• il y a 2 semaines
00:00Dusty and Smudge live in a house that's just like yours
00:08Off go the lights, you go to sleep
00:11Very quietly, out they creep
00:14Watch out for Percy, munch his mice
00:16Say hello to Bark, he's very nice
00:19Look out for Legs, Whistle and Whine
00:24Dusty and Smudge live in a house that's just like yours
00:54Oh, the little girl with the bunches thinks it might be a bit bright here
01:02Yes, I might not be able to sleep here
01:05Let's try over there
01:06Yeah, where it's a bit darker
01:08Oh, how you doing Dusty?
01:12Oh, there we go
01:15Oh, that'll do it I think
01:19What do you think?
01:20Hang on, that's where it was in the first place
01:24Yes, it looks very good here though, doesn't it?
01:27So, shall we try moving your bed now?
01:30No, I think our friends are waiting to say hello
01:35Oh, are you? I'm sorry, OK
01:39Are you ready?
01:40Up and down
01:41In and out
01:43Ready, steady, go!
01:53Are we ready?
01:55Are you ready?
01:57OK, in and out
01:59Up and down
02:01Ready, steady, go!
02:07Pop up!
02:09Pop up!
02:11Pop up!
02:13Pop up!
02:15Pop up!
02:17Pop up!
02:21Pop down!
02:24Pop up!
02:26Turn around!
02:32I can see you!
02:38Behind you!
02:42Are you ready to pop up one more time?
02:47OK, well, here we go then!
02:50Pop up!
02:52Pop down!
02:54Pop up!
02:56Turn around!
03:01I can see you!
03:04Pop up!
03:06Pop down!
03:09Turn around!
03:12Over here!
03:14Now you see us!
03:16Now you don't!
03:24I think what we need to do now...
03:27Come on, Smudge!
03:29...is move the dressing table over...
03:31Later! Come on, let's go!
03:39Oh, hello legs!
03:41Bark, he's asleep!
03:45Sounds pur!
04:12I am nobody's fool!
04:15All day long, I just quiver, dream of mice for my dinner!
04:20I'm just a perfectly wonderful cat!
04:24Meow! A perfectly wonderful cat!
04:28Anyone want to dance?
04:31Ha, ha, ha!
04:39I am a perfectly wonderful cat!
04:42Meow! I'm known for my charm and my chat!
04:46Those mice think that they know it all!
04:49But next to me, they know nothing at all!
04:52I am the boss, and I make the rules!
04:56Because I am nobody's fool!
04:59All day long, I just quiver, dream of mice for my dinner!
05:04I'm just a perfectly wonderful cat!
05:08A perfectly wonderful cat!
05:11Anyone fancy a mouse sandwich?
05:14Oh, I just think mice are divine!
05:18Ha, ha, ha!
05:25She's talking in her sleep again!
05:29All clear!
05:31I'll switch on the lights.
05:41Dusty, stand very still!
05:46Now what?
05:48Move very slowly, then hide.
05:52He isn't moving!
05:55He looks quite friendly!
05:58I think I'm going to go take a closer look.
06:01Dusty, do be careful!
06:23There's something very funny about him!
06:27Yeah, where are you going this time?
06:30Oh, I'm scared!
06:32Oh, go on!
06:34If anything happens, just run for it!
06:46Still nothing!
06:49We'll go together this time!
06:51Yeah, I'm going to touch him, I am!
06:54Well, be careful!
07:03What a funny little nami smudge!
07:06You try this time!
07:08Okay, I'm going to touch his tummy!
07:17It's okay, Dusty!
07:20Are you sure?
07:22Yes, watch!
07:24Banana face!
07:30Silly Billy!
07:32Funny Barney!
07:35Tea cake!
07:37He won't move!
07:40He's a garden gnome!
07:42He's just a statue!
07:44Have you ever seen a statue like this before?
07:49Are you alright?
07:51I'm pretending to be a statue!
07:55Just a statue!
08:05Want to play musical statues?
