Enders 2nd October 2024

  • 2 days ago
Enders 2nd October 2024


00:00You're sure it's him?
00:14The passer has already been formally identified by his wife.
00:18Did he leave a note?
00:19Go to your room and put your headphones on.
00:21Go now.
00:25He wanted me to.
00:29Withdraw my statement.
00:35He couldn't bear the thought of standing trial.
00:38We can never know what's going through a person's mind at a time like this, but what we can
00:43say with absolute certainty, this is not your fault.
00:52We'll need to take your statement.
00:54I'll be in touch in the morning.
00:56Well, thank you officer, thanks.
01:04I reckon we could all do with a drink.
01:08Go to your bed.
01:17Just need a little touch.
01:26You alright?
01:54Bet you wished them two hadn't shown up.
01:57I knew it had to happen sometime.
01:59Yeah, but I mean, you wasn't expecting that though, was you?
02:02Going behind your back, changing things up.
02:05It's not fair, Rhys.
02:08You need a drink.
02:10After the day you've had, hot chocolate ain't gonna cut it.
02:13Please don't.
02:14Please, let me do this.
02:16I've given you so much grief the last couple of weeks and, you know, Sonia would not want
02:21me behaving like this.
02:24Let me make it up to you, please.
02:29I'm sorry.
02:36Well, maybe just a while.
02:38Come on.
02:45Do you want me to have a word with Ian about what he said to Anna?
02:48I could do my concerned big brother routine.
02:50Don't you dare.
02:51I want you as far away from Ian as possible.
02:55What the hell's he doing here?
02:57Come on, let's see him.
02:58Come in.
02:59Quick, out of the booth.
03:02Get out.
03:03If you'll keep me waiting just for three more points,
03:06if I only want to talk to you, please.
03:08Don't say a word.
03:10Come in.
03:17Better later than never.
03:18You didn't have to come and get me, you know, Ian.
03:20I can't make it down Bridge Street on my own.
03:24We both know it doesn't take an hour to find a laptop.
03:28Come on.
03:29Tell me the truth.
03:30Why, you really, yeah?
03:36It's really all rather moorish.
03:39Funny word, isn't it?
03:45Well, take me that off to you, Rhys,
03:47because relationships ain't easy.
03:50I mean, I sort of fell into most of mine, you know,
03:53like a drain I couldn't get out of.
03:55Of course, it's Aunty Dorothy who has to take the real credit.
04:00To Dot.
04:07I mean, you've had two amazing relationships.
04:09I've barely had one.
04:11It's not true.
04:13Mum said, me and Debbie,
04:16how we were so mismatched on the outside,
04:19but on the inside we were, you know, simpatico.
04:27It means on the same wavelength.
04:29Oh, so you didn't know that she'd changed the wheel then.
04:33I mean, it's not fair, is it?
04:36Because if Debbie had a problem,
04:37she should have spoke to you about it, the heartless cow.
04:40Mum, please don't speak about Debbie like that.
04:45Maybe it's time for that hot chocolate after all.
04:53Do you seriously expect me to believe it?
04:55You've been in this place all this time giving it a good once-over.
04:58Yeah, well, I came in to find my laptop
05:00and then I noticed the state of the place,
05:02so I thought I'd get my cloth out.
05:05But it's therapeutic.
05:06You relax by counting money.
05:08I relax by scrubbing grouting.
05:10How long have we known each other, love?
05:12Well, to avoid ageing us both, I'd say a long time.
05:15And in that long time,
05:16I don't think you've even used the word grouting, never mind clean any.
05:19In fact, you bought a job lot of chamois leathers back in the 80s
05:22and I swear they are still in the loft, untouched by human hands.
05:25All right, Ian, you've proved your point.
05:30You are hiding in here.
05:36You're still upset about the Anna thing?
05:41Well, do you blame me?
05:44Well, look, I've had time to think
05:47and I shouldn't have spoke to her the way I did.
05:50I mean, especially what I said about her sniffing around Bobby's best mate.
05:54Yeah, well, I thought you might have forgiven me after 30 years.
