• 3 weeks ago


00:00I need to know. So, it goes in this way, sir.
00:24What was your last name?
00:28Morning, Mr Davis.
00:30Tell me do you have a lawyer today.
00:34Tell me what you're doing about that.
00:42How do you survive.
00:49Did I take that away, or did you take that away yourself, Mr Davis, you're going to blame it on me, like all the other problems.
01:03Just did speak.
01:08Maybe saying like I'm being a bad guy.
01:11I'm saying I'm saying right here right now. I blame you for anything.
01:18So, I just need a little bit more time.
01:28You told me just now that I took your mobility away.
01:32You were the one that is charged with your second office of driving on a suspended license, and then fleeing from an officer.
01:42I'm telling you what you're charged with.
01:46It's not true. Check your video cam. When I get the lawyer, they will show you. That's not true.
01:52And then you're going to do a life Mr Davis, be doing life.
01:56Barbara caterer, a lot of things made that work, but it's like right now it's slow.
02:03But I'm being honest with you. I'm not trying to be disrespectful.
02:07Can I raise my hand and say something.
02:10I don't want to talk about the case because I've got a bunch of days here.
02:13The only question is how much money do you make them.
02:16I already told you that you said I can afford to put a defendant, not going to with you that attitude, I was considering giving you a lawyer.
02:23Now I'm gonna get you out to reset and I'm going to tell you this now, your case is 109 days old, I will bring you back to the next setting.
02:30And then after that we're going to set your case for trial. So get ready Mr Davis over there.
02:39Attitude, that's what's up. The next time you will be held in contempt.
02:43How much time 30 days. No, two weeks.
03:09How's jail.
03:16You're in front of me now because Louisiana has filed a warrant issued a warrant for your arrest for your failure to comply and register as a sex offender.
03:25Second time.
03:28You were asking me for a bond, but I don't know you. I've never met you before my life. The only way I get to know you is how you look on paper because that really tells me who you are.
03:38That I'm not happy with you, because it's not your first time. It's not your second time you know when you sign for papers, what you have to do for the rest of your life and you know when you fail to register.
03:54You're looking at 10 years, every single time, and you must register every year.
04:01You must update on a yearly basis.
04:05If you tell me you forgot.
04:08You know, every year you have to update.
04:15If I may just argue for my client real fast.
04:18Judge I don't think he's missed any settings here in your court I don't think you've afforded him the opportunity to turn himself in. He's got a plan in place to do so he would have skin in the game.
04:34He understands that he would lose that money. If he weren't to turn himself in he understands that he won't have a second chance with you if that were to happen and so he's asking me to see if you'd afford the opportunity to do so he hasn't failed in your court.
04:51As of yet, I don't know without going into specifics I don't want to go into specifics as to why he didn't register out there.
05:01But because he hasn't messed up in your court just yet I would argue that you afford him a chance to turn himself in.
05:10He'll get picked up again if he doesn't do so.
05:14The state understands, however, we're seeing at least three probation violations out of Florida, the failure to register the first time was in 2012 Louisiana.
05:23And we also see others a fugitive from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office in 2012 Louisiana as well. So, he's already had one fugitive case as well.
05:34It's listed as a charge under Louisiana, but it's listed as a fugitive from JPSL. So I'm guessing it's like sort of like a Tommy thing, maybe, if I guess.
05:44Do you know what happened on his first time that he failed to register?
05:49I do not.
05:52Judge, my understanding from my client's recollection is that that fugitive case was not substantiated, it was thrown out something about a different municipality.
06:02I don't know if the records reflect that or if the records reflect that it was followed through with or I don't have access to those records, Judge, so I'm making an argument based on what my client tells me.
06:13Yeah, I don't know.
06:15You know, Mr.
06:32What was the last name again?
06:33His last name is Mr. Griffin, full name Carl Griffin.
06:39Tell me about his criminal history. Is it substantial?
06:42So, he does have an open warrant out of Florida for failure to appear back in 2010.
06:47Oh, he is now an open warrant?
06:50It's from 2010, so I guess it's been in existence since then. That's what I read.
06:56Hold on, hold on. He now has an open warrant out of Florida?
