Home and Away 2nd October 2024-N

  • 2 days ago


00:00It's one job, that's all I'm asking you to do.
00:09I told you!
00:10I'm not doing it.
00:12You out here?
00:14I didn't mean it.
00:15Hey, what happened?
00:16I killed my dad.
00:17I haven't seen Perry.
00:18Would you actually tell me if you had?
00:19I live with a cop.
00:20I thought I was hiding Perry, which I'm not.
00:21I wouldn't be here.
00:22I know where Perry is.
00:23He didn't want me to tell you.
00:24I don't know what else to do.
00:26I know you're here, mate.
00:27What happened to your father wasn't a choice you made.
00:28But what you do next is your choice.
00:29I just hope you make the right one.
00:30I was talking to Rose and apparently Carl's autopsy report doesn't back up Perry's self-defence
00:32Homicide are taking over the case.
00:33I might have just made a big mistake.
00:34I'm sorry.
00:35I'm sorry.
00:36I'm sorry.
00:37I'm sorry.
00:38I'm sorry.
00:39I'm sorry.
00:40I'm sorry.
00:41I'm sorry.
00:42I'm sorry.
00:43I'm sorry.
00:44I'm sorry.
00:45I'm sorry.
00:46I'm sorry.
00:47I'm sorry.
00:49Perry Hayes?
00:50You're under arrest for the murder of Carl Hayes.
01:03Have I ever given you any reason to believe that I would cheat?
01:07Claudia's husband was really convincing.
01:08We're not breaking up over this.
01:10Let's just take a few days and see how we feel.
01:30Hey, Tane. I need to know what's going on with Perry. Are you still with him?
01:36Call me when you can.
01:40Hey, stranger. Think you're married to my aunt?
01:45I know things are a little bit weird at the moment.
01:48So, what's the plan? When are you coming home?
01:51I don't know. Out of interest, have what you love.
01:56What do you think? She was filthy, you bailed. Where'd you even stay?
02:02Some motel. I just think we need a bit of space at the moment.
02:06Yeah, because avoiding each other always solves the problem, doesn't it?
02:08I know whose side you're going to be on.
02:10No, no. I'm not on anyone's side. I just have bigger things to worry about.
02:14Like what?
02:16Just life.
02:21Alright, I'm going to go grab a coffee and check in on the garage. I'll see you later, yeah?
02:26I've actually finished everything for the day.
02:28I've got some invoices that I want to get done.
02:30Yeah, I've done them all.
02:32So, we're completely up to date?
02:36Why don't we grab a drink instead?
02:38Alright, if there's nothing left to do, let's go.
02:43Look, Rose, I heard what the autopsy said, okay? But who cares? It makes no difference.
02:48Perry's father drowned. You're saying that doesn't count?
02:51I'm saying that the kid was scared. He thought he had killed Carl outright, which is why he didn't haul him out.
02:55Perry told you that?
02:57Yes. Yes, and now I'm telling you.
02:59Without a statement from Perry to corroborate your story, it's all just hearsay at this point.
03:02Okay, then explain it to me. How can the DPP make a call when they haven't even heard his side?
03:05Tony, I'm not having this conversation with you anymore.
03:07Right now, you should consider yourself lucky you're not in a cell with him.
03:10I wasn't hiding him, Rose. I told you that.
03:12Yeah, I really want to believe that.
03:14Well, you should. He turned up at the house wanting to hand himself in.
03:16That's convenient. This isn't getting us anywhere.
03:19Well, he's terrified.
03:21I know, but Rose is just trying to do her job.
03:23Okay, nothing else happens until Perry has a lawyer here.
03:28Oh, Mr Stewart, you know, I'm happy to organise anything that you need.
03:31Yes, yes, well, I'm sure Martha appreciated the surprise.
03:35Alright, well, give her my love. Bye.
03:38It's Alfie Marimbula.
03:40Yes, he just took off without any warning.
03:42Is everything okay?
03:44He says it is. Yeah, he just wants me to keep an eye on things while he's away.
03:48Well, I can help if you need.
03:50I'll use the instruction.
03:52Oh, thank you. I'm sure he'd prefer that you sorted things out with Justin, no?
03:56Don't start.
03:57Why don't you just ring him up and ask him to have dinner and you can have a bit of a chat?
04:04No, he said he wanted space and I'm respecting that.
04:07Why should I be the one to make the first move?
04:09Because someone has to.
04:11He doesn't get to take the moral high ground after he's been lying to me for the past month.
04:15It's Justin's move, not mine.
