Neighbours 3rd October 2024 (9124)

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02It's messages from a dating app.
00:04Well, can I see her picky at least?
00:07Well, even though she's admitted to the theft,
00:09we still need to gather more evidence
00:10before we can proceed with any charges.
00:12I'm going to jail.
00:13No, no, no.
00:14Who are you with him?
00:15I thought that I had been direct with Quinn.
00:18Don't bother.
00:19No, Andrew!
00:20How would you feel about a trial run at the tram?
00:22The only thing I need to know
00:23is that you will attract the offer.
00:25I thought we were on the same page.
00:26I'm not siding with Felix.
00:28Could have fooled me.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:43You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours
00:59become good friends
01:05All I'm saying is,
01:07it looks like Felix is trying to be a better person.
01:10He'd risk his own life for others during the siege.
01:13Yeah, so I keep hearing.
01:15Don't get me wrong,
01:16I'm not saying you should get any time with JJ,
01:19but if Felix really wants a job,
01:22I think maybe we could make it work.
01:24Tell JJ to stay away from the tram
01:27and reiterate to Felix
01:28that he should go nowhere near Arrhenius or the school.
01:32It might be a good example for the boys
01:34to see that someone can turn their life around
01:36after making a terrible mistake.
01:39Mistakes, plural.
01:43Okay, so just to be clear,
01:44you think it'd be a good example for our boys
01:46to see a criminal being given unlimited chances in life?
01:49Don't twist my words.
01:50Remy, he literally recruited JJ into robbing a building site
01:53that resulted in Andrew almost being killed.
01:55I know!
01:56I agree with you.
01:59What Felix did was beyond bad.
02:03But if he's trying to be a better person...
02:05No, I cannot hear any more of this right now, okay?
02:18Team Lady.
02:21Oh, well, it's white with two sugars and not too full,
02:23just how you like it.
02:25You remembered.
02:26Of course.
02:28To the newest, most fabulousest housemates in the town.
02:33To us.
02:36So is that your mystery man that you were texting?
02:39Yeah, I'm contemplating biting the bullet
02:43and asking him to meet in person.
02:46Do it.
02:47Right now, before you lose your nerve.
02:50You are right.
02:51Not every man is going to be some dirty, no-good catfisher.
02:56And, as I said before, Miss Pearson, you are a catch.
03:01Also, if he does happen to be a dud, then you have a fabulous new roommate
03:04who will help you eat all of the ice cream that you can possibly muster.
03:12Don't worry about it, don't look at it anymore.
03:19What's going on?
03:23It's where Mum and Shane are on their yacht.
03:25Do you know Monaco is the second smallest nation in the world
03:28after the Vatican City?
03:29It's smaller than Central Park.
03:30Holly, you're not going to Monaco.
03:32Andrew specifically said you had to stay in Melbourne.
03:34I know, but maybe I could go after this hell is over.
03:37I mean, I haven't seen Mum in ages.
03:39You need to focus on what's happening here
03:41before you even think about it.
03:44I was just daydreaming.
03:46We don't even know if you're going to be charged yet.
03:48This could take some time to work through.
03:50I'm aware. I could be going to jail for ten years.
03:57That is not going to happen, okay?
03:59Now, I know you need distractions,
04:02but if the police knew you were looking at sites like this,
04:04it would raise questions.
04:06Okay, I see your point.
04:08Do you?
04:09Because you know that Susan, Izzy and I will always support you,
04:11but we can't intervene with the law
04:13if you do another silly thing.
04:17Sweetheart, you have to give yourself
04:20the best chance of getting through this.
04:23Do you understand that?
04:32I thought of that.
04:33I love it.
04:34I love it.
04:35I thought of that.
04:36I love it.
04:37How's the boy's plans going along?
04:39Oh, well, so far we have a total of two performances.
04:42Oh, two?
04:44Yeah, me and Byron.
04:46And it's not for lack of trying.
04:48It seems the men of Ehrensbrad want to keep their clothes on.
04:52Well, I would say in any other situation, thank God.
04:55Where are all the naked men for a good cause?
04:58Yeah, where are they?
04:59Where are they?
05:00I mean, I could just ask my old dance mates,
05:02Where are they?
05:03I mean, I could just ask my old dance mates,
05:04but the idea is to keep it local, right?
05:07It's all right, we'll convince them.
05:08I'm still working on Leo.
05:11Naked men are dancing?
05:13Yeah, we're putting together a male review for charity.
05:16Can we enlist you?
05:19Well, I guess I could be roped in.
05:21Will that sit okay with your new religious beliefs?
05:24Yeah, I don't remember anything in the Bible
05:26against getting your kit off.
05:28Thanks, Felix, but I think it might be a bit awkward
05:31for the Varga-Murphys.
05:35Yeah, true.
05:37Oh well, good luck.
05:42Damn, he would have been great, hey?
05:47There is another Rodwell brother that we haven't asked yet.
05:52At the end of the day, how can you say no when it's for charity?
05:56So, the proceeds of the ticket sales
05:58go to the Erransburgh Police Youth Outreach.
06:01Imagine how much extra money we could make
06:04with one of our local policemen involved.
