Season 1 - Nasheed Special - I Love Giving Charity Song I Nasheed I Islamic Cartoon I Best Islamic Songs For Kids
All videos are made with no music. All with voice
All videos are made with no music. All with voice
00:00Giving to charity is a good deed. We must give to those in need. As good Muslims we give to charity. We must do it sincerely.
00:29Giving to charity is a good deed. We must give to those in need. As good Muslims we give to charity. We must do it sincerely.
00:47You too can give to charity. And when you do, do it secretly. It doesn't matter what you give or do you'll be rewarded if your actions are true.
01:05There are so many ways you can give to charity. You can start by helping your family. You can help them with anything big or small. Allah will reward you for it all.
01:23Giving to charity is a good deed. We must give to those in need. As good Muslims we give to charity. We must do it sincerely.
01:41You can give to charity with anything. It can be food or drink or even other things. You can give money, clothes, books or even toys. It doesn't really matter. It's all your choice.
02:00Charity can be done in so many ways. However you do it, don't do it for praise. Give to charity to please Allah. Remember He's watching you wherever you are.
02:18Giving to charity is a good deed. We must give to those in need. As good Muslims we give to charity. We must do it sincerely.
02:36You can smile and say salam to someone. That's a form of charity, a great one. You can pray and make dua for the ones you love. Your prayers will be answered by the one above.
02:54You can visit the sick and try to bring a smile on their face or help someone during those bad days. Feed an animal down your lane or street or feed someone who has nothing or very little to eat.
03:13May Allah reward you for all the charity you do. You can give your friends, family and others too. Giving to charity will make your wealth grow. It will wash away your sins and Allah will love you more.
03:31Giving to charity is a good deed. We must give to those in need. As good Muslims we give to charity. We must do it sincerely.
03:49Charity can be done in so many ways. However you do it, don't do it for praise. Give to charity to please Allah. Remember He's watching you wherever you are.
04:06Giving to charity is a good deed. We must give to those in need. As good Muslims we give to charity. We must do it sincerely.