Coronation Street 4th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
Coronation Street 4th October 2024


00:00["Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1"]
00:30["Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1"]
00:36Oh, what are you doing up so early?
00:38I had a dream about Uncle Paul. Couldn't get back to sleep.
00:41Oh, sweetheart.
00:43Why are you up? Couldn't you sleep either?
00:46Me? No, I just heard you get up.
00:52Do you think he'll be mad I didn't go to the funeral?
00:54Of course not. He'd understand.
00:57I feel bad.
00:59Hey, the last thing Uncle Paul would want is for you to feel bad.
01:05You were upset.
01:07And that's because you love him so much, just as much as he loves you.
01:12Miss him already.
01:18You up with the lark?
01:20Yeah, Joe couldn't sleep.
01:22Yeah, join the club.
01:25You all right, chicken?
01:27I'm all right.
01:28Do you reckon you'll be OK to go to school?
01:31Yeah, I reckon it'll take my mind off things.
01:35I'm gonna go get a shower.
01:40The maturity of that lad.
01:42I'd have jumped at the chance to skip school.
01:45Yeah, me and all.
01:47Talking of school, old school, that is,
01:51we are going proper rave today,
01:55without the drugs and sticky dance floors, obviously.
02:00I can just see it now, Mam.
02:02Billy and Dev with the glow sticks shouting, tune!
02:06It'd be better.
02:08You heard from Billy?
02:10Text him twice, apologised again.
02:14Has he replied?
02:16I'll keep trying.
02:19I hope he's all right, Mam.
02:21He's all right, Mam.
02:38How are you feeling?
02:41Sorry, it was a stupid question.
02:44I thought you might want a solid hangover breakfast.
02:47I was baking an egg bomb.
02:49Sorry, I don't think I can face food.
02:55I'm glad you got back OK last night.
02:58Everyone was worried.
03:01Yeah, I just...
03:03just needed some space.
03:09Are you gonna be all right for today?
03:11The big memorial rave?
03:14I don't know.
03:16I'll see how I feel after I've picked up the ashes from Shuttleworths.
03:20Yeah, of course.
03:23Any update on Bethany?
03:25Well, I spoke to Sarah before.
03:27She's on the mend, but they want to keep her in another week.
03:30Another week? The two grand a day?
03:34And then it's just 50 grand to have her medevaced home,
03:37so, bargain.
03:39How's that fundraiser looking?
03:41You mean since my gran dropped an atom bomb on it?
03:45She feels terrible.
03:47So she should.
03:48I've been thinking more about the house.
03:50Well, we can't sell it.
03:51It's my house.
03:52And we live in it.
03:54You know, your family.
03:56Do you want to make us all homeless?
03:57It does sound a bit drastic.
03:59We've got to do something.
04:01And I can't think of another way.
04:08I'm gonna call it Singles Who Want To Mingles.
04:11It's good, innit?
04:13Either that, or number ones without number twos.
04:16I think the first one's better.
04:17So far, I've got Izzy, Ryan and Steve.
04:20We're gonna have our first house in tomorrow, if you're free.
04:22I'm not.
04:23It's gonna be great.
04:24I thought we could all go to the pub, have a few drinks.
04:27Look, I would rather stick pins in my eyes
04:29than go to your blooming tragic singles club.
04:31All right?
04:32Now move.
04:33I'll be with me.
04:37You don't have to be so harsh.
04:39What do you want, Ryan? I'm busy.
04:41I just came for you.
04:42I thought it might be something to do with the play you're in tomorrow.
04:45Keep your voice down.
04:50Everything OK?
04:51Yes, fine.
04:53You sure everything's all right?
04:55Yes, I've got a lot on my mind, obviously,
04:57and I can't think straight with all these interruptions, that's all.
05:00In fact, I think I'm gonna go and work from home.
05:02You're not there today, are you?
05:04No, I'm doing DJing at the party for Paul.
05:06I might get a moment's peace then.
05:08All right.
05:09See you.
05:12All right, so I was just, er, restocked the kebab shop
05:15cos I reckon the rave is going to be ravenous tonight.
05:18You wouldn't have sold a thing in my day.
05:20Yeah? Why's that?
05:22Well, folk don't usually eat at raves.
