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00:01:00This correct man, you're filming already. Yeah, this thing's awesome. Are you nervous? I'm getting nervous. Hope I don't get typhoid or something
00:01:11Okay, pop quiz ready number one what's gonna happen if you run out of food
00:01:17Leaves at three let them be leaves at four eat some more nice
00:01:24All right number two, what if there's bears
00:01:31Stop drop and roll
00:01:34So Brett, let me ask you. You're not even a little excited about going camping. Oh
00:01:38In fact, I'd be happy just to turn around and go back home
00:01:41Right. You're not comprehending how much shit can go wrong. Seriously. You got to think about it. You got poison ivy
00:01:47Yeah, rattlesnakes
00:01:48Coyotes no toilets, which is completely disgusting and unsanitary
00:01:54Am I the only one that cares about that? By the way, I what if one of the girls gets their periods?
00:01:58What do you do when you get your period I use tampon look at that guy
00:02:28Toby where's your sister?
00:03:05Why are you filming already? Because it's a documentary on Brett
00:03:10But this is coverage and that's cleavage
00:03:14You have cleavage
00:03:16What? Oh my god, you're insane. You'll delete that right? Yeah
00:03:25Maybe my bathroom's disaster. Give me a kiss the lens. Don't kiss the lens
00:03:39I love you, and you tell me to get out
00:03:45Yeah, looks like you're all set
00:03:47Are you gonna help me carry this?
00:03:49No, because I'm making a documentary and I have to roll the camera the whole time. So
00:03:55So that's your line the whole weekend? Toughen up
00:03:58I'm filming and I'm making a documentary
00:04:02All right documentary mania, let's go. Okay. I like that gay little wave you did
00:04:15Hey, you're gonna feed the dog this time, right?
00:04:19On the next episode of Ashley Ashley's penis talks to her vagina
00:04:36Yeah, how does he even have an RV the guy's fucking loaded he does porn oh god, well that's interesting
00:04:46Girls come on. He's gone
00:04:48Tell me the camera thing isn't annoying. Yeah, it's annoying. I totally
00:04:52Stupid it's fun. No, it's like a skinny Ryan's like you look at him bend over
00:04:56It's like that do anything for you, right? Not even a little bit. No, I have something very serious
00:05:02with that
00:05:07You're secretly in love with him right? I'm secretly in love with you
00:05:14Check this out
00:05:22He didn't make the bed though
00:05:30Yeah, I can but I'm not going to
00:05:33So Brett's gonna drive it
00:05:35No, the documentary is about Brett and Ashley's legs are too short to reach a pedal. I'm not driving this
00:05:41There's no way I can drive this. Well, you're the only option, honey
00:05:47Come on
00:05:50Thanks, love you
00:05:58What are you filming I'm filming the ocean
00:06:05So this is like a documentary, yeah, I'm not gonna put any like corn syrup in my mouth there's anything there's ketchup
00:06:20Camera was that a no trespassing sign? No, do you even spell trespassing? Yes. No, I don't want to I just saw trespassing
00:06:29No, try it
00:06:46We're here
00:06:50Exterior RV day birds chirp camera pans around to reveal our heroes
00:07:11Wow, what do you think?
00:07:12This is where we're like setting up here. This is where we're camping. This is where we're leaving the RV
00:07:16We camp about half a mile in
00:07:18I'm gonna get our shit up there gonna carry it, buddy
00:08:18Fucking bag is killing me man. It's scraping on my back. My ankles all fucked up. You got that shit. I'm gonna
00:08:28I'm gonna take five seconds man. Oh, man. Come on fucked up. Seriously. It's gonna be nighttime by the time we get to the campsite
00:08:36What'd you do to your ankle again? I fucked it up at the gym
00:08:40It's funny. It's funny. You guys look at the gym. It's funny. It's funny
00:08:44It's funny. It's funny. You guys look at the gym. It's funny
00:08:46It's funny
00:08:52Look at this what you think that's funny. That's the wow that looks really bad
00:09:16We guys think I'm I mean we can keep hiking maybe find a better spot
00:09:29Why do we have an RV if we're not gonna sleep in it doesn't make sense
00:09:33well, I need to charge charge batteries and stuff like that and
00:09:37That wouldn't be roughing it. I know so
00:09:40Tell the audience why you committed to doing this documentary
00:09:44Because Ryan has a way with words
00:09:47And you told me it'd be fun
00:09:49You're not having fun. Hey, listen pal. I'm just glad you got booze
00:09:53By the way, if this movie is just a compilation of scenes me getting drunk and falling down. It's not gonna be good
00:09:58It's gonna be boring. It's a stupid concept. I've got a plan
00:10:14Okay, this side has to go in this way. Here we go. This is the front. This is the back. Like this. There you go. I'm teaching you how to pitch a tent.
