WWE Backlash 2007 FULL SHOW TVRip Part 02/02

  • 19 hours ago
00:00:00changed hands will another perhaps coming up next it's the world title last man standing undertaker
00:00:05versus fatigued one of these two huge men are going to be beaten so bad they will not be able to get
00:00:14to their feet and what a rivalry this has become an all-gathered fuel last month at wrestlemania
00:00:21over 80,000 fans on their feet as the phenom enters to do battle
00:00:36we're about to watch one hell of a world championship undertaker measuring the champion
00:00:42and flying through the air taking out the world champion the undertaker wants his fifth title
00:00:49reign and he's willing to do anything to get it batista realizing that he could cement his legend
00:00:57at wrestlemania if he could stop the street the animal a running power slam through the announce
00:01:06table can you believe the roller coaster ride in this match
00:01:13last ride
00:01:21the street is over
00:01:37a new world champion
00:01:44i said the dead man was coming to wrestlemania and he's walking out like he walked in
00:01:49undefeated the surefire hall of famer can call himself champion again
00:01:57congratulations i want my rematch
00:02:04at backlash this won't be just any rematch this match is going to be a last man standing match
00:02:15just any rematch this match is going to be a last man standing match for the world heavyweight
00:02:27championship last man standing one man will get beaten so badly he cannot even get on his own
00:02:37feet nobody and i mean nobody keeps me down for a 10 count you of all people should know i'm no
00:02:48ordinary man the undertaker and batista can hardly keep each other down for a three count
00:02:54at wrestlemania how are they going to do it for a 10 count at backlash that title belongs to me
00:03:00it's sunday at backlash i'm taking it back i plan on taking something that belongs to you
00:03:08your soul who will be the last man standing with a world title on the line
00:03:20the following contest is the last man standing match and it is for the world heavyweight
00:03:29championship now ladies and gentlemen the only way to win this match is to incapacitate
00:03:37your opponent to the point where he cannot get to his feet by the referee's count of 10
00:04:29the challenger from washington dc weighing in at 290 pounds
00:04:36The former two-time world champion demanded this rematch, and two nights ago on SmackDown
00:04:46in the ring, face-to-face with The Undertaker, John Batista said he is going to take back,
00:04:53which is his.
00:04:54He believes the world title.
00:04:56At WrestleMania, Michael, these two guys beat the living hell out of each other.
00:05:00Well, they better get ready, because tonight, they are going to hell with each other.
00:05:06And the question is, you see that pink-white hamstring of Batista, the target of many a
00:05:11chivalry attack by Finlay over the past couple of weeks.
00:05:15How will that hamstring hold up tonight, and will it be a factor in a last-man-standing
00:05:21match, where you have to make the 10 count to stay in it?
00:05:24Let me tell you, Batista had the match of his career at WrestleMania against The Undertaker.
00:05:29He better take that to a new level, and if he's dinged in any way, it could be a long
00:05:36night for Batista.
00:05:41The animal pacing, awaiting the arrival.
00:05:45But you know what, Michael?
00:05:46To hell with that.
00:05:47This is a last-man-standing match.
00:05:49All that really matters is a pair of fists and a bucket of guts, because all this is
00:05:54about is simple desire.
00:06:29And the winner of this match, finally, weighing in at 305 pounds, is the world heavyweight
00:06:36champion, The Undertaker!
00:06:43You cannot help but to get goosebumps when the world champion, The Undertaker, enters
00:07:02the arena.
00:07:03And the mind games and the psychological warfare begins as the champion takes the slow walk
00:07:11down the ramp to the ring, rarely taking his eyes off the challenger.
00:07:19Michael, the one thing that gives me goosebumps, and it's not about mind games anymore, is
00:07:24the simple fact that our current champion, The Phenom, The Undertaker, or our past champion,
00:07:31Batista, The Animal, one of them, is going to get beaten up so badly, they will not be
00:07:38able to get to their feet.
00:07:40Who could ever believe that either one of these gentlemen will have that happen to them?
00:07:45Tonight, we are going to see it.
00:07:48How do you keep either one of these men down for a full ten count?
00:07:52That is the question.
00:07:53Will it be answered tonight?
00:07:55One of these men will not make the ten count.
00:08:10And when you don't make the ten count, your opponent wins and is the world champion.
00:08:17And Batista looks ready to go.
00:08:19So do these fans, Michael.
00:08:21Listen, look around you.
00:08:23You have every person in this building standing on their feet.
00:08:27They understand history is right in front of them.
00:08:36It does not get any bigger than this.
00:08:38As Batista stares at the championship gold that once was around his waist.
00:08:45It doesn't get any bigger, and it won't get any more brutal.
00:08:49Put the women and small children up.
00:08:51What we are about to see, Michael, is an all-out war.
00:08:58We are sold out at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.
00:09:02The World Heavyweight Championship is on the line.
00:09:05That man is the champion, The Undertaker.
00:09:086'10", 305 pounds, a five-time world champion.
00:09:13The challenger, Batista, goes 6'6", 290 pounds.
00:09:17He is a two-time world champion.
00:09:21And The Undertaker's record in last-man-standing matches,
00:09:24much like his record at WrestleMania, unblemished.
00:09:28And on Friday, he told Batista he wanted his soul.
00:09:32And Undertaker starts things off with that big boot followed by the elbow.
00:09:36And Undertaker, the aggressor tonight,
00:09:38what we saw at WrestleMania, John,
00:09:40was Batista the aggressor in the early going.
00:09:48And perhaps the Phenom not underestimating Batista here tonight.
00:09:53Michael, Michael, look at this.
00:09:54I've heard rumors all week long that Undertaker's got a hurt elbow,
00:09:58a hurt bicep, something, and look at it.
00:10:00For years, for 15 years, he's wore that elbow pad on his left elbow.
00:10:05Tonight, it's on his right.
00:10:07And if you look underneath the pad, it seems to be bandaged.
00:10:10That arm seems to be bandaged and wrapped beneath that pad.
00:10:13And there's Undertaker, that right arm, going for the chokeslam early.
00:10:16And it's Batista battling out with the elbows.
00:10:20Was that a factor?
00:10:21We'll have to find out as this matchup rolls along.
00:10:26Undertaker flies through the air and knocks Batista down.
00:10:29Again, no pinfalls, no submissions in this matchup.
00:10:33You win when your opponent cannot get to his feet by a count of 10.
00:10:37And you wondered, Michael, if that hamstring of Batista was going to be a problem?
00:10:41It may have just been equalized with the right arm of The Undertaker.
00:10:45Remember, that's his chokeslam arm.
00:10:47He's the best striker in the history of this game,
00:10:50and that's the arm that he throws The Haymaker with.
00:10:53Undertaker using the left arm here, up to the top rope.
00:10:57Undertaker going to show old school, from the top rope,
00:11:00across the rotator cuff of Batista.
00:11:04And the world champion in control in the early going.
00:11:08John, you have been in Last Man Standing matches before.
00:11:11Is there any strategy at all going into this?
00:11:14It's simply, Michael, the fact that you want to survive.
00:11:17That's all it's about is survival.
00:11:19It is the most brutal match that the WWE can do.
00:11:23Because what happens, Michael, there's no fluke wins.
00:11:26There's no quick submissions.
00:11:28Somebody gets beaten up so bad.
00:11:31Look at Batista and the strength of The Animal.
00:11:38This is the first count of the matchup.
00:11:41Undertaker's got to get to his feet before the count of 10,
00:11:44or he'll lose the championship.
00:11:47You see what might have been an ill effect to that leg, Michael.
00:11:50Batista went to pick up The Undertaker, almost dropped him.