05:24Yeah? Why not?
05:30We're not gonna be doing that today, is there?
05:32Well, I hear Brian's got a stash to sell.
05:35Brian? Packham?
05:42I was gonna call you.
05:45So what happened with Bill last night?
05:47Why do you ask?
05:49Well, you weren't after him.
05:51You make it sound like there's something I don't know.
05:53Of course there isn't.
05:55I mean, he was in a bad way,
05:57and I got him home and put him to bed.
06:00Well, I've called him a few times,
06:02but he's not replied.
06:04Well, I've called him a few times,
06:06but he's not replied.
06:09Can't say I blame him.
06:11Look, you know I lied for his sake.
06:15And you went along with it too.
06:17And I shouldn't have.
06:18I should have told him the truth.
06:20We thought we were sparing his feelings.
06:22Well, instead you just, like, compounded his grief.
06:25Cheers, babe.
06:28I'm, um, on my way to pick up the ashes.
06:33Can you bring him to the party?
06:35Yeah, I want our parlay on the best dance floor spot,
06:38front left.
06:40Will do.
06:42Excuse me.
06:44Why is front left the best spot?
06:46Just is.
06:48Rave folklore.
06:52Fellow single, we meet again to mingle.
06:55Oh, cheers.
06:57Maybe I could write a jingle that'll give us a tingle.
07:00We can all sing it when we meet up tomorrow.
07:02I did want to apologise for suggesting that you ask Carla.
07:05She wasn't very happy, was she?
07:07Carla's got a lot on her mind at the minute.
07:09I should have realised.
07:11Let's just leave her be.
07:12Don't worry, I'll be staying well clear after this morning.
07:16You're not single by any chance, are you?
07:19Are you asking me out?
07:22In fact, if you fancy a pint, then...
07:24Thank you, but no.
07:26I'm sort of relieved.
07:28Cos if you'd said yeah,
07:29then I wouldn't have been able to run my new singles club
07:31and I wouldn't have been dating.
07:32Well, you can be safe in the knowledge that isn't going to happen.
07:35Phew! See you.
07:37See you, mate.
07:39Yeah, it's just...
07:41just Kurt.
07:43So, er, so Carla's a bit stressed then today?
07:46Yeah, I think the plea hearing's getting to her a little bit.
07:50But she only knocked a guy off his bike.
07:52I mean, you won't punish her too much, will you?
07:55Well, she should get a custodial, but it was ABH.
07:58But she'll go on her record.
08:00And she'll get community service, at least.
08:03Right, well, no wonder she's stressed.
08:08Ah, thought I heard you down here.
08:10Aren't you helping at Paul's Memorial?
08:12Yeah, heading over in a bit.
08:14Well, I'm, er, contemplating coming.
08:18It's a rave, Dad.
08:19I don't have sufficient dancing every year.
08:22What kind of music is it?
08:27Not that tuneless nonsense.
08:30Oh, online banking.
08:32I miss going to a high street branch.
08:34I was just checking to see whether they'd put any of Bertie's trust fund
08:37into my current account yet.
08:39Why are you doing that?
08:41To help Bethany.
08:43But this is Bertie's money.
08:45Well, I'm not going to use it all, and Bethany needs it right now.
08:48But this is your son's future.
08:50And she's my partner, so...
08:52With a large family who should be able to raise sufficient funds.
08:57Look, your Bertie has his...
09:00I can't see Sinead's family putting much aside for him, can you?
09:06I just think that he should be a priority.
09:11Hey. You all right?
09:12You got them tunes I asked for?
09:14Yep, all downloaded.
09:15Top tune is there, I must say.
09:17Yeah, well, our Apollo had very good taste.
09:19Got it from me, Ops.
09:21You do know I can only do a couple of hours
09:23before me shift at the pub, right?
09:24Then me mate Chris is going to take over after that.
09:26Yeah, well, as long as he knows his stuff.
09:28He does, don't you worry.
09:29Don't you worry about that.
09:31Right, you got permission to close the street, then?
09:34Kind of.
09:35What does kind of mean?
09:36Means I didn't.
09:37But we'll be fine.
09:39I'll just flash my badge if anyone makes a fuss.
09:41Naughty, naughty.