00:10:24And now just put the stakes in this. Where? Stick it in the hole.
00:10:29I'm probably the smartest out of all four of us.
00:10:32Ryan's the dumbest
00:10:58Dude I got it. I figured it out. I thought about it
00:11:04Hey, wait, wait, wait, Ryan, don't put this part in. It's gonna set fire to the propane. You set it up over there
00:11:11Abby, really with you two. Are you kidding me?
00:11:18Hey girls
00:11:20Let's get something for the camera. I'm making a movie. So
00:11:25I got it. I got it
00:11:28Everyone loves watching girls make out. I think they should make out, right? Yeah, there we go. Yeah
00:11:37That was really sucked
00:11:40It wasn't good. So weak. All right. Well if we kiss then you two have to kiss. Yeah, I'm not sure of course
00:11:46Pinky swear you'll do it. That's fine
00:11:49Big deal. Okay, whatever you better do it. I'll go go do it
00:11:57Just go for it
00:12:07Do I got kind of a boner
00:12:10All right, it's your turn I
00:12:14Seriously do it. I'm not gonna
00:12:19Ryan they they gave me a boner
00:12:27Think we owe them a kiss I didn't pinky swear. I think I'm coming in
00:12:33Yeah, I'm coming in Brett. Don't know I'm coming in for a kiss
00:12:40What's your name take the camera
00:12:57Okay, Abby, where did Ryan go I don't know he said he went to go pee Ryan
00:13:03Ryan oh
00:13:06my god, oh
00:13:08My god, it's an alien gorilla
00:13:15Come on you guys weren't even a little bit scared
00:13:26You know Brett there's so much wildlife up here it could have been a wildlife like what
00:13:31There's no bears up here, okay, and then coyotes coyotes aren't gonna come near this campsite
00:13:49That was definitely not a coyote no, that was a fucking coyote
00:13:53No, that's not a good person. Shut the fuck up and
00:13:57If it was a coyote, why would it be out here all by itself? Where are the other ones? I don't know, but they're
00:14:04It's a fucking coyote dude, come on
00:14:57Don't really know what I'm supposed to do here Ryan told me to talk to the camera like I was talking to an audience
00:15:13Really talked to an audience before
00:15:17Might come out a little weird
00:15:21I'll go ahead and cut right there
00:15:27I don't know if say we come help me. No Brett come help me
00:15:36Favorite color green mother's maiden name Esterson favorite type of movie musical
00:15:45Biggest fear
00:15:48Favorite porno
00:15:57What do you got
00:16:00What Oh weed no, this is a stick buddy
00:16:03Do me a favor run up to Abby and just kind of stick it down the back of her shirt. No, no, it's gonna take
00:16:25Come on Brett, you gotta like this. Look at this. That's pretty cool gorgeous, man
00:16:35What's going on
00:16:43Don't see anything right there. It's a fucking bush Ashley
00:17:10Brett what? Where was it?
00:17:16He's serious
00:17:18Honey whatever it is, I'm sure is gonna be a lot more afraid of us and we're gonna be of it Brett
00:17:24Which way did it go?
00:17:33You hear that
00:18:00Don't care Ryan, I don't care about your fucking camera. You're not get it in your head man
00:18:05Think about your girlfriend. You're bringing her down there. Oh
00:18:16Come on turn around look in the lens tell the audience what you're thinking right now
00:18:21What am I think I'm thinking I'm going back to the city Ryan
00:18:25Well, hey jr. City is this way, okay
00:18:29That's breaking the rules
00:18:36Don't follow me with the camera man, it's your fucking problem. You're my head man. You're fucking with me on every turn
00:18:41Why do you have it out for me? What did I do to you? What the gorilla suit Jesus?
