Universe size creation of the universe according to Quran and science theory of evolution Dr Israr Ahmed

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Universe size creation of the universe according to Quran and science theory of evolution
00:00In fact, the concept of the creation of the universe, which is almost agreed upon now,
00:10until some time ago, which we call the Newtonian era of physics,
00:19there is no doubt that he is the father of physics.
00:22The father of natural sciences is Newton.
00:26Although after that, a great revolution came through Einstein.
00:29Now this is the era of Einstein in which we are breathing.
00:33But he is the father of natural sciences, Newton.
00:38The concepts that Newtonian physics had created,
00:43in his mind there was a pattern that this universe is forever and will remain forever.
00:50Matter is forever and will remain forever.
00:55Matter is indestructible.
00:59Matter cannot be destroyed, etc. etc. etc.
01:02I cannot go into your commentary.
01:05Today we have come to know,
01:08and there is almost consensus on this, of physics, and for a long time.
01:12This universe has a beginning.
01:16And it was named Big Bang.
01:20Billions and billions of years ago,
01:26there was a big explosion, Big Bang.
01:29And with that the universe began.
01:33And number two, there is an end to this.
01:36It is called, Allah ajalil musamma.
01:39This universe is not forever.
01:41Allah ajalil musamma.
01:43It will remain for a certain period of time.
01:47After that it will end.
01:49It is not forever.
01:52So what was the beginning of Big Bang?
01:59The atoms were very small, very small, very small, very small.
02:07They had a temperature of trillions degrees Fahrenheit or centigrade.
02:13And they were running away from each other.
02:17This was the first stage of the creation of this material world.
02:25Then these atoms came together.
02:29With this, galaxies came into existence.
02:31Galaxies are running away from each other.
02:33It is still believed today.
02:35It is an expanding universe.
02:36The universe is still expanding.
02:39And the gap between the galaxies is widening.
02:43And a very beautiful example is given.
02:45If there is a balloon.
02:47You have put a dot on that balloon.
02:50The more you spread that balloon.
02:52The more you blow.
02:53The dots will also increase from each other.
02:56The gap will increase.
02:57First the balloon was this much.
02:58Now it is this much.
02:59So the gap between the two dots was this much.
03:02Now it is this much.
03:04The theory of the expanding universe.
03:06This material has said.
03:08This universe is not yet complete.
03:11It is coming.
03:16Right now.
03:18As it is mentioned in the Quran.
03:21We expand in our creation.
03:24As much as we want.
03:32This creation is still going on.
03:35After that came the time.
03:37That in the galaxies.
03:39These balls were formed.
03:40And stars were formed.
03:42And then those balls started to cool down.
03:46One of them is ours.
03:51This was a ball of fire.
03:52Like the sun.
03:55But it cooled down.
03:58As it cooled down.
03:59It dried up.
04:02So on this.
04:03Heights and lows were created.
04:07The fumes that came out of it.
04:09They went and took the shape of the atmosphere.
04:13In that atmosphere.
04:15Then the gases.
04:17Water was created by interaction.
04:19And for thousands of years.
04:21Water kept on pouring.
04:22Water kept on pouring.
04:23Water kept on pouring.
04:25Due to which the ocean was formed.
04:28And when that land cooled down.
04:30Then the crust of the earth came on top.
04:34That and water.
04:36Due to its interaction.
04:38On this crust of the earth.
04:40Life was created.
04:44And in that life.
04:46After passing through a thousand years of evolution.
04:50The final result is.
04:52According to today's perspective.
04:54He is a homo sapiens human.
04:56This is my view of today.
04:58I have kept it in front of you.
05:01There is no disagreement about the first part of this.
05:04Of course, there are differences about evolution.
05:08But this is my view.
05:10Although in the field of biology.
05:12The theory of evolution has not been accepted.
05:17But it is accepted as a matter of fact.
05:21In human thinking.
05:23In social sciences.
05:25The theory of evolution has entered everything.
05:30Now what has not come in this.
05:32I am telling you that.
05:35This Big Bang was the beginning of the material universe.
05:41There is a period before this.
05:43Which science can neither see nor know.
05:46Nor has it reached it.
05:49Before that, there was a Harfe Kun.
05:53Like Big Bang happened with a Harfe Kun.
05:57What happened in Big Bang?
05:59I will tell you that.
06:01With the first Harfe Kun of Allah.
06:04A very subtle light was created.
06:10Why am I saying this subtle light?
06:12There was no heat in it.
06:14There was no movement either.
06:20At this stage, with that subtle light.
06:23Human souls were created.
06:25And angels were created.
06:30This is a pre-Big Bang matter.
06:32Human souls.
06:34Are not material.
06:37They have nothing to do with this material universe.
06:43This was before Big Bang.
06:48And human souls.
06:52There was no body.
06:54Only souls.
06:55But everyone had a soul.
06:57From Adam to the last man who will come to this world.
07:00From the Day of Judgment to the first.
07:02Everyone had a soul.
07:05And Allah had taken a covenant from them.
07:07I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
07:12Now, how can a person who does not believe in this understand?
07:15Who did Allah take a covenant from?