09:42I'm sure Paul would approve.
09:44Yeah, I think he would too.
09:48Yes, Rastafari.
09:50Hey, there's a sight I never thought I'd see.
09:52Well, you see, I researched rave culture
09:54and this is the look that it gave me.
09:56Personally, I would have gone more for the whole disco thing
09:58with a satin shirt and button to the waist
10:00and the tight white pants.
10:02But this is just what suits me.
10:04If you say so, Deb.
10:05But anything to make Bernie happy, right?
10:08I'm sure she appreciates it.
10:10Now, what about our Gemma?
10:11How's she holding up?
10:13She's not stopped all morning, but she says she's fine.
10:18Hey, Manchester!
10:21Excuse me?
10:22You got any veros?
10:24Absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
10:27Salmon and trout?
10:30Never mind.
10:37Oh, wow, it looks great.
10:39And ooh, so do you.
10:42Yeah, all of this track is 35 years old.
10:45Been to some of the best club nights in the world.
10:47Hacienda, back to basics, trade, amnesia, space.
10:52You name it.
10:54In fact, I might have been wearing this
10:56the night the twins were conceived.
10:59But Paul always said that this was his favourite dress of mine, so...
11:02Ooh, you look fabulous.
11:08Is Billy not with you?
11:10Um, he was feeling a bit fragile.
11:13He'll be down in a bit.
11:21Hey, um, how did it go with Dr Gaddis?
11:24Yeah, fine.
11:26Booked an appointment at the clinic next week.
11:30It's the right decision.
11:32Yeah, yeah, I know.
11:35What, are we gonna tell the girls?
11:38Can I have my tablet?
11:39No, you can't. We've spoke about this.
11:41Not during school hours.
11:42I'm not at school, am I?
11:44You're suspended. You're not on holiday.
11:46Can I go out, then? I need a break.
11:48Have you done your homework?
11:50Let's see.
11:51Fine, I ain't finished it.
11:52Well, then you're not going out.
11:54When are you gonna stop lying to us about everything?
11:57Take a chill pill, Mum. Stress isn't good for the baby.
12:04I'm not pregnant.
12:06It was a false alarm.
12:08What do you mean?
12:09Um, we got it wrong,
12:11and I shouldn't have told you until we were sure.
12:19How are you feeling?
12:21I need to apologise.
12:23You don't. You really don't.
12:25I really do.
12:27Well, then, thank you for being understanding,
12:30and thank you for not...
12:32You don't even need to say it.
12:35And for going to pick up Paul's ashes.
12:38I'm just giving them to Bernie.
12:40You what?
12:42She's taking them to the rave.
13:02It's a good job. I love you, Defendra,
13:04cos you are seriously reducing my treatment.
13:07I can only dance disco.
13:09Oh, come on! Come on, it's easy.
13:11Right, you and I'll head. So we go...
13:13Big fish, little fish, cardboard box,
13:15big fish, little fish, cardboard box.
13:17You what? Big fish, little fish, cardboard box.
13:19Come on!
13:21What have you done with Paul's ashes?
13:23He's here. Prime spot.
13:27I was meant to pick them up. We agreed to split them.
13:30Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know,
13:32and I've already done it.
13:34There you go.
13:36Obviously, we need most of him to send up into space.
13:39What are you talking about?
13:41In a balloon!
13:43And I just stepped into a parallel universe.
13:46No, I was going to tell you, but...
13:48No, I'm not having this tiny little bit of him.
13:51How dare you? Just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower.
13:54Yeah, well, I didn't think you'd need any more.
13:59Right, let me tell you about the ashes.
14:01It is beautiful. So we launch you up into space...
14:04No, Paul is not going up into space.
14:06Nor should he be dumped on top of a speaker in the middle of the street.
14:10Paul would want to be here enjoying himself.
14:13I'm not having you dictate everything.
14:15You've manipulated me, you've lied to me.
14:18Yeah, well, I lied to protect you.
14:21Now you want all of his ashes and you're disrespecting him.
14:25Let's not do this here. No, I am not standing for it.
14:28Yeah, and I'm not standing for you ruining today.
14:30This is about Paul, not you.
14:32I think it's OK to have Paul here at the party.
