The Huns _ Full Movie _ Action Adventure

  • 2 days ago
The Huns _ Full Movie _ Action Adventure
00:00:19Revenge is only the very beginning
00:00:36Savage tribes fought brutal wars over their lands and it seemed never-ending
00:00:47They were
00:00:49True people and called themselves
00:00:52Who knew?
00:00:54They were also nomads who never stayed put
00:01:08Took whatever they wanted whenever they wanted and never relented
00:01:55Bar tie her up so she doesn't run away and be sure to make it tight
00:02:15Listen and I'll tell you a story of your be sure to pay attention
00:02:49It all began one day many moons back
00:02:55When the cold wind was blowing I
00:02:58I remember it very well. How could I not?
00:03:06Strong warriors sat next to the fire to warm themselves
00:03:16I look at the fire even now
00:03:23It tells only the truth
00:03:28This is a very long story I
00:03:34Think the time has come for me to tell it to you
00:03:41I hope you will understand
00:03:46On that night it all happened this
00:03:54I'll say that I'm as hungry today as a pack of wild dogs
00:04:13It was a very fast and glorious fight today, that's how it should be
00:04:23It's time to celebrate our victory
00:04:27We'll pay our respect to the dead for the cause
00:04:42It seems like the younger one lost control of his axe today
00:04:47If it wasn't for horse, no one would stop it
00:04:53That's for sure
00:04:56Tonight are you sure this one is your brother?
00:05:00He is so stupid
00:05:03better wise up
00:05:06The name knows
00:05:09You should be the youngest
00:05:11Ha ha ha yeah jr. Such shame on himself
00:05:50Do I amuse you or something what no more laughing
00:06:12What are you gonna do, where's your big mouth now?
00:06:29Dare to say those things behind my back
00:06:33What now you got nothing to say to me you're a bunch of cowards
00:06:45Got nothing to say go away everyone
00:07:20Do you think you're looking at my brother
00:07:31Look at this dirt you see before you
00:07:41Tomorrow she'll burn at the stake. Yes. That is the fate that awaits her
00:08:38That's good
00:08:41That's very good
00:09:05Who goes there answer me
00:09:14Come out
00:09:17Reveal yourself to me
00:09:26Sky why are you playing with me? I
00:09:31Can feel you sky, you know what I'm up to. I know there's no fooling you sky
00:09:41I can't hide it from you. Yeah, my brother
00:09:47He will be injured Oh such a plan my plan
00:09:54Can you hear that
00:09:59Sky guide my path
00:10:01Talk to me because I've been waiting for this day for such a long time
00:10:07You already know how I want to get into my enemies den at night
00:10:13In every winter I
00:10:15Continue to stretch out my hands. Yes and out towards you to look for an answer
00:10:21But why are you silent again? You must give me these answers
00:10:26Come on, answer me show me your good graces. Say something. Tell me anything
00:10:33Say something tell me anything just give me a sign
00:10:42So here I am I'm like a wounded wolf have I gone mad speaking to myself
00:10:51Very well
00:11:12You are the last member of your clan so the question is what do you think I should do with you well speak up
00:11:20answer me
00:11:26Tonight the chief of the guard was killed
00:11:32He was killed by our people it's true it was your brother I don't trust him I don't
00:11:51Remember you hadn't been born yet. The cold winds began to blow
00:12:03Pray for everyone became scarce
00:12:07And something had to be done about it
00:12:11The darkness tells what happened next
00:12:15Near the fire and the ashes
00:12:57What are you doing I'm trying to free you if you'd let me
00:13:03What will your brother say? He's not my brother. Are you sure?
00:13:09But he'll never forgive you
00:13:16You're free now you can leave but what are we supposed to do now?
00:13:22We need to move quickly hurry up let's go
00:13:37Go hurry up come on
00:13:42Hurry up
00:13:44Come on. Hurry up. I said
00:13:48Let's go
00:14:06But what happened next
00:14:11You ask me sitting there a
00:14:15story about revenge
00:14:18It's deep in our nature
00:14:22To act and react in spite of the sky
00:14:32And this is a tale of revenge in spite
00:14:43It's true that everyone always wants to be in charge always
00:14:59Thinks that they're the strongest
00:15:05But how can that even be possible
00:15:15However, this may not always be the case
00:15:23In fetch me that stone girl
00:15:33It has great power
00:16:08They were just here let's get them
00:20:03All our horsemen are killed they're all gone I saw it myself
00:20:10But I managed to escape
00:20:18Tell me what happened their brother is with us, but he is unconscious
00:20:30Explain yourself, how is that possible?