00:11:54Didn't get to execute the move like he wanted to do it,
00:11:56and it could have been the cause of that right hand scream.
00:11:59And the match has already taken its toll on The Animal Batista.
00:12:03But Batista, again on the attack outside the ring.
00:12:07Basically, anything goes in the Last Man Standing matchup.
00:12:11It's not basically anything goes, Michael.
00:12:13Anything goes. There are no rules.
00:12:16If you're creative enough to do it, Michael, it's legal.
00:12:23Oh, Undertaker's blocking.
00:12:25Look at Batista. The Animal bounced off the steel steps.
00:12:33Referee Mickey Henson beginning to count.
00:12:35Batista on his back again, must be up before the count of 10.
00:12:40And you sense almost a measured pace at this point, Michael.
00:12:44These two guys know that they are in a war, perhaps of their lifetime.
00:12:50Does the measured pace on a right hand by The Undertaker,
00:12:54does it favor The Undertaker or Batista?
00:12:57I've got to say, The Undertaker, as good as Batista is,
00:13:00a two-time champion, has held that title on and off for the better part of two years.
00:13:05He has not been in the big matches that The Undertaker has been in.
00:13:09Two things to look at here, John.
00:13:10The Undertaker threw a right hand, and he clearly favored his right arm when he threw it.
00:13:14Then he went to use his legs and went right to work on the injured leg of Batista.
00:13:19So The Undertaker perhaps changing strategy in his game plan in the early going because of that arm.
00:13:25When you're in the last man standing match, Michael,
00:13:27and let me tell you something, it is like going through hell.
00:13:30You find Batista right hand, just like that, and you attack it, and you stay on it.
00:13:36Because there is going to be no quarter ass, and there damn sure will be no quarter given in this match.
00:13:42Batista with right hands. The Animal, the former champion,
00:13:45right to the gut of the current champion, The Undertaker.
00:13:49And this is turning into one hell of a rivalry,
00:13:52as Undertaker goes right back to the bandaged hamstring, the bad leg of Batista.
00:14:00And again, if you can't stand, John, you can't answer the count of ten.
00:14:06Undertaker has Batista thrown over the apron.
00:14:10And how many times over the years have we seen The Phenom, the legendary Undertaker, do that?
00:14:18This is what Batista does not want The Undertaker to do, and that is get into a groove.
00:14:23Once he gets into his game, The Undertaker is in total control.
00:14:27300 pound leg drop across the throat and upper chest of Batista.
00:14:33And the referee will begin the count.
00:14:36Batista must answer the count of ten, or Undertaker will retain the championship.
00:14:43Watch this impact.
00:14:46It looked like the heel of the boot caught Batista right on the bridge of the nose.
00:14:50And the count's still happening.
00:14:51The Mickey Henson waves it off as Batista makes it back to his feet.
00:14:55And The Animal, reversal.
00:14:57Undertaker, knee spurs into the steel steps.
00:15:00And it stood the champion up for a moment.
00:15:04Batista favoring that hamstring, perhaps trying to get that blood flowing back into it.
00:15:11Funny, Undertaker grimacing in pain as he was stood up.
00:15:15Tripping into those steel steps.
00:15:19Hey Batista, where's he going?
00:15:20You do not often see The Animal go to the top rope.
00:15:23And Undertaker took advantage.
00:15:27Perhaps that injured leg of Batista did not allow him to climb the rope quickly enough.
00:15:33You rarely see Batista try high risk moves like this, Michael.
00:15:37But you see the importance and the urgency of this match.
00:15:41Undertaker and Batista's in trouble.
00:15:43With the right hands by Batista to the ribs of the champion.
00:15:48This, Michael, is gonna be an impact.
00:15:51Uh-oh, Undertaker with Batista in trouble.
00:15:54On the top rope, The Animal in all kinds of trouble.
00:15:57A superplex!
00:16:01You could use a Richter scale to measure that as the ring shook.
00:16:05And a double count begins.
00:16:07Both men are down.
00:16:08Who will make it to their feet first?
00:16:10Can someone beat the count of ten?
00:16:14Referee Mickey Henson at a count of four.
00:16:19Undertaker at a count of five tries to make it to his feet.
00:16:22They've gotta get to their feet before ten to break the count.
00:16:25Undertaker's up, so is Batista.
00:16:27The matchup continues, but Batista for just a moment.
00:16:30And that leg, you see it.
00:16:32Quivering and shaking.
00:16:34As Batista can barely put weight on it.
00:16:37Dragging the leg around the ring.
00:16:42That injured leg will take much of the power game out of Batista.
00:16:45The Undertaker hopes to take advantage.
00:16:47As these men are slugging, beating the hell out of each other.
00:16:53And Batista explodes on the clothesline.
00:16:56And Batista explodes on the clothesline.
00:17:02And referee Mickey Henson begins the count again.
00:17:05Undertaker down.
00:17:07Maybe seeing stars after the impact of that clothesline.
00:17:10If Undertaker cannot make it to his feet by ten,
00:17:13Batista regains the world championship.
00:17:16And whether Batista is hurt or not.
00:17:21We got Undertaker at a count of eight.
00:17:23And Undertaker's up at eight.
00:17:24The match continues.
00:17:25Another clothesline by Batista.
00:17:27Whether we got Batista hurt or not,
00:17:29this is Batista's chance to reclaim what he said is his.
00:17:32That world championship.
00:17:34That is what is at stake.
00:17:36To hell with your leg.
00:17:37To hell with your body.
00:17:38Live like you're in someone else's body.
00:17:40Because these chances don't come along very often, Michael.
00:17:43Undertaker back to his feet.
00:17:45Batista with a slam to the Undertaker.
00:17:47Despite the bad leg, Batista drops the leg drop.
00:17:51And you can almost feel, John, the momentum
00:17:53in a major shift here at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta.
00:17:57The challenger is taking it to the champion
00:17:59as the count continues again.
00:18:02Challenger taking it to the champion.
00:18:05And Batista dropping that hurt leg.
00:18:07This, Michael, these guys are going to hell and back in this match.
00:18:13And the champion, perhaps out of desperation,
00:18:16pulling the second rope down
00:18:18and watching Batista through the second rope.
00:18:20How does Undertaker do it here?
00:18:26Undertaker clearing out the announce table.
00:18:30And you cannot believe that the Phenom has good intentions.
00:18:36Anything goes.
00:18:37Anything goes, Michael.
00:18:39Pull out all the stops.
00:18:40It's all legal.
00:18:41The only reason Mickey Henson is here is to count to 10.
00:18:45I have no idea what he's about to do, but I have a feeling
00:18:49it's not going to be good.
00:18:51And Undertaker driven into the barricade.
00:18:55An important counter for Batista.
00:18:58The barricade right behind the shoulder
00:19:00with the impact of a 300-pounder.
00:19:04And Mickey Henson on a count of four,
00:19:09keeping Batista at bay as The Undertaker makes it back to his feet.
00:19:13And Batista goes on offense.
00:19:17Oh, no.
00:19:18Oh, my.
00:19:19And Undertaker.
00:19:21Oh, what a backbreaker.
00:19:25Bad leg, now bad back.
00:19:27How can Batista get up from this?
00:19:29Don't have to remind you, Michael.
00:19:31There is nothing out here that gives an inch.
00:19:37The champion.
00:19:39Their match at WrestleMania was a classic, Michael.
00:19:42Let's make a count of five now for Mickey Henson.
00:19:45Back to six as Batista tries to make it back to his feet.
00:19:48Hamstring quivering as Undertaker is ripping steel steps apart.