05:57Yeah, well, Bobby being gone,
05:59maybe I'm finding it harder than I thought.
06:02Bobby will always be your son, Ian, and Anna will always be my daughter.
06:05Yeah. That was never going to work out well for us, was it?
06:08The two of them dating.
06:11Yeah, very selfish of them, I thought.
06:13Yeah, it's like they weren't even thinking of us, was it?
06:16So, come on, let's leave the VAT.
06:19All right? Let's go home and watch a film.
06:21Yeah, sounds great. I'll see you at home, then.
06:26Ian, I really need to finish off this paperwork.
06:28It'll only take ten minutes.
06:30Look, I won't relax until I do it.
06:33I'll see you at home.
06:35Oh, sorry.
06:37Look, if you can't forget about doing the VAT
06:39and you obviously haven't forgiven me, then I will just wait here.
06:42I will wait here all night if I have to.
06:48You really are a pest sometimes, Ian.
06:51Come on.
07:56I just wanted him to admit what he did.
07:59To acknowledge this.
08:03The damage.
08:06And the pain.
08:10I didn't want this.
08:13The man was too afraid to face justice,
08:16so he took things into his own hands.
08:19Suicide is never the answer.
08:22Nothing wrong with being glad that he dead.
08:25Huh? I know I am.
08:28He asked me today...
08:31..if I hated him.
08:36And the truth is...
08:41..a bottomless burn and rage consumed me.
08:45Yes, understandable, baby.
08:47But that is not who I am, Patrick.
08:49That is not who I want to be.
08:53If it had been anyone else,
08:55if it had been anyone else who had taken their own life,
08:59I would have gone down on my knees and prayed for their soul.
09:03But he don't deserve it.
09:05I know that.
09:07But I have a need to find the compassion in me to...
09:14..to do it anyway.
09:17Please, God.
09:22I can do it.
09:26Maybe I can heal.
09:31I think I'm going to call it a night.
09:33Oh, look, I shouldn't have said that.
09:36I'm sorry. Look, come and sit down.
09:38Come on, come and sit down.
09:41I know you think I'm just some gobby cow,
09:43but I do know what it's like
09:45when someone you love doesn't love you back.
09:49And the funny thing is, you...
09:52..you don't blame them, you blame yourself.
09:55It's horrible.
09:59I don't understand how I could have got everything so wrong.
10:02No, I...
10:05I don't think you're the one that's wrong.
10:08I think they are.
10:10You know, every time I turn a corner,
10:12I've got someone trying to tell me that I ain't right.
10:17Shall I think about that, Rhys?
10:22Sod them.
10:24Sod the lot of them.
10:28Even Sonia can't be bothered with me half the time.
10:31Sonia always sees the best in me.
10:45Would she do anything to help me?
10:48She was even going to sell this place.
10:52Cos that's what love is, isn't it?
10:54It's not rewriting your will,
10:56making sure your grieving husband
10:58doesn't have anything proper to remember you by.
11:01I've spent everything...
11:05..on Debbie's care.
11:07Over ten years of marriage
11:09and I've got absolutely nothing to show for it.
11:52I can't believe the way that Brenda spoke to you.
11:55I mean, if that was me, I'd have punched her in the face.
11:58Oh, what am I like?
12:00Look, using your letter as a coaster.
12:03Like it's nothing important.
12:05I'm sorry.
12:07I'm sorry.
12:09I'm sorry.
12:11I'm sorry.
12:13I'm sorry.
12:15I'm sorry.
12:17I'm sorry.
12:19Look, it's nothing important.
12:21It's, er...
12:23It's actually a letter about Debbie's life insurance.
12:26Life insurance.
12:28The police have put a stop on the money.
12:31That's why they think Sonia...
12:33Well, you know.
12:35So you thought you'd be getting a few quid then, did you?
12:41Where have you been? I've been texting you like mad.
12:44You know you left your back door unlocked.
12:50There we are.
12:52North-northwest of Santa Rosa.
12:54How far is that? Twenty miles.
12:56Twenty miles, eh?
12:58About three hours?
13:07By a river here from the jungle, it's about...
13:10Three, maybe.