04:22Hi, can I help you?
04:24Jane Lozario from Legal Aid. I'm here to see Perry Hayes.
04:27I just need you to sign in.
04:31Hey, can you get Perry Hayes and put him in the interview room?
04:34That's just great.
04:36Isn't it? What's the issue?
04:38Well, he's off for murder and they sent the work experience kit.
04:42And who are you?
04:44I'm here for Perry. I'm the one who called you.
04:46Alright, you don't go anywhere. I might need to talk to you later.
04:51Hey, Perry, you hang in there, mate. Doing everything I can to get you out of here.
04:57I need some time alone with my client. My name's Jane, I'm your lawyer.
05:03I've got a bit of catching up to do. I only got your file an hour ago, so I'm fully up to speed.
05:14Why don't you tell me what happened?
05:18I killed my dad.
05:20Okay. Maybe a bit more detail than that.
05:27He wasn't supposed to be there. There was an AVO and he was so angry.
05:36I didn't mean to do it.
05:38So you're saying it was self-defense?
05:43So why did you run?
05:45I just panicked. I knew the cops were coming and they didn't believe me last time, so why would they believe me this time?
05:55Have you given a statement?
05:59Then that's what we need to do first up.
06:06We're ready to make a statement.
06:27That lawyer better know what she's doing.
06:30Just because someone's young doesn't mean they're not smart.
06:34Let's hope for Peri's sake she is.
06:37What about you?
06:39What about me?
06:41Look, Peri's the one we need to concentrate on.
06:44So there's nothing you need to tell me?
06:48The less you know, the better.
06:49The less you know, the better.
06:55Look, he was holding my head under the water. I thought I was going to die.
07:00Okay, then what happened?
07:03I was trying to get him off me.
07:05All I could think was, if he gets my head under the water one more time, I'm gone.
07:11So, I got a hold of his shirt and I rolled him over.
07:16And that's when he went into the water and hit his head.
07:20And there was blood.
07:24And then, he wasn't moving.
07:29Did you try to find a pulse?
07:31Did you try and get him out of the water?
07:34I think that's enough.
07:35Interview ends at 4.16pm.
07:45You okay, mate?
07:48Hey, what have you been saying?
07:51We organised a bail hearing for the morning.
07:53What are his chances?
07:55I have no idea.
07:56Sorry, but if I don't eat something, I might pass out.
08:00Are you okay?
08:02No, I'm good. I'm just starving, that's all.
08:05I'm sorry.
08:07I'm sorry.
08:09I'm sorry.
08:11I'm sorry.
08:13I'm sorry.
08:15I'm sorry.
08:17I'm sorry.
08:19I'm sorry.
08:21I'm sorry.
08:23I'm sorry.
08:24I'm good. I'm just starving, as per usual.
08:27Come on, we'll make a plan for tomorrow while we eat.
08:30What if he doesn't make bail?
08:32I told him to come forward.
08:37The second that he was on your doorstep, you had to go to the police.
08:41Otherwise, you're an accessory.
08:43Beating yourself up about the water, it's not going to achieve anything.
08:47Yeah, yeah, I know.
08:48The thing that we can do is make sure that Perry has something to wear to his bail hearing.
08:54Okay, well, you don't worry about that, okay? I'll sort it.
08:57Just go get something to eat, head home and get some rest, okay?
09:02You need to take your own advice. You're dead on your feet.
09:08We will do whatever it takes to keep Perry out of prison.
09:11We will do whatever it takes to keep Perry out of prison.
09:19I'll see you tomorrow.
09:27Come on, mate.
09:30I'm sorry to hang out on your doorstep, but I just need to know what's going on with Perry.
09:36He turned himself in. They've got him in a cell at the station.
09:40He was terrified of going to prison.
09:43Yeah, listen, he's been charged with murder.
09:46What? His dad attacked him? That's…
09:49Yeah, I know, I know. It's messed up. Bail hearing's tomorrow.
09:54What do you think his chances are?
09:57Trying to stay positive.
09:59So not good.
10:01His lawyer seems pretty green. Let's just hope luck's on Perry's side.
10:05Well, he must hate me for telling you he was at the garage.
10:08The only person he's angry at is me.
10:11And hey, before you ask, the police don't know you were hiding him or that you told me about it, okay?
10:18What happens if they do find out?
10:22It wouldn't be good. For either of us.
10:26Could we be charged?
10:28There's an accessory to murder, yeah.
10:29But hey, don't worry, that's not going to happen.
10:31Perry's not going to throw you under the bus, neither am I.