00:19:52Now has him in hand.
00:19:55Off the skull of Batista.
00:19:57And that could put the challenger down and out.
00:20:03Will it be Deadman standing?
00:20:05This could be it.
00:20:07Will it be Deadman standing after this?
00:20:14Batista's busted open.
00:20:19The steel steps up.
00:20:21Batista's busted wide open.
00:20:23We can see Batista because he's right here in front of us, ladies and gentlemen.
00:20:26And there you see the blood trickling from the skull of Batista,
00:20:30The Undertaker, using the steps legally and effectively as a weapon.
00:20:38And the best pure striker in the history of the game is unloading on the animal.
00:20:44And The Undertaker putting Batista on the edge table.
00:20:49Batista with blood pouring from his skull.
00:20:53What the hell has The Undertaker got in mind here?
00:20:57I don't know, Michael, but I'm getting out of the way.
00:20:59Batista barely moving.
00:21:01Undertaker setting Batista up.
00:21:07Oh, my God.
00:21:08Undertaker on the barricade behind us.
00:21:11No! Oh, my Lord!
00:21:21Undertaker destroying the announce table with a leg drop
00:21:25as Batista, the former champion, lays down and out in front of us.
00:21:33Referee Mickey Henson at four.
00:21:36And there is no way on this earth that Batista is going to be able to make the ten count.
00:21:43The referee at a count of seven.
00:21:45The Undertaker.
00:21:47Must Batista get to his feet.
00:21:49A count of nine.
00:21:51The animal's up. The animal's up. The animal's up.
00:21:54Blood pouring from everywhere on his body.
00:21:57And Batista has made the ten count.
00:22:03The champion, The Undertaker.
00:22:06Wasting little time to go back on the assault.
00:22:13And look at the champion.
00:22:15300 pounds.
00:22:20Like a freight train.
00:22:24Undertaker in the ring. Batista in trouble.
00:22:27The Undertaker rolling snake eyes.
00:22:29And what a spear!
00:22:32From out of nowhere.
00:22:34Batista, the animal, with an unbelievable spear.
00:22:41And now it's The Undertaker who has to make the ten count.
00:22:45Can you believe this?
00:22:47No, Michael, I have no idea where this came from.
00:22:50A count of six. A count of seven.
00:22:52And the champion back to his feet.
00:22:54And walked into a spine buster.
00:22:58The intensity of the animal.
00:23:00And that leg drop seemed to wake Batista up.
00:23:04At a count of three.
00:23:06Will Batista regain the championship right here, right now?
00:23:10But no.
00:23:11The resilient Undertaker back to his feet.
00:23:13Another spine buster.
00:23:17What in the hell has gotten into Batista?
00:23:21Another spine buster.
00:23:23The World Heavyweight Championship is what has gotten into Batista.
00:23:28This is what turned the match around.
00:23:32That spear by Batista.
00:23:34As the referee begins to count again on the champion.
00:23:38A five count for referee Mickey Henson.
00:23:41Now a six count.
00:23:43The Undertaker's got to make it to his feet before ten.
00:23:46Could be it.
00:23:47This is it, Michael.
00:23:49Mickey Henson at nine.
00:23:51He's at nine, but back to his feet at nine.
00:23:53Talk about a turn of events.
00:23:55When Undertaker...
00:23:56Oh, Michael, here we go.
00:23:59Batista driven into the corner by the feet on the Undertaker.
00:24:02Went for the right hand.
00:24:04And the champion.
00:24:07So slow.
00:24:10Both men are down.
00:24:14Double count this time.
00:24:17A count of two.
00:24:19It may be the first guy to get to his feet.
00:24:22Michael is the world champion.
00:24:24Undertaker using the ropes, trying to pull himself to his feet.
00:24:27And he does.
00:24:28But Batista is still down.
00:24:30At a count of seven.
00:24:33A count of eight.
00:24:34Can Batista make it to his feet?
00:24:36A count of nine.
00:24:37And Batista's up so close again.
00:24:42What an unbelievable match.
00:24:44I told you, Michael.
00:24:45There is nothing like this match.
00:24:47It's not something you learn in wrestling school.
00:24:50It's something you just have inside you.
00:24:52Or you don't.
00:24:56The powerbomb.
00:24:58The Batista bomb from the corner.
00:25:00Can Batista capitalize?
00:25:02Undertaker's down.
00:25:05Referee counting again.
00:25:10And over 17,000 here in Atlanta counting in unison.
00:25:14Will he crown a new world champion?
00:25:17Or will Undertaker...
00:25:18This is it.
00:25:19This is it.
00:25:20This is it.
00:25:22We're at seven.
00:25:23We're at seven.
00:25:24I never would have believed I'd see it.
00:25:26We're at eight.
00:25:27The Undertaker can't make it to his feet.
00:25:29At a count of nine.
00:25:30The Undertaker is just up from the count.
00:25:32And this match will continue.
00:25:34You gotta be kidding me.
00:25:35And you can feel the tension and the pressure mounting.
00:25:39A fever pitch engulfing the crowd here.
00:25:44And now Batista with a steel chair.
00:25:46Perfectly legal.
00:25:47In last man standing.
00:25:49Thundering off the skull of The Undertaker.
00:25:52You see the look in the eyes.
00:25:53The intensity of Batista.
00:25:55It's because he wants to regain what he believes is his world championship.
00:26:00But what in the world is he gonna have to do, Michael,
00:26:03to get The Undertaker to stay down?
00:26:05I think we may have just found out.
00:26:07He's gonna do it right now, John.
00:26:09But Undertaker counts with a backdrop into the steel chair.
00:26:16And Batista grabbing the hamstring.
00:26:18Perhaps that leg bounced off the steel step.
00:26:21Couldn't quite get a great look.
00:26:23But off the back body drop.
00:26:25Batista hurt that leg again.
00:26:29And Undertaker making the sign that this one is over.
00:26:32And this is what defeated Batista at WrestleMania.
00:26:36Going for the two stone pile driver.
00:26:40Forget about it.
00:26:41Ball game.
00:26:42Ball game.
00:26:44What an unbelievable match.
00:26:46Both men are down.
00:26:48Undertaker has done it again.
00:26:53Undertaker slowly taking his time with the stories.
00:26:56A count of five.
00:26:57The animal stirring a bit.
00:26:58Off the two stone pile driver.
00:27:01At a count of seven.
00:27:02Batista back to his belly.
00:27:03We're at a count of eight, ladies and gentlemen.
00:27:05Can Batista get it done?
00:27:06Again he makes it back to his feet.
00:27:09This is amazing.
00:27:11Did you see the look in the eyes of the Undertaker?
00:27:13I don't believe the Phenom could believe Batista made it back to his feet.
00:27:17I can't believe Batista made it to his feet.
00:27:20You talk about the desire to be a champion.
00:27:23This isn't about injuries anymore, Michael.
00:27:26This is simply about the fact you're willing to stay there longer than your opponent is.
00:27:31Again, no pitfalls, no submission.
00:27:34You have to make a ten count or lose the matchup.
00:27:36And that count of ten does not have to happen in the ring.
00:27:39And these two guys, Michael, have hit each other with absolutely everything in their arsenal.
00:27:45And both of them are still standing.
00:27:49And Undertaker and Batista battling up to the steel steps.
00:27:53Now they're up on the stage.
00:27:55Batista and Undertaker up on the stage.
00:27:59Probably a good ten feet above the floor.
00:28:02Loved hands by the animal.
00:28:06This is not a good place to be.
00:28:09And now it's the challenger taking control.
00:28:12The Undertaker's reeling.
00:28:13Batista unloading on the champion.