00:20:33She killed them all everyone
00:20:37Yet you stand before me
00:20:46Unharmed without a scratch tell me why didn't she kill you too coward
00:20:58Let him go he can still be useful to us
00:21:11All make mistakes in this life, but you
00:21:17Can thank me for sparing the pathetic one you have
00:21:22Will you be grateful to your gods if I let you go go now as if nothing happened
00:21:32Get out now, I want you to prepare for battle. I'll show everyone what war actually is
00:24:48You could have left by now, why did you stay here I can decide for myself you need not worry
00:26:59We must hurry
00:27:26Show me where show me the wound
00:27:32I can get much worse over time
00:27:39We should get going no wait, I must rest let's go
00:27:45You see no man had been this far before and the vast plains were covered with grass
00:27:58Kept on their journey without stopping
00:28:05No one could know anything about it
00:28:09Or how it could end up
00:28:12And what awaited the cautious fugitives?
00:28:16The best trackers were sent after them though being careful not to be seen
00:28:23They easily found their food
00:28:29However Gila was badly injured
00:28:34Tanai wounded him quite severely
00:28:41Wild horses are as fast as the forceful wind
00:28:52It's very similar to wind in the step
00:29:00Many wounds never completely heal
00:29:05They just keep on bleeding and always leave a scar
00:29:18Nobody knows exactly how they survived
00:29:25Power is inside us always
00:29:32The sky gives us the strength to understand nature itself
00:29:42We must remember to always listen to the sky
00:29:52This is life as we know it
00:29:55Life is always much more important than death for the sky will always be waiting
00:30:04So now you understand everything
00:31:16We have to move on it's time to go
00:32:05This is the place we have arrived
00:32:14Strangers on guard take cover
00:32:16They won't shoot don't worry
00:32:21It is forbidden these arches here are said to be the best
00:34:04Will speak up then I am killer
00:34:08Banished by my brother. I am the son of a mirror of the step
00:34:14And who are you
00:34:19My name is Hora
00:34:49Know this one very well daughter of her father
00:35:03I would kill your father if he were here. Tell me immediately why you're here
00:35:14Well, why are you here
00:35:17My father as guard. He's been dead a long time
00:35:21No, I'm far too old to believe in any of this nonsense
00:35:26For that I will send you to your ancestors for this lie. You tell me
00:35:31Enough of that court. Can't you see they are injured?
00:35:36Besides, you know the law of the step very well. Let me decide their fate
00:35:41You just stay out of it you hear me no court our law clearly says
00:35:47It says that everyone has the right
00:35:52To be under the protection of the sky for five moons
00:35:56You know this already court and they are our guests now
00:36:00You're very lucky
00:36:02you know the law of the step is the same for all and
00:36:07And the law of the step applies especially to you I
00:36:13Have made my decision now get them out of here court
00:36:19I'll be sure to keep my eye out for you. You will show yourself
00:39:34Tell me what do you see in the flame of the fire now?
00:39:48Looking at the flames now as I'm looking I see a vivid illustration here
00:39:57Yes, he is on a thin path leading to nowhere
00:40:01Meanwhile, those fire season and burns at the same time just like a snake
00:40:07Just like a snake
00:40:09But nobody sees his path
00:40:12It's covered with such darkness
00:40:18The wound is much too serious
00:40:24Is that all
00:40:28I demand that you explain to me what this wound means Ekna
00:40:40Naturally, I know you've taken the hard path for yourself
00:40:47There is fear lurking in your darkness, but there is another path ahead of death itself
00:40:54You must remember that everyone has their own path never forget that
00:40:59We must never forget that we must listen to the quiet that currently surrounds us
00:41:06Yes, listen to the choir for it has the answers to all your fears
00:41:15Only the sky reveals the rain
00:41:21Yes, of course I saw the sky revealing its mystery at dawn
00:41:26Yes, now I know what answer to give you
00:41:30My answer is that you have to decide what you want by yourself
00:41:36Just feel it as it comes to you
00:41:41But no
00:41:43The death is always near those who actively desire it
00:41:48It is just like those who happen to treat it like a mother treats her child. Yes
00:41:54Like a mother treats her child not only are you leading yourself into a trap
00:42:00But you also see nothing but death itself while falling into that very trap
00:42:07I hope you think about it when looking at the fire
00:42:14It always speaks the truth no matter what and it always reveals the path
00:42:23Go now
00:42:58See you oh I see you wise Kai Rachmaninoff
00:43:06And yet during the long never-ending winters we all realize
00:43:13Just how important it is to maintain the balance of life
00:43:22Soon we will all be able to unite
00:43:28For it will bring peace to all the clans
00:43:33Which means that in due time?