10:36Well, thank you. That was lovely.
10:38Much nicer than having dinner at home by myself.
10:41The house must feel pretty empty with both Roo and Alf away.
10:45Well, yes, but it must feel empty here without Justin.
10:49So, are we going to have some dessert?
10:52No, we're not having dessert.
10:53Yes, but it must feel empty here without Justin.
10:56So, are we going to have some dessert or maybe tea?
11:00Oh, tea please.
11:07Marilyn, what are you doing?
11:09Oh, I just thought I'd do a quick reading, that's all.
11:12Really? You just happen to have your cards with you?
11:14I always have them with me, you know that?
11:16Can you please put them away?
11:18Oh, look at that. Eight of wands.
11:20I know what you're doing.
11:21This is a card of action. It signifies communication.
11:24You picked that out deliberately.
11:26No, I didn't, I promise.
11:28I don't know how many times I need to say this.
11:30It was Justin's choice to walk away. It's his call to reach out.
11:32OK, well, don't hold your breath.
11:34What do you mean? Have you seen him?
11:36Yeah, we caught up for a drink.
11:38And? What did he say?
11:40I'm not the go-between.
11:42But if you want to know, he's staying at the motel.
11:44Right. Well, I assume he's staying there again tonight.
11:47I don't know. Call him.
11:49Oh, that's what I said.
11:51I don't want to deal with real problems.
11:53Why can't you just sort it out?
12:15Yeah, I got your text.
12:17Look, if this is going to be more questions about Leah,
12:19then I'm going to tell you exactly what I told her last night.
12:21What is wrong with you?
12:23Look, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about Perry.
12:25I can't be involved in your problems with Leah right now.
12:27OK, OK. Of course not.
12:29I saw it on the news.
12:31He's been charged with his father's murder.
12:33Yeah, no, it's his bail hearings today.
12:35And I know how badly he's freaking out.
12:37I mean, you know, like, I can imagine.
12:41Not being able to talk to him about whatever happened,
12:43that's going to be tough on you too, huh?
12:46It's a thing.
12:48What is?
12:49Justin! Hi, hi Theo.
12:51Hi, Maz.
12:53Hey, listen, I ran into Leah last night
12:56and you do know she's waiting for you to reach out?
12:59I'm not ready.
13:01Right, OK.
13:03But how long will you be not ready for?
13:05Because I'm just worried she might think I don't care.
13:09OK, with all due respect,
13:11it's kind of between me and Leah.
13:13Yes, yes, it is.
13:15It is between you and Leah.
13:17But if you're not talking, how are you going to fix it?
13:19OK, I hear you, Maz.
13:21I hear, but I'm kind of in a conversation with Theo.
13:23All right, I'm so sorry.
13:25Sorry, Theo.
13:26I'll talk to you later.
13:28All right.
13:30What were you saying?
13:32Doesn't matter.
13:34Are you sure?
13:36Yeah, and for the record, Mazzie's right.
13:38You and Leah need to get your act together.
13:40I hope it goes well for Perry.
13:42I'll keep my fingers crossed, all right?
13:43Perry, hi.
13:46Do you need anything?
13:48No, thank you.
13:51I wanted to talk to you again before the hearing.
13:55How are you feeling?
13:59OK, Perry.
14:01I need to be blunt.
14:03It doesn't look good that you went on the run.
14:05The magistrate might view you as a flight risk.
14:07I won't get bail.
14:09I'm not going to get bail.
14:11The magistrate might view you as a flight risk.
14:13I won't get bail.
14:15The way things stand, I'd say it's unlikely.
14:17But maybe we can change that.
14:24Where were you when you were on the run?
14:26Is there anyone besides Tane who can corroborate your story?
14:32Whoever was helping you, whether it was Tane...
14:34It wasn't.
14:36Well, you were somewhere, Perry.
14:39Where were you?
14:41Who were you with?
14:43That person might hold the key to swaying the magistrate on your state of mind.
14:48It gives us a real chance of getting you out of here.
14:50But then they'll get in trouble.
14:52I'm here to represent you.
14:54No one else.
14:59Being honest might be your only chance.
15:15Listen, I spoke to Justin.
15:17What did he say?
15:19Well, he was with Theo.
15:21He's a little bit distracted.
15:23But, um, he does care, darling.
15:25Well, it doesn't feel like it right now.
15:27Well, what are you going to do about that?
15:29Marilyn, I know you care and I'm grateful.
15:31But my relationship is my problem.
15:33Yes, I know.
15:35But I'm worried about the both of you.
