13I'm here.
34:21Your Majesty.
34:23Commander Yan, why are you here?
34:25I heard you were sick.
34:26I was worried.
34:27So I brought Doctor Qu
34:28to check your pulse.
34:32I know my own body.
34:35I just need to rest.
34:37Doctor Qu.
34:38Please go back.
34:40Your Majesty.
34:41You are the pillar of the South.
34:43Your body can't have any problem.
34:46Doctor Qu.
34:48Doctor Qu.
34:50Check my pulse.
35:01Your Majesty.
35:03Your Majesty.
35:16Your Majesty.
35:18It should be very serious.
35:22Very serious.
35:23Very serious.
35:26Your Majesty.
35:28You have a cold.
35:31It's too serious.
35:33It's so serious.
35:34What should we do?
35:35Your Majesty.
35:36How about I make some hot soup for you?
35:38Your Majesty.
35:39You should rest when you have a cold.
35:41Don't have too much contact with others.
35:44First, it will affect your health.
35:47if you have a cold,
35:49it will affect the whole palace.
35:55Eunuch Feng.
35:57Give my order.
35:58No one should get close to you.
36:00It will affect your rest.
36:02It's not that serious.
36:05Your Majesty.
36:06You should think about your health.
36:09I and Xiao Qiang will leave now.
36:13Your Majesty.
36:14Take care of yourself.
36:15I will visit you in a few days.
36:17I will leave now.
36:18Come on.
36:19Lie down.
36:20Come on.
36:21Come on.
36:22Lie down.
36:23Cover yourself.
36:24Let's go.
36:40Are you worried about me?
36:44I just think that you haven't recovered yet.
36:47Don't run around.
36:48Don't get others involved.
36:49Don't worry.
36:50I have recovered long ago.
36:52Eunuch Feng said that His Majesty was seriously ill.
36:55Do you trust him so much?
36:56It's not about whether I trust him or not.
36:59His Majesty is so weak.
37:01His face is still so white.
37:02Is it possible that he still has powder on his face?
37:05It's not impossible.
37:07How can a man use rouge and powder?
37:08How can a man not use rouge and powder?
37:14Yan Changyuan.
37:15His Majesty is the emperor of a country.
37:17Can he rely on me when he is sick?
37:20Am I right?
37:22Isn't our duty to protect His Majesty?
37:27You want to protect His Majesty, don't you?
37:33Why do you come to the training ground at night?
37:45Pull out your sword.
37:48Pull out your sword.
37:56Pull out your sword.
38:01What are you doing?
38:07Don't you want to protect His Majesty?
38:09If you don't learn martial arts well,
38:10how can you protect His Majesty at the critical moment?
38:13Isn't he your best friend?
38:20Commander Yan.
38:21I find that you are quite stingy.
38:26I don't understand what you are talking about.
38:30All right.
38:31Don't be angry.
38:33You are also my best friend.
38:40Of course.
38:43As my best friend,
38:44can you do me a favor?
38:45No problem.
38:46Do me a favor.
38:57Good for you, Yan Changyun.
38:59You know how to save your lover.
39:01But you ask me to guard the door here.
39:04I'm not jealous.
39:05Why should I be jealous?
39:07Chuyue can't compare with me.
39:09I'm not jealous.
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