00:18:44I'm sorry, what the fuck was that thing man? Is that someone fucking with us? It was an animal. You're I don't know
00:18:50That's what you're not even a little bit afraid. No. Well
00:18:53You know, you call me your friend. You call us your friends
00:18:56This is not how you treat your fucking friends man, your girlfriend's here
00:19:03Honey why are you doing this? Do you have any idea what documentary filmmakers go through?
00:19:08Okay, if I want this thing to pay off, I've got to look at it as an outsider
00:19:14So, what do you feel I'm not happy with you not me breath what's going on
00:19:22You know anything about this trip
00:19:24I think that you have complete tunnel vision when it comes to this stupid project and you're not actually seeing all the weird crap that's
00:19:29Going on around us. You don't think people are overreacting a little bit
00:19:32Fine. What were those noises last night coyotes? No, they were not coyotes. It sounded like a person then campers or something Christ, honey
00:19:39We're not the first people to come up here fine. What was that thing in the ravine that we just saw?
00:19:50I finally have something to talk about in this documentary. Okay, I it's important to me to find out what everybody's feeling fine. I felt
00:19:58Confused and scared and I don't know what the hell we saw today
00:20:04What about Brett he feels the same way man fed up with this trip no Ryan he's fed up with you
00:20:17Thank you
00:20:19Made by a self-righteous prick who cares more about the success of his movie than the safety of his friends
00:20:28Fuck you Ryan
00:20:39So typical Brett he is completely overreacting
00:20:44When he gets like this, the best thing to do is just leave him alone. Let him cool down
00:20:49I'll check on him a little bit. See if we can't have a good time tonight
00:21:26Was annoyed Ryan was pissed
00:21:29Whatever he get the guy got up and went to the bathroom
00:21:31Ryan takes out a Swiss Army knife and he starts take sawing the leg of his bench. Okay
00:21:38Yeah, so it's like still stay staying up or whatever
00:21:41The guy comes back sit and sits back down and falls back and hits his head like he almost cracked his head open
00:21:46And I was like messed up and I looked at Ryan he's just watching the game stone-cold nothing no emotion I
00:21:52Know it's like it's like I know we'd get my back in a fight or whatever, but it's like a disconnect. Yeah
00:22:10Come on I want
00:22:16That's a night, right
00:22:23Come on
00:22:34Oh, yeah
00:23:04Turn around and see but naked behind me like watching me off
00:23:09Wait, she's like turn around. This is so you babes in your vomit. Why was she I don't know
00:23:16And that's why Ashley has new friends now Ryan. What is your most embarrassing?
00:23:22Yeah, babe. What's your most embarrassing moment? I got a good one for you. It's really good. That's how I know it
00:23:30Stop hogging this baby
00:23:36You can't have it
00:24:50Brett Brett, come on, dude. You're out of the tent
00:24:58Okay, so I know you guys are all a little freaked out right now
00:25:02Son's gonna be up in a few hours. I'm just gonna stay up and look for
00:25:10I don't know, I just heard something.
00:25:14Hello there!
00:25:16Saw your fire.
00:25:18Mind if I join you?
00:25:20No, help yourself.
00:25:34Have you guys seen a lost dog?
00:25:40I'm sorry, a lost dog? No.
00:25:46Nice camera you got there.
00:25:48Take a look at that?
00:25:50No, you can't.
00:25:52Anything wrong?
00:25:56You tell me.
00:25:58You're not going to touch my camera.
00:26:04Here you go.
00:26:06I'll warm you up.
00:26:16You're going to need more wood for this fire.
00:27:00This man had a fucking gun.
00:27:02Why does he have a gun?
00:27:04He's looking for his dog.
00:27:06Ashley, shut up.
00:27:08I don't think we should be out here.
00:27:10Ryan, this is getting really weird.
00:27:12Let's just go home now.
00:27:14You think I'm getting on a trail with that guy?
00:27:16I don't even wait.
00:27:18Ashley, I'll sleep in your tent tonight.