08:08Yes, please!
08:10Can they play too?
08:13Of course they can!
08:15Do you know how to play?
08:18Move around to the music and when it stops, freeze like a statue!
08:23And Bark will tell you how he wants you to stand still!
08:27Yes, like on one leg!
08:29Or with your eyes closed!
08:31Right, let's go!
08:33Clap your hands, stamp your feet, wave your arms to the beat!
08:38When the music stops, you freeze and bow down!
08:45You're very good, aren't you?
08:49Oh dear, are you alright?
08:51Let's do it again, come on you two!
08:53Clap your hands, stamp your feet, wave your arms to the beat!
08:58When the music stops, you freeze with your arms in the air!
09:04Oh, that is very tempting, isn't it?
09:16That was unfair!
09:18That was fun!
09:22I'd like to play!
09:29Poor Nomi, all alone!
09:31With no homie!
09:33Nomi Nomi, all alone!
09:35Where does the Nomi go?
09:37Does he go here? Does he go there?
09:40We really just don't know!
09:43Maybe we'll see him on the TV!
09:45Because it's a video of statues!
09:48It might show us where Nomi lives!
09:51A statue of a lady!
09:54In stone!
09:56She's standing very still!
09:58Yes, there's no statue!
10:00Doesn't look like Nomi!
10:03She's very stony!
10:06And very tall!
10:08Very tall!
10:11And not carrying a rod!
10:13Or a fish!
10:15Oh, this lady's carrying a jug!
10:19She's lovely!
10:21Got very tidy hair!
10:23That doesn't get blown around in the wind, does it?
10:26Hey, it's a horse!
10:28Oh, it's a horse statue!
10:34Except it's a statue!
10:36Oh, look at this one!
10:38I like this one!
10:41It's a boy swimming with a dolphin!
10:44Oh, I like the big smile on the dolphin's face!
10:48That's my favourite!
10:51Oh, there were lots of statues there!
10:54Yes, but none like our Nomi!
10:57Our Nomi needs somewhere nice to stand, he does!
11:01Yeah, like the statues on the video!
11:04Yes, but where shall we put him?
11:07How about right up there?
11:11Oh, yes!
11:12Well, you go and stand up there, Dusty, and pretend to be a statue!
11:17So I can see what you look like!
11:23Are you there yet?
11:25Are you there yet?
11:29So what about here?
11:31Quite nice, but not right!
11:36What about on that table?
11:39Up here?
11:41I don't think so!
11:47What about here, Smudge?
11:49Well, what is it, Dusty?
11:51It's sort of a hill!
11:53The statues look good up here!
11:56I don't like the look of that hill, Nomi!
11:59Oh, it's got nice warm fur!
12:03And funny pointy things, too!
12:05And whiskers!
12:08I know a good place for a mouse!
12:12In my tummy!
12:17We've got to help him!
12:19Oh, well, you're no good, are you?
12:40That hurt!
13:51Keeping a lookout!
13:53Making sure that all is well!
14:06Oh, we still haven't found a home for Nomi!
14:10Nomi, Nomi, all aloney!
14:13Where does the Nomi go?
14:15Does he go here?
14:16Does he go there?
14:17We really just don't know!
14:20Let's see what's on the computer!
14:22Oh, look!
14:23There's a statue of a snail!
14:26I think I've got to find my way through the maze!
14:29You're doing quite well!
14:31Oh, dead end!
14:32Down, down!
14:34Down, back and down!
14:36Down, down!
14:37Here I am, little white mouse!
14:41Oh, no, no, no!
14:43Oh, dead end again!
14:44Up, up, up!
14:45Oh, no!
14:46Oh, no!
14:52I found the snail!
14:53Straight into the snail statue!
15:02One, two, three, four!
15:07La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la...
15:15If I were a gnome, I'd like to be sitting..
15:18on a toe stool
15:20Under a tree
15:22In the fresh air
15:23I'll sit for hours and hours
15:26and hear the bees buzz
15:28among the flowers
15:30des fleurs?