13:18Send this message to General Creator.
13:22Prepare the fireworks.
13:24Eddie, you've got to go. Now.
13:27Sweet, just give me my microphone, I'll be out of your hair.
13:29I ain't finished with it yet.
13:31Listen, I'd let you have it till the morning, it's just a group chatter saying
13:33that there's some marsh aviaries over at Wallasey Island
13:35and I've got to be there first thing.
13:37Stuff your marsh attras. This is life and death.
13:40I think Rhys is the one that killed his missus.
13:42How much have you had to drink?
13:44You don't believe me. No-one is going to believe me
13:46unless I get him to confess on tape.
13:48Oh, that's why you wanted my bird recorder, isn't it?
13:50Sonia is innocent!
13:52This is the only thing that is going to get her out of prison.
13:55I have been throwing vodka down Rhys' throat all night
13:58and if you hadn't barged in, he would have spilled his guts by now.
14:01No, darling, this ain't good.
14:03You're going to get me caught up in some mad scheme,
14:05you're going to get me stood in front of a judge.
14:07Oh, turn it in, will you?
14:09Listen, the only reason I lent you my stuff was for the good karma.
14:11This ain't good. This is terrible.
14:13Look, I'm the one putting my neck on the line here.
14:16I will give you that stupid microphone back,
14:18but please, you've just got to go away.
14:23Actually, I think it might be better if he stays.
14:37It's gone so long, I had to go forage him.
14:39Not the mint-chopped chip.
14:41That's what Ian nicks when no-one else is looking.
14:43You know there'll be a full-blown inquiry tomorrow if there's none left.
14:48What took you so long?
14:49I'm sorry, I couldn't get here any sooner.
14:51I mean, it could have been worse. Ian wanted to watch Titanic.
14:54You'd have been stuck here all night.
14:58We were lucky.
15:00This nearly all blew up in our faces.
15:03Please stop doing that.
15:04Oh, what are you getting all let up about, Rhys?
15:06It was just am-dram.
15:08Freddie's doing a play and I'm just helping him rehearse.
15:10All that, us talking, were you just trying to trick me the whole time?
15:16Can you blame me, Rhys?
15:18We both know you're not being honest.
15:20Not about Debbie, not about loads of stuff.
15:22I'm grieving, Mum. My partner's in prison.
15:24I'm focused on Sonia and the campaign.
15:26Hold it!
15:27You're not being honest.
15:29I'm grieving, Mum. My partner's in prison.
15:31I'm focused on Sonia and the campaign.
15:33Oh, picking yourself up again, acting like Mr Ardumbi.
15:35I ain't buying it, Rhys.
15:37Cos I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth.
15:40I know it wasn't all sunshine and roses for you and Debbie,
15:42but, oh, that temper of yours.
15:44Brenda's got it in for me. It's like a vendetta.
15:46It wasn't news to me, because I've seen it, remember?
15:48The way you can kick off whenever you feel like it.
15:50I don't believe this. It's not true.
15:52Saw your face when you read that letter?
15:54Banking on that life insurance, were you?
15:56That baby would have cost you a fortune.
15:58The only way I could pay that back is if Debbie snuffed it.
16:00I mean, I'd call that a motive. What are you, Rhys?
16:02I'll be out of here. No, I know what it's like to be desperate.
16:04You'll do anything, anything. I'm grieving.
16:06And I don't even blame you for it. Stop it.
16:08Making my sister take the blame when she's pregnant with your baby.
16:11I mean, if that's not wicked, what is?
16:13Right, that's it. I'm calling an ambulance.
16:15No, I'll be fine in a minute.
16:16You're a good actor. I'll give you that old Meryl Streep over there.
16:18Just get her out. I need her out of my house.
16:20Your house? We're done. Your house?
16:22No, if Dot knew there was a little snake like you living in here,
16:25she'd be turning in her grave.
16:27Right, we're going. You're out of here. Stop it, Freddie!
16:29I ain't doing what you tell me! I've got leggings that are older than you!
16:32I'm so sorry about all this, Rhys. This ain't over.
16:34I am going to get my sister out of prison, you murderer!