00:28:17Oh, no.
00:28:19Can Batista hit the Batista man on the steel stage?
00:28:22You see that?
00:28:23Back to the bad leg.
00:28:26The consummate champion.
00:28:27The legendary Undertaker targeting the bad leg yet again.
00:28:31All the battles the Undertaker has been through the past decade and a half, Michael.
00:28:37This could be the biggest.
00:28:39Undertaker surveying the area around the steel stage.
00:28:47What a right hand.
00:28:51Batista barely in the stand.
00:28:53Undertaker with Batista on his shoulder.
00:28:55What the hell is he going to do here?
00:28:58And Batista.
00:29:00A spear.
00:29:01A spear.
00:29:08A spear.
00:29:20Oh, my Lord.
00:29:22We said we'd start to.
00:29:24Two guys destroyed themselves, Michael.
00:29:27I think we just did.
00:29:28It's an EMT down there.
00:29:31Referee beginning the count, but he's calling for help.
00:29:34There's no reason for this count.
00:29:37Have these gentlemen gone too far?
00:29:40A spear off the stage through the electrical wiring.
00:29:43It was some sort of explosion.
00:29:46This count doesn't even matter.
00:29:48These two guys aren't moving, Michael.
00:29:52Run it!
00:29:58The match is apparently over, but what is the condition of the two superstars?
00:30:03The Undertaker and Batista, you see.
00:30:06That's our WWE doctor and trainers down there checking on.
00:30:10Ladies and gentlemen, both men could not answer the count of ten.
00:30:17Therefore, still the World Heavyweight Champion, The Undertaker.
00:30:26The title doesn't change hands in case of a draw, but the story here is the health and well-being of The Undertaker and Batista.
00:30:36Michael, these guys have hardly moved.
00:30:39Undertaker, Undertaker, almost like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
00:30:50What an absolutely incredible match.
00:30:54Michael, I cannot believe The Undertaker is even moving, much less getting up after that.
00:31:06Undertaker and now Batista.
00:31:10Batista moving as well.
00:31:12I mean the animal, how the hell is Batista even moving?
00:31:15How is Batista pulling himself out of his pit?
00:31:18Talk about an unbelievable test of the human will and spirit.
00:31:22We have seen two guys take each other as absolutely far as they can go.
00:31:30These pictures tell the story of what these two men went through.
00:31:34I'll tell you the amazing ending.
00:31:37Watch the spear.
00:31:39Off that stage from ten feet below, electric board cricket exploding, those trusses coming down.
00:31:47And what is amazing about this is that these two men walked away from it.
00:31:56We said they'd take each other to the extreme.
00:31:59We saw these two guys beat the living hell out of each other.
00:32:04What a performance we just witnessed.
00:32:10We said we had history in front of us, Michael.
00:32:13You have seen an epic battle.
00:32:21Again, I've never seen anything like this before.
00:32:25There is no last man standing tonight.
00:32:34People like to watch violence.
00:32:38They always have.
00:32:40Now play.
00:32:42See the movie that's got critics raving.
00:32:47This is hardcore, man.
00:32:50He never saw that coming.
00:32:54We have a big problem.
00:32:57Game on.
00:32:59The condemned.
00:33:01Now for the big finish.
00:33:03Now playing in theaters everywhere.
00:33:07Let's go, sweetheart.
00:33:12Absolutely amazing. One of the most amazing last man standing matches I think I've ever seen.
00:33:18Two men putting their heart and souls on the line.
00:33:20Well, just when you thought you'd seen everything, then you see something like that.
00:33:22I mean, I thought those guys were going to completely destroy each other.
00:33:26And ladies and gentlemen, we have four more men that I guarantee are going to lay it all the line for the WWE title.
00:33:32Earlier tonight, we asked you subscribers of AT&T to tell us who you thought would win the WWE Championship Fatal 4-Way match coming up.
00:33:42A lot of texting has gone on.
00:33:44Let's see who you think is going to be the winner of the Fatal 4-Way.
00:33:48Here are the results.
00:33:50There you go.
00:33:53John Cena got 50% of all the votes.
00:34:02Very interesting voting to say the least.
00:34:05But ladies and gentlemen, I really believe it's anybody's ballgame.
00:34:10Only one man will lead Backlash.
00:34:12The WWE Champion.
00:34:14The question is, who will it be?
00:34:22Four men, one title.
00:34:53My desire to win this match stronger than you will ever understand.
00:34:58This one is going to be about who wants it more.
00:35:01And all of you will be forced to call me champion.
00:35:22Hold on to what they say now.
00:35:25Shine, shine.
00:35:29Breathe down my brain.
00:35:31Close your eyes, breathe in.
00:35:33And I'll take you flaring back again.
00:35:38Michaels, oh!
00:35:40Sweet Tim music!
00:35:43Michaels wins!
00:35:45Back again, back again.
00:35:47John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton.
00:35:52Four men, one title at Backlash.
00:36:03The following is a Fatal 4-Way match for the WWE Championship.
00:36:10The first participant to score a pinfall or two
00:36:13The first participant to score a pinfall or submission
00:36:17Will be the WWE Champion!
00:36:43I'm not your boy.
00:36:46I'm not your boy, boy.
00:36:50I'm just a sexy boy.
00:37:00Introducing the challenger first, from San Antonio, Texas
00:37:05Is the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!
00:37:10The incomparable Shawn Michaels!
00:37:13The best big match wrestler in the history of the WWE!
00:37:18Just six days ago, Michaels and John Cena destroyed one hour of wrestling time
00:37:26And Michaels won that match, suddenly, out of nowhere, with sweet Tim music.
00:37:33Well, and Shawn Michaels has me feeling good about his chances today.
00:37:38I mean, that has to put HBK on a huge roll coming into this match.
00:37:43He proved that he can beat John Cena!
00:37:47The question we have to ask is, what kind of condition is Shawn Michaels and John Cena?
00:37:53Are they in tonight, as a result of their competition six days ago in London, England?
00:38:00The match, the travel, questions to be answered.
00:38:13Introducing the next, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
00:38:16Weighing 250 pounds, Edds!
00:38:21Edds is a two-time WWE Champion!
00:38:27Certainly an opulent opportunist!
00:38:32Amazingly talented!
00:38:34Seems to be extremely focused in this fatal four-way match
00:38:39Where it's every man for himself!
00:38:41Where there can be no disqualifications, there can be no count-outs!
00:38:46And of course, Edds, very concerned about the condition of John Cena and Shawn Michaels
00:38:51We heard him say last week, he was just gonna grab a chair, sit back
00:38:55And watch those two superstars beat the hell out of each other
00:38:58And that's exactly what happened!
00:39:00Edds was scheduled to wrestle Randy Orton last week
00:39:02But Michaels and Cena used all of the television time!
00:39:15From St. Louis, Missouri, weighing 245 pounds
00:39:19Randy Orton!
00:39:25Certainly controversy seems to follow this young man around
00:39:29Since becoming the youngest champion in the history of the WWE in 2004
00:39:35And at one time
00:39:38Randy Orton and Edds were closer than 19 is to 20!
00:39:42Team Randy Orton KO is no more!
00:39:46Well, we heard earlier on Randy Orton trying to get close to John Cena, apparently!
00:39:52Cena was having none of that!
00:39:58The election killer, Randy Orton!
00:40:07Randy Orton trying to team up with John Cena
00:40:10In a collaborative effort to eliminate Shawn Michaels and Edds!
00:40:27And from West New York, Massachusetts, weighing 248 pounds
00:40:31He is the current WWE Champion, John Cena!
