Apotheosis S2 Episode 45 (97) Subtitle multi.

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Apotheosis S2
Status: Ongoing
Network: YOUKU, YOUKU Animation
Released: Dec 08, 2023
Duration: 20 min. per ep.
Season: 02
Country: China
Type: ONA
Episodes: 108
01:00想你永藏不忘 I'll never forget you
01:03天地为魔 万物为童 酩酊成谈 Heaven and earth are for demons, all for the same
01:06爱就不会运烟成钢 哪怕会受伤 Love will never turn into steel, even if it's burned
01:09我愿化身那道烟火 烧尽奔向远方 I'd like to burn that fire to burn towards the distance
01:15几岁黑暗 破月而亡 How many years have I been through darkness and broken moon
01:18跨过生命荆棘的墙 Overcoming the walls of life
01:22与你肩如花般倔强 I'm as stubborn as a flower with you
01:24相伴著一刹 全乱 I'm with you in this moment
01:27风雨飘到我不依然 The wind and rain are still flowing
01:30或许种子终要上扬 Or maybe seeds will eventually sprout
01:34冲上几条快笑的冲线 Riding on a few smiling mountains
01:37与你指手 听梦的回响 Holding hands with you, listening to dreams
02:01我们的目标是救人 Our goal is to save people
02:04没必要跟他们分生死 There's no need to fight with them
02:06而他们的目标是杀了我们 And their goal is to kill us
02:08寒梦至尽 A dreamless dream
02:10所以我们可以利用云露的幻化之术 So we can use Yunlu's illusion
02:13玩一出吊打一身的游戏 To play a game of tag
02:15你竟敢杀了圣女 How dare you kill the Saintess
02:17云露之法 The magic of Yunlu
02:19铁熊 拖住她 Iron Bear, hold her
02:24冤家 我快抵不住了 Yuanjia, I can't resist anymore
02:27寻魂破阵 Break the formation
02:42该死的人羊 Damn it
02:47总算是有惊无险 It's finally over
02:49你刚刚挨了蒙充一击 竟然没事 You just got hit by a magic attack and you're fine
02:52我练化了她大量魔气 I've trained her with a lot of magic
02:54破了那一击 紫玉 这次真是多谢你了 I've broken that attack. Ziyu, thank you so much
02:58既然你没事 那就好好休息吧 Since you're fine, you should have a good rest
03:01期待你们人族圣帝崛起 我先走了 I'm looking forward to the rise of the Human Saintess. I'm leaving
03:06下一步就是对魔族宣战了 The next step is to declare war on the Demon Clan
03:08我要尽快拿下魔族圣帝 I want to take down the Demon Saintess as soon as possible
03:10通过传送阵回天眼大陆 By sending the formation back to the Sky Eye Continent
03:14我 人族圣帝之主罗正 I, the Lord of the Human Saintess, Luo Zheng
03:18向魔族圣帝宣战 不死不休 I'm going to declare war on the Demon Saintess
03:22宣战确认 人族魔族两大圣帝保护机制于一日后实效 The declaration confirms the protection mechanism of the Human and Demon Saintesses will take effect one day later
03:29双方可进入对方圣帝 成功击杀对方圣帝之主 即可获得圣帝之战胜利 If both parties can enter the opponent's Saintess and successfully kill the opponent's Lord of the Saintess, they can win the battle of the Saintess
03:48恭迎老祖出关 Welcome the Lord of the Human Saintess
04:01获得生死 圣帝之国被抢 要仁阳再向我魔族宣战 废物玩意 If you want to live or die, the fault of the Saintess is not taken
04:06You and Ren Yang dare to declare war on the Demon Saintess
04:09废物玩意 You are useless
04:10老祖恕罪 龙虫必定肝脑除地 三日内除灭人族圣帝 Please forgive me, Lord of the Human Saintess. The dragon worm must be dead
04:13龙虫必定肝脑除地 三日内除灭人族圣帝 Please forgive me, Lord of the Human Saintess. The dragon worm must be dead
04:17不 不 不 一天就够 No, no, one day is enough
04:20此次圣帝之战 我一定把坟青 祖赫和那头人羊送给您下酒 求老祖饶命 In this battle, I will definitely give you Fenqing, Zhuhe and Ren Yang. Please forgive me
04:30崽子们 随我踏平人族圣帝 除灭人羊 踏平人族圣帝 除灭人羊 Boys, follow me to pacify the Saintess and kill Ren Yang
04:36踏平人族圣帝 除灭人羊
04:43此次圣帝之战 魔族老祖也会参与 它是生死竟圆满 This battle will be a battle for the whole human race. I can only show my strength in this battle
04:53我倒是有个图谋计划 I have a plan
04:54对魔族宣战 你疯了吗 Are you crazy?