00:27:20We're leaving first thing in the morning, Ryan.
00:27:22Let's go, get up.
00:27:34What are you doing?
00:27:36I'm not staying here by myself.
00:27:38I'm going to sit out there with you.
00:27:40You don't really think anything is going on, do you?
00:27:42Forget about all the noises going on.
00:27:44You saw whatever was in the ravine.
00:27:46That thing was not natural.
00:27:50I don't know really what it was either,
00:27:52but look, you have nothing to be afraid of.
00:27:54I'm not sitting in here by myself.
00:27:56Okay, we just take the camera
00:27:58and I set up the tripod.
00:28:00Keep it rolling, though.
00:28:02Why do I have to keep it rolling?
00:28:04Because when you and Brett and Ashley
00:28:06find out that this is all just some fucking prank,
00:28:08I want it all caught on tape, okay?
00:28:10You're such an idiot.
00:28:12Just give me the camera.
00:28:20Did you just shake the tent?
00:28:22Did I shake the tent? No.
00:28:24Something just shook the tent.
00:28:26It just came up behind and started shaking the tent.
00:28:28Did you get on tape?
00:28:30No, I didn't.
00:28:32I'm sorry.
00:28:34I'm sorry.
00:28:36I'm sorry.
00:28:38I'm sorry.
00:28:40I'm sorry.
00:28:42Did you get on tape?
00:28:44No, I didn't get anything on film.
00:28:46Are you kidding me right now?
00:28:48Okay, give me the camera.
00:28:50I'll take a look.
00:30:28Did you see what it was?
00:30:30No, nothing.
00:30:32I didn't see anything.
00:30:34I heard footsteps,
00:30:36and then something shook the tent right after.
00:30:38Well, whatever it was is gone.
00:30:46let's go see what the other campfire.
00:30:48All right.
00:31:08All right.
00:31:32Let me get the camera!
00:31:38How was it?
00:31:40I don't know.
00:31:42Where's Ryan?
00:31:44He went after it.
00:31:46I'm going back.
00:31:48Ashley, come on.
00:31:50We're going back to the RV.
00:31:52Go, go, go.
00:31:56Don't leave me.
00:31:58Trevor's going to get himself killed, Abby.
00:32:04Abby, turn off the fucking camera!
00:32:10How's Abby with the camera now?
00:32:12It's the brightest light we have.
00:32:16I have no idea how Ryan's going to find us.
00:32:18Ryan can fucking kill himself.
00:32:24You guys, are we even on the right trail?
00:32:28Let's go.
00:32:50Oh my God.
00:32:52I can't breathe.
00:32:54I can't breathe.
00:32:56I just heard something.
00:32:58Ashley, did you see it?
00:33:00Oh my God.
00:33:02Why are you still fucking filming, Abby?
00:33:04Ryan is still out there.
00:33:22Oh my God!
00:33:28Where the fuck have you been, Ryan?
00:33:30I've been looking for those campers.
00:33:32Is that you?
00:33:34No, I wasn't on the roof.
00:33:36Do you promise that wasn't you?
00:33:38We've got to get the fuck out of here.
00:33:40Something was chasing us the entire time.
00:33:44You're fucking with us, man.
00:33:46Fire up the RV.
00:33:48I just want to go.
00:33:50I want to go home.
00:33:52There's seriously something out there.
00:33:54Let's go.
00:33:56Calm down.
00:33:58Let's just all take a minute to chill.
00:34:00Give me the camera.
00:34:04Get the keys and start the fucking RV.
00:34:06I'm not fucking around anymore.
00:34:08I'm not leaving my stuff out there, okay?
00:34:10You don't understand.
00:34:12Okay, look.
00:34:14We've got two options for you.
00:34:16Number one, we go get the shit right now.
00:34:18There was something fucking chasing us out there.
00:34:20We can go get the stuff right now in the middle of the night, okay?
00:34:22Or we can wait until the morning and go do that.
00:34:26So you pick. Right now or in the morning?
00:34:28Fine. First thing in the fucking morning.
00:34:46Oh my fucking God.
00:34:48What the hell is she doing?
00:35:00Ashley. Honey.
00:35:02Do me a favor. Shut the fuck up.