00:40:39The ring is literally coming off of this arena here in Atlanta, Georgia!
00:40:44The champ is here!
00:40:48John Cena will have no championship advantage in this match
00:40:53And what I mean by that is
00:40:55Cena cannot retain the WWE title in a disqualification
00:40:59Or because of a count out
00:41:01Because there are no disqualifications
00:41:03There are no count outs
00:41:05The first man to score a pin or a submission
00:41:09Will be the WWE Champion!
00:41:13That's right!
00:41:14And you know, John Cena doesn't even have to be involved
00:41:17In that pinning situation!
00:41:19I mean, Edds can pin Shawn Michaels
00:41:22John Cena loses the title!
00:41:24Shawn Michaels can pin Randy Orton
00:41:26John Cena loses the title!
00:41:29What an interesting match!
00:41:43Let's bring Mike Hill to the show
00:41:45And what it's all about
00:41:46The Covered WWE Championship!
00:41:49And you know, we heard John Cena say
00:41:52We heard Shawn Michaels say
00:41:54This match is about who wants it
00:41:56Well, it's no question
00:41:57Every one of these men want to be the champion
00:42:00But, who wants it more?
00:42:03That's what we're about to find out
00:42:04The first fatal four way WWE title match
00:42:07In Backlash history
00:42:09This is the 9th annual Backlash
00:42:11Referee Mike Hill has called for the bell
00:42:14And this should be one of the most unpredictable
00:42:17Affairs, King, that maybe we have seen
00:42:20In many, many years
00:42:21A lot of agendas
00:42:23From these four men
00:42:25The most coveted prize in the WWE at stake
00:42:29It's sudden death
00:42:31Boy, this atmosphere
00:42:32Can you feel it? It's electric, JR
00:42:35These four superstars are feeling it right now
00:42:39You gotta wonder, you think Lady Luck
00:42:41May play a little role in this outcome
00:42:44Of this fatal four way, JR?
00:42:47Oh, absolutely
00:42:48And I'll tell you what
00:42:50The goose bumps are running in my arms
00:42:54Wait, wait, wait, is this
00:42:56Is this collusion or what, JR?
00:43:00I don't think it's collusion at all
00:43:02I think Michaels has double seen it
00:43:04Michaels is gonna lead the WWE champion
00:43:06That's what I'm assuming
00:43:07Now we're having a caucus
00:43:18What's going on here?
00:43:19Are each of these guys trying to align themselves
00:43:22To someone else?
00:43:24Here we go
00:43:26Now there's your answer
00:43:27And the match is underway
00:43:29And Shawn Michaels
00:43:30And John Cena left in the ring
00:43:32Michaels has an agenda all right
00:43:34And that's become the WWE champion
00:43:36For the fifth time
00:43:38Well, that was a short-lived alliance
00:43:39And it looks like Michaels and Cena
00:43:41Want to pick up where they left off last Monday
00:43:43I would be shocked to see any long-lasting alliances
00:43:46In this fatal four way match
00:43:48With the stakes as high as they are
00:43:51And Michaels with a Ric Flair-like knife-edge job
00:43:54Binds it smart on the massive chest
00:43:57Of the WWE champion
00:43:59Oh, HBK lighting up the champ early on here
00:44:02Oh, look out here
00:44:03Cena, the power
00:44:05The fisherman's suplex
00:44:07On the back, Cena, not the cover
00:44:09Oh, John
00:44:10Man, John Cena
00:44:11Close to ending this match
00:44:13Quickly and suddenly
00:44:15Well, these two guys went at it for what
00:44:17But 50-06
00:44:19Solid minutes last week
00:44:20I'd be mighty surprised
00:44:21To see this match end that early
00:44:24Cena's head bouncing off the canvas
00:44:26Oh, man
00:44:27And Michaels almost beheaded
00:44:29By Randy Orton
00:44:30And Edge taking down John Cena
00:44:31Again, every man for himself here
00:44:33I think I saw one of Shawn Michaels' teeth
00:44:35Flying out of his mouth
00:44:36Cena throwing out of the ring
00:44:37Right in front of us
00:44:38Hey, hey, hey
00:44:39Leaving Edge and Orton in the ring
00:44:40Hey, hey, hey
00:44:41Look at this
00:44:42Now, remember
00:44:43Cena does not have to be involved
00:44:44In the equation
00:44:45Orton can pin Edge
00:44:46Here's the former tag team partners
00:44:49In a stare-down
00:44:51He asked me
00:44:52It would behoove these guys
00:44:53To be on the same page
00:44:56But behoove them
00:44:57They ain't
00:44:59Or are they?
00:45:00No, they ain't
00:45:02Orton and Edge
00:45:03With right hands
00:45:04And the R-rated superstar
00:45:06Getting the blunt of the blow
00:45:08After the textbook standing dropkick
00:45:10By the young man from St. Louis
00:45:12Randy Orton
00:45:13And John Cena
00:45:14Waiting on the outside
00:45:15Like a
00:45:16Well, like a lumberjack
00:45:17In a lumberjack match
00:45:18Threw Edge
00:45:19Right back into Orton
00:45:21And Michaels
00:45:22Jerks Orton out of the ring
00:45:24Explodes with a right hand
00:45:25Orton retaliates
00:45:26Orton and Michaels
00:45:27On the outside
00:45:29John Cena
00:45:30Takes both men down
00:45:31The 17th minute
00:45:33Has John Cena
00:45:34Taken down
00:45:35By Edge
00:45:36Oh, man
00:45:37In a fatal four-way
00:45:38You gotta watch your back
00:45:39You need eyes in the back
00:45:40Of your head, J.R.
00:45:41You gotta watch
00:45:42Every direction
00:45:44No one can be counted out
00:45:45No one can be counted out
00:45:46And now Edge can
00:45:47Take the pick of the litter
00:45:48Toss him back in the ring
00:45:49And go for the cover
00:45:51Gotta pin your man
00:45:52On the inside
00:45:53And Orton gets introduced
00:45:54To those steel ring steps
00:45:57And not a sweet introduction
00:46:00Well, the one thing Edge
00:46:01And look at
00:46:03A slam
00:46:04On Cena's spine
00:46:05Bouncing off the floor
00:46:06Edge in firm control
00:46:08But I'm sure Edge realizes
00:46:09He can't win this match
00:46:10Out on the floor
00:46:11But he's just trying to do
00:46:12Some damage right now
00:46:14And Shawn Michaels retaliates
00:46:15With a scoop slam of his own
00:46:17And Michaels up on the apron
00:46:20Now Shawn Michaels
00:46:22Michaels doing here
00:46:24Shawn Michaels
00:46:27My gosh, Shawn Michaels
00:46:28Oh no, look at Michaels
00:46:30Good lord
00:46:31My god, Michaels
00:46:33Putting his career on the line
00:46:34For the WWE title
00:46:37And his knee came right
00:46:38Down right across the
00:46:40Eye, the right eye
00:46:41Of Edge
00:46:43And looks like the right eye
00:46:45Other knee hit the right eye
00:46:46Of Randy Orton
00:46:47What's this?