07:19A modern-day commentator wrote in his commentary.
07:24This covenant.
07:26Before the creation of man.
07:29It was taken in the world of the unseen.
07:33I said to him, Huzoor.
07:35This sentence is your subject.
07:38How did you take a covenant from what was not even born?
07:44There is a covenant.
07:47Which is present.
07:49And then these words come in it too.
07:52I am saying this.
07:55With full consciousness.
07:56With self-consciousness.
07:59A person makes a covenant.
08:01He makes a commitment.
08:02He makes a treaty.
08:04When I said this to him.
08:07He agreed.
08:11This covenant.
08:13Before the creation of the human body.
08:16It was taken from the human souls.
08:21This was a stage.
08:23In which the souls were created.
08:25In that world of souls.
08:27The material world has not yet started.
08:31There is no concept of time yet.
08:35This is the reason.
08:37Whatever happens in the world of souls.
08:39It does not take time.
08:44It takes time in the world of creation.
08:47The sky and the earth were created in six days.
08:49That day is not the day of our 24 hours.
08:55It takes nine months from the birth of a human to the birth of a child.
08:59It takes time.
09:02In the world of souls.
09:03For the angels.
09:05What do you think?
09:07Does it take time for Gabriel to come here from the throne?
09:13There is no time element.
09:16This is the birth of that era.
09:19Time has not been born yet.
09:21Time and space.
09:24This is the concept after the Big Bang.
09:27There is movement too.
09:29The concept of time will be born after that.
09:32The passing time.
09:36Therefore, the human souls were created.
09:40The material universe had not yet started.
09:44And they were kept in a cold storage.
09:52After that, the long journey.
09:56The passage and evolution.
09:58These are actually two terms.
10:01Our ancient philosophers also tried.
10:04Science was not there yet.
10:06The scope of knowledge of science was very limited.
10:11But this is.
10:17This was a mental betrayal.
10:21Or from the first mind.
10:23The first universe and the second mind were born.
10:25And from the second mind.
10:27The second universe and the third mind were born.
10:31Nine skies.
10:33And ten minds.
10:35This is our ancient philosophy.
10:37You can get the words from them.
10:39There is no question of them in the Quran or Hadith.
10:42Nor does science agree with it.
10:46What I am saying.
10:48Now you will know from it.
10:50Between science.
10:52And this whole concept.
10:54That we are the same.
10:58When there is only light and light.
11:00There is no heat or movement.
11:04The human souls are less.
11:06And the angels are less.
11:08Then there is the big bang.
11:10And the time that has passed.
11:12In which the heat was the most intense.
11:14The heat was the most intense.
11:18In that time the jinns were created.
11:22Now the Quran says.
11:24The jinns were created.
11:36From the fire.
11:40And in one place it is said.
11:42We created the jinns before Adam.
11:50The wind.
11:52The wind.
11:56In which there is a burning fire.
11:58The fire of the desert.
12:00Imagine it.
12:04The jinns were created from its fire.
12:10These jinns are not the creation of this earth.
12:12They are not the creation of the soil.
12:16This is a joke.
12:18The soil has become inert.
12:20We are made of soil.
12:24Whether it is made through the long process of evolution.
12:26Or it is a direct creation.
12:28But both are made of soil.
12:30The Quran says it is made of soil.
12:32And science also says it is made of soil.
12:34From the clay.
12:36Crust of the earth.
12:38And the Quran also says.
12:42In everything there is life.
12:44And the source of life is water.
12:48The matter of creation.
12:50Of the animals of the earth.
12:52In which humans are also included.
12:54That is soil.
12:56But the source of life is water.
13:04And this is what science says.
13:06That on the shore of the sea.
13:08On the murky places.
13:10What used to happen there?
13:12That now the water has moved back.
13:14Then the water has come.
13:16This is a process.
13:20And as a result of this.
13:24The chemical compounds.
13:26After that the organic compounds.
13:28After that.
13:30The source of life.
13:32One cell.
13:34This is what they say.
13:36I am neither confirming it.
13:38Nor am I denying it.
13:40What I am telling you.
13:42It is agreed upon.
13:44The matter is filled with soil and water.
13:46There is no disagreement in this.
13:50Now this process that is going on.
13:52Now the same story is being repeated.
13:56From one cell.
13:58In the womb.
14:00The child is born.
14:04Which may have happened.
14:06In 9 million years.
14:08From a sperm.
14:10To a human being.
14:12In a uterus.
14:14The same process.
14:16Single cell.
14:20And this is the process.
14:22So the sperm is alive.
14:24The sperm is alive.
14:26The sperm is alive.
14:28The uterus is alive.
14:32The uterus from the mother is alive.
14:36The uterus from the mother and the sperm.
14:38The zygote.
14:40The uterus is alive.
14:42But when it is 120 days.
14:46Now the angel is sent.
14:50In the womb.
14:52His soul.
14:54My soul which was there.
14:56With that.
14:58In my mother's womb.
15:00The one which came in my body.
15:02It has been blown into it.
15:04Then I was made.
15:06My body was created in the form of a human being.
15:10This is the reality.
15:14The reality of the Quran.
15:16The reality of the human being.