00:35:04I can't find Brett.
00:35:06It is way too early for this.
00:35:08I woke up this morning and the door was open.
00:35:10I can't find Brett.
00:35:12Is he taking a shit?
00:35:16Oh my God.
00:35:18Make her stop.
00:35:22We need to go. We need to find him.
00:35:24Okay, let's go.
00:35:26Ryan, shut up.
00:35:28Stop being a dick to her.
00:35:30Shut up.
00:35:32Don't tell me to shut up.
00:35:34Let's go.
00:35:36I'll be right there.
00:35:46I'll be right there.
00:36:10Abby, hold up.
00:36:12What are you doing?
00:36:14Look at the camera.
00:36:16I'm checking my focus.
00:36:18Brett is missing and we're stopping.
00:36:20You're checking your fucking focus, right?
00:36:22Abby, have him turn it off.
00:36:26Ashley, calm the fuck down.
00:36:28Shut up, Ryan!
00:36:30Is that the fucking cancer?
00:36:44All right, so Ashley, his pack is gone.
00:36:46So, just like I said,
00:36:48he got here and took his pack
00:36:50and went back to the city.
00:36:52Checking back.
00:36:54Ashley, what are you doing?
00:36:56I'm checking to see if I have service.
00:36:58Service? Are you retarded?
00:37:00Ryan, she might get a little pocket somewhere.
00:37:02A pocket? You guys are both retarded.
00:37:04Oh my God, you're not going to get service here.
00:37:06Brett went back to the city.
00:37:08It's a little weird that he just left without telling any of us.
00:37:10No, it's not weird because I know him.
00:37:12This is exactly what he would have done.
00:37:14Shut up, Ryan!
00:37:16Oh my God. Okay, look, let's pack up everything.
00:37:18We'll run into him on the road, okay?
00:37:20Here, I'll set down the camera. I'll help you guys out.
00:37:38Really, you guys?
00:37:40Ashley, come on.
00:37:44This is boring.
00:37:48can you say something? Come on.
00:37:50Shut up! Nobody wants to fucking hear you talk right now.
00:37:52Your voice is annoying.
00:37:54How are you not worried a little bit about your friend Brett?
00:37:56Abby, hey, dumb fuck,
00:37:58I've known Brett ten fucking years, okay?
00:38:00He does this shit all the time.
00:38:02Really? Really? All right. Okay.
00:38:04God, you're being such a fucking bitch.
00:38:06You're being a fucking dick.
00:38:08You're not fucking useful anymore.
00:38:10Brett's not even here.
00:38:12On the documentary, dipshit.
00:38:14On Brett, dipshit. Brett's not here.
00:38:18You know, the subject of the documentary
00:38:20doesn't always start out well.
00:38:22Eat a dick. Fucking shut the fuck up.
00:38:24Shut up.
00:38:32Thirty minutes and nobody's talked to me? Really?
00:38:38Ryan, what's wrong with you?
00:38:40Are we just going to leave Brett?
00:38:42Oh, my God, will you shut up about Brett?
00:38:46Can you go five minutes without talking about
00:38:48your fucking pretend boyfriend, okay?
00:38:50I get it. We all get it.
00:38:52You wanted to fuck him, and you didn't.
00:38:54Maybe if you weren't so fucking pathetic,
00:38:56he would have fucked you.
00:38:58Fucking A, man.
00:39:02What is that?
00:39:04Get out of the way, Ashley.
00:39:06Get out of the way, Ashley.
00:39:08What the fuck is that?
00:39:10Oh, are you fucking joking me?
00:39:12I'm going to fucking murder him.
00:39:14I'm going to fucking kill him.
00:39:20What are we going to do?
00:39:22Holy shit!
00:39:24Look at this fucking place.
00:39:28What are we going to do?
00:39:30I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
00:39:32I'm going to go outside.
00:39:34No, you're not going to leave us.
00:39:36Abby, God damn it!
00:39:38I'm going to go out there and find
00:39:40who somebody is fucking with us
00:39:42for the last three days.
00:39:44Get the fuck out of the way.
00:39:46Ashley, get out of the way
00:39:48before I break this fucking camera
00:39:50over your God damn face!
