• last year
बीजेपी के राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ता गौरव भाटिया ने बीजेपी मुख्यालय में एक प्रेस कांफ्रेंस को संबोधित करते हुए कहा, "कल बीजेपी ने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस कर 5000 करोड़ रुपए की ड्रग्स की खेप की बात कही थी, जिसे प्रशासन और पुलिस की मुस्तैदी से पकड़ा गया। हरियाणा की जनता हैरान और गुस्से में है, क्योंकि ये कैसी कांग्रेस है? हम सब जानते हैं कि C फॉर करप्ट कांग्रेस, C फॉर कन्फ्यूज्ड कांग्रेस, लेकिन अब C फॉर कोकीन कांग्रेस चिंता का विषय है। कांग्रेस पार्टी के पदाधिकारी की गिरफ्तारी के बाद लोग पुलिस की तारीफ कर रहे हैं, सरकार अपना काम कर रही है। एक तरफ पीएम मोदी कह रहे हैं कि युवा खेलेंगे, शिक्षा लेंगे, इनोवेशन होगा। भारत में रोजगार के अवसर पैदा हुए हैं, नौकरियां मिलेंगी और दूसरी तरफ कांग्रेस पार्टी है जो भ्रष्टाचार के लिए जानी जाती थी, अब कोकीन के लिए जानी जाती है।"

#GauravBhatia #Congress #Drugs #BJP #CforCorruptCongress #CforConfusedCongress #CforCocaineCongress #DrugsConsignment


00:00As the Indian People's Party said in a press conference yesterday,
00:05a huge amount of 5,000 crores worth of drugs,
00:13which was seized by the administration and police,
00:23was seized by the administration.
00:26This is the second part of the press conference.
00:30And the people of the country, the people of Haryana,
00:35are shocked and outraged.
00:40Because what kind of a C-Congress is this?
00:45We all know C for Corruption Congress.
00:49C for Confused Congress.
00:52But now C for Cocaine Congress.
00:59It is a matter of concern.
01:04A politician from the Congress Party,
01:07who is under arrest,
01:12after being caught,
01:16the people are praising the police.
01:20The government is doing its job.
01:24And this is the talent of the Indian People's Party.
01:28No matter how much the C-Congress wants,
01:35we will not let the youth of the country get addicted to drugs.
01:42The youth of the country is getting employment from the Indian People's Party.
01:50This is a battle of ideology.
01:55Narendra Modi is saying that the youth will play.
02:00They will get education.
02:03There will be innovation in India.
02:06Employment opportunities have been created.
02:09They will get a job.
02:11And on the other hand,
02:13the Congress Party,
02:15which was known for corruption,
02:19is now known for C for Cocaine.
02:23And will it not be asked today,
02:26that if the main culprit,
02:29who is being held responsible for the smuggling of drugs worth Rs. 5000 crores,
02:36is Rahul Gandhi,
02:38Mallika Arjun Khadge,
02:40Priyanka Vadra Gandhi,
02:43Sonia Gandhi,
02:45Bhupinder Hooda.
02:48Why are these people quiet?
02:50What kind of addiction is this?
02:52Is this the addiction of power?
02:55Do you think that you are playing with the lives of the youth of Haryana and India?
03:05And the people will remain silent.
03:10The Indian People's Party will remain silent.
03:12This is not going to happen.
03:14I thank the Home Minister,
03:19Mr. Amit Shah,
03:21who spoke very clearly yesterday.
03:25And I would like to read this out.
03:30This message should reach the entire country.
03:34It is the wish of every youth.
03:37On the one hand,
03:39where the Modi government is adopting a policy of zero tolerance for the drug-free India,
03:45on the other hand,
03:47in the case of drugs caught from North India worth Rs. 5,600 crores,
03:51a prominent member of Congress is very dangerous and shameful.
