Our experts at TheStreet Pro shared their favorite investing and trading books.
00:00Sometimes it is worth judging a book by its cover, especially if the biggest
00:04brains in the business already did the work for you. Our resident experts at The
00:08Street Pro shared the top 10 books that have guided their investing success for
00:11decades. Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, When to Sell, Inside Strategies
00:15for Stock Market Profits, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, One-Up on Wall
00:20Street, Option Volatility and Pricing, Liar's Poker, How to Make Money in Stocks,
00:24a Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Being Right or Making Money, The
00:27Definitive Guide to Position Sizing Strategies, How to Evaluate Your System
00:30and Use Position Sizing Strategies to Meet Your Objectives, Trading in the Zone,
00:33Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude. To buy
00:37these books and or learn more from the traders who picked them, click the link
00:40in the description.