16:37And I am going to tell the world what you've done!
16:39I am going to scream it until somebody believes me!
16:42Can we just go now? You idiot!
16:44Five more minutes and I would have had him!
16:46I have let my son, you down! I've let her down!
16:49Let's just go. Stop crying. I'll take you to Kat's.
16:51Leave me alone!
16:53Rhys, I'm so sorry about all this.
17:46It's me. Stella.
18:00I'm so sorry.
18:03I didn't know where else to go.
18:09Go inside.
18:26Where have you been?
18:28When I woke up, you weren't here.
18:30I went to put the bins out.
18:32Last time I saw you, you were snoring for England.
18:34What an exciting life we lead, innit?
18:36Still, almost 35 years after we first got married,
18:40it would be a bit weird if we were still swinging from the chandeliers.
18:43Still, I didn't think we ever were.
18:46Maybe we'll do it again one day.
18:48The marriage bit, I mean.
18:50I must surprise you. I propose when you least expect it.
18:53There you go. Your turn for the dishwasher.
18:55Turn the lights out before you come up, won't you?
18:58I'm sorry about how I was before.
19:03What I asked of you.
19:09I wanted to believe in him so much.
19:14I did for so long.
19:16I believed in my husband like I believed in God.
19:24I'm sorry, Elendi.
19:30Your husband...
19:32was not God.
19:36I know that, but...
19:39perhaps he was mine.
19:42Perhaps he was mine.
19:47Can I even truly call myself a woman of faith?
19:53Of course you can.
20:00If I could go back...
20:04a Christian woman would have known.
20:11Relationships are never straightforward.
20:16Not with our men.
20:19Not even with God.
20:22Stella, you are brave.
20:26And you are not to be blamed.
20:32I've just been walking.
20:36My thoughts going round and round in my head.
20:42Somehow I found myself walking here.
20:49You did the right thing.
20:57I wouldn't have refused you.
21:00Not tonight.
21:12He sent me a voice note.
21:17I've been trying to pluck up the courage to listen.
21:25I don't think I can do it on my own.
21:41I tried to get her to come here, but she just ran off to her taco van.
21:44You've done nothing wrong, all right?
21:46You should have seen her.
21:48I was making out like she let Sonia down and the things she was saying to Rhys.
21:53Is she all right, do you think?
21:55No! No, she's not all right.
21:57She hasn't been all right for a long time, to be honest.
22:00She needs help.
22:01Yeah, tell me about it.
22:03What can I do? Drag her by her hair to the doctor's? Tie her to a chair?
22:07I just think if Sonia was here, then she'd sort her out.
22:09But she's not here, is she? And Bea ain't listening to anything I've got to say.
22:13She can't go on like this.
22:15There must be someone that can do something to help her.
22:33I don't think I can.
22:40You've seen the truth of a man you cared for.
22:44And lost.
22:46All in one day.
22:49And now you're worried.
22:53What if there is more?
23:00What if he unburdens himself, and those burdens are left on you?
23:05I'm scared.
23:08I know.
23:13But what can you say that is worse than what you already know?
23:18But what can you say that is worse than what you already know?
23:34My darling Stella,
23:36I want you to know that I understand why you felt you had to go.
23:42These past months have been unbearable.
23:45I wish I could have relieved some of the pressure.
23:50But I simply cannot admit to allegations that aren't true.
23:58You know I am completely and wholly innocent.
24:04You don't deserve any of this.
24:08I know I should have been brave enough to say all this in person, my darling.
24:16I am innocent.
24:23Hush. Hush. Hush.
24:30Hush, sister. Hush.
24:46Hi, Ricky, it's Kat.
24:49Listen, I know it's late, but...
24:52I don't know what else to do. We need to speak about Bianca.
25:06I mean, what are you still doing up?
25:11This ain't good for you at all, you know?
25:19I thought you were right.
25:24I thought his terrible act was his way of admitting his guilt.
25:32But he's admitting nothing.
25:36He demands gone. Nothing matters now.
25:40Of course it matters.
25:43I pushed and I pushed.
25:47And now he will never admit it.