Tale of Peter Rabbit & Benjamin Bunny Full Story l 23 min. l Bedtime Stories l Little Fox

  • 15 hours ago
Tale of Peter Rabbit & Benjamin Bunny Full Story l 23 min. l Bedtime Stories l Little Fox


00:00Little Fox
00:08The Tale of Peter Rabbit
00:10Episode 1
00:12Mrs. Rabbit Goes Into Town
00:18Mrs. Rabbit had four little bunnies.
00:22Their names were Mopsy, Flopsy, Cottontail
00:26and Peter.
00:30They lived in a hole under a tree.
00:38One day, Mrs. Rabbit said,
00:41We need bread.
00:43I'll go into town to buy some.
00:46She grabbed her basket and an umbrella.
00:50Mrs. Rabbit looked at her bunnies.
00:54I will be back soon, she said.
00:58Can we go outside? asked Peter.
01:02Yes, said his mother.
01:07But don't go into the farmer's garden.
01:11Your father went there, and he never came home.
01:17Okay, Mother, said the bunnies.
01:22Mrs. Rabbit headed off to town.
01:31The bunnies put on their jackets and shoes.
01:35Then they went outside.
01:38The four bunnies hopped down the path.
01:43Look over there! said Mopsy.
01:46I see a blackberry bush.
01:49Yum! said Flopsy and Cottontail.
01:53Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail ran to the bush.
02:01Peter's sister started to pick blackberries.
02:05I don't want blackberries, Peter thought.
02:09I'm going to the farmer's garden.
02:36Peter hopped through the woods.
02:43A path led to the farmer's gate.
02:54Peter squeezed under the gate and looked around.
03:00I see green leaves everywhere, said Peter.
03:15Peter wandered through the garden.
03:23He ate some lettuce,
03:26he ate some green beans,
03:38he ate some radishes.
03:46These vegetables are delicious, said Peter.
03:50I'll eat some more.
03:57Then he hopped around a corner.
04:03Peter gasped.
04:05The farmer!
04:07The farmer gasped.
04:09A rabbit!
04:11Peter ran.
04:13The farmer grabbed his rake.
04:17He chased Peter.
04:21Stop, thief! cried the farmer.
04:26He swung his rake at Peter.
04:29Peter ran as fast as he could.
04:32His heart beat fast.
04:37He lost one shoe near the cabbages.
04:45He lost his other shoe near the potatoes.
04:51Where's the gate? cried Peter.
04:55He looked around.
04:59Suddenly, he ran into a net.
05:02The big buttons on his jacket got caught.
05:06Ahhh! cried Peter.
05:09He kicked and twisted.
05:14But it was no help.
05:16I'm stuck in the farmer's net! cried Peter.
05:26The Tale of Peter Rabbit
05:30Episode 3 The Chase
05:43Help! cried Peter.
05:46I'm stuck in this net!
05:51Some birds flew over to Peter.
05:55They tried to help him.
05:59Don't give up! called one bird.
06:03Keep trying to get free!
06:11Take off your jacket! shouted another.
06:15Peter stopped crying.
06:18Quickly, Peter slipped out of his jacket.
06:22Now, he was free!
06:29But the farmer was still chasing him.
06:32Peter ran away fast.
06:35Get back here! cried the farmer.
06:43Peter dashed into a shed.
06:48It was filled with garden tools.
06:52Peter leaped into a watering can.
06:57The can was filled with icy water.
07:02said Peter.
07:04The farmer rushed into the shed.
07:08Where is that rabbit? said the farmer.
07:13Peter shivered.
07:15He heard the farmer moving things around.
07:18The man was looking for Peter.
07:23Where are you, rabbit? muttered the farmer.
07:27The farmer's footsteps were close now.
07:31Uh-oh! whispered Peter.
07:34He felt a tickle in his nose.
07:37The tickle grew worse.
07:40Ah-choo! Peter sneezed.
07:43Ah-ha! cried the farmer.
08:14Peter jumped out of the watering can.
08:18Hey! cried the farmer.
08:27Peter ran and ran.
08:35Finally, the farmer stopped chasing him.
08:44Now, Peter was lost.
08:48Where's the gate? he asked a mouse.
08:52But the mouse ran away.
09:04Suddenly, Peter gasped.
09:07A cat!
09:09The cat ran away.
09:12The cat was watching fish in the pond.
09:16She didn't see Peter.
09:22whispered Peter.
09:24He quietly slipped away.
09:31I must find the gate! said Peter.
09:36Scritch! Scratch!
09:38Peter heard a noise.
09:43He climbed onto a wheelbarrow to see.
09:47The farmer was working in the onion patch.
09:51Scritch! Scratch!
09:56Then Peter saw something else.
10:02The gate! he cried.
10:07Peter shot across the garden.
10:13The farmer chased him.
10:16Stop, rabbit!
10:18But Peter was too fast.
10:21He squeezed under the gate and ran home.
10:32Mrs. Rabbit scolded Peter.
10:35Naughty rabbit!