15:36I want both of you to be happy.
15:38Yeah, well, I'm worried too.
15:42Why don't you just talk to him?
15:44I mean, does it really matter who started it?
15:52How'd they go?
15:54Are we prepared for today?
15:56As prepared as we can be.
15:58He's too sick for court.
16:00Perry, I know it might not look like it, but I am on your side.
16:03I know it might not look like it, but I am on your side.
16:07We'll meet you there, OK, mate?
16:15He's not doing himself any favours by hiding where he was in the days he was missing.
16:20I don't suppose you could shed any light on where he was or who was helping him?
16:28Sorry, I really can't.
16:33Why are you so convinced he's lying to you?
16:36Who else would have helped Perry?
16:57I shouldn't have let this drain on so long.
16:59I'm sorry.
17:00Look, I've been just as stubborn.
17:03Mad's been hassling you too?
17:06She even got the tarot cards out.
17:13When are you coming home?
17:15I miss you.
17:18I miss you too.
17:20But we obviously still have a lot to talk about.
17:24Well, we can't do that if we're living apart.
17:27Yeah, you made that very clear.
17:28I said you were staying in a motel.
17:32What did you get up to last night?
17:35What the hell does that mean?
17:38I was just asking you a question.
17:40What do you think I was getting up to last night?
17:42Oh, come on.
17:44No, no, no, seriously, you're implying something.
17:46I just want to hear you say it.
17:48You're being ridiculous.
17:50Am I?
17:52You are obviously not getting my point, Leah.
17:54No, Justin, I'm not getting your point.
17:56And I think running off to a motel is childish.
17:58Oh, well, so maybe I should stay then.
18:00Maybe you should.
18:16Hey, Rose.
18:20I heard Perry's been charged.
18:22How's he coping? Is he alright?
18:24Well, he's not doing himself any favours, let's put it that way.
18:26What do you mean?
18:28He's had bail hearings today,
18:30but he's not giving us any information
18:32about where he was hiding or who was helping him.
18:35That's not going to look very good to a magistrate
18:37who's trying to determine if he's a flight risk.
18:39Wait, you don't think he's going to make bail?
18:42Look, I get why he's keeping his mouth shut.
18:46I know what's at stake.
18:48What are you talking about?
18:50He's trying to protect Tanya.
18:52The DPP will be all over this,
18:54and Tanya could be in real trouble.
18:55Perry knows Tanya's on a suspended sentence,
18:57so if he comes clean about getting his help,
18:59Tanya could end up in jail.
19:01For helping a mate?
19:03He didn't help a mate, Theo.
19:05According to the law,
19:07he helped someone escape after a murder.
19:09They can prove that.
19:11Tanya could get 20 years.
19:25You OK?
19:28I just wish the cops had done their job
19:30in the first place and put Carl away.
19:33I'm guessing the lawyer will bring that up
19:35at the bail hearing.
19:37Yeah, I hope so.
19:39Can I ask you something?
19:41Yesterday at the police station,
19:43you said the less I know, the better.
19:45Is this going to blow up into something bigger?
19:48I hope not.
19:50I don't know.
19:52I don't know.
19:54I hope not.
19:56But between you and me,
19:58I did end up finding out where he was.
20:00I gave him the choice of handing himself in.
20:02So you were lying to the police?
20:04Well, not at first, no.
20:06What does that mean?
20:08I only found out the day he turned up.
20:10So how did you find out where he was?
20:12It's better you don't know, OK?
20:14And what happens if the police find out?
20:16They won't.
20:18Look, it's going to be OK.
20:20The other person has no interest
20:22in making themselves known,
20:32Look, I know you're really worried about Perry,
20:34but he's not allowed visitors.
20:36I'm not here about that.
20:39I came to turn myself in.
20:43Tane wasn't the one hiding Perry.
20:46I was.
20:53Bree nearly killed Mr Stewart.
20:55And now she has to face the consequences.
20:57Well, I'm sorry.
20:59Stop saying sorry.
21:01That man nearly died because of you.
21:03The truth will come out.
21:05She'll do anything to save her career.
21:07As medical professionals,
21:09we make life and death choices every day.
21:11Who could be next?
21:13Dr Fowler,
21:15he shouldn't have been anywhere near that patient.
21:17Bree, I know,
21:19would not sell out a colleague just to save us.
21:21How are things going to change
21:23if you don't take responsibility for what's happened?
21:25If I am such a problem,
21:27then maybe we shouldn't be together.
21:29Home and Away.
21:31Weeknights on 7 and 7 Plus.