06:06Plus, think of all the amazing dance moves
06:09you are going to learn with Aaron as your choreographer.
06:11Not saying that you need new moves, but...
06:14Melanie, stop.
06:15I've been trying to say yes for the last five minutes.
06:27Hey, hey, hey, hey!
06:29What's going on? Are you alright?
06:31Well, no, actually. I'm definitely not alright.
06:33You're not falling for this St. Felix act as well, are you?
06:36Because my wife just told me that she's one of his newest disciples.
06:40And because I'm the one not willing to give him yet another chance,
06:43suddenly I'm the bad one, when he is the criminal.
06:45So, explain that to me.
06:46I mean, a couple of good deeds and a new holy man act.
06:48Don't make up for all the damage he's done, right?
06:50I mean, he's a good man.
06:51He's a good man.
06:52He's a good man.
06:53He's a good man.
06:54He's a good man.
06:55Don't make up for all the damage he's done, right?
06:57And why has he got to get a job in this suburb?
06:59Melbourne is a big place.
07:00Oh, but I guess he's staying nearby, so...
07:03Well, maybe you should have a conversation with Felix.
07:06What is it? What's he done now?
07:11Can I get four cartons of oat milk?
07:14Long way to come for oat milk.
07:16Yes, my customers are very choosy about their preferred brand of oat milk.
07:20They'll open the shop, doesn't have it,
07:21and for some reason, my barista can't remember to order it.
07:26Hey, I wish I could help you out, but I'm going to have to turn down your offer.
07:30Cara is not a fan.
07:32She gave you an earful, too.
07:33Well, I should have spoken to her and Remy first.
07:36I hope it hasn't made things awkward between you.
07:39It's not your fault.
07:49You OK?
07:51Just looking for Mum.
07:53Yeah, I was surprised to see her back at work, so soon.
07:57She likes to keep busy.
07:58Still, would have thought a few more days after a siege.
08:04So, what's going on?
08:07Mum and Dad are at each other.
08:10It's like Eggshell City.
08:14Well, those two never stayed mad at each other for long.
08:17I'm sure it'll pass.
08:20I don't think so.
08:23Not this time.
08:32Hey, Mel.
08:33How'd you go with Project Rodwell?
08:35He's in.
08:36That's great, isn't it?
08:39Mel, what's wrong?
08:40Yeah, sorry.
08:42It's great news.
08:44What's wrong?
08:46It's the guy.
08:48He hasn't replied to the message I sent asking to meet,
08:50and I'm checking the app every five seconds like a silly teenager.
08:53OK, well, give him a minute, you know?
08:55You only messaged him last night.
08:56Yeah, but if he was keen, wouldn't he have replied already?
08:58I don't know.
08:59Maybe he's busy with work or kids or both.
09:01We don't know.
09:04I've blown it.
09:05I've come on too strong and spooked the horse.
09:08The apps are dead to me.
09:16Thanks for meeting me.
09:17I've got a question for you.
09:18Whoa, hang on.
09:19What part of staying away from JJ do you not understand?
09:22Cara's furious, and I can understand why.
09:25Getting a job in Erin's borough was never part of the plan.
09:30Firstly, I haven't been anywhere near JJ, and I don't intend to.
09:34And secondly, Cara was the one who offered me the job at the tram,
09:37and once I realised it wasn't going to fly with Cara, I turned him down.
09:40Well, of course it wasn't going to fly with Cara.
09:42What did you expect?
09:43You should have turned him down straight away.
09:47Yeah, you're probably right about that.
09:49But maybe instead of obsessively micromanaging me,
09:51you should be more concerned about your wife.
09:54What's going on between you two?
09:57My marriage is none of your business.
10:00My marriage is none of your business.
10:39How you doing?
10:42Having a pretty crap day, which is about to turn into a pretty crap life.
10:48With Accurate.
10:52I'm waiting for the police to decide how they're going to punish me.
10:58Well, I'll blame where you are.
11:01Waiting to see if your life as you know it is over?
11:07You got a clean slate, right?
11:10So far.
11:11Well, the police will take that into consideration.
11:14Plus, I reckon people are going to go on the record
11:16about how you tried to protect them during the siege.
11:19Yeah, from a situation that I put them in.
11:23Well, people change.
11:25Cops know that.
11:27Look at me, I've made more mistakes than I can remember.
11:30But I'm still here.
11:32You just need a little faith.
11:34Look, I'm not really in the market for conversion therapy right now.
11:38You think I'm trying to convert you?
11:40No, I'm just saying, people make mistakes.
11:43It doesn't mean their life's over.
11:46Carly, can you follow me to the station?
12:23Thanks for bearing with us while we dealt with Justin.
12:27He's going to go away for a very long time.
12:34Based on the information that we got today,
12:38I will be arresting you for theft.
12:54I'm handcuffing you.
12:56I'm holding you.
13:14We're not handcuffing you or holding you.
13:16That's what I was just saying.
13:20I'm not going to jail?
13:21Not today.
13:27What happens now?
13:28You will need to appear in court in front of a magistrate
13:32at some time to face your charges.