00:46:48Watch where the
00:46:49Shawn's knees hit
00:46:52An amazing
00:46:53Moonsault by Michaels
00:46:56Putting a cost into the win
00:46:58His heart and soul in this
00:47:00And Michaels sensing that
00:47:01Edge is classy-eyed
00:47:04Michaels may try to capitalize
00:47:06And yes he is
00:47:07Edge is back in the ring
00:47:08If Michaels can pin Edge
00:47:10Shawn Michaels is the
00:47:11WWE champion
00:47:12In this fatal four-way matchup
00:47:14Well you're right there
00:47:15Shawn Michaels
00:47:16That little maneuver
00:47:17Did some damage to all
00:47:18Three of his opponents
00:47:19But I think he figures
00:47:20Edge is the worst for wear
00:47:22Uh-oh, heavy knot
00:47:24Man, Edge's eyes
00:47:26Go one story
00:47:27And his fore until another
00:47:28Yeah, he had that
00:47:29Krispy Kreme look
00:47:30His eyes were glazed over
00:47:31But now he's
00:47:33He seems to be back
00:47:35Michaels reverses the Irish whip
00:47:38Nobody home
00:47:42Both Edge and Michaels
00:47:43Had the same idea
00:47:45Both connected
00:47:46And again
00:47:49Their heads bouncing off the canvas
00:47:51An unforgiving canvas
00:47:53Here tonight
00:47:56If one of these guys
00:47:57Could pin the other
00:47:58They could be the next champion
00:47:59Right now
00:48:00There's the champ
00:48:01And there's the champ
00:48:02Alright, John Cena
00:48:03Climbing to the top
00:48:05No way!
00:48:06Good lord
00:48:07Oh my gosh!
00:48:09Good God
00:48:10John Cena with a
00:48:11With a double leg drop
00:48:12From the top
00:48:13That scored a
00:48:14I think he can pin
00:48:15Either one of them right now
00:48:16He's got Edge
00:48:17He's got a
00:48:18Michaels down
00:48:19And Michaels kicks out
00:48:20Wow, what
00:48:21Look out!
00:48:22And Orton
00:48:25Randy Orton
00:48:27Beheading John Cena
00:48:28After Cena did the damage
00:48:30To Edge and HBK
00:48:32Can Randy Orton capitalize?
00:48:34Boy, and Orton right now
00:48:35An equal opportunist
00:48:37I mean, he's
00:48:39Michaels thrown out
00:48:40It looks like
00:48:42And so is Edge
00:48:43Orton wants to beat
00:48:44John Cena apparently
00:48:47And Cena's
00:48:49His heart's beating
00:48:50So John Cena's fighting
00:48:52And scoring those
00:48:53Big right-handed bombs
00:48:54On Randy Orton
00:48:55And I bet right now
00:48:56Randy Orton would like to
00:48:57Rethink his choice
00:48:58Of who he threw
00:48:59Out of the ring
00:49:00Wait a minute!
00:49:01Inverted by cover
00:49:03Orton's got the cover
00:49:04Orton's got the leg
00:49:05Oh, and Orton's got a
00:49:07Oh man
00:49:09Randy Orton
00:49:10So aggressive
00:49:11And now stomping
00:49:12The appendages
00:49:13Of John Cena
00:49:16Check this out
00:49:17One more time
00:49:18This huge punch
00:49:19And that
00:49:20That almost put Orton
00:49:21On Green Street
00:49:22When John Cena
00:49:23Landed that big right hand
00:49:25Orton once again
00:49:26With the upper hand
00:49:27Knee to the head
00:49:28And the knee
00:49:29Now a cover
00:49:30A lateral press
00:49:31Orton couldn't reach
00:49:32A leg
00:49:33Cena used the legs
00:49:34To kick out
00:49:35But Orton got another
00:49:36Near fall
00:49:37But Michaels and
00:49:38Michaels and Edge
00:49:39On the outside
00:49:40Of the ring
00:49:41Trying to regather
00:49:43It's Cena and
00:49:44Orton inside the ring
00:49:45And look at
00:49:46Cena battle back
00:49:47Cena with the right
00:49:51Big right hands
00:49:52Nothing fancy
00:49:53About the WWE
00:49:55And every one of those
00:49:56Lefts and rights
00:49:57That landed
00:49:58Find their mark
00:49:59John Cena's shoulder
00:50:00Finds the steel
00:50:01Ring post
00:50:02The ring post
00:50:03Shows no respect
00:50:04To the WWE
00:50:06Cena may have
00:50:08On that exchange
00:50:09That the ring post
00:50:11And now it's
00:50:12Michaels and
00:50:13And Orton back
00:50:14In the ring
00:50:16The first man
00:50:17To score a pin
00:50:18Or submission
00:50:19Leads the WWE
00:50:25Michaels with the chops
00:50:26And Orton reeling
00:50:27Orton reverses
00:50:28And Michaels
00:50:30Into the face
00:50:31Of Randy Orton
00:50:32And now
00:50:33Shawn Michaels
00:50:34Pops up like a
00:50:35Pimple on Brock
00:50:36Right back down again
00:50:37The heel kick by
00:50:39On Michaels
00:50:40It could be
00:50:41Look at this
00:50:42And look at Orton
00:50:43Pulled Edge off the pile
00:50:44And now Orton
00:50:45Ha ha
00:50:46Every man for himself
00:50:51Every man for himself
00:50:53Wait a minute
00:50:55Trying to let a
00:50:56Cooler head prevail here
00:50:59Now Edge
00:51:00Is negotiating
00:51:02He's trying to talk
00:51:03Some sense into the
00:51:04Head of Randy Orton
00:51:06I don't think it's a
00:51:07Bad idea
00:51:09And now the
00:51:10The double team
00:51:12Team rated RKO
00:51:14At least for a moment
00:51:16And man look at the
00:51:18A double whip
00:51:19By Michaels
00:51:20And Michaels
00:51:21Who's had a history
00:51:22Of back problems
00:51:23Took him out of the
00:51:24WWE for over
00:51:25Four years
00:51:26And that was the
00:51:27Object of that
00:51:28Double whip
00:51:29These guys are
00:51:30Wasting precious time
00:51:31If Orton and
00:51:32Edge collectively
00:51:33Or together
00:51:34Could eliminate
00:51:36Shawn Michaels here
00:51:37Then they could
00:51:38Oh look out
00:51:41Face first
00:51:43And to the
00:51:44Announce table
00:51:45The ECW
00:51:46Announce table
00:51:47Right here to our
00:51:49And now the
00:51:50Most hard shots by
00:51:51Randy Orton
00:51:52And Edge
00:51:53To the back of
00:51:54Shawn Michaels
00:51:55And Michaels
00:51:56Having to get to
00:51:57The ropes
00:51:58Just to pull himself
00:51:59Back up
00:52:00Cena out like a
00:52:01Light down here
00:52:02Looks like
00:52:03That announce table
00:52:04Will destroy tonight
00:52:05By The Undertaker
00:52:06And Batista
00:52:07That classic
00:52:08Last man standing
00:52:10And Michaels
00:52:11Upside down
00:52:12Inside out
00:52:14And look at the
00:52:15Double team
00:52:16I am ovation
00:52:17Edge and Orton
00:52:18Are on the same page
00:52:20You gotta wonder how
00:52:21How many chapters
00:52:22Are in that book
00:52:26Orton and Edge
00:52:27Seem to be very
00:52:29With what they're
00:52:30Accomplishing right now
00:52:33Shawn Michaels
00:52:34Being decimated
00:52:35And now
00:52:36Double Boston Crab
00:52:37A double submission
00:52:38Now Michaels
00:52:39Taps out
00:52:40Who the hell's
00:52:41That's what I was
00:52:42Gonna say
00:52:43If Shawn Michaels
00:52:44Taps here
00:52:45Michaels and
00:52:46Michaels and Dave