00:43:36Everyone can join us
00:43:41Let's recognize all this is thanks to Kai Rachmaninoff and as a token
00:43:49of my appreciation I
00:43:51Will make a gift
00:44:05These are stones and there are no such stones in the lands of Kai Rachmaninoff
00:44:14They carry the knowledge of the whole entire earth
00:44:19And on my land
00:44:22We always listen to wise advice
00:44:25Look at these stones here
00:44:28They are unique
00:44:31And so pure
00:44:34These stones are absolutely worthy
00:44:38in fact
00:44:39I'd say
00:44:41They are like you these stones are worthy of Kai Rachmaninoff
00:45:00Let me make you a personal gift as a sign of genuine
00:45:08Friendship as proof
00:45:18Look at these
00:45:20These are warm mountain firs
00:45:23And they sparkle their colors sparkle brightly in the Sun. They're a gift
00:45:30God's a
00:45:31worthy of a queen
00:45:35Accept my gift, please
00:45:43Accept your gift I
00:45:50Acknowledge this
00:47:55Want to get out of here now
00:51:25Know you awake. I've been awake for some time
00:51:31Today's the duel and do you think they'll leave anyone alive?
00:51:36By the law of the step the winner will be able to leave the camp
00:51:41This was destined to happen
00:51:44We cannot change anything after all we've had five moons. I
00:51:50Understand but you can leave now I can always make my own decisions. I
00:51:55Decide for myself. We will surely die
00:51:58In that case, we'll each go our separate ways
00:52:01as you wish
00:52:24Many winters will pass until I see you I
00:52:29Appreciate what you've done for us on
00:52:33behalf of the who knew tribe I thank you for
00:52:36The opportunity to pass through your lands. We will not forget this
00:54:31There is the law of the step and this particular law says the following
00:54:38You can't kill an unarmed man
00:54:41Inside the camp on a whim and you can't kill him if he's already badly wounded
00:55:04Known that only on the fifth moon
00:55:08Can he be called out for his offense that is what's fair
00:55:25Kogan the son of Haran is now demanding death. He's blood must spill blood must spill for Khan his blood must spill
00:55:36His blood shall wet the earth
00:57:31They're already here it looks like we're talking now
00:57:41Filthy scum
00:57:56Greetings to you today. Is that really you Kai rock mana?
00:58:08Think you can just come in here and act like you own the place
00:58:15I'm guessing that you are court. You better keep quiet if he knows what's good for him
00:58:30Then should we turn to the skies for judgment on this decision and before speaking out of turn
00:58:37You should know that. I have the right of blood to call my brother out in a duel
00:58:44After that, I have no problem killing this girl like a vile jackal
00:58:52It seems to me that you all have forgotten the law of the step
00:59:00You should know this already court that only I and no one else in all the land
00:59:06Own the life of my brother and the life of this fugitive here Kai rock mana
00:59:12I will have you know this girl killed two of my warriors and now she pretends to be weak
00:59:19You're the one who let jackals into your home
00:59:22What jackal are you talking about?
00:59:26Are you talking about the one that cut the throats of my two strongest warriors? That must be the one that you mean
00:59:35Only a huntress acts this way don't say that she can't even hold the bow correctly
00:59:41No, but I'm certain she's not who she says that she is
00:59:45Does not one of you believe me, huh?