06:59It was issued in 2010.
07:01I get it, but it's still open?
07:03I believe so.
07:05And I'm not getting into all this.
07:08Again, I don't have access to that, but I'm assuming if it was open, it would be part of this fugitive case.
07:14I'm not. If he truly has an open warrant out of Florida, I'm not going to know.
07:17I'm arguing that it's not open.
07:19I know you're arguing, but you don't know for sure, right? She's telling me that there's an open warrant.
07:23Until I know for sure, we could probably...
07:25Judge, it's listed in the same spot with this current warrant that we're pitching on.
07:30My understanding is it was for a traffic ticket.
07:33Is that what you show or do you show some...
07:36What we can do is we can set it off to a little bit later if you want to put it by the wayside.
07:40You guys can look into it more.
07:42But if he truly has an open case out of Florida, I'm not giving you a warrant.
07:45Of course.
07:47I'll look into that.
07:48For sure.
07:49Yeah. I mean, look, take your time. There's no rush.
07:53Sounds good. And I'll get with Amy to see what info she can share.
07:57Okay. Thank you, Judge.
07:58I'll talk to you in a minute.
08:01Morning, Commissioner Caldwell.
08:04How's jail?
08:05Good place.
08:06That's right. Good.
08:09So, in talking with Mr. Sims, he's asking me to lower your bond.
08:17I agree with you that $30,000 is high for a misdemeanor bond.
08:21You're charged with violation of a protective order or bond condition you're facing up to a year in jail and or a $4,000 fine.
08:29I don't know anything about your cases. I'd like to know about it to see whether we should lower your bond because I don't know.
08:35It looks like to me, you've also picked up a felony retaliation.
08:39With us, you have an interference with emergency request for assistance and the violation of protective order.
08:46And you're on bond for an aggravated assault of a family member and a prior retaliation.
08:52Holy moly, man, it might go up.
08:55It might go up.
08:57Okay, please.
09:07Yes, and the interference.
09:09It looks like they're all out of the same.
09:11Like, and defendant have a prior dating relationship on August 4 2024 officer was dispatched to a disturbance defendant came to the residence uninvited and began banging on the front door.
09:23And one when she realized that I would defend it.
09:25It was not supposed to be at the residence due to prior assault family member incident.
09:30Defendant has bond conditions not to be in contact or residents.
09:36Defendant made forced entry into the residence by kicking the front door.
09:41Went upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom.
09:44Defendant forced his way in the bathroom stated you need to leave.
09:49This is not your house.
09:52Realize the player was on the phone with 911 and took her phone and said, you're really calling the police on me.
09:59Defendant through the phone on the floor and then left the location in a rental car officer made contact with the defendant.
10:06So the retaliation would be against the complaining witness.
10:31My one other question for you.
10:36What happened in the aggravated assault.
10:40Point a gun, shoot a gun, use a car.
10:44How bad are their injuries?
11:10The complainant causing her to fall on the couch and the defendant began to hit the complainant in the face.
11:16This causing a daughter tried to step in between them, which led to the defendant going after the complainant's daughter.
11:25Complainants stepped in between them and defendant grabbed the complainant by the hair and slammed her into a mirror.
11:33He then grabbed the lamp and began to hit her in the back and side of the head.
11:38Defendant grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the front door and left the residence.
11:46Is the mirror the deadly weapon in that one?
11:50The mirror, the couch, the lamp.
11:55Is that how it's being alleged in the complaint?
11:59So on April 19th, 2020, 24, 2024, did then in their unlawfully intentionally and knowingly threatened Johnson here and after style, the complainant, a person with whom the defendant had a dating relationship, imminent bodily injury by using and exhibiting a deadly weapon, namely a knife.
12:26Judge, that is correct.
12:27Complainants daughter went back into the kitchen to stop the defendant from attacking the complainant and defendants talked and began to walk out of the house, turn around and threw a knife at the complainant.
12:41That's curious as to how.
12:42Yes, I got to say, look, you don't have to say anything.
12:47I'm not asking to justify anything.
12:49I'm just going to say that, you know.
12:50For me.
12:52What was that movie Boomerang?
12:54Was it Boomerang or was it?
