Syok Dengar Kesaksian Putri Tio Pakusadewo soal Vadel Badjideh, Nikita Mirzani Beri Respon Tak Terduga

  • 2 days ago
Nikita Mirzani semakin geram kepada Vadel Badjideh setelah mendengar kesaksian dari saksi kunci, yang merupakan teman curhat Lolly sekaligus putri dari Tio Pakusadewo. Nikita pun mengungkap ingin menerapkan hukum rimba jika tidak ada hukum Indonesia.

“Kalau dengar dari ceritanya, mendingan gue lindes deh!, kalau gak ada hukum di Indonesia ya, tapi karena ini sudah masuk ke ranah hukum biarkan ini menjadi proses hukum,” ujar Nikita dalam tayangan Intens Investigasi.


00:00Shocked to hear the testimony of Putri Tio Pakusa Dewo about Fadel Bajideh, Nikita Mirzani gave an unexpected response.
00:08Nikita Mirzani became more and more angry with Fadel Bajideh after hearing the testimony of Saksi Kunci,
00:14who is a friend of Curhat Loli as well as the daughter of Tio Pakusa Dewo.
00:19Nikita also expressed her desire to impose the Rimba Law if there is no law in Indonesia.
00:26If you hear from the story, it's better for me to impose it, if there is no law in Indonesia,
00:32but because this has entered the realm of law, let this be a legal process.
00:37Nikita's testimony in an intense investigation.
00:42Fahmi Bahmid, a member of Nikita's legal authority, also added that the witness who came
00:47was a witness who communicated and met directly with Loli all this time.
00:54He communicated directly and walked together.
00:57So he was the one who told from the beginning.
01:00If there is no law, it's done using your own law.
01:05Kasih Humas Polores Metro Jakarta Selatan, AKP Nurmadewi, also confirmed the arrival of the witness.
01:13It's true, one apartment.
01:16Initial A heard later also found out because LM likes Curhat.
01:21The explanation yesterday has been collected by investigators.
01:23The continuation.
01:25Witnesses from Nikita Mirzani's side are also increasing as time goes by.
01:30There are dozens of people who have testified in support of the report.
01:35One of them, on Thursday, October 3, 2024, two witnesses from the apartment will be asked for clarification by the investigator.
01:43We have sent a letter to ask for clarification from two more witnesses from the LM apartment manager on Thursday afternoon.
01:51AKP Nurma's testimony.
01:54Fahmi Bahmid insisted that he was always ready to accompany the witnesses during the inspection process.
02:02It is my duty to always accompany all witnesses.
02:06So that the witnesses are in a calm state in providing the true explanation.
02:12In addition, AKP Nurma stated that this was done based on the consideration of the expert doctor who has coordinated with the investigator.
02:23The purpose of the additional visum is also to make it easier for the legal process that will be investigated later.
02:30Additional visum at the RSCM hospital.
02:33The consideration was given by the expert who coordinated with the investigator.
02:37Then from the investigator coordinating with the apartment.
02:41Next from P3A to the RSCM hospital today.
02:46Conditions as usual.
02:48Healthy then accompanied by the legal authorities, P3A, as well as the PPA investigator Polres Jakarta Selatan.
02:55Added Nurma Dewi on the condition of Loli.
02:59Fahmi who accompanied the additional visum explains the state of Loli who has started to calm down from before.
03:05Earlier he followed the process calmly and he also did not resist.
03:09So the process was a very maximal visum process and the results were extraordinary.
03:15Fahmi also complies that the additional visum results make our desire to imprison Fadel stronger.
03:23If I open it, maybe you will all be surprised at how someone's behavior towards underage children.
03:30But that's the investigator's opinion.
03:34That's why Nikita is angry because he knows what someone is doing to his beloved child.
03:41In addition, Fahmi.
03:43Regarding the absence of Fadel in the police call, Nikita can already guess the matter.
03:49Fadel, who is not in good shape, is said to be lying because he seems to be going to a nightclub in the Tangerang area.
03:57Well, what do you guys think?
04:00Don't forget to write your thoughts in the comments column.
04:02See you!