14:35Thank you!
14:36Well, you could have been more considerate about Billy's feelings.
14:39And I totally agree with him about the ashes.
14:41He deserves more than a tiny little box.
14:44He was his husband.
14:47Come on, let's go and sit down for a bit.
14:53What? I haven't said anything.
14:55Your face did.
15:04It's all kicking off out there.
15:06Aye, I can hear that.
15:07No, I mean Bernie and Billy.
15:10Yeah, emotions are bound to be running high, though, aren't they?
15:13Mine are too, if I'm honest.
15:14Yeah, I'm not surprised.
15:17Bertie's picking up on it now.
15:19He's not sleeping through the night, which means neither am I.
15:22Come and stay for a bit, do some Uncle Adamant.
15:24Give you the odd night off.
15:27Yes, please, that would be great, thank you.
15:30Just till Bethany gets back.
15:31No problem.
15:33I hear they want to keep her in for another week.
15:35She's desperate to come home, but the doctors insist.
15:39Meanwhile, the costs keep rising.
15:41And rising and rising and rising.
15:46I have been looking into ways to free up some of Bertie's trust fund money,
15:51but Dad doesn't think I should do it.
15:56I don't know what to do. We've got to raise the money somehow.
15:59The fundraiser's dead.
16:02And Damon's offered to pay.
16:06This stays between us. I haven't told Sarah.
16:10Go on.
16:12She asked me to check her voicemail.
16:14Well, Damon's left her a message,
16:15saying she's welcome to take the remainder of his money from the robbery.
16:18I don't know if he's playing games or if he means it.
16:21Either way, she can't accept it.
16:23But if he means it?
16:24Stolen money, Adam.
16:25Yeah, then no one knows about it.
16:27Adam, you're a solicitor.
16:29You know full well what would happen if the police found out.
16:31You said yourself we need to raise the funds.
16:33But not like this.
16:38I don't think you should tell Sarah.
16:40I think you should just delete that voicemail.
16:50All right, Dave?
16:53Not seen you since we were inside.
16:57Happy memories.
17:00How you doing, Andy?
17:01Gone straight, mate.
17:03Really? Wow.
17:05I'll still watch my wallet, if that's all right.
17:07Probably best.
17:10Here's to Minty.
17:11Top lad.
17:16Forgot you used to call him that.
17:17Always had a packet, didn't he?
17:20Freshest bread in the clink.
17:34Gemma, are you OK?
17:37Stop asking me if I'm all right, Ches.
17:39Don't want to talk, just want to dance.
17:49What's that?
17:51What's what?
17:52Are you taking drugs?
17:56All that business with Billy's giving me a headache.
17:58Yeah, but that's because you haven't eaten anything all day.
18:01Come on.
18:02It's keeping a nice, healthy kebab.
18:12I know you're upset.
18:14I'm all right.
18:15You don't need to babysit me, you know.
18:17Just go and dance.
18:19Just want to make sure you're all right.
18:21I'm all right.
18:22Go on.
18:43It was nice getting a text from you, inviting me over.
18:46Yeah, well, I've been barred out of my mind.
18:50Well, I'll be happy to entertain you to the best of my abilities.
18:54And it's nice to get out of the flat, to be honest.
18:57Feels weird not having my dad there.
18:59I bet.
19:00Do you think they'll get that together?
19:02I hope so.
19:03But affairs of the heart are strange things.
19:06If you say so.
19:09Actually, I do want your advice.
19:11Of course.
19:13Dad told us Mum were pregnant.
19:18I mean, that's big news.
19:20How do you feel about it?
19:22I was excited.
19:23I mean, I know I hated Dorian when he first came,
19:26but it was fun to have a baby around.
19:29So, what's the problem?
19:33Apparently it was a mistake.
19:35False alarm, they said,
19:36but I reckon there's something they're not telling me.
19:39Like what?
19:40I don't know, but...
19:42they were shifty.
19:44And I know shifty when I see it.
19:47I hope it's not like with Toya.
19:49What happened with Toya?
19:51Well, they thought she was pregnant,
19:55it turned out to be cancer.
20:08Dee Dee.
20:09Can you get whoever's in charge of searching for my son to come and see me?
