The Confidante - S01 Trailer (English Subs) HD

  • vorgestern
Christelle "Chris" Blandin ist ein Rock-Musik-Fan aus Paris, die eine Überlebende der Terroranschläge am 13. November 2015 in Paris ist. Nach der traumatisierenden Erfahrung wird sie Teil einer Community von Überlebenden, um sich aus dem Schrecken hinaus zu kämpfen.


00:00I'm sorry. I'm with you.
00:03Thank you, Inspector.
00:05Can you tell me?
00:09The bus stop is closed! I'm going to ask you to turn around and take the subway!
00:12They shot at us! They shot at us!
00:16Vincent, it's Chris. I wanted to know where you were.
00:20It's Vincent. He was at Bataclan and he took two bullets. He's in the coma in Pompidou.
00:28Chris, Léon, welcome.
00:30Nice to meet you.
00:31Here are the magnificent statues of our association.
00:33Yeah, bravo!
00:36Hello, Samia, how are you?
00:37You have the right to crack.
00:38We'll find each other. You're not alone.
00:41I'm here for a victim association that needs me.
00:45What do you say to people who can't get out of their homes?
00:48That you have to vent a little with the region?
00:51That's what we're doing.
00:53What's your name?
00:55He's in Pompidou.
00:56Should I come with you?
00:57I mean, I'd have to see with the medical team.
01:00I'll be honest with you, I don't feel you.
01:03There is someone in the association who may not be quite honest.
01:06If it's a lie, you have to get rid of it.
01:07Trust is our only capital. We have to be exemplary.
01:12I can't stand your Bataclan bullshit anymore.
01:15I can't force you to stop, but I can't be your accomplice.
01:19The guy you're talking to on Facebook, I don't know who he is.
01:22What I'm going to tell you is extremely violent.
01:26We've been manipulated since the beginning.
01:31They need me.
01:35They don't care about the truth.
01:36What they want is to be helped.
01:38Do you understand that?
01:39I'm useful.