05:07我们好不容易才建立起圣帝 人族才看到希望 要是输了就什么都没了 We finally built the Holy Land and the human race saw hope. If we lose, we will lose everything
05:13什么都没了 前辈 你也这样想 在下多谢圣主救命之恩 但人族积弱多年 需要时间休养生息 击败魔族不是一朝一夕之事 还请圣主三思 I thank you for saving my life, but the human race has been weak for many years and needs time to recuperate
05:32击败魔族不是一朝一夕之事 还请圣主三思 I don't think it's easy to defeat the demons. Please think twice
05:37我不想再当任阳了圣主 取消对魔族的宣战吧 I don't want to be the Lord of the Sun and Moon anymore. Stop the bloodbath against the demons
05:42任阳了圣主 求求魔族放过我们吧 Lord of the Sun and Moon, please let us go
06:04只望敌人大发慈悲 饶过自己 朝着下跪求饶换取和平 期待强者主持正义公道 哪是做梦 I hope they will show mercy and forgive themselves, and to ask for mercy and seek peace by kneeling to the ground
06:10Expecting the strong to uphold justice is a dream
06:14Only the strong can resist all injustice and humiliation
06:19But even if we risk our lives, we can't defeat the demons
06:40Demons are not invulnerable
06:52Souls are our best weapon
07:01The lives of the human race, the dignity of the human race, and the future of the human race
07:06All I want is for you to stand up and fight
07:16I am willing to stand up for the human race
07:18To fight the demons, to live and die
07:21To fight the demons, to live and die
07:25Brother, maybe he is the successor you have always wanted
07:30The human race has given up! Attack their sacred place!
07:43Moon Butterfly is my brother's personal treasure
07:45Separate it into two, one can unlock the seal of the Snowy Cave
07:48When it is unsealed, the souls nearby will be sent into the cave
07:53But the coverage of the Jade Fox Butterfly is limited
08:01Destroy the human race!
08:08The first step of the plan is to invite the army into the cave
08:11You and the demon army fight to lure them into the cave
08:16When the demons and the army enter the cave, you can start
08:46Yunle, do it!
08:53I want to see how hard your bones are
08:56How dare you provoke the demons
08:59In today's battle, the human race will trample the demons
09:07The jade butterfly is united, the people are united
09:39We can use the complex environment of the Snowy Cave to attack them all
09:45The jade butterfly chose him
09:47Brother, is he the successor you have been looking for?
09:51I will lure the demons away
09:54Yunle and I will lure the demon army away
09:57I will cover you
10:07I will eat the sheep that dare to run away first
10:10You go to catch those little guys
10:14I have eaten an immortal grass
10:16The flesh of the flesh is special
10:18Tianhui left me a life
10:20It is the sincerity to my flesh
10:22As long as he finds me, he will definitely come to me first
10:26The second step of my plan is to ask you to act alone with the demons
10:31To delay him
10:32We will deal with the demon army first
10:37This time, I must eat you up
10:41Not a bit of sand
10:49Those two damn sheep can really run
10:52Wait for me to catch them and break their legs
11:07You want to rely on the monsters of the Snowy Cave to deal with us
11:10Too naive
11:19What I am best at is the hidden breath and all kinds of spells
11:22I rely on this ability to control the demons in the grassland
11:27The hidden breath of the flesh
11:39Surrender is the key to the third step of the plan
11:42Only relying on his magic can make everyone approach the demons without knowing anything
12:04Kill the human blood
12:06Burn the human soul
12:17My heart will not be extinguished, my soul will not be destroyed
12:29The Star Soul Formation is a formation created by my brother
12:33It can illuminate the soul of the Ghost Clan and extinguish its soul
12:42I fight to the death
13:25Well, sir, she did I just hurt
14:04Don't eat you
14:20So don't do you kid you tell you the genuine only
14:23You need that you know genuine without judicial. No, no, it's about that
14:27Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't wait for me
14:30Ha ha ha ha
14:34We all
15:04Who's who's who's who's
15:26Shiwei who she
15:33She's a
15:43Show the
15:45Temple the Target
15:47She's young kid. It's a table. Sorry. I'm just a woosh. I'm something to get
15:52In water, Joe. No, damn. Yeah, what a channel only
15:57Gigi Joe to walk over y'all
16:21Gina who we don't wish on should be
16:43Well, honey, don't you see it? Oh, yeah. What did you do? You should hide a lot long time you gave me
17:54She won't
18:27I'm so you're just how I don't know to do you know how to do it
18:31You see what she does and leave with what you want to show me. So lots of
18:36Listen to Renya. Oh, did you see it? Oh, it's all time. Wait, you know
18:44So let you don't say what so you don't know. She's got you. She's with sushi
18:52You should I will go to high school or don't do that