20:13I've been waiting for hours. They keep fobbing me off.
20:16Look, I'll do my best, but I just wanted to ask,
20:18when was the last time you spoke to Joel?
20:21A couple of days before he disappeared.
20:23He was distraught.
20:25Talked about ending it all.
20:26OK, but what if he didn't?
20:27I mean, is there anywhere he might go?
20:29If he was on the run?
20:30He's not gone. On the run.
20:32But he might have.
20:33OK, we've got to consider the possibility.
20:35But my son was suicidal.
20:37He could be lying dead somewhere,
20:38and you've got the gall to suggest he could have faked it all.
20:41I'm sorry, I understand this must be hard for you.
20:43Get away from me!
20:47I'm so sorry, Mr Darien.
20:49I understand this whole situation must be extremely distressing for you.
20:53If you'd like to take a seat, I will be with you shortly.
20:57Miss Bailey?
20:59Perhaps you'd like to come with me?
21:18So what do I owe this pleasure?
21:21Sarah asked me to access her messages while she was in Turkey.
21:24I heard yours, about the money.
21:28I just want to know if you're being genuine,
21:30or if you're playing some twisted game.
21:57Get out of my way!
22:27Get out of my way!
22:28Get out of my way!
22:31Get out of my way!
22:55How is she?
22:56Bethany. Not great.
22:58How'd it happen? I don't know all the details.
23:01I want to know what you're playing at.
23:03Does this money even exist, or are you trying to mess with Sarah's head?
23:05I'll be doing something to your head in a minute if you don't keep your voice down.
23:09You need to let it go, mate.
23:12This. Us.
23:14Do you still think we're fighting over Sarah?
23:17It's over.
23:18We've both lost her.
23:22But I still love her.
23:24Look, whatever you think of me,
23:27whether you trust me or you don't,
23:30it doesn't matter.
23:32The only thing that matters
23:34is that I can get my hands on some money to help Bethany.
23:37So either you tell Sarah,
23:40or I'll just pick up the phone again and tell her myself.
23:54Bernie, this is really good.
23:57I'm just saying, it's probably illegal to use an air horn in a residential area.
24:01How old are you?
24:03We are not related. That must be the only thing that makes sense.
24:06Oh, look at me. It's my day off.
24:09You all right, man?
24:11I'm fine.
24:12I'm fine.
24:13I'm fine.
24:14I'm fine.
24:15I'm fine.
24:16I'm fine.
24:17I'm fine.
24:18I'm fine.
24:19I'm fine.
24:20I'm fine.
24:21I'm fine.
24:22I'm fine.
24:25Yeah, I'm fine.
24:31Where's Paul?
24:33He's been in the old disco biscuits.
24:36No, his ashes have gone.
24:39Someone must have moved them.
24:41We'll find them, right? Don't panic.
24:47Do you think he could have got a fake passport?
24:51I'm not ruling anything out at the moment.
24:53Let me get you a herbal tea.
24:56No, I'd sooner have a proper cuppa as well, but apparently it's good for calming you down.
25:00Oh, I will calm down when you catch Joel.
25:03Look, what about this passport thing?
25:05We'll look into it.
25:06You're fobbing me off, Lisa.
25:08I am, but it's not working, is it?
25:10I just don't believe Joel is dead.
25:12Yes, you've made that pretty clear.
25:15His dad obviously does, though. Why is that not good enough for you?
25:19I just don't buy it.
25:20Okay? He's putting it on and he obviously knows something.
25:25Hey, why don't you get someone to follow him? See if he leads you to Joel.
25:29You've been watching too many cop movies.
25:33You're not going to do it, are you?
25:35Am I going to get somebody to follow a grieving father?
25:38No, because that's harassment.
25:40Look, I know you want Joel to be alive so we can put him in the dock, but that doesn't mean he is.
25:45I've spoken to his dad a couple of times now. He's 100% sure his son is dead.
25:50And I think you need to start getting used to the idea as well.
25:58Where are you going?
26:00Give me a wild guess.
26:01What, you think Billy took the ashes?
26:03Well, I don't think he's been carried to heaven by a flight of angels,
26:05though Billy might be when I get hold of him.
26:07Are you going to go easy on him?