00:52:47Are tapping out
00:52:48From a double
00:52:49Boston Crab
00:52:50And if Michaels
00:52:51Taps out
00:52:52This match is over
00:52:53But we would be
00:52:54In danger of
00:52:56What would we have
00:52:57Duel champions
00:52:58Or what would
00:52:59Who would the
00:53:00Winner be
00:53:01Or who the
00:53:02Winner would be
00:53:03But we're about
00:53:04To find out
00:53:05It looks like
00:53:06Michaels is trying
00:53:07To reach to the ropes
00:53:08That's his only
00:53:09Salvation right now
00:53:10Michaels reaching
00:53:11With everything
00:53:12He's got
00:53:13Uh oh
00:53:14And Orton and
00:53:15Edge bring
00:53:16Michaels back
00:53:17To the center
00:53:18Of the ring
00:53:19This match is
00:53:20In danger of
00:53:21Ending at any
00:53:23But who would
00:53:24Be the winner
00:53:25I don't know
00:53:26But I don't know
00:53:27How Shawn Michaels
00:53:28Can keep from
00:53:29Tapping much longer
00:53:31Cena came out
00:53:32Of nowhere
00:53:34And we've talked
00:53:35About Cena and
00:53:36Michaels wrestling
00:53:37You know
00:53:38Destroying that
00:53:39Hour last Monday
00:53:40In London
00:53:41How well
00:53:42Effect it would have
00:53:44Cena now
00:53:45In that
00:53:46Drilling rush
00:53:47Well like you said
00:53:48John Cena came
00:53:49Out of nowhere
00:53:50And drove both
00:53:51Heads of
00:53:52Hey look out
00:53:53There's one for
00:53:54Shawn Michaels
00:53:55As well
00:53:56And Michaels is
00:53:57Hurting bad
00:53:58Michaels dropped
00:53:59He took him down
00:54:01With nothing but
00:54:04Hey JR
00:54:05Do you think
00:54:06John Cena can do it
00:54:07Right here
00:54:08He's feeling it
00:54:10Oh yeah
00:54:13You can't see me
00:54:17All of our fans
00:54:18Are feeling it too
00:54:20But Edge
00:54:21Filled the
00:54:22Five knuckle shuffle
00:54:23And what
00:54:24Hey, hey, hey
00:54:25And Shawn Michaels
00:54:26And Randy Orton
00:54:27Pulling John Cena
00:54:28Now the
00:54:30Cena being
00:54:31Guaranteed by
00:54:32Michaels and
00:54:34They're working
00:54:36Well that partnership
00:54:38Faster than
00:54:39One of your marriages
00:54:41Oh you gotta
00:54:42Love this
00:54:44I mean
00:54:45You can't
00:54:46Trust anybody
00:54:48Out to
00:54:50Out to be
00:54:51The champ
00:54:52At any cost
00:54:53And here's
00:54:54A perfect example
00:54:55Of that
00:54:57I got
00:54:58Look out
00:54:59Orton's face first
00:55:00On our announce table
00:55:04Let me get out of this
00:55:06Michaels has got
00:55:07Orton here
00:55:08Right in front of us
00:55:15There's no disqualification
00:55:16Nobody can get
00:55:17Countered out here
00:55:18It's my last time
00:55:19Nothing a referee can do
00:55:22Good God
00:55:23Good Lord
00:55:24Good God almighty
00:55:25Just as Michaels
00:55:26Was running to Orton
00:55:27Through our announce table
00:55:28Edge almost beheaded
00:55:30With a steel chair
00:55:31A vile
00:55:33Steel chair shot
00:55:34Sounded like a
00:55:37Watch this
00:55:39Orton gave
00:55:40Edge a thumbs up
00:55:41And Edge
00:55:42Just told
00:55:44To go to hell
00:55:45With a chair shot
00:55:47Michaels is
00:55:48Riding in pain
00:55:49On our announce table
00:55:50Seen as
00:55:51He's not even
00:55:52Back to his
00:55:53Feet back in the ring
00:55:54Uh oh
00:55:55He's standing
00:55:56In control
00:55:57With a weapon
00:55:58That cannot be
00:56:00He's got that steel chair
00:56:01And look out
00:56:02From Toho
00:56:05That's it JR
00:56:06It's locked in
00:56:07And there's nobody
00:56:08To help Edge
00:56:09Edge is a
00:56:10Edge is a
00:56:11No man's land
00:56:12Cena's gonna be
00:56:14Locked in
00:56:15Edge may have
00:56:16Sealed his own fate
00:56:17When he knocked
00:56:18Down his other
00:56:19Two opponents
00:56:20With that steel chair
00:56:24Cena reaching back
00:56:28Is a true gut check
00:56:29For Edge here
00:56:31Edge reaching
00:56:32For the rope again
00:56:33And that saves
00:56:35He saves his
00:56:36Time of hopes
00:56:37But get into the
00:56:39Oh man
00:56:42Well Edge
00:56:43Had to truly save
00:56:44Himself there
00:56:45Because Orton
00:56:46And Michaels
00:56:47Were no help
00:56:48Look out
00:56:49Orton back in the ring
00:56:51And Cena again
00:56:52That's it
00:56:53Cena punishing
00:56:55Randy Orton
00:56:56John Cena
00:57:00And Cena the
00:57:01Precious man
00:57:02In this match
00:57:03If Orton taps out
00:57:04Cena retains
00:57:05Oh wait
00:57:06Shawn Michaels
00:57:07Shawn Michaels
00:57:08Take a look
00:57:09Take down by
00:57:10John Cena
00:57:11And Michaels
00:57:12Michaels got down
00:57:13Michaels counter
00:57:15Oh jeez
00:57:18Look out
00:57:19What shots
00:57:20What intense shots
00:57:23Shawn Michaels
00:57:24And now
00:57:25A showstopper
00:57:26The man of it
00:57:27Has fought himself
00:57:28And will himself
00:57:29Back into this ballgame
00:57:30In Burnett Atomic
00:57:31Watch your back Shawn
00:57:32Watch your leg out
00:57:33Look another bridge
00:57:35Straight right
00:57:36Heads by Michaels
00:57:37And Edge
00:57:38Goes airborne
00:57:39Well I'm gonna tell you JR
00:57:40We remembered
00:57:42Shawn Michaels
00:57:43Beat Cena
00:57:44Last Monday night
00:57:45And could he do it
00:57:46Here again tonight
00:57:47It's looking like it
00:57:49Shawn Michaels
00:57:50Has got that swagger
00:57:51His attitude
00:57:52His confidence
00:57:53It's all there
00:57:56He's going to the top JR
00:57:58The show
00:57:59Is about to be stopped
00:58:01Here it is
00:58:02Sinking that elbow
00:58:03To the spleen
00:58:05And he found it
00:58:06Did Shawn Michaels
00:58:07And John Cena
00:58:08Is in one hell of a big problem
00:58:12Cena in a big time problem
00:58:13Uh oh
00:58:16The band is tuning in
00:58:18Shawn is wanting to
00:58:19Play some sweet chin music
00:58:21Oh no
00:58:22Edge trying to intervene
00:58:24Michaels sidesteps Edge
00:58:27And now Michaels again
00:58:28Was thinking sweet chin music
00:58:29On Cena
00:58:30But if
00:58:31Michaels pins Edge
00:58:32Michaels is a champion anyway
00:58:34Either way
00:58:35Pin anybody you can
00:58:36On the elbow
00:58:37Michaels flying
00:58:38On air
00:58:39To the edge
00:58:40And Michaels scoots up
00:58:41Randy Orton
00:58:44My god
00:58:45Michaels has scooped
00:58:46And slammed an elbow
00:58:47To climb to the top
00:58:48It's a bit of trifecta
00:58:50For HBK
00:58:52I don't know
00:58:53If this is a good idea
00:58:55And so
00:58:56The third time
00:58:57Not the charm
00:58:58For Shawn Michaels
00:58:59As John Cena
00:59:04Cena with the
00:59:05Vibrate hands
00:59:06Oh my