00:59:51You're buying with this girl has to say tonight you will stop now there's only one Kai rock mana and
00:59:59These here are my lands
01:00:02The only one who decides here is me. You're wrong and you have lost all your power
01:00:08Once you started arranging things you shouldn't have with the medics
01:00:13Shouldn't have with the men from the north and by trading with them. You're no queen
01:00:21She is a fool cord
01:00:29So what's going to happen to us now
01:00:34It was destined by the sky
01:00:37It was dusted by the sky
01:00:40That may be but we must avenge the death of Khan
01:00:49We really need to attack
01:00:52Tomorrow is the duel
01:00:55So be it there will be a fight
01:00:59We must get our revenge
01:01:03So then we'll get revenge
01:01:15Know I wasn't always like this
01:01:18Time has passed for all of us
01:01:22Somewhere in the past. There is another version of me. I felt like I was speaking to the sky at all hours of the day
01:01:31You see back then I had so much power so much
01:01:40So many things remain hidden in the night
01:01:49They can't be understood
01:01:53These things are not revealed to everyone
01:03:19Came to see you as you had asked
01:04:10Feel these stones
01:04:12Now I know what's hidden
01:04:16It has been shown to me I
01:04:21See your hand here
01:04:40She's with us here
01:04:45You are where the wind of step is
01:04:57This hand you feel is what holds a baby
01:05:09That means that the sky will
01:05:15Give a new life
01:05:18It's inevitable. I think you need to choose a husband. Oh, yes
01:05:24It's imperative
01:05:27No doubt about it
01:05:34But that's impossible
01:05:38Hear my words
01:05:45You heard me didn't you
01:05:56Okay, so let him prove himself in a duel I
01:05:59I will give him that opportunity
01:06:22Am grateful that you decided to be wise and to listen to me Kai Rachmanin go ahead you may speak
01:06:30Considering we're from two incredibly great clans. It would be beneficial for us to unite with you. Oh
01:06:36So you have made a decision for me already then tonight
01:06:40You should have a strong man by your side to protect you. I required time to think
01:06:45I'll win the fight and I will kill my brother. Then I will be able to stay here with you
01:06:52It is your choice, you know with confidence my warriors catch prey better than Khan
01:06:58They can also offer a lot more too. But as you know, my clan has its own laws
01:07:04Tomorrow I can announce my offer for all to hear
01:07:08You should worry about the duel first
01:07:10Then we can see what you offer you must agree to what I'm saying because it will bring peace to both our clans
01:07:17You don't make decisions in my house
01:07:20We can bring the two clans together. What do you say?
01:07:24One united clan
01:07:26There will be more
01:07:28hunting grounds and fur I
01:07:31Promise you that I guarantee tomorrow's fight
01:07:36Will decide everything you will see
01:07:40The result of the fight will decide everything. I
01:07:44Hope for the sake of the clans. You'll make the right decision tomorrow. I
01:07:49await the news
01:08:08I already mentioned before people do what they want
01:08:23Kill on the spot leaving their hearts thoroughly empty
01:08:29It's a dark time for everyone
01:08:45Revenge turns their minds black and leads absolutely nowhere lies are unpredictable
01:08:58After all it's always empty
01:09:57Come on
01:10:06Can him
01:10:21Scared I care and
01:15:55Before this guy tonight, I am now the very joy of our clans duel
01:16:13Everyone prepare yourselves. We'll all drink fiery grapes. Oh
01:17:26Hate everyone here who's before us they destroyed my clan
01:17:34I've decided who's going to choose first. It's going to be Keeley
01:17:50Keeley of the step will now make his choice. Very well. I picked an eye
01:18:07Now we swear on blood it is life for life
01:18:15It's my turn and I pick you court
01:18:18So be it. I will tear you apart like prey you would taste death by my sword
01:18:25Get up
01:21:26Get her
01:22:03I'm ready to die in court
01:22:43Anything goes and war isn't fair. I'm taking this because it's rightfully mine
01:22:56Don't you dare die on me not until I let you die you hear me
01:23:02This is my revenge you are going to feel what I feel I promise this is how it ends for you
01:23:16Hello there sister I served tonight for over two years
01:23:20What was all this for anyway?
01:23:24They're all dead, aren't they?
01:23:27Oh, it is your time to die
01:23:33It just so happens that I'm afraid to keep a jackal like you around
01:24:21Look at you before me
01:24:24As a reflection of your mother
01:24:36But fear not your time will come
01:24:49You already know though, don't you
01:24:53Your mother is Hora
01:24:57Everything will begin to change
01:25:01Soon you will lead nations
01:25:10Come over here now and take this sword from me
01:25:20Remember that revenge is only the very beginning
01:25:54Yes, it's only the very beginning
01:26:04You know the truth
01:26:18What I'm waiting for you
01:26:30The right time will come when I take my revenge
01:26:37defend with pride
01:26:39Fearless though. I know I have to die
01:27:26Last I see
01:27:37The flame in my
01:27:42Lights my way
01:27:50The right time will come when I take my revenge
01:27:57defend with pride
01:27:59Fearless though. I know I have to die