26:09Get out of my way. Move!
26:11I will move when you promise that you're going to go easy on him.
26:14Look, Beth, his head's all over the place at the moment.
26:17He doesn't know what he's doing half the time.
26:18Look, last night...
26:21He's grieving, OK?
26:23And people do out-of-character stuff when they're grieving,
26:25so you just need to give him some leeway.
26:28Why do I have to give him leeway?
26:30What's he done?
26:32He's just taken the ashes.
26:34No, you said.
26:35You said last night.
26:37What happened?
26:41He just got a bit emotional, that's all.
26:43He probably just took the ashes to keep them safe.
26:46They were safe where they were.
26:48Like Billy's had his churchy thing.
26:50Am I not allowed mine?
26:51He's grieving.
26:53If you say he's grieving one more time,
26:55I'm going to put you through those speakers.
26:58Am I not grieving?
27:00I'm his mother.
27:02He was my son and I wanted him here today with me for all this.
27:08I know you did.
27:10But all we're saying is that Billy is really going through it right now.
27:15Just don't make this worse for him.
27:18You already told him they didn't get to say a proper goodbye.
27:22Bernie, please.
27:24Today has been great.
27:26Just don't spoil it.
27:36Are you all right? Are they for me?
27:40OK. What have you done?
27:43Hmm? Well, you must have done something.
27:45Is it them flipping vapes again?
27:46Cos if it is... If we find out you're on them now, Ruby...
27:50Come on, out with it.
27:52Have you got cancer, Mum?
27:59What makes you think that?
28:01Sam said Taya thought she were pregnant and then it turned out to be cancer.
28:05Oh, so you thought...
28:06Oh, love.
28:10No, I haven't got cancer.
28:12You're not just saying that.
28:15It's well on Ruby's life.
28:17Why is it on my life?
28:21Come on, sit down, both of you.
28:23Come here.
28:31I should have told you the truth in the first place, right?
28:34It wasn't a false alarm.
28:37I was pregnant.
28:40Well, I still am.
28:45me and your dad have decided...
28:48that we're not going to have the baby.
28:52So next week...
28:55I'm going to hospital.
28:59I'm going to have a termination.
29:01Look, I know it's a lot to get your heads round, right?
29:06we honestly think it's for the best.
29:09Cos we've got two lovely kids.
29:11Well, you know, most of the time you're lovely.
29:15And three, you know, with Dorian, so...
29:20What I'm trying to say is...
29:24we're happy with our family the way it is.
29:26We're happy with our family the way it is.
29:31Does that make sense?
29:35Got anything you want to ask me?
29:40Well, if you think of anything, yeah.
29:46You OK?
29:48You sure?
29:51Come here.
29:56Sorry, won't be a sec.
29:58I've, er, just been doing the old...
30:03You all right there? Do you want me to call you an ambulance?
30:06Yeah, no, I've just been doing a set.
30:09Yeah, I know, I heard.
30:11We all did.
30:12What can I get for you?
30:15I'll have a hot pot to go, please.
30:17Actually, you'd better make it to here in case Betsy's in.
30:19And a glass of white wine while I'm waiting.
30:22Coming up? Large.
30:26How is Betsy?
30:28OK, I think, considering.
30:31Bit glad to see you at the back of the door.
30:34I'd be a lot happier if I was banged up with a couple of 18 stone bikers
30:37who don't like men who groom young girls.
30:40Sorry, I shouldn't say that sort of thing, should I?
30:42It's all right.
30:47Listen, I, er...
30:49I went to see Carla earlier.
30:51She pretty much slammed the door in my face.
30:53Carl! She was very darkie with me, you know.
30:56Good set, by the way.
30:57Techno, techno, techno, techno!
30:59Cheers. I think that's jazz hands, don't we?
31:02I don't think it's just the plea hearing.
31:04Is there something else going on?
31:07No, not that I know of.
31:10I'll leave you two.
31:13Have you changed your mind about joining our singles club?
31:15You'll be the first to know.
31:17I haven't been doing the wrong hands.
31:27You couldn't even give me one day, could you?
31:33Kick the living daylights out of me.
31:37I don't think I can let go of him.
31:43You're going to make me get down there, aren't you?
31:46With my knees?