13:35Have you got a lawyer?
13:43Do you want me to call Carl to come in?
13:49I'll go do that and I'll prepare the paperwork.
15:12We have to tell your mum.
15:15Do you want to call her? Would you like me to?
15:25Carly, we have to face reality.
15:28You said you can't bury your head in the sand.
15:33I don't understand why I did any of this.
15:39I know from personal experience
15:43that being responsible for the death of another person is very traumatic.
15:48And it can completely mess with your perspective.
15:52Now, you are a kind and loyal and very intelligent person
15:58and you will learn from this and you will come out the other end stronger.
16:03But you have to face it.
16:05Now, you can't pretend it's not happening.
16:16I'm going to call Toadie because you're going to need a lawyer.
16:18You take all the time you need.
16:21But you have to call your mum and tell her what's going on.
16:48Well, it was silly enough to lend me that as payment for hosting trivia.
16:52I thought it might come in handy.
16:53Very nice.
16:56Presenting our lead choreographer and irresistible Adonis.
17:05Stop it.
17:06Our new runner.
17:10Wow, the job's yours if you want it, MC.
17:14Come aboard.
17:16Just thought I'd let you know I've got two left feet.
17:18No, no, Andrew, I'll be the judge of that.
17:21Oh, Byron's just sent through his availability for the rehearsals.
17:24I just sent you mine.
17:25Sorry I'm late.
17:27I happened to bump into Kara after our earlier meeting.
17:31And I ran up by her.
17:32She prefers to stay out of it.
17:33It's for a good cause.
17:35I made it!
17:38I'll send you my availability, but I'd better get back to work.
17:41Thanks, Andrew.
17:42How'd you go on the Leo front?
17:43Oh, it's a work in progress, but I'm not taking no for an answer.
17:46That's my girl.
17:48You know, I think I can work with this.
17:53And show us your guns.
17:57Do the splits.
18:01Do it.
18:08I'm wrestling for the last bite.
18:13No, Mum.
18:14I'm not going to do that.
18:17You afraid of a little contest?
18:31Marcia, be nice.
18:32I'm going to try and nail it again.
18:38Permission to sit.
18:48I'm sorry about last night.
18:50I overreacted.
18:52I think I pushed the Felix thing too hard.
18:55I saw him leaving JJ alone earlier.
18:58I'm still not a fan, but I'm willing to see how it goes.
19:13Come on.
19:20Thought I'd come and check how your first day back's going.
19:25Do you want the honest truth?
19:29Well, I'm not going well.
19:32Complete mess, thanks to you.
19:36Trying to tell me more?
19:38You know, when we first got married,
19:43I thought I was the luckiest woman in the world.
19:46I'd married Superman.
19:49And if ever there was going to be some problem,
19:52that you'd just, you know, you'd swoop in and you'd save the day.
19:59And the only thing that was getting me through that siege
20:01was knowing that you were going to be there on the other side.
20:05But when it was all over, I had to go looking for you.
20:09And instead of comforting me,
20:12you were too wrapped up in your own ego
20:14to even hear the truth about what happened with Quinn.
20:19You might have lost trust in me, Andrew.
20:24And I have completely lost all trust in you, too.
20:31Kara misses you, too.
20:35Can't say I'm looking forward to whatever this is.
20:41Well, I hear you've got a lot going on.
20:46I've got a lot going on, too.
20:48I've got a lot going on, too.
20:50I've got a lot going on, too.
20:52I've got a lot going on, too.
20:54I've got a lot going on, too.
20:56Well, I hear on the grapevine there's a little male review happening.
21:01I could be persuaded to lend my moves.
21:03These hips are surprisingly mobile.
21:11Thanks for meeting me.
21:13Remy and I have been talking about this job situation.
21:17You don't have to worry.
21:18I've told Carl I'm not taking it.
21:20Well, I was going to say
21:21that if Carl is willing to give you a shot at the tram,
21:23I'm not going to stand in the way.
21:25But it doesn't mean I forgive you.
21:27You sure?
21:29As long as you continue to stay away from JJ,
21:31I don't care what you do.
21:33Promise I will.
21:34Oh, okay.
21:35Well, in that case,
21:37the job's all yours.
21:43I feel like there's a secret performer lurking inside of Felix.
21:47Yeah, and if anyone can bring it out of him, it's Aaron.
21:52You know what? I might do some costume ideas later.
21:55Good idea.
21:56Hey, I am loving living here.
21:59Have I mentioned that?
22:01Just a few times.
22:02Well, I really mean it.
22:03Yeah, well, I am pretty pleased you're here too.
22:10Is that...?
22:11It's probably nothing.
22:18What, what, what, what, what?
22:19What, what, what?
22:21Hi, Melanie.
22:22I'd love to meet up in person.
22:24When are you free?
22:34Coming up on Neighbours...
22:36No matter how often I tell myself that I can handle loving Therese
22:40but still keep my distance,
22:41in reality, way different.
22:44Why is there a pic of Vic Stone on Mel's computer?
22:47This is the guy that she's been talking to,
22:49the one that she's about to go on a date with.
22:54Oh, my God.