00:40:30Come out here!
00:40:34Get the fuck over here!
00:40:36I'm going to fucking murder you,
00:40:38you fucking piece of shit!
00:41:18Jesus Christ!
00:41:20Jesus Christ!
00:41:34Jesus Christ!
00:42:04Jesus Christ!
00:42:22Did you find Brett?
00:42:24Where were you?
00:42:28What are you doing?
00:42:30I'm going to give you the camera.
00:42:32What are you doing?
00:42:34I'm going to go get some help.
00:42:36No, you're not going to leave us again.
00:42:42Lock the door.
00:42:44I love you.
00:42:54I don't know why I'm turning
00:42:56this stupid thing on.
00:43:00the sun's about to go down
00:43:02and you're not back yet.
00:43:04I know you always film the sunset.
00:43:06I'll film it for you
00:43:08so you won't be upset
00:43:10when you get back.
00:43:12Just hurry back.
00:43:20Oh my God, it's so much better.
00:43:28What do you want to do?
00:43:30About what?
00:43:34Should we just leave?
00:43:38No, I think
00:43:40we should wait for Ryan to get back.
00:43:44He's been gone
00:43:46for a long time.
00:43:52He's probably got held down.
00:43:54We're going to have to
00:43:56He's probably got held down.
00:43:58He's probably on his way back now.
00:44:04What do you think happened to Brett?
00:44:14We should probably
00:44:16turn the light off to save the battery.
00:44:20There's no reason to have it on.
00:44:22I don't want to sit here in the dark.
00:44:24I'm going to see the light.
00:44:26No, Abby, I don't want to sit here in the dark.
00:44:28It's going to be fine.
00:44:30It's just better to have it off.
00:44:36Holy fuck!
00:44:54Oh my God, what the fuck is that?
00:45:04Turn the headlights on.
00:45:06It might scare it away.
00:45:12Where is it?
00:45:14Oh my God.
00:45:24What the fuck was that?
00:45:26What was that?
00:45:28Where did it go?
00:45:30Where did it go?
00:45:36Oh my God.
00:45:44Oh my God.
00:45:50Oh my God.
00:46:02Oh my God.
00:46:10Oh my God.
00:46:14Oh my God.
00:46:18Get up, get up.
00:46:20We've got to get going.
00:46:40Come on.
00:46:44Oh my God.
00:46:56Oh my God.
00:47:04Oh my God.
00:47:06Oh my God.
00:47:14Oh my God.
00:47:16Shh, shh, shh.
00:47:18Stand up.
00:47:22Oh my God.
00:47:44Okay, turn the light off.
00:47:46Turn the light off.
00:47:48We're going to die.
00:47:50Oh my God.
00:47:56Oh my God.
00:47:58Oh my God.
00:48:02Let's go.
00:48:04I can't run anymore.
00:48:06Get up.
00:48:08Get up.
00:48:10Come on.
00:48:18Oh my God.
00:48:20Oh my God.
00:48:30Wait, Abby, this way.
00:48:32Let's go back.
00:48:40This way, this way.
00:48:42Abby, this way.
00:48:46Abby, this way.
00:49:06It's going to stand.
00:49:08Turn the light off.
00:49:12Oh God, okay.
00:49:18Where the fuck are we?
00:49:34Please remain calm.
00:49:36You are in a restricted area.
00:49:38Do not attempt to run.
00:49:40Do not attempt to run.
00:49:42Please remember the instructions.
00:49:44Do not attempt to run.
00:49:46Do not attempt to run.
00:49:48Do not attempt to run.
00:49:50Do not attempt to run.
00:49:58Oh my God.
00:50:00Oh my God.
00:50:02Oh my God.
00:50:10Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay
00:50:41Oh God
00:50:45Ashley, Ashley
00:50:52He loves me, he loves me, he loves me
00:50:55Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh
00:50:57Come here, come here, come here
00:50:59Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh
00:51:10Are you okay?
00:51:12Oh God
00:51:14Shh, shh, shh
00:51:19Oh God
00:51:29Oh God
00:51:40Oh God
00:51:51Oh God
00:52:04Oh God
00:52:21Fuck. No, no, no, no, no.