31:49It's not under your knees of battle, but...
31:52You should have seen me in my A-day.
31:56My time to be alive.
32:03What am I going to do without him?
32:07I know, love.
32:09I know.
32:13I know.
32:16I know.
32:18I know.
32:20You know, I'm always telling people that...
32:24..we're more than just flesh and blood.
32:27Death is in the end.
32:31This is all I've got left of him.
32:37And if I let go...'s going to be like losing him all over again.
32:45I'm such a hypocrite, aren't I?
32:51You're just a human being.
32:55My mam had my dad in the wardrobe for six months.
32:59His ashes, obviously.
33:02Couldn't think what to do with them.
33:05Anyway... snowed one night and my dad loved the snow.
33:11Especially when it first came down, he was like a big kid.
33:16So my mam went out in her slippers...
33:19..and she sprinkled his ashes all over the front garden.
33:23Yeah, it's beautiful.
33:25Well, it is and it isn't.
33:28The snow melted and my dad was all over the path.
33:33My mam had to sweep his ashes off.
33:36Is it supposed to make me feel better?
33:40Well, we wouldn't have that problem if we sent Paul into space, would we?
33:45Now, I know you think I'm off my head, and maybe I am, but...
33:50..the point being... do have to let him go, Bill.
33:57We both do.
34:01But that doesn't mean you're going to lose him again.
34:05Cos he'll still be in here.
34:09And he'll always be in here, won't he?
34:14Oh, I'm going to kill you.
34:17You've set me off now.
34:42It's not half bad being single,
34:44but I do miss having somebody to cuddle up to
34:46and not sleeping with the enemy with.
34:48Me and Beth used to love that movie. So romantic.
34:52Sleeping With The Enemy's about a woman who pretends to be dead
34:55so she can get out of an abusive relationship.
34:57I don't remember that bit.
34:59I know he misses his wife,
35:00and his son makes a call to this radio shop.
35:04You're thinking're thinking of Sleepless in Seattle.
35:07Sleeping With The Enemy's got Julia Roberts.
35:10Pretty woman.
35:11Now, that's a romantic movie.
35:13Isn't she a sex worker?
35:15Yeah, fair point.
35:17What if you went to see him?
35:18We're running out of options.
35:19Look, nobody wants Bethany back more than I do.
35:21I think her mother might do.
35:23Listen, I'm going to tell Sarah,
35:24then it's up to her what she wants to do with the money.
35:26No, don't.
35:27Why not?
35:28Because she'll probably say yes.
35:30We're talking about the proceeds of an armed robbery here.
35:33Police will be all over it.
35:34Do you really want to get Sarah mixed up in all that?
35:37I'll do something, OK?
35:39Anything but this.
35:42Do you still have Damon's voicemail?
35:46Delete it.
35:47I'm serious, Adam.
35:48You need to delete that message.
35:50Sarah can't know about it.
35:53Hey, Jenny, any chance you can give me a shift for ten minutes?
35:56Just need to pop back to the flat and check on something.
35:58Get us a call back, let me know.
36:01See, told them that you're not keeping it.
36:04What a lovely way to put it.
36:06How did you put it?
36:08I told them I'm having a termination.
36:11Well, that's hardly better.
36:12They handled it well.
36:14They're too young.
36:15They're not stupid.
36:16They probably know more than we do.
36:19Look, you have to tell them everything.
36:21Just put them back in.
36:22No, because they're going to burn us.
36:23I don't mind. I like them like that.
36:24I like them good.
36:25Just talk to me for a minute, please.
36:29I know you think they're still babies, Ty, but they're not.
36:34I found Hope with condoms the other week, didn't I?
36:36Come on, if it's not condoms, it's vapes.
36:39They're growing up.
36:40They do biology in school.
36:42They know about sex and contraception and termination.
36:46I know, I know, but it's a different kettle of fish
36:48when the mother's having one.
36:50I had to tell them.
36:51Hope thought I had cancer.
36:53Look, I just... I don't want to lie to them, not any more.
36:56They deserve to know the truth.
36:59What, even if it upsets them?
37:02They seemed OK.
37:03I know, I know, but we don't really know how they feel, do we?
37:06Look, maybe they are OK.
