00:00And we have established you on the open path of the religion, so walk on that path, and do not follow the desires of the ignorant.
00:08They will be of no use to you before Allah. And the wrongdoers are friends of one another, and Allah is a friend of the pious.
00:17This Qur'an is a word of wisdom for the people, and for those who believe, it is guidance and mercy.
00:24Those who do evil deeds, do they think that we will make them like those who believe and do good works, and their life and death will be the same?
00:36Those who make these claims are evil. And Allah has created the heavens and the earth with wisdom, so that every person may get his deeds in return, and people will not be oppressed.
00:50Have you seen a man who has made his desires his own, and yet he is misguided to know? So Allah has also made him misguided.