10:37You lost your jacket and shoes!
10:43The other bunnies ate bread and blackberries.
10:49But Peter didn't get any.
10:52Peter sneezed.
11:05Mrs. Rabbit gave him medicine.
11:12Then she sent him to bed.
11:43The farmer goes to town.
11:52Benjamin Bunny sat by the road.
11:56Clop! Clop! Clop! Clop!
12:00A horse walked along the road.
12:04The horse was pulling a wagon.
12:12It's my wife! thought Benjamin.
12:18They are going to town!
12:21Benjamin smiled.
12:23I'll find my cousin Peter!
12:32Benjamin ran to Peter's tree.
12:39He peeked inside.
12:42Mrs. Rabbit was knitting.
12:45I don't want to see her! thought Benjamin.
12:51He saw Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail.
12:57Where's Peter? thought Benjamin.
13:04He went to the other side of the tree.
13:12He crawled down a hole.
13:18And there was Peter.
13:21He was wearing a red handkerchief.
13:25He looked sad.
13:29Peter! said Benjamin.
13:32What happened to you?
13:36Where are your clothes?
13:39Peter sniffed.
13:44I lost them in the farmer's garden.
13:48I went there yesterday.
13:51The farmer chased me.
13:58I have good news! said Benjamin.
14:02The farmer and his wife went to town.
14:06We can look for your clothes!
14:24Benjamin and Peter walked through the woods.
14:37At last, they saw a stone wall.
14:43The farmer's garden! said Peter.
14:52The two rabbits climbed onto the wall.
14:58Peter gasped.
15:00Look at that stone wall!
15:06It's a scarecrow!
15:09It's wearing my jacket and shoes!
15:14Let's get them back! said Benjamin.
15:18I don't know. said Peter.
15:22We'll be fine! said Benjamin.
15:27He grabbed a pear tree.
15:30Then he slid down into the garden.
15:36Peter followed.
15:38Benjamin and Peter ran to the scarecrow.
15:43Peter took his shoes off the scarecrow.
15:48Water poured out of them.
15:51I guess it rained last night. he said.
16:00Peter took off the handkerchief.
16:07He put on his jacket.
16:10My jacket shrank in the rain! he said.
16:15The scarecrow was also wearing a hat.
16:20Benjamin tried on the hat.
16:24It's much too big! he said.
16:28That's the farmer's hat! said Peter.
16:33He looked around nervously.
16:37We should leave now! said Peter.
16:41No! said Benjamin.
16:45I want to get some onions!
17:02A Walk in the Garden
17:09Benjamin held up Peter's handkerchief.
17:12We can carry onions in this! said Benjamin.
17:17He put it on the ground.
17:21Benjamin went into an onion patch.
17:25He pulled up an onion.
17:29This is a nice one! said Benjamin.
17:35He pulled up another onion.
17:38Peter looked around.
17:41His nose wiggled.
17:44Benjamin pulled up more onions.
17:51He rolled them onto the handkerchief.
17:55Let's go! said Peter.
17:58This garden isn't safe.
18:03It's fine! said Benjamin.
18:07I come here all the time with father!
18:16He ate a lettuce leaf.
18:19Mmm! said Benjamin.
18:22Mmm! said Benjamin.
18:29Benjamin walked deeper into the garden.
18:33Peter grabbed the handkerchief.
18:39He ran after his cousin.
18:44What was that noise? asked Peter.
18:48Is the farmer coming?
18:51It's nothing! said Benjamin.
18:55Benjamin kept walking.
18:58Peter followed.
19:05They walked past flowerpots and garden trees.
19:10They walked past flowerpots and garden tools.
19:16Suddenly, Benjamin gasped.
19:20I see a cat!
19:23He and Peter slipped under a basket.
19:30They waited.
19:34Sniff, sniff. Sniff, sniff.
19:42The cat jumped onto the basket.
19:45Then she sat down.
20:03The Cat and the Basket
20:11The cat sat on the basket.
20:16When will she leave? whispered Benjamin.
20:20Father will be looking for me!
20:25These onions smell awful! whispered Peter.
20:30Tears filled his eyes.
20:33The cat did not leave.
20:36She sat on the basket for five hours!
20:41At last, they heard something.
20:44Benjamin! someone called.
20:47That's father! whispered Benjamin.
20:52The cat looked up at the wall.
20:56Suddenly, a large rabbit jumped down.
21:03Wham! He kicked the cat.
21:06Slam! He pushed her inside the greenhouse.
21:10Then, bang! He locked the door.
21:18Benjamin's father lifted the basket.
21:23You are in big trouble, Benjamin, he said.
21:34Later that day, the farmer returned from town.
21:38What happened? he cried.
21:42Small footprints were everywhere.
21:46The scarecrow's clothes were gone.
21:53And the cat was locked in the greenhouse.
21:58The cat was very sad.
22:21Mrs. Rabbit was upset with Peter.
22:28But she was glad to see him.
22:32You're safe, Peter, she said.
22:38And you got your clothes back!
22:57The End