37:08I don't know, I'm just saying.
37:10You know, but one minute they're getting excited
37:12because they think they've got a new little brother or sister
37:14on the way, and the next minute we're telling them
37:16that we don't want that.
37:17You know, it's a lot for kids to deal with.
37:19Is your stomach burning?
37:20Go and wash your hands, please.
37:28Carla, are you in?
37:53I should call her back.
37:55She probably thinks we're knocking seven bells out of each other.
37:58The night is still young.
38:00Even if we're not.
38:04Do you mind if I let a bit of light in here?
38:07You know, before you turn into...
38:10Mrs What's-Her-Face.
38:12Sat in her wedding dress with her curtains closed
38:15for the rest of her life.
38:17I've never been compared to Miss Havisham before.
38:19Havisham, that's the one.
38:22There we go.
38:24That's better, isn't it?
38:29Hey, what have God and my dev got in common?
38:33If this is going to be blasphemous, then...
38:35No, they both move in very mysterious ways.
38:39Head's getting the hang of it.
38:41Not as good as me, mind you.
38:44Did I tell you I was once on The Hitman and Her?
38:47Yeah, I was on the stage with Clive.
38:50I met Jason Orange before he was Jason Orange.
38:53I'm impressed.
38:54Yeah, you should be.
38:58Paul would have loved today.
39:00Do you reckon?
39:05And I think that he would, er...
39:08He'd love to be sent up to space.
39:12I know you ate the idea.
39:14I did, I did, but I'm slowly coming round to it.
39:20Yeah, I'll keep my little box of ashes, but...
39:25..I'm happy for you to send yours up and away.
39:32I'm sorry I went to Todd behind your back.
39:35I should never have asked him to give me the urn.
39:38It's fine.
39:41You forgive me?
39:46So, shall we go back down there?
39:49For the last hurrah?
39:53Come on, then.
39:55I'm going up.
40:20Take it, that's why you've been walking around like a bear with a sore head.
40:25You'll have a sore head if you open my letters again.
40:28I'm already open.
40:32Divorce has come through, then.
40:35Yes, Ryan.
40:37I'm celebrating.
40:39Do you want one?
40:41No, I've got to get back to work in a minute.
40:48How was your set?
40:50Still got it.
40:52You ought to get yourself a little van.
40:54A few lights, glitter ball.
40:56You could do weddings, bar mitzvahs and funerals.
40:58Lisa came into the pub. She's asking about you.
41:01I don't know what she's been saying and I don't want to know.
41:04I'm not interested.
41:05You must have known the divorce was coming, right?
41:07Yes, Ryan.
41:09But I also know I'm going to kick the bucket one day.
41:11It's not going to make it any easier when it happens, is it?
41:14It's just...
41:16It's a shock.
41:21I'll see you there in black and white.
41:26See you around.
41:27I'm not going anywhere until you've deleted that voicemail.
41:30How are we going to get Bethany home?
41:32Well, find a way.
41:34Delete it.
41:37And don't even think about saying anything to those two.
41:44It's gone.
41:48A bridging loan?
41:49Yes, to pay for Bethany.
41:52I wanted to tell you last night,
41:54but I thought I'd better wait till after Paul's funeral.
41:57So you're selling the house, then?
41:59It's coming around tomorrow morning.
42:01Thanks for nothing, girl.
42:02I'll look forward to my Christmas dinner in the homeless shelter this year.
42:05Look, I don't want to sell it,
42:08but if it's the only way we can raise the money...
42:14I just want to thank you all for coming today.
42:17It means a lot to me and my family.
42:20Kit, get up here, please.
42:24So, we've decided
42:27we're going to send our Paul's ashes into space.
42:33Yeah, yeah, I thought you'd like that, but we can't do it tonight.
42:38But we have got some rockets we're going to let off.
42:42So I want you all to enjoy the fireworks
42:46and dance like there's no tomorrow
42:49to one of our Paul's favourites.
42:53Let me show you.
42:55Let me show you love!
43:08I am... I'm so sorry about...
43:13I'm mortified.
43:16Aren't you, mate?
43:19Are we OK?
43:20Of course we are.
43:25Come on.
43:35Billy! Come here.
43:38Come on. Come on.
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