00:59:07What the hell is Cena doing
00:59:08He's trying to
00:59:09Oh wait
00:59:11Look at this now
00:59:12Oh good god
00:59:14Wait a minute
00:59:17My god
00:59:18Good lord
00:59:20Edge and Orton
00:59:21Taking Cena
00:59:22And Michaels down
00:59:23They are
00:59:24In a human demolition derby
00:59:26This is like a car wreck
00:59:27That you can't take your eyes off of
00:59:30We've got all four men
00:59:31In the ring
00:59:32And they're
00:59:33They're all down
00:59:34And how do you say
00:59:35Any man
00:59:36Can have an advantage now
00:59:37It's almost as if
00:59:38We're starting this match
00:59:39All over
00:59:40The fatal four way
00:59:42With no disqualifications
00:59:43And no count outs
00:59:45Can one man score ten
00:59:46Can one man
00:59:47Earn a submission
00:59:48And that
00:59:49If they do
00:59:50That one man
00:59:51Is a WWE champion
00:59:52And you're right
00:59:54This match is not the same
00:59:55As a last man standing match
00:59:56Somebody has to be pinned
00:59:57There has to be a pin fall
00:59:59Or a submission
01:00:00Or this match
01:00:01Is going to go on all night
01:00:03And it has to happen
01:00:04Inside the squared circle
01:00:07And oh
01:00:08John Cena
01:00:09The Manipu edge
01:00:10Won't happen
01:00:11Edge counters
01:00:12Maybe it will
01:00:13Cena counters
01:00:14Cena counters
01:00:15Edge counters back
01:00:18Is about to give up
01:00:19He's determined
01:00:20To hit that F-U
01:00:21Oh no
01:00:22That's got strength
01:00:24Oh, oh, oh
01:00:28Michaels thinking
01:00:29Sweet chin music
01:00:30Got the RKO
01:00:31On Sheldon Michaels
01:00:34Cena saw that happen
01:00:35Out of the corner of his eye
01:00:37He was able to stop
01:00:39Stop the pin
01:00:40Look out
01:00:41Oh the entailer
01:00:42The DDT
01:00:44Edge has got Cena
01:00:45The DDT
01:00:48Edge got a
01:00:49The longest two count
01:00:51Maybe it was life
01:00:53This is the most intense
01:00:54Match that I can remember J.R.
01:00:56These guys
01:00:58Uh oh
01:00:59Look at that
01:01:00Stunts bug about intense
01:01:01Look at that look
01:01:02On the face of Edge
01:01:03Edge's eyes
01:01:04Tell a
01:01:05A compelling story
01:01:06Edge may feel
01:01:07He is a spear away
01:01:09From being a WWE champion
01:01:10For the third time
01:01:11He may be about to snap J.R.
01:01:13This guy's got more hang up
01:01:14Than a women's closet
01:01:15Look out here
01:01:17Oh my
01:01:20Avoiding contact
01:01:23But Orton does it
01:01:30Sweet chin music
01:01:32And Cena fell over
01:01:34And it's over
01:01:35My God I don't believe it
01:01:36Who won?
01:01:37What happened?
01:01:38Who won?
01:01:40The winner of this match
01:01:41And still
01:01:42WWE Champion
01:01:47Oh my God
01:01:49Well can you tell earlier
01:01:50What luck
01:01:51Have any part of this match
01:01:53I don't know how much luck
01:01:55Or perseverance
01:01:56Or survival skills
01:01:58All four of these men
01:01:59Have done it all
01:02:01But John Cena was in the right place
01:02:03At the right time
01:02:04It would seem to me like there
01:02:06His legs were turned down
01:02:07With sweet chin music
01:02:08But as you said
01:02:11As he fell backwards
01:02:12He fell across
01:02:13Randy Orton
01:02:16The chain of events
01:02:17That led to the pin
01:02:19Was absolutely amazing
01:02:20Look at this
01:02:21Orton trying to go for the
01:02:23But instead he got Spear
01:02:24Then edge
01:02:25To Spear to Orton
01:02:26Got in through
01:02:27Got Cena
01:02:28Gets Cena
01:02:31To Orton
01:02:32And it's over
01:02:34John Cena
01:02:36Got the sweet chin music
01:02:37From John Michaels
01:02:38But look
01:02:42Now what's this
01:02:43What's this chain of events
01:02:46Backs up down to Orton
01:02:48And now you see that beat
01:02:49By John Cena
01:02:52Just kicked
01:02:54John Michaels just kicked
01:02:55John Cena
01:02:56Right on top
01:02:57Of Randy Orton
01:02:59Michaels' sweet chin music
01:03:01Has led to John Cena
01:03:05Pinning Randy Orton
01:03:06Bottom line
01:03:07John Cena
01:03:09Is by God
01:03:10Still the WWE Champion
01:03:13Oh my God
01:03:15I mean this is
01:03:16This was utter chaos
01:03:18The referee had no idea
01:03:19Where to go
01:03:20Who to look at
01:03:21What to see
01:03:22Everything was unfolding
01:03:23So fast in front of him
01:03:25Let's see if we can watch this
01:03:26One more time
01:03:27And try to
01:03:28Try to put yourself
01:03:29In the referee's shoes here
01:03:31And see if you can
01:03:32Keep up with the action
01:03:34First the FU
01:03:36Right out of that
01:03:38The sweet chin music
01:03:39The ref all of a sudden realized
01:03:41That Orton's shoulders were down
01:03:44And Cena was laying on top of him
01:03:46The referee had no option but to count
01:03:48Orton's shoulders were down
01:03:50Cena wasn't on top of him
01:03:51Shawn Michaels
01:03:52Desperately trying to get there
01:03:54In time
01:03:55But the count was made
01:03:57But it was Shawn Michaels'
01:03:58Sweet chin music
01:03:59Wait, wait, wait
01:04:00Wait there
01:04:01Wait there
01:04:09I think Shawn Michaels
01:04:10Just expressed his opinion
01:04:12And everyone in this arena
01:04:15Knows that Shawn Michaels' opinion is
01:04:17He feels he is still the better man
01:04:20All I know is that
01:04:21Shawn Michaels' sweet chin music
01:04:24Kicked John Cena
01:04:25Who landed right on top of Randy Orton
01:04:28Cena got the three count
01:04:29Cena's still the WWE champion
01:04:32You're right
01:04:33The sweet chin music won the match
01:04:36But John Cena is the winner
01:04:38That's why Shawn is so upset
01:04:40He knew this match was his
01:04:42Look at this
01:04:45Bam, right there
01:04:46That kick should have won the match
01:04:48But Michaels couldn't get there in time
01:04:51Look how Cena landed
01:04:52Orton's shoulders were obviously down
01:04:56And there were times
01:04:57When Randy Orton
01:04:58Looked like he was going to win this match
01:04:59With the RKO
01:05:01And ends with a spear to the inhaler
01:05:03And Michaels with sweet chin music
01:05:06Look at Cena's eyes swollen
01:05:08These guys are battered bruised
01:05:11That kick landed right on
01:05:14Right on the upper eyelid of John Cena
01:05:18But somehow Cena is still the champ
01:05:22John Cena kicked right in the face
01:05:24And Michaels knows
01:05:25It was sweet chin music
01:05:27That gave John Cena the victory tonight
01:05:31And John Cena has persevered
01:05:34Here at Backlash
01:05:35John Cena is still the WWE champion
01:05:40What a night
01:05:41What a match