12:56No, it was Harlem Nights.
12:58Remember, there's that one.
13:00You ever watch Harlem Nights?
13:02There's that one part in Harlem Nights where the old lady goes, man, that's so good.
13:08You could throw it in the air and it turns into sunshine.
13:10I have got a girl who is so good.
13:16If you threw it up in the air, it would turn into sunshine.
13:20You know what I'm talking about?
13:22Not even something was that good would allow.
13:28Me to want to subject myself to a six by nine box.
13:34No man woman thing.
13:40Is that good to subject yourself to live in the next 15 years in a box in a six by nine box?
13:49I mean, how is it that someone can so happy so wrapped?
13:54You know what I mean?
13:58Is it is is life?
14:00Is it really?
14:01You know what I mean?
14:03Is it so many other questions?
14:07So many.
14:10I don't get it.
14:11I don't get it.
14:14What I do get, though, Mr. Caldwell, is that you're a dangerous person.
14:18Really, you act without thinking of consequence.
14:23And it scares me.
14:25It truly does.
14:27Not even if it was so good that you throw it up in the air and it turns into sunshine.
14:33Nothing is that good to want to live in a six by nine.
14:37But I know that when there's no self control.
14:42And there's a possibility of a murder happening.
14:47I can't justify lowering your bond.
14:49You're dangerous person.
14:51I know that you're going to tell me it's little gun drops and tulips and little bunny jumping in the woods.
14:55But the only way I get to know you is how you are on paper, man.
14:58And it sucks.
15:03I would consider that next time you're out there in the free world.
15:06Nothing is that good to live in a six by nine.
15:10It's just not.
15:14No more going out playing Xbox.
15:19I told them later today I'm going.
15:21I want some greasy fried chicken as soon as I leave here because of all the scheisse here.
15:26It's just not worth it, man.
15:28You know what I mean?
15:31I'm not lowering your bond.
15:32And in fact, I'm going to raise the bond on the interference.
15:36So if you do get out, I am making sure that you're not out without a GPS monitor.
15:43And I'm ordered you not to be within a thousand feet of where she lives or where she works.
15:47Not to be in possession of weapons.
15:49Judge, can we at least keep the bonds the way they are?
15:51You can't make them as they are.
15:52And you still have to make a bond in felony court.
15:57Can we at least keep the bonds where they are?
16:01Judge, I was going to post the bond on the interferences.
16:05Is that five thousand?
16:06I was going to raise it.
16:08And judge, given the nature of the assault and the nature of the relationship and the amount of cases pending, the amount of payments that's paid.
16:27He already can't make his bonds and he has a felony bond he's going to have to post.
16:32I understand not lowering them if you don't feel it's appropriate.
16:35But can we at least keep them where they are?
16:57No bond right now.
16:59No bond right now.
17:01It looks like you go back to court on 9-10.
17:06I'll keep it as it is now, Mr. Caldwell.
17:09But I'm going to keep on a very tight leash if you do get out.
17:12Right now, you're not going anywhere.
17:15And I would consider that next time you're out in the free world.
17:18Is it worth it, man?
17:20You're really going to let someone drag you down?
17:22A person drag you that far down?
17:28Be smarter than that, dude.
17:31It's not worth it.
17:34So hold on.
17:35So GPS prior to release, not to go within a thousand feet.
17:39No dope, no alcohol, no weapons.
17:41I'm going to tell you now.
17:43Let me see if there are VPOs that are entered in this thing.
17:47I'm sorry.
17:50One more thing.
17:51I need to apprise you on that.
17:53The Texas Constitution does not allow me, but in very, very limited circumstances for misdemeanor court to hold someone at no bond.
18:02You were charged with violation of a protective order bond condition.
18:05If you violate the conditions I put on you now, I can have a hearing to hold you at no bond.
18:10I will do it in a heartbeat.
18:11I want to protect every single person of Harris County.
18:14I don't care if I hurt your feelings.
18:16I make you upset.
18:17You understand.
18:21A protective order was issued in this case.
18:24Get to know it, because if you violate that protective order, I will have a hearing to hold you at no bond.
18:28All right.
18:29OK, thanks.
18:44You're welcome.