00:52:24Fuck. Fuck.
00:52:27No, please, no.
00:52:35Oh, my God.
00:52:37Oh, my God.
00:52:39Oh, my God.
00:52:41Oh, my God.
00:52:43Oh, my God.
00:52:45Oh, my God.
00:52:47Oh, my God.
00:52:49Oh, my God.
00:52:51Oh, my God.
00:52:53Oh, my God.
00:52:55Oh, my God.
00:52:57Oh, my God.
00:52:59Oh, my God.
00:53:01Oh, my God.
00:53:03Oh, my God.
00:53:05Oh, my God.
00:53:07Oh, my God.
00:53:09Oh, my God.
00:53:11Oh, my God.
00:53:13Oh, my God.
00:53:15Oh, my God.
00:53:17Oh, my God.
00:53:19Oh, my God.
00:53:21Oh, my God.
00:53:23Oh, my God.
00:53:25Oh, my God.
00:53:27Oh, my God.
00:53:29Oh, my God.
00:53:31Oh, my God.
00:53:33Oh, my God.
00:53:35Oh, my God.
00:53:37Oh, my God.
00:53:39Oh, my God.
00:53:41Oh, my God.
00:53:43Oh, my God.
00:53:45Oh, my God.
00:53:47Oh, my God.
00:53:49Oh, my God.
00:53:51Oh, my God.
00:53:53Oh, my God.
00:53:55Oh, my God.
00:53:57Oh, my God.
00:53:59Oh, my God.
00:54:01Oh, my God.
00:54:03Oh, my God.
00:54:05Oh, my God.
00:54:07Oh, my God.
00:54:09Oh, my God.
00:54:11Oh, my God.
00:54:13Oh, my God.
00:54:15Oh, my God.
00:54:17Oh, my God.
00:54:19Oh, my God.
00:54:21Oh, my God.
00:54:23Oh, my God.
00:54:25Oh, my God.
00:54:27Oh, my God.
00:54:39Oh, my God.
00:54:41Oh, my God.
00:54:49Oh, my God.
00:55:32You hear that?
00:55:35Oh, god.
00:55:39Oh, god.
00:55:43Oh, god.
00:55:45It's fine.
00:55:46It's fine.
00:55:47It's fine.
00:55:48I'm going to move.
00:55:49Let me help you.
00:55:51Where am I?
00:55:52Did you get hurt?
00:55:53My arm.
00:55:55I'll go get you something to drink from.
00:55:56I don't wanna lose you.
00:56:20Tell me it's over.
00:56:24What do I do?
00:56:33Oh my God!
00:56:36We need to find a phone.
00:56:37We need to find a phone.
00:56:41Oh fuck.
00:56:42It's right here.
00:56:48It's locked.
00:57:05Go upstairs.
00:57:06Go upstairs.
00:57:18Go upstairs.
00:57:19Go upstairs.
00:57:20Go upstairs.
00:57:21Go upstairs.
00:57:22Go upstairs.
00:57:23Go upstairs.
00:57:24Go upstairs.
00:57:25Go upstairs.
00:57:26Go upstairs.
00:57:27Go upstairs.
00:57:28Go upstairs.
00:57:29Go upstairs.
00:57:30Go upstairs.
00:57:31Go upstairs.
00:57:32Go upstairs.
00:57:33Go upstairs.
00:57:34Go upstairs.
00:57:35Go upstairs.
00:57:36Go upstairs.
00:57:37Go upstairs.
00:57:38Go upstairs.
00:57:39Go upstairs.
00:57:40Go upstairs.
00:57:41Go upstairs.
00:57:42Go upstairs.
00:57:43Go upstairs.
00:57:44Go upstairs.
00:57:45Go upstairs.
00:57:46Go upstairs.
00:57:47Go upstairs.
00:57:48Go upstairs.
00:57:49Go upstairs.
00:58:17Oh, my God.
00:58:19Oh, my God.
00:58:21Oh, my God.
00:58:23Oh, my God.
00:58:25Oh, my God.
00:58:27Oh, my God.
00:58:29Oh, my God.
00:58:31Oh, my God.
00:58:33Oh, my God.