15:31La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la…
15:40J'ai juste une idée, Dusty.
15:44Oh oui?
15:45Qu'est-ce que c'est, Schmudge?
15:46Pourquoi ne pas avoir Nomi dans notre mouche?
15:51Mais oui!
15:52Donc, Nomi aurait un ami!
15:55Nous aurions notre propre statue.
15:58C'est très grand.
16:00Oui, mais comment allons-nous trouver Nomi, mon ami?
16:04Par ici!
16:07Je sais.
16:09Prenez soin de lui et suivez-moi.
16:17Où sont les mouches?
16:26Il y a quelque chose de drôle qui se passe ici.
16:32Une statue qui bouge.
16:35C'est étrange.
16:38Nous avons été vu. Vite, courons!
16:42Maintenant, vous êtes en trouble.
16:55Vite, Dusty, par ici!
16:57Oh non, je ne peux pas entrer.
16:59Nomi bloque le trou des mouches.
17:21Je me demande où nous allons aujourd'hui.
17:26C'est un jardin.
17:28Je ne sais pas ce qu'on trouvera ici.
17:36Beaucoup de plantes.
17:42Et des arbres.
17:46C'est un jardin.
17:48C'est un jardin.
17:50C'est un jardin.
17:53Et des arbres.
17:59Et même des statues.
18:07Beaucoup de fleurs.
18:15Et des gens aussi.
18:23Il y a des jardins là-bas.
18:30Voyons voir ce qu'il y a autour.
18:42Bon, allons-y.
18:47Beaucoup de fleurs.
18:52Et des gens aussi.
18:59Regardez ces beaux fleurs.
19:02Ces odeurs et ces couleurs.
19:04Smudge adorerait ça.
19:06Peut-être que je lui trouverai une fleur.
19:10Une fleur sentue.
19:23Oh, waouh!
19:25Regardez toutes ces fleurs.
19:28Rouges aussi.
19:29Mon préféré.
19:31Couleur de sourire.
19:39Je suis assez bien caché ici, n'est-ce pas?
19:41Entre toutes ces feuilles pointues.
19:46C'est un jardin.
19:48C'est un jardin.
19:49C'est un jardin.
19:52En fait, elles sont assez pointues.
20:03C'est un gnome.
20:04Juste comme notre gnome.
20:06Donc c'est ici qu'il vient.
20:18Maintenant, c'est l'heure de jouer.
20:20C'est la nuit!
20:25Mes jambes!
20:27Oh, mes jambes!
20:32C'est l'heure de rentrer.
20:33J'ai hâte de le dire à Smudge.
20:45Je t'ai apporté un cadeau.
20:49Une fleur!
20:51Oh, merci Dusty.
20:53C'est mignon.
20:55Et j'ai aussi quelque chose d'autre.
20:57Quelque chose d'autre?
21:07C'est vraiment assez bien.
21:11Je me souviens pas du gnome.
21:14Je veux te montrer quelque chose.
21:22Le gnome a trouvé son ami.
21:25En dehors dans la boîte à fenêtres.
21:27Et il a aussi l'air d'avoir trouvé un ami.
21:29Oh, oui!
21:31Gnome, gnome, dans ton ami.
21:34Comment se développe ton jardin?
21:36Avec des belles fleurs.
21:38Et des chouettes.
21:40Et des gnomes mignons.
21:41Tout en un.
21:44Au revoir!
21:47Je suis tellement content que Gnome ait trouvé son ami.
21:51Et je suis aussi content que tu sois rentré en sécurité et en silence.
21:59Je me sens très fatigué.
22:02Il ne reste qu'une chose à faire avant de dormir.
22:09Reste comme une statue.
22:12Reste comme une statue.
22:15Reste comme une statue.
22:20Je dois lui dire bonne matinée.
22:22Ça a été une très longue nuit.
22:25N'oublie pas de regarder les statues aujourd'hui.
22:28Bonne matinée.
22:45Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