00:58:35Oh, my God.
00:58:37Oh, my God.
00:58:39Oh, my God.
00:58:41Oh, my God.
00:58:43Oh, my God.
00:58:45Oh, my God.
00:59:13Ashley! Ashley!
00:59:15Ashley, get out of there!
00:59:27I'm going to get out of here!
00:59:31I should go!
00:59:41Oh my God!
00:59:43Oh my God...
00:59:50Oh my God!
01:00:01Oh my God, oh my God!
01:00:04Oh my God!
01:00:11Ashley! Help me! Help me!
01:00:19Be careful.
01:00:33Do you have one?
01:00:36How'd you find us?
01:00:38Oh, I'm him.
01:00:42I can get you. Help me.
01:00:45You can't help me.
01:00:56You're too much!
01:01:02Come on.
01:01:12Help me!
01:01:27Go! Go! Come on! Run!
01:01:30Hurry to the truck!
01:01:41Help me! Help me!
01:01:43Fire squad, do you copy?
01:01:53Fire squad to Alpha. I've secured precious cargo and I'm moving your way.
01:01:59I can't see anything.
01:02:01I'm headed to the hangar. Lucy's all over me.
01:02:03Spin up the helium for priority evac now!
01:02:05Help me! Help me!
01:02:29Move! Move!
01:02:33Grab the camera!
01:02:37Get behind me!
01:02:40Move! Move!
01:02:47Just keep it rolling.
01:03:00Help me! Help me!
01:03:08Give me the fucking camera!
01:03:25Pick it up! Come on, let's go!
01:03:30Where am I?
01:03:35Please! Please tell us what's going on!
01:04:33I work here! No!
01:04:47No, please don't leave me here!
01:04:49Please don't leave me here!
01:05:00Move! Move! Move!
01:05:04Follow me. Come on.
01:05:57Give me the camera.
01:06:07I had no idea they'd gone this far.
01:06:12Now do you see why this is so important?
01:06:21These motherfuckers.
01:06:38Fucking die!
01:07:45Stay where you are!
01:07:47Put your gun down! Don't move!
01:07:49Down on to the floor!
01:08:34Get behind us!
01:08:39Watch out!
01:08:43We need to get to the other side!
01:08:44Oh, shit!
01:08:46Watch your fucking feet!
01:08:52Come on, there's helicopters over there!
01:08:53Get that camera out of here!
01:09:00Go, go, go!
01:09:15Go, go, go!
01:10:02Lucy, Lucy, you have to come with me!
01:10:05Lucy, come with me!
01:10:45That's a negative.
01:10:46You've got to see this for yourself.
01:10:48That's a negative.
01:10:50You've got to see this for yourself.
01:11:18Are you alright?
01:11:20You're going to be okay.
01:11:47Go! Go!
01:12:08Go! Go!
01:12:17Go! Go!
01:12:48Go! Go!
01:13:17It's alright. It's going to be okay.
01:13:29I want complete recording of all activity in this area.
01:13:36Saver's safe here.
01:13:38Alright, I'm ready to fire. Let's go, gentlemen.
01:14:00Confirm, we have blood.
01:14:03Use caution.
01:14:21Saber 6, are you getting this?
01:14:26Sears, do you feel me?
01:14:31Moving through this room.
01:14:39Target interlock system.
01:15:32Move over to 1-4.
01:15:34Move fire, move fire.
01:15:35Move fire.
01:15:42Move fire.
01:15:45Move fire.
01:15:47Move fire.
01:16:05Get back up, head back up.
01:16:23Move it. Hold.
01:16:25Get over there.
01:16:27Come quick.
01:16:28Got it, Quiet!
01:16:29Alright. Move, move, move.
01:16:30Stand up.
01:16:35I want to see the face, and I have to get inside the vault, I've never opened it before.
01:16:44Gentlemen, see the face.
01:17:05Oh, you've got a fuckin' big face down here, man.
01:17:18Jeez Christ, look at this.
01:17:20God, I can't even see.
01:17:21What the hell are they doing?
01:17:35We hear.
01:17:36I hear noise.
01:18:08Negative. Negative. Do not engage unless engaged.
01:18:18